期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | 蘇鈺婷(SU, Yu-Ting)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen)、余盈君、林文仁(LIN WEN-JEN)、林政佑(LIN, JHENG-YOU)、鄭維中(Cheng, Wei-Chung)、楊顓丞(Juan-Cheng Yang)、洪耀欽(Hung, Yao-Ching)*、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)*,Ether-Linked Glycerophospholipids Are Potential Chemo-Desensitisers and Are Associated With Overall Survival in Carcinoma Patients,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE,2024 Dec,28():e70277 | 2024 . 12 |
2 | (Ke Wang)、廖珮吟(Pei-Yin Liao)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、楊茜如(YANG CIAN-RU)、蘇鈺婷(SU, Yu-Ting)、(Ping-Ching Wu)、吳永昌(Yang-Chang Wu)、洪耀欽(Hung, Yao-Ching)、(Najim Akhtar)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)*、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)*,Linoleate-pazopanib conjugation as active pharmacological ingredient to abolish hepatocellular carcinoma growth,Frontiers in Pharmacology,2024 Jan,(14):1281067 | 2024 . 01 |
3 | 張庭瑜(Chang Ting Yu)、葉瓊儀(Chiung-Yi Yeh)、楊稚怡(Chih-Yi Yang)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、黃千竹(Chien-Chu Huang)*、洪耀欽(Hung, Yao-Ching)*,Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma with Uterine Intra-mural Recurrence: Case report of Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma with Fertility Sparing Treatment,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2023 May,.(): | 2023 . 05 |
4 | 陳芮筠(Rui-Yun Chen)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、洪耀欽(Hung, Yao-Ching)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、陳尚文(Chen, Shang-Wen)、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、林膺峻(Lin,Ying-Chun)*,Quantitative Differences in Levels of Immunohistochemical Biomarkers between Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix: Implications for Treatment Outcomes after Chemoradiotherapy,Journal of women's health and development,2022 Nov,5(3):271-281 | 2022 . 11 |
5 | 黃繼賢(Chi-Hsien Huang)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、洪耀欽(Hung, Yao-Ching)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、陳尚文(Chen, Shang-Wen)*,Image-guided brachytherapy following external-beam radiation therapy for patients with inoperable endometrial cancer,Brachytherapy,2022 Oct,(22): | 2022 . 10 |
6 | 鍾瑋敏(Wei-Min Chung)、陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、蘇聖淵(SU SHENG YUAN)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)*、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)*,Androgen/Androgen Receptor Signaling in Ovarian Cancer: Molecular Regulation and Therapeutic Potentials,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2021 Jul,22():7748 | 2021 . 07 |
7 | Lumin Chen、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)、鄭維中(Cheng, Wei-Chung)、楊顓丞(Juan-Cheng Yang)、王筱晴、蘇鈺婷、(Azaj Ahmed)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)*,Targeting Lipid Droplet Lysophosphatidylcholine for Cisplatin Chemotherapy,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE,2020 Jul,24(13):7187-7200 | 2020 . 07 |
8 | 林膺峻(Yin-Jun Lin)、陳郁佳(Yu-Chia Chen)、陳芮筠(Rui-Yun Chen)、黃義軒(Huang, Yi-Xuan)、塗翔鈞(TU SIANG-JYUN)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、陳尚文(Shang-Wen Chen)*、張建國(Jan-Gowth Chang)*,Genomic Biomarkers of Survival in Patients with Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix Receiving Chemoradiotherapy,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2020 Jun,21():4117 | 2020 . 06 |
9 | 程心怡(cheng hsin yi)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、陳尚文(Shang-Wen Chen)*,Stereotactic body radiotherapy for pelvic boost in gynecological cancer patients with local recurrence or unsuitable for intracavitary brachytherapy,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2020 Apr,x(): | 2020 . 04 |
10 | 張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、王筱晴、鄭維中(Cheng, Wei-Chung)、楊顓丞(Juan-Cheng Yang)、鍾瑋敏(Wei-Min Chung)、(Yen-Pin Ho)、(Lumin Chen)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)*,LDLR-Mediated Lipidome-Transcriptome Reprogramming in Cisplatin Insensitivity,ENDOCRINE-RELATED CANCER,2020 Feb,(): | 2020 . 02 |
11 | (Wei-Chih Shen)、陳尚文(Shang-Wen Chen)、(Kuo-Chen Wu)、謝德鈞(Te-Chun Hsieh)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、顏國揚(Kuo-Yang Yen)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Prediction of local relapse and distant metastasis in patients with definitive chemoradiotherapy-treated cervical cancer by deep learning from [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography,EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY,2019 Dec,29(12):6741-6749 | 2019 . 12 |
12 | 陳尚文(Shang-Wen Chen)*、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang),Effectiveness of Image-guided Brachytherapy in Patients with Locally Advanced Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma Receiving Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy,ANTICANCER RESEARCH,2019 Jun,39(6):3015-3024 | 2019 . 06 |
13 | 林膺峻(Yin-Jun Lin)、陳芮筠(Rui-Yun Chen)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、陳尚文(Shang-Wen Chen)*,Immunohistochemical Biomarkers of Survival in Patients with Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix Receiving Chemoradiotherapy,ANTICANCER RESEARCH,2019 Jun,39(6):3231-3240 | 2019 . 06 |
14 | 鍾瑋敏(Wei-Min Chung)、何彥秉(Yen-Ping Ho)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、戴元昌、陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)*、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)*,Increase Paclitaxel Sensitivity to Better Suppress Serous Epithelial Ovarian Cancer via Ablating Androgen Receptor/Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-ABCG2 Axis,Cancers,2019 Apr,11():463 | 2019 . 04 |
15 | 張雅琁(Ya-Sian Chang)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、柯道維(Tao-Wei Ke)、張傑閔(Chieh-Min Chang)、劉鼎元(Ting-Yuan Liu)、陳郁佳(Yu-Chia Chen)、趙代勝(Dy-San Chao)、黃熙淵(Hsi-Yuan Huang)、張建國(Jan-Gowth Chang)*,Correlation of genomic alterations between tumor tissue and circulating tumor DNA by next-generation sequencing,JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY,2018 Sep,/(/):1-9 | 2018 . 09 |
16 | 陳尚文(Shang-Wen Chen)、沈偉誌(Wei-Chih Shen)、謝德鈞(Te-Chun Hsieh)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、顏國揚(Kuo-Yang Yen)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Textural features of cervical cancers on FDG-PET/CT associate with survival and local relapse in patients treated with definitive chemoradiotherapy.,Scientific Reports,2018 Aug,8(1):11859 | 2018 . 08 |
17 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、陳泰昌(Tai-Chang Chen)、邱繡河(Shiow-Her Chiou)*、周寬基(Kuan-Chih Chow)*、林智一(Tze-Yi Lin)、(Chieh-Sen Chuang)、(Shu-Hui Lin)、巫康熙(Kang-Hsi Wu)、(Shulhn-Der Wang),Prenatal enterovirus 71 infection and its correlation with pediatric autistic patients – a possibility of non-genetic cause and the potential treatment target,Neuropsychiatry,2018 Aug,8(6):1940-1948 | 2018 . 08 |
18 | 張維君(Chang, Wei-Chun)、鄭維中(Cheng, Wei-Chung)、(Bi-Hua Cheng)、陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen)、(Li-Jing Ju)、(Yu-Jer Ou)、鄭隆賓(Jeng, Long-Bin)、楊美都(Yang, Mei-Due)、洪耀欽(Hung, Yao-Ching)*、馬文隆(Ma, Wen-Lung)*,Mitochondrial Acetyl-CoA Synthetase 3 is Biosignature of Gastric Cancer Progression,Cancer Medicine,2018 Aug,7(8):3743-3754 | 2018 . 08 |
19 | 陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen)、鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、何彥秉、鄭碧華、王中林、(Qifeng Tang)、鄭維中(Wei-Chung Cheng)、張慧雯(Hui-Wen Chang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)*、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)*,Short androgen receptor poly-glutamine-promoted endometrial cancer is associated with benzo[a]pyrene-mediated aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE,2018 Jan,(): | 2018 . 01 |
20 | 申斯靜(Shen, Szu-Ching)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、龔佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、楊文惠(Yang, Wen-Hui)、王悅馨(Yueh-Hsin Wang)、蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)*,Factors involved in the delay of treatment initiation for cervical cancer patients: A nationwide population-based study,MEDICINE,2016 Aug,95(33):e4568-e4568 | 2016 . 08 |
21 | (Udesh Dhawan)、王思孟(Ssu-Meng Wang)、朱英豪(Ying Hao Chu)、黃國華(Guewha S Huang)、林晏任(Yan Ren Lin)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)*、陳文亮(Wen Liang Chen)*,Nanochips of Tantalum Oxide Nanodots as artificial-microenvironments for monitoring Ovarian cancer progressiveness,Scientific Reports,2016 Aug,6(31998): | 2016 . 08 |
22 | 王鵬惠(Peng-Hui Wang)、孫序東(Hsu-Dong Sun)、林 浩(Hao Lin)、王功亮(Kung-Liahng Wang,)、劉文雄(Wen-Shiung Liou)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、江盈澄(Ying-Cheng Chiang)、呂建興(Chien-Hsing Lu)、賴鴻政(Hung-Cheng Lai)、張廷彰(Ting-Chang Chang)*,Outcome of patients with recurrent adult-type granulosa cell tumors – A Taiwanese Gynecologic Oncology Group Study,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2015 Jun,54(-):253-259 | 2015 . 06 |
23 | 陳子健(Tze Chien Chen)、黃惠貞(Huei Jean Huang)、王道遠(Tao Yeuan Wang)、鄭雅敏(Ya Min Cheng)、劉文雄(Wen Hsiung Liou)、許世典(Shih Tien Hsu)、(Wen-Hsiung Liou)、賴鴻政(Hung Cheng Lai)、張廷彰(Ting Chang Chang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Hung-Cheng Lai)、(Chih-Ming Ho)、(Ting-Chang Chang)*,Primary surgery versus primary radiation therapy for FIGO stages I-II small cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix: A retrospective Taiwanese Gynecologic Oncology Group study,Gynecologic Oncology,2015 Jun,137(3):468-473 | 2015 . 06 |
24 | 蔡孟勳(Meng-Hsiun Tsai)、陳牧言(Mu-Yen Chen)*、黃國華(Steve G. Huang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Hsin-Chieh Wang),A bio-inspired computing model for ovarian carcinoma classification and oncogene detection,BIOINFORMATICS,2015 Apr,31(7):1102-1110 | 2015 . 04 |
25 | 劉芝谷(Liu, Chih Ku;)、蔡青倍(Tsai, Ching Pei)、周明明(Chou, Min Min)、(Shen, Pao Sheng)、陳進典(Chen, Gin Den)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、洪滿榮(Hung, Man Jung.)*,A comparative study of laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy and total vaginal mesh procedure using lightweight polypropylene meshes for prolapse repair,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2014 Dec,53(4):552-558 | 2014 . 12 |
26 | 賴鴻政(Hung-Cheng Lai)*、歐育哲(Yu-Che Ou)、陳子健(Tze-Chien CHEN)、黃慧君(Huei-Jean Huang)、鄭雅敏(Ya-Min Cheng)、(Chi-Hau Chen)、朱堂元(Tang-Yuan Chu)、許世典(Shih-Tien Hsu)、劉正彬(Cheng-Bin Liu)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、武國璋(Kuo-Chang Wen)、余慕賢(Mu-Hsien Yu)、王功亮(Kung-Liahng Wang)*,PAX1/SOX1 DNA methylation and cervical neoplasia detection: a Taiwanese Gynecologic Oncology Group(TGOG)study,Cancer Medicine,2014 Aug,3(4):1062-1074 | 2014 . 08 |
27 | 鍾瑋敏(Wei-Min Chung)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen)、林智一(Tze-Yi Lin)、陳良琦(Liang-Chi Chen)、洪耀欽(Hung, Yao-Ching)*、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)*,Ligand-independent Androgen Receptors Promote Ovarian Teratocarcinoma Cell Growth by Stimulating Self-Renewal of Cancer Stem/Progenitor Cells.,Stem Cell Research,2014 Jul,13(1):24-35 | 2014 . 07 |
28 | 梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、陳尚文(Shang-Wen Chen)*、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang),Low-Dose, Prophylactic, Extended-Field,Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy Plus Concurrent Weekly Cisplatin for Patients With Stage IB2-IIIB Cervical Cancer, Positive Pelvic Lymph Nodes, and Negative Para-aortic Lymph Nodes,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER,2014 Jun,24(5):901-907 | 2014 . 06 |
29 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen)、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、吳鈴鈺、鍾瑋敏(Wei-Min Chung)、林智一(Tze-Yi Lin)、陳良琦(Liang-Chi Chen)、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)*,Non-genomic Estrogen/Estrogen Receptor α Promotes Cellular Malignancy of Immature Ovarian Teratoma in vitro,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY,2014 Jun,229(6):752-761 | 2014 . 06 |
30 | 鍾瑋敏(Wei-Min Chung)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen)、林智一(Tze-Yi Lin)、陳良琦(Liang-Chi Chen)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)*、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)*,Ligand-independent Androgen Receptors Promote Ovarian Teratocarcinoma Cell Growth by Stimulating Self-Renewal of Cancer Stem/Progenitor Cells,Stem Cell Research,2014 Apr,13():24-35 | 2014 . 04 |
31 | 呂建興(Chien-Hsing Lu)、(I-hui Chen)、陳怡仁(Yi-Jen Chen)、王功亮(Kung-Liahng Wang)、邱健泰(Jian-Tai Timothy Qiu)、林 浩(Hao Lin)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、劉文雄(Wen-Shiung Liou)、(Yu-Fang Huang)、(Yue-Shan Lin)、(Yi-Torng Tee)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)*,Primary Treatment and Prognostic Factors of Carcinosarcoma of the Ovary, Fallopian Tube, and Peritoneum: A Taiwanese Gynecologic Oncology Group Study,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER,2014 Mar,24(3):506-512 | 2014 . 03 |
32 | 陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)、黃馨靚(Hsin-Ching Huang)、鍾瑋敏(Wei-Min Chung)、石志榮(Chih-Rong, Shyr)、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)*,Androgen receptor increases CD133 expression and progenitor-like population that associate with cisplatin-resistance in endometrial cancer cell line,Reproductive Sciences,2014 ,21(3):386-394 | 2014 . |
33 | 鍾瑋敏(Wei-Min Chung)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen)、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、石志榮(Chih-Rong, Shyr)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)*、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)*,MicroRNA-21 promotes ovarian teratocarcinoma PA1 cell line by sustaining cancer stem/progenitor populations in vitro,Stem Cell Research & Therapy,2013 Jul,4(88): | 2013 . 07 |
34 | 翁嘉穗(Chia-Sui Weng)、(Min-Yu Chen)、(Tao-Yeuan Wang)、(Hsiao-Wen Tsai)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Ken-Jen Yu)、(Ying-Cheng Chiang)、(Hao Lin)、(Chien-Hsing Lu)、周宏學(Hung-Hsueh Chou)*,SertolieLeydig cell tumors of the ovary: A Taiwanese Gynecologic Oncology Group study,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2013 Mar,52(1):66-70 | 2013 . 03 |
35 | 陳尚文(Shang-Wen Chen)*、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、簡君儒(Chun-Ru Chien),Does initial 45Gy of pelvic intensity-modulated radiotherapy reduce late complications in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer? A cohort control study using definitive chemoradiotherapy with high-dose rate brachytherapy,Radiology and Oncology,2013 Mar,47(2):176-184 | 2013 . 03 |
36 | 潘敘安(Hsu-An Pan)、梁嘉佑(Jia-You Liang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、李佳慧(Chia-Hui Lee)、邱俊誠(Jin-Chern Chiou)、黃國華(G. Steven Huang)*,The spatial and temporal control of cell migration by nanoporous surfaces through the regulation of ERK and integrins in fibroblasts.,BIOMATERIALS,2013 Jan,34(4):841-853 | 2013 . 01 |
37 | 潘敘安(Hsu-An Pan)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、陳欣宏(Hsin-Hung Chen)、黃國華(G Steven Huang)*,Nanosurface design of dental implants for improved cell growth and function,NANOTECHNOLOGY,2012 Aug,23(33):335703-335703 | 2012 . 08 |
38 | Mohammed Moh(Mohammed Mohiuddin)、潘敘安(Hsu-An Pan)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、黃國華(Guewha Steven Huang)*,Control of growth and inflammatory response of macrophages and foam cells with nanotopography,Nanoscale Research Letters,2012 Jul,7(1):394-402 | 2012 . 07 |
39 | 馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)、徐正龍(Cheng-Lung Hsu)、葉俊杰(Chun-Chieh Yeh)、吳明恆(Ming-Heng Wu)、黃瓊葵、鄭隆賓(Long-Bin Jeng)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、林智一(Tze-Yi Lin)、葉淑媛(Shuyuan Yeh)、張傳祥(Chawnshang Chang)*,Hepatic androgen receptor suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis through modulation of cell migration and anoikis.,HEPATOLOGY,2012 Jul,56(1):176-185 | 2012 . 07 |
40 | 陳昱勳(Yu-Shiun Chen)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、洪孟燕(Meng-Yeng Hong)、A. A. Oischu(Andrei Aksandrovich Oischuk)、I. Sorokina(Irina V.Sorokina,)、T. Tolstikov(Tatiana Tolstikova,)、黃國華(G steve, Huang)*,Control of In Vivo Transport and Toxicity of Nanoparticles by Tea Melanin,Journal of Nanomaterials,2012 May,2012(746960):1-11 | 2012 . 05 |
41 | 黃則立(Tseh-Lee Hwang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)*、張慧雯(Hui-Wen Chang)*,Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Bartholin’s Gland,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2012 Mar,51(1):119-120 | 2012 . 03 |
42 | 孫序東(Hsu-Dong Sun)、林 浩(Hao Lin)、(Mei-Shan Jao)、王功亮;(Kung-Liahng Wang)、劉文雄;(Wen-Shiung Liou)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、江盈澄(Ying-Cheng Chiang)、呂建興;(Chien-Hsing Lu)、賴鴻政;(Hung Cheng Lai)、余慕賢(Mu-Hsien Yu)*,A long-term follow-up study of 176 cases with adult-type ovarian granulosa cell tumors,Gynecologic Oncology,2012 Feb,124(2):244-249 | 2012 . 02 |
43 | 潘敘安(Hsu-An Pan)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、隨玉蘋(Yu-Ping Suia)*、黃國華(G. Steve Huang),Topographic control of the growth and function of cardiomyoblast H9c2 cells using nanodot arrays,BIOMATERIALS,2012 Jan,33(1):20-28 | 2012 . 01 |
44 | 張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、謝卿宏(Ching-Hung Hsieh)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、吳維倩(Wei-Chien Wu)*,An analysis of risk factors for postoperative pelvic cellulitis after laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2011 Dec,50(4):463-467 | 2011 . 12 |
45 | 張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、巫康熙(Kang-Hsi Wu)、林智一(Tze-Yi Lin)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)*,Vulvar yolk sac tumor mixed with embryonal carcinoma in a peri-pubertal girl: A case report,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2011 Dec,50(4):503-505 | 2011 . 12 |
46 | 陳泰昌(TAI-CHANG CHEN)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、林智一(Tze-Yi Lin)、張慧雯(Hui-Wen Chang)、江宜平(I-Ping Chiang)、周寛基(KUAN-CHIH CHOW)*,Human papillomavirus infection and expression of the ATPase family, AAA domain containing 3A, a novel anti-autophagy factor, in uterine cervical cancer,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE,2011 Nov,28(5):689-696 | 2011 . 11 |
47 | 黃莉佳(Li-Chia Huang)、葉哲全(Je-Chiuan Ye)、謝卿宏(Ching-Hung Hsieh)、陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen)、林智一(Tze-Yi Lin)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)*,PTEN,tau-AP-3,thymidylate synthase immunohistochemistry scoring expression in patients with uterine leiomyomas, uterine smooth muscle tumors of uncertain malignancy potential and uterine leiomyosarcoma,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GYNAECOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY,2011 Sep,32(5):496-499 | 2011 . 09 |
48 | 張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、蕭明文(Meen-Woon Hsiao)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉哲全(Je-Chiuan Ye)*,The analysis of eugenol from the essential oil of Eugenia caryophyllata by HPLC and against the proliferation of cervical cancer cells,Journal of Medicinal Plants Research,2011 Apr,5(7):1121-1127 | 2011 . 04 |
49 | 陳慧毅(Huey-Yi Chen)*、何銘(Ming- Ho)、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi),Risk factors for surgical failure after posterior intravaginal slingplasty: a case series,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS GYNECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY,2011 Mar,155(1):106-109 | 2011 . 03 |
50 | 沈煌彬(Huang-Pin Shen)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、謝卿宏(Ching-Hung Hsieh)、楊東川(Tung-Chuan Yang)*、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung),Vulvar Tuberculosis - A case Report,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2011 Mar,50(1):106-108 | 2011 . 03 |
51 | 黃莉佳(Li-Chia Huang)*、何銘(Ming- Ho)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、陳慧毅(Huey-Yi Chen)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、邱燦宏(Tsan-Hung Chiu),Prenatal diagnosis of fetal hepatoblastoma with a good neonatal outcome: case report and narrative literature review,PEDIATRIC HEMATOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY,2011 Jan,28(2):150-154 | 2011 . 01 |
52 | 張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、謝卿宏(Ching-Hung Hsieh)、蕭明文(Meen-Woon Hsiao)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉哲全(Je-Chiuan Ye)*,Caffeic acid induces apoptosis in human cervical cancer cells through the mitochondrial pathway,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2010 Dec,49(4):419-424 | 2010 . 12 |
53 | 陳昱勳(Yu-Shiun Chen)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、林立偉(Li-Wei Lin)、廖奕翰(Ian Liau)、洪孟燕(Meng-Yeng Hong)、黃國華(G. Steve Huang)*,Size-dependent impairment of cognition in mice caused by the injection of gold nanoparticles,NANOTECHNOLOGY,2010 Nov,(): | 2010 . 11 |
54 | 陳昱勳(Yu-Shiun Chen)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Jin-Chern Chiou)、王惠亮(Huei-Liang Wang)、黃宏書(Hung-Shu Huang)、黃莉佳(Li-Chia Huang)、黃國華(G. Steven Huang)*,Ultra-sensitive detection of cymbidium mosaic potexvirus using a single-wall carbon nanotube-functionalized quartz crystal microbalance,JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,2010 Oct,49(10):105103-1-105103-5 | 2010 . 10 |
55 | 吳維倩(Wei-Chien Wu)、賴靜怡(Ching-I Lai)、黃莉佳(Li-Chia Huang)、邱燦宏(Tsan-Hung Chiu)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)*,Normal-sized ovarian papillary serous carcinoma: a case report,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GYNAECOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY,2010 Oct,31(5):567-569 | 2010 . 10 |
56 | 陳尚文(Shang-Wen Chen)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、楊世能(Shih-Neng Yang)、林芳仁,Late toxicities in concurrent chemoradiotherapy using HDR intracavitary brachytherapy plus weekly cisplatin for locally advanced cervical cancer: a historical cohort comparison against two previous different treatment schemes,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GYNAECOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY,2010 Oct,31(5):504-509 | 2010 . 10 |
57 | 吳哲全(Je-Chiuan Ye)、蕭明文(Meen-Woon Hsiao)、謝卿宏(Ching-Hung Hsieh)、吳維倩(Wei-Chien Wu)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)*,Analysis of Caffeic Acid Extraction From Ocimum Gratissimum Linn by HPLC and its Effects on a Cervical Cancer Cell Line,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2010 Sep,49(3):266-271 | 2010 . 09 |
58 | 吳明恆(MIng Heng Wu)、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)、徐正龍、陳玉玲(Yuh-Ling Chen)、(Jing-Hsiung James Ou)、(Charlotte Kathryn Ryan)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉淑媛(Shuyuan Yeh)、張傳祥*,Androgen Receptor Promotes Hepatitis B Virus–Induced Hepatocarcinogenesis Through Modulation of Hepatitis B Virus RNA Transcription,Science Translational Medicine,2010 May,2(32):32-35 | 2010 . 05 |
59 | 張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、張永昌(Yung-Tsang Chang)、簡淑錦(Shu-Chin Chien)、喻石生(Shyr-Shen Yu)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)*,Factors associated with operative hysteroscopy outcome in patients with uterine adhesions or submucosal myomas,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS,2010 May,109(00):125-127 | 2010 . 05 |
60 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、陳昱勳(Yu-Shiun Chen,)、林韋旭(Wei-Hsu Lin)、黃國華(G. Steven Huang.)*,Assessment of gold nanoparticles as a size-dependent vaccine carrier for enhancing the antibody response against synthetic foot-and-mouth disease virus peptide,NANOTECHNOLOGY,2010 May,14(21):195101-195108 | 2010 . 05 |
61 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、潘敘安(Hsu-An Pan)、戴世明(Shih-Ming Tai,)、黃國華(G. Steve Huang*)*,A nanodevice for rapid modulation of proliferation, apoptosis, invasive ability, and cytoskeletal reorganization in cultured cells,LAB ON A CHIP,2010 May,10(): | 2010 . 05 |
62 | 施兆蘭(Chao-Lan Shih)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、陳持平(Chih-Ping Chen)、簡淑錦(Shu-Chin Chien)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)*,RESECTOSCOPIC EXCISION OF THE VAGINAL SEPTUM IN A VIRGIN WITH UTERUS DIDELPHYS AND OBSTRUCTED UNILATERAL VAGINA,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2010 Mar,49(1):109-111 | 2010 . 03 |
63 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、李佳慧(Jia-Huey Lee)、陳煌孟(Huang-Meng Chen)、黃國華(G. Steve Huang)*,Effects of static magnetic fields on the development and aging of Caenorhabditis elegans,JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY,2010 Mar,213(3):2079-2085 | 2010 . 03 |
64 | 陳尚文(Shang-Wen Chen)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、蕭安成(Shiau, An-Chang)、游浚彥(Chun-Yen Yu)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、楊世能(Shih-Neng Yang)、林芳仁,Lack of the Dose-Rate Effect of 192Ir Source Activity on PelvicControl and Late Complications After High-Dose-RateBrachytherapy for Cervical Cancer,JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH,2010 Feb,51(2):173-179 | 2010 . 02 |
65 | 陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen)、(Ruey-Sheng Wang)、(Yi-Fen Lee,)、(Ning-Chun Liu)、(Yu-Jia Chang)、(Cheng-Chia Wu)、(Shaozhen Xie)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、張傳祥*,Subfertility with Defective Folliculogenesis in Female Mice Lacking TR4 Orphan Nuclear Receptor,MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY,2010 Jan,22(4):858-867 | 2010 . 01 |
66 | 吳維倩(Wei-Chien Wu)、(Ching-Hung Hsieh)、黃莉佳(Li-Chia Huang)、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)*,SURGICAL BLOOD LOSS AND LAPAROSCOPIC-ASSISTED VAGINAL HYSTERECTOMY,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2009 Dec,48(4):400-402 | 2009 . 12 |
67 | 陳尚文(Shang-Wen Chen)*、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、楊世能(Shih-Neng Yang)、林芳仁,Geometrical Sparing Factors for the Rectum and Bladder in the Prediction of Grade 2 and Higher Complications After High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS,2009 Dec,75(5):1335-1342 | 2009 . 12 |
68 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、潘敘安(Hsu-An Pan,)、蘇嘉偉(Chia-Wei Su,)、戴世明(Shih-Ming Tai,)、陳俊勳(Chiun-Hsun Chen,)、柯富祥(Fu-Hsiang Ko)、黃國華(G. Steven Huang)*,A Nanodot Array Modulates Cell Adhesion and Induces an Apoptosis-Like Abnormality in NIH-3T3 Cells.,Nanoscale Research Letters,2009 Aug,4():903-912 | 2009 . 08 |
69 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、陳昱勳(Yu-Shiun Chen,)、(Ian Liau,)、黃國華(G. Steven Huang.)*,Assessment of The in vivo Toxicity of Gold Nanoparticles.,Nanoscale Research Letters,2009 Aug,4():858-864 | 2009 . 08 |
70 | 陳慧毅(Huey-Yi Chen)*、邱燦宏(Tsan-Hung Chiu)、何銘(Ming- Ho)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung),Analysis of risk factors associated with surgical failure of sacrospinous suspension for uterine or vaginal vault prolapse.,INTERNATIONAL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURNAL,2009 Apr,20(4):387-391 | 2009 . 04 |
71 | 蔡孟勳(Meng-Hsiun Tsai)、黃國華(Steve G. Huang)、(Shyh-Chang Tsau)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Sheng-Hsiung Chiu)、(Chi-Wei Wang)*,CLINICAL GENOMICS IDENTIFIES THE EXPRESSION OF HUMAN OVARIAN CARCINOMA,International Journal of Gerontology,2009 Jan,3(3):163-169 | 2009 . 01 |
72 | 吳維倩(Wei-Chien Wu)、(Meen-Woon Hsiao)、(Je-Chiuan Ye)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)*,Malignant transformation of extragonadal endometriosis: a case report,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GYNAECOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY,2009 Jan,XXX(5):563-565 | 2009 . 01 |
73 | 張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、李孟智(Meng-Chih Lee)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、林隆堯(Long-Yau Lin)*,Quality-initiated prophylactic antibiotic use in laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy,AUSTRALIAN & NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY,2008 Dec,(48):592-595 | 2008 . 12 |
74 | 梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、陳尚文(Shang-Wen Chen)*、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、楊世能(Shih-Neng Yang)、林芳仁,Risk Stratification for Failure in Patients with Advanced Cervical Cancer after Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy: Another Way to Optimise Treatment Results,CLINICAL ONCOLOGY,2008 Nov,20(9):683-690 | 2008 . 11 |
75 | 陳昱勳(Yu-Shiun Chen)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、陳高 超(Kaochao Chen)、黃國華(Guewha Steven Huan)*,Detection of gold nanoparticles using an immunoglobulin-coated piezoelectri Sensor.,NANOTECHNOLOGY,2008 Nov,(): | 2008 . 11 |
76 | 陳尚文(Shang-Wen Chen)*、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、楊世能(Shih-Neng Yang)、林芳仁,The clinical implications of elevated pretreatment carcinoembryonic antigen in patients with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix,TUMOR BIOLOGY,2008 Sep,29(4):255-261 | 2008 . 09 |
77 | 陳慧毅(Huey-Yi Chen)*、何銘(Ming- Ho)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、黃莉佳(Li-Chia Huang),Analysis of risk factors associated with vaginal erosion after synthetic sling procedure for stress urinary incontinence.,INTERNATIONAL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURNAL,2008 Jan,19(00):117-121 | 2008 . 01 |
78 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、黃國華(Guewha Steven Huang)*、(Vasyl M. Sava,)、(Svetlana Y. Makan)、洪孟燕(Meng-Yen Hong),Camellia sinensis Tea Melanin Suppresses Transformation of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor and Prevents Against Dioxin-induced Toxicity in Mice.,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2008 ,43(): | 2008 . |
79 | 黃莉佳(Li-Chia Huang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen)、邱燦宏(Tsan-Hung Chiu)、何銘(Ming- Ho)*,Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Prenatal Diagnosis: An Adjunct Diagnostic Tool,中台灣醫學科學雜誌,2007 Dec,12(4):198-202 | 2007 . 12 |
80 | 張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、何銘(Ming- Ho)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)*,Comparison of a new modified laparoscopic presacral neurectomy and convential laparoscopic neurectomy in the treatment of midline dysmenorrhea,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS,2007 Oct,1(99):28-32 | 2007 . 10 |
81 | 蔡孟勳(Tsai MH)、黃國華(Huang GS)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、劉 斌(Bin L)、(Liao LT)、林立偉(Lin LW)*,Psoralea corylifolia Extract Ameliorates Experimental Osteoporosis in Ovariectomized Rats.,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE,2007 Oct,35(4):669-680 | 2007 . 10 |
82 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、黃國華(G. Steven Huang)*、林立偉(Li-Wei Lin)、洪孟燕(Meng-Yen Hong)、史佩珊(Pei-San Se),Thea sinensis melanin prevents cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in mice,FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY,2007 Jul,45(7):1123-1130 | 2007 . 07 |
83 | 張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)*、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、沈煌彬(Huang-Ping Shen)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao),Choriocarcinoma with pulmonary metastasis,JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE,2007 May,52(5):450-452 | 2007 . 05 |
84 | 林安琪(An-Chi Lin)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、黃莉佳(Li-Chia Huang)、邱燦宏(Tsan-Hung Chiu)、何銘(Ming- Ho)*,Successful treatment of uterine arteriovenous malformation with percutaneous embolization,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2007 May,46(1):60-63 | 2007 . 05 |
85 | 陳尚文(Chen,Shang-Wen)*、梁基安(Liang,Ji-An)、洪耀欽、葉聯舜(Yen,Lian-Shung)、張維君(Chang,Wei-Chun)、林武周、楊世能、林芳仁(Lin,Fang-Jen),Concurrent weekly cisplatin plus external beam radiotherapy and high-dose rate brachytherapy for advanced cervical cancer: a control cohort comparison with radiation alone on treatment outcome and complications,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS,2006 Dec,66(5):1370-1377 | 2006 . 12 |
86 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、黃國華*、(Vasyl Mykhailovych SAVA)、(Vyacheslav Andreevy BLAGODARSKY)、洪孟燕(Meng-Yen HONG),Protective Effects of Tea Melanin Against 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin-Induced Toxicity: Antioxidant Activity and Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Suppressive Effect,BIOLOGICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN,2006 Nov,29(11):2284-2291 | 2006 . 11 |
87 | 陳慧毅(Huey-Yi Chen)、黃育仁(Yu-Len Huang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、陳汶吉(Chen Wen-Chi),Evaluation of stress urinary incontinence by computer-aided vector-based perineal ultrasound.,ACTA OBSTETRICIA ET GYNECOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA,2006 Oct,85(10):1259-1264 | 2006 . 10 |
88 | 陳慧毅(Huey-Yi Chen)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、楊東川(Tung-Chuan Yang)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)*,A scored storage symptoms questionnaire to screen urodynamic stress incontinence in women with overactive bladder.,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2006 Sep,11(00):222-229 | 2006 . 09 |
89 | 黃意惇(Huang,Yi-Duen)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、江宜平(I-Ping Chiang)、曾冠欽、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)*,Synchronous ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinoma and endocervical mucinous adenocarcinoma,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2006 Sep,45(3):264-267 | 2006 . 09 |
90 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、植田政嗣(Masatsugu Ueda)、陳進堂(Jin-Tang Chen)、邱繡河(Shiow-Her Chiou)、黃璇華、林智一(Tze-Yi Lin)、寺井義人(Yoshito Terai)、周寬基(Kuan-Chih Chow)*,Infection of human papillomavirus and overexpression of dihydrodiol dehydrogenase in uterine cervical cancer.,Gynecologic Oncology,2006 Aug,102(2):173-181 | 2006 . 08 |
91 | 張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung),Pelvic adhesions and laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy.,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS,2006 Aug,94(2):145-146 | 2006 . 08 |
92 | 吳翠華(Tsui-Hua Wu)、黃莉佳(Li-Chia Huang)、何銘(Ming- Ho)、李建忠(Chien-Chung Lee)、邱燦宏(Tsan-Hung Chiu)*、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung),Fetal atrial flutter: a case report and experience of sotalol treatment,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2006 Mar,45(1):79-82 | 2006 . 03 |
93 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、洪孟燕(MY Hong,)、黃國華(GS Huang*)*,Cholesterol loading augments oxidative stress in macrophages,FEBS LETTERS,2006 Feb,580(3):849-861 | 2006 . 02 |
94 | 植田政嗣(M. UEDA,)*、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、寺井義人(Y. TERA)、(Saito J)、(Nunobiki O)、(Noda S)、植木 實(M. UEKI),HER-2 codon 655 polymorphism in cervical carcinogenesis.,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER,2006 Jan,16(1):325-328 | 2006 . 01 |
95 | 植田政嗣(M Ueda)*、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、寺井義人(Y. Terai)、(H. Yamaguchi)、(J. Saito)、(O. Nunobiki)、(S. Noda)、植木 實(M. Ueki),Fas gene promoter −670 polymorphism (A/G) is associated with cervical carcinogenesis,Gynecologic Oncology,2005 Jul,98(1):129-133 | 2005 . 07 |
96 | 張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、李采娟(Tsai-Chung Li)、楊東川(Tung-Chuan Yang)、陳慧毅(Huey-Yi Chen)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin),Short course of prophylactic antibiotics in laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy.,JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE,2005 Jul,50(7):524-528 | 2005 . 07 |
97 | 植田政嗣(Masatsugu Ueda)*、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、寺井義人(Yoshito Terai)、(Koji Kanda)、(Masanori Kanemura)、(Hikari Futakuchi)、(Hiroyuki Yamaguchi)、(Daisuke Akise)、(Masayuki Yasuda)、植木 實(Minoru Ueki),Vascular endothelial growth factor-C expression and invasive phenotype,CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH,2005 May,11(9):3225-3232 | 2005 . 05 |
98 | 植田政嗣(Masatsugu Ueda)*、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、寺井義人(Yoshito Terai)、(Junko Saito)、(Osamu Nunobiki)、(Sadamu Noda)、植木 實(Minoru Ueki),Glutathione-S-transferase and p53 polymorphisms in cervical carcinogenesis.,Gynecologic Oncology,2005 Mar,96(3):736-740 | 2005 . 03 |
99 | 黃莉佳(Li-Chia Huang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、何銘(Ming Ho)*,Meckels diverticulum induced meconium peritonitis in a twin pregnancy,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2005 ,10(4):218-221 | 2005 . |
100 | (Takehara, M.)、植田政嗣(Ueda, M.*)*、(Yamashita, Y.)、寺井義人(Terai, Y.)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、植木 實(Ueki, M.),Vascular endothelial Growth Factor A and C Gene Expression in Endometriosis.,HUMAN PATHOLOGY,2004 Nov,35(11):1369-1375 | 2004 . 11 |
101 | 陳尚文(Chen,Shang-Wen)*、梁基安(Liang,Ji-An)、楊世能、洪耀欽、葉聯舜(Yen,Lian-Shung)、蕭安成(An-Cheng Shiau)、林芳仁(Lin,Fang-Jen),Radiation injury to intestine following hysterectomy and adjuvant radiotherapy for cervical cancer,Gynecologic Oncology,2004 Oct,95(1):208-214 | 2004 . 10 |
102 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Sava, V. M.)、(Makan, S. Y.)、洪孟燕(Hong, M.-Y.)、黃國華(Huang, G. S.*)*,Preventive Effect of Thea sinensis Melanin against Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatic Injury in Mice.,JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2004 Aug,52(16):5284-5289 | 2004 . 08 |
103 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Sava, V.M.)、(Hong, M.Y.)、(Huang, G.S.*)*,Inhibitory effects on phospholipase A2 and antivenin activity of melanin extracted from Thea sinensis Linn,LIFE SCIENCES,2004 Mar,74(16):2037-2047 | 2004 . 03 |
104 | 張維君(Chang,Wei-Chun)、洪耀欽、林正介(Lin,Cheng-Chieh)、(沈業有)、高嘉鴻(Kao,Chia-Hung)*,Usefulness of FDG-PET to detect recurrent cervical cancer based on asymptomatically elevated tumor marker serum levels- a preliminary report,CANCER INVESTIGATION,2004 ,22(2):180-184 | 2004 . |
105 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、植田政嗣(Ueda, M.)、寺井義人(Terai, Y.)、(Yamashita, Y.)、(Kumagai, K.)、植木 健(Ueki, K.)、(Kanda, K.)、(Yamaguchi, H.)、(Akise, D.)、植木 實(Ueki, M.),Homeobox Gene Expression and Mutation in Cervical Carcinoma Cells.,CANCER SCIENCE,2003 May,94(5):437-441 | 2003 . 05 |
106 | (Sava, V.M.)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Blagodarsky, V.A.)、洪孟燕(Hong, M.Y.)、黃國華(Huang, G.S.*)*,The Liver-protecting Activity of Melanin-like Pigment Derived From Black Tea.,FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2003 May,36(5):505-511 | 2003 . 05 |
107 | 林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*、(Yen, R.F.)、(Shen, Y.Y.),Usefulness of 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography to Detect Para-aortic Lymph Nodal Metastasis in Advanced Cervical Cancer With Negative Computed Tomography Findings.,Gynecologic Oncology,2003 Apr,89(1):73-76 | 2003 . 04 |
108 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Sava,V.M.)、(Blagodarsky,V.A.)、洪孟燕(Hong,M.Y.)、黃國華(Huang,G.S.*)*,Protection of Tea Melanin on Hydrazine-Induced Liver Injury.,LIFE SCIENCES,2003 Jan,72(9):1061-1071 | 2003 . 01 |
109 | (Lian-Shung Yeh)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、李正淳(Cheng-Chun Lee),Tissue Polypeptide Specific Antigen (TPS) and Carbohydrate Antigen 125 (CA-125) in the Early Prediction of Recurrent Ovarian Cancer.,ANTICANCER RESEARCH,2002 Nov,22(6B):3669-3671 | 2002 . 11 |
110 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Shiau, Y.C.)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin),Early Predict Recurrent Cervical Cancer With Combination of Tissue Polypeptides Specific Antigen (TPS) and Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen (SCC) -- a Preliminary Report.,NEOPLASMA,2002 Nov,49(6):415-417 | 2002 . 11 |
111 | 葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Yeh-You Shen)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、李正淳(Cheng-Chun Lee),Detecting Para-Aortic Lymph Nodal Metastasis by Positron Emission Tomography of 18F-fluorodexoyglucose in Advanced Cervical Cancer with Negatvie Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings,ONCOLOGY REPORTS,2002 Nov,9(6):1289-1292 | 2002 . 11 |
112 | (Yamashita, Y.*)*、植田政嗣(Ueda, M.)、(Takehara, M.)、(Yamashita, H.)、(Suzuki, Y.)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、寺井義人(Terai, Y.)、植木 實(Ueki, M.),Influence of Severe Endometriosis on Gene Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Interleukin-6 in Granulosa Cells From Patients Undergoing Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation for in vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer.,FERTILITY AND STERILITY,2002 Oct,78(4):865-871 | 2002 . 10 |
113 | 植田政嗣(Ueda, M.*)*、(Yamashita, Y.)、(Takehara, M.)、寺井義人(Terai, Y.)、(Kumagai, K.)、植木 健(Ueki, K.)、(Kanda, K.)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、植木 實(Ueki, M.),Gene Expression of Adhesion Molecules and Matrix Metalloproteinases in Endometriosis.,GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY,2002 Oct,16(5):391-402 | 2002 . 10 |
114 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Prospective Study of Decreased Bone Mineral Density in Patients With Cervical Cancer Without Bone Metastases: a Preliminary Report.,JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY,2002 Oct,32(10):422-424 | 2002 . 10 |
115 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Sava, V.M.)、(Makan, S.Y.)、(Chen, T.H.)、洪孟燕(Hong, M.Y.)、黃國華(Huang, G.S.*)*,Antioxidant Activity of Melanins Derived From Tea: Comparison Between Different Oxidative States.,JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2002 Sep,78(9):233-240 | 2002 . 09 |
116 | 張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*、(Yen, R.F.)、(Shen, Y.Y.)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin),Usefulness of Whole Body Positron Emission Tomography (PET) With 18F-Fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) to Detect Recurrent Ovarian Cancer Based on Asymptomatically Elevated Serum Levels of Tumor Marker (CA-125 Antigen).,NEOPLASMA,2002 Sep,49(5):329-333 | 2002 . 09 |
117 | (Sava, V.M.)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Golkin, B.N.)、洪孟燕(Hong, M.Y.)、黃國華(Huang, G.S.*)*,Protective Activity of Melanin-Like Pigment Derived From Tea on Drosophila Melanogaster Against the Toxic Effects of Benzidine.,FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2002 Jul,35(7):619-626 | 2002 . 07 |
118 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Shiau YC)、張維君(Chang,Wei-Chun)、高嘉鴻(Kao,Chia-Hung)、林正介(Lin,Cheng-Chieh),Early predicting recurrent cervical cancer with combination of tissue polypeptide specific antigen(TPS),NEOPLASMA,2002 Jul,49(6):415-418 | 2002 . 07 |
119 | 植田政嗣(Ueda, M.*)*、(Yamashita, Y.)、(Takehara, M.)、寺井義人(Terai, Y.)、(Kumagai, K.)、植木 健(Ueki, K.)、(Kanda, K.)、(Yamaguchi, H.)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、植木 實(Ueki, M.),Survivin Gene Expression in Endometriosis.,JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM,2002 Jul,87(7):3452-3459 | 2002 . 07 |
120 | 植田政嗣(Ueda, M.*)*、寺井義人(Terai, Y.)、(Yamashita, Y.)、(Kumagai, K.)、植木 健(Ueki, K.)、(Yamaguchi, H.)、(Akise, D.)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、植木 實(Ueki, M.),Correlation Between Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-C Expression and Invasion Phenotype in Cervical Carcinomas.,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER,2002 Mar,98(3):335-343 | 2002 . 03 |
121 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Vasy1 M.Sava)、(Chi-Long Juang)、(Tzu-chen Yeh)、沈戊忠(Wu-Chung Shen)、(Guewha Steven Huang),Gastrointestinal enhancement of MRI with melanin derived from tea leaves(Thea sinensis Linn.),JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY,2002 Jan,79(1):75-79 | 2002 . 01 |
122 | 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、(Sava, V.M.)、(Juang, C.L.)、(Yeh, T.)、沈戊忠(Wu-Chung Shen)、黃國華(Huang, G.S.*)*,Gastrointestinal Enhancement of MRI With Melanin Derived From Tea Leaves (Thea sinensis Linn.).,JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY,2002 Jan,79(1):75-79 | 2002 . 01 |
123 | 洪耀欽、葉聯舜(Yen,Lian-Shung)、張維君(Chang,Wei-Chun)、林正介(Lin,Cheng-Chieh)、高嘉鴻(Kao,Chia-Hung),Prospective study of decreased bone mineral density in patients with cervical cancer without bone metastasis: a preliminary report.,JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY,2002 ,32(10):422-424 | 2002 . |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | Paclitaxel-Induced Androgen Receptor/Aryl-hydrcarbon Receptor-ABCG2 Activation in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Chemoresistance,17th Biennial Meeting of the International Gynecologic Cancer Society,Kyoto, Japan,2018.09.14~2018.09.16, | 2018 . 09 |
2 | 停經前婦女之子宮絨毛膜癌之個案報告,台灣婦產科醫學會107年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,高雄君鴻國際酒店,2018.03.17~2018.03.18, | 2018 . 03 |
3 | 中國附醫手術取出超級巨大重達10Kg子宮肌瘤,台灣婦產科醫學會 106年度年會暨擴大學術研討,台北圓山飯店,2017.03.18~2017.03.19, | 2017 . 03 |
4 | C/S scar endometriosis cause massive vaginal bleeding,台灣婦產科醫學會 105年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2016.03.05~2016.03.06, | 2016 . 03 |
5 | ,The 4th Biennial Meeting of Asian Society of Gynecologic Oncology,Seoul, Korea,2015.11.12~2015.11.14,The emerging roles of sex hormone receptors in ovarian cancer | 2015 . 11 |
6 | Who delayed treatment for cervical cancer under a universal health insurance program?,The 23rd International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services,Oslo, Norway,2015.06.10~2015.06.12, | 2015 . 06 |
7 | Methylation biomarkers in cervical cancer screening and prevention: Finding of Taiwanese GOG studies,The 2014 General Assembly and Annual Meeting of Asian GOG,Melbourne, Australia,2014.11.08~2014.11.08,Methylation biomarkers in cervical cancer screening and prevention: Finding of Taiwanese GOG studies | 2014 . 11 |
8 | Non-Classical Estrogen Receptor alpha Signal Promotes Ovarian Teratoma Cancer Stem and Mobility Through miRNA-21,15th Biennial Meeting of the International Gynecologic Cancer Society,Melbourne,Australia,2014.11.08~2014.11.11, | 2014 . 11 |
9 | Ligand-independent androgen receptors promote ovarian teratocarcinoma cell growth by stimulating self-renewal of cancer stem/progenitor cells,15th Biennial Meeting of the International Gynecologic Cancer Society,Melbourne,Australia,2014.11.08~2014.11.11, | 2014 . 11 |
10 | 台灣癌症個案未接受或中斷治療原因初探,台灣公共衛生學會、台灣流行病學學會、台灣事故傷害預防與安全促進學會2014年聯合會員大會暨學術研討會,成功大學,2014.10.25~2014.10.26, | 2014 . 10 |
11 | 子宮頸癌病患延遲治療之特性與相關因素及其存活,台灣公共衛生學會、台灣流行病學學會、台灣事故傷害預防與安全促進學會2014年聯合會員大會暨學術研討會,成功大學,2014.10.25~2014.10.26, | 2014 . 10 |
12 | Personal perspectives on postoperative adhesion prevention in gynecological surgery,第三屆亞洲婦癌醫學會雙年會暨第55屆日本婦癌醫學會年會,日本,京都,2013.12.13~2013.12.15,Seprafilm practical experience and techniques sharing in some key GYN-Onco Procedures | 2013 . 12 |
13 | Primary treatment and prognostic factors of carcinosarcoma of ovary, fallopian tube, and peritoneum a TGOG study,第三屆亞洲婦癌醫學會雙年會暨第55屆日本婦癌醫學會年會,日本,京都,2013.12.13~2013.12.15, | 2013 . 12 |
14 | ,2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Cell & Gene Therapy,Orlando-FL, USA,2013.10.22~2013.10.26,Sex Hormones and MicroRNA in Cancer Stem/Progenitor Cells | 2013 . 10 |
15 | Strategies for identifying novel diagnostic and therapeutic targets for epithelial ovarian cancer,國際卵巢癌最新發展研討會 International Symposium on Advances of Ovarian Cancer (ISAOC):Trend and Challenge,台北,2013.10.11~2013.10.12,Strategies for identifying novel diagnostic and therapeutic targets for epithelial ovarian cancer | 2013 . 10 |
16 | ,亞洲婦癌研究團體年會學術會議,Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong;,2013.10.15~2013.10.16,Updates in systemic treatment for metastatic cervical cancer | 2013 . 10 |
17 | ,中區婦癌學術研討會,彰濱秀傳紀念醫院,2013.05.18~2013.05.18,Reactivation of Hepatitis B and C Viruses During Anticancer Therapy | 2013 . 05 |
18 | 腹腔鏡及機械手臂協助之子宮頸癌神經保留根除手術:中國醫藥大學附設醫院經驗,台灣婦產科醫學會102年會暨擴大學屬研討會,台南大億麗緻酒店,2013.03.16~2013.03.17, | 2013 . 03 |
19 | 由子宮內膜異位症衍生之腹壁透明細胞癌:一病例報告,台灣婦產科醫學會102年會暨擴大學屬研討會,台南大億麗緻酒店,2013.03.16~2013.03.17, | 2013 . 03 |
20 | Ovarian Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising from Mature cystic teratoma: A case report,台灣婦產科醫學會102年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,大億麗緻酒店,2013.03.16~2013.03.17, | 2013 . 03 |
21 | Fibroma with Minor Sex Cord Elements: A case report,台灣婦產科醫學會101年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心(台北市徐州路2 號),2012.03.03~2012.03.04, | 2012 . 03 |
22 | 絨毛膜癌引起之產後出血之病例報告 絨毛膜癌引起之產後出血之病例報告,台灣婦產科醫學會101年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2012.03.03~2012.03.04,絨毛膜炎引起之產後出血之病例報告 | 2012 . 03 |
23 | Yolk sac tumor mixed with embryonal carcimoa of vulva: A case report,第十六屆聯合癌症年會,國防醫學院,2011.04.30~2011.05.01, | 2011 . 04 |
24 | 外陰卵黃囊瘤合併胚胎癌的病例報告,第十六屆聯合癌症年會,國防醫學院,2011.04.30~2011.05.01, | 2011 . 04 |
25 | The role of MUC4 in the development of endometriosis,台灣婦產科醫學會五十周年紀念年會暨擴大慶祝大會,高雄市漢來飯店,2011.03.12~2011.03.13,The role of MUC4 in the development of endometriosis | 2011 . 03 |
26 | ,中國醫藥大學附設醫院30週年院慶 - 婦癌新知學術研討會 (30th CMUH Anniversary Scientific Meeting- Frontiers in Gyn Oncology),台中, 台灣 (中國醫藥大學附設醫院),2010.12.19~2010.12.19,Rapid and simultaneous detection of proliferation, apoptosis, invasive ability, and cytoskeletal reorganization in gynecological cancer cells by nanodevice | 2010 . 12 |
27 | Factors asspcoated with operative hysteroscopy outcome in patients with uterine adhesions or submucosal myoams,39th AAGL global congress of minimal invasive gynecology,Las Vegas , Nevada,USA,2010.11.08~2010.11.12,Factors associated with operative hysteroscopy outcome in patients with uterine adhesions or submucosal myomas | 2010 . 11 |
28 | Laparoscopic Morcellation In-situ for Multiple Myomas and Adnesion Barrier Application,第39屆美國婦產科內視鏡醫學會年會,拉斯維加斯,2010.11.08~2010.11.12, | 2010 . 11 |
29 | Laparoscopic myomectomy with morcellation in-situ and adhesion barrier application,2010年台灣婦產科內視鏡暨微創醫學會年會,台北國際會議中心,2010.10.30~2010.10.31, | 2010 . 10 |
31 | 經子宮頸子宮內視鏡肌瘤切除手術預後評估,台灣婦產科內視鏡暨微創醫學會年會,台北國際會議中心,2010.10.30~2010.10.31, | 2010 . 10 |
32 | RAPID AND SIMULTANEOUS DETECTION OF PROLIFERATION, APOPTOSIS, INVASIVE ABILITY & CYTOSKELETAL REORGANIZATION IN GYN CA CELLS BY NANODEVICE,13th Biennial Meeting of the International Gynecologic Cancer Society,Prague, Czech Republic.,2010.10.23~2010.10.26, | 2010 . 10 |
34 | Colloidal gold impairs learning and memory of mice: size-dependency of biological effects,International Conference on Nanoscopic Colloid and Surface Science (NCSS 2010),Tokyo, Japan,2010.09.19~2010.09.22, | 2010 . 09 |
35 | Colloidal gold accelerates aging of worms: size-dependency of biological effects,International Conference on Nanoscopic Colloid and Surface Science (NCSS 2010),Tokyo, Japan,2010.09.19~2010.09.22, | 2010 . 09 |
36 | 臨床系列實證研究-以微創全子宮切除術為例,台灣實證醫學會2010學術年會,臺中榮民總醫院,2010.09.04~2010.09.04, | 2010 . 09 |
37 | Size-dependent immune properties of gold nanoparticles as a drug (vaccine) targeting carrier in nanomedicine- elicited by synthetic Foot-and-mouth disease virus peptide,26th International Papillomavirus Conference & Clinical and Public Health Workshops,Montreal, Canada,2010.07.05~2010.07.08, | 2010 . 07 |
38 | 快速且同步應用Nanodot陣列評估婦癌細胞株在生物奈米界面的增殖生長, 細胞凋亡,沾粘 侵略潛能及細胞組織架構,第15 屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會 (The 15th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference): Personalized Anti-cancer Treatment,台北榮民總醫院, 臺灣,2010.05.01~2010.05.02, | 2010 . 05 |
39 | Simultaneous detection of proliferation, apoptosis, invasive ability, and cytoskeletal organization in cancer cells by nanodot arrays device,International Symposium, 62th Annual Congress of Japan Society of Obs and Gyn (Oral Presentation),Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo International Forum),2010.04.23~2010.04.25, | 2010 . 04 |
40 | Gold nanoparticles as a drug carrier in nanomedicine,International Symposium, 62th Annual Congress of Japan Society of Obs/Gyn (Oral Poster Presentation),Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo International Forum),2010.04.23~2010.04.25, | 2010 . 04 |
41 | ,台灣婦產科醫學會99年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,台中裕元花園酒店, 台灣,2010.03.13~2010.03.14,Additional Clinical Benefits of Quadrivalent HPV L1 VLP Vaccine among More Population | 2010 . 03 |
42 | 剖腹產後子宮下段疤痕引起經期延長之門診子宮鏡診斷及治療要訣,2009年第十屆亞太婦產科內視鏡暨微創醫學研討會,台灣.台中,2009.10.14~2009.10.17, | 2009 . 10 |
43 | Assesment of the dose-rate effect of Ir 192 source activity on pelvic control and later complication after high-does-rate brachytherapy for cervical cacner,第14屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會,國防醫學院,2009.05.02~2009.05.03, | 2009 . 05 |
44 | Assessment of the dose-rate effect of 192Ir source activity on pelvic control and late complications after high-dose-rate brachytherapy for cervical cancer,14 屆癌症醫學年會,台北國防醫學院,2009.05.02~2009.05.03, | 2009 . 05 |
45 | Untypical Huge Hepatic Abscess Mimicking Ovarian Cancer: a case report,台灣婦產科醫學會98年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,台中裕元花園酒店 4F 大廳,2009.03.01~2009.03.01, | 2009 . 03 |
46 | ,台灣婦產科年會,台中 裕元花園飯店,2009.02.28~2009.03.01, | 2009 . 02 |
47 | Normal-sized ovary carcinoma syndrome: A case report,台灣婦產科醫學會98年年度暨擴大學術研討會,台中市裕元花園酒店四樓溫莎廣場,2009.02.28~2009.03.01, | 2009 . 02 |
48 | Minimal invasive surgery of the Vaginal Septum in Duplicated Uterus and Obstructed hemivagina,2009年台灣婦產科醫學會年會暨擴大學術研討會,臺灣.台中,2009.02.28~2009.03.01, | 2009 . 02 |
49 | Amniotic Fluid Embolism After Cesarean Section Rescued By Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Twenty Minutes: a case report,台灣婦產科醫學會98年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,台中裕元花園酒店 4F 大廳,2009.02.28~2009.02.28, | 2009 . 02 |
50 | ,台灣婦產科內視鏡暨微創醫學會(內視鏡入會研習班),高雄長庚醫院,2008.11.22~2008.11.22,Energy used in laparoscopy- what should we know? | 2008 . 11 |
51 | ,台灣家庭醫學醫學年會,臺中, 臺灣,2008.11.23~2008.11.23,子宮頸癌預防新趨勢 – 子宮頸癌疫苗臨床數據到接種實務 (The New Tool for Cervical Cancer Prevention – Clinical Data and Implementation of Cervical Cancer Vaccination) | 2008 . 11 |
52 | Hysteroscopic resection of the vaginal septum in duplicated uterus and obstructed hemivagina,2008年第九屆亞太內視鏡暨微創醫學研討會,韓國大邱,2008.10.09~2008.10.11, | 2008 . 10 |
53 | Hysteroscopic Resection of the Obstrective Vaginal Septum in Suplicated Uterus & Vagina,2008年第37屆美國婦產科內視鏡醫學會年會,美國拉斯維加私,2008.10.28~2008.11.01, | 2008 . 10 |
54 | Prenatal Screening of Thalassemia Disorder,4th Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine,Macau(澳門),2008.10.17~2008.10.19, | 2008 . 10 |
55 | The clinical implication of pretreatment carcinoembryonic antigen in patients with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of uterine cervix,第13屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會,國防醫學院,2008.05.03~2008.05.04, | 2008 . 05 |
56 | The Clinical Implication of Pretreatment Carcinoembryonic Antigen in Patients with Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix,第十三屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會,國防醫學院3F,2008.05.03~2008.05.04, | 2008 . 05 |
57 | Hypervascular Uterine Leiomyosarcoma with Intratumorous Bleeding,台灣婦產科醫學會97年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, | 2008 . 03 |
58 | The Pitfall of Prenatal Screeening of Thalassemia Disorder--Case Report,台灣婦產科醫學會97年年會暨學術研討會,台北,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, | 2008 . 03 |
59 | the effect of surgical blood loss on laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy,婦產科醫學會97年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,臺大醫院國際會議中心,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, | 2008 . 03 |
60 | ,台灣婦產科醫學會97年度年會暨擴大學術討會,台北, 台灣,2008.03.15~2008.03.15,Current Trend in Surgery for Endometrial Carcinoma | 2008 . 03 |
61 | modified 式薦骨前神經截斷術治療痛經成效之評估,臺灣婦產科醫學會97年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, | 2008 . 03 |
62 | The Effect of Surgical Blood Loss on Laparoscopic-Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy,台灣婦產科醫學會97年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, | 2008 . 03 |
63 | Vulva mycobacterial tuberculous infection - An unusual case,台灣婦產科醫學會97年年會暨擴大學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, | 2008 . 03 |
64 | ,台灣婦產科內視鏡暨微創醫學會第5屆第3次會員大會暨學術研討會亞太婦產科內視鏡暨微創治療醫學會2007年第區會議,台北馬偕紀念醫院福音樓9樓,2007.09.29~2007.09.30,Comparison of a new modified laparoscopic presacral neurectomy and conventional laparoscopic presacral neurectomy in the treatment of midline dysmenorrhea | 2007 . 09 |
65 | ,中區婦癌醫學會暨子宮頸癌防治研討會,台灣彰化,彰基,2007.08.15~2007.08.15,Cervical cancer screening in Taiwan-Past, Present and Fauture | 2007 . 08 |
66 | Risk stratification for distant metastasis in patients with advanced cervical cancer after concurrent chemoradiotherapy. ,第十二屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會暨第六屆海峽兩岸腫瘤學術會議,台灣台北,2007.05~ , | 2007 . 05 |
67 | 監獄戒護病房糖尿病病人血糖值偏高之改善方案,第18次護理專案發表會,台灣台北市,2006.11~ , | 2006 . 11 |
68 | Distinct Molecular Signature For Borderline Ovarian Tumors.,11th Biennial International Gynecologic Cancer Society Meeting:,USASanta Monica, LA,2006.10~ , | 2006 . 10 |
69 | Preventive Effect of Thea Sinensis Melanin Against Cisplatin-induced Nephrotoxicity in Mice.,11th Biennial International Gynecologic Cancer Society Meeting,USASanta Monica, LA,2006.10~ , | 2006 . 10 |
70 | Molecular Signature of Human Papillomavirus Type 58-Infected Cervical carcinoma; Alternative Pathways For Favorable Prognosis.,23rd International Papillomavirus Conference and Clinical Workshop,Czech RepublicPrague,2006.09~ , | 2006 . 09 |
71 | Consideration of Maximum Anchorage,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道,2006.09~ , | 2006 . 09 |
72 | 子宮頸癌預防新趨勢– 子宮頸癌疫苗的發展,台中市醫師公會,臺灣臺中,2006.09~ , | 2006 . 09 |
73 | Schedule effect and laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy,The limits of endoscopic surgery---- an AGES meeting in assocation with APAGE,澳洲,2006.08.18~2006.08.19, | 2006 . 08 |
74 | Concurrent weekly cisplatin and radiotherapy for advanced cervical cancer: A preliminary report on treatment outcome and complications,The 11th Taiwan joint cancer conference,台灣台北,2006.05~ , | 2006 . 05 |
75 | Magnetic resonance imaging in prental diagnosis---an adjunct diagnostic tool,第13屆產前診斷和治療國際性會議,日本京都,2006.05~ , | 2006 . 05 |
76 | Preventive Effect of Thea sinensis Melanin Against Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Mice.,第11屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會 (The 11th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference),臺灣臺北,2006.05~ , | 2006 . 05 |
77 | Distinct Molecular Signature for Borderline Ovarian Tumors.,第11屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會 (The 11th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference),臺灣臺北,2006.05~ , | 2006 . 05 |
78 | Distinct Molecular Signature for Borderline Ovarian Tumors,,nternational Symposium, 58th Annual Congress of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology:,Japan,Yokohama,2006.04~ , | 2006 . 04 |
79 | Meckels Diverticulum induced Meconium Peritonitis in a Twin pregnancy,台灣婦產科醫學會2006年年會暨學術研討會,台灣台北,2006.04~ , | 2006 . 04 |
80 | Preventive Effect of Thea sinensis Melanin Against Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Mice,International Symposium, 58th Annual Congress of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology,JapanYokohama,2006.04~ , | 2006 . 04 |
81 | A More Effective and Safe Method in Pelvic Relaxation Surgery.,台灣婦產科醫學會95年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,臺灣臺南 ,2006.03~ , | 2006 . 03 |
82 | Inside-out transobturator vaginal tape ( TVT-O) in treatment for urodynamic stress incontinence associated with risk factors of surgical failure,95年度婦產科醫學會年會暨擴大學術研討會,台灣台南,2006.03~ , | 2006 . 03 |
83 | Adenoid basal carcinoma of the uterine cervix: two cases report and literature review,台灣婦產科醫學會95年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,台南大億麗緻酒店,2006.03.25~2006.03.26, | 2006 . 03 |
84 | 利用3D立體超音波診斷胎兒肝臟血管瘤 Prenatal diagnosis of hepatic hemangioma by 3D ultrasound ,台灣婦產科醫學會年會,Taiwan台南,2006.03~ , | 2006 . 03 |
85 | Preventive effect of the sinensis melanin against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in mice,2006年台灣婦產科醫學會年會,台灣台南,2006.03~ , | 2006 . 03 |
86 | 低惡性度卵巢癌具有特殊的分子記號. (Distinct Molecular Signature for Borderline Ovarian Tumors).,台灣婦產科醫學會95年度年會暨擴大學術研討會:,臺灣臺南,2006.03~ , | 2006 . 03 |
87 | Adenoid Basal Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix: Two Cases Report and Literature Review.,台灣婦產科醫學會95年度年會暨擴大學術研討會:,臺灣臺南,2006.03~ , | 2006 . 03 |
88 | Successful Treatment of Uterine Arteriovenous Malformation with Percutaneous Embolization: A Case Report ,台灣婦產科醫學會2006年年會暨學術研討會,台灣台南,2006.03~ , | 2006 . 03 |
89 | Meckel's diverticulum induced meconium peritonitis in a twin pregnancy,台灣婦產科醫學會95年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,台灣台南,2006.03~ , | 2006 . 03 |
90 | 以電腦輔助向量為基礎的會陰超音波來評估應力性尿失禁,The 4th TUGA &TCS-Free Papaer Disussion Meeting,台灣台北,2005.12~ , | 2005 . 12 |
91 | 卵巢癌之基因微陣列分析,中醫藥國際化研討會,台灣台中,2005.12~ , | 2005 . 12 |
92 | Is pelvic adhesion a factor affecting clinical outcomes of laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy ?,6th annual congress of the asia pacific association of gynecologic endoscopy and minimally invasive,中國香港,2005.11~ , | 2005 . 11 |
93 | 子宮頸癌個案管理模式及核心測量指標介紹,中區癌症防治中心院際交流暨標竿學習研討會,台灣彰化,2005.10~ , | 2005 . 10 |
94 | Microarray Analysis of Ovarian Cancer,Session M-PM20: Intelligent Systems for Ovarian Cancer Microarray Data, 2005 IEEE International Conf,美國夏威夷,2005.10~ , | 2005 . 10 |
95 | 子宮頸癌篩檢,中區癌症篩檢教育訓練研討會,台灣台中,2005.09~ , | 2005 . 09 |
96 | HPV prevalence and subtyping,人類乳突病毒訓練課程研討會( 中區),台灣台中,2005.07~ , | 2005 . 07 |
97 | 良性及惡性卵巢腫瘤之基因微陣列分析 (Microarray Profiling of Benign Ovarian Tumors and Ovarian Carcinomas),2005年醫技新知學術研討會- -新穎醫學檢驗技術之建立與應用- (元培科學技術學院 醫事技術系/生物技術研究所): 邀請演講,台灣新竹,2005.05~ , | 2005 . 05 |
98 | Microarray profiling of benign ovarian tumors and ovarian carcinoma,2005醫技新知學術研討會,台灣新竹,2005.05~ , | 2005 . 05 |
99 | A Huge Uterine Myoma With Secondary Degeneration Change Mimics Ovary Tumor: Case Report.,台灣婦產科醫學會94年度年會暨擴大學術研討會: Poster Exhibition. P-177,台灣台北,2005.04~ , | 2005 . 04 |
100 | 應用微陣列基因晶片及奈米科技發展卵巢癌早期偵測的診斷標的,2005年台灣婦產科年會暨擴大學術研討會,台灣台北,2005.04~ , | 2005 . 04 |
101 | Choriocarcinoma with pulmonary metastasis ( FIGO stage 3C ) a case report of successful treatment with series FDG-PET follow up,台灣婦產科醫學會94年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,台北國際會議中心,2005.04.23~2005.04.24, | 2005 . 04 |
102 | Successful dexamethasone therapy of fetal sinus bradycardia in a pregnant woman with sjogren syndrome,2005年台灣婦產科醫學會年會暨擴大學術研討會,台灣台北,2005.04~ , | 2005 . 04 |
103 | Severe tubo-ovarian abscess with compromising pleural effusion after vaginal reconstruction surgery, a case report,2005年度台灣婦產科醫學會年會暨擴大學術研討會,台灣台北,2005.04~ , | 2005 . 04 |
104 | Double Cancer Consisted of Ovarian Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma and Endocervical Mucinous Adenocarcinoma: A Cas,台灣婦產科醫學會94年度年會暨擴大學術研討會: Poster Exhibition. P-115,台灣台北,2005.04~ , | 2005 . 04 |
105 | Adjuvant radiotherapy for early stage endometrial cancer,2005年度台灣婦產科醫學會年會暨擴大學術研討會,台灣台北,2005.04~ , | 2005 . 04 |
106 | Choriocarcinoma with pulmonary metastasis (WHO stage 3C)-A case report of successful treatment with series FDG-PET follow up,The 57th annual congress of the Japan society of obstetrics and gynecology,日本京都,2005.04.01~2005.04.05, | 2005 . 04 |
107 | Double cancer consisted of ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinoma and endocerical mucinous adenocarcinoma: a case report,台灣婦產科醫學會94年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,台灣台北,2005.04~ , | 2005 . 04 |
108 | Application of Genechip to Develop Diagnostic Markers for the Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer,International Symposium, 57th Annual Congress of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology: Poster,日本Kyoto,2005.04~ , | 2005 . 04 |
109 | 胚胎早期發育為胚胎品質之有效指標,台灣婦產科醫學會94年度年會暨擴大學術研討會: Oral Presentation .OF-1,台灣台北,2005.04~ , | 2005 . 04 |
110 | Application of Genechip and Nanotechnology to Develop Diagnostic Markers for the Early Detection of Ovaria Cancer,第10屆台灣癌症學術年會(The 10th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference), Poster Exhibition. A-8,台灣台北,2005.04~ , | 2005 . 04 |
111 | Magnetic resonance imaging in prental diagnosis---an adjunct diagnostic tool,台灣婦產科醫學會94年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,台灣台北,2005.04~ , | 2005 . 04 |
112 | Tension-free vaginal tape versus intravaginal slingplasty: a randomized trial,台灣婦產科醫學會94年度年會暨擴大學術研討會,台灣台北,2005.04~ , | 2005 . 04 |
113 | 3D立體超音波是鑑別診斷子宮角或子宮間質部懷孕的利器,2005年台灣婦產科醫學會年會暨擴大學術研討會,台灣台北,2005.04~ , | 2005 . 04 |
114 | Application of DNA Microarray in Gynecological Cancer,奈米科技與DNA微陣列研討會,台灣台中,2004.12~ , | 2004 . 12 |
115 | Application of Nano-technology and DNA Microarray in Gyn. Cancer,婦癌新知研討會,台灣台中,2004.11~ , | 2004 . 11 |
116 | Identification of the classical cadherin subtypes and the gonadal steroid receptors present in the ovarian mucinous cystadenoma and in comparison with the ovarian surface epithelium,2004年台灣婦產科醫學會年會,台灣台北,2004.10~ , | 2004 . 10 |
117 | Cervical cancer screening in Taiwan-past, present and future,中區婦癌醫學會暨子宮頸癌防治研討會,台灣彰化,2004.08~ , | 2004 . 08 |
118 | HPV prevalence and subtyping,人類乳突病毒訓練課程研討會,台灣高雄,2004.08~ , | 2004 . 08 |
119 | Cervical cancer screening and colposcopy,準專科醫師繼續教育暨中區繼續教育課程(五),台灣台中,2004.08~ , | 2004 . 08 |
120 | ,署立豐原醫院全院性學術專題演講,臺灣, 臺中豐原,2004.06.16~2004.06.16,基因晶片之臨床醫學應用--- 以卵巢癌為例 | 2004 . 06 |
121 | Cervical cancer screening in Taiwan: past, present and future,56th Annual Congress of the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (JSOG), International Worksho,日本東京,2004.04~ , | 2004 . 04 |
122 | 預防性抗生素在LAVH使用之效益,台灣婦產科醫學會2004年年會,台灣台北,2004.03~ , | 2004 . 03 |
123 | Estrogen receptor, cytochrome P450c17α, angiotension I-converting E-cadherin與glutathione S-transferase M1基因多形體:與子宮內膜異位之關聯性,台灣婦產科醫學會年會,台灣台北,2004.03~ , | 2004 . 03 |
124 | Early predicting recurrent cervical cancer with combination of tissue polypeptide specific antigen( TPS) and squamous cell carcinoma antigen(SCC),台灣婦產科醫學會九十三年度擴大學術研討會,TaiwanTaipei,2004.03~ , | 2004 . 03 |
125 | Vascular endothelial growth fector, progesterone receptor,E-cadherin, Insulint-like growth factor II與 epidermal growth factor receptor基因多形體:與子宮肌瘤之關聯性,台灣婦產科醫學會年會,台灣台北,2004.03~ , | 2004 . 03 |
126 | 子宮內膜腺癌與正常子宮內膜的鈣黏素表現差異,婦產,台灣台北,2003.04~ , | 2003 . 04 |
研究計畫/Research Grant (研究類型,研究計畫代號,主持人,補助或委託單位名稱,計畫名稱,計畫期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 個別型,MOST 111-2314-B-039-062-MY3,馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、鄭維中(Cheng, Wei-Chung),科技部,為癌症化療藥物敏感性尋找關鍵脂質-基因調控軸線之研究計畫,2024.8.1~2025.7.31 | 2024 . 08 |
2 | 個別型,CMU112-MF-45,,本校(含附醫),為癌症化療藥物敏感性尋找關鍵脂質-基因調控軸線之研究計畫,2023.8.24~2024.7.31 | 2023 . 08 |
3 | 個別型,MOST 111-2314-B-039-062-MY3,馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、鄭維中(Cheng, Wei-Chung),科技部,為癌症化療藥物敏感性尋找關鍵脂質-基因調控軸線之研究計畫,2023.8.1~2024.7.31 | 2023 . 08 |
4 | 個別型,MOST 111-2314-B-039-062-MY3,馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、鄭維中(Cheng, Wei-Chung),科技部,為癌症化療藥物敏感性尋找關鍵脂質-基因調控軸線之研究計畫,2022.8.1~2023.7.31 | 2022 . 08 |
5 | 個別型,CMU111-MF-41,,本校(含附醫),為癌症化療藥物敏感性尋找關鍵脂質-基因調控軸線之研究計畫,2022.8.22~2023.7.31 | 2022 . 08 |
6 | 個別型,MOST 108-2314-B-039 -042 -MY3,馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)、鄭維中(Cheng, Wei-Chung)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、何彥秉,科技部,探討男性荷爾蒙受體調控脂滴的恆定會造成卵巢癌細胞的抗藥性,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 | 2020 . 08 |
7 | 個別型,無,趙坤山(Kun-San Chao)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、楊啟瑞(Chi-Rei Yang)、楊美都(Mei-Due Yang)、謝明家、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉士芃(Shih-Peng Yeh)、劉良智(Liang-Chih Liu)、柯道維(Tao-Wei Ke)、林振源(Lin, Chen-Yuan)、陳自諒(Tzu-Liang Chen)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、林文元(Wen-Yuan lin)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、王約翰(John Wang)、徐華穗(Hua-Shai Hsu)、蔡伯邦(Po-Pang Tsai)、陳育傑(Yu-Chieh Chen)、王帝皓(Ti-Hao Wang)、吳博倫(Po-Lun Wu)、謝清昀(Ching-Yun Hsieh)、陳芮筠(Rui-Yun Chen)、林昭君(Chao-Chun Lin)、莊素蓉(Su-Jung Chuang),衛福部,109年全方位癌症防治策進計畫,2020.1.1~2020.12.31 | 2020 . 01 |
8 | 個別型,MOST 108-2314-B-039-042-MY3,馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)、鄭維中(Cheng, Wei-Chung)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、何彥秉,科技部,探討男性荷爾蒙受體調控脂滴的恆定會造成卵巢癌細胞的抗藥性,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 | 2019 . 08 |
9 | 個別型,DMR-109-086,,附醫院內計畫,探討男性荷爾蒙受體調控脂滴的恆定會造成卵巢癌細胞的抗藥性—科技部互補計畫,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 | 2019 . 08 |
10 | 個別型,無,趙坤山(Kun-San Chao)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、楊啟瑞(Chi-Rei Yang)、楊美都(Mei-Due Yang)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉士芃(Shih-Peng Yeh)、劉良智(Liang-Chih Liu)、柯道維(Tao-Wei Ke)、林振源(Lin, Chen-Yuan)、陳自諒(Tzu-Liang Chen)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、林文元(Wen-Yuan lin)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、王約翰(John Wang)、徐華穗(Hua-Shai Hsu)、蔡伯邦(Po-Pang Tsai)、陳育傑(Yu-Chieh Chen)、王帝皓(Ti-Hao Wang)、吳博倫(Po-Lun Wu)、謝清昀(Ching-Yun Hsieh)、陳芮筠(Rui-Yun Chen)、林昭君(Chao-Chun Lin)、張麗銀(Li-Yin Chang)、莊素蓉(Su-Jung Chuang),衛福部,108年全方位癌症防治策進計畫,2019.1.1~2019.12.31 | 2019 . 01 |
11 | 個別型,A1061223,趙坤山(Kun-San Chao)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、楊美都(Mei-Due Yang)、陳自諒(Tzu-Liang Chen)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉士芃(Shih-Peng Yeh)、劉良智(Liang-Chih Liu)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、柯道維(Tao-Wei Ke)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、林文元(Wen-Yuan lin)、王約翰(John Wang)、陳育傑(Yu-Chieh Chen)、張麗銀(Li-Yin Chang)、莊素蓉(Su-Jung Chuang)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、楊啟瑞(Chi-Rei Yang)、徐華穗(Hua-Shai Hsu)、陳芮筠(Rui-Yun Chen)、蔡伯邦(Po-Pang Tsai)、林昭君(Chao-Chun Lin)、王帝皓(Ti-Hao Wang)、吳博倫(Po-Lun Wu)、謝清昀(Ching-Yun Hsieh),衛福部,107年癌症防治品質精進計畫,2018.1.1~2018.12.31 | 2018 . 01 |
12 | 個別型,MOST 105-2314-B-039-039-MY2,馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang),科技部,男性荷爾蒙受體針對卵巢癌次類型細胞之轉譯醫學研究,2017.8.1~2018.7.31 | 2017 . 08 |
13 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC1-118,陳尚文(Chen, Shang-Wen),附醫廠商計畫,隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照,探討局部晚期子宮頸癌患者接受放射治療搭配Z-100之第三期試驗,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
14 | 國家型,A1051121,趙坤山(Kun-San Chao)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia)、陳自諒(William Tzu-Liang Chen)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、楊美都(Mei-Due Yang)、葉士芃(Su-Peng Yeh)、劉良智(Liu, Liang-Chih)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、柯道維(TAO-WEI KE)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、林文元(Wen-Yuan Lin)、王約翰(John Wang)、謝右文(Yow-Wen Hsieh)、蔡麗雲(Li-Yun Tsai)、謝淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)、廖惠娟(Hui-Chuan Liao)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、楊啟瑞(Che-Rei Yang)、徐華穗(Hua-Shai Hsu)、詹佳穎(Chia-Ing Jan)、蔡伯邦(Po-Pang Tsai)、林昭君(Chao-Chun Lin)、吳博倫(Po-Lun Wu)、謝清昀(Ching-Yun Hsieh)、簡君儒(Chun-Ru Chien)、楊世能(Shih-Neng Yang)、白禮源(Li-Yuan Bai),衛福部,106醫院癌症診療品質精進計畫,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
15 | 個別型,MOST 105-2314-B-039-039-MY2,馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang),科技部,男性荷爾蒙受體針對卵巢癌次類型細胞之轉譯醫學研究,2016.8.1~2017.7.31 | 2016 . 08 |
16 | 個別型,MOST 105-2119-M-005-007 -,陳牧言、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、曾淑玲,科技部,植基於空間分析法、資料探勘演算法與生物實驗法理分期代謝途徑與基因網絡地圖研究,2016.8.1~2017.7.31 | 2016 . 08 |
17 | 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),MOST 105-2325-B-002-024-,陳祈安、周振陽、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、余慕賢、顏明賢、呂建興、劉文雄、林浩、張志隆、黃順賢,科技部,臺灣婦女癌症臨床-病理組織網路及生物資料庫的建立IV,2016.5.1~2017.4.30 | 2016 . 05 |
18 | 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),MOST 105-2325-B-195-003 -,陳祈安、周振陽、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、余慕賢、余慕賢、余慕賢、劉文雄、張廷彰、何志明、陳子和,科技部,台灣婦癌臨床試驗合作聯盟 V,2016.5.1~2017.4.30 | 2016 . 05 |
19 | 個別型,A1041016,趙坤山(Kun-San Chao)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia)、陳自諒(William Tzu-Liang Chen)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、楊美都(Mei-Due Yang)、葉士芃(Su-Peng Yeh)、劉良智(Liu, Liang-Chih)、楊啟瑞(Che-Rei Yang)、柯道維(TAO-WEI KE)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、詹佳穎(Chia-Ing Jan)、林文元(Wen-Yuan Lin)、林昭君(Chao-Chun Lin)、蔡伯邦(Po-Pang Tsai)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、吳博倫(Po-Lun Wu)、謝清昀(Ching-Yun Hsieh)、簡君儒(Chun-Ru Chien)、楊世能(Shih-Neng Yang)、白禮源(Li-Yuan Bai)、謝右文(Yow-Wen Hsieh)、謝淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)、蔡麗雲(Li-Yun Tsai)、廖惠娟(Hui-Chuan Liao),衛福部,105年度醫院癌症診療品質提升計畫-分項2,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
20 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC1-118,陳尚文(Shang-Wen Chen),附醫廠商計畫,隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照,探討局部晚期子宮頸癌患者接受放射治療搭配Z-100之第三期試驗,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
21 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH104-REC2-011,林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung),附醫廠商計畫,Tamoxifen與Letrozole在復發或持續性子宮頸鱗狀上皮癌之療效及新生物標記:多中心、隨機分配二期臨床試驗,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
22 | 個別型,案號:F1040801,龔佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、陳自諒(William Tzu-Liang Chen)、劉良智(Liu, Liang-Chih)、劉時安、楊文惠(Yang, Wen-Hui)、龍紀萱(Chi-Hsuan Lung),衛福部,癌症早期發現相關策略研究-應用質性研究探討民眾未參與癌症篩檢及篩檢陽性民眾未接受確診原因,並發展具地區性之可行建議(105-106年),2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
23 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,DMR101-IRB1-149,,附醫廠商計畫,評估Doxorubicin Hydrochloride微脂粒注射劑於晚期卵巢癌患者之生體相等性與安全性之隨機、開放標示、交叉試驗(計劃書編號:TLC177.2),2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
24 | 個別型,104-2314-B-039 -046,馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)、鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao),科技部,性荷爾蒙受體針對卵巢癌次類型細胞之治療可作為具有潛力性的目標分子,2015.8.1~2016.7.31 | 2015 . 08 |
25 | 國家型,MOST 104-2325-B-195 -004 –,陳祈安、周振陽、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、余慕賢、顏明賢、呂建興、劉文雄、張廷彰、何志明、陳子和、朱堂元,科技部,台灣婦癌合作組織:一個轉譯醫學和臨床試驗的平台IV,2015.5.1~2016.4.30 | 2015 . 05 |
26 | 整合型(召集人、總主持人),A1031024,趙坤山(Kun-San Chao)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia)、陳自諒(William Tzu-Liang Chen)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、楊美都(Mei-Due Yang)、葉士芃(Su-Peng Yeh)、劉良智(Liu, Liang-Chih)、柯道維(TAO-WEI KE)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、林智一(Tze-Yi Lin)、林文元(Wen-Yuan Lin)、蔡伯邦(Po-Pang Tsai)、謝清昀(Ching-Yun Hsieh)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、楊世能(Shih-Neng Yang)、簡君儒(Chun-Ru Chien)、白禮源(Li-Yuan Bai)、謝右文(Yow-Wen Hsieh)、蔡麗雲(Li-Yun Tsai)、廖惠娟(Hui-Chuan Liao),衛福部,104年度醫院癌症診療品質提升計畫,2015.1.1~2015.12.31 | 2015 . 01 |
27 | 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),CMU103-BC-5,鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao),本校(含附醫),男性荷爾蒙受體在婦癌的角色研究:子宮內膜與卵巢癌,子計畫1:男性荷爾蒙受體對卵巢癌的角色研究,2014.10.4~2015.7.31 | 2014 . 10 |
28 | 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),CMU103-BC-5,洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung),本校(含附醫),男性荷爾蒙受體在婦癌的角色研究:子宮內膜與卵巢癌,子計畫2:男性荷爾蒙受體在子宮內膜癌的角色研究,2014.10.14~2015.7.31 | 2014 . 10 |
29 | 個別型,most103-2314-B-039-034,洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、張維君(Wei-Chun Chang)、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)、鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao),科技部,男性激素接受器及其基因多樣性在子宮內膜癌進程之相關研究,2014.8.1~2015.7.31 | 2014 . 08 |
30 | 國家型,MOST 103-2325-B-002-032-,郭冠廷、黃俊升、鄭文芳、盧彥伸、林璟宏、黃憲達、周振陽、楊永正、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、張廷彰、余慕賢、顏明賢、呂建興、劉文雄、林浩、王功亮、林鈺山,科技部,臺灣婦女癌症臨床─病理組織網路及生物資料庫的建立 I,2014.5.1~2015.4.30 | 2014 . 05 |
31 | 國家型,MOST 103-2325-B-195-002-,陳祈安、周振陽、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、張廷彰、余慕賢、林浩、何志明、陳子和、朱堂元,科技部,台灣婦癌合作組織:一個轉譯醫學和臨床試驗的平台III,2014.5.1~2015.4.30 | 2014 . 05 |
32 | 整合型(召集人、總主持人),A1021236,蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、蔡伯邦(Po-Pang Tsai)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、謝清昀(Ching-Yun Hsieh)、謝右文(Yow-Wen Hsieh)、葉士芃(Su-Peng Yeh)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、楊世能(Shih-Neng Yang)、夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia)、陳自諒(William Tzu-Liang Chen)、許玲女(Ling-Nu Hsu)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、林維卿(Wei-Ching Lin)、劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、陳志毅(Chih-Yi Chen)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)、謝淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)、柯道維(TAO-WEI KE)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、楊美都(Mei-Due Yang)、林文元(Wen-Yuan Lin)、白禮源(Li-Yuan Bai)、范淑貞(Shu-Chen Fan)、劉良智(Liu, Liang-Chih)、簡君儒(Chun-Ru Chien)、林智一(Tze-Yi Lin)、廖惠娟(Hui-Chuan Liao),衛福部,103年醫院癌症診療品質提升計畫,2014.1.22~2014.12.31 | 2014 . 01 |
33 | 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),NSC 102-2120-M-009-006-,陳文亮、陳昱勳、歐陽盟、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、段正仁(Jeng-Ren Duann)、吳啟瑞(Chi-Rei Wu),科技部,學研合作計畫-分子生物電子平台系統整合與應用(2/3),2013.8.1~2014.7.31 | 2013 . 08 |
34 | 國家型,NSC 102-2325-B-195 -002 -,陳祈安、周振陽、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、張廷彰、余慕賢、何志明、陳子和、朱堂元,科技部,台灣婦癌合作組織:一個轉譯醫學和臨床試驗的平台II,2013.5.1~2014.4.30 | 2013 . 05 |
35 | 整合型(召集人、總主持人),102CANCER,陳志毅(Chih-Yi Chen)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、蔡伯邦(Po-Pang Tsai)、謝清昀(Ching-Yun Hsieh)、謝右文(Yow-Wen Hsieh)、葉士芃(Su-Peng Yeh)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、楊世能(Shih-Neng Yang)、夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia)、陳自諒(William Tzu-Liang Chen)、許玲女(Ling-Nu Hsu)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、何永仁(Yung-Jen Ho)、劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)、謝淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)、柯道維(TAO-WEI KE)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、楊美都(Mei-Due Yang)、林文元(Wen-Yuan Lin)、白禮源(Li-Yuan Bai)、葉名焮(Ming-Hsin, Alex, Yeh)、簡君儒(Chun-Ru Chien)、林智一(Tze-Yi Lin)、范淑貞(Shu-Chen Fan),衛福部,102年醫院癌症醫療品質提升計畫,2013.1.1~2013.12.31 | 2013 . 01 |
36 | 個別型,DOH 102,龔佩珍、謝淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)、楊文惠(Yang, Wen-Hui)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、陳自諒(William Tzu-Liang Chen)、劉時安、劉良智(Liu, Liang-Chih),衛福部,102年度癌症個案未接受治療原因初探後續擴充計畫,2013.1.1~2013.12.31 | 2013 . 01 |
37 | 個別型,NSC 99-2320-B-039-015-MY3,黃國華(Guewha Steven Huang),科技部,預防腦區奈米毒性及利用金奈米粒子作為腦部藥物制放載體,2012.8.1~2013.7.31 | 2012 . 08 |
38 | 國家型,NSC 101-2325-B-002 -082 -,鄭文芳、黃憲達、周振陽、楊永正、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、曾志仁、張廷彰、余慕賢、顏明賢、呂建興、余堅忍、何志明、王功亮、陳子和、朱堂元、黃國峰,科技部,臺灣婦女癌症臨床─病理組織網路及生物資料庫的建立,2012.5.1~2014.4.30 | 2012 . 05 |
39 | 國家型,101CANCER,方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、白禮源(Li-Yuan Bai)、何永仁(Yung-Jen Ho)、李郁芬(Yu-Fen Li)、林文元(Wen-Yuan Lin)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、柯道維(TAO-WEI KE)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、孫茂峰(SUN, MAO-FENG)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、許玲女(Ling-Nu Hsu)、陳自諒(William Tzu-Liang Chen)、陳志毅(Chih-Yi Chen)、陳碧惠(Pi-Hui Chen)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、楊美都(Mei-Due Yang)、葉士芃(Su-Peng Yeh)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、劉良智(Liu, Liang-Chih)、劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu)、蔡伯邦(Po-Pang Tsai)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、謝右文(Yow-Wen Hsieh)、謝淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)、林智一(Tze-Yi Lin)、謝清昀(Ching-Yun Hsieh),衛福部,101年醫院癌症醫療品質提升計畫,2012.1.1~2012.12.31 | 2012 . 01 |
40 | 個別型,DOH101-HP-1501,龔佩珍(Kung, Pei-Tseng)、謝淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)、楊文惠(Yang, Wen-Hui)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、陳自諒(William Tzu-Liang Chen)、劉時安、劉良智(Liu, Liang-Chih),衛福部,癌症個案未接受治療原因初探(101-102年),2012.1.1~2012.12.31 | 2012 . 01 |
41 | 個別型,DOH101-HP-1504,蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)、謝淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、陳自諒(William Tzu-Liang Chen)、劉時安、劉良智(Liu, Liang-Chih),衛福部,癌症療癒者(Cancer Survivors)身體及心理社會狀況調查,2012.1.1~2012.12.31 | 2012 . 01 |
42 | 個別型,100-2314-B-039-041-,洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang),科技部,雄性激素接受器於子宮內膜癌幹細胞及癌細胞的影響,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 | 2011 . 08 |
43 | 個別型,NSC 100-2320-B-039-036-,洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、張傳祥(Chawnshang Chang)、鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)、馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma),科技部,雄性素接受器在子宮內膜癌發展過程與轉移所扮演的角色,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 | 2011 . 08 |
44 | 個別型,NSC 99-2320-B-039-015-MY3,黃國華(Guewha Steven Huang),科技部,預防腦區奈米毒性及利用金奈米粒子作為腦部藥物制放載體,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 | 2011 . 08 |
45 | 國家型,1000104CANCER,陳志毅(Chih-Yi Chen)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、孫茂峰(SUN, MAO-FENG)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、陳自諒(William Tzu-Liang Chen)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、韓鴻志(Horng-Jyh Harn)、楊美都(Mei-Due Yang)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、葉士芃(Su-Peng Yeh)、劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、謝右文(Yow-Wen Hsieh)、羅偉忠(Lo Woei Chung)、林文元(Wen-Yuan Lin)、何永仁(Yung-Jen Ho)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、劉良智(Liu, Liang-Chih)、蔡伯邦(Po-Pang Tsai)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、柯道維(TAO-WEI KE)、白禮源(Li-Yuan Bai)、謝清昀(Ching-Yun Hsieh)、許玲女(Ling-Nu Hsu)、謝淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)、陳碧惠(Pi-Hui Chen)、李郁芬(Yu-Fen Li)、何文照(Wen-Chao Ho),衛福部,100年至101年醫院癌症醫療品質提昇計劃(100年度),2011.1.4~2011.12.31 | 2011 . 01 |
46 | 個別型,NSC 99-2320-B-039-015-MY3,黃國華(Guewha Steven Huang),科技部,預防腦區奈米毒性及利用金奈米粒子作為腦部藥物制放載體,2010.8.1~2011.7.31 | 2010 . 08 |
47 | 個別型,DMR-100-092,黃國華(Guewha Steven Huang)、黃莉佳(Li-Chia Huang),附醫院內計畫,以奈米醫學為基礎建立腦部藥物制放平台,2010.8.1~2011.7.31 | 2010 . 08 |
48 | 個別型,DMR-100-093,許晉銓(Jinn-Chyuan Sheu)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung),附醫院內計畫,子宮內膜異位發生相關之致病基因之鑑定與臨床預後之分析,2010.8.1~2011.7.31 | 2010 . 08 |
49 | 個別型,CMU98-C-08,黃國華(Guewha Steven Huang),本校(含附醫),奈米醫學在癌症治療的應用,2010.1.1~2011.7.31 | 2010 . 01 |
50 | 國家型,無,陳志毅(Chih-Yi Chen)、林璨(Tsann Lin)、孫茂峰(SUN, MAO-FENG)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、陳自諒(William Tzu-Liang Chen)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、韓鴻志(Horng-Jyh Harn)、楊美都(Mei-Due Yang)、劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、謝右文(Yow-Wen Hsieh)、廖裕民(Yu-Min Liao)、林文元(Wen-Yuan Lin)、何永仁(Yung-Jen Ho)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、葉聯舜(Lian-Shung Yeh)、陳芝蓉(Chih-Jung Chen)、蔡伯邦(Po-Pang Tsai)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、柯道維(KE TAO-WEI)、丁文謙(Wen-Chien Ting)、謝清昀(Ching-Yun Hsieh)、許玲女(Ling-Nu Hsu)、謝淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)、陳碧惠(Pi-Hui Chen)、龍紀萱(Chi-Hsuan Lung)、李郁芬(Yu-Fen Li)、何文照(Wen-Chao Ho),,行政院衛生署國民健康局99年醫院癌症醫療品質提升補助計劃,2010.1.14~2010.12.31 | 2010 . 01 |
51 | 個別型,DMR-99-089,黃國華(Guewha Steven Huang)、陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen),附醫院內計畫,控制粒徑大小及表面改質以建立奈米金粒子作為標的、控放、治療以及組織呈像之抗癌藥物載體平台,2009.8.1~2010.7.31 | 2009 . 08 |
52 | 個別型,DMR-98-070,黃國華(Guewha Steven Huang)、陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen),附醫院內計畫,奈米點陣列對子宮頸癌細胞於生物奈米介面入侵潛力之應用評估,2008.8.1~2009.7.31 | 2008 . 08 |
53 | 個別型,NSC 97-2320-B-039-027,黃國華(Guewha Steven Huang),科技部,黑色素-PEG-奈米金粒子藥物傳送平台的建立,2008.8.1~2009.7.31 | 2008 . 08 |
54 | 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),****,周松男、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、顏明賢、王功亮、周振陽,亞洲婦癌研究團體(Asian Gynecologic Oncology Group),比較有或無給予Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin (PLD) 合併 Carboplatin之維持性療法於晚期卵巢癌病人治療之第三期臨床試驗,2007.11.1~2011.10.30 | 2007 . 11 |
55 | 個別型,DMR-97-075,黃國華(Guewha Steven Huang)、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、黃莉佳(Li-Chia Huang),附醫院內計畫,奈米技術應用於茶葉黑色素之藥物傳送及癌症治療(DMR-97-075),2007.8.1~2008.7.31 | 2007 . 08 |
56 | 個別型,DOH-BHP-95-01,彭慶添(Peng,Ching-Tien)、鄭隆賓(Jeng,Long-Bin)、吳錫金(Wu,His-Chin)、邱昌芳(Chiu,Chang-Fang)、許南榮(Hsu,Nan-Yung)、蔡銘修(Tsai,Ming-Hsui)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsian)、周德陽(Cho,Der-Yang)、夏德椿(Hsia,Te-Chun)、洪耀欽,衛福部,95-96年度安寧共同照護計畫,2006.1.1~2007.12.31 | 2006 . 01 |
57 | 個別型,NSC93-2314-B-039-018,黃國華(Guewha Steven Huang),科技部,茶葉黑色素於Cisplatin調節活性之研究,2004.8.1~2005.7.31 | 2004 . 08 |
58 | 個別型,NSC92-2314-B-039-022-,黃國華(Guewha Steven Huang),科技部,黑色素作為癌症化學治療調節劑之研發,2003.8.1~2004.7.31 | 2003 . 08 |
59 | 個別型,DMR-93-52,黃國華(Guewha Steven Huang),附醫院內計畫,茶葉黑色素作為癌症化學治療調節劑之研發,2003.7.1~2004.6.30 | 2003 . 07 |
60 | 個別型,DMR-92-098,高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao),附醫院內計畫,利用組織多生太特殊抗原與上皮細胞癌抗原早期診斷子宮頸癌復發,2002.7.1~2003.6.30 | 2002 . 07 |
61 | 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),***,賴瓊慧、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、王功亮、張廷彰、周振陽、楊育正、顏明賢、何志明、張簡展照、余慕賢,國衛院,IB, IIA 子宮頸癌接受根除式子宮切除術合併骨盆淋巴腺轉移患者之輔佐治療,2001.7.1~2005.6.30 | 2001 . 07 |
62 | 個別型,DMR-91-045,周寬基(Kuan-Chih Chow),附醫院內計畫,第六型細胞素於與二氫二醇去氫媒在卵巢癌的臨床意義,2001.7.1~2002.6.30 | 2001 . 07 |
63 | 個別型,DMR-90-086,黃國華(Guewha Steven Huang)、周寬基(Kuan-Chih Chow),附醫院內計畫,以基因晶片篩選在卵巢腫瘤大量表現的基因(DMR-90-086),2000.7.1~2001.6.30 | 2000 . 07 |
64 | 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),----,楊育正、周振陽、洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung)、張廷彰、陳祈安、王功亮、顏明賢、何志明、張簡展照、余慕賢,國衛院,台灣地區輕度子宮頸上皮內贅瘤(CIN I)的縱行性研究,2000.7.1~2003.6.30 | 2000 . 07 |
獲獎/Award (獲獎名稱,給獎單位,獲獎日期) |
日期 | |
1 | [台灣婦產科醫學會五十周年紀念年會], 財團法人徐千田防癌研究基金會優秀論文獎,財團法人徐千田防癌研究基金會,2011.3.12 | 2011 . 03 |
2 | Poster Award: International Conference on Nanoscopic Colloid and Surface Science (NCSS 2010),Jpn Science & Technology Agency,Asia Science & Technology Portal,2010.9.30 | 2010 . 09 |
3 | 優秀壁報論文競賽獎: 基礎組佳作獎 (第15 屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會),第15 屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會,2010.5.1 | 2010 . 05 |
4 | IS Good Poster Award: International Symposium, 62th Annual Congress of Japan Society of Obs/Gyn (Oral Poster Presentation),Japan Society of Obs/Gyn (日本婦產科醫學會),2010.4.23 | 2010 . 04 |