期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | (Chiang, Yi-Sheng)、(Hsu, Cheng-En)*、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng),Smile incision and reverse shotgun approach in distal interphalangeal joint arthrodesis,BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS,2024 Nov,25(1):895-895 | 2024 . 11 |
2 | 葉宸維(CHEN-WEI,YEH)、許承恩(Cheng-En Hsu)、何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、王韋智(Wang, Wei-Chih)、李凱星(LEE KAI XING ALVIN)、(Bor-Hang Wei)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)*,Effect of dorsal capsular imbrication on intraoperative DRUJ instability following arthroscopic TFCC repair surgery,BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS,2024 Jul,2024(25):543-543 | 2024 . 07 |
3 | 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、許承恩、葉宸維(CHEN-WEI,YEH)、丁延年、(Ming Tzu Tsai)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Biomechanical analysis of plate versus K-wire fixation for metacarpal shaft fractures with wedge-shaped bone defects,BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS,2024 May,2024(25):350-350 | 2024 . 05 |
4 | 李凱星(LEE KAI XING ALVIN)、(I.?Ting Chung)、(Wei Chih Wang)、(Chen?Wei Yeh)、(Tsung?Yu Ho)、(Cheng?En Hsu)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)*,Efect of intraoperative hand-grip position on surgical outcome of thumb carpometacarpal arthrodesis,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2023 Dec,2023(18):934-934 | 2023 . 12 |
5 | 何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、許承恩(Cheng-En Hsu)、王韋智(Wang, Wei-Chih)、丁延年(Yen-Nien Ting,)、蔡明慈(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)*、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu),Biomechanical study of the fixation ability of the dorsal and volar locking plate for transverse metacarpal neck fractures,MEDICINE,2023 Sep,102(36): | 2023 . 09 |
6 | 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、林彥宏、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、郭庭佑、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)*,Additive manufacturing of barium-doped calcium silicate/poly-e-caprolactone scaffolds to activate CaSR and AKT signalling and osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells,Journal of Materials Chemistry B,2023 Apr,11():4666-4676 | 2023 . 04 |
7 | 蘇伯翰(SU PO-HAN)、(Cheng-En Hsu)、何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、(Bor-han Wei)、王韋智(Wang, Wei-Chih)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)*,Mathematical Analysis in the design of Digital Artery-Based V-Y Advancement flap in Treating Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Flexion Contracture,BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS,2023 ,24(1):33 | 2023 . |
8 | 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、(Cheng-En Hsu)、何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、(Yen-Nien Ting)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Biomechanical study on fixation methods for horizontal oblique metacarpal shaft fractures,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2022 Aug,17(1):374-374 | 2022 . 08 |
9 | 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、(Cheng-En Hsu)、(Yen-Nien Ting)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Comparison of the fixation ability between lag screw and bone plate for oblique metacarpal shaft fracture,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2022 Feb,17(1):72-72 | 2022 . 02 |
10 | (Shun-Ping Wang)、(Ying-Ju Chen)、(Cheng-En Hsu)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Intermittent parathyroid hormone treatment afects the bone structural parameters and mechanical strength of the femoral neck after ovariectomy‑induced osteoporosis in rats,Biomedical Engineering Online,2022 Jan,21(1):6 | 2022 . 01 |
11 | 葉宸維(CHEN-WEI,YEH)、(Cheng-En Hsu)、何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、魏伯翰(Bor-Hang Wei)、王韋智(Wang, Wei-Chih)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)*,Midterm Results of Arthroscopy-Assisted “Tent form” TFCC Repair with Dorsal Distal Radioulnar Joint Capsule Imbrication for Posttraumatic Chronic Distal Radioulnar Joint Instability,ARTHROSCOPY-THE JOURNAL OF ARTHROSCOPIC AND RELATED SURGERY,2022 Jan,38(6):1846-1856 | 2022 . 01 |
12 | 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、(Cheng-En Hsu)、何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、(Yen-Nien Ting)、魏伯翰(Bor-Hang Wei)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Comparison of the fixation ability of headless compression screws and locking plate for metacarpal shaft transverse fracture,MEDICINE,2021 Oct,100(39):e27375-e27375 | 2021 . 10 |
13 | 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、(Cheng-En Hsu)、何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、(Yen-Nien Ting)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Bone plate fixation ability on the dorsal and lateral sides of a metacarpal shaft transverse fracture,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2021 Jul,2021(16):441-441 | 2021 . 07 |
14 | 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、(Cheng-En Hsu)、何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、(Yen-Nien Ting)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Effect of a figure-of-eight cerclage wire with two Kirschner wires on fixation strength for transverse metacarpal shaft fractures: an in vitro study with artificial bone,BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS,2021 May,22(1):431-431 | 2021 . 05 |
15 | (Chen-Ying Wang)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、李凱星(LEE KAI-XING)、(Yun-An Lin)、(Ping-Yi Lin)、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)*,Biofabrication of gingival fibroblast cell-laden collagen/strontium-doped calcium silicate 3D-printed bi-layered scaffold for osteoporotic periodontal regeneration,Biomedicines,2021 Apr,9():431 | 2021 . 04 |
16 | 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、林育廷(LIN YU-TING)、夏瑩芳(HSIA YING-FANG)、(Chau-Ren Jung)、(Yen-Chun Lo)、陳東明(Tung-Ming Chen)、詹如珠(Ju-Chu Chan)、王昱智(Yu-Chih Wang)、郭錦輯(Kuo, Chin-Chi)*、黃彬芳(Bing-Fang Hwang)*,Long-term exposure to fine particulate matter and osteoporotic fracture: A case– control study in Taiwan,ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2021 Mar,196(2021):110888-110888 | 2021 . 03 |
17 | 張丘明(Chiu-Ming Chang)、(Cheng-En Hsu)、李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee)、葉宸維(CHEN-WEI,YEH)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)*,Short-term effect of electroacupuncture on rehabilitation after arthroscopic triangular fibrocartilage complex repair: a randomised study,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2021 Mar,(): | 2021 . 03 |
18 | 王韋智(Wang, Wei-Chih)、(Cheng-En Hsu)、葉宸維(CHEN-WEI,YEH)、何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)*,Functional outcomes and complications of hook plate for bony mallet finger: a retrospective case series study,BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS,2021 Mar,22(1):281-281 | 2021 . 03 |
19 | 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、(Yen-Nien Ting)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、(Cheng-En Hsu)*、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Effect of oblique headless compression screw fixation for metacarpal shaft fracture: a biomechanical in vitro study,BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS,2021 Feb,22(1):146-146 | 2021 . 02 |
20 | (Shun-Ping Wang)、(Po-Kuan Wu)、(Cheng-Hung Lee)、(Cheng-Min Shih)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)*、(Cheng-En Hsu)*,Association of osteoporosis and varus inclination of the tibial plateau in postmenopausal women with advanced osteoarthritis of the knee,BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS,2021 Feb,22(1):223-223 | 2021 . 02 |
21 | (Chih-Mai Chang)、(Cheng-Hung Lee)、(Cheng-Min Shih)、(Shun-Ping Wang)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)*、許承恩(Cheng-En Hsu)*,Handgrip strength: a reliable predictor of postoperative early ambulation capacity for the elderly with hip fracture,BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS,2021 Jan,22(1):103-103 | 2021 . 01 |
22 | (Chia-Tze Kao)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、李凱星(LEE KAI-XING)、林彥宏、(Tsui-Hsien Huang)、劉彥杰(LIU, YEN-CHIEH)、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)*,The synergistic effects of Xu Duan combined Sr-contained calcium silicate/poly-ε-caprolactone scaffolds for the promotion of osteogenesis marker expression and the induction of bone regeneration in osteoporosis,Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications,2021 Jan,119():111629 | 2021 . 01 |
23 | 葉宸維(CHEN-WEI,YEH)、(Cheng-En Hsu)、王韋智(Wang, Wei-Chih)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)*,Wrist function recovery course in patients with scaphoid nonunion treated with combined volar bone grafting and a dorsal antegrade headless screw,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2020 Nov,15(1):519-519 | 2020 . 11 |
24 | 陳俊言(CHEN CHUN YEN)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)*、許承恩(Cheng-En Hsu)*,Reconstruction of Gustilo type IIIC tibial open fracture caused byshotgun injury using combination Masquelet technique and cross-legpedicle flap,International Journal of Surgery Case Reports,2020 Jun,72(72):391-396 | 2020 . 06 |
25 | (Tzu-Rong Su)、(Tsui-Hsien Huang)、(Chia-Tze Kao)、黃慧瑜(NG HOOI-YEE)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)*、徐端隄(Tuan-Ti Hsu)*,The calcium channel affect osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells on strontium-substituted Calcium silicate/poly-ε-caprolactone scaffold,Processes,2020 Feb,8():198 | 2020 . 02 |
26 | 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、廖培劭(LIAO PEI-SHAO)、周奕廷(Chou,Yi-Ting)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、許傑程(Chieh-Cheng Hsu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、黃俊銘(Jyun-Ming Huang)、王楊詒(Yang-Yi Wang)、郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)*,The Incidence and Risk Factors of Hip Fracture after Liver Transplantation (LT): A Nationwide Population-Based Study,Biomed Research International,2019 Dec,2019(): | 2019 . 12 |
27 | 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、(Yu-Fang Shen)、李凱星(LEE KAI-XING)、(Shu-Hsien Lin)、(Yu-Chen Wu)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)*,3D printing of amino resin-based photosensitive materials on multi-parameter optimization design for vascular engineering applications,Polymers,2019 Aug,11():1394 | 2019 . 08 |
28 | 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、(Kui-Chou Huang)、(Cheng-Min Shih)、(Kun-Tsan Lee)、(Kun-Hui Chen)、(Cheng-En Hsu)*,Comparison of implant failure rates of different plates for midshaft clavicular fractures based on fracture classifications,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2019 Jul,14(1):220-220 | 2019 . 07 |
29 | 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)*、林彥宏、李凱星(lee kai xing alvin)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)*,Effect of strontium substitution on the physicochemical properties and bone regeneration potential of 3D printed calcium silicate scaffolds,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2019 Jun,20(): | 2019 . 06 |
30 | (Zengtao Wang)、(Wenhai Sun)、(William C. Lineaweaver)、(Liwen Hao)、(Shenqiang Qiu)、(Lishan Zhang)、(Chao Chen)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、(Yilizati Yilihamu)、(Feng Zhang)*,Distal Finger Reconstruction by Bilateral Lateral Hallux Osteo-onychocutaneous Free Flap,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2019 Mar,82(Suppl 2):157-161 | 2019 . 03 |
31 | 吳源晧(Yuan Haw (Andrew)Wu)、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、林彥宏、何佳哲(Chia-Che Ho)、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)*,3D-printed bioactive calcium silicate/poly-ε-caprolactone bioscaffolds modified with biomimetic extracellular matrices for bone regeneration,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2019 Jan,20():942 | 2019 . 01 |
32 | 邱詠証(Chiu Yung-Cheng)、蔡明慈(Tsai Ming-Tzu)、許承恩(Hsu Cheng-En)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、黃恆立(Huang, Heng-Li)、許瑞廷(Hsu, Jui-Ting)*,New fixation approach for transverse metacarpal neck fracture: a biomechanical study,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2018 Jul,13(1):1-7 | 2018 . 07 |
33 | 許傑程(Chieh-Cheng Hsu)、許弘昌(Hsu, Horng-Chaung)、林則成、王郁喬(Yu-Chiao Wang)、陳宣如(Hsuan-Ju Chen)、邱詠証(Chiu Yung-Cheng)、張建鈞(Chien-Chun Chang)、郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)*,Increased Risk for Hip Fractures among Patients with Cholangitis: A Nationwide Population-Based Study,Biomed Research International,2018 Jun,2018():1-6 | 2018 . 06 |
34 | 林彥宏、邱詠証(Chiu Yung-Cheng)、(Shen Yu-Fang)、吳源晧(Yuan Haw (Andrew)Wu)、謝明佑(Shie, Ming-You)*,Bioactive calcium silicate/poly-epsilon-caprolactone composite scaffolds 3D printed under mild conditions for bone tissue engineering,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE,2018 Jan,29():11 | 2018 . 01 |
35 | 邱詠証(Chiu Yung-Cheng)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、(Tuan-Ti Hsu)、(Cheng-Yao Lin)、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)*,The characteristics of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate/polycaprolactone 3-dimensional scaffold with osteogenesis properties for tissue regeneration,JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS,2017 Jun,43():923-929 | 2017 . 06 |
36 | (Cheng-En Hsu)、(Kui-Chou Huang)、(Tzu-Chieh Lin)、(Kwok-Man Tong)、(Mei-Hsuan Lee)*、邱詠証(Chiu Yung-Cheng)*,Integrated risk scoring model for predicting dynamic hip screw treatment outcome of intertrochanteric fracture,INJURY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED,2016 Nov,47(11):2501-2506 | 2016 . 11 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | ,APOA Hand and Upper Limb Society annual Meeting,香港大學,2025.02.28~2025.03.01,Intervention Timing of Distal Radioulnar Joint Capsular Imbrication for Chronic Distal Radioulnar Joint Instability: Midterm Results of 225 patients | 2025 . 02 |
2 | ,APWA 2024 The 9th Asia Pacific Wrist Association annual congress,台北榮民總醫院致德樓,2024.11.15~2024.11.16,Optimizing Nerve Surgery with WALANT Techniques | 2024 . 11 |
3 | ,APWA 2024 The 9th Asia Pacific Wrist Association annual congress,台北榮民總醫院致德樓,2024.11.15~2024.11.16,Hand and wrist fracture | 2024 . 11 |
4 | ,APWA 2024 The 9th Asia Pacific Wrist Association annual congress,台北榮民總醫院致德樓,2024.11.15~2024.11.16, | 2024 . 11 |
5 | ,ACASEA2024 11th Academic Congress of Asian Shoulder and Elbow Association,高雄佛陀紀念館,2024.10.02~2024.10.05,Stiff Elbow Release via Medial and Lateral Approaches - Experience with 52 Cases | 2024 . 10 |
6 | ,中華民國骨科醫學會 113年度第86次聯合學術討論會,台北萬豪酒店,2024.10.26~2024.10.27,Open Bone Graft for Scaphoid Nonunion | 2024 . 10 |
7 | ,ACASEA2024 11th Academic Congress of Asian Shoulder and Elbow Association,高雄佛陀紀念館,2024.10.02~2024.10.05, | 2024 . 10 |
8 | ,2024 台灣肩肘關節醫學會年會暨國際肩肘手術學術研討會,台中福容飯店會議廳,2024.08.10~2024.08.10,My Favorite Three Elbow Surgical Approaches and Their Clinical Applications: Case Sharing | 2024 . 08 |
9 | Effect of intraoperative hand-grip position on surgical outcome of thumb carpometacarpal arthrodesis,中華民國骨科醫學會113年度第85次春季聯合學術研討會,彰化基督教醫院-國際培訓中心,2024.04.20~2024.04.20, | 2024 . 04 |
10 | Evaluation of Traumatic and Nontraumatic Brachial Plexopathies Using High- resolution Brachial Plexus Image with Post-Contrast 3D Inversion Recovery Magnetic Resonance Neurography,第22屆亞洲及大洋洲放射線醫學會議暨2024年中華民國放射線醫學會年會,TICC 台北國際會議中心,2024.03.22~2024.03.25, | 2024 . 03 |
11 | ,台灣電腦輔助骨科手術學會暨112年度國際學術研討會,高雄長庚醫院 醫學大樓6樓大禮堂、簡報室,2023.11.25~2023.11.25, | 2023 . 11 |
12 | ,中華民國骨科醫學會112年度第84次聯合學術研討會,台北萬豪酒店,2023.10.28~2023.10.29, | 2023 . 10 |
13 | ,中華民國骨科醫學會112年度第84次聯合學術研討會,台北萬豪酒店,2023.10.28~2023.10.29,The surgical release of elbow constracture | 2023 . 10 |
14 | ,Annual Meeting of APOA Hand & Upper Limb Society APOA HULS 2023 (亞太骨科醫學會上肢重建會議年會),韓國首爾,2023.06.30~2023.07.01,Wide Awake Tendon Transfer for Functional Reconstruction after Peripheral Nerve Injury | 2023 . 06 |
15 | ,Annual Meeting of APOA Hand & Upper Limb Society APOA HULS 2023(亞太骨科醫學會上肢重建會議年會),韓國首爾,2023.06.30~2023.07.01, | 2023 . 06 |
16 | ,台灣手外科醫學會第十七屆 第二次會員大會暨學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院,2023.05.06~2023.05.07, | 2023 . 05 |
17 | ,中華民國骨科醫學會112年度第83次春季聯合學術研討會,台南大員皇冠酒店,2023.04.22~2023.04.22,The Role of Arthrodesis in Thumb CMCJ Arthritis | 2023 . 04 |
18 | ,2022 Asia Trauma Conference 亞洲國際創傷會議,台中榮民總醫院,2022.12.03~2022.12.03,Mangled lower limb, limb savage v.s amputation ? | 2022 . 12 |
19 | ,中華民國骨科創傷醫學會學術研討會2022 current concepts of trauma,高雄福華大飯店 7F 金龍廳,2022.11.20~2022.11.20,Management of Sequela of Distal Radius Fracture | 2022 . 11 |
20 | ,中華民國骨科創傷醫學會學術研討會 2022 current concepts of trauma,高雄福華大飯店 7F 金龍廳,2022.11.20~2022.11.20, | 2022 . 11 |
21 | ,中華民國骨科醫學會111年度第82次聯合學術研討會2022 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association,台北萬豪酒店 第三會議廳 5樓,2022.10.29~2022.10.29,What’s Update in Hand Surgery:Hypoplastic Thumb , 4 or 5 Digits, Problem of Mathematics or Philosophy ? | 2022 . 10 |
22 | 手指固有神經脂肪增生切除及自體腓腸神經移植重建的成功經驗病例報告Treatment of lipomatosis of digital nerve with nerve resection and repair with sural nerve autograft - A case report and literature review,中華民國骨科醫學會 111 年度第 82 次聯合學術研討會,台北萬豪酒店,2022.10.29~2022.10.30, | 2022 . 10 |
23 | ,中華民國骨科醫學會111年度第82次聯合學術研討會 2022 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association,台北萬豪酒店 第三會議廳 5樓,2022.10.29~2022.10.29, | 2022 . 10 |
24 | A Rare Case of Huge Lipoma Over Right Hand in an Aged Female. A Case Report. 病例報告:老年女性掌上巨大的脂肪瘤,中華民國骨科醫學會【111年度第82次聯合學術研討會】,台北萬豪酒店,2022.10.29~2022.10.30, | 2022 . 10 |
25 | ,9th world congress of biomechanics,Taipei(線上),2022.07.10~2022.07.14,Comparison of the fixation ability in metacarpal bone fracture | 2022 . 07 |
26 | ,台灣手外科醫學會 第十七屆 第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 TSSH2022,台大醫院國際會議中心301廳,2022.07.16~2022.07.16,Biomechanical Study in Metacarpal Fracture | 2022 . 07 |
27 | Design of V-Y Advancement flap Based on Digital Artery in Treating Post Traumatic Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Flexion Contracture,中華民國骨科學會 110 年度第 80 次聯合學術研討會,台北萬豪酒店,2021.12.30~2021.12.31, | 2021 . 12 |
28 | ,中華民國骨科醫學會110年度第80次聯合學術研討會(2021 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association),台北萬豪酒店,2021.12.30~2021.12.31,Open bone grafting in scaphoid nonunion, case series 開放式植骨在舟狀骨不癒合之手術療效探討 | 2021 . 12 |
29 | ,2021 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery 台灣整形外科醫學會第20屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會,台北南港展覽館一館5樓 504 室,2021.12.4 ~2021.12.5 ,Wide Awake Hand Surgery—CMUH experience | 2021 . 12 |
30 | ,台灣手外科醫學會第十六屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會(2021 Annual Meeting of the TSSH),台大醫院國際會議中心301室,2021.11.27~2021.11.27, | 2021 . 11 |
31 | Wide awake tendon surgery,台灣手外科醫學會第十六屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 (2021 Annual Meeting of the TSSH),台大醫院國際會議中心301室,2021.11.27~2021.11.27,Wide awake tendon surgery | 2021 . 11 |
32 | To investigate the meridian through electroacupuncture for postoperative pain relief in patients with arthroscopic repair for triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears,KIOM-SAR 2020 International Research Conference,Seoul, South Korea,2020.09.11~2020.09.13, | 2020 . 09 |
33 | TFCC injuries, Taiwan acupuncture can help,台灣手外科醫學會第十六屆第一次學術研討會暨會員大會,義大癌治療醫院,2020.08.22~2020.08.22, | 2020 . 08 |
34 | ,TSSH 2020 30th Anniversary & 2020 Annual meeting of TSSH,義大癌症治療醫院6樓大講堂,2020.08.22~2020.08.22,Amazing and grateful journey to be a hand surgeon-still a long way to go | 2020 . 08 |
35 | ,5th Congress of Asia Pacific Wrist Association (APWA),Seoul, South Koare,2019.11.07~2019.11.09,Wide Awake Tendon Surgery | 2019 . 11 |
36 | ,中華民國骨科醫學會108年度第77次聯合學術研討會(2019 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association),Taipai Veterans General Hospital,2019.10.26~2019.10.27,Early “Fix and Flap” strategy in management of open fracture | 2019 . 10 |
37 | Pitfalls in fixation of distal radius volar rim fractures: Our clinical experience and techniques,中華民國骨科醫學會108年度第77次聯合學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院,2019.10.26~2019.10.27, | 2019 . 10 |
38 | ,中華民國骨科醫學會108年度第77次聯合學術研討會 (2019 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association),Taipai Veterans General Hospital,2019.10.26~2019.10.27, | 2019 . 10 |
39 | ,2019台灣手外科醫學會年會 (2019 Annual meeting of TSSH),義大癌症治療醫院,2019.05.11~2019.05.12,Management of Post-Traumatic Stiff Elbow | 2019 . 05 |
40 | ,2019台灣手外科醫學會年會(2019 Annual meeting of TSSH),義大癌症治療醫院,2019.05.11~2019.05.12, | 2019 . 05 |
41 | ,2019 WRIST ARTHROSCOPY COURSE Training on Anatomical Specimen Basic and Intermediate Course,秀傳亞洲遠距微創中心,2019.05.25~2019.05.26,Arthroscopic resection of wrist ganglion | 2019 . 05 |
42 | ,108年度第76次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮民總醫院,2019.04.13~2019.04.13,Wide Awake Tendon Surgery | 2019 . 04 |
43 | ,28th Annual Hand Review Course,Ng Teng Fong Hospital, Singapore,2019.02.22~2019.02.23,Microsurgical Bone and Cartilage Reconstrcution in Hand Surgery | 2019 . 02 |
44 | ,2019第三屆台灣顯微重建外科醫學會年會暨第二屆東亞顯微重建論壇,台大醫學院102講堂,2019.01.12~2019.01.12,Fix and Flap approach to complex open fracture | 2019 . 01 |
45 | ,2018 Guam Medical Association International Specialty Care Conference,Hyatt Regency Guam, USA,2018.11.18~2018.11.18,Current treatment in common wrist problem | 2018 . 11 |
46 | ,2018 International Course on SuperMicrosurgery(ICSM) meeting (2018國際超級顯微外科會議),Jinan, China,2018.10.12~2018.10.14, | 2018 . 10 |
47 | ,2018國際超級顯微外科會議 2018 International Course on SuperMicrosurgery (ICSM) meeting,Jinan, China,2018.10.12~2018.10.14,Application of microsurgery in bone and cartilage defect in hand and wrist | 2018 . 10 |
48 | ,台灣手外科醫學會第十五屆第一次國際學術研討會暨會員大會(2018 TSSH Annual Meeting),Linkou, Taiwan,2018.05.05~2018.05.06,TFCC tear and DRUJ instability | 2018 . 05 |
49 | ,台灣手外科醫學會第十五屆第一次國際學術研討會暨會員大會(2018 TSSH Annual Meeting),Linkou, Taiwan,2018.05.05~2018.05.06, | 2018 . 05 |
50 | ,台灣手外科醫學會第十五屆第一次國際學術研討會暨會員大會(2018 TSSH Annual Meeting),Linkou, Taiwan,2018.05.05~2018.05.06,Cubital tunnel syndrome | 2018 . 05 |
51 | ,國際腕關節研討會(WRIST ARTHROSCOPY COURSE Training on Anatomical Specimen Basic and Intermediate Course),TAIWAN-彰濱秀傳微創中心,2018.04.21~2018.04.22,Arthroscopic resection of wrist ganglion | 2018 . 04 |
52 | ,中華民國骨科醫學會107年度第74次春季聯合學術研討會(74th Congress Meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association),高雄國際展覽館,2018.04.14~2018.04.14,Failed Darrach procedure rescued with free 2nd metatarsal bone | 2018 . 04 |
53 | ,2017 第二屆台灣顯微重建外科醫學會年會 暨第一屆東亞顯微重建論壇會,台大醫學院 102 會議室,2017.12.17~2017.12.17,Application of microsurgery in nonunion, osteomyelitis, arthritis | 2017 . 12 |
54 | ,2017韓國手外科年會國際會議(Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual International Meeting),Baekyangnuri Grand Ballroom, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea,2017.11.03~2017.11.05,Application of Medial Femoral Condyle Corticoperiosteal Flap in Hand Surgery | 2017 . 11 |
55 | ,2017韓國手外科年會國際會議(Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual International Meeting),Baekyangnuri Grand Ballroom, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea,2017.11.03~2017.11.05,Management of Post-Traumatic Stiff Elbow | 2017 . 11 |
56 | ,2017年國際超級顯微外科論壇 (Itinerary of Supermicrosurgery Conference),濟南,2017.10.26~2017.10.28, | 2017 . 10 |
57 | Giant tophi induce DRUJ dislocation and treated by Darrach procedure and FCU tendon slings fixation : A case report and review of literature,中華民國骨科醫學會 40周年紀念及第19屆第2次會員代表大會暨106年度 第73次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2017.10.28~2017.10.29,巨型痛風石誘發遠端橈尺端節脫位,並採用Darrach手術和肌腱吊索固定治療:病例報告及文獻複習 | 2017 . 10 |
58 | ,台灣成人骨質疏鬆症防治之共識及指引推廣課程,石庭兼六園(台中市西屯區河南路四段183號1F),2017.09.03~2017.09.03,Effects of calcium and vitamin D supplement on BMD and fracture | 2017 . 09 |
59 | Application of Medial Femoral Condyle Corticoperiosteal Flap in Hand Surgery 使用內側遠端股骨游離皮瓣的經驗,2017年骨科肢體重建高峰會論壇,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓B1國際會議廳,2017.04.08~2017.04.08, | 2017 . 04 |
60 | Management of Post-Traumatic Stiff Elbow 肘關節僵硬的治療方針,第十四屆I第二次學術研討會暨會員大會(2017 TSSH ANNUAL MEETING),林口長庚醫院復健大樓第一會議廳,2017.04.29~2017.04.30, | 2017 . 04 |
61 | ,第十四屆I第二次學術研討會暨會員大會(2017 TSSH ANNUAL MEETING),林口長庚醫院復健大樓第一會議廳,2017.04.29~2017.04.30, | 2017 . 04 |
62 | Application of flap surgery in elbow and arm trauma,106年度台灣肩肘關節醫學會春季學術研討會,三軍總醫院B1第一演講廳,2017.03.25~2017.03.25, | 2017 . 03 |
63 | Treatment Strategies in PIPJ Injuries,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第71次聯合學術研討會,張榮發基金會國際會議中心,2016.10.22~2016.10.23, | 2016 . 10 |
64 | Application of Vascularized Bone Graft in Trauma Patients,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第71次聯合學術研討會,張榮發基金會國際會議中心,2016.10.22~2016.10.23, | 2016 . 10 |
專書/Books (作者,書名,出版商,出版日期) |
日期 | |
1 | 張文龍、章一新、劉波、邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng),手與上肢重建手術決策與技術,上海科學技術出版社,2021.9 | 2021 . 09 |
研究計畫/Research Grant (研究類型,研究計畫代號,主持人,補助或委託單位名稱,計畫名稱,計畫期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 個別型,1NSTC 113-2314-B-039-052,謝明佑(Ming-You Shie),科技部,含鋇三維陶瓷支架影響巨噬細胞調節血管新生及骨組織再生之探討(II),2024.8.1~2025.7.31 | 2024 . 08 |
2 | 個別型,NSTC 112-2314-B-039-040,謝明佑(Ming-You Shie),科技部,含鋇三維陶瓷支架影響巨噬細胞調節血管新生及骨組織再生之探討,2023.8.1~2024.7.31 | 2023 . 08 |
3 | 產學合作,11142660,,臺灣骨庫股份有限公司,異體羊膜片結合開放式腕隧道減壓術用於腕隧道症候群手術之療效,2023.1.1~2023.12.31 | 2023 . 01 |
4 | 學生參與計畫,CMU111-SR-154,,本校(含附醫),鍶矽鈣/鎂矽鈣複合式多孔支架表面修飾促進骨質疏鬆治療協同作用探討,2022.8.1~2023.2.28 | 2022 . 08 |
5 | 個別型,DMR-112-094,陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen),附醫院內計畫,鎂鍶摻雜矽酸鈣支架調控巨噬細胞極化於骨再生之機制探討,2022.8.1~2023.7.31 | 2022 . 08 |
6 | 學生參與計畫,111-2813-C-039-201-B,,科技部,鍶矽鈣/鎂矽鈣複合式多孔支架表面修飾促進骨質疏鬆治療協同作用探討,2022.7.1~2023.2.28 | 2022 . 07 |
7 | 個別型,MOST 109-2314-B-039-017,,科技部,開發一具有磁熱效應的含鋇陶瓷三維支架作為抑制骨肉瘤並促進骨再生之應用,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 | 2020 . 08 |
8 | 個別型,DMR-110-104,陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen),附醫院內計畫,生物啟發碳酸鈣陶瓷粉末製備於骨組織工程應用,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 | 2020 . 08 |
9 | 個別型,MOST 108-2314-B-039-041-,,科技部,開發具雙成分可降解三維陶瓷支架於骨質疏鬆症應用,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 | 2019 . 08 |
10 | 個別型,DMR-109-079,陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen),附醫院內計畫,氧化石墨烯/矽酸鈣支架刺激間葉幹細胞衍生的外泌體miR-130a分泌促進血管生成機制探討,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 | 2019 . 08 |
11 | 個別型,DMR-108-071,謝明佑(Ming-You Shie),附醫院內計畫,多孔陶瓷支架離子釋放對於幹細胞分化影響,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 | 2018 . 08 |
12 | 個別型,DMR-107-074,謝明佑(Shie, Ming-You),附醫院內計畫,三維列印固定血管內皮生長因子之聚多酚鍍層矽酸鈣/聚己內酯支架於骨組織工程應用,2017.8.1~2018.7.31 | 2017 . 08 |
專利/Patent (專利名稱,專利類別,專利國別,專利號碼,專利期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 拇指腕掌關節置換套件,發明專利,台灣,I662944,2019.6.21~2037.6.27 | 2019 . 06 |