
Doctor Introduction



Jian-Hong Yu
Jian-Hong Yu


余建宏 Jian-Hong Yu

余建宏醫師是日本國立東京醫科齒科大學齒科矯正學博士,為國內引入 LH 矯正法的先驅者。余醫師的專長在咬合不正、埋伏齒牽引、以及其他齒顎矯正治療(不正咬合、暴牙、戽斗、臉歪等之治療,或兒童骨頭發育異常問題,提供成長調節控制)。有些埋伏齒,可藉由矯正牽引,將該顆牙齒拉至正常齒列位置,回復患者美觀及咬合功能。


期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 Adikara Paga(ADIKARA PAGAN PRATAMA)、陳素鳳(Chen, Su-Feng)、廖世傑(Liao, Shih-Chieh)、蘇偉嘉(SU, WEI-CHIA)*、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,Incremental net benefit of extending human papillomavirus vaccine to boys in oropharyngeal cancer burden: Meta-analysis of cost-effectiveness studies,Journal of Dental Sciences,2024 Oct,19(4):2045-2056 2024 . 10
2 陳品妤(CHEN, PIN-YU)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Effects of Attachment Design and Aligner Material on Mandibular Canine Distal Bodily Movement in Aligner Treatment,Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering,2024 Oct,44(5):777-787 2024 . 10
3 陳品妤(CHEN, PIN-YU)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Optimal positions of clear aligner attachments to achieve lower canine tipping and bodily movement using finite element analysis,Journal of Dental Sciences,2024 Oct,19(4):2007-2017 2024 . 10
4 張育翔(CHANG SEAN)、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen)、李慈心(LEE TZU-HSIN)、羅昱承(Yu-Cheng Lo)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,Improved Super-elastic Ti-Ni Alloy Wire for the Treatment of Angle Class II Malocclusion Combined with 3 Lower Incisors and Scissors Bite Case,Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics,2024 Aug,36(2):69-79 2024 . 08
5 黃淳逸(Chun-Yi Huang)、Le Huynh Hoa(Le Huynh Hoai Thuong)、蔡筱琪、湯智昕(Chih-Hsin Tang)*、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,The effect of low-level laser therapy on osteoclast differentiation: Clinical implications for tooth movement and bone density,Journal of Dental Sciences,2024 Jul,19(3):1452-1460 2024 . 07
6 林伯叡(Lin Po Jui)*、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen)、楊晉瑜(Yang, Ching-Yu)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu),Improved Super-Elastic Ti-Ni Alloy Wire for Nonsurgical Treatment of Skeletal Class II Malocclusion Combined with Large Overjet and Gummy Smile Case,International Journal of Clinical Studies & Medical Case Reports,2024 May,41(1):001-005 2024 . 05
7 (Meng-Chu Hsu)、林志杰(Chi-Chie Lin)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)*,Effects of an augmented reality aided system on the placement precision of orthodontic miniscrews: A pilot study,Journal of Dental Sciences,2024 Jan,19(1):100-108 2024 . 01
8 張益滔(Chang, Yi-Tao)、Chih-Ho Lai(Chih-Ho Lai)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*、湯智昕(Chih-Hsin Tang)、(Chi-Yuan Wen)、(Pei-Wen Huang)、賴湶敬(Chuan-Ching Lai)、林殿傑(Lin, Dan-Jae)*,Exploring the impact of culture techniques and patient demographics on the success rate of primary culture of human periodontal ligament stem cells,Journal of Dental Sciences,2023 Aug,(): 2023 . 08
9 黃淳逸(Chun-Yi Huang)、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen)、林志杰(Chi-Chie Lin)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,Improved super-elastic Ti-Ni alloy wire for treating adult skeletal class III with facial asymmetry: A case report,World Journal of Clinical Cases,2023 Jul,11(21):5147-5159 2023 . 07
10 楊晉瑜(Yang, Ching-Yu)、林志杰(Chi-Chie Lin)、王意嘉(I-Jia Wang)、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,Improved super-elastic Ti–Ni alloy wire intrusion arch for skeletal class II malocclusion combined with deep overbite: A case report,World Journal of Clinical Cases,2023 Jun,11(17):4142-4151 2023 . 06
11 李寶傑(Pao-Chie Lee)、(Tzu-Yu Peng)、(Tien-Li Ma)、(Kuan-Yu Chiang)、(Yuichi Mine)、(I-Ta Lee)、(Chang-Chiang Yu)、陳素鳳(Chen, Su-Feng)*、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,Effect of Various Airborne Particle Abrasion Conditions on Bonding between Polyether-Ether-Ketone (PEEK) and Dental Resin Cement,Polymers,2023 Apr,15(9):1-10 2023 . 04
12 (Wan-Ping Yu)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)、(Shiuan-Hui Wang)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,The Effects of Diameter, Length and Insertion Method on the Stability of Orthodontic Miniscrew,Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering,2022 Aug,42(4):508-515 2022 . 08
13 楊晉瑜(Yang, Ching-Yu)、蔡明克、徐嘉隆(Chia-Lung, Hsu)、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,ISW for Nonsurgical Treatment of Skeletal Class III Malocclusion Combined with Facial Asymmetry,Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine,2022 Jun,5(1):1-6 2022 . 06
14 許文傑(Hsu,Wen-Chieh)、(Tzu-Yu Peng)、(Chien-Ming Kang)、(Fan-Yi Chao)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*、陳素鳳(Chen, Su-Feng)*,Evaluating the Effect of Different Polymer and Composite Abutments on the Color Accuracy of Multilayer Pre-Colored Zirconia Polycrystal Dental Prosthesis,Polymers,2022 Jun,14(12):2325-2334 2022 . 06
15 (Wan-Ping Yu)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Bone quality affects stability of orthodontic miniscrews,Scientific Reports,2022 Feb,12(1):2849 2022 . 02
16 (Kuson Tuntiwong)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)、(Shih-Guang Yang)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)*,Biomechanical Effect of Orthodontic Treatment of Canine Retraction by Using Metallic Orthodontic Mini-Implant (OMI) Covered with Various Angles of Revolving Cap,Applied Bionics and Biomechanics,2021 Jul,2021():9952392 2021 . 07
17 羅昱承(Yu-Cheng Lo)、陳冠安(Guan-An Chen)、劉胤君(Yin-Chun Liu)、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,Prototype of Augmented Reality Technology for Orthodontic Bracket Positioning: An In Vivo Study,Applied Sciences-Basel,2021 Mar,(): 2021 . 03
18 郭俐伶(Li-Ling Guo)、余建志、(Wu Wei-Te)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,ISW for the Treatment of Angle Class II Division 1 Combined with Unstable Mandibular Position,Dental Research and Oral Health,2020 Apr,3(2):35-51 2020 . 04
19 陳子安(CHEN ZI-AN)、羅昱承(Yu-Cheng Lo)、徐孟駒(Hsu, Meng-Chu)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen),Improved Super-elastic Ti-Ni Alloy Wire for the Treatment of Adult Occlusal Plane Canting with a Gummy Deep Bite Case: A Case Report,American journal of Dentistry and oral care,2020 Apr,3(2):1-5 2020 . 04
20 羅昱承(Yu-Cheng Lo)、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen)、江顯雄(Hsien-Hsiung Chiang)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,Atypical Finishing with Lower Incisor Missing and Lower Primary Canine Retained using Improved Super-Elastic Ti-Ni Alloy Wire and Aligners,Dental Research and Oral Health,2019 Oct,2019(3):053-061 2019 . 10
21 洪志穎(Chih-Ying Hung)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*、(Liang-Wei Su)、(Jun-Yen Uan)*、陳映佳(Yin-Chia Chen)、林殿傑(Lin, Dan-Jae)*,Shear Bonding Strength and Thermal Cycling Effect of Fluoride Releasable/Rechargeable Orthodontic Adhesive Resins Containing LiAl-F Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) Filler,Materials,2019 Sep,12(19):3204 2019 . 09
22 (Chih-Yu Fang)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)、張家綺(Jhang, Jia-Ci)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)、李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)*,Effects of short-term acupuncture treatment on occlusal force and mandibular movement in patients with deep-bite malocclusion,Journal of Dental Sciences,2019 Mar,14(1):81-86 2019 . 03
23 (Chun-shuo Huang)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*、(Cheng-yen HSIEH),ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with severe crowding combined facial asymmetry case,International Research Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences,2018 Nov,3(2):15-29 2018 . 11
24 黃淳碩(Chun-Shuo HUANG)、(Chao-Hsi L)*、蒲佩慈(Betzy Michelle Ponce Letona)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu),ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with non-extraction,Clinical and Medical Images International Journal,2018 Nov,10(6):338-342 2018 . 11
25 黃淳碩(Chun-Shuo Huang)、余建志、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,ISW for the treatment of moderate crowding dentition with unilateral second molar impaction,International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Health,2018 Sep,5(6):90-103 2018 . 09
26 林志杰(Zhi-Jie Lin)、余建志*、黃淳碩(Chun Shuo Huang)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu),ISW Treatment for Skeletal Class III Malocclusion with Poor Arch Coordination,Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research,2018 Aug,8(1): 2018 . 08
27 羅昱承(Yu-Cheng Lo)、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen)、江顯雄(Hsien-Hsiung Chiang)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,Use improved super-elastic Ti-Ni Alloy Wire to correct Class II division 2 malocclusion with unstable mandibular position,中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌,2018 Aug,30(3):181-191 2018 . 08
28 黃淳碩(Chun-Shuo HUANG)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,ISW for the Treatment of an Adult Facial Asymmetry Skeletal Class III Case,Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine,2018 Jun,1(3): 2018 . 06
29 黃淳碩(Chun Shuo Huang)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen),ISW for the Treatment of Adult Skeletal Class III with Facial Asymmetry: A Case Report Crowding,Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care,2018 Feb,1(2):37-40 2018 . 02
30 余建宏(Yu, Chien-Hung)、(Yu-Tzu Wang)、(Chun-Li Lin)*,Customized surgical template fabrication under biomechanical consideration by integrating CBCT image, CAD system and finite element analysis,Dental Materials Journal,2018 Feb,37(1):6-14 2018 . 02
31 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、林志杰(Lin, Chih-Chieh)*、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen),Changes in mandibular border movements in adult patients after correction of functional anterior crossbite,Journal of Dental Sciences,2017 Jun,12(2):139-144 2017 . 06
32 (Yu-Tzu Wang)、余建宏(Yu, Chien-Hung)、(Lun-Jou Lo)、(Pin-Hsin Hsu)、(Chun-Li Lin)*,Developing Customized Dental Miniscrew Surgical Template from Thermoplastic Polymer Material Using Image Superimposition, CAD System, and 3D Printing,Biomed Research International,2017 Feb,2017(): 2017 . 02
33 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、(Chien-Feng Liu)、(Jay Wu)、李郁芬(Yu-Fen Li)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Does orthodontic treatment affect the alveolar bone density?,MEDICINE,2016 Mar,95(10):e3080 2016 . 03
34 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、(Yang-Sung Lin)*、(Chun-Li Lin),A revolving temporary anchorage cap connecting to an orthodontic mini-screw using in-vitro experimental testing: Safety and biomechanical evaluations,Implant Dentistry,2015 Dec,24(6):693-698 2015 . 12
35 (Yuan-chieh Chang)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)*、蔡雅(Ya-Yu Tsai)、余建志(Chien-Chih Yu)、(Po-Wei Pan),Nonsurgical Correction of Skeletal Class III Malocclusion by Multibends Edgewise Archwire Technique in an Adult,International Journal of Experimental Dental Science,2015 Jul,4(2):137-142 2015 . 07
36 (Pao-Chieh Lee)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)*、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、李郁芬(Yu-Fen Li),Comparison in Mandibular Movements between Subjects with Deep Bite and Normal Occlusion,Journal of Dentistry and Oral Care,2015 Apr,(): 2015 . 04
37 陳詠惠(Yong-hui Chen)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu),前牙阻生及治療案例分享,中市牙醫學雜誌,2015 Apr,105():26-30 2015 . 04
38 余建志(Chien-Chih Yu)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)*、吳佳陞(Chia-Sheng Wu),Effect of the gel form of eucalyptol on the shear bonding forces of orthodontic brackets,Journal of Dental Sciences,2014 Dec,9(4):388-393 2014 . 12
39 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、(Yang-Sung Lin)、(Wen-Jen Chang)、(Yau-Zen Chang)、(Chun-Li Lin)*,Mechanical Effects of Micro-thread Orthodontic Mini-screw Design on Artificial Cortical Bone,Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering,2014 Feb,34(1):49-55 2014 . 02
40 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、(Yang-Sung Lin)、(Wen-Jen Chang)、(Yau-Zen Chang)、(Chun-Li Lin)*,Mechanical Effects of Micro-thread Orthodontic Mini-screw Design in Relation to Artificial Cortical Bone Thickness,Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering,2014 ,(): 2014 .
41 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、蘇桄緯(Kuang-Wei Shu)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*、(Hsin-Wen Chang)、(Kuan-Ling Tung),A Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Study of Orthodontic Apical Root Resorption,Journal of Dental Sciences,2013 Mar,8(1):74-79 2013 . 03
42 林殿傑(Dan-Jae, Lin)、(Tzu-Ning Hung)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)*,THE EFFECT OF CYCLIC STRETCHING SPEED ON THE FORCE DEGRADATION OF ORTHODONTIC ELASTIC BANDS,Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,2013 Feb,13(1):1-12 2013 . 02
43 (Yang-Sung Lin)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、(Yau-Zen Chang)、(Chun-Li Lin)*,Biomechanical Evaluation of an Orthodontic Miniimplant Used With Revolving (Translation and Rotation) Temporary Anchorage Device by Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Testing,Implant Dentistry,2013 Feb,22(1):77-82 2013 . 02
44 張益銍(Yi-Chih, Chang)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、梁文敏(Wen-Miin Liang)、涂明君(Ming-Gene Tu)*、陳三餘(San-Yue Chen)*,Comparison of surface roughnesses of gypsum models constructed using various impression materials and gypsum products,Journal of Dental Sciences,2013 Feb,(): 2013 . 02
45 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、(Chi-Hsin Tseng)*,ISW treatment for the skeletal Class III with anterior crossbite and minor facial asymmetry,International Journal of Experimental Dental Science,2013 ,2(1):53-59 2013 .
46 張淵傑、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、蔡雅(Ya-Yu Tsai)、余建志(Chien-Chih Yu),ISW for the Treatment of Adult Facial Asymmetry and Tooth Crowding,International Journal of Experimental Dental Science,2013 ,2(2):134-138 2013 .
47 (Hsing-Wen Chang)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*、李郁芬(Yu-Fen Li)、(Yi-Fan Wu),Effects of Orthodontic Tooth Movement on Alveolar Bone Density,Clinical Oral Investigations,2012 Nov,16(3):679-688 2012 . 11
48 涂明君(Ming-Gene Tu)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、吳禮字(Wu Lii Tzu)、李采娟(Tsai-Chung Li)、關超然*,Dental and medical students’ perspectives on early exposure to PBL in Taiwan,JOURNAL OF DENTAL EDUCATION,2012 Jun,76(6):746-751 2012 . 06
49 張永賢、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、陳瑞明,日本345個漢方治療之隨機對照臨床試驗(RCT)的實證醫學(EBM)報告,北市中醫會刊,2012 Jun,(68):36-39 2012 . 06
50 (Chia-bin SUN)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)*,ISW for the Treatment of Facial Asymmetry Crossbite Case with Upper Right Lateral Incisor Missing,International Journal of Experimental Dental Science,2012 ,1(2):113-117 2012 .
51 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、(Li-Chun Wu)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*、(Yin-Yu Chang)、(Her-Hsiung Huang)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang),Surface roughness and topography of four commonly used types of orthodontic archwire,Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering,2011 Nov,31(5):367-370 2011 . 11
52 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、(Li-Chun Wu)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*、(Yin-Yu Chang)、(Her-Hsiung Huang)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai),Friction of stainless steel, nickel-titanium alloy, and beta-titanium alloy archwires in two commonly used orthodontic brackets,Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,2011 Sep,11(4):917-928 2011 . 09
53 許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*、(Hsin-Wen Chang)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、李郁芬(Yu-Fen Li)、涂明君(Ming-Gene Tu),Bone-Density Changes Around Teeth During Orthodontic Treatment,Clinical Oral Investigations,2011 Aug,15(4):511-519 2011 . 08
54 (Guan-ling Dong)、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)*、江顯雄(Hsien-Hsiung Chiang),ISW (improved super-elastic Ti-Ni alloy wire) for non-extraction treatment of adult case with linguoversion of bilateral lower second premolars,中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌,2010 Nov,22(4):18-28 2010 . 11
55 游琬真、徐嘉隆(Chia-Lung Hsu)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)*、江顯雄(Hsien-Hsiung Chiang),Treatment for Class II division 1 with unilateral scissors bite,中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌,2010 Sep,22(3):50-59 2010 . 09
56 林峻立(Chun-Li Lin)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)*、(Heng-Liang Liu)、(Chih-Hao Lin)、(Yang-Sung Lin),Evaluation of contributions of orthodontic mini-screw design factors based on FE analysis and the Taguchi method,JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS,2010 Aug,43(11):2174-2181 2010 . 08
57 余建宏(YU, Kenko Jian-hong)、(徐嘉隆)、(蔡明克)、(王意嘉),以非對稱性之ISW MEAW 技術治療成年骨性三級合併開咬之病例,中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌,2007 Sep,3(19):28-35 2007 . 09
58 徐嘉隆(Chia-Lung Hsu)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、蔡明克(Min-Ke Cai)、王意嘉(I-Jia Wang),Differential ISW MEAW Technique For The Treatment of Adult Skeletal Class III Case with Anterior Open Bite,中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌,2007 Sep,19(3):28-35 2007 . 09
59 王意嘉*、吳興國、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu),使用改良型超彈性鈦鎳合金線治療前牙反咬暨擁擠症例,中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌,2007 Sep,3(19):44-53 2007 . 09
60 蔡明克*、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、徐嘉隆、王意嘉,使用改良型超彈性鈦鎳合金線處理外傷造成上顎前牙內陷位移病例報告,中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌,2007 Jun,2(19):40-47 2007 . 06
61 (王意嘉)、(吳興國)、余建宏(YU, Kenko Jian-hong),使用改良型超彈性鈦鎳合金線治療混合齒列期前牙反咬暨犬齒阻生的病例,台灣兒童牙醫學雜誌,2006 Dec,4(6):362-371 2006 . 12
62 余建宏(YU, Kenko Jian-hong),探索LH矯正之魅力,TAO News & Trends,2005 Nov,1(3):13-14 2005 . 11
63 余建宏(YU, Kenko Jian-hong),LH矯正法及Class III anterior crossbite之治療,北縣牙醫學雜誌,2005 Oct,1(1):15-20 2005 . 10
64 余建宏(YU, Kenko Jian-hong),LH 矯正法及anterior open bite 之治療,中市牙醫學雜誌,2005 Aug,1(49):20-25 2005 . 08
65 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、(Kunimichi SOMA),Placement of absolute anchorage for orthodontic tooth movement,Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering,2004 Jul,(5):11-16 2004 . 07
66 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、(Hiroyuki WARITA),One step further – From the viewpoint of PDL microvasculature in orthodontic treatment,中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌,2004 Jul,1(1):117-120 2004 . 07
67 (Hiroyuki WARITA*)、(Choo-ryung CHON)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、(Kunimichi SOMA),Needs and demands for orthodontic treatment in Japan: Comparison among orthodontic patients, dental students, and orthodontists,Orthodontic waves,2004 Jun,63(1):15-20 2004 . 06
68 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、(Kunimichi SOMA)、(Ken AMEMIYA)、(Masataka HISANO),Simulation of flow of food bolus in mastication,Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering,2003 Aug,5(2):85-90 2003 . 08
69 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、(Kunimichi SOMA),Considering absolute anchorage for orthodontic tooth movement,Journal of Taiwan Orthodontic Society,2003 Jul,(1):18-24 2003 . 07
70 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)*、(Kazuo TAKAKUDA)、(Hiroo MIYAIRI)、(Kunimichi SOMA),The most appropriate position and number for absolute anchorages for orthodontic tooth movements,COMPUTER METHODS IN BIOMECHANICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING,2003 Jun,6(2):153-162 2003 . 06
71 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、(Kazuo TAKAKUDA)、(Hiroo MIYAIRI)、(Kunimichi SOMA),FEM tooth model of joint elements,Journal of oromaxillofacial biomechanics,2001 Jul,7(1):1-6 2001 . 07
72 余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、(Shin YOMODA)、(Kikuko HIOKI)、(Yoshio SHIMA)、(Masataka HISANO)、(Kunimichi SOMA),Finite element analysis of the first molar relationships after orthodontic treatment utilizing single-arch extraction of the upper first bicuspids,Journal of Japan Society of Stomatognathological,2001 ,7(1):91-95 2001 .


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 Nonsurgical treatment case of skeletal Class III with anterior crossbite using ISW,The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本橫濱,2024.10.29~2024.10.31, 2024 . 10
2 ISW for Upper Central Incisor Impaction Traction: A Case Report,American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 2024,加拿大多倫多,2024.05.23~2024.05.26, 2024 . 05
3 ISW for nonsurgical treatment of skeletal Class III malocclusion combined with upper anterior crowding,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
4 ISW for the Treatment of Skeletal Calss II with Anterior Crowding Case,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.13, 2023 . 11
5 ISW for the treatment of skeletal Class II with two lower incisors case,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
6 ISW for the treatment of adult skeletal Class II with severe deep bite,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
7 ISW for the treatment of skeletal Class III with lower anterior crowding,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
8 ISW for the treatment of skeletal Class II with anterior crowding case,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
9 Introduction of dental VR development for preliminary clinical education:Application in orthodontic education,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
10 ISW for skeletal Class I malocclusion combined with congenital missing and anterior spacing,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
11 ISW for the treatment of Class I malocclusion with anterior crossbite,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
12 ISW for unilateral mandibular third molar replacing second molar: a case report,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
13 ISW for nonsurgical treatment of skeletal Class II malocclusion combined with large overjet case,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
14 Consideration of the maxillary canine impaction treatment combined with ISW and miniscrew,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
15 ISW for the treatment of adult Angle Class I with severe crowding and large overjet,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
16 ISW for the treatment of Angle Class III case with anterior open bite and crossbite,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
17 ISW for the Treatment of Class I Malocclusion with Anterior Crossite,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
18 ISW for the treatment of skeletal Class III with facial asymmetry case,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
19 ISW for the treatment of Angle Class I malocclusion combined with anterior protrusion,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
20 ISW for the treatment of skeletal Class II with high canine and posterior scissors bite,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
21 ISW for the treatment of skeletal Class III combined with anterior crossbite case,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
22 ISW for the treatment of Angle Class II malocclusion combined with severe anterior crowding case,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
23 ISW for the Treatment of Skeletal Class III with Facial Asymmetry Case,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
24 LH for Skeletal Class II Malocclusion Combined with Deep Overbite,The 35th Taiwan Association of Orthodontists Annual Meeting & The 3rd Taiwan International Orthodontic Forum,臺北,2022.12.06~2022.12.08, 2022 . 12
25 ISW for skeletal class I malocclusion with asymmetric extraction,deep overbite and lingual crossbite,第81屆日本矯正學會年會The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,大阪,2022.10.05~2022.10.07, 2022 . 10
26 ISW for the treatment of Angle class III case with mandibular three incisors,第81屆日本矯正學會年會The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本 大阪 Osaka International Convention Center, Japan,2022.10.05~2022.10.07, 2022 . 10
27 ISW for Skeletal Class II malocclusion combined with deep overbite,The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本大阪,2022.10.05~2022.10.07, 2022 . 10
28 ISW for the treatment of skeletal Class III with buccally positioned high canine case,The 80th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society & The 5th International Congress,日本橫濱,2021.11.3 ~2021.11.5 , 2021 . 11
29 ISW for nonsurgical treatment of skeletal Class III malocclusion combined with facial asymmetry,The 80th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society & The 5th International Congress,Yokohama, Japan,2021.11.03~2021.11.05, 2021 . 11
30 ISW for nonsurgical treatment of skeletal Class II malocclusion combined with facial asymmetry case,The 9th International Orthodontic Congress,線上會議,2020.10.4 ~2020.10.6 , 2020 . 10
31 Relationships Between the Inferior Wall of the Maxillary Sinus and the Roots of Premolars,2020臺灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會,桃園 林口 長庚大學,2020.10.17~2020.10.17, 2020 . 10
32 ISW for camouflage treatment of an anterior crossbite with Class III malocclusion case,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
33 A Study on Augmented Reality (AR) Bracketing,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
34 ISW for upper right lateral incisor crossbite with low mandibular plane angle for three years follow-up,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki Brick Hall, Nagasaki Shimbun Cultural Hall,,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
35 ISW for the treatment of a young female Skeletal Class III with anterior skeletal crossbite,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
36 ISW for adult Angle Class II extraction case combined with lower right bicuspid missing,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
37 ISW for Angle Class I with severe crowding without extraction case,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
38 ISW for the treatment of adult skeletal Angle Class I with severe crowding and overjet,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
39 ISW for adult skeletal Class II and Angle Class II division 2 protruded extraction case,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
40 ISW for the treatment of a young female Skeletal Class III with anterior skeletal crossbite,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki Brick Hall and Nagasaki Shimbun Cultural Hall,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
41 ISW for crossbite with low mandibular plane angle for three years follow up,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
42 ISW for the treatment of adult Angle Class III case with anterior crossbite,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
43 Re-evaluation of initial lateral cephalometric analyses from a retrospective examination,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
44 ISW for non-surgical treatment of skeletal Class III malocclusion combined with facial asymmetry case,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
45 ISW for the treatment of Angle Class II division 2 combined with mandibular unstable positions,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
46 ISW for the treatment of adult skeletal Class II case with Temporary Anchorage Devices,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
47 ISW for the Treatment of Adult Skeletal Class II with Large Overjet and Crowding Case,The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,PACIFICO Yokohama conventional center,2018.10.30~2018.11.01, 2018 . 10
48 Introduction of SH Therapy & Apploance in Orthodontics Part 2.,The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,PACIFICO Yokohama conventional center,2018.10.30~2018.11.01, 2018 . 10
49 ISW for the Treatment of a Young Female Skeletal Class III with Anterior Skeletal Crossbite,The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,PACIFICO Yokohama conventional center,2018.10.30~2018.11.01, 2018 . 10
50 ISW for the Treatment of Adult Skeletal Class I combined with Crossbite and Canine missing,The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,PACIFICO Yokohama conventional center,2018.10.30~2018.11.01, 2018 . 10
51 Augmented Reality (AR) Bracketing,The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,PACIFICO Yokohama conventional center,2018.10.30~2018.11.01, 2018 . 10
52 ISW and Aligner for Angle Class III Tendency Low Angle combined with Lower canine Missing.,第77回日本矯正齒科學會學術大會暨第7回日韓矯正大會,PACIFICO Yokohama,2018.10.30~2018.11.01, 2018 . 10
53 ISW for the treatment of Occlusal Plane Canting combined with Facial Asymmetry Case,The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,PACIFICO Yokohama conventional center,2018.10.30~2018.11.01, 2018 . 10
54 ISW for Skeletal Class III combined with Anterior Crossbite Treatment by Non-surgical Approach,The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,PACIFICO Yokohama conventional center,2018.10.30~2018.11.01, 2018 . 10
55 ISW for the Treatment of Adult Bimaxillary Protrusion combined with Anterior Open Bite Case,The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,PACIFICO Yokohama conventional center,2018.10.30~2018.11.01, 2018 . 10
56 ISW for the Treatment of Angle class I Extraction Case,The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,PACIFICO Yokohama conventional center,2018.10.30~2018.11.01, 2018 . 10
57 ISW for the Treatment of Adult Skeletal Angle Class I with Severe Crowding,The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,PACIFICO Yokohama conventional center,2018.10.30~2018.11.01, 2018 . 10
58 Influence of Direct Electric Heat Treatment to the Mechanical Properties of Ti-Ni Orthodontic Archwire,The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,PACIFICO Yokohama conventional center,2018.10.30~2018.11.01, 2018 . 10
59 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with facial asymmetry and unaesthetic anterior restoration case,中華民國家庭牙醫學會第十一屆第一次會員大會暨第二十一次學術研討會【跨科協同治療與醫療場域面面觀】,台灣大學醫學院,2018.04.15~2018.04.15, 2018 . 04
60 LH combined with orthodontic implant for the treatment of facial asymmetry non-surgery case,11th Asia pacific orthodntic conference,Boracay Philippines,2018.03.05~2018.03.07, 2018 . 03
61 LH for the treatment of adult bimaxillary protrusion case with J-hook headgear,THE 11th ASIAN PACIFIC ORTHODONTIC CONFERENCE,Boracay,Philippines,2018.03.05~2018.03.07, 2018 . 03
62 ISW for the treatment of adult skeletal Angle Class III with anterior crossbite,第76回日本矯正齒科學會學術大會,日本札幌市教育文化會館,2017.10.18~2017.10.20, 2017 . 10
63 Introduction of SH Therapy & Appliance in orthodontics, Part 1,第76回日本矯正齒科學會學術大會,日本札幌市教育文化會館,2017.10.18~2017.10.20, 2017 . 10
64 ISW for the treatment of adult facial asymmetry skeletal Class III lower incisor extraction case,第76回日本矯正齒科學會學術大會,日本札幌市教育文化會館,2017.10.18~2017.10.20, 2017 . 10
65 ISW for the treatment of adult Angle Class I crowding case,第76回日本矯正齒科學會學術大會,日本札幌市教育文化會館,2017.10.18~2017.10.20, 2017 . 10
66 Fabrication of Friction Adjustable Brackets (Power Brackets),第76回日本矯正齒科學會學術大會,日本札幌市教育文化會館,2017.10.18~2017.10.20, 2017 . 10
67 ISW for the treatment of adult occlusal plane canting combined with gummy deep bite case,第76回日本矯正齒科學會學術大會,日本札幌市教育文化會館,2017.10.18~2017.10.20, 2017 . 10
68 ISW and differential MEAW technique for the treatment of Angle Class II anterior open bite,第76回日本矯正齒科學會學術大會,日本札幌市教育文化會館,2017.10.18~2017.10.20, 2017 . 10
69 ISW for the treatment of Angle Class II division 2 combined with mandibular unstable positions,第76回日本矯正齒科學會學術大會,日本札幌市教育文化會館,2017.10.18~2017.10.20, 2017 . 10
70 ISW for the treatment of Angle Class II division 2 combined with mandibular unstable positions,第76回日本矯正齒科學會學術大會,札幌市教育文化會館,2017.10.18~2017.10.20, 2017 . 10
71 ISW for the treatment of Angle Class II division 2 combined with right posterior crossbite,第75回日本矯正齒科學會大會,德島,日本,2016.11.07~2016.11.09, 2016 . 11
72 ISW for the treatment of adult Angle Class I bimaxillary protrusion case,第75回日本矯正齒科學會大會,德島,日本,2016.11.07~2016.11.09, 2016 . 11
73 ISW for the treatment of adult facial asymmetry skeletal Class III case,第75回日本矯正齒科學會大會,德島,日本,2016.11.07~2016.11.09, 2016 . 11
74 ISW for the treatment of adult bimaxillary protrusion case with J-hook headgear,第75回日本矯正齒科學會大會,德島,日本,2016.11.07~2016.11.09, 2016 . 11
75 ISW for the treatment of adult skeletal Class III crossbite with mandibular incisor extraction case,第75回日本矯正齒科學會大會,德島,日本,2016.11.07~2016.11.09, 2016 . 11
76 The correlation between acupuncture and orthodontics:a study on mandibular movement,第75回日本矯正齒科學會大會,德島,日本,2016.11.07~2016.11.09, 2016 . 11
77 Fluoride release/recharge ability and cytotoxicity of a layered double hydroxide contained restorative system,第75回日本矯正齒科學會大會,德島,日本,2016.11.07~2016.11.09, 2016 . 11
78 ISW for the treatment of Angle Class III high angle case with anterior open bite,第75回日本矯正齒科學會大會,德島,日本,2016.11.07~2016.11.09, 2016 . 11
79 Fabrication of Clear Aligner,第75回日本矯正齒科學會大會,德島,日本,2016.11.07~2016.11.09, 2016 . 11
80 添加奈米結構氫氧化物對牙科複合樹脂性質的影響,2016台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會 & 2016智慧輔具產業與技術研討會,台中,台灣,2016.10.29~2016.10.29, 2016 . 10
81 Comparison of occlusal force distrubution and mandibular border movement between subjects with deep bite before and after acupuncture treatment,XIV International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement (3D-AHM 2016),台北,2016.07.18~2016.07.21, 2016 . 07
82 Clinical application of dual-thread orthodontic implant with revolving cap(R1),The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,福岡國際會議場(福岡市博多區石城町2-1),2015.11.18~2015.11.20, 2015 . 11
83 Assessment of tooth movement by MEAW: a clinical case evaluated by cone-beam computed tomography,The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,福岡國際會議場(福岡市博多區石城町2-1),2015.11.18~2015.11.20, 2015 . 11
84 ISW for the treatment of adult Angle Class I deep overbite case,The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,福岡國際會議場(福岡市博多區石城町2-1),2015.11.18~2015.11.20, 2015 . 11
85 ISW for the treatment of adult skeletal Class III malocclusion case,The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,福岡國際會議場(福岡市博多區石城町2-1),2015.11.18~2015.11.20, 2015 . 11
86 Design and manufacturing of digital indirect bonding braces for orthodontic brackets,The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,福岡國際會議場(福岡市博多區石城町2-1),2015.11.18~2015.11.20, 2015 . 11
87 ISW for the treatment of adult Angle Class III high angle case with anterior crossbite,The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,福岡國際會議場(福岡市博多區石城町2-1),2015.11.18~2015.11.20, 2015 . 11
88 ISW for the treatment of Angle Class II division 1 maxillary protrusion case,The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,福岡國際會議場(福岡市博多區石城町2-1),2015.11.18~2015.11.20, 2015 . 11
89 ISW combined orthognathic surgery for the treatment of Angle Class III malocclusion with facial asymmetry,The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,福岡國際會議場(福岡市博多區石城町2-1),2015.11.18~2015.11.20, 2015 . 11
90 Evaluation of the biomechanical safety of a revolving temporary anchorage cap using in-vitro experimental testing,The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,福岡國際會議場(福岡市博多區石城町2-1),2015.11.18~2015.11.20, 2015 . 11
91 ISW combined with orthodontic implant for the treatment of facial asymmetry non-surgery case,The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,福岡國際會議場(福岡市博多區石城町2-1),2015.11.18~2015.11.20, 2015 . 11
92 初步研究探討齒顎矯正結後齒槽骨的骨質密度變化,中華民國家庭牙醫學會第十八次學術研討會,台中, 台灣,2015.03.08~2015.03.08, 2015 . 03
93 不同直徑齒顎矯正微骨釘對於鎖入扭力之影響,中華民國家庭牙醫學會第十八次學術研討會,台中, 台灣,2015.03.08~2015.03.08, 2015 . 03
94 Comparison of the mechanical performance for different orthodontic nickel-titanium closed-coil springs,The 73 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,千葉縣千葉市美浜區中瀬2丁目1,2014.10.20~2014.10.22, 2014 . 10
95 Evaluation of the mechanical performance in dual-thread orthodotic mini-implants with different pitch relationships,The 73 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,千葉縣千葉市美浜區中瀬2丁目1,2014.10.20~2014.10.22, 2014 . 10
96 ISW for the treatment of functional Class III malocclusion by crossbite arch and MEAW technique,The 73 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,千葉縣千葉市美浜區中瀬2丁目1,2014.10.20~2014.10.22, 2014 . 10
97 ISW for the treatment of Angle Class I with lower congenital missing central incisor,The 73 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,千葉縣千葉市美浜區中瀬2丁目1,2014.10.20~2014.10.22, 2014 . 10
98 Investigation of cell regeneration activity in human periodontal ligament cells,The 73 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,千葉縣千葉市美浜區中瀬2丁目1,2014.10.20~2014.10.22, 2014 . 10
99 Tooth movement observation by alignment digital impression models and CBCT images in different treatment stages,The 73 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,千葉縣千葉市美浜區中瀬2丁目1,2014.10.20~2014.10.22, 2014 . 10
100 ISW for the treatment of adult Angle Class I crowding with acceptable lateral profile case,The 73 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,千葉縣千葉市美浜區中瀬2丁目1,2014.10.20~2014.10.22, 2014 . 10
101 ISW for the treatment of adult skeletal Class III with anterior open bite case,The 73 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,千葉縣千葉市美浜區中瀬2丁目1,2014.10.20~2014.10.22, 2014 . 10
102 Treatment of Skeletal Class III case with excessively protrusive incisors,The 73 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,千葉縣千葉市美浜區中瀬2丁目1,2014.10.20~2014.10.22, 2014 . 10
103 ISW for the treatment of adult skeletal Class III surgery first case,The 73 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,千葉縣千葉市美浜區中瀬2丁目1,2014.10.20~2014.10.22, 2014 . 10
104 Biomechanical analysis of the intrusion of overerupted maxillary molars by using mini-screw as skeletal anchorages,The 73 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,千葉縣千葉市美浜區中瀬2丁目1,2014.10.20~2014.10.22, 2014 . 10
105 Development of dual-thread orthodontic implant with revolving cap (R1),The 73 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,千葉縣千葉市美浜區中瀬2丁目1,2014.10.20~2014.10.22, 2014 . 10
106 Alveolar Bone Density Change During Orthodontic Treatment,International conference on engineering and applied science,Hokkaido, Japan,2014.07.22~2014.07.24, 2014 . 07
107 Dental Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Evaluations of Alveolar Bone Density Around The Teeth During Orthodontic Treatment: A Follow-Up Case Study,36th Asia Pacific Dental Congress,Dubai, United Arab Emirates,2014.06.17~2014.06.19, 2014 . 06
108 ISW for the treatment of skeletal Class II with lower lateral incisors congenital missing case,The 72 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,長野縣松本市水汲69-2,2013.10.07~2013.10.09, 2013 . 10
109 Nonsurgical correction of skeletal Class III malocclusion by MEAW technique in an adult,The 72 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,長野縣松本市水汲69-2,2013.10.07~2013.10.09, 2013 . 10
110 ISW for the treatment of adult skeletal Class II with anterior open bite case,The 72 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,長野縣松本市水汲69-2,2013.10.07~2013.10.09, 2013 . 10
111 ISW for the treatment of skeletal Class III combined with left posterior crossbite,The 72 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,長野縣松本市水汲69-2,2013.10.07~2013.10.09, 2013 . 10
112 Treatment for maxillary excessive gingival display case with first molar extraction and temporary anchorage devices,The 72 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,長野縣松本市水汲69-2,2013.10.07~2013.10.09, 2013 . 10
113 ISW for the treatment of adult Angle Class III with facial asymmetry case,The 72 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,長野縣松本市水汲69-2,2013.10.07~2013.10.09, 2013 . 10
114 ISW for the treatment of adult skeletal Class III anterior crossbite with severe crowding case,The 72 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,長野縣松本市水汲69-2,2013.10.07~2013.10.09, 2013 . 10
115 Consideration of specific arch expansion,The 72 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,長野縣松本市水汲69-2,2013.10.07~2013.10.09, 2013 . 10
116 ISW for the treatment of skeletal Class III anterior open bite and facial asymmetry case,The 71 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,岩手縣盛岡市盛岡馬尺西通1丁目7番1号,2012.09.26~2012.09.28, 2012 . 09
117 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with facial asymmetry case,The 71 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,岩手縣盛岡市盛岡馬尺西通1丁目7番1号,2012.09.26~2012.09.28, 2012 . 09
118 ISW for the treatment of skeletal Class II dental open bite with right posterior crossbite,The 71 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,岩手縣盛岡市盛岡馬尺西通1丁目7番1号,2012.09.26~2012.09.28, 2012 . 09
119 ISW for the Treatment of Skeletal Class III with Anterior Crossbite and Minor Facial Asymmetry Case,The 71 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,岩手縣盛岡市盛岡馬尺西通1丁目7番1号,2012.09.26~2012.09.28, 2012 . 09
120 Consideration of flattening Curve of Spee,The 71 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,岩手縣盛岡市盛岡馬尺西通1丁目7番1号,2012.09.26~2012.09.28, 2012 . 09
121 ISW for the treatment of adult facial asymmetry crowding case,The 71 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,岩手縣盛岡市盛岡馬尺西通1丁目7番1号,2012.09.26~2012.09.28, 2012 . 09
122 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with severe crowding case,The 71 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,岩手縣盛岡市盛岡馬尺西通1丁目7番1号,2012.09.26~2012.09.28, 2012 . 09
123 ISW for the re-treatment of the case with excessive overjet,The 71 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,岩手縣盛岡市盛岡馬尺西通1丁目7番1号,2012.09.26~2012.09.28, 2012 . 09
124 ISW for the treatment of facial asymmetry crossbite case with upper right lateral incisor missing,第70屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.名古屋,2011.10.18~2011.10.18, 2011 . 10
125 ISW for the treatment of anterior open bite with facial asymmetry,第70屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.名古屋,2011.10.18~2011.10.18, 2011 . 10
126 ISW for the treatment of deviated and rotated teeth,第70屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.名古屋,2011.10.18~2011.10.18, 2011 . 10
127 Consideration of atypical finish,第70屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.名古屋,2011.10.18~2011.10.18, 2011 . 10
128 ISW for the treatment of skeletal Class III with anterior crossbite and facial asymmetry case,第70屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.名古屋,2011.10.18~2011.10.18, 2011 . 10
129 ISW for the treatment of child skeletal Class II with deep bite case,第70屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.名古屋,2011.10.18~2011.10.18, 2011 . 10
130 ISW for the treatment of anterior open bite and poor arch coordination,第70屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.名古屋,2011.10.18~2011.10.18, 2011 . 10
131 ISW for the treatment of adult Angle Class III with facial asymmetry case,第70屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.名古屋,2011.10.18~2011.10.18, 2011 . 10
132 Bone Reaction during Orthodontic Treatment,第69屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.橫濱市,2010.09.27~2010.09.27, 2010 . 09
133 ISW for the treatment of moderate crowding dentition with unilateral second molar impaction,第69屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.橫濱市,2010.09.27~2010.09.27, 2010 . 09
134 Consideration of orthodontic tooth de-rotation,第69屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.橫濱市,2010.09.27~2010.09.27, 2010 . 09
135 ISW treatment for skeletal Class III malocclusion with poor arch coordination,第69屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.橫濱市,2010.09.27~2010.09.27, 2010 . 09
136 Position change of temporomandibular joint during orthodontic treatment by using cone-beam CT,第69屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.橫濱市,2010.09.27~2010.09.27, 2010 . 09
137 ISW for the treatment of skeletal Class III anterior crossbite case,第69屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.橫濱市,2010.09.27~2010.09.27, 2010 . 09
138 ISW for the treatment of anterior open bite with molar impactions,第69屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.橫濱市,2010.09.27~2010.09.27, 2010 . 09
139 ISW treatment for skeletal Class III anterior crossbite and upper left canine missing case,第69屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.橫濱市,2010.09.27~2010.09.27, 2010 . 09
140 Friction of Four Clinical-Used Orthodontic Archwires in Stainless Steel Brackets.,88th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR,Centre Convencions Internacional Barcelona (CCIB), Barcelona, Spain,2010.07.14~2010.07.17, 2010 . 07
141 Friction of Four Clinical-Used Orthodontic Archwires in Stainless Steel Brackets,88th General Session of the International Associations for Dental Research,Barcelona, Spain,2010.07.14~2010.07.17, 2010 . 07
142 LH for the treatment of anterior crossbite with lower preomolar missing,2009 中華民國齒顎矯正學會 第十一屆第二次會員大會,台灣.高雄市,2009.12.12~2009.12.12, 2009 . 12
143 LH for the treatment of Class II division 2 with anterior crowding,2009 中華民國齒顎矯正學會 第十一屆第二次會員大會,台灣.高雄市,2009.12.12~2009.12.12, 2009 . 12
144 LH for the treatment of bilateral posterior buccal crossbite,2009 中華民國齒顎矯正學會 第十一屆第二次會員大會,台灣.高雄市,2009.12.12~2009.12.12, 2009 . 12
145 LH for the treatment of adult Angle class II case with anterior open bite,2009 中華民國齒顎矯正學會 第十一屆第二次會員大會,台灣.高雄市,2009.12.12~2009.12.12, 2009 . 12
146 Consideration of upper second molar buccoversion,2009 中華民國齒顎矯正學會 第十一屆第二次會員大會,台灣.高雄市,2009.12.12~2009.12.12, 2009 . 12
147 矯正前後牙根周圍骨密度之改變,2009生物醫學工程年會暨科技研討會,台北, 台灣,2009.12.11~2009.12.12, 2009 . 12
148 LH for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with non-extraction,2009 中華民國齒顎矯正學會 第十一屆第二次會員大會,台灣.高雄市,2009.12.12~2009.12.12, 2009 . 12
149 LH for the treatment of an adolescent skeletal Class III malocclusion with facial asymmetry case,2009 中華民國齒顎矯正學會 第十一屆第二次會員大會,台灣.高雄市,2009.12.12~2009.12.12, 2009 . 12
150 LH for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with severe crowding combined facial asymmetry case,2009 中華民國齒顎矯正學會 第十一屆第二次會員大會,台灣.高雄市,2009.12.12~2009.12.12, 2009 . 12
151 ISW for the treatment of an adolescent skeletal Class III malocclusion with facial asymmetry case,第68屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.福岡縣,2009.11.17~2009.11.17, 2009 . 11
152 傳統與改良式鎳鈦合金矯正線在不銹鋼與塑膠矯正器間摩擦阻力之研究,中華民國家庭牙醫學會兩岸三地大會,台北, 台灣,2009.11.07~2009.11.09, 2009 . 11
153 Consideration of upper second molar buccoversion,第68屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.福岡縣,2009.11.17~2009.11.17, 2009 . 11
154 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with peg lateral by crossbite arch,第68屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.福岡縣,2009.11.17~2009.11.17, 2009 . 11
155 ISW for the treatment of adult Angle Class II case with anterior open bite,第68屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.福岡縣,2009.11.17~2009.11.17, 2009 . 11
156 冷熱循環對矯正用橡皮圈之拉伸性能的影響,兩岸三地家庭牙醫學研討會,台北,台灣,2009.11.07~2009.11.09, 2009 . 11
157 ISW for the treatment of Class II division 2 with anterior crowding,第68屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.福岡縣,2009.11.17~2009.11.17, 2009 . 11
158 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with severe crowding combined facial asymmetry case,第68屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.福岡縣,2009.11.17~2009.11.17, 2009 . 11
159 ISW for the treatment of anterior crossbite with lower premolar missing,第68屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.福岡縣,2009.11.17~2009.11.17, 2009 . 11
160 ISW for the treatment of bilateral posterior buccal crossbite,第68屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.福岡縣,2009.11.17~2009.11.17, 2009 . 11
161 Frictional Forces of Conventional and Improved Superelastic NiTi-Alloy Orthodontic Archwires in Stainless Steel and Plastic Brackets,11th World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering,Munich, Germany,2009.09.07~2009.09.12, 2009 . 09
162 Finite Element Analysis of The Mechanical Behavior of Improved Super-elastic Ti-Ni Alloy Wire (LH),中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
163 Evaluation on frictional forces between different sets of orthodontic brackets and archwires,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
164 LH for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with missing mandibular left first molar,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
165 LH for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with missing mandibular first molars,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
166 LH for the treatment of adult skeletal Class III with anterior open bite,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
167 Introduction to LH orthodontics,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
168 評估不同矯正器及矯正線組合之間摩擦力的表現,生物醫學工程年會暨科技研討會,桃園,2008.12.12~2008.12.13, 2008 . 12
169 LH for the treatment of adult unilateral posterior crossbite with facial asymmetry case,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
170 LH for the treatment of severe crowding dentition with lower bilateral second molar impactions,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
171 Evaluation in self-cleaning effect of Nano-treated orthodontic archwire,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
172 LH treatment for Class II division 1 with unilateral posterior lingual crossbite,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
173 LH for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite combined facial asymmetry case,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
174 LH for the treatment of adult lower bilateral second premolars linguoversion,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
175 LH for the treatment of Class I severe anterior crowding case,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
176 LH for the treatment of anterior open bite,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
177 LH for the treatment of adult unilateral anterior crossbite with facial asymmetry case,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
178 The effect of bonding strength on metal brackets and metal alloy crowns using V-primer,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
179 矯正前後骨密度的變化,生物醫學工程年會暨科技研討會,桃園,2008.12.12~2008.12.13, 2008 . 12
180 Evaluation in self-cleaning effect of Teflon-coated brackets,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
181 LH for the treatment of bringing impacted upper right third molar into occlusion,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
182 he change of the chewing velocity during orthodontic treatment in functional anterior crossbite patients,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
183 LH treatment for horizontal impaction of upper right canine,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議,台灣.台北市,2008.12.12~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
184 不同矯正器與矯正線間摩擦阻力之研究,台灣運動生物力學學會及台灣生物力學學會聯合年會暨學術研討會,台中,2008.11.01~2008.11.01, 2008 . 11
185 利用牙科用電腦斷層掃瞄影像評估矯正前後對牙根周圍骨密度之影響,台灣運動生物力學學會及台灣生物力學學會聯合年會暨學術研討會,台中,2008.11.01~2008.11.01, 2008 . 11
186 ISW for the treatment of adult unilateral posterior crossbite with facial asymmetry case,第67屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.千葉縣,2008.09.17~2008.09.17, 2008 . 09
187 ISW for the treatment of severe crowding dentition with lower bilateral second molar,第67屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.千葉縣,2008.09.17~2008.09.17, 2008 . 09
188 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with missing mandibular left first molar,第67屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.千葉縣,2008.09.17~2008.09.17, 2008 . 09
189 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite combined facial asymmetry,第67屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.千葉縣,2008.09.17~2008.09.17, 2008 . 09
190 ISW for the treatment of bringing impacted upper right third molar into occlusion,第67屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.千葉縣,2008.09.17~2008.09.17, 2008 . 09
191 ISW for the treatment of adult severe posterior crowding by non-extraction,第67屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.千葉縣,2008.09.17~2008.09.17, 2008 . 09
192 ISW for the treatment of skeletal Class III with anterior open bite,第67屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.千葉縣,2008.09.17~2008.09.17, 2008 . 09
193 Consideration of molar mesial drive,第67屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本.千葉縣,2008.09.17~2008.09.17, 2008 . 09
194 Bio-degradable screw as temporary orthodontic anchorage,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第6屆AIOC,台灣台中市,2007.12.15~2007.12.16, 2007 . 12
195 Evaluation in self-cleaning effect of Teflon-coated brackets,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第6屆AIOC,台灣台中市,2007.12.15~2007.12.16, 2007 . 12
196 ISW for the treatment of adult Class I malocclusion case,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第6屆AIOC,台灣台中市,2007.12.15~2007.12.16, 2007 . 12
197 ISW treatment for horizontal impaction of upper right canine,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第6屆AIOC,台灣台中市,2007.12.15~2007.12.16, 2007 . 12
198 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with missing mandibular first molars,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第6屆AIOC,台灣台中市,2007.12.15~2007.12.16, 2007 . 12
199 Evaluation in self-cleaning effect of Nano-treated archwires,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第6屆AIOC,台灣台中市,2007.12.15~2007.12.16, 2007 . 12
200 Consideration of distalization,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第6屆AIOC,台灣台中市,2007.12.15~2007.12.16, 2007 . 12
201 ISW treatment for Class II division 1 with unilateral posterior lingual crossbite,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第6屆AIOC,台灣台中市,2007.12.15~2007.12.16, 2007 . 12
202 ISW for the treatment of Angle class I severe anterior crowding case,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第6屆AIOC,台灣台中市,2007.12.15~2007.12.16, 2007 . 12
203 ISW for the treatment of anterior open bite,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第6屆AIOC,台灣台中市,2007.12.15~2007.12.16, 2007 . 12
204 ISW for the treatment of adult unilateral anterior crossbite with facial asymmetry case,中華民國齒顎矯正學會及第6屆AIOC,台灣台中市,2007.12.15~2007.12.16, 2007 . 12
205 ISW treatment for horizontal impaction of upper right canine,第66屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本大阪府,2007.09.20~2007.09.21, 2007 . 09
206 ISW treatment for Class II division 1 with unilateral posterior lingual crossbite,第66屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本大阪府,2007.09.20~2007.09.21, 2007 . 09
207 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with missing mandibular first molars,第66屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本大阪府,2007.09.20~2007.09.21, 2007 . 09
208 Consideratino of distalization,第66屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本大阪府,2007.09.20~2007.09.21, 2007 . 09
209 ISW for the treatment of adult unilateral anterior crossbite with facial asymmetry case,第66屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本大阪府,2007.09.20~2007.09.21, 2007 . 09
210 ISW for the treatment of Angle class I severe anterior crowding case,第66屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本大阪府,2007.09.20~2007.09.21, 2007 . 09
211 ISW for the treatment of adult Class I malocclusion case,第66屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本大阪府,2007.09.20~2007.09.21, 2007 . 09
212 ISW for the treatment of anterior open bite,第66屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本大阪府,2007.09.20~2007.09.21, 2007 . 09
213 Direct Determination of Rimantadine by Post Column Dye-Binding with Bromocresol Purple and High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultraviolet Detection,1st Asian Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Symposium,Shenyang, China,2007.07.28~2007.07.30, 2007 . 07
214 Open bite treated with LH wire,第107屆美國齒顎矯正學會,美國西雅圖,2007.05.17~2007.05.19, 2007 . 05
215 前牙反咬合併顏面不對稱的成年女性症例之治療,第十屆中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣台北市,2006.12~ , 2006 . 12
216 安格式一級前牙擁擠病例之治療,第十屆中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣台北市,2006.12~ , 2006 . 12
217 前牙功能性反咬合併擁擠的病例治療,第十屆中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣台北市,2006.12~ , 2006 . 12
218 二級2類合併擁擠症例的治療,第十屆中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣台北市,2006.12~ , 2006 . 12
219 前牙反咬合併顏面不對稱的成年女性症例之治療,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣台北市,2006.12.16~2006.12.18, 2006 . 12
220 二級2類合併擁擠症例的治療,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣台北市,2006.12.16~2006.12.17, 2006 . 12
221 牙齒中線偏移症例之非拔牙治療,第十屆中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣台北市,2006.12~ , 2006 . 12
222 矯正治療之固定源考量,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣台北市,2006.12.16~2006.12.17, 2006 . 12
223 成人前方齒列嚴重擁擠之不拔牙治療,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣台北市,2006.12.16~2006.12.17, 2006 . 12
224 成人骨性三級咬合合併嚴重齒列擁擠之症例治療,第十屆中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣台北市,2006.12~ , 2006 . 12
225 成人骨性三級咬合合併嚴重齒列擁擠之症例治療,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣台北市,2006.12.16~2006.12.17, 2006 . 12
226 前牙反咬合併顏面不對稱的成年女性症例之治療,中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣台北市,2006.12.16~2006.12.17, 2006 . 12
227 前牙功能性反咬合併擁擠的病例治療,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣台北市,2006.12.16~2006.12.17, 2006 . 12
228 安格式一級前牙擁擠病例之治療,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣台北市,2006.12.16~2006.12.17, 2006 . 12
229 矯正治療之固定源考量,第十屆中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣台北市,2006.12~ , 2006 . 12
230 成人前方齒列嚴重擁擠之不拔牙治療,第十屆中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣台北市,2006.12~ , 2006 . 12
231 牙齒中線偏移症例之非拔牙治療,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣台北市,2006.12.16~2006.12.14, 2006 . 12
232 Consideration of Maximum Anchorage,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道札幌市,2006.09.14~2006.09.15, 2006 . 09
233 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with anterior crowding,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道札幌市,2006.09.14~2006.09.15, 2006 . 09
234 ISW for the treatment of dental midline deviated case,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道札幌市,2006.09.14~2006.09.15, 2006 . 09
235 ISW treatment for skeletal class III malocclusion with severe crowding,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道札幌市,2006.09.14~2006.09.15, 2006 . 09
236 ISW for the treatment of adult severe anterior crowding by non-extraction,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道札幌市,2006.09.14~2006.09.15, 2006 . 09
237 Consideration of Maximum Anchorage,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道,2006.09~ , 2006 . 09
238 ISW treatment for class II div.2 with crowding,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道札幌市,2006.09.14~2006.09.15, 2006 . 09
239 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with anterior crowding,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道,2006.09~ , 2006 . 09
240 ISW for the treatment of adult severe anterior crowding by non-extraction,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道,2006.09~ , 2006 . 09
241 ISW for the treatment of Angle class I severe anterior crowding case,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道札幌市,2006.09.14~2006.09.15, 2006 . 09
242 ISW for the treatment of Angle class I severe anterior crowding case,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道,2006.09~ , 2006 . 09
243 ISW for the treatment of dental midline deviated case,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道,2006.09~ , 2006 . 09
244 ISW treatment for class II div.2 with crowding,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道,2006.09~ , 2006 . 09
245 ISW treatment for skeletal class III malocclusion with severe crowding,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道,2006.09~ , 2006 . 09
246 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite combined facial asymmetry case,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道,2006.09~ , 2006 . 09
247 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite combined facial asymmetry case,第65屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本北海道札幌市,2006.09.14~2006.09.15, 2006 . 09
248 Nonsurgical treatment for severe adult skeletal Class II malocclusion with LH,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣高雄市,2005.12.18~2005.12.20, 2005 . 12
249 LH Crossbite Arch用於前牙反咬之治療,2005中華民國齒顎矯學會第九屆第二次會員大會暨齒顎矯正學術演講,台灣高雄市,2005.12~ , 2005 . 12
250 Treatment and fixation of autotransplanted tooth with LH in adult Class II malocclusion,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣高雄市,2005.12.18~2005.12.20, 2005 . 12
251 Nonsurgical treatment for severe adult skeletal Class ΙΙ malocclusion with LH,第九屆中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣高雄市,2005.12~ , 2005 . 12
252 LH for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite by Crossbite Arch,中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣高雄市,2005.12~ , 2005 . 12
253 LH for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with anterior crowding,中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣高雄市,2005.12~ , 2005 . 12
254 LH for the treatment of adult skeletal Class III case with anterior open bite,中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣高雄市,2005.12~ , 2005 . 12
255 使用LH矯正線治療安格式第二級第二類咬合異常合併前牙擁擠極深咬的病例 ,2005中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣高雄市,2005.12~ , 2005 . 12
256 Anterior crossbite treated with LH crossbite arch,第九屆中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣高雄市,2005.12~ , 2005 . 12
257 LH for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite by Crossbite Arch,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣高雄市,2005.12.18~2005.12.20, 2005 . 12
258 LH for case of maximum anchorage and overbite control,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣高雄市,2005.12.18~2005.12.20, 2005 . 12
259 LH for the treatment of adult class II division 2 malocclusion case,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣高雄市,2005.12.18~2005.12.20, 2005 . 12
260 Treatment and fixation of autotransplanted tooth with LH in adult Class II malocclusion,中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣高雄市,2005.12~ , 2005 . 12
261 LH for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with anterior crowding,第九屆中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣高雄市,2005.12~ , 2005 . 12
262 LH for the treatment of adult female with anterior prosthesis and posterior scissors bite,中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣高雄市,2005.12~ , 2005 . 12
263 LH for case of maximum anchorage and overbite control,第九屆中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣高雄市,2005.12~ , 2005 . 12
264 LH for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with anterior crowding,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣高雄市,2005.12.18~2005.12.20, 2005 . 12
265 LH for the treatment of adult class II division 2 malocclusion case,中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣高雄市,2005.12~ , 2005 . 12
266 Anterior crossbite treated with LH Crossbite Arch,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣高雄市,2005.12.18~2005.12.19, 2005 . 12
267 LH for the treatment of adult female with anterior prosthesis and posterior scissors bite,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣高雄市,2005.12.18~2005.12.20, 2005 . 12
268 LH for the treatment of adult skeletal Class III case with anterior open bite,中華民國齒顎矯正學會大會,台灣高雄市,2005.12.18~2005.12.19, 2005 . 12
269 ISW for case of maximum anchorage and overbite control,第64屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本橫濱市,2005.10.12~2005.10.14, 2005 . 10
270 ISW for case of maximum anchorage and overbite control,第64屆齒顎矯正學會,日本橫濱市,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
271 ISW for the treatment of adult Class ΙΙ division 2 malocclusion case,2005第64回日笨矯正齒科學會,日本橫濱市,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
272 Nonsurgical treatment for severe adult skeketal Class ΙΙ malocclusion with ISW,第64屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本橫濱市,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
273 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with anterior crowding,第64屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本橫濱市,2005.10.12~2005.10.14, 2005 . 10
274 ISW for the treatment of adult class II division 2 malocclusion case,第64屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本橫濱市,2005.10.12~2005.10.14, 2005 . 10
275 Anterior crossbite treated with improved super elastic Ti-Ni alloy wire (ISW)cossbite arch,第64回日本矯正齒科學會大會,日本橫濱市,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
276 Treatment and fixation of autotransplanted tooth with ISW in adult Class ΙΙ malocclusion,第64屆齒顎矯正學會,日本橫濱市,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
277 Treatment and fixation of autotransplanted tooth with ISW in adult Class II malocclusion,第64屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本橫濱市,2005.10.12~2005.10.14, 2005 . 10
278 Anterior crossbite treated with improved super-elastic Ti-Ni alloy wire(ISW) crossbite arch,第64屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本橫濱市,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
279 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite by crossbite arch,第64屆日本齒顎矯正,日本橫濱市,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
280 Anterior crossbite treated with ISW Crossbite Arch,第64屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本橫濱市,2005.10.12~2005.10.14, 2005 . 10
281 Nonsurgical treatment for severe adult skeletal Class II malocclusion with ISW,第64屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本橫濱市,2005.10.12~2005.10.14, 2005 . 10
282 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite by Crossbite Arch,第64屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本橫濱市,2005.10.12~2005.10.14, 2005 . 10
283 ISW for the treatment of adult skeletal Class III case with anterior open bite,第64屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本橫濱市,2005.10.12~2005.10.14, 2005 . 10
284 ISW for the treatment of adult skeletal ClassΙΙΙ case with anterior open bite,第64屆日本齒顎矯正學,日本橫濱市,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
285 ISW for the treatment of adult anterior crossbite with anterior crowding,第64屆齒顎矯正學會,日本橫濱市,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
286 ISW for the treatment of adult Class ΙΙ division 2 malocclusion case,第64屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本橫濱市,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
287 Treatment of adult anterior open bite and crossbite case with LH wire,第三屆世界矯正植體學會及中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台北市國際會議中心,2004.12.03~2004.12.05, 2004 . 12
288 Treatment of adult facial asymmetry case with crowding,第三屆世界矯正植體學會及中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台北市國際會議中心,2004.12.3 ~2004.12.5 , 2004 . 12
289 Treatment of adult skeletal Class III case with severe anterior crowding,第三屈世界矯正植體學會及中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台北市國際會議中心,2004.12.03~2004.12.05, 2004 . 12
290 FEM analysis of orthodontic elastic chain,第三屆世界矯正植體學會及中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台北市國際會議中心,2004.12.03~2004.12.05, 2004 . 12
291 Treatment of adult facial asymmetry case with crowding,第三屆世界矯正植體學會及中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台灣台北市,2004.12~ , 2004 . 12
292 Traction of impacted teeth with LH wire,第三屆世界矯正植體學會及中華民國齒顎矯正學會,台北市國際會議中心,2004.12.03~2004.12.05, 2004 . 12
293 FE analysis of orthodontic elastic chain,第63屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本福岡市,2004.11.17~2004.11.19, 2004 . 11
294 Traction of impacted teeth with improved super-elastic Ti-Ni alloy wire,第63屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本福岡市,2004.11.17~2004.11.19, 2004 . 11
295 Treatment of adult facial asymmetry case with crowding,第63屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本福岡市,2004.11.17~2004.11.19, 2004 . 11
296 Treatment of adult skeletal Class III case with severe anterior crowding,第63屆日本齒顎矯正學會,日本福岡市,2004.11.17~2004.11.19, 2004 . 11
297 Open bite treated with LH wire,第104屆美國矯正學會大會,美國奧蘭多市,2004.05.01~2004.05.04, 2004 . 05
298 Open bite treated with ISW,第三屆實證牙醫學先進會議,中國, 香港,2003.11.01~2003.11.04, 2003 . 11
299 Open bite treated with ISW,第三屆世界先進牙醫學大會,中國香港,2003.11~ , 2003 . 11
300 Anterior crossbite treated with LH wire,中國口腔正畸學會大會,中國西安市,2003.09.06~2003.09.10, 2003 . 09
301 矯正治療に対する needs and demands - 外来患者、学生、矯正専門医の比較 - ,第66回 口腔病学会学術大会,日本東京,2001.12~ , 2001 . 12
302 矯正治療的需求性及必要性,第66回口腔病學會學術大會,東京醫科齒科大學,2001.12.01~2001.12.03, 2001 . 12
303 Placement of absolute anchorage for orthodontic tooth movement,5th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering,義大利羅馬,2001.11~ , 2001 . 11
304 Placement of absolute anchorage for orthodontic tooth movement,5th International symposium on computer methods in biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering,Jolly Hotel Midas, Rome, Italy,2001.11.01~2001.11.03, 2001 . 11
305 Needs and demands for orthodontic treatment - A comparison between patients, dental students and ort,JOS Meeting 2001,Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan,2001.10.08~2001.10.11, 2001 . 10
306 The most appropriate position and number for absolute anchorage for orthodontic tooth movements,JOS Meeting 2001,Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan,2001.10.08~2001.10.11, 2001 . 10
307 Mathematical consideration for the position of orthodontic absolute anchorages,Asian orthodontic congress & 36th Indian orthodontic conference,Cochin, India,2001.09.23~2001.09.25, 2001 . 09
308 上顎第一小臼齒單顎拔牙症例的咬合力學解析,東京矯正齒科學會大會,東京朝日新聞記念會館,2000.07.06~2000.07.06, 2000 . 07
309 FEM tooth model of joint elements,顎顏面biomechanics學會大會,北海道北海道醫療大學,2000.07.21~2000.07.22, 2000 . 07
310 Treatment experience in multiple impacted teeth of imperfect cleidocranial dysostosis case,3rd APOC (Asian-Pacific Orthodontic Conference),Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.,1998.11.21~1998.11.24, 1998 . 11




研究計畫/Research Grant
1 個別型,CMU113-S-32,,本校(含附醫),VR教學系統對於牙科實習醫師教學成效提升之評估,2024.12.19~2025.7.31 2024 . 12
2 個別型,DMR-114-106,余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu),附醫院內計畫,利用人工智慧預測矯正術後軟組織的變化,2024.8.1~2025.7.31 2024 . 08
3 產學合作,11242635,陳素鳳(Chen, Su-Feng),元錦生物科技股份有限公司,牙科頭燈光學效能創新與提升,2023.12.15~2025.12.14 2023 . 12
4 個別型,DMR-111-044,,附醫院內計畫,應用擴增實境技術針對牙根考慮與否於輔助矯正器黏著之精準度,2021.8.1~2022.7.31 2021 . 08
5 ,10871710,,教育部,教學實踐計畫-建構數位牙醫(e)學苑,成為亞洲數位牙科臨床技術教學中心-VR與AR於醫學教育之進階應用,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 2019 . 08
6 個別型,DMR-109-032,,附醫院內計畫,擴增實境定位牙根監測系統於齒顎矯正之應用研究,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 2019 . 08
7 產學合作,10742666,,工業技術研究院,擴增實境輔助矯正器定位IRB測試執行,2018.11.13~2019.12.12 2018 . 11
8 ,10771709,,教育部,教學實踐計畫-建構數位牙醫(e)學苑,成為亞洲數位牙科臨床技術教學中心-VR與AR於醫學教育之應用,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 2018 . 08
9 個別型,CMU105-S-30,,本校(含附醫),奈米製程表面化處理矯正器表面以達到食物不易沾黏的效果,2016.9.7~2017.7.31 2016 . 09
10 個別型,DMR-104-020,,附醫院內計畫,利用錐狀斷層掃描資料評估矯正治療前後下顎前牙區舌側齒槽骨的型態變化,2014.8.1~2015.7.31 2014 . 08
11 產學合作,102426AR,,產學計畫:金屬工業研究發展中心,齒顎矯正治療病例資料建檔與分析,2013.10.1~2014.9.30 2013 . 10
12 個別型,DMR-103-016,許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu),附醫院內計畫,運用錐狀放射斷層掃描系統技術對於矯正釘數位手術模板植入前後精準度之評估,2013.8.1~2014.7.31 2013 . 08
13 產學合作,10042687,余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、林慧怡(Lin, Hui-Yi),黃文崇,肉桂檢測,2012.3.13~2012.6.13 2012 . 03
14 產學合作,10042686,余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、林慧怡(Lin, Hui-Yi),黃文崇,馬鞭草檢測,2012.3.13~2012.6.13 2012 . 03
15 產學合作,10042674,余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、林慧怡(Lin, Hui-Yi),許哲綸,總三?檢測及總重金屬檢測-許哲綸,2012.2.15~2012.2.29 2012 . 02
16 產學合作,10042675,林慧怡(Lin, Hui-Yi)、余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu),黃仙珠,類固醇及總重金屬檢測-黃仙珠,2012.2.10~2012.3.10 2012 . 02
17 產學合作,10042656,余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu),陳睿璿,總重金屬檢測-陳睿璿,2011.11.25~2011.12.25 2011 . 11
18 產學合作,10042657,余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu),陳睿璿,類固醇檢測-陳睿璿,2011.11.25~2011.12.25 2011 . 11
19 個別型,CMU99-COL-43-2,余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu),本校(含附醫),不同齒顎矯正微骨釘長度及直徑對周邊骨質之影響,2011.8.1~2012.4.30 2011 . 08
20 個別型,CMU99-COL-44-2,許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu),本校(含附醫),在牙齒移動模式上評估不同組合的矯正器及矯正線間之摩擦阻力,2011.8.1~2012.4.30 2011 . 08
21 個別型,CMU99-COL-44-1,許瑞廷,本校(含附醫),在牙齒移動模式上評估不同組合的矯正器及矯正線間之摩擦阻力,2011.5.1~2011.7.31 2011 . 05
22 個別型,CMU99-COL-43-1,余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu),本校(含附醫),不同齒顎矯正微骨釘長度及直徑對周邊骨質之影響,2011.5.1~2011.7.31 2011 . 05
23 個別型,DMR-99-037,,,以類鑽碳材質為矯正器表面披覆材料之開發及性質分析,2009.8.1~2010.7.31 2009 . 08
24 個別型,DMR-98-112,,,在牙齒移動模式上比較不同組合的矯正器,矯正線及結紮方式之間的摩擦阻力,2008.8.1~2009.7.31 2008 . 08
25 整合型(召集人、總主持人),CMU97-080,鍾先揚(Hsien-Yang Chung)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu),本校(含附醫),齒顎矯正治療之軟硬組織生理型態變化及生物力學探討,2008.8.1~2009.7.31 2008 . 08
26 個別型,DMR-97-087,,本校(含附醫),使用金屬表面處理劑對於金屬矯正器與金屬牙冠黏著強度之影響,2008.7.1~2009.6.30 2008 . 07
27 個別型,DMR-96-052,,本校(含附醫),運用三維影像攝影技術評估齒顎矯正前後臉部軟組織變化,2007.7.1~2008.6.30 2007 . 07
28 個別型,CMU95-120,,本校(含附醫),矯正用植體合併低磁滯鈦鎳合金線之有限要素分析及開發,2006.8.1~2007.7.31 2006 . 08
29 個別型,CMU94-030,,本校(含附醫),矯正用鈦鎳合金線及植體之有限要素分析及開發,2005.8.1~2006.7.31 2005 . 08
30 整合型(召集人、總主持人),CMU92-D-06,,本校(含附醫),齒顎矯正用植體之有限要素分析,2003.8.1~2004.7.31 2003 . 08




1 11th Asian Pacific Orthodontic Conference "Culture of Smiles",Asian Pacific Orthodontic Society,2018.3.7 2018 . 03
2 The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society Excellent Exhibition Award,The Japanese Orthodontic Society,2014.10.22 2014 . 10
3 The 59th IADS & YDW Annual World Dental Congress 1st Prize,IADS & YDW Annual World Dental Congress,2012.8.19 2012 . 08


技術轉移/Technology Transfer
1 矯正器表面沾黏測試評估之技術,余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、余建志(Chien-Chih Yu),2016.2~2021.2,,本校(含附醫),維米電子股份有限公司 2016 . 02
2 降低介面結合反應之凝膠配方,余建宏(Chien-Hung Yu)、余建志(Chien-Chih Yu),2011.9~2018.9,,本校(含附醫),太和堂製藥工業股份有限公司 2011 . 09