期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | 羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、(Huynh Chung)、林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)*,Clinical efficacy of electroacupuncture-like magnetic therapy compared to conventional transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome,Scientific Reports,2023 Nov,13(1):1-8 | 2023 . 11 |
2 | 洪維憲(Wei-Hsien Hong)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、吳欣潔(Hsin-Chieh Wu)、邱敏綺(Min-Chi Chiu)*,Effects of compression garment on muscular efficacy, proprioception, and recovery after exercise-induced muscle fatigue onset for people who exercise regularly,PLoS One,2022 Feb,17(2):e0264569 | 2022 . 02 |
3 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)*、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Risk of idiopathic peripheral neuropathy in end-stage renal disease: A population-based cohort study,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE,2021 Jan,75():e13641 | 2021 . 01 |
4 | 廖芳瑩(Fang-Yin Liao)、林千琳(Chien-Lin Lin)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、張峻菁(Chun-Ching Chang)、廖文彥(Liao, wen-yen)、周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)*,Efficacy of Acupoints Dual-frequency Low-level Laser Therapy on Knee Osteoarthritis,Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine,2020 Sep,2020():6979105 | 2020 . 09 |
5 | 藍郁青(Yu-Ching Lan)、王業翰(Yeh-Han Wang)、陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin Chen)*、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Effects of Casein Kinase 2 Alpha 1 Gene Expression on Mice Liver Susceptible to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity,International Journal of Medical Sciences,2020 Jan,17(1):13-20 | 2020 . 01 |
6 | 羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、陳威良(Wei-Liang,Chen)、莫之欣(Chih-Hsin Muo)、陳培君(Chen, Pei-Chun)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin Chen)、郭芝蘭(Chih Lan Kuo)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Microvascular parameters help to predict stroke risk in the Asian diabetic population in Taiwan: A population based case-control study,Frontiers in Neurology,2018 Aug,9(): | 2018 . 08 |
7 | 許儷絹(Li-Chuan Hsu)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、林佳瑤(Chia-Yao Lin)、陳芬芬(Fen-Fen Chen)、羅于倩(Yu-Chien Lo)、周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、郭芝蘭(Chih-Lan Kuo)、田意民(Yi-Min Tien)*,Impact of putamen stroke on task context updating: Evidence from P300 brain waves,JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE,2018 Jul,55():45-51 | 2018 . 07 |
8 | 陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)、黃毓銓(Yu-Chuen Huang)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、林應如(Ying-Ju Lin)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、張元衍(Yuan-Yen Chang)、林惠雯(Hui-Wen Lin)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)*、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Polymorphism and Protein Expression of MUTYH Gene for Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis,BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS,2017 Feb,18(69): | 2017 . 02 |
9 | 何建宜(Chien-Yi Ho)、林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee)、周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、郭大維(Ta-Wei Kuo)、張恆偉(Heng-Wei Chang)、陳悦生(Yueh-Sheng Chen)*、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)*,Clinical Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE,2014 Feb,42(2):303-314 | 2014 . 02 |
10 | 羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、朱思維(Ssu-Wei Chu)、莫之欣、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、黃維正(Wei-Chang Huang)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Diabetes mellitus and accompany hyperlipidemia are independent risk factors of adhesive capsulitis: A nationwide population-based cohort study,RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,2014 Jan,34():67-74 | 2014 . 01 |
11 | 陳珊貝(San-Pei Chen)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、王瑜佳(Yu-Chia Wang)、周姿儀(Tzu-Yi Chou)、張剛鳴(Kang-Ming Chang)、周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)*,Validating Efficacy of Shea nut Oil Extract in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients,Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine,2013 Dec,2013():1-9 | 2013 . 12 |
12 | 羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、張仕妮、莫之欣、陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、廖芳瑩(Fang-Yin Liao)、底淑葳(Shu-Wei Dee)、陳培君(Pei-Chun Chen)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Modest increase in risk of specific types of cancer types in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER,2013 Jan,132(1):182-188 | 2013 . 01 |
13 | 羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、萬磊(Lei Wan)、林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、劉素卿(Su-Ching Liu)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Association of rheumatoid arthritis risk with EGFR genetic polymorphisms in Taiwan’s Han Chinese population,RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,2012 Aug,32(8):2301-2306 | 2012 . 08 |
14 | 郭芝蘭(Kuo-Chih Lan)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、劉俊麟(Chun-Lin Liu)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)*,Effect of rehabilitation on a patient suffering from a tuberculous brain abscess with Gerstmann's syndrome- case report.,Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment,2012 May,8():217-220 | 2012 . 05 |
15 | 羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、陳芬芬(Fen-Fen Chen)、阮婷婷(Ting-Ting Juan)*、何文照(Wen-Chao Ho)*、江舟峰(Chow-Feng Chiang)*,Clinical characteristics and electrodiagnostic features in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, double crush syndrome, and cervical radiculopathy,RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,2012 May,32(5):1257-1263 | 2012 . 05 |
16 | 羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、萬磊(Lei Wan)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、劉素卿(Su-Ching Liu)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Genetic polymorphisms of the DNA repair gene UNG are associated with the susceptibility of rheumatoid arthritis.,RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,2012 ,(): | 2012 . |
17 | 孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、陳緋娜(Fei-Na Chen)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、程味兒(Wei-Erh Cheng)*,Reliability and validity of the Taiwan (Mandarin Chinese) version of the chronic respiratory questionnaire,QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH,2011 Dec,20(10):1745-1751 | 2011 . 12 |
18 | 孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、楊佩瑜(Pei-Yu Yang)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、鄒頡龍(Chieh-Lung Chou)*,Incomplete Bladder Emptying in Patients with Stroke: Is Detrusor-External Sphincter Dyssynergia A Potential Cause?,ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION,2010 Jul,91(7):1105-1109 | 2010 . 07 |
19 | 林千琳(Chien-Lin Lin)、(Pao-Hsuan Lin)、周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、(Shou-Jen Lan)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、吳宏達(Hong-Dar Isaac Wu)*,Model-based Prediction of Length of Stay for Rehabilitating Stroke Patients,JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION,2009 Aug,108(8):653-662 | 2009 . 08 |
20 | 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)*、李境晟(Jing-Sheng Li)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、施怡芬(Yi-Fen Shih)、羅震宇(Chen-Yu Lo)、陳淑雅(Shuya Chen),Isokinetic characteristics of shoulder rotators in patients with adhesive capsulitis,JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE,2009 Jun,7(41):563-568 | 2009 . 06 |
21 | 黃維正(Wei-Chang Huang)、周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、高木榮*,Traumatic internal carotid artery dissection complicated with ischemic cerebral infarction: A Case Report,Taipei City Medical Journal,2009 Jun,6(1):65-70 | 2009 . 06 |
22 | 周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、陳芬芬(Fen-Fen Chen)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、楊佩瑜(Pei-Yu Yang)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、林千琳(Chien-Lin Lin)、廖芳瑩(Fang-Yin Liao)、高木榮*,The Prevalence of Four Common Pathomechanical Foot Deformities in Primary School Students in Taichung County,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2009 Mar,14(1):1-9 | 2009 . 03 |
23 | 羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、萬磊(Lei Wan)、林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Association of CD4 enhancer gene polymorphisms with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus in Taiwan.,JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY,2008 Nov,35(11):2113-2118 | 2008 . 11 |
24 | 羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Cytokine(IL-6) and chemokine(IL-8) gene polymorphisms among rheumatoid arthritis patients in Taiwan,CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY,2008 Aug,26(4):632-637 | 2008 . 08 |
25 | 林建仲(Chien-Chung Lin)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、周德陽(Der-Yang Cho)、周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)*,A Metastatic Hepatocellular Carcinoma Manifested by Cerebellar Hemorrhage,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2008 Mar,13(1):58-63 | 2008 . 03 |
26 | 周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、高木榮、楊佩瑜(Pei-Yu Yang)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、吳鴻文、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Effects of a Lateral Wedged Insole in Patients with Medial Compartment Osteoarthritis of the Knee.,台灣復健醫學雜誌,2007 Dec,35(4):197-205 | 2007 . 12 |
27 | 黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、羅瑞寬(Lo Sui Foon)、林秀真、陳曼伶(Man-Ling Chen)、蔡長海、蔡輔仁(Tsai,Fuu-Jen)*,Correlation of oestrogen receptor gene polymorphism with gouty arthritis,ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES,2006 Dec,65(12):1673-1674 | 2006 . 12 |
28 | 蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、羅瑞寬(Lo Sui Foon)、萬磊(Lei Wan)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Interleukin-2 receptor gene polymorphism in Chinese patients with systemic lupus erythematosus,RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,2006 Aug,26(10):949-950 | 2006 . 08 |
29 | 陳威良(Wei-Liang Chen)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、吳貞儀(Chen-Yi Wu)、林建仲(Chien Chung Lin)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)*,內分泌問題之處理影響顱咽瘤患者復健之預後,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2006 May,11(1):56-61 | 2006 . 05 |
30 | 羅瑞寬(Lo Sui Foon)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、陳汶吉(Chen Wen-Chi)、賴建成(Lai CC)、蔡育勲、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Androgen receptor gene polymorphism and rheumatoid arthritis in Taiwan.,CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY,2006 ,24(2):209-210 | 2006 . |
31 | 陳芬芬(Fen-Fen Chen)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、林千琳(Chien-Lin Lin)、周立偉(Li-Wei Chou),Effects of wrist position and contraction on Wrist Flexors H-reflex, and its functional implications,JOURNAL OF ELECTROMYOGRAPHY AND KINESIOLOGY,2006 ,16(16):440-447 | 2006 . |
32 | 羅瑞寬(Lo Sui Foon)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、林秀真、蔡長海、蔡輔仁(Tsai,Fuu-Jen)*,An Association between CYP17 Gene Polymorphism and Rheumatoid Arthritis in Chinese Patients in Central Taiwan,RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,2005 Oct,25(8):580-584 | 2005 . 10 |
33 | 羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、陳曼伶(Man-Ling Chen)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene polymorphism in Taiwanese patients with gout,CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY,2005 ,23(1):85-88 | 2005 . |
34 | 孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、韓亭怡(Ting-I Hang)、胡懿方、曾譯賢、高木榮(Mu-Jung Kao)*,Thickening of finger extensor tendons in hemiplegic hands of stroke patients,台灣復健醫學雜誌,2004 ,32(3):135-140 | 2004 . |
35 | 羅瑞寬(Lo Sui Foon)、陳淑雅、林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)*、詹益豐、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、高木榮,Arthrographic and clinical findings in patients with hemiplegic shoulder pain,ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION,2003 Dec,84(12):1786-1791 | 2003 . 12 |
36 | 羅瑞寬(Lo Sui Foon)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、吳玫珍(Wu MC)、鄔哲源、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Lack of association of tumor necrosis factor alpha gene polymorphism in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in central Taiwan,RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,2003 Jul,23(4):151-153 | 2003 . 07 |
37 | 周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)*、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、高木榮、詹益豐、周德陽(Der-Yang Cho),Ankylosing Spondylitis Manifested by Spontaneous Anterior Atlantoaxial Subluxation.,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION,2002 Dec,81(12):952-955 | 2002 . 12 |
38 | 高木榮、邱惠慈、孟乃欣、羅瑞寬(Lo Sui Foon)、蔡美文,團隊居家復健之成效-台中市之經驗,復健醫學會雜誌,2002 Mar,30(3):159-163 | 2002 . 03 |
39 | 謝文逸(Wen-Yih Hsieh)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、(Fei-Wen Lin)、陳信水(Hsin-Shui Chen)、(Mu-Jung Kao),Crossed Aphasia,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2001 Jan,2(1):61-68 | 2001 . 01 |
40 | 張蘊綺、羅瑞寬(Lo Sui Foon)、孟乃欣、周碩彬、高木榮,紫質沈著性神經病變,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2000 Apr,1(4):293-298 | 2000 . 04 |
41 | 羅瑞寬(Lo Sui Foon)、孫世恆(Shih-Heng Sun)、林千琳、(Leong CP)、(Chang MF)、孟乃欣、周立偉,Characteristics and Rehabilitation Services Requirements of Children in Cognitive Motor Training Class:A Survey in Taichung County,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2000 Mar,5(1):43-48 | 2000 . 03 |
42 | 高木榮、周立偉、蔡美文、孟乃欣、羅瑞寬(Lo Sui Foon)、王顏和、賴金鑫,復健科門診資訊管理系統使用現況及需求調查,復健醫學會雜誌,2000 Feb,28(2):57-62 | 2000 . 02 |
43 | 羅瑞寬(Lo Sui Foon)、林千琳、孟乃欣、(Leong CP)、(Jou SB)、周立偉、高木榮,Lower Motor Neuron Changes Related to Upper Motor Neuron Lesion:Evidence form Electrophysiological Study in Patients with Hemiplegia,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,1999 Dec,(4):229-234 | 1999 . 12 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | 氣動式步行靴對腳踝穩定性及足底接觸力的影響,2023中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會,花蓮福容大飯店,2023.03.03~2023.03.06, | 2023 . 03 |
2 | 氣動式步行靴對腳踝穩定性及足底接觸力的影響,第 16 屆台灣運動生物力學年會暨智慧運動科學研討會,國立清華大學南大校區,2022.12.17~2022.12.17, | 2022 . 12 |
3 | Effects of contextual interference on batting reaction and judgment ability for baseball players,9th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB2022),Taipei International Convention Center,2022.07.10~2022.07.14, | 2022 . 07 |
4 | Immediate effects of cryotherapy and massage on should pain relief and range of motion improvement after fatigue for overhead players,9th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB2022),Taipei International Convention Center,2022.07.10~2022.07.14, | 2022 . 07 |
5 | Effects of different treatments on hand function for people with stenosing tenosynovitis,the 8th Asian Society of Sports Biomechanics Conference (ASSB 2021),National Taiwan Sport University,2021.10.22~2021.10.23, | 2021 . 10 |
6 | 動態伸展及注意力焦點對大學學生立定跳遠表現的影響,第 15 屆台灣運動生物力學年會暨學術研討會,國立體育大學 (NTSU),2021.10.22~2021.10.23, | 2021 . 10 |
7 | Effects of Joint mobilization on ankle dorsiflexion range of motion for subjects with chronic ankle instability,The 12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2021),the Sheraton Times Square, Manhattan, New York, United States,2021.07.25~2021.07.29, | 2021 . 07 |
8 | Effects of Kinesio Taping on Pain Relieve and Hand Function for Patients with de Quervain's Disease,The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E2021),National Penghu University of Science and Technology,2021.03.18~2021.03.20, | 2021 . 03 |
9 | 關節鬆動術對慢性腳踝不穩定患者於下蹲時腳踝背屈活動度及軀幹前傾的影響,ETS2021 第28屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會,國立澎湖科技大學,2021.03.20~2021.03.22, | 2021 . 03 |
10 | Effects of Joint Mobilization on AnkleDorsiflexion Range of Motion during Squa tExercise for Subjects with Chronic Ankle Instability,The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E2021),National Penghu University of Science and Technology,2021.03.18~2021.03.20, | 2021 . 03 |
11 | Effects of hot pack and static stretching on the range of motion of ankle dorsiflexion and trunk angle for people with chronic ankle instability,2020 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics,Hilton San Diego Bayfront, San Diego, California, USA,2020.07.16~2020.07.20, | 2020 . 07 |
12 | 壓力機能褲對運動者的肌肉效能及運動疲勞恢復的影響,ETS2020第27屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會,Microsoft Teams 線上平台,2020.05.30~2020.05.31, | 2020 . 05 |
13 | 合併髖內收的下蹲運動訓練對髕股骨疼痛症候群患者的治療效應,第26屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會,日月潭青年活動中心,2019.03.22~2019.03.24, | 2019 . 03 |
14 | Effects of a dynamics squat with hip adduction exercise treatment on balance between the medial and lateral muscles of the quadriceps in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome,The 21st International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology (ICMMB 2018),台北巿 國立陽明大學,2018.11.22~2018.11.24, | 2018 . 11 |
15 | Analysis on the activation of the VMO, VL muscles and VMO/VL ratio during dynamic squat exercises with and without hip adduction between healthy and patellofemoral pain syndrome subjects,The 21st International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology (ICMMB 2018),台北巿 國立陽明大學,2018.11.22~2018.11.24, | 2018 . 11 |
16 | Treatment effects of Kinesio taping on hand functions for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome,20th CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL ERGONOMICS ASSOCIATION (2018 IEA),Florence, Italy,2018.08.26~2018.08.30, | 2018 . 08 |
17 | 固定掌指關節的副木對板機指患者手功能的影響,第25屆 中華民國人因工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會,National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu, Taiwan,2018.03.16~2018.03.18, | 2018 . 03 |
18 | Impact of putamen and/or thalamus lesions on oddball P300 generation,2017 Asia Pacific Conference on Vision,國立成功大學,2017.07.13~2017.07.17, | 2017 . 07 |
19 | Diabetic microvascular complications and stroke risk in the Asian population in Taiwan:A population based case-control study,American Academy of Neurology 69th Annual Meeting,Boston, MA,2017.04.22~2017.04.28, | 2017 . 04 |
20 | 加入Wii fit訓練的適能運動對社區老年人在平衡控制的影響,24th中華民國人因工程學會EST 2017年會暨學術研討會,國立金門大學,2017.03.11~2017.03.12, | 2017 . 03 |
21 | 經皮神經電刺激與肌內效貼紮對腕隧道症侯群患者手功能的療效,2016台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會 & 2016智慧輔具產業與技術研討會,中國醫藥大學,2016.10.29~2016.10.29, | 2016 . 10 |
22 | ,聚焦式體外震波治療研討會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2016.04.24~2016.04.24, | 2016 . 04 |
23 | 經皮神經電刺激和肌內效貼紮對腕隧道症候群患者手功能的療效,EST2016 第23屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會,高雄 義守大學,2016.03.26~2016.03.26, | 2016 . 03 |
24 | 肌內效貼紮對腕隧道症候群患者手功能的療效,第廿二屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會,元智大學6館1樓有庠廳,2015.03.28~2015.03.28, | 2015 . 03 |
25 | 肌內效貼紮對腕隧道症候群患者的手握力與指捏力的效應,2013國際運動生物力學研討會暨臺灣運動生物力學與臺灣生物力學年會,花蓮遠雄海洋公園,2013.11.18~2013.11.19, | 2013 . 11 |
26 | Use of Acupuncture and Electroacupuncture Stimulation for Injuried,2013 9th International Postgraduate Symposium on Chinese Medicine,香港國際會議中心,2013.08.15~2013.08.16, | 2013 . 08 |
27 | Influence of Local application of Lidocaine on Peripheral Nerve Conduction – a Pilot Study,7th World Congress of the international society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine,Beijing, China,2013.06.16~2013.06.20, | 2013 . 06 |
28 | The Efficacy of Sheanut Oil Extract and Influence of Ultrasound Imaging of Vastus Medialis Oblique in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients,7th World Congress of the international society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine,Beijing, China,2013.06.16~2013.06.20, | 2013 . 06 |
29 | 乳油木果油萃取物對退化性膝關節炎患者股四頭肌的影響,台灣復健醫學會102年度會員大會暨學術研討會,台灣中油公司國光廳,2013.04.13~2013.04.14, | 2013 . 04 |
30 | The Efficacy of Sheanut Oil Extract and Influence of Ultrasound Imaging of Vastus Medialis Oblique in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients,亞洲大學101學年度研發日_兩校合作學術研討會,亞洲大學,2013.03.13~2013.03.13, | 2013 . 03 |
31 | 缺血性中風病患之視覺與聽覺P300,第五十屆台灣心理學年會,台灣台中,2011.10.14~2011.10.16, | 2011 . 10 |
32 | 頂葉結核菌腦膿瘍造成Gerstmann's syndrom :病例報告,台灣復健醫學會100年度會員大會暨學術研討會,台灣中油公司國光廳,2011.04.08~2011.04.09, | 2011 . 04 |
33 | 經皮遠疼貼貼片是否會造成人體正常正中神經之阻斷?,台灣復健醫學會100年度會員大會暨學術研討會,台灣中油公司國光廳,2011.04.08~2011.04.09, | 2011 . 04 |
34 | 低能量雷射對於退化性膝關節炎的療效,台灣復健醫學會100年度會員大會暨學術研討會,台灣中油公司國光廳,2011.04.08~2011.04.09, | 2011 . 04 |
35 | Association of CD4 enhancer gene polymorphisms with rheumatoid arthritis and systmic lupus erythematosus in Taiwan,26th Annual Meeting of the Rheumatology Association,Taiwan,Tainan Taiwan,2008.12.19~2008.12.21, | 2008 . 12 |
36 | The Isokinetic Performance of Shoulder rotators in Patients with Frozen Shoulder,The 6th Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation,Hong Kong,2008.10.04~2008.10.05, | 2008 . 10 |
37 | 慢性呼吸疾病問卷台灣中文版翻譯暨信度效度之檢定,台灣復健醫學會九十六年度會員大會暨學術研討會,長庚紀念醫院桃園分院國際會議廳,2007.12.15~2007.12.16, | 2007 . 12 |
38 | 單一膝膕窩神經纖維瘤,台灣復健醫學會九十六年度會員大會暨學術研討會,長庚紀念醫院桃園分院國際會議廳,2007.12.15~2007.12.16, | 2007 . 12 |
39 | Thickening of Finger Extensor Tendons in Hemiplegic Hands among Patients with Cerebrovascular Accident:Incidence and Sonographic Features,The Society of Ultrasound in Medicine of the Republic of China 2007 Annual Convention,台北市,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, | 2007 . 10 |
40 | The Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of The Major Foot Problems in Primary School Students in Central Taiwan,4th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine,Seoul,Korea,2007.06.10~2007.06.14, | 2007 . 06 |
41 | Isokinetic characteristics of shoulder rotators in patients with adhesive capsulitis,2007 meeting of the Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS),Springfield, Massachusetts, USA,2007.04.11~2007.04.14, | 2007 . 04 |
42 | 冰凍肩患者肩關節旋轉肌群之等速肌力特性,2006年中華民國物理治療學會第五十三次學術論文研討會,台灣台中中山醫學大學,2006.09.24~2006.09.24, | 2006 . 09 |
43 | Effect of an Inserted Lateral Wedged Insole in Patients with Medial Compartment Knee Osteoarthritis,95年度第50次骨科春季學術研討會,中華民國嘉義,2006.04~ , | 2006 . 04 |
44 | Effect of an inserted lateral wedged insole in patients with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,嘉義, Taiwan.,2006.04.29~2006.04.29, | 2006 . 04 |
45 | 腦中風住院復健患者尿液滯留:尿動力檢查,台灣復健醫學會九十四年度會員大會暨學術研討會,中華民國台北,2005.12~ , | 2005 . 12 |
46 | 轉移性肝細胞癌以小腦出血為初始表現,台灣復健醫學會九十四年度會員大會暨學術研討會,中華民國台北,2005.12~ , | 2005 . 12 |
研究計畫/Research Grant (研究類型,研究計畫代號,主持人,補助或委託單位名稱,計畫名稱,計畫期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 個別型,MOST 109-2221-E-039-014,羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo),科技部,氣動式步行靴對腳踝骨折患者腳踝穩定性及小腿和足底接觸力的影響,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 | 2020 . 08 |
2 | 個別型,MOST 108-2221-E-039-001-,羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo),科技部,關節鬆動術對慢性腳踝不穩定患者於下蹲時腳踝背屈活動度及後側肌肉鏈的影響,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 | 2019 . 08 |
3 | 個別型,MOST 107-2221-E-039-010-,羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、邱敏綺(Min-Chi Chiu),科技部,下半身壓力服裝壓力梯度對肌肉效能及從耐力運動疲勞恢復的影響,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 | 2018 . 08 |
4 | 個別型,MOST 106-2221-E-039-009-,羅瑞寬(Lo, Sui-Foon),科技部,合併髖內收的動態閉鎖動力鏈運動對髕股骨疼痛症候群患者的治療效應,2017.8.1~2018.7.31 | 2017 . 08 |
5 | 個別型,MOST 104-2221-E-039-006,羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、陳協慶,科技部,合併視覺訓練至適能運動計畫對社區老年人在運動視力和平衡控制的影響,2015.8.1~2016.7.31 | 2015 . 08 |
6 | 產學合作,103426EN,羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo),高禎實業有限公司,手部護具臨床功能測試,2015.6.1~2016.2.28 | 2015 . 06 |
7 | 個別型,MOST 103-2221-E-039-005,陳嘉玲(Chia-Ling Chen)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo),科技部,經皮神經電刺激和肌內效貼紮對腕隧道症候群患者手功能的療效,2014.8.1~2015.7.31 | 2014 . 08 |
8 | 個別型,NSC 99-2314-B-039-015-MY3,林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo),科技部,一年期個人化運動訓練對透析患者生活品質及透析相關症狀之影響,2012.8.1~2013.7.31 | 2012 . 08 |
9 | 個別型,NSC 99-2314-B-039-005-MY3,陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo),科技部,DNA修補系統其基因多型性及生物功能與類風濕性關節炎之易感受性的相關研究,2012.8.1~2013.7.31 | 2012 . 08 |
10 | 國家型,NSC 99-2314-B-039-010-MY2,周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen),科技部,研究從電針炙治療對正中神經修復功能之評估到腕隧道症侯群之療效評估,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 | 2011 . 08 |
11 | 個別型,NSC 99-2314-B-039-005-MY3,陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo),科技部,DNA修補系統其基因多型性及生物功能與類風濕性關節炎之易感受性的相關研究,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 | 2011 . 08 |
12 | 個別型,99-2314-B-039-005-MY3,陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo),科技部,DNA修補系統其基因多型性及生物功能與類風濕性關節炎之易感受性的相關研究,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 | 2011 . 08 |
13 | 個別型,099221NW,陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo),科技部,DNA修補系統其基因多型性及生物功能與類風濕性關節炎之易感受性的相關研究,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 | 2011 . 08 |
14 | 產學合作,0994266G,周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin),智順科技有限公司,智順經皮神經電刺激器臨床試驗(智順科技有限公司),2010.10.1~2012.3.31 | 2010 . 10 |
15 | 個別型,DMR-100-108,許儷絹(Li-Chuan Hsu)、田意民(Tien YM),附醫院內計畫,以事件關聯電位探討腦部病變患者之語言溝通及認知功能障礙,2010.8.1~2011.7.31 | 2010 . 08 |
16 | 國家型,99-2314-B-039-010-MY2,周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen),科技部,研究從電針炙治療對正中神經修復功能之評估到腕隧道症侯群之療效評估,2010.8.1~2012.7.31 | 2010 . 08 |
17 | 個別型,NSC 99-2314-B-039-005-MY3,陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo),科技部,DNA修補系統其基因多型性及生物功能與類風濕性關節炎之易感受性的相關研究,2010.8.1~2011.7.31 | 2010 . 08 |
18 | 產學合作,0984269A,羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo),天義企業股份有限公司,FlexNow退化性膝關節炎臨床試驗及研究報告,2010.7.1~2012.6.30 | 2010 . 07 |
19 | 個別型,DMR-99-104,陳芬芬(chen fen fen),附醫院內計畫,腦部病變的型態與部位對於事件相關電位的影響,2009.8.1~2010.7.31 | 2009 . 08 |
20 | 學生參與計畫,B7-2數學-醫學,江舟峰(Chow-Feng Chiang),本校(含附醫),腕隧道症候群:探討電腦終端機使用者臨床症狀與電生理學之相關性,2008.2.1~2008.12.31 | 2008 . 02 |
21 | 學生參與計畫,NSC93-2815-C-039-007-B,李境晟、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo),科技部,冰凍肩患者肩關節肌力特性之研究,2004.7.1~2005.2.28 | 2004 . 07 |
獲獎/Award (獲獎名稱,給獎單位,獲獎日期) |
日期 | |
1 | 中國醫藥大學附設醫院103年度傑出主治醫師(Elite Physician)名單,本校(含附醫),2014.10.16 | 2014 . 10 |