期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
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1 | (Erin Lynn Weber)、賴勇志(Yung-Chih Lai)、雷明星(Mingxing Lei)、(Ting-Xin Jiang)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,Human fetal scalp dermal papilla enriched genes and the role of R-spondin-1 in the restoration of hair neogenesis in adult mouse cells,Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology,2020 Nov,8(583434):1-11 | 2020 . 11 |
2 | 嚴玉婷、簡崇美(May Chien)、賴勇志(Yung-Chih Lai)、(DP-Chen)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)、洪明奇、洪士杰(Shih-Chieh Hung)*,PP2A deficiency enhances carcinogenesis of Lgr5+ intestinal stem cells both in organoids and in vivo.,Cells,2020 Jan,9(1):90 | 2020 . 01 |
3 | (Xiao-shan Wu)、(Chao-yuan Yeh)、(Hans I-Chen Harn)、(Ting-Xing Jiang)、(Ping Wu)、(Randall B. Widelitz)、(Ruth E. Baker)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,Self-assembly of biological networks via adaptive patterning revealed by avian intradermal muscle network formation,PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,2019 May,116(22): | 2019 . 05 |
4 | (Masafumi Inaba)、(Ting-Xin Jiang)、梁雅珍(Ya-Chen Liang)、蔡迪姍(Stephanie Tsai)、賴勇志(Yung-Chih Lai)、(Randall Bruce Widelitz)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,Instructive role of melanocytes during pigment pattern formation of the avian skin,PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,2019 Apr,116(14):6884-6890 | 2019 . 04 |
5 | (Weiming Qiu)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)、雷明星(Ming-Xing Lei)*,Regulation of melanocyte stem cells in the pigmentation of skin and its appendages: Biological patterning and therapeutic potentials,EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY,2019 Apr,28(4):395-405 | 2019 . 04 |
6 | (Tin-Xin Jiang)、(Hans I-Chen Harn)、(Kuang-Ling Ou)、雷明星(Ming-Xing Lei)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,Comparative regenerative biology of spiny (Acomys cahirinus) and laboratory (Mus musculus) mouse skin,EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY,2019 Apr,28(4):442-449 | 2019 . 04 |
7 | 李雲先(LEE YUN-SHAIN)、梁雅珍(Ya-Chen Liang)、(Ping Wu)、(David A. Kulber)、(Kylie Tanabe)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)、(Randall Widelitz)、(Tai?Lan Tuan)*,STAT3 Signaling Pathway is Implicated in Keloid Pathogenesis by Preliminary Transcriptome and Open Chromatin Analyses,EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY,2019 Mar,(): | 2019 . 03 |
8 | (Wen-Ching Shen)、賴勇志(Yung-Chih Lai)、(Ling-Hui Li)、(Kolin Liao)、(Hung-Chang Lai)、(Shou-Yen Kao)、王約翰(John Wang)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)、洪士杰(Shih-Chieh Hung)*,Methylation and PTEN activation in dental pulp mesenchymal stem cells promotes osteogenesis and reduces oncogenesis,Nature Communications,2019 Mar,10(): | 2019 . 03 |
9 | (Randall B. Widelitz)、林季瑋(Gee-Way Lin)、賴勇志(Yung-Chih Lai)、(Julie A. Mayer)、(Pin-Chi Tang)、(Hsu-Chen Cheng)、(Ting-Xin Jiang)、(Chih-Feng Chen)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,Morpho-regulation in diverse chicken feather formation: Integrating branching modules and sex hormone-dependent morpho-regulatory modules,DEVELOPMENT GROWTH & DIFFERENTIATION,2019 Jan,61(1):124-138 | 2019 . 01 |
10 | (Erin L. Weber)、(Thomas E. Woolley)、(Chao?Yuan Yeh)、(Kuang?Ling Ou)、(Philip K. Maini)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,Self‐organizing hair peg‐like structures from dissociated skin progenitor cells: New insights for human hair follicle organoid engineering and Turing patterning in an asymmetric morphogenetic field,EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY,2019 Jan,28(4):355-366 | 2019 . 01 |
11 | Ang Li、(Jung-Hwa Cho)、(Brian Reid)、(Chun-Chih Tseng)、(Lian He)、(Peng Tan)、葉肇元(Chao-Yuan Yeh)、(Ping Wu)、(Yuwei Li)、(Randall B. Widelitz)、(Yubin Zhou)、(Min Zhao)、(Robert H. Chow)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,Calcium oscillations coordinate feather mesenchymal cell movement by SHH dependent modulation of gap junction networks,Nature Communications,2018 Dec,9():5377 | 2018 . 12 |
12 | 雷明星(Ming-Xing Lei)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,【Editorial Material】Epidermal Darwinism and Competitive Equilibrium within the Epidermis,Cell Stem Cell,2018 Nov,23(5):627-629 | 2018 . 11 |
13 | (Ping Wu)、賴勇志(Yung-Chih Lai)、(Randall Widelitz)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,Comprehensive molecular and cellular studies suggest avian scutate scales are secondarily derived from feathers, and more distant from reptilian scales,Scientific Reports,2018 Nov,8():13 | 2018 . 11 |
14 | 賴勇志(Yung-Chih Lai)、梁雅珍(Ya-Chen Liang)、(Ting-Xin Jiang)、(Randall B. Widelitz)、(Ping Wu)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,Transcriptome analyses of reprogrammed feather / scale chimeric explants revealed co-expressed epithelial gene networks during organ specification,BMC GENOMICS,2018 Oct,19(1):780 | 2018 . 10 |
15 | (Michael W.Hughes)、(Ting-XinJiang)、(Maksim V.Plikus)、(FernandoGuerrero-Juare)、(Chien-HongLin)、(ChristopherSchafer)、(RobertMaxson)、(Randall B.Widelitz)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,Msx2 supports epidermal competency during wound induced hair follicle neogenesis,JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY,2018 May,31736(6): | 2018 . 05 |
16 | 吳平(Ping Wu)、嚴洁(Jie Yan)、賴勇志(Lai, Yung-Chih)、(Chen Siang Ng)、(Ang Li)、(Xueyuang JIang)、(Ruth M. Elsey)、(Randall Widelitz)、(Ruchi Bajpai)、李文雄(Wen-Hsiung Li)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,Multiple regulatory modules are required for scale-to-feather conversion,MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION,2018 Feb,35(2):417-430 | 2018 . 02 |
17 | (Cooke TF)、(Fischer CR)、(Wu P)、(Jiang TX)、(Xie KT)、(Kuo J)、(Doctorov E)、(Zehnder A)、(Khosla C)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)、(Bustamante CD)*,Genetic Mapping and Biochemical Basis of Yellow Feather Pigmentation in Budgerigars,CELL,2017 Oct,171(2):427-439 | 2017 . 10 |
18 | (Jung-Hwa Cho)、(Carter J. Swanson)、(Jeannie Chen)、(Ang Li)、(Lisa G. Lippert)、(Shannon E. Boye)、(Kasey Rose)、(Sivaraj Sivaramakrishnan)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)、(Robert H. Chow)*,The GCaMP‐R Family of Genetically Encoded Ratiometric Calcium Indicators,ACS Chemical Biology,2017 Apr,12(4):1066-1074 | 2017 . 04 |
19 | 李昂(Ang Li)、(Seth Figueroa)、(Ting-Xin Jiang)、(Ping Wu)、(Randall Widelitz)、(Qing Nie)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,Diverse feather shape evolution enabled by coupling anisotropic signallig modules with self-organizing branching programme,Nature Communications,2017 Jan,8():14139 | 2017 . 01 |
20 | (S. Tsai)、(A. Abdelhamid)、(M.K. Khan)、(A. Elkarargy)、(R.B. Widelitz)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)、(P. Wu)*,The Molecular Circuit Regulating Tooth Development in Crocodilians,JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH,2016 Dec,95(13):1501-1510 | 2016 . 12 |
21 | (Randall Widelitz)*、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,Quorum sensing and other collective regenerative behavior in organ populations,CURRENT OPINION IN GENETICS & DEVELOPMENT,2016 Oct,40():183-143 | 2016 . 10 |
22 | 陳志強(Chih-Chiang Chen)、(Maksim V. Plikus)、唐品琦(Pin-Chi Tang)、(Randall B. Widelitz)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,The Modulatable Stem Cell Niche: Tissue Interactions during Hair and Feather Follicle Regeneration,JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY,2016 Apr,428():1423-1440 | 2016 . 04 |
23 | 黃禎祥(Chen Siang Ng)、陳志冠(Chih-Kuan Chen)、(Wen-Lang Fan)、(Ping Wu)、(Siao-Man Wu)、(Jiun-Jie Chen)、(Yu-Ting Lai)、(Chi-Tang Mao)、(Mei-Yeh Jade Lu)、(Di-Rong Chen)、(Ze-Shiang Lin)、(Kai-Jung Yang)、(Yuan-An Sha)、(Tsung-Che Tu)、(Chih-Feng Chen)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)、李文雄*,Transcriptomic analyses of regenerating adult feathers in chicken,BMC GENOMICS,2015 Oct,16(): | 2015 . 10 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | The Making of a Flight Feather:Temporal-spatial WNT/β-catenin gradient within the dermal papilla regulates region-specific barb branch organization,2020 Taiwan Society of Developmental biology International Conference,國立中興大學,2020.08.07~2020.08.08, | 2020 . 08 |
2 | Temporo-spatial chromatin organization of multiplex keratin clusters orchestrates skin regional specification,Chromatin Architecture and Chromosome Organization,Whistler, Canada,2018.03.23~2018.03.27, | 2018 . 03 |
3 | Epigenetic Basis of Region-Specific Skin Formation,The 20th Annual Pathology Conference of USC,Crown Plaza Redondo Beach & Marina, Redondo Beach, California, USA,2017.03.03~2017.03.04, | 2017 . 03 |
專書/Books (作者,書名,出版商,出版日期) |
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1 | 梁雅珍(Ya-Chen Liang)、(Randall B. Widelitz)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong),表觀遺傳學與皮膚發育及再生,Humana Press, Cham,2018.9 | 2018 . 09 |
2 | 蔡迪姍(Stephanie Tsai)、(Randal B. Widelitz)、(Alaa Abdelhamid)、鍾正明(Cheng-Ming Chuong)*,局部訊號決定器官成型,,2017.9 | 2017 . 09 |