期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | 許偉帆(Hsu, Wei-Fan)、許士超(Shih-Chao Hsu)、陳德鴻(Te-Hung Chen)、林建宏(Chien-Hung Lin)、林膺峻(Lin,Ying-Chun)、張裕煒(Yu-Wei Chang)、王鴻偉(Hung-Wei Wang)、廖裕民(Yu-Min Liao)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、彭成元(Peng, Cheng-Yuan)*,Modified Albumin–Bilirubin Model for Stratifying Survival in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Receiving Anticancer Therapy,Cancers,2022 Oct,14(20):5083 | 2022 . 10 |
2 | 許偉帆(Hsu, Wei-Fan)、張凱智(CHANG, KAI-CHIH)、陳德鴻(Te-Hung Chen)、林建宏(Chien-Hung Lin)、林膺峻(Lin,Ying-Chun)、蔡明宏(Ming-Hung Tsai)、陳旆聿(Pei-Yu Chen)、王鴻偉(Hung-Wei Wang)、朱家聲(Chia-Sheng Chu)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)*,Comparison of 10 noninvasive models for predicting overall survival in patients with intermediate-stage hepatocellular carcinoma,MEDICINE,2021 Aug,100(33):e27000 | 2021 . 08 |
3 | 廖延修(Yen-Hsiu Liao)、羅怡萍(Yi-Ping Lo)*、廖彧楷(Yu-Kai Liao)、林建宏,Pneumatosis Cystoides Coli Related to Acarbose Treatment,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY,2017 Jul,2017(112):984-984 | 2017 . 07 |
4 | 林維卿(Wei-Ching Lin)、林建亨(Chien-Heng Lin)、陳中和(Jeon-Hor Chen)、陳永芳(Yung-Fang Chen)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、吳汐淇(Shih-Chi Wu)、許正男(Cheng-Nan Hsu)、林建宏、何永仁(Yung-Jen Ho)*,Computed tomographic imaging in determining the need of embolization for high-grade blunt renal injury,Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery,2013 Jan,74(1):230-235 | 2013 . 01 |
5 | 陳永芳(Yung-Fang Chen)、羅于倩(Yu-Chien Lo)、林維卿(Wei-Ching Lin)、林建宏*、蔣咸嘉、陳瑞芬(Jui-Fen Chen)、沈戊忠(Wu-Chung Shen),Transarterial embolization for control of bleeding in patients with head and neck cancer,OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERY,2010 Jan,142(1):90-94 | 2010 . 01 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | Modified albumin–bilirubin model for stratifying survival in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma receiving anticancer therapy,2022TDDW台灣消化醫學週,台大國際會議中心,2022.09.24~2022.09.25, | 2022 . 09 |
2 | Modified cutoffs for ALBI grade for patients with early, intermediate, or advanced hepatocellular carcinoma,2022 Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver Single Topic Conference on Hepatocellular Carcinoma,台大醫院國際會議中心,2022.06.23~2022.06.25, | 2022 . 06 |
3 | Comparison of ten liver functional reserve models for overall survival in patients with intermediate-stage hepatocellular carcinoma and different stratification,中華民國一一O年台灣消化系聯合學術演講年會,中國醫藥大學英才校區,2021.03.27~2021.03.28, | 2021 . 03 |
4 | Multi-Modality Imaging Evaluation of Tricky Non-traumatic Pseudoaneurysm of Extremities Mimicking Other Entities,一○七年度第二十九屆第三次會員大會暨第六十七次學術研討會,TICC 台北國際會議中心,2018.03.24~2018.03.25, | 2018 . 03 |
5 | The Role of Multiparametric MRI in Evaluating the Efficiency of Concomitant Chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) of Rectal Cancer,中華民國放射線醫學會第二十九屆第一次會員大會暨第六十五次學術研討會,高雄榮民總醫院,2016.03.09~2016.03.10, | 2016 . 03 |
6 | Role of Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging in the Musculoskeletal Lesions: preliminary study,中華民國放射線醫學會一○四年度第二十八屆第三次會員大會暨第六十四次學術研討會,福華國際文教會館,2015.03.21~2015.03.22, | 2015 . 03 |
7 | Uterine leiomyolipoma with maligant change: A rare case report,中華民國放射線醫學會第二十八屆第二次會員大會暨第六十三次學術研討會,台中市中山醫學大學,2014.03.22~2014.03.23, | 2014 . 03 |
8 | Three-dimensional reconstruction of vascular-tumor anatomy to facilitate accurate preoperative planning,中華民國放射線醫學會 一○三年度第二十八屆第二次會員大會暨第六十三次學術研討會,中山醫學大學正心樓,2014.03.22~2014.03.23, | 2014 . 03 |
9 | Imaging features of internal hernias in association with risk of small bowel strangulation,The 4th Asian Congress of Abdominal Radiology, ACAR 2013 TAIWAN,高雄醫學大學國際學術研究大樓 (高雄市三民區自由一路100號),2013.03.22~2013.03.24, | 2013 . 03 |
10 | Imaging features of internal hernias in association with risk of small bowel strangulation,The 4th Asian Congress of Abdominal Radiology,International Academic Research Building,2013.03.22~2013.03.25, | 2013 . 03 |
11 | Use MRI to localize prostate cancer before re-biopsy in patients with persistent high PSA and previous negative biopsy,The 4th Asian Congress of Abdominal Radiology,International Academic Research Building,2013.03.22~2013.03.24, | 2013 . 03 |
12 | Case report: Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis associated with Acarbose(alpha-glucosidase inhibitor) treatment,中華民國放射線醫學會第61次學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心401會議室,2012.03.24~2012.03.25, | 2012 . 03 |
13 | Diagnostic Images of the Transmesenteric Hernia:A Case Report,中華民國放射線醫學會第61次學術研討會,台灣大學,2012.03.24~2012.03.25, | 2012 . 03 |
14 | Clinicoradiological profile of extranodal Rosai-Dorfman disease,一○○年度第二十七屆第二次會員大會暨第六十次學術研討會,中國醫藥大學,2011.03.19~2011.03.20, | 2011 . 03 |