
Doctor Introduction



Tsung-Li Lin
Tsung-Li Lin


林宗立 Tsung-Li Lin

林宗立醫師在中國醫藥大學附設醫院骨科部接受專科訓練,專長是微痛人工髖及膝關節置換、人工髖及膝關節再翻修、人工關節假體感染治療、上下肢骨折手術。與本院3D列印中心合作,開發出“電腦輔助設計活動型抗生素占位器”,嘉惠許多人工關節假體感染的病人,獲得多次國家新創獎、取得專利和技轉,研究領域上也有多篇SCI 論文發表。


期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 林彥宏、陳正祐(CHEN CHENG-YU)、陳崑豪(CHEN KUO-HAO)、郭庭佑(KUO, TING-YOU)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)*,Lithium-doped calcium silicate cement regulates the immune microenvironment and promotes M2 macrophage polarization for enhancing bone regeneration,Journal of Biological Engineering,2025 Jan,19():3 2025 . 01
2 柯智淵(Chih-Yuan KO)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、馮逸卿(Yi-Ching Fong)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*,Effect of Surgeon Volume on Mechanical Complications after Resection Arthroplasty with Articulating Spacer,Journal of Personalized Medicine,2024 May,14(490):1-15 2024 . 05
3 陳俊言(CHEN CHUN YEN)、林今平(Lin Chin Ping)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*,Medullary-Sparing Antibiotic Cement Articulating Spacer Reduces the Rate of Mechanical Complications in Advanced Septic Hip Arthritis: A Retrospective Cohort Study,Journal of Personalized Medicine,2024 Jan,14(162):1-12 2024 . 01
4 (Y Y Chen)、(Chuang CH)、謝尚霖(Hsieh Shang Lin)*、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu),A Combination of FPU-Net and Feature Clustering Methods for Accurate Segmentation of Femoral Neck in Radiographic Diagnosis,Diagnostics,2023 Sep,13(2855):1-14 2023 . 09
5 陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、林彥宏、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、李凱星(LEE KAI XING ALVIN)、余旻樺(YU MIN-HUA)、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)*,3D-biofabricated chondrocyte-laden auxetic scaffolds under cyclic tensile stimulation for cartilage regeneration,Biofabrication,2023 Aug,15():045007 2023 . 08
6 林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、林彥宏、李凱星(LEE KAI XING ALVIN)、郭庭佑、陳正祐(CHEN CHENG-YU)、陳崑豪(CHEN KUO-HAO)、周筠庭、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)*、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)*,The exosomal secretomes of mesenchymal stem cells extracted via 3D-printed lithium-doped calcium silicate scaffolds promote osteochondral regeneration,Materials Today Bio,2023 Aug,22():100728 2023 . 08
7 謝尚霖(Hsieh Shang Lin)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、羅元舜(Yuan-Shun Lo)、陳俊言(CHEN CHUN YEN)、張皓維(Chang Hao Wei)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、馮逸卿(Yi-Ching Fong)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)*,Trends and treatments of pelvic and acetabular fractures in Taiwan: facing an aging society,Archives of Osteoporosis,2023 May,18(2023):66-66 2023 . 05
8 謝尚霖(Hsieh Shang Lin)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、馮逸卿(Yi-Ching Fong)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)*,Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Inversed Restricted Kinematic Alignment Total Knee Arthroplasty by Asia Specific (Huang’s) Phenotypes, a Prospective Pilot Study,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2023 Mar,12(6):2110 2023 . 03
9 (Chuan-Yi Kao)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、林彥宏、李凱星(LEE KAI XING ALVIN)、(Sing Yee Ng)、(Tsui-Hsien Huang)*、徐端隄(Tuan-Ti Hsu)*,Synergistic Effect of Static Magnetic Fields and 3D-Printed Iron-Oxide-Nanoparticle-Containing Calcium Silicate/Poly-ε-Caprolactone Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering,Cells,2022 Dec,11():3967 2022 . 12
10 毛睿廷(Mao Jui Ting)、張皓維(Chang Hao Wei)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、林奕濠(I-Hao,Lin)、林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)*、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)*,Clinical Outcomes of Single Versus Double Plating in Distal-Third Humeral Fractures Caused by Arm Wrestling: A Retrospective Analysis,Medicina-Lithuania,2022 Nov,58(11):1654-1663 2022 . 11
11 李凱星(LEE KAI XING ALVIN)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、馮逸卿(Yi-Ching Fong)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)*,Three-Dimensional Printing and Fracture Mapping in Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2022 Sep,11(5258):1-21 2022 . 09
12 洪惟政(HUNG WEI-CHUNG)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、(Abhishek Kumar)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、張皓維(Chang Hao Wei)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*,Perioperative Radiographic Predictors of Non-Union in Infra-Isthmal Femoral Shaft Fractures after Antegrade Intramedullary Nailing: A Case–Control Study,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2022 Jun,11(3664): 2022 . 06
13 林奕濠(I-Hao,Lin)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、張皓維(Chang Hao Wei)、林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、羅健生(Chien-Sheng Lo)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)*,Arthroscopy-Assisted Reduction and Internal Fixation versus Open Reduction and Internal Fixation for Glenoid Fracture with Scapular Involvement: A Retrospective Cohort Study,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2022 Feb,11(4):1311 2022 . 02
14 林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、馮逸卿(Yi-Ching Fong)、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)*,Posterior-stabilized antibiotic cement articulating spacer with endoskeleton-reinforced cam reduces rate of post-cam mechanical complications in prosthetic knee infection: a preliminary study,JOURNAL OF ARTHROPLASTY,2022 Jan,.(): 2022 . 01
15 陳俊言(CHEN CHUN YEN)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)*,Acetabular Fractures with Central Hip Dislocation: A Retrospective Consecutive 50 Case Series Study Based on AO/OTA 2018 Classification in Midterm Follow-Up,Biomed Research International,2021 Sep,2021(): 2021 . 09
16 李凱星(LEE KAI-XING)、林彥宏、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、(Wan-Ting Chang)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)*,Digital light processing bioprinted human chondrocyte-laden poly (γ-glutamic acid)/hyaluronic acid bio-ink towards cartilage tissue engineering,Biomedicines,2021 Jul,9():714 2021 . 07
17 林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、馮逸卿(Yi-Ching Fong)、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)*,Cruciate-Retaining vs Posterior-Stabilized Antibiotic Cement Articulating Spacers for Two-Stage Revision of Prosthetic Knee Infection: A Retrospective Cohort Study,JOURNAL OF ARTHROPLASTY,2021 Jun,36(11):3750-+ 2021 . 06
18 林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、張皓維(Chang Hao Wei)、張育瑄(Yu-Hsien Chang)、林奕濠(I-Hao,Lin)、黃虹瑜(Hung-Yu Huang)、張丞賢、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)*,Case Report: Isolated Middle-Third Clavicle Fracture Causing Horner’s Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review,Frontiers in Surgery,2021 Apr,(): 2021 . 04
19 王啟鴻(Wang, Chi-Hung)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)*,The Effects of Tgfb1 and Csf3 on Chondrogenic Differentiation of iPS Cells in 2D and 3D Culture Environment,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2021 Mar,22(6):2978 2021 . 03
20 張皓維(Chang Hao Wei)、林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、林奕濠(I-Hao,Lin)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)*、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*,Anthropometric factors on safe distances between popliteal vessels to the femur for cerclage wiring of the distal femoral fracture: a magnetic resonance imaging study,Medicina-Lithuania,2020 Nov,56(): 2020 . 11
21 陳俊言(CHEN CHUN YEN)、張皓維(Chang Hao Wei)、謝尚霖(Hsieh Shang Lin)、張建鈞(Chien-Chun Chang)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)*,Preliminary clinical and radiographic outcomes of proximal humeral fractures: comparison of ALPS and PHILOS plating in Asian patients in Taiwan,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2020 Aug,15(): 2020 . 08
22 (Chun-Ta Yu)、(Fu-Ming Wang)、(Yen-Ting Liu)、李凱星(LEE KAI-XING)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)*,Enhanced Proliferation and Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell-laden Recycled Fish Gelatin/Strontium Substitution Calcium Silicate 3D Scaffolds,Applied Sciences-Basel,2020 Mar,10():2168 2020 . 03
23 王啟鴻、(Cheng-Hsuan Chang)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、黃毓銓(Yu-Chuen Huang)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin Chen)、徐偉成(Woei-Cheang Shyu)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)*,The novel application of cordycepin in maintaining stem cell pluripotency and increasing iPS cell generation efficiency,Scientific Reports,2020 Feb,10():2187 2020 . 02
24 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、馮逸卿(Yi-Ching Fong)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*,A preliminary study of the novel antibiotic-loaded cement computer-aided design-articulating spacer for the treatment of periprosthetic knee infection,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2019 Apr,.(): 2019 . 04
25 葉祐安(Yu-An Yeh)、蔣仁槐(Jen-Huai Chiang)、吳美瑤(Mei-Yao Wu)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、徐新政(Hsin-Cheng Hsu)*、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*,Association of Traditional Chinese medicine therapy with risk of total hip replacement in patients with non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head: a population-based cohort study,Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine,2019 Jan,.(): 2019 . 01
26 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、鄭婉汝(Wan-Ju Cheng)、莫之欣(Chih-Hsin Muo)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*,Fractures as a suicidal behavior risk factor: a nationwide population-based cohort study,MEDICINE,2018 Dec,.(): 2018 . 12
27 王啟鴻、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、(Chih-Hsin Muo)、(Chen-Huan Lin)、黃毓銓(Huang, Yu-Chuen)、傅如輝(Fu, Ru-Huei)、徐偉成(Shyu, Woei-Cherng)、劉詩平(Liu, Shih-Ping)*,Increase of Meningitis Risk in Stroke Patients in Taiwan,Frontiers in Neurology,2018 Mar,9(): 2018 . 03
28 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、莫之欣、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、王大翊(Ta-i Wang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Disorder-related risk factors for revision total hip arthroplasty after hip hemiarthroplasty in displaced femoral neck fracture patients: a nationwide population-based cohort study,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2016 Jun,11(1):66-66 2016 . 06
29 王大翊(Ta-i Wang)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*,Distances between bony landmarks and adjacent nerves: anatomical factors that may influence retractor placement in total hip replacement surgery,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2016 Mar,11(31): 2016 . 03
30 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、王大翊(Ta-i Wang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*,External Fixator for Maintaining Reduction Before Volar Plating: A Simple Treatment Method for Association of Osteosynthesis Type C3 Distal Radius Fracture.,Techniques in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery,2015 Dec,1(): 2015 . 12
31 林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、李郁芬(Yu-Fen Li)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、林繼昌(Chi-Chang Lin)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)*,Clinical outcome and radiographic change of ipsilateral scapular neck and clavicular shaft fracture: comparison of operation and conservative treatment,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2015 Jan,10(9): 2015 . 01
32 林宗立(Tzung-Li Lin)、王世杰(Shyu-Jye Wang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)*,Discontinuation of alendronate and administration of bone-forming agents after surgical nailing may promote union of atypical femoral fractures in patients on long-term alendronate therapy.,BMC Research Notes,2013 Jan,6(11): 2013 . 01
33 連恆煇(Hen-Hui Lien)、黃其晟(Chi-Cheng Huang)、王拔群(Pa-Chun Wang)、黃清水(Ching-Shui Huang)*、陳雅惠(Ya-Hui Chen)、林宗立(Tzung-Li Lin)、蔡孟釗(Meng-Chao Tsai),Quality-of-life measures in Taiwanese adults with symptomatic gallstone disease,QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH,2010 Aug,19(6):769-773 2010 . 08
34 連恆煇(Hen-Hui Lien)、黃其晟(Chi-Cheng Huang)、王拔群(Pa-Chun Wang)、黃清水(Ching-Shui Huang)*、陳雅惠(Ya-Hui Chen)、林宗立(Tzung-Li Lin)、蔡孟釗(Meng-Chao Tsai),Changes in quality-of-life following laparoscopic cholecystectomy in adult patients with cholelithiasis,JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY,2010 Jan,14(1):126-130 2010 . 01
35 連恆煇(HENG-HUI LIEN)、黃其晟(CHI-CHENG HUANG)、王拔群(PA-CHUN WANG)、陳雅惠(YA-HUI CHEN)、黃清水(CHING-SHUI HUANG)*、林宗立(Tzung-Li Lin)、蔡孟釗(MENG-CHAO TSAI),Validation Assessment of the Chinese (Taiwan) Version of the Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index for Patients with Symptomatic Gallstone Disease,Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques,2007 Aug,17(4):429-434 2007 . 08


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 Metal-reinforced antibiotics cement articulating spacer for Prosthetic Knee Infection-a preliminary study,中華民國骨科醫學會113年度第86次聯合學術研討會,Taipei Marriott Hotel,2024.10.26~2024.10.27, 2024 . 10
2 ,Asia-Pacific Musculoskeletal Infection Society SUMMER MEETING 2024,Fullon Hotel Taoyuan Airport MRT A8, 3rd floor,2024.06.02~2024.06.02,How to do a 1.5-stage exchange and outcomes? 2024 . 06
3 Preventing Mechanical Complications of Knee Spacer Implantation: A Radiographic Analysis of 203 CADAS Articulating Spacers 預防膝佔位器機械性併發症:203個CADAS活動型佔位器的影像學分析,中華民國骨科醫學會113年度第85次春季聯合學術研討會,彰化基督教醫院-國際培訓中心,2024.04.20~2024.04.20, 2024 . 04
4 3D Simulation and Printing for Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures: A Case Series,2023 OTA Annual Meeting,Original Seattle Convention Center (Arch Building), Seattle, WA,2023.10.18~2023.10.21, 2023 . 10
5 ,2023亞太感染高峰會,台北萬豪酒店,2023.10.29~2023.10.29,Effect of Surgeon Volume on Complications Following Resection Arthroplasty for PJI 2023 . 10
6 MicroRNAs-mediated cartilage regeneration using a lithium-containing calcium silicate bi-layered scaffold laden with exosome-based therapy,The 6th International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicine,FULLON HOTEL TAMSUI FISHERMAN'S WHARF,2023.08.31~2023.09.03, 2023 . 08
7 ,中華民國骨科醫學會六月份中區月會,中國附醫癌症大樓一樓階梯教室,2023.06.10~2023.06.10,functional knee spacer for two stage revision TKR, surgical tip and early clinical result 2023 . 06
8 Perioperative Radiographic Predictors of NonUnion in Infra-Isthmal Femoral Shaft Fractures after Antegrade Intramedullary Nailing: A Case–Control Study 股骨幹峽部下骨折接受順行髓內釘手術周術 期放射影像學骨折不癒合預測因子 :病例對 照研究,中華民國骨科醫學會【111年度第82次聯合學術研討會】,台北萬豪酒店,2022.10.29~2022.10.30, 2022 . 10
9 ,骨感染研討會,台中福容大飯店,2022.08.20~2022.08.20,CR vs PS spacer in PJI of knee 2022 . 08
10 The Preliminary Function Result of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis: CMUH Experience 中國附醫使用自體骨髓幹細胞治療膝關節炎 的初步結果及經驗,中華民國骨科醫學會【111年第81次春季聯合學術研討會】,高雄萬豪酒店,2022.04.9 ~2022.04.9 , 2022 . 04
11 Anthropometric Factors on Safe Distances between Acromion Tip to the Axillary Nerve of the Proximal Humerus Fracture in Taiwan Poplulation: A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study測量台灣人口肩峰與腋神經於近端肱骨骨折手術時之安全距離:核磁共振研究,中華民國骨科學會 110 年度第 80 次聯合學術研討會,台北萬豪酒店,2021.12.30~2021.12.31, 2021 . 12
12 Postoperative Trend of Synovial WBC in Periprosthetic Knee Infection After Treated with Articulating Spacer,中華民國骨科醫學會110年度第80次聯合學術研討會,台北萬豪酒店,2021.12.30~2021.12.31, 2021 . 12
13 ,Bone and Joint Infection Forum,點水樓大直店4樓,2021.11.13~2021.11.13,Cruciate-retaining and posterior-stabilized spacer for prosthetic knee infection 2021 . 11
14 ,骨關節感染研討會,桃園和逸飯店,2021.04.24~2021.04.24,How to improve the functional outcome during interim stage of periprosthetic knee infection 2021 . 04
15 ,2020 TOTA Trauma Course - Current Concepts in Intramedullary Nailing Technique,中國醫藥學大學立夫教學大樓地下一樓國際會議廳,2020.11.14~2020.11.14,Antegrade nailing for distal femur fracture 2020 . 11
16 Result of Early Repair of MCL and LCL in Unstable Elbow Dislocation,中華民國骨科醫學會109年度第78次聯合學術研討會,Taipei Marriott Hotel,2020.10.24~2020.10.25, 2020 . 10
17 Severe vascular complication after cerclage wire in distal femur fracture, a case report and literature review,中華民國骨科醫學會109年度第78次聯合學術研討會,Taipei Marriott Hotel,2020.10.24~2020.10.25, 2020 . 10
18 Distal Clavicle Fracture, A Double-Hook Tension Band Wire: A Case Report Of The Use Of A Modified Traditional Surgical Technique 遠端鎖骨骨折---雙鈎張力鋼絲的手術病例報告,中華民國骨科醫學會 109 年度第 78 次聯合學術研討會,Taipei Marriott Hotel,2020.10.24~2020.10.25, 2020 . 10
19 ,bone and joint infection forum,台北晶華酒店B3(晶英會A廳),2020.09.26~2020.09.26,How to improve the functional outcome during interim stage of periprosthetic knee infection 2020 . 09
20 ,109年度中華民國關節重建醫學會研討會,林口長庚醫院研究大樓一樓(綜合會議廳),2020.02.15~2020.02.15,DAA, the new era of approach and learning curve 2020 . 02
21 ,骨關節感染論壇,中國醫藥大學北港附設醫院第二會議室,2019.12.25~2019.12.25,電腦輔助設計活動型佔位器治療人工關節假體周圍感染 2019 . 12
22 ,中華民國骨科醫學會9月份中區月會,國軍台中總醫院醫療大樓3樓電化教室,2019.09.28~2019.09.28,mobile spacer for PJI 2019 . 09
23 ,台灣感染症醫學會中區月會,中國醫藥大學癌症大樓1F階梯教室,2019.08.10~2019.08.10,case report (adult) 2019 . 08
24 Posterior Shoulder Fracture Dislocation - diagnosis and management,4th AOTrauma Asia Pacific Scientific Congress,1/F, Grand Hyatt Taipei Hotel,2019.05.24~2019.05.25, 2019 . 05
25 ,科部早期臨床試驗經驗分享會議,第一醫療大樓B1第六會議室,2019.05.17~2019.05.17,本院醫材早期臨床試驗-執行經驗分享 2019 . 05
26 Result of Early Repair of MCL and LCL in Unstable Elbow Dislocation,2019 APKASS and 16thIFOSMA,中国成都,2019.04.18~2019.04.21, 2019 . 04
27 Acute, Simultaneous Rupture of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Patellar,2019 APKASS,Chengdu, China,2019.04.18~2019.04.21, 2019 . 04
28 The Effects Of 3D Scaffold Combined With Growth Factors On Chondrogenic Differentiation Of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells,ORS 2019 Annual Meeting,Exhibit Hall 4-5 of the Austin Convention Center, Austin, TX,2019.02.02~2019.02.05, 2019 . 02
29 ,台灣感染症醫學會中區月會,台中長榮桂冠酒店B2中港文心廳,2018.06.16~2018.06.16,surgical treatment of periprosthetic joint infection 2018 . 06
30 Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine on the incidence of total hip replacement in patients with non-traumatic osteonecrosis of femoral head,第八十八屆國醫節暨中醫治療運動傷害學術研討會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院立夫教學大樓地下一樓國際會議廰(台中市北區育德路91號),2018.03.11~2018.03.11, 2018 . 03
31 Use of a real-size 3D-printed model as a preoperative and intraoperative tool for minimally invasive plating of comminuted pelvic anterior column fractures,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第72次春季聯合學術研討會,台中中國醫藥大學 立夫教學大樓,2017.04.22~2017.04.22, 2017 . 04
32 Increase risk of allergic dermatologic disease after lowerlimb joint replacement?,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第72次春季聯合學術研討會,台中中國醫藥大學 立夫教學大樓,2017.04.22~2017.04.22,人工關節術後是否增加過敏性皮膚疾病發生風險? 2017 . 04
33 overview of direct anterior approach for total hip arthroplasty,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第71次聯合學術研討會,張榮發基金會國際會議中心,2016.10.22~2016.10.23, 2016 . 10
34 A computer-assisted designed cement articulating spacer used in infected total knee arthroplasty,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第71次聯合學術研討會,張榮發基金會國際會議中心,2016.10.22~2016.10.23, 2016 . 10
35 ,3rd AOTrauma Asia Pacific Scientific Congress&TK Experts' Symposium,中國大陸成都,2016.05.27~2016.05.28,External fixator for maintaining reduction before volar plating:A simple treatment method for Association of Osteosynthesis Type C3 Distal Radius Fracture 2016 . 05
36 ,中國醫藥大學附設醫院3D列印醫療研發中心3D列印應用於骨科及復健領域課程研習會,403中市西區健行路1049號金典酒店11F奧林帕斯廳,2016.03.19~2016.03.20,3D列印在骨科之應用 2016 . 03
37 ,2016台灣脊椎外科醫學會年會暨北醫附醫40週年院慶國際脊椎研討會,台北醫學大學杏春樓大禮堂,2016.03.19~2016.03.19,3D列印技術輔助脊椎畸形手術 2016 . 03
38 ,104年度第69次聯合學術研討會,台北,2015.10.31~2015.11.01,Case Control - Distances between Bony Landmarks and Adjacent Nerves:Anatomical Factors that may Influence Retractor Placement in Total Hip Replacement Surgery 2015 . 10
39 Giant cell tumor with secondary aneurysmal bone cyst of the patella:A rare case report,中華民國骨科醫學會104年度第68次春季聯合學術研討會,嘉義長庚醫院,2015.04.25~2015.04.25, 2015 . 04
40 ,中國醫藥大學附設醫院2014年院慶暨人工關節置換學術研討會,台中,2014.11.22~2014.11.22,Two-stage Revision of Chronic Infected Total Hip Arthroplasty:Comparison of Tantalum and Titanium Cups 2014 . 11
41 Fixation of both the clavicle and the scapular neck correct the glenopolar angle and improve functional outcome for floating-shoulder injuries,中華民國骨科醫學會103年度第66次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮總,2014.04.19~2014.04.19, 2014 . 04
42 Outcomes of Operative and Conservative Treatment for Floating shoulder Injury,美國骨科醫學會年會(2014 AAOS American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Annual Meeting),Morial Conventional Center, New Orleans,Louisiana,US,2014.03.11~2014.03.15,Alternative Paper: Shoulder and Elbow VI: Shoulder Trauma and Miscellaneous injuryies 2014 . 03
43 Outcomes of Operative and Conservative Treatment for Floating Shoulder Injury,AAOS 2014 Annual Meeting,美國,2014.03.11~2014.03.15, 2014 . 03
44 Acetabular revision arthroplasty for septic loosening hip arthroplasty using tantalum cup,中華民國骨科醫學會102年度第65次聯合學術研討會,國防醫學院,2013.10.26~2013.10.27, 2013 . 10
45 Massive Allograft Reconstruction with Arthroplasty after Resection of a Periacetabular Tumor a Case Report and Literature Review,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
46 Floating Shoulder Injury: Radiographic and Functional Outcomes after Operative and Conservative Treatment,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
47 Treatment of long-term bisphosphate related atypical femoral fractures: our institution experience,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第62次春季聯合學術研討會,新竹喜來登,2012.04.21~2012.04.21, 2012 . 04
48 Concomitant fracture of the acromion, coracoid and glenoid rim after direct shoulder trauma-a case report,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第61次聯合學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
49 Teicoplanin-induced the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone in resectional knee arthroplasty: A case report and literature review,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第60次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄長庚,2011.04.23~2011.04.23, 2011 . 04
50 Irreducible acute anterior shoulder dislocation caused by impaction of hill-sachs lesion against the glenoid- a case report and review of English literatures,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.11.07, 2010 . 11
51 Treatment In Patients Suffering From Acute Necrotizing Fasciitis -A Comparison of Vacuum-Assisted Wound Closure and Conventional Wet-to-Dry Dressing Following Surgical Debridement,中華民國骨科醫學會99年度第58次春季聯合學術研討會 ,台中,2010.04.24~2010.04.24, 2010 . 04




研究計畫/Research Grant
1 個別型,NSTC 113-2314-B-039-053,謝明佑(Ming-You Shie),科技部,含鋰複合生物陶瓷支架調控巨噬細胞外泌體分泌於骨軟骨修復調節多種細胞分化機制探討,2024.8.1~2025.7.31 2024 . 08
2 個別型,MOST 111-2314-B-039-050-MY2,陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen),科技部,含鋰複合生物陶瓷支架影響幹細胞外囊泡生成於骨軟骨再生之機制探討(II),2023.8.1~2024.7.31 2023 . 08
3 個別型,DMR-113-076,謝明佑(Ming-You Shie),本校(含附醫),耐甲氧西林金黃色葡萄球菌壁磷壁酸轉運蛋白複合體之X光晶體結構解析,2023.8.1~2024.7.31 2023 . 08
4 學生參與計畫,CMU111-SR-156,,本校(含附醫),含鋰矽酸鈣陶瓷支架促進間葉幹細胞外囊泡生成於骨軟骨再生之研究,2022.8.1~2023.2.28 2022 . 08
5 個別型,MOST 111-2314-B-039-050-MY2,陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen),科技部,含鋰複合生物陶瓷支架影響幹細胞外囊泡生成於骨軟骨再生之機制探討(II),2022.8.1~2023.7.31 2022 . 08
6 學生參與計畫,111-2813-C-039-203-B,,科技部,含鋰矽酸鈣陶瓷支架促進間葉幹細胞外囊泡生成於骨軟骨再生之研究,2022.7.1~2023.2.28 2022 . 07
7 學生參與計畫,CMU110-SR-84,,本校(含附醫),3D列印含鋰矽酸鈣陶瓷/水膠雙相支架於軟骨再生之應用,2021.8.1~2022.2.28 2021 . 08
8 個別型,MOST 110-2314-B-039-011,陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen),科技部,含鋰複合生物陶瓷支架影響幹細胞外囊泡生成於骨軟骨再生之機制探討,2021.8.1~2022.7.31 2021 . 08
9 個別型,DMR-111-115,謝明佑(Ming-You Shie),附醫院內計畫,3D列印含鋰矽酸鈣陶瓷支架影響軟骨細胞外囊泡生成於骨軟骨再生之機制探討,2021.8.1~2022.7.31 2021 . 08
10 學生參與計畫,110-2813-C-039-344-B,謝明佑(Ming-You Shie),科技部,3D列印含鋰矽酸鈣陶瓷/水膠雙相支架於軟骨再生之應用,2021.7.1~2022.2.28 2021 . 07
11 個別型,DMR-110-108,陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen),附醫院內計畫,含鋰矽酸鈣生醫陶瓷於骨軟骨再生評估,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 2020 . 08
12 個別型,MOST 109-2314-B-039-019,陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen),科技部,含鋰生物陶瓷支架刺激細胞外泌體miRNA於血管新生及骨軟骨再生之機制探討,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 2020 . 08
13 個別型,DMR-109-076,徐端隄(Tuan-Ti Hsu),附醫院內計畫,咖啡酸修飾矽酸鈣生醫陶瓷於骨再生應用,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 2019 . 08
14 個別型,DMR-108-069,劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai),附醫院內計畫,測試純化物YCY-5811促進脂肪幹細胞分化為軟骨細胞的能力,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 2018 . 08
15 個別型,DMR-107-071,劉詩平(Liu, Shih-Ping)、蔡俊灝(Tsai, Chun-Hao),附醫院內計畫,測試中草藥純化物將誘導性多能幹細胞分化為軟骨細胞的能力,2017.8.1~2018.7.31 2017 . 08
16 個別型,DMR-106-080,劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai),附醫院內計畫,利用誘導性多能幹細胞分化為軟骨細胞並結合3D支架及誘導因子測試修補能力,2016.8.1~2017.7.31 2016 . 08


1 髖關節植體翻模件,新型專利,台灣,M614359,2021.7.11~2031.3.2 2021 . 07
2 膝關節植體翻模件,新型專利,台灣,M613651,2021.6.21~2031.3.2 2021 . 06
3 製作模具的脛骨組件假體,新型專利,中國大陸,8363822,2019.1.15~2027.8.30 2019 . 01
4 製作模具的脛骨組件假體,新型專利,台灣、台灣、台灣,M543671,2017.6.21~2027.3.7 2017 . 06
5 脊椎手術用導引件之部分,發明專利,台灣,D180152,2016.12.11~2019.12.10 2016 . 12
6 脊椎手術用之導引件及以其治療脊椎側彎之方法,發明專利,台灣,D180153,2016.12.11~2019.12.10 2016 . 12


1 2023 ISOMRM & BCRS-Honorable Mention,,2023.9.2 2023 . 09
2 SNQ 國家品質標章:新膝相印-3D列印關節水泥,感染治療新膝望,財團法人生技醫療科技政策研究中心,2023.2.14 2023 . 02
3 國家新創獎2021年度精進續獎,財團法人生技醫療科技政策研究中心,2021.12.17 2021 . 12
4 第十七屆國家新創獎-臨床新創獎:新型人工膝關節感染治療用活動型佔位器應用,財團法人生技醫療科技政策研究中心,2020.12.1 2020 . 12
5 2015 3D 列印創新應用競賽 社會組 UL特別獎,國立實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心,2015.10.16 2015 . 10
6 2015 3D 列印創新應用競賽 社會組 銅牌,國立實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心,2015.10.16 2015 . 10
7 2015 3D 列印創新應用競賽 社會組 最佳人氣獎,國立實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心,2015.10.16 2015 . 10


技術轉移/Technology Transfer
1 咬合板及截骨手術導引板、Aligner procedure、Designed silicon mold and medical model,陳怡文(Chen, Yi-Wen)、王緒斌(Hsu-Pin Wang)、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、楊佳蕙、蔡政憲,2017.10~2069.10,,本校(含附醫),長陽生醫國際股份有限公司 2017 . 10