期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | (Chen-Yu Lin)、(Yi-Jing Sheen)、(Hsian-Min Chen)、(Yi-An Lu)、(Jun-Peng Chen)、(Hsuan-En Huang)、(Yu-Ju Lin)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、(Chia-Jen Chang)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、王一中(I-Jong Wang)、周建志(Chien-Chih Chou)*,Vulnerable parafoveal microcirculation quadrant in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus,Scientific Reports,2025 Jan,15(1):1237 | 2025 . 01 |
2 | 吳秉錡(WU BING-QI)、郭厚廷(KUO HOU-TING)、許運瑄(ALAN YUN-HSUAN HSU)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)*、鄭奕帝(Yih-Dih Cheng)、謝右文(Yow-Wen Hsieh)、黃鈺涵(Yu-Han Huang)、王幸婷(SING TING, WANG)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、邵儀菁(Shao,Yi-Ching)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、曾欣(TSENG HSIN)、(Huan?Sheng Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Risk of Uveitis in Dengue Fever Patients: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan,JOURNAL OF MEDICAL VIROLOGY,2024 Dec,96(12):e70141 | 2024 . 12 |
3 | (Chien-Chih Chou)、(Yi-An Lu)、(Chien-Hsiang Weng)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、王一中、(Tzuu-Shuh Jou)、(Chun-Yuan Wang)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)、鄭奕帝(Yih-Dih Cheng)、(Tzu-Ju Hsu)、(Yu-Tung Hung)、(Yu-Han Huang)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)*,The Association between Antiglaucomatous Agents and Alzheimer's Disease,EYE,2024 Dec,38(18):3511-3518 | 2024 . 12 |
4 | (Yung-Lan Chou)、(Yu-An Hsu)、林其鋒(Lin, Chi-Fong)、陳志昇(Chih-Sheng Chen)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、(Yao-Chien Wang)、(Ching-Yao Chang)、(En-Shyh Lin)、(Jamie Jiin-Yi Chen)、(Ming-Yen Wu)、(Chun-Yu Chuang)*、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)*、萬磊(Lei Wan)*,Complement decay-accelerating factor inhibits inflammation-induced myopia development,MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY,2024 Jul,171():47-55 | 2024 . 07 |
5 | 林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、許運瑄(ALAN YUN-HSUAN HSU)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、(Yu-Cih Yang)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、(Henry Bair)、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Epidemiology of uveitis after tuberculosis in Taiwan – A nationwide population‑based cohort study,Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology,2024 Jul,10():4103 | 2024 . 07 |
6 | (Hsiangyu Ku)、(Jamie Jiin-Yi Chen)、(Wei Chen)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、萬磊(Lei Wan)*、(Gezhi Xu)*,The role of transforming growth factor beta in myopia development,MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY,2024 Mar,167():34-42 | 2024 . 03 |
7 | 陳佳妘(CHEN CHIA-YUN)、郭厚廷(KUO HOU-TING)、許運瑄(ALAN YUN-HSUAN HSU)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Prevalence of uveitis in syphilis patients in Taiwan,Emerging Microbes & Infections,2024 Jan,13(1):2290836 | 2024 . 01 |
8 | 黃祐得(Huang, Yu-Te)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、陳伯羽(PO-YU, CHEN)、楊蘭(YANG CHI-LAN)、陳珊霓(CHEN SAN-NI)*,Comparative efficacy of brolucizumab, half-dose photodynamic therapy, and aflibercept in managing chronic central serous chorioretinopathy,GRAEFES ARCHIVE FOR CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY,2024 Jan,.(.):.-. | 2024 . 01 |
9 | 陳志昇(Chin-Sheng Chen)、林其鋒(Lin, Chi-Fong)、(Yung-Lan Chou)、李德彥(Lee, Der-Yen)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、(Yao-Chien Wang)、(Ching-Yao Chang)、(En-Shyh Lin)、(Jamie Jiin Chen)、(Ming-Yen Wu)、(Hsiangyu Ku)、(Dekang Gan)、(Yung-Ming Chang)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)*、萬磊(Lei Wan)*,Acupuncture modulates development of myopia by reducing NLRP3 inflammasome activation via the dopamine-D1R signaling pathway,Acupuncture in Medicine,2023 Dec,41(6):364-375 | 2023 . 12 |
10 | 黃祐得(Huang, Yu-Te)、萬磊(Lei Wan)、鄭奕帝(Yih-Dih Cheng)、游騰舜(Yu, Teng-Shun)、(Yu?Tung Hung)、(Kewalee Rujikajorn)、(Jamie Jiin?Yi Chen)、(Ming?Yen Wu)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)*、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)*,Increased risk of glaucoma development in patients with central serous chorioretinopathy: results of a 11‑year population‑based cohort study,GRAEFES ARCHIVE FOR CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY,2023 Aug,0(0):0-0 | 2023 . 08 |
11 | 王奕(I Wang)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)、陳珊霓(CHEN SAN-NI)、謝明潔(HSIEH MING-CHIEH)、萬磊(Lei Wan)*、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)*,Multiple branch retinal artery occlusions following the new facial cosmetic fller (Poly-D,L-lactic Acid) injection a case report,BMC Ophthalmology,2023 Mar,23(86): | 2023 . 03 |
12 | 林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、許運瑄(Alan Y. Hsu)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、(Cheng-Hsien Chang)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、(Yu-Cih Yang)、(Henry Bair)、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Diabetic Retinopathy as a Potential Risk Factor for Ptosis: A 13-Year Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan,Frontiers in Epidemiology,2023 Mar,3(): | 2023 . 03 |
13 | 張硯傑(Chang Yen Chieh)、黃祐得(Huang, Yu-Te)、許運瑄(Alan Y. Hsu)、孟平平(Ping Ping Meng)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)*、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Optical Coherence Tomography Biomarkers in Predicting Treatment Outcomes of Diabetic Macular Edema after Ranibizumab Injections,Medicina-Lithuania,2023 Mar,59(3):--- | 2023 . 03 |
14 | 許運瑄(ALAN YUN-HSUAN HSU)、林芝穎(LIN, CHIH YING)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)*、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、孟平平(Ping Ping Meng)、顧蔚寧(KU WEI NING)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Short-Term Effects of Brolucizumab in the Treatment of Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration or Polypoidal Choroidopathy Refractory to Previous Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Therapy,Medicina-Lithuania,2022 Nov,58(58):1703 | 2022 . 11 |
15 | 林芝穎(LIN, CHIH YING)、王奕(Wang, I)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)*、(Henry Bair)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Short-Term Anatomic Response of the Choroid to Tropicamide in Myopic Patients,MEDICINE,2022 Sep,101(37): | 2022 . 09 |
16 | (Hsiangyu Ku)、(Jamie Jiin-Yi Chen)、(Min Hu)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、(Gezhi Xu)、萬磊(Lei Wan)*、(Dekang Gan)*,Myopia Development in Tree Shrew Is Associated with Chronic Inflammatory Reactions,CURRENT ISSUES IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY,2022 Sep,44(9):4303-4313 | 2022 . 09 |
17 | 顧蔚寧(KU WEI NING)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)*、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、莫之欣、(Henry Bair)、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Changes of Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate and Glycated Hemoglobin A1c in Diabetic Macular Edema Patients Treated by Ranibizumab and Aflibercept in the Tertiary Referral Hospital,Medicina-Lithuania,2022 Aug,58(8):1081-1081 | 2022 . 08 |
18 | 黃祐得(Huang, Yu-Te)、張硯傑(Chang Yen Chieh)、孟平平(Ping Ping Meng)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)*、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、(Henry Bair)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Optical Coherence Tomography Biomarkers in Predicting Treatment Outcomes of Diabetic Macular Edema after Dexamethasone Implants,Frontiers in Medicine,2022 Jun,9():1-10 | 2022 . 06 |
19 | 黃祐得(Huang, Yu-Te)、王奕(Wang, I)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)*、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、(Henry Bair)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、(Chang-He Chen)、(Wen-Chuan Wu)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Comparison of Choroidal Thickness, Foveal Avascular Zone, and Macular Capillary Density in Macular Edema Secondary to Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion Treated with Ranibizumab or Aflibercept—a Prospective Study,Medicina-Lithuania,2022 Apr,58(540): | 2022 . 04 |
20 | 黃俐穎(HUANG LI-YING)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、(Henry Bair)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Temporal and Double Inverted Internal Limiting Membrane Flap for Bilateral Choroidal Ruptures Complicated by Bilateral Macular Holes – Case Report,Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology,2022 Mar,x(x):x-x | 2022 . 03 |
21 | 黃祐得(Huang, Yu-Te)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、(Pei-Lun Liao)、(Min-Yen Hsu)、(Cheng-Hsien Chang)*、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、(Henry Bair)、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),The incidence of Uveitis after Systemic Lymphoma in Taiwan: A 18-Year Nationwide Population-based Cohort Study,MEDICINE,2022 Feb,101(8):e28881 | 2022 . 02 |
22 | 張雅雯(Chang, Ya-Wen)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)、曾雅玲(Ya-Ling Tzeng)、莫之欣、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、蘇振文(Cheng-Wen Su)、鄧玉貴(Yu-Kuei Teng)*,Risk of Glaucoma Associated with Components of Metabolic Disease in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Study,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2022 Jan,19(1):1-11 | 2022 . 01 |
23 | 陳伯羽(PO-YU, CHEN)、萬磊(Lei Wan)、賴榮年(Jung-Nien Lai)、陳志昇(Chih Sheng Chen)、陳謹儀(Jamie Jiin-Yi Chen)、吳明諺(Wu Ming Yen)、(Lu-Ting Chiu)、胡凱傑、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)*、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)*,Increased risk of Parkinson’s disease among patients with age-related macular degeneration,BMC Ophthalmology,2021 Dec,21(426): | 2021 . 12 |
24 | 黃俐穎(HUANG LI-YING)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)*,Significant improvement of ocular clinical pictures of iris metastasis from small-cell lung cancer after systemic chemotherapy,Taiwan Journal Ophthalmology,2021 Nov,(11):402-404 | 2021 . 11 |
25 | 林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、(Cheng-Hsien Chang)*、(Henry Bair)、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、(Yu-Cih Yang)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Chronic Kidney Disease as a Potential Risk Factor for Uveitis: A 13-Year Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan,OCULAR IMMUNOLOGY AND INFLAMMATION,2021 Oct,(): | 2021 . 10 |
26 | 黃祐得(Huang, Yu-Te)、龔偉勛(WeiHsun Kung)、張丞賢*、顧蔚寧(KU WEI NING)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Endoscopy-assisted extraction of orbital and nasal foreign body,Taiwan Journal Ophthalmology,2021 Oct,11(4):421-424 | 2021 . 10 |
27 | 黃祐得(Huang, Yu-Te)、陳瑾儀(Jamie Jiin-Yi Chen)、吳明諺(Ming-Yen Wu)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、崔永平(Yung-Ping Tsui)、謝宜靜(Yi-Ching Hsieh)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)*、萬磊(Lei Wan)*,The Effects of Modified Graded Recession, Anteriorization and Myectomy of Inferior Oblique Muscles on Superior Oblique Muscle Palsy,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2021 Sep,10(19):443 | 2021 . 09 |
28 | 黃祐得(Huang, Yu-Te)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)*、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Astigmatism Management with Astigmatism-Correcting Intraocular Lens Using Two Toric Calculators – A Comparative Case Series,Clinical Ophthalmology,2021 Aug,15():3259-3266 | 2021 . 08 |
29 | 田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、(Chia-Hung Lin)、陳志昇(Chin-Sheng Chen)、(Ching-Yao Chang)、(Hsiangyu Ku)、(Dekang Gan)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、(Jamie Jiin-Yi Chen)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)*、萬磊(Lei Wan)*,Diacerein Inhibits Myopia Progression through Lowering Inflammation in Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell,MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION,2021 Jul,2021():6660640 | 2021 . 07 |
30 | 溫立言(Li-Yen Wen)、萬磊(Lei Wan)、賴榮年(Jung-Nien Lai)、陳志昇(Chih Sheng Chen)、(Jamie Jiin-Yi Chen)、(Ming-Yen Wu)、(Kai-Chieh Hu)、(Lu-Ting Chiu)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)*、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)*,Increased risk of Alzheimer's disease among patients with age-related macular degeneration: A nationwide population-based study,PLoS One,2021 May,16(5):e0250440 | 2021 . 05 |
31 | 林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、張丞賢、(Yu-Cih Yang)、(Henry Bair)、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、(Wen-Chuan Wu)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Chronic kidney disease as a potential risk factor for retinal vascular disease: A 13-year nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan.,MEDICINE,2021 Apr,100(15):e25224 | 2021 . 04 |
32 | 夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、張丞賢、(Henry Bair)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、(Wen-Chuan Wu)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Short-Term Outcomes of Refractory Diabetic Macular Edema Switch From Ranibizumab to Dexamethasone Implant and the Influential Factors: A Retrospective Real World Experience,Frontiers in Medicine,2021 Apr,8(): | 2021 . 04 |
33 | 黃祐得(Huang, Yu-Te)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Risk factors for repeated dexamethasone intravitreal implant therapy for macular edema due to treatment-naïve branch retinal vein occlusion,BMC Ophthalmology,2021 Mar,21(142):1-9 | 2021 . 03 |
34 | (Henry Bair)、龔偉勛(WeiHsun Kung)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)*、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、張丞賢、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、(Wen-Chuan Wu)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Preoperative Vision, Gender, and Operation Time Predict Visual Improvement After Epiretinal Membrane Vitrectomy: A Retrospective Study,Clinical Ophthalmology,2021 Feb,15():807-814 | 2021 . 02 |
35 | 田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、林雲冰(Yun-Ping Lim)、陳志昇(Chin-Sheng Chen)、張清堯(Ching-Yao Chang)、(Chao-Jen Lin)、(Jamie Jiin-Yi Chen)、(Shan-Mei Wu)、(Yuh-Jeen Huang)*、萬磊(Lei Wan)*,Perfluorooctanoic acid in indoor particulate matter triggers oxidative stress and inflammation in corneal and retinal cells,Scientific Reports,2020 Sep,10(1):15702 | 2020 . 09 |
36 | 林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、張丞賢*、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、(Yu-Cih Yang)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、(Henry Bair)、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Relationship between Uveitis and Thyroid Disease: A 13-Year Nationwide Population-based Cohort Study in Taiwan,OCULAR IMMUNOLOGY AND INFLAMMATION,2020 Jul,(): | 2020 . 07 |
37 | 林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、(Cheng-Hsien Chang)*、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、(Yu-Cih Yang)、(Henry Bair)、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Thyroid Eye Disease not Associated with the Risk for Uveitis: A 13-Year Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan,Journal of Thyroid Disorders and Therapy,2020 Jul,9():239 | 2020 . 07 |
38 | 田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、賴建佑(Lai Chien You)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、(Po-Kang Lin)、(Chih-Hsin Muo)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、萬磊(Lei Wan)*、何文照*、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)*,Increased Risk of Central Serous Chorioretinopathy among Patients with Nonorganic Sleep Disturbance,Journal of Ophthalmology,2020 Feb,2020():1712503 | 2020 . 02 |
39 | 魏長菁(Chang-Ching Wei)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、林雲冰(Yun-Ping Lim)、陳志昇(Chin-Sheng Chen)、張清堯(Ching-Yao Chang)、(Chao-Jen Lin)、(Jamie Jinn-Yi Chen)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、萬磊(Lei Wan)*,PM2.5 and NOx exposure promote myopia: Clinical evidence and experimental proof,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2019 Nov,254():113031 | 2019 . 11 |
40 | 夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、李宥伶(LI, YOU-LING)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、(Henry Bair)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、(Chung-Yuan Kuo)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Ultra‑widefild angiography in the diagnosis and management of uveitis,Taiwan Journal Ophthalmology,2018 Jul,8(3):159-163 | 2018 . 07 |
41 | 魏長菁(Wei , Chang-Ching)、(Yung-Jen Kung)、陳志昇(Chin-Sheng Chen)、張清堯(Ching-Yao Chang)、(Chao-Jen Lin)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、(Hsing-Yi Chang)、(Hsuan-Ju Chen)、(Yong-San Huang)、林慧茹(Lin, Hui-Ju)*、萬磊(Wan, Lei)*,Allergic Conjunctivitis-induced Retinal Inflammation Promotes Myopia Progression,EBioMedicine,2018 Feb,28():274-286 | 2018 . 02 |
42 | 林純如(Lin, Chun-Ju)*、(Chen HS)、蘇振文(Cheng-Wen Su)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、林正明(Lin, Jane-Ming)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、郭鐘元(Chung-Yuan Kuo)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、蔡宜佑(Tsai, Yi-Yu),The Effect of Age and Initial Central Retinal Thickness on Earlier Need of Repeat Ozurdex Treatment for Macular Edema Due to Retinal Vein Occlusion: A Retrospective Case Series,JOURNAL OF OCULAR PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS,2017 Dec,33(10):763-772 | 2017 . 12 |
43 | 吳柏樟(Wu, Po-Chang)*、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、李英玄(Ying-Hsuan Lee)、陳芮筠(Chen Rui-Yun)、周德陽(Cho, Der-Yang),IgG4-related cerebral pseudotumor with perineural spreading along branches of the trigeminal nerves causing compressive optic neuropathy: A case report,MEDICINE,2017 Nov,96(47):e8709 | 2017 . 11 |
44 | (Yung-Jen Kung)、魏長菁(Wei , Chang-Ching)、(Liuh An Chen)、(Jiin Yi Chen)、(Ching-Yao Chang)、(Chao-Jen Lin)、(Yun-Ping Lim)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、(Hsuan-Ju Chen)、(Yong-San Huang)*、林慧如(Hui-Ju Lin)*、萬磊(Wan, Lei)*,Kawasaki Disease Increases the Incidence of Myopia,Biomed Research International,2017 Jul,2017():1-6 | 2017 . 07 |
45 | 林純如(Lin, Chun-Ju)*、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、林正明(Lin, Jane-Ming)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、蔡宜佑(Tsai, Yi-Yu),Endogenous endophthalmitis caused by Cryptococcus neoformans Var. Gattii mimicking choroidal tumor: From positron-emission tomography/computed tomography to histopathology,INDIAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY,2017 Jun,65(6):526-528 | 2017 . 06 |
46 | 田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)、林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,Occlusive retinal vasculitis secondary to Behçet's disease,POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL,2017 Feb,93(1096):106-106 | 2017 . 02 |
47 | 田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、(HUAN-SHENG CHEN)、(DE-KUANG HWANG)、(CHIH-HSIN MUO)、林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen),RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN UVEITIS, DIFFERENT TYPES OF VIRAL HEPATITIS, AND LIVER CIRRHOSIS A 12-Year Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study,RETINA-THE JOURNAL OF RETINAL AND VITREOUS DISEASES,2016 Dec,36(12):2391-2398 | 2016 . 12 |
48 | 林純如(Lin, Chun-Ju)*、林正明(Lin, Jane-Ming)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、蔡宜佑(Tsai, Yi-Yu),Choroidal Nevus with Choroidal Detachment Simulating Intraocular Melanoma - Image and Pathology Studies.,International Journal of Ophthalmic Pathology,2016 Oct,5():4 | 2016 . 10 |
49 | 周宛儀(Wan-Yi Chou)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、林芳妤(Fang-Yu Lin)、邱品齊(Pin-Chi Chiu)*,Application of visually based, computerised diagnostic decision support system in dermatological medical education: a pilot study,POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL,2016 Sep,(): | 2016 . 09 |
50 | 夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、何宜豪(Yi-Hao Ho)、郭鐘元(Chung-Yuan Kuo)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Rescue Effects of Intravitreal Aflibercept in the Treatment of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration,Taiwan Journal Ophthalmology,2015 Sep,5(3):128-131 | 2015 . 09 |
51 | 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林彩秀(Tsai-Hsiu Lin)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,Atypical presentation of cytomegalovirus endotheliitis: a case report,OCULAR IMMUNOLOGY AND INFLAMMATION,2011 Feb,19(1):69-71 | 2011 . 02 |
52 | 田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、林彩秀(Tsai-Hsiu Lin)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*,Clinical Features of Keratouveitis Associated with Cytomegalovirus Infection,中華民國眼科醫學會雜誌,2010 Mar,49(1):78-86 | 2010 . 03 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | ,The 4th Asia Retina Congress,首爾,2024.12.12~2024.12.15,Phenome-Wide Association Study (PheWAS) of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)-risky Genetic Variants in the Taiwanese Population | 2024 . 12 |
2 | Parafoveal Choroidal Nevus Complicated with Macular Hole: A Case Report,17th Congress of the Asia-Pacific Vitreo-Retina Society,Suntec singapore convention & exhibition centre,2024.11.22~2024.11.24, | 2024 . 11 |
3 | ,2024 Taiwan Retina Society Congress,台北,2024.10.26~2024.10.27,PheWAS of AMD –risky Genetic Variants in the Taiwanese Population | 2024 . 10 |
4 | ,Retina Club Summer Forum,台中,2024.07.27~2024.07.28,Exploring the Innovative Dual Advantage of Faricimab in DME | 2024 . 07 |
5 | ,Retina Club Summer Forum,台中,2024.07.27~2024.07.28,Mysteriously Exudative Retinal Detachment with Retrolental Panic | 2024 . 07 |
6 | Prevalence of Uveitis in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Patients in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population Cohort Study,中華民國視網膜醫學會 2024 論文徵選報告,台中日月千禧酒店 5 樓(VEE5),2024.07.27~2024.07.27, | 2024 . 07 |
7 | Bacterial Membrane Vesicle as a Mediator in Altering Inflammasome and Complement System Activation to Participate in the Development of Myopia,眼科醫學會113年聯合年中學術研討會,大臺南會展中心,2024.06.01~2024.06.02, | 2024 . 06 |
8 | ,113年聯合年中學術研討會,大臺南會展中心,2024.06.01~2024.06.02,Identification of Genetic Variants for Risk Prediction and Early Diagnosis of Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the Taiwanese Population | 2024 . 06 |
9 | ,2024 TRS Retina Club Spring Forum & TOIS Spring Meeting,台北,2024.04.28~2024.04.28,Is Intravitreal or Subretinal tPA Essential for Treating Massive Sub-Macular Hemorrhage? In Favour | 2024 . 04 |
10 | 暴露於空氣污染物與近視患者屈光變化之風險關聯,中華民國眼科醫學會第64次學術演講會,南港展覽館,2023.11.18~2023.11.19, | 2023 . 11 |
11 | The Effects of Complement DAF on Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells,The 3rd Asia Retina Congress,PACIFICO Yokohama North,2023.11.25~2023.11.26, | 2023 . 11 |
12 | ,2023 Taiwan Retina Society Annual Meeting,台北,2023.10.21~2023.10.22,Revealing New Horizons - TALON Study and Exploring the Power of Switch Therapy | 2023 . 10 |
13 | ,Taiwan Macula Society Annual Meeting 2023,台北,2023.09.23~2023.09.24,My First 3D Surgery | 2023 . 09 |
14 | Association between early life antibiotic exposure and development of myopia,112 年聯合年中學術研討會-中華民國眼科醫學會暨眼科學教授學術醫學會,高雄展覽館,2023.06.10~2023.06.11, | 2023 . 06 |
15 | ,第18屆台灣白內障及屈光手術醫學會年會,台北,2023.06.24~2023.06.25,Management of Early Onset Monocular Cataract in High Myopia | 2023 . 06 |
16 | ,2023年度 台灣眼內植入及屈光手術醫學會 學術研討會,台北新板希爾頓酒店,2023.05.21~2023.05.21,Review My Latest Journey Dealing with 5+ Brunescent Cataract | 2023 . 05 |
17 | ,台灣眼科學教授學術醫學會2023春季研討會,台北,2023.04.08~2023.04.09,Molecular Biology Study in Myopia and Retina Diseases in vivo and in vitro | 2023 . 04 |
18 | ,Taiwan Macula Society Spring Meeting,高雄,2023.03.11~2023.03.12,OCTA in RRD: The Role in Evaluation and Prediction | 2023 . 03 |
19 | 以多基因風險評分數預測台灣人群的近視,中華民國眼科學會第19屆第3次會員大會暨第63次學術演講會,南港展覽館,2022.11.19~2022.11.20, | 2022 . 11 |
20 | 以步態分析軟體評估糖尿病黃斑部水腫患者接受玻璃體內注射血管新生抑制劑治療期間跌倒風險變化,Asia Retina Congress 2022,台北市,2022.10.22~2022.10.23, | 2022 . 10 |
21 | ,2nd Asia Retina Congress,台北,2022.10.22~2022.10.23,Intrasurgical Assessment of Subretinal tPA Injection for Submacular Hemorrhage Utilizing Intraoperative OCT | 2022 . 10 |
22 | ,台灣眼科學教授學術醫學會 2022年秋季學術研討會,彰化基督教醫療財團法人彰化基督教醫院蘭醫師大樓,2022.09.25~2022.09.25,不同白內障飛秒雷射系統間的比較 A Comparison of Different Femtosecond Cataract Laser Systems | 2022 . 09 |
23 | ,台灣眼科學教授學術醫學會 2022年秋季學術研討會,彰化基督教醫療財團法人彰化基督教醫院蘭醫師大樓 (彰基國際培訓中心),2022.09.25~2022.09.25,The Real-world Visual Performance in My Patients with Trifocal Premium IOL | 2022 . 09 |
24 | ,2022 第二次Retina Club學術演講會、TOIS夏季演講會,台北南港萬怡酒店,2022.07.24~2022.07.24,Acute Syphilitic Posterior Placoid Chorioretinitis | 2022 . 07 |
25 | Exploring the potential herbal medicine for vision care in research of the ancient Traditional Chinese Medical literature “Pen-ts’ao pei-yao”,The 21st International Congress of International Society for Ethnopharmacology 2022,China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan,2022.05.28~2022.05.31, | 2022 . 05 |
26 | ,中華民國視網膜醫學會 RETINA CLUB,台中長榮桂冠酒店,2022.04.24~2022.04.24,Retinal Capillary Hemangioma & von Hippel-Lindau Disease | 2022 . 04 |
27 | ,台灣眼科學教授學術醫學會 2022 年春季學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2022.03.26~2022.03.27,Systematic Associations of Anti-VEGF | 2022 . 03 |
28 | ,中華民國視網膜醫學會 第10屆學術演講會,台北晶華酒店,2021.11.27~2021.11.28,Optimal Treatment for AMD & DME Patients with Comorbidity CKD & CVD | 2021 . 11 |
29 | ,台灣眼科學教授學術醫學會 - 2021年秋季學術研討會,中山醫學大學 誠愛樓 國際會議廳,2021.10.24~2021.10.24,Fantastic Capsulotomy and Lens Fragmentation from My CATALYS® Experience | 2021 . 10 |
30 | The clinical evidence of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides exposure promoting myopia,眼科醫學會,高雄朕豪酒店,2021.04.10~2021.04.11, | 2021 . 04 |
31 | The experimental proof of particular matter exposure promoting retinal inflammation and myopia risk,眼科醫學會,高雄朕豪酒店,2021.04.10~2021.04.11, | 2021 . 04 |
32 | ,nAMD Deep Dive Workshop,台北,2021.02.20~2021.02.20,What We Have Known About Fluid with Big-Data | 2021 . 02 |
33 | ,Post-EURETINA Symposium,臺北/台中,2020.10.30~2020.10.30,The Impact of Fluid on Vision: Learning from Most Updated Analysis of Clinical Trails | 2020 . 10 |
34 | ,中亞聯大眼科特色醫療研討會,集思台中新烏日會議中心,2020.09.06~2020.09.06,My Hybrid Experience of 3D Heads-Up Retinal and Macular Surgeries | 2020 . 09 |
35 | ,Eylea nAMD and DME Seminar,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2020.09.04~2020.09.04,Optimizing DME Management with Early, Intensive Treatment | 2020 . 09 |
36 | ,中亞聯大眼科特色醫療研討會,gis 集思台中新烏日會議中心,2020.09.06~2020.09.06,Spectralis OCT Angiography Module | 2020 . 09 |
37 | ,Alcon Experience Academy,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2020.08.28~2020.08.28,The Real-world Visual Performance in My Patients with Trifocal Premium Intraocular Lens | 2020 . 08 |
38 | ,中華民國糖尿病衛教學會109年度中區核心課程講習會,中國醫藥大學,2020.08.01~2020.08.02,糖尿病眼部疾病 | 2020 . 08 |
39 | ,PanOptix Family使用經驗分享,輔仁大學附設醫院,2020.06.30~2020.06.30,PanOptix Family使用經驗分享 | 2020 . 06 |
40 | Fight for Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome – Conquer the Thanos and rescue multiple organ damage,Asia Pacific AKI to/on CKD Summit in conjunction with 台灣腎臟醫學會108年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大國際會議中心,2019.11.22~2019.11.24, | 2019 . 11 |
41 | ,中華民國眼科醫學會108年第一次<南區>醫師繼續教育,高雄長庚紀念醫院.湖畔星光 1樓 星光廳,2019.05.26~2019.05.26,Falling Curtain:How to prevent and treat post-phaco retinal detachment | 2019 . 05 |
42 | 抗磷脂症候群之病例報告,中華民國眼科醫學會第54次地方學術研討會,臺南大億麗緻酒店,2019.04.13~2019.04.14, | 2019 . 04 |
43 | ,中華民國眼科醫學會第54次地方學術研討會,臺南大億麗緻酒店,2019.04.13~2019.04.14,How is Lucentis Helping DME Patients with Extra DR Regression Benefit | 2019 . 04 |
44 | ,中華民國眼科醫學會 一〇八年度第一次<中區>醫師繼續教育課程,彰化基督教醫院福懋大樓,2019.03.17~2019.03.17,Falling Curtain :How to Prevent and Treat Post-phaco Retinal Detachment | 2019 . 03 |
45 | Multilayered optic disc hemorrhages in a patient with acoustic neuroma- A case report,中華民國眼科醫學會 第18屆第二次會員大會暨第59次學術演講會,臺大醫院國際會議中心,2018.11.17~2018.11.18, | 2018 . 11 |
46 | X染色體串聯視網膜裂損症與裂孔性視網膜剥離之相似性-個案分析,中華民國眼科醫學會 2018 年 59 次年度學術演講會,臺大醫院國際會議中心,2018.11.17~2018.11.18, | 2018 . 11 |
47 | Early Microincision Vitrectomy in the Management of Exogenous Endophthalmitis after Cataract Surgery: Experience of a Tertiary Medical Center in Taiwan,中華民國眼科醫學會 第53次地方學術研討會,彰化基督教醫院福懋大樓,2018.05.26~2018.05.27, | 2018 . 05 |
48 | The Effect of Age and Initial Central Retinal Thickness on Earlier Need of Repeat Ozurdex treatment for Macular Edema due to Retinal Vein Occlusion: a Retrospective Case Series,The 33rd Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) Congress (retina),Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (HKCEC),2018.02.08~2018.02.11, | 2018 . 02 |
49 | Higher Initial Central Retinal Thickness and Diabetes May Be Significant Risk Factors for the Earlier Need of Repeat Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant Treatment for Macular Edema due to Retinal Vein Occlusion:a Three-Year Retrospective Case Series,32nd Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress,Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre in Singapore,2017.03.01~2017.03.05, | 2017 . 03 |
50 | Higher Initial Central Retinal Thickness and Diabetes May Be Significant Risk Factors for the Earlier~,中華民國眼科醫學會第51次地方學術研討會,高雄醫藥大學啟川大樓6樓,2016.11.12~2016.11.13, | 2016 . 11 |
51 | Rapid Recurrence after Epiretinal Membrane Removal,中華民國眼科醫學會第51次地方學術研討會,高雄醫藥大學啟川大樓6樓,2016.11.12~2016.11.13, | 2016 . 11 |
52 | Use of Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography to Confirm the Diagnosis of Paracentral Acute Middle Maculopathy-Case Report and Literature Review,中華民國眼科醫學會第51次地方學術研討會,高雄醫藥大學啟川大樓6樓,2016.11.12~2016.11.13, | 2016 . 11 |
53 | The Effects of Intravitreal Dexamethasone Implant for the Treatment of Refractory Diabetic Macular Edema-Preliminary Case Series,中華民國眼科醫學會第51次地方學術研討會,高雄醫藥大學啟川大樓6樓,2016.11.12~2016.11.13, | 2016 . 11 |
54 | The Rescue Effect of Adalimumab in the Treatment of Refractory Steroid-Responding Pediatric Uveitis-Case Report,中華民國眼科醫學會第51次地方學術研討會,高雄醫藥大學啟川大樓6樓,2016.11.12~2016.11.13, | 2016 . 11 |
55 | Visually-based, computerized diagnostic decision support system (VCDDSS) application in medical education of dermatology,74th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology,Washington Convention Center, Washington DC, USA.,2016.05.04~2016.05.08, | 2016 . 05 |
56 | The Rescue Effect of intravitreal Aflibercept in the Treatment of Stage liib ldiopathic Occlusive Vasculitis,The 31st Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress ( APAO 2016),台北國際會議中心及世貿展覽館一館,2016.03.24~2016.03.27, | 2016 . 03 |
57 | The Effect of Dexamethasone intravitreal implant (Ozurdex) for Macular Edema Due to Retinal Vein Occlusion:a Retrospective Case Series,第56次年會及第12屆中台眼科聯合研討會及2015台灣國際眼科論壇,台北國際會議中心,2015.11.28~2015.11.29, | 2015 . 11 |
58 | Sudden Onset Blurred Vision with lnner Nuclear Layer Swelling-Case Report,第56次年會及第12屆中台眼科聯合研討會及2015台灣國際眼科論壇,台北國際會議中心,2015.11.28~2015.11.29, | 2015 . 11 |
59 | The Rescue Effect of intravitreal Aflibercept in the Treatment of Stage liib ldiopathic Occlusive Vasculitis,第56次年會及第12屆中台眼科聯合研討會及2015台灣國際眼科論壇,台北國際會議中心,2015.11.28~2015.11.29, | 2015 . 11 |
60 | 電腦族的視力保健,2015海峽兩岸醫學圖書館研討會,中國醫藥大學安康大樓2樓205教室,2015.09.03~2015.09.04,視力保健 | 2015 . 09 |
61 | Hydroxychloroquine Retinopathy – Case Reports,中華民國眼科醫學會 第50次地方學術演講會,高雄展覽館,2015.05.23~2015.05.24, | 2015 . 05 |
62 | The Rescue Effects of Intravitreal Aflibercept in the Treatment of Neovascular Age-Relative Macular Degeneration – Short-Term Study,第17屆第一次會員大會暨第55次學術演講會、第17屆台北國際眼科學術研討會,台北國際會議中心,2014.12.13~2014.12.14, | 2014 . 12 |
63 | Aflibercept for the Management of Refractory Macular Edema of Irvine Gass Syndrome-Case Report,中華民國眼科醫學會 第49次地方學術演講會,台中南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20, | 2014 . 04 |
64 | A Case of Aflibercept with Treatment-Naive Hemicentral Retinal Vein Occlusion:Six months Follow up,中華民國眼科醫學會 第49次地方學術演講會,台中南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20, | 2014 . 04 |
65 | A Case of Aflibercept with Treatment-Naïve Hemicentral,中華民國眼科醫學會第49次地方學術演講會,南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20, | 2014 . 04 |
66 | Endogenous Endophthalmisis with Concomitant Scler Ulcer:A Case Report,中華民國眼科醫學會 第49次地方學術演講會,台中南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20, | 2014 . 04 |
67 | Bilateral Panuveitis with Positive QuantiFERON Test-Case Report,中華民國眼科醫學會 第49次地方學術演講會,台中南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20, | 2014 . 04 |
68 | ,中華民國眼科醫學會第49次地方學術演講會,南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20,Intraocular tumor 病例報告 | 2014 . 04 |
69 | Choroidal Nevus with Choroidal Detachment Simulating Intraocular Melanoma-Case Report,中華民國眼科醫學會 第49次地方學術演講會,台中南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20, | 2014 . 04 |
70 | ,32周年院慶 眼科中區四季會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院 癌症大樓1樓階梯會議室,2012.12.16~2012.12.16,Decision Making in Cataract with Diabetic Retinopathy and Maculopathy | 2012 . 12 |
71 | Experiences for rapid molecular detection of CMV related keratouveitis,The 10th Chinese Laboratory Medicine Conference,NTUH International Convention Center, Taipei,2011.11.04~2011.11.07, | 2011 . 11 |
72 | Triple-Procedure Descemet’s Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSAEK) for Variant Corneal Edema with Cataract,中華民國眼科醫學會第46次地方研討會,嘉義基督教醫院,2011.05.14~2011.05.15, | 2011 . 05 |
73 | Clinical Features of Keratouveitis Associated with Cytomegalovirus Infection,中華民國眼科醫學會第44次地方學術討論會,高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院,2009.04.25~2009.04.26, | 2009 . 04 |
研究計畫/Research Grant (研究類型,研究計畫代號,主持人,補助或委託單位名稱,計畫名稱,計畫期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 個別型,DMR-112-102,林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、萬磊(Lei Wan),附醫院內計畫,結合精準醫療以及近視動物模型開發對於減緩近視進程有幫助的益生菌,2022.8.1~2023.7.31 | 2022 . 08 |
2 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH111-REC2-032,田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、謝明潔(HSIEH MING-CHIEH),,針對原發性裂孔型視網膜剝離使用27G轉速兩萬或一萬 (27-gauge 20000 CPM or 10000 CPM)微創玻璃體切除術之比較,2022.5.26~2025.1.11 | 2022 . 05 |
3 | 個別型,CMUH111-REC2-032,田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、謝明潔(HSIEH MING-CHIEH),附醫院內計畫,針對原發性裂孔型視網膜剝離使用27G轉速兩萬或一萬 (27-gauge 20000 CPM or 10000 CPM)微創玻璃體切除術之比較,2022.1.1~2022.12.31 | 2022 . 01 |
4 | 個別型,DMR-104-116,,附醫院內計畫,評估接受玻璃體注射Aflibercept(Eylea)患者為期一年觀察角膜內皮細胞變化,2015.2.1~2015.12.31 | 2015 . 02 |