
Doctor Introduction



Yuan-Chien Chen
Yuan-Chien Chen


陳遠謙 Yuan-Chien Chen

於2000年創建本院口腔顎面外科,再於2003年通過審核成為專科醫師訓練機構 。長年專注於『顎顏面畸形暨骨性咬合功能異常』的診治-『正顎手術』,優異成果儼然已為中台灣翹楚;近年來更率先將傳統正顎手術應用於治療『阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症』的病人,也把3D列印技術及超音波骨刀導入正顎手術及顎骨腫瘤切除後之重建,大大提升效率、精準度與安全性。自1998 年引進並改良自體『脛骨海綿骨』與『腸骨 J-形骨塊』移植手術,重建複雜性的上下顎骨暨齒槽骨缺損,以利後續『人工植牙』療程,造福無數嚴重齒顎缺陷的病人。近年來亦投注大量心力於顳顎關節疾病的診治及3D列印結合組織工程的研發。


期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 (Ting-Xin Hong)、(Aaron Yu-Jen Wu)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)、傅立志(Lih-Jyh Fuh)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)*,Comparative Study of 3D Contact Area Percentage Between Zygomatic Implant and Bone in Different Surgical Approaches: Clinical and Biomechanical Perspectives,Journal of Stomatology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,2025 Oct,126(5):1-7 2025 . 10
2 莊景雯(CHUANG, CHING-WEN)、黃毓銓(Huang, Yu-Chuen)、(I Chen)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Evaluation of Cortical Bone Thickness at the Nasomaxillary and Zygomaticomaxillary Buttresses Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Imaging for Le Fort I Osteotomy,Journal of Dental Sciences,2025 Jan,20(1):36-46 2025 . 01
3 陳易(I, CHEN)、陳癸菁(Kwei-Jing Chen)*、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*,『Correspondence』Management of a recurrent odontogenic keratocyst in the zygoma using piezoelectric instruments,Journal of Dental Sciences,2025 Jan,20(1):721-722 2025 . 01
4 蔡筱琪(Hsiao-Chi Tsai)、蔡銘修(Tsai Ming-Hsui)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、黃純惟(Chun-Wei Huang)、盧建吉(Chien-Chi Lu)、陳癸菁(Kwei-Jing Chen)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)、連銘渝(Ming-Yu Lien)*、湯智昕(Chih-Hsin Tang)*,Circ_0002722-induced regulation of YAP promotes platinum resistance in oral squamous cell carcinoma: Implications for verteporfin therapy,BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY,2024 Nov,229():1-11 2024 . 11
5 王暄惠(WANG SHIUAN-HUI)、傅立志(Lih-Jyh Fuh)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、彭馨蕾(Shin-Lei Peng)*、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Preoperative Assessment of Bone Density for Dental Implantation: A Comparative Study of Three Different ROI Methods,Head & Face Medicine,2024 May,20(1):1-11 2024 . 05
6 陳易(I, CHEN)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*、陳癸菁(Kwei-Jing Chen)*,Navigation-Assisted Condylectomy via an Intraoral Approach to Achieve True Minimal Invasive Surgery,Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons,2024 Jan,(): 2024 . 01
7 陳世淵(CHEN,SHIH-YUAN)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*,Two-Stage Mandibular Reconstruction with Particulate Cancellous Bone and Marrow Grafts after Resection of Osteoradionecrosis— A Case Report,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2022 Jul,33(4):01-10 2022 . 07
8 林士哲(LIN , SHIH-CHE)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*,Bad Split Associated with High Bone Density in Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy - A New Postulation,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2022 Jul,33(3):163-171 2022 . 07
9 蘇康仁(Soh Kang Ren)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)、陸泰年(Tai-Nien Lu)、陳彥綦(Yan-Chi Chen)*,Aspiration of Dislodged High Speed Dental Handpiece Turbine Head—A Case Report,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2022 Jun,33(2):117-124 2022 . 06
10 (Nan-Chin Lin)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*、(Kuo-Yang Tsai)*,Survival and clinicopathological characteristics of cT4b oral squamous cell carcinoma based on different treatment modalities A single-center retrospective study,MEDICINE,2022 May,101(19):e29285 2022 . 05
11 陳癸菁(Kwei-Jing Chen)、(Ming-Hong Hsieh)、林彥佑、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)、連銘渝(Ming-Yu Lien)、(Shun-Fa Yang)*、湯智昕(Chih-Hsin Tang)*,Visfatin Polymorphisms, Lifestyle Risk Factors and Risk of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Cohort of Taiwanese Males,International Journal of Medical Sciences,2022 Apr,19(4):762-768 2022 . 04
12 羅文甫(Wen-Fu Lo)、陳癸菁(Kwei-Jing Chen)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*,Practical Classification System for Horizontal/Mesio-angular Impaction of Mandibular Third Molars,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2021 Dec,32(4): 2021 . 12
13 (AMOS C.Hung)、(Yen-Yun Wang)、(Kun-Tsung Lee)、(Hung-Hsing Chiang)、(Yuk-Kwan Chen)、(Je-Kang Du)、(Chung-Ming Chen)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)、陳癸菁(Kwei-Jing Chen)、(Stephen Chu-Sung Hu)、(Shyng-Shiou F. Yuan)*,Reduced tissue and serum resistin expression as a clinical marker for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma,Oncology Letters,2021 Aug,22(774): 2021 . 08
14 林楠瑾(Lin, Nan-Chin)、蘇逸嫻(Su-I Hsien)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*,Impact on patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma in different anatomical subsites: a single-center study in Taiwan,Scientific Reports,2021 Jul,11(1): 2021 . 07
15 陳癸菁(Kwei-Jing Chen)、Ying-Ting Ch(Ying-Ting Chen)、Szu-Yu Hsiao(Szu-Yu Hsiao)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*,Postoperative Changes in Tongue Area and Pharyngeal Airway Space Following Mandibular Setback Surgery through Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy,Biomed Research International,2021 Jul,(): 2021 . 07
16 林楠瑾(Lin, Nan-Chin)、(I-Hsien Sub)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)、蔡國陽(Kuo-Yang Tsai)*、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*,FDG-PET Predicts Bone Invasion and Prognosis in Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma,Scientific Reports,2021 Jul,11(15153): 2021 . 07
17 陳良誠(Chen-Liang-Cheng)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)、施皓(SHIH HAO)*,Extirpating Mandibular Odontogenic Keratocyst through Sagittal Split Approach - A Case Report & Literature Review,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2021 Jun,32():150-162 2021 . 06
18 陳癸菁(Kwei-Jing Chen)、羅文甫(Wen-Fu Lo)、陳易(I, CHEN)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*,【 Case Series】Clinical Application of a Surgical Navigation System for Fractured Dental Needle Retrieval,BRITISH JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY,2020 Dec,(): 2020 . 12
19 (Kuo-Chou Chiu)、(Yin-Hwa Shih)、(Tong-Hong Wang)、(Wan-Chen Lan)、(Po-Jung Li)、(Hong-Syu Jhuang)、(Shih-Min Hsia)、沈嬿文(Yen-Wen Shen)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*、謝宗明(Shieh Tzong-Ming)*,In vitro antimicrobial and antipro-inflammation potential of honokiol and magnolol against oral pathogens and macrophages,JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION,2020 Sep,0(0):0-0 2020 . 09
20 陳癸菁(Kwei-Jing Chen)、蔡俊益(Jyun-Yi Cai)、羅文甫(Wen-Fu Lo)、詹佳穎(Chia-Ing Jan)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*,Synovial Sarcoma of Lower Extremity with Oral metastasis-A case report,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2020 Jun,31():144-154 2020 . 06
21 陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)、(Yi-Fan Wu)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Biomechanical Evaluation of Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy Fixation Techniques in Mandibular Setback,Applied Sciences-Basel,2020 May,10(9):3031 2020 . 05
22 陳良誠(Chen-Liang-Cheng)、陳彥綦(Yan-Chi Chen)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*,Computer-Aided transoral partial mandibulectomy and reconstruction: Case Report,clinical research and trials,2019 Aug,5(8):1-3 2019 . 08
23 陳彥綦(Yan-Chi Chen)、陳癸菁(Kwei-Jing Chen)、吳褘凡(I-Van Wu)、羅文甫(Wen-Fu Lo)、張佩穎、簡杏宜、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*,A retrospective analysis of unfavorable fracture during sagittal split osteotomy and proposal of a risk reduction protocol,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2019 Jun,30():73-86 2019 . 06
24 (Hsi-Feng Tu)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)、(Joseph Chieh-Yui Lai)、(Yi-Ling Chen)、(Yih-Wen Wong)、(Cheng-Chieh Yang)、(Hsin-Yuan Chen)、(Shih-Min Hsia)、(Yin-Hwa Shih)*、謝宗明(Shieh Tzong-Ming)*,Arecoline-regulated ataxia telangiectasia mutated expression level in oral cancer progression,HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK,2019 Feb,NA(): 2019 . 02
25 陳易(I, CHEN)、張加明、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*、陳癸菁(Kwei-Jing Chen)*,Traumatic dislocation of the mandibular condyle into the middle cranial fossa treated by an intraoral approach,JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION,2018 Dec,.(): 2018 . 12
26 陳俊明(Chun-Ming Chen)、曾于娟(Yu-Chuan Tseng)、柯政全(Edward Chengchuan Ko)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)、陳癸菁(Kwei-Jing Chen)、鄭戒軒(Jung-Hsuan Cheng)*,Comparisons of Jaw Line and Face Line after Mandibular Setback: Intraoral Vertical Ramus versus Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomies,Biomed Research International,2018 Dec,0(0):1-7 2018 . 12
27 曾于娟(Yu-Chuan Tseng)、鄭戒軒(Jung-Hsuan Cheng)、陳遠謙(Chen, Michael Yuan-Chien)、陳癸菁(Kwen-Jing Chen)*、陳俊明(Chun-Ming Chen)*,The Changes of Cheek Line (Lateral) and Face Line (Frontal) after Correction of Mandibular Prognathism,Biomed Research International,2018 Jun,(2018):1-7 2018 . 06
28 陳癸菁(Kwen-Jing Chen)、陳遠謙(Chen, Michael Yuan-Chien)、鄭戎軒、陳俊明、曾于娟*,Factors related to skeletal relapse in the two-jaw surgery treatment of mandibular prognathism,Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,2017 Dec,0(): 2017 . 12
29 張佩穎(Chang, Pei-ying)、(Tzer-Min Kuo)、(Po-Ku Chen)、(You-Zhe Lin)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、陳遠謙(Chen, Michael Yuan-Chien)、葛應欽(Ko, Ying-Chin)*,Arecoline N‐Oxide Upregulates Caspase‐8 Expression in Oral Hyperplastic Lesions of Mice,JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2017 Nov,(): 2017 . 11
30 陳遠謙(Chen, Michael Yuan-Chien)、謝明佑(Shie, Ming-You)、吳源晧(Yuan Haw (Andrew)Wu)、李凱星(lee kai xing alvin)、魏立儒(Li-Ju Wei)*、(Yu-Fang Shen)*,Anti-inflammation performance of curcumin-loaded mesoporous calcium silicate cement,JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION,2017 Sep,116():679-688 2017 . 09
31 陳俊明(Chun-Ming Chen)、陳遠謙(Chen, Michael Yuan-Chien)、鄭戎軒(Jung-Hsuan Cheng)、陳癸菁(Kwen-Jing Chen)、曾于娟(Yu-Chuan Tseng)*,Facial profile and frontal changes after bimaxillary surgery in patients with mandibular prognathism,JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION,2017 Aug,(): 2017 . 08
32 王堂權(Tang-Chuan Wang)、鄒永恩(Tsou, Yung-An)*、吳禕凡(Yi-Fan Wu)、(Chia-Chang Huang)、(Wesley Wen-Yang Lin)、李郁芬(Li, Yu-Fen)、陳遠謙(Chen, Michael Yuan-Chien)、戴志展(Tai, Chih-Jaan)、蔡銘修(Tsai, Ming-Hsui),Treatment success with titratable thermoplastic mandibular advancement devices for obstructive sleep apnea: A comparison of patient characteristics,ENT-EAR NOSE & THROAT JOURNAL,2017 Mar,96(3):E25-E32 2017 . 03
33 羅文甫(Wen-Fu Lo)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)*,以帳篷支柱骨移植重建嚴重吸收之顎骨缺損-病例報告,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2016 Dec,27(270):270-278 2016 . 12
34 (Tong-Hong Wang)、(Shih-Min Hsia)、(Chi-Hao Wu)、(Shun-Yao Ko)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、石尹華、謝宗明(Shieh Tzong-Ming)*、(Li-Chuan Chuang)、(Ching-Yi Wu),Evaluation of the Antibacterial Potential of Liquid and Vapor Phase Phenolic Essential Oil Compounds against Oral Microorganisms,PLoS One,2016 Sep,11(9): 2016 . 09
35 劉易鑫、陳癸菁(Kwei-Jing Chen)、陳彥綦(Yan-Chi Chen)、簡杏宜、吳褘凡、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*,以勒福一式骨切開途徑切除上顎竇後緣之齒源性病灶-四病例報告,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2016 Sep,27():199-210 2016 . 09
36 (Shih-Min Hsia)、(Cheng-Chia Yu)、(Yin-Hua Shih)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、(Tong-Hong Wang)、(Yu-Ting Huang)、謝宗明(Shieh Tzong-Ming)*,Isoliquiritigenin as a cause of DNA damage and inhibitor of ATM expression leading to G2/M phase arrest and apoptosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma.,HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK,2016 Apr,(): 2016 . 04
37 蔣尚倫(Shang-Lun Chiang)、林建佑(Chien-Yu Lin)、張建國(Jan-Gowth Chang)、鍾加明(Chia-Min Chung)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、葛應欽(Ying-Chin Ko)*,Somatic Mutations and Genetic Variants of NOTCH1 in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Occurrence and Development,Scientific Reports,2016 Apr,(): 2016 . 04
38 王偉全(Wei-Quan Wang)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、傅立志(Lih-Jyh Fuh)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,New quantitative classification of the anatomical relationship between impacted third molars and the inferior alveolar nerve,BMC MEDICAL IMAGING,2015 Dec,15(59): 2015 . 12
39 簡杏宜(HANI SURIANTI)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)*,Coronoid Process Hyperplasia — Report of 3 Cases,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2015 Dec,26():310-320 2015 . 12
40 黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、(Kuo-Chih Su)、傅立志(Lih-Jyh Fuh)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、(Jay Wu)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Biomechanical Analysis of a Temporomandibular Joint Condylar Prosthesis During Various Clenching Tasks,JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY,2015 Sep,43(7):1194-1201 2015 . 09
41 林宏洋(Hung-Yang Lin)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、吳褘凡(Yi Fan Wu)*,Retromandibular Approach for Mandibular Subcondylar Fracture,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2015 Mar,26():29-43 2015 . 03
42 (Yin-Hua Shih)、(Kuo-Wei Chang)、(Cheng-Chia Yu)、高銘欽(Ming-Ching Kao)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、(Tong-Hong Wang)、(Tzu-Yun Chi)、(Yi-Ling Chen)、謝宗明(Shieh Tzong-Ming)*,Hinokitiol suppressed pan-histone expression and cell growth in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells,Journal of Functional Foods,2015 Mar,15():452-463 2015 . 03
43 (Lee CP)、蔣尚倫(Shang-Lun Chiang)、(Lee CH)、(Tsai YS)、(Wang ZH)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、(Tsai EM)、葛應欽(Ying-Chin Ko)*,AURKA Phe31Ile polymorphism interacted with use of alcohol, betel quid, and cigarettes at multiplicative risk of oral cancer occurrence,Clinical Oral Investigations,2015 Feb,0(0):0-0 2015 . 02
44 孫國丁(Kuo-Ting Sun)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、涂明君(Ming-Gene Tu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*,MicroRNA-20a regulates autophagy related protein-ATG16L1 in hypoxia-induced osteoclast differentiation,BONE,2015 Jan,73(2015):145-153 2015 . 01
45 黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、(Yin-Yu Chang)*、(Hung-Jui Chen)、(Yu-Kai Chou)、賴志河(Chih-Ho Lai)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen),Antibacterial Properties and Cytocompatibility of Tantalum Oxide Coatings with Different Silver Contents,JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A,2014 Mar,32(2):02b117-1-02b117-6 2014 . 03
46 邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、白禮源(Li-Yuan Bai)、(Naval Kapuriya)、(Shih-Yuan Peng)、(Chia-Yung Wu)、(Aaron M. Sargeant)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、翁靖如(Jing-Ru Weng)*,Antitumor effects of BI-D1870 on human oral squamous cell carcinoma,CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY AND PHARMACOLOGY,2014 Feb,73(2):237-247 2014 . 02
47 黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、(Yin-Yu Chang)*、(Ya-Chi Chen)、賴志河(Chih-Ho Lai)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen),Cytocompatibility and Antibacterial Properties of Zirconia Coatings with Different Silver Contents on Titanium,Thin Solid Films,2013 Nov,549(2013):108-116 2013 . 11
48 (Jung-Ting Ho)、吳杰(Jay Wu)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、傅立志(Lih-Jyh Fuh)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Trabecular bone structural parameters evaluated using dental cone-beam computed tomography: cellular synthetic bones,Biomedical Engineering Online,2013 Nov,12(115):1-10 2013 . 11
49 張佩穎(Pei-Ying Chang)、彭淑芬(Shu-Fen Peng)、李昭瑩(Lee Chao-Ying)、蔡士彰(Shih-Chang Tsai)、謝宗明(Shieh Tzong-Ming)、吳天賞(TIAN-SHUNG WU)、涂明君(Ming-Gene Tu)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)*、楊家欣(Yang Jai-Sing)*,Curcumin-loaded nanoparticles induce apoptotic cell death through regulation of the function of MDR1 and reactive oxygen species in cisplatin-resistant CAR human oral cancer cells,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY,2013 Oct,43():1141-1150 2013 . 10
50 傅立志(Lih-Jyh Fuh)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)*、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、沈嬿文(Yen-Wen Shen),Biomechanical investigation on thread designs and interfacial conditions of zirconia and titanium dental implants with bone: 3D numerical analysis,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS,2013 Mar,28(2):e64-e71 2013 . 03
51 簡杏宜(HANI SURIANTI)、陳百立(Pai-Li Chen)、薛水上(Hsue Shui-Sang)、張加明(Chia-Ming Chang)、張佩穎(Pei-ying Chang)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)*,Clear cell odontogenoc carcinoma of mandibule-a case report,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2013 Mar,24(1):38-49 2013 . 03
52 黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)*、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、(Cheng Liu)、(Ching-Han Chang)、李郁芬(Yu-Fen Li)、(Kuan-Ting Chen),Microcomputed tomography analysis of particular autogenous bone graft in sinus augmentation at 5 months: Differences on bone mineral density and 3D trabecular structure,Clinical Oral Investigations,2013 Feb,17(2):535-542 2013 . 02
53 (Cheng Liu)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*、(Kuo-Chih Su)、(Chih-Han Chang)、(Yu-Jen Wu),Relation between insertion torque and bone-implant contact percentage: an artificial bone study,Clinical Oral Investigations,2012 Dec,16(3):1679-1684 2012 . 12
54 許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)、(Ying-Ju Chen)、(Ming-Tzu Tsai)、(Howard Haw-Chang Lan)、(Fu-Chou Cheng)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、(Shun-Ping Wang)*,Predicting cortical bone strength from DXA and dental cone-beam CT,PLoS One,2012 Nov,7(11):e50008-e50014 2012 . 11
55 蔡士彰(Shih-Chang Tsai)、呂啟誠(Chi-Cheng Lu)、李昭瑩(Lee Chao-Ying)、林永昌(Yung-Chang Lin)、鍾景光(Jing-Gung Chung)、郭盛助(Sheng-Chu Kuo)、雨谷榮(Sakae Amagaya)、陳緋娜(Fei-Na Chen)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、(Shih-Feng Chan)、楊家欣(Yang Jai-Sing)*,AKT serine/threonine protein kinase modulates bufalin-triggered intrinsic pathway of apoptosis in CAL 27 human oral cancer cells,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY,2012 Nov,41(5):1683-1692 2012 . 11
56 張加明(Chia-Ming Chang)、張佩穎(Pei-Ying Chang)、涂明君(Ming-Gene Tu)、(CHI-CHENG LU)、郭盛助(Sheng-Chu Kuo)、(SAKAE AMAGAYA)、李昭瑩(Lee Chao-Ying)、(HUI-YU JAO)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)*、楊家欣(Yang Jai-Sing)*,Epigallocatechin gallate sensitizes CAL-27 human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells to the anti-metastatic effects of gefitinib (Iressa) via synergistic suppression of epidermal growth factor receptor and matrix metalloproteinase-2,ONCOLOGY REPORTS,2012 Sep,(28):1799-1807 2012 . 09
57 黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)*、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)、李郁芬(Yu-Fen Li)、張志涵(Ching-Han Chang)、陳冠婷(Kuan-Ting Chen),Three-dimensional bone structure and bone mineral density evaluations of autogenous bone graft after sinus augmentation: a microcomputed tomography analysis,CLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH,2012 Aug,23(9):1098-1113 2012 . 08
58 張加明(Chia-Ming Chang)、柯政全(Edward C. Ko)、高主強(Chu-Chiang Kao)、張佩穎(Pei-Ying Chang)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)*,Incidence and clinical significance of zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture involving the temporomandibular joint with emphasis on trismus,KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES,2012 Jun,28(6):336-340 2012 . 06
59 (Yin-Hua Shih)、(Kuo-Wei Chang)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、(Cheng-Chia Yu)、林殿傑(Dan-Jae, Lin)、(Shih-Min Hsia)、黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、謝宗明(Shieh Tzong-Ming)*,Lysyl Oxidase Enhances Cell Proliferation and Angiogenesis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma,HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK,2012 Feb,**(**):**-** 2012 . 02
60 謝宗明(Shieh Tzong-Ming)、張國威(Kuo-Wei Chang)、涂曦丰(Hsi-Feng Tu)、石尹華(Yin-Hua Shih)、柯順耀(Shun-Yao Ko)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、劉崇基(Chung-Ji Liu)*,Association Between the Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α Polymorphisms and the Tumor Size of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma,ORAL ONCOLOGY,2010 Sep,46(9):47-53 2010 . 09
61 陳癸菁(Kwen-Jing Chen)、張加明(Chia-Ming Chang)、張佩穎(Pei-Ying Chang)、傅立志(Lih-Jyh Fuh)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)*,Iliac “J-Bone Block” for Augmentation of Complicated Alveolar Defect,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2010 Jun,21(2):85-101 2010 . 06
62 黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)*、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)、傅立志(Lih-Jyh Fuh)、林殿傑(Dan-Jae, Lin)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen),Biomechanical simulation of various surface roughnesses and geometric designs on an immediately loaded dental implant,COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE,2010 May,40():525-532 2010 . 05
63 黃恆立(Heng-Li Huang)、涂明君(Ming-Gene Tu)、傅立志(Lih-Jyh Fuh)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、(Chu-Lung Wu)、(Shou-I Chen)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*,Effects of Elasticity and Structure of Trabecular Bone on the Primary Stability of Dental Implants,Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering,2010 Apr,30(2):85-89 2010 . 04
64 孫國丁(Kuo-Ting Sun)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、江顯雄(Hsien-Hsiung Chiang),Treatmnet of large jaw bone cysts in children,journal of dentistry for children,2009 Dec,76(3):165-170 2009 . 12
65 吳禕凡(Yi-Fan Wu)、張加明(Chia-Ming Chang)、高主強(Chu-Chiang Kao)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)*,Conservative Treatment for Extensive Maxillary Cysts,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2009 Dec,20(4):235-243 2009 . 12
66 柯政全(E. C. Ko)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、許明哲(M. Hsu)、黃逸岳(Eric Huang)、(Steven Lai)*,Intraoral Approach for Arthroplasty for Correction of TMJ Ankylosis,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY,2009 Dec,38(12):1256-1262 2009 . 12
67 張加明(Chia-Ming Chang)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)*、高主強(Chu-Chiang Kao)、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen)、杭良文(Liang-Wen Hang),以正顎手術矯治下顎後縮併發之阻塞性睡眠絕息症-病例報告,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2008 Dec,19(4):268-274 2008 . 12
68 張佩穎(Pei-Ying Chang)、高主強(Chu-Chiang Kao)、張加明(Chia-Ming Chang)、柯政全(Edward CC Ko)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)*,自體海綿骨重建放射線性骨壞死清創後之下顎缺損-病例報告,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2008 Sep,19(3):196-207 2008 . 09
69 高主強(Chu-Chiang Kao)、陳遠謙(Yuan Chien Chen)、柯政全(Edward C Ko)、陳昭明(Chao-Ming Chen)、張加明(Chia-Ming Chang)、張佩穎(Pei-Ying Chang),以顎下途徑切除左下顎骨角之根尖囊腫-病例報告,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2006 Sep,17(2):139-149 2006 . 09
70 陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)、(Chung-Ho Chen)、(Pai-Li Chen)、(I-Yueh Huang)、(Yee-Shyong Shen)、陳君明(Chun-Ming Chen)*,Donor site morbidity after harvesting of proximal tibia bone,ARCHIVES OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD & NECK SURGERY,2006 Jun,28(6):496-500 2006 . 06
71 黃恆立、(Jehn-Shyun Huang)、(Ching-Chang Ko)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen)、(Chih-Han Chang*)*,Effects of splinted prosthesis supported a wide implant or two implants: A three-dimensional finite element analysis,CLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH,2005 Apr,16(4):466-472 2005 . 04
72 陳遠謙、(柯政全)、傅立志(Fuh,William Lih-Jyh),改良式自體脛骨海綿骨移植術於顎骨重建的臨床運用,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌,2005 Mar,16(1):36-47 2005 . 03


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 Recovery of palatal nociceptive neurons after PIEZO Le Fort-I osteotomy,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十九屆第一次會員大會暨第三十五次學術研討會,張榮發國際會議中心,2023.03.11~2023.03.12, 2023 . 03
2 ,The 3rd Takao Forum of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,高醫國際會議中心,2022.11.18~2022.11.20,Complications of OgS ~Troubles I’ve Met 2022 . 11
3 ,台中榮民總醫院國際醫學研討會,台中榮民總醫院,2022.10.29~2022.10.30,口腔外科訓練-台灣經驗 2022 . 10
4 ,台灣顏面整形重建外科醫學會第33屆秋季研討會,中國醫藥大學水楠校區,2022.10.02~2022.10.02,Piezi and CAD/CAM orthognathic surgery 2022 . 10
5 ,26th Congress of European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery,西班牙馬德里,2022.09.27~2022.09.30,Digital Technology for orthognathic surgery 2022 . 09
6 ,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第三十四次學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2022.03.12~2022.03.13,CMUH Protocol for Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy 2022 . 03
7 A Novel Position Guide Minimizing Condyle Displacement during Mandibular Advancement,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第三十四次學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心,台北,台灣,2022.03.12~2022.03.13, 2022 . 03
8 ,IAOMS/Asian AOMS NETGEN online conference,Online conference,2021.10.26~2021.10.30,A Trainee Friendly Protocol for SSRO 2021 . 10
9 ,AOCMF online Seminar-Advances i Orthognathic Surgery,視訊演講(主辦國-菲律賓),2021.08.13~2021.08.14,Piezo and CAD/CAM in Orthognathic Surgery 2021 . 08
10 Topographical Analysis of Mandibular Canals within Ascending Ramus,14th Asian Congress on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (ACOMS),4-6 June 2021, Singapore,2021.06.4 ~2021.06.6 , 2021 . 06
11 ,Symposium 5 “The updates of Jaw Deformities Treatment in Asian countries”,視訊演講(主辦國:日本),2021.06.11~2021.06.12,A trainee friendly protocol of orthognathic surgery 2021 . 06
12 A Novel Position Guide Minimizing Condylar Displacement during Mandibular Advancement,2021 14th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Singapore, Singapore, SG,2021.06.04~2021.06.06, 2021 . 06
13 ,14th Asian conference of oral and maxillofacial surgery,Virtual Conference-新加坡主辦,2021.06.4 ~2021.06.6 ,Coupling hard tactics with soft-the 3 passwords to ensure predictable edentulous ridge reconstruction 2021 . 06
14 ,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會110年會員大會暨第三十三次學術研討會,嘉義王子大飯店,2021.03.13~2021.03.14,軟硬兼施-確保無牙脊重建的三道密碼 2021 . 03
15 ,(非研討會)臺中市牙醫師公會牙醫師繼續教育課程-齒槽脊重建~軟硬兼施的基本功,臺中市牙醫師公會會議廳(臺中市忠明南路789號34樓之1),2020.12.20~2020.12.20,齒槽脊重建~軟硬兼施的基本功 2020 . 12
16 ,中國醫藥大學牙醫學系校友會,台北市牙醫師公會,2019.12.22~2019.12.22,確保齒槽脊重建所需的基本功 2019 . 12
17 ,4th Asian Oral & Maxillofacial Trainees Conference 2019,Sedona Hotel Yangon, Myanmar,2019.11.23~2019.11.24,Computer Assisted & PIEZO 2019 . 11
18 ,The 2nd CMU-HU Joint Symposium,中國醫藥大學附設醫院癌症中心一樓國際會議廳,2019.09.03~2019.09.03,CAS & PIEZO Facial Skeletal Surgery~ Efficiency, Precision and Safety 2019 . 09
19 Arecoline-regulated ataxia telangiectasia mutated expression during oral squamous cell carcinoma progression,2019 the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology Annual Meeting,Kyoto International Conference Center,2019.07.18~2019.07.20, 2019 . 07
20 Effects of cortical bone to implant 3D contact area in peri-implant bone loss analysis of dental computed tomography and measurement of bone height,International Research Symposium on Engineering and Technology,沖繩,日本,2019.07.01~2019.07.03, 2019 . 07
21 ,The 41st Asia-Pacific Dental Congress (APDC), jointly held with The 54th KDA Scientific Congress and The 16th Seoul International Dental Exhibition,Orthognathic surgery 308,2019.05.08~2019.05.12,Displacement of Condyles Associated with Orthognathic Surgery 2019 . 05
22 ,23rd Annual General Meeting Annual Scientific Meeting 2019,HYATT REGENCY, KUANTAN RESORT,2019.03.22~2019.03.24,Condylar displacement in orthognathic surgery 2019 . 03
23 ,PCOMS 42nd National Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Philippine International Convention Center (PICC),2019.01.19~2019.01.20,Displacement of condyles Associated with Orthognathic Surgery 2019 . 01
24 ,台柬醫學志工交流研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓6樓第一會議室,2018.11.23~2018.11.23,CAD/CAM Facial Skeletal Surgery 2018 . 11
25 Computer-Aid Trans-Oral Partial Mandibulectomy and Reconstruction- Cases Series Report,13th Asian Congress on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery,Taipei Marriott Hotel,2018.11.08~2018.11.11, 2018 . 11
26 ,13th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Taipei Marriott Hotel,2018.11.08~2018.11.11,CAD/CAM & PIEZO Facial Skeletal Surger 2018 . 11
27 ,13th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Taipei Marriott Hotel,2018.11.08~2018.11.11, 2018 . 11
28 ,The 57th congress of the Korean Association of Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons,韓國清洲,2018.10.25~2018.10.27,CAD/CAM Orthognathic Surgery for Asymmetry~How Precisely Are We Able to Correct 2018 . 10
29 ,社團法人中華牙醫學會第二十一屆第二次會員大會暨第四十一次學術研討會,高雄展覽館,2018.10.19~2018.10.20, 2018 . 10
30 緻密骨與人工牙根之三維接觸面積對人工牙根周邊骨質流失之影響——牙科電腦斷層影像分析與骨高度量測,中華牙醫學會第二十一屆第二次會員大會暨第41次學術研討會,高雄,2018.10.19~2018.10.21, 2018 . 10
31 ,2018 International Symposium Dental Education & Science ,Past,Present and Future,Gwangju,South Korea,2018.10.05~2018.10.06,Piezo osteotomies of facial skeleton 2018 . 10
32 ,4th Hong Kong- Singapore-Indonesia Joint Symposium in OMS,Carlton Hotel, Singapore.,2018.07.22~2018.07.22,Use of Piezoelectric Instrumentation in Orthognathic surgery 2018 . 07
33 ,The 40th Asia Pacific Dental Congress & 109th PDA,Function Room 5, SMX Convention Center, Manila,2018.05.07~2018.05.11,CAD/CAM Facial Skeletal Surgery - Efficiency, Precision and Safety 2018 . 05
34 ,社團法人中華民國家庭牙醫學會第十一屆第一次會員大會暨第二十一次學術研討會,台大醫學院102、103講堂(台北市仁愛路1段1號),2018.04.15~2018.04.15,CAD/CAM Facial Skeletal Surgery 2018 . 04
35 避於於下顎矢狀骨劈開術造成不良骨裂之建議流程,The 30th Annual Congress of Taiwanese Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons,高雄醫學大學附設醫院,高雄,台灣,2018.03.10~2018.03.11, 2018 . 03
36 ,AOCMF Seminar—Advances in Orthognathic Surgery,台北集思會議中心,2017.12.16~2017.12.17,Rationale of selecting ramus osteotomies: Vertical Ramus Osteotomy (VRO), Vertico-Sagittal Ramus s Osteotomy (VSRO), Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy (SSRO) 2017 . 12
37 Unfavorable Fractures During Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy: A Risk Reduction Protocol,3rd Asian Maxillofacial Trainees Conference,Hotel Taj Samudra, Colombo, Sri Lanka,2017.11.10~2017.11.12, 2017 . 11
38 緻密骨與人工牙根之三維接觸面積對人工牙根周邊骨質流失之影響-牙科電腦斷層影像分析與骨高度量測,台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會,台北,2017.10.14~2017.10.14, 2017 . 10
39 ,Sleep and dream,台北世貿,2017.09.16~2017.09.16, 2017 . 09
41 ,2nd Scientific Conference with the theme,Manila Central University,2017.07.07~2017.07.08, 2017 . 07
42 ,AOCMF Seminar—Advances in Computer Assisted Surgery,基隆長庚醫院,2017.06.10~2017.06.11,Piezo and CAD/CAM for OGS 2017 . 06
43 ,台灣-日本東北大學牙醫學研究學術研討會,陽明大學,2017.04.16~2017.04.16,CAD/CAM & Ultrasonic Facial Skeletal Surgery 2017 . 04
44 Relationship between the interior alveolar nerve and lower third molars,The 21st International Congress of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology,台灣高雄,2017.04.26~2017.04.29, 2017 . 04
45 Alteration of pharyngeal airway space and the amount of mandibular setback,台灣口腔顎面外科學會第十六屆第一次會員大會暨第二十九次學術研討會,臺北矽谷國際會議中心,2017.03.04~2017.03.05, 2017 . 03
46 ,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十六屆第一次會員大會暨第二十九次學術研討會,台北矽谷會議中心,2017.03.04~2017.03.05,PIEZO orthognathic surgery 2017 . 03
47 ,40th National Congress on OMS & 57th PCOMS,QUEZON CITY,Philippine,2017.02.18~2017.02.19, 2017 . 02
48 ,ACE 2017 Forum on Orthognathic Surgery,立夫教學大樓B1國際會議廳,2017.01.20~2017.01.21,Piezo and CAD/CAM OgS 2017 . 01
49 A CBCT analysis of mental foramen and mental canal in Taiwanese,THE 11th ASIAN CONGRESS OF ORAL AND MAXILLO-FACIAL RADIOLOGY,泰國清邁,2016.11.10~2016.11.12, 2016 . 11
50 ,TAOMS Forum on Contemporary Facial Skeletal Surgery,花蓮慈濟,2016.08.16~2016.08.17,BSSO, IVRO,FIXATION Method 2016 . 08
51 Relationships between trabecular bone mineral density from cone beam computed tomography and morphometric parameters from microcomputed tomography,15th European Congress of Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology,英國威爾斯卡地夫,2016.06.15~2016.06.18, 2016 . 06
52 ,第三屆台日口腔顎面外科交流研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓101教室,2015.12.05~2015.12.05,Neutosensory deiturbance after sagittal ramus osteotomy 2015 . 12
53 ,104年度口外秋季研討會,台北慈濟醫院國際演講廳,2015.11.08~2015.11.08, 2015 . 11
54 ,2015 第一屆 高醫口外論譠,高雄醫學大學,2015.11.20~2015.11.22, 2015 . 11
55 ,中華牙醫學會-主持人,台北國際會議中心,2015.09.02~2015.09.04, 2015 . 09
57 ,台灣亞太植牙醫學會第五屆學術會議,張榮發基金會,2015.08.01~2015.08.02,軟硬兼施:齒槽瘠重建之核心軟組織技巧 2015 . 08
58 ,中國醫藥大學牙醫學系系慶學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓101教室,2015.08.02~2015.08.02,改良式上下顎骨前移術治療阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症 2015 . 08
59 ,台灣顱顏學會外傷圓桌論壇,台中永豐棧酒店哈佛廳,2015.06.28~2015.06.28,Management of LeFort fracture 2015 . 06
60 ,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十五屆第一次會員大會暨第二十七次學術研討會,台北榮總介壽堂,2015.03.07~2015.03.08, 2015 . 03
61 水平/近心傾斜下顎第三大臼齒阻生齒之分類方法,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十五屆第二次會員大會暨第二十七次學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院介壽堂大廳,2015.03.07~2015.03.08, 2015 . 03
62 ,中華民國口腔植體學會第十屆春季學術研討會,台北醫學大學醫學綜合大樓16樓演講庭,2015.03.29~2015.03.29,植牙外科手術臨床案例回顧與術式 2015 . 03
63 ,台灣亞太植牙醫學會年會,台北福華文教會館,2015.01.11~2015.01.11,骨脊垂直鼻竇增高術 2015 . 01
64 ,中國醫藥大學中區校友會暨繼續教育學術演講,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓101教室,2015.01.10~2015.01.10,軟硬兼施:齒槽山脊加強術的眉角 2015 . 01
65 ,中華民國口腔顎面外科103年度秋季學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓101講堂,2014.11.16~2014.11.16, 2014 . 11
66 ,103年度週三讀書會高階植牙講座,福華國際文教會館,2014.11.19~2014.11.19, 2014 . 11
67 ,中華民國牙醫學會第19屆第2次會員大會暨第37次學術研討會,高雄展覽館,2014.10.24~2014.10.26, 2014 . 10
68 ,台灣亞太植牙醫學會第四屆學術會議,張榮發基金會,2014.07.05~2014.07.06,complicated ridge augmentation by autogenous iliac J-bone block 2014 . 07
69 Staged approach for reconstruction of complicated maxillary ridge defect,中華民國口腔顎面外科第221次聮合病例討論會,彰化基督教醫院,2014.07.05~2014.07.05,Staged approach for reconstruction of complicated maxillary ridge defect 2014 . 07
70 ,中華民國植牙醫學會聯合病例討論會,中山醫學大學口腔醫學部演講廳,2014.06.08~2014.06.08,自體腸骨骨塊應用於齒槽朤缺損之病例報告及短期體積穩定性之探討 2014 . 06
71 ,Asia Pacific Dental Congress,Dubai,United Arab Emirates,2014.06.17~2014.06.19,Comprehensive Esthetic Considerations for Implant Surgery 2014 . 06
72 ,矯正與口外醫師的對話,萬芳醫院 6F國際會議廳,2014.05.04~2014.05.04,Surgery first in Orthognathic Surgery 2014 . 05
73 ,2014滴水穿石讀書會,台北醫學大學,2014.04.26~2014.04.26,hard tissue augmentation 2014 . 04
74 ,中華植體美學醫學會春季學術研討會,集思台大會議中心,2014.03.02~2014.03.02,植牙手術的廣角性美學考量 2014 . 03
75 Short-term volume stability of iliac bone blocks for ridge augmentation 短期內腸骨骨塊應用於骨脊增進術之體積穩定性,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十四屆第二次會員大會暨第二十六次學術研討會,台南台糖長榮酒店,2014.03.08~2014.03.09, 2014 . 03
76 會議主持人,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第二十六次學術研討會,台南台糖長榮酒店,2014.03.08~2014.03.09, 2014 . 03
77 下顎骨矢狀劈開術造成術後感覺神經功能異常之原因探討,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第二十六次學術研討會,台南台糖長榮酒店,2014.03.08~2014.03.09, 2014 . 03
78 自體腸骨J形骨塊移植,中華牙醫學會,台北國際會議中心,2013.12.20~2013.12.22, 2013 . 12
79 錐狀電腦斷層掃瞄量測鬆質骨骨量的可信度評估:以微米級電腦斷層掃描組織型態分析,2013生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,清華大學,2013.11.15~2013.11.16, 2013 . 11
80 Ortho-ophthalmic determinated head position for cephlomatric analysis and prediction,21th International conference of oral and maxillofacial surgery,Barcelona,2013.10.21~2013.10.24, 2013 . 10
81 Association between the polymorphisms in exon 12 of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and the clinicopathological features of oral squamous cell carcinoma,21st international conference on oral and maxillofacial surgery,Barcelona,2013.10.21~2013.10.24,Association between the polymorphisms in exon 12 of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and the clinicopathological features of oral squamous cell carcinoma 2013 . 10
82 Volume shrinkage of iliac bone blocks for alveloar ridge augmentation,21th International conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Barcelona,Spain,2013.10.21~2013.10.24, 2013 . 10
83 Raman spectroscopy investigation of human teeth with radiation therapy,21st International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat - Barcelona Spain,2013.10.21~2013.10.24, 2013 . 10
84 ,2013家庭牙醫學會年會,台中國軍總醫院,2013.07.21~2013.07.21,正顎手術於治療阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症的臨床應用 2013 . 07
85 ,台灣顏面整形重建外科醫學會 夏季研討會,台中福華飯店5樓會議廳,2013.06.23~2013.06.23,不對稱性齒顎顏面畸形的手術治療計畫 2013 . 06
86 大會主持人,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第二十五次學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2013.03.02~2013.03.02, 2013 . 03
87 ,中華民國植牙安全學會年會,署立台中醫院12樓大禮堂,2013.02.24~2013.02.24,從應用解剖學看植牙手術併發症 2013 . 02
88 ,苗栗牙醫師公會第26屆第2次會員大會演講,頭屋鄉 明湖水漾會館,2013.01.20~2013.01.20,Applied anatomy for intra-oral bone graft harvesting 2013 . 01
89 ,10th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel,Bali-Indomesia,2012.11.15~2012.11.18, 2012 . 11
90 Iliac “J-Bone Block” for Augmentation of Complicated Alveolar Defect,10th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel,Bali-Indomesia,2012.11.14~2012.11.18,Iliac 2012 . 11
91 RANKL, RANK and OPG expression in DMBA-induced hamster buccal pouch carcinomas.,10th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Bali, Indonesia,2012.11.15~2012.11.18, 2012 . 11
92 Curcumin-loaded nanoparticles induces apoptotic cell death in cisplatin-resistance human oral cancer cells,10th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Bali,2012.11.15~2012.11.18, 2012 . 11
93 ,台灣口腔臨床植體學會第二屆第一次會員大會暨學術演講,嘉義大學新民校區,2012.11.11~2012.11.11,從應用解剖學看植牙手術併發症,預防勝於治療 2012 . 11
94 立即咬合受力之人工牙根的研發與生物力學分析,2012生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,中壢,中原大學,2012.11.17~2012.11.18, 2012 . 11
95 RANKL, RANK and OPG expression in Human Oral Premalignant and Malignant Epithelial Lesions,10th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Bali, Indonesia,2012.11.15~2012.11.18, 2012 . 11
96 Lysyl oxidase and enhancement of cell proliferation and angiogenesis in oral squamous cell carcinoma,10th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons,Bali, Indonesia,2012.11.15~2012.11.18, 2012 . 11
97 ,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會東區口腔顎面外科及牙科醫療品質促進論壇,花蓮門諾醫院信實樓四樓施桂蘭禮拜堂,2012.11.03~2012.11.03,management of obstructive sleep apnea - perspectives of OMS 2012 . 11
98 Lysyl oxidase and enhancement of cell proliferation and angiogenesis in oral squamous cell carcinoma,2012 Indonesian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons,Indonesia,2012.11.15~2012.11.18, 2012 . 11
99 比較微米級電腦斷層掃描與牙科用錐狀電腦斷層掃瞄評估人造假骨結構型態之差異,2012生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,台灣 中壢,2012.11.17~2012.11.18, 2012 . 11
100 ,The 57th Congress of the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxilllofacial Surgeons,Pacifico Yokihama Conference Center,2012.10.18~2012.10.20,autogenous non-vascularized bone grafting for jaw bone defect 2012 . 10
101 ,台灣亞太植牙醫學會 垂直鼻竇增高術課程,中國文化大學台中教育中心,2012.08.19~2012.08.19,鼻竇解剖及手術併發症討論 2012 . 08
102 ,34th Asia Pacific Dental Congres(2012年第34屆亞太牙醫大會),TICC台北國際會議中心,2012.06.15~2012.06.18,Evoluation and Harmony for Modern Dentistry 2012 . 06
103 ,高雄醫學大學牙醫學系南區校友會,高雄福華飯店福華廳,2012.06.10~2012.06.10,從應用解剖學洞悉植牙手術成敗關鍵 2012 . 06
104 Iliac J-Bone block for correct complicated alveolar defect,第七屆台灣牙醫植體醫學會研討會,義守大學,2012.03.25~2012.03.25, 2012 . 03
105 Synovial sarcoma of lower extremity with oral metastasis:a case report,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十三屆第二次會員大會暨二十四次學術研討會,中山醫學大學,2012.03.10~2012.03.11, 2012 . 03
106 ,中華民國口腔顎面外科年會,台中中山醫學大學正心樓,2012.03.10~2012.03.11,esthetic considerations in implant surgery 2012 . 03
107 人工牙根植入鼻腔之醫源性疏忽,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十三屆第二次會員大會暨第二十四次學術研討會,中山醫學大學正心樓一樓112教室,2012.03.10~2012.03.11, 2012 . 03
108 經皮顴骨骨釘輔助顴上顎複合體骨折復位,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十三屆第二次會員大會暨二十四次學術研討會,中山醫學大學,2012.03.10~2012.03.11, 2012 . 03
109 Mandibular condyle dislocation into middle cranial fossa,中華民國口腔顎面外科年會,台中中山醫學大學正心樓,2012.03.10~2012.03.11, 2012 . 03
110 The Predictable Factors of the Poor Compliance to Mandibular Advancement Device in the Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome,11th Japan-Taiwan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery,Kobe, Japan,2011.12.08~2011.12.09, 2011 . 12
111 ,The 9th dental scientific congress and international exhibition,Hanoi-Vietnam,2011.10.12~2011.10.14,Functional and esthetic rehabilitation for patient with alveolar deficiency 2011 . 10
112 立即咬合受力之人工牙根的研發與生物力學分析(2/3),2011生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,台南,2011.08.19~2011.08.20, 2011 . 08
113 ,中華牙醫學會100年度大會學術研討會,台中中山醫學大學正心樓,2011.08.26~2011.08.26,植牙手術的美學考量 2011 . 08
114 ,受邀至台北醫學大學牙醫學系碩士及博士班演講,台北醫學大學 口腔醫學院 階梯教室,2011.06.11~2011.06.11,(1)脛骨骨移植十年經驗 (2)BVSRO 2011 . 06
115 ,植牙併發症與處理,國立台灣科學教育館九樓國際會議廳,2011.06.05~2011.06.05,surgical aspect of implant complication 2011 . 06
116 ,2011人工植牙成功袐訣之終極解碼,中國醫學大學立夫教學大樓13樓牙醫學系贗復實習教室,2011.06.19~2011.06.19,(1)Applied anatomy(2)Basic implant surgery(3)advanced implant surgery(4)subantral augmentation and implant surgery hands-on 2011 . 06
117 PANORAMIC RADIOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF HYPODONTIA & HYPERDONTIA IN TAIWANESE CHILDREN,The 18th International Congress of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology,日本廣島,2011.05.25~2011.05.29, 2011 . 05
118 ,填海造地-風華再現,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓103講堂,2011.05.22~2011.05.22,贗復牙科與口腔外科的協同治療 2011 . 05
119 Idiopathic fragmentation of mandibular fossa: a case report,18th international congress of Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology,Hiroshima, Japan,2011.05.25~2011.05.29, 2011 . 05
120 Guided Papilla Regeneration in the Grafted Partially Edentulous Region,26th annual meeting of academy of osseointegration,美國華盛頓特區,2011.03.03~2011.03.05, 2011 . 03
121 In-vitro evaluation of hinokitiol in prevention of oral cancers,100年度第十三屆第一次會員大會暨第二十三次學術研討會,台北國方醫學院,2011.03.12~2011.03.13, 2011 . 03
122 ,春之饗宴-cowellmedi implant system系列演講,行政院衛生署台中醫院醫療大樓12樓,2011.03.20~2011.03.20,optimizing implant site preparation-surgical planning&execution 2011 . 03
123 扁柏油酚應用於口腔癌防治之活體外評估,2011年口腔顎面外科年會,國防醫學院-30教室,2011.03.12~2011.03.13, 2011 . 03
124 立即咬合受力之人工牙根的研發與生物力學分析(1/3),2010生物醫學工程科技研討會,高雄,2010.12.10~2010.12.11, 2010 . 12
125 ,2010年口腔顎面外科秋季研討會,台北市青少年育樂中心六樓國際會議廳,2010.11.07~2010.11.07,treatment planning for surgical correction of facial asymmetry 2010 . 11
126 ,4th International Symposium & Workshop on VIMS (Virtual Interactive Musculoskeletal System),Tainan, Taiwan,2010.10.29~2010.10.29,BIOMECHANICAL SIMULATION OF VARIOUS SURFACE ROUGHNESS AND GEOMETRIC DESIGNS ON AN IMMEDIATELY LOADED DENTAL IMPLANT 2010 . 10
127 Biomechanical Evaluation Of Thread-Design And Surface-Roughness In Zirconia Dental Implant,88th General Session of the International Associations for Dental Research,Barcelona, Spain,2010.07.14~2010.07.17, 2010 . 07
128 ,五校聯合夏季學術演講,台中榮總 教研所-研究大樓2F,2010.07.25~2010.07.25,Applied anatomy for implant surgery,Restoration in esthetic zone 2010 . 07
129 Micro-Computed Tomographic Analysis Of Maxxillary Sinus Augmentation With Autogenous Bone,88th General Session of the International Associations for Dental Research,Barcelona, Spain,2010.07.14~2010.07.17, 2010 . 07
130 Biomechanical Effects Of Subcrestal Implant Placement: In-Vitro And Numerical Analyses,88th General Session of the International Associations for Dental Research,Barcelona, Spain,2010.07.14~2010.07.17, 2010 . 07
131 離胺基氧化酶對口腔癌血管新生之影響,2010年口腔衛生科學學術研討會,台北醫學大學,2010.03.14~2010.03.14, 2010 . 03
132 以腸骨J形骨塊重建複雜性齒槽脊缺損,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第二十二次學術研討會,成大醫學院第二講堂,2010.03.13~2010.03.14, 2010 . 03
133 結合微電腦斷層掃瞄分析與非線性有限元素法探討不同移植材料的骨密度、強度對上顎立即咬合人工植牙之生物力學影響,2009 醫學工程科技研討會,台北, 台灣,2009.12.11~2009.12.12, 2009 . 12
134 Implant Supported FPD for Patients with Tongue Ca. after radiotherapy—case report,5th Scientific Meeting Asian Academy of osseointegration,印尼-峇里島,2009.11.20~2009.11.22, 2009 . 11
135 植體外型與表面粗糙度對立即咬合植體之生物力學分析,中華民國家庭牙醫學會兩岸三地大會,台北, 台灣,2009.11.07~2009.11.09, 2009 . 11
136 Implant Supported FPD for Patients with Ameloblastoma---Case report,中華民國口腔植體學會年會,台北福華文教會館,2009.10.09~2009.10.11, 2009 . 10
137 Biomechanical analysis of various shapes and surface roughnesses of an immediately loaded implant_3D Finite element simulation,11th World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering,慕尼黑,德國,2009.09.07~2009.09.12, 2009 . 09
138 結合微電腦斷層掃描與有限元素探討人工牙根於上顎竇補骨區即時負荷之骨質受力分析,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第二十一次學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院致德樓第一會議室,2009.03.07~2009.03.08, 2009 . 03
139 The effictiveness of,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第二十一次學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院致德樓第一會議室,2009.03.07~2009.03.08, 2009 . 03
140 ,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會及ICOI 2009進階植牙手術研討會,台北榮民總醫院致德樓第一會議室,2009.03.07~2009.03.08, 2009 . 03
141 針對下顎骨上升枝截骨術之局部解剖研究,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第21次學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院,2009.03.07~2009.03.08, 2009 . 03
142 高壓氧治療與口腔癌再發生之關連性-臨床回顧研究,Internation conference of geriatric emergency & critical care,台北,2008.12.13~2008.12.14, 2008 . 12
143 ,中臺灣牙醫植體醫學會第三屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會,南山人壽教育訓練中心,2008.12.07~2008.12.07,Surgical Management of Compromised Implant Sites 2008 . 12
144 Conservative Treatment for Large Cystic Lesions of the Maxilla,8th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 2008,Bangkok, Thailand,2008.11.03~2008.11.07, 2008 . 11
145 Application of Micro-ct and Finite element analysis on an immediate-load implant with maxillary sinus augmentation,The 7th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology (ACOMFR2008),Nara, Japen,2008.11.22~2008.11.24, 2008 . 11
146 Alveolar Ridge Augmentation by Autogenous Iliac Bone Grafting-Review of 33 consecutive Cases,8th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 2008,Bangkok, Thailand,2008.11.03~2008.11.07, 2008 . 11
147 Conservative treatment of large maxillary cysts,8th asian congress on oral and maxillofacial surgery,泰國曼谷Centara grand and Bangkok convention centre at central world,2008.11.03~2008.11.07, 2008 . 11
148 The relationship of Hyperbaric Oxygen and Recurrence of Oral Cancer,8th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 2008,Bangkok, Thailand,2008.11.03~2008.11.07, 2008 . 11
149 The relationship of hyperbaric oxygen and recurrence of oral cancer,8th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2008,Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at Central World, Bangkok, Tailand.,2008.11.03~2008.11.07, 2008 . 11
150 Modified Tibial Cancellous Bone Grafting in Jaw Reconstruction-10 years Experience in Taiwan,8th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 2008,Bangkok, Thailand,2008.11.03~2008.11.07, 2008 . 11
151 Alveolar Ridge Augmentation by Autogenous Iliac Bone Grafting,8th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2008,Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at Central World, Bangkok, Tailand.,2008.11.03~2008.11.07, 2008 . 11
152 ,Ridge augmentation using different block & graft techniques, Symposium & workshop on bone augmentati,Faculty of Dentistry , National University of Singapore,2008.09.05~2008.09.06,Alveolar Ridge Augmentation by Intra-Oral 2008 . 09
153 ,中華民國口腔植體學會夏季學術研討會,台大醫學院101講堂,2008.07.06~2008.07.06,Alveolar Ridge Augmentation By Intra-Oral Tent-Pole Concept 2008 . 07
154 Effects of implant sizes and designs on an immediate-load implant,第八十六屆全世界暨加拿大牙醫學會議,多倫多, 加拿大.,2008.07.02~2008.07.05, 2008 . 07
155 ,第六屆 T.A.S.C 國際年會,台中裕元花園酒店國際會議中心,2008.06.14~2008.06.15,Overview of Bone Procurement from Mandibular Symphysis 2008 . 06
156 ,臨床口腔顎面外科學的基本功,中國醫藥大學立夫大樓B1國際會議廳,2008.04.20~2008.04.20,Applied anatomy for oral and maxillofacial surgery. Complications of dentoalveolar surgery. 2008 . 04
157 高壓氧治療與口腔顎性腫瘤再發的關聯性-回顧性臨床研究,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第二十次學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, 2008 . 03
158 高壓氧治療與口咽癌再發的關聯性---回顧性臨床研究,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十一屆第二次會員大會暨第二十次學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓101教室,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, 2008 . 03
159 上顎骨大型囊腫的保守性療法,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十一屆第二次會員大會暨第二十次學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓102講堂,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, 2008 . 03
160 拔除下顎阻生智齒手術搭配針灸之術後止痛效益的臨床觀察,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十一屆第二次會員大會暨第二十次學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓102講堂,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, 2008 . 03
161 上顎骨大型囊腫的保守性療法,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第二十次學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, 2008 . 03
162 術前止痛藥對於下顎埋伏智齒術中,術後,疼痛之效益,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第二十次學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, 2008 . 03
163 以測顱影像分析頦骨塊移植術後之頦部輪廓,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第二十次學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, 2008 . 03
164 以測顱影像分析頦骨塊移植術後之頦部輪廓,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十一屆第二次會員大會暨第二十次學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓102教室,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, 2008 . 03
165 以測顱影像分析頦骨塊移植術後之頦部輪廓,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第20次學術研討會,中國醫藥大學,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, 2008 . 03
166 拔除下顎阻生智齒搭配針灸之術後止痛效益的臨床觀察,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第二十次學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, 2008 . 03
167 術前止痛藥對於拔除下顎埋伏智齒術中、術後疼痛之效益,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十一屆第二次會員大會暨第二十次學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓102教室,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, 2008 . 03
168 Treatment for implants with unfavorable angulations and positions - case reports 植體位置角度不理想時的治療,中華牙醫學會第三十次學術研討會,台北,2007.11.16~2007.11.18, 2007 . 11
169 Cephalometric Study On Profile Change Following Chin Block Procurement,18th International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 第18屆口腔顎面外科大會,Bangalore, India. 印度, 邦家羅爾,2007.11.14~2007.11.18, 2007 . 11
170 Simultaneous Augmentation of Maxillary Sinus & The Adjacent Maxillary Alveolar Ridge Defect,18th International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 第18屆世界口腔顎面外科大會,Bangalore, India 印度邦家羅爾,2007.11.14~2007.11.18, 2007 . 11
171 ,The 3rd Congress of Asia Academy of Osseointegration,Taipei, Taiwan,2007.10.05~2007.10.07,Clinical Study and 3-D Finite Element Analysis of the Effect of Platform Switch on Crestal bone Resorption 2007 . 10
172 Clinical study of the effect of platform switch on crestal bone resorption,12th meeting of the international college of prosthodontists,Fukuoka, Japan,2007.09.05~2007.09.08, 2007 . 09
173 癌症切除手術後之功能性修復:病例報告,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十一屆第一次會員大會暨第19次學術研討會,墾丁悠活渡假村,2007.03.17~2007.03.18, 2007 . 03
174 青少年之雙側下顎骨喙狀突增生:病例報告及文獻回顧,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十九次學術研討會,墾丁悠活渡假村,2007.03.17~2007.03.18, 2007 . 03
175 以測顱影像評估頦骨塊移植術後臉部輪廓改變的臨床研究,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十一屆第一次會員大會暨第十九次學術研討會,墾丁悠活渡假村,2007.03.17~2007.03.18, 2007 . 03
176 The Incidence and Clinical Significnace of Zygomaticomaxillary Complex Fracture Invoiving Glenoid Fossa and Articular Eminence of Temporal Mandiblar Joint,第七屆亞洲口腔顎面外科大會,中國大陸香港,2006.11~ , 2006 . 11
177 Diffuse Interosseous Skeletal Hypertropy Syndorome-A Case Report,第七屆亞洲口腔顎面外科大會,中國大陸香港,2006.11~ , 2006 . 11
178 上顎竇過度氣室化延伸至門齒部位-病例報告,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十屆第二次會員大會暨第十八次學術研討會,台灣台南,2006.03~ , 2006 . 03
179 瀰漫姓骨間骨性肥大症候群-病例報告,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十屆第二次會員大會暨第十八次學術研討會,台灣台南,2006.03~ , 2006 . 03
180 以『帳棚支柱』概念及自體顆粒狀海綿骨移植進行齒槽骨脊垂直增高術,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十屆第二次會員大會暨第十八次學術研討會,台灣台南,2006.03~ , 2006 . 03
181 放射線性骨壞死造成下顎骨連續性缺損支重建-病例報告,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十屆第二次會員大會暨第十八次學術研討會,台灣台南,2006.03~ , 2006 . 03
182 Cumulative success rate for wide diameter implants placed in China medical university, Taiwan,International college of prosthodontists,希臘克里特島,2005.05~ , 2005 . 05
183 顴上顎複合體骨折伴隨髁窩及關節隆突骨折的發生率,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十七次年度學術研討會,台灣台北,2005.03~ , 2005 . 03
184 改良式經皮顴骨骨釘的顴上顎複合體骨折復位法,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十七次年度學術研討會,台灣台北,2005.03~ , 2005 . 03
185 同時以後上顎根尖下截骨術與頦骨塊移植術進行植牙前骨脊重建,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十七次年度學術研討會,台灣台北,2005.03~ , 2005 . 03
186 血小板濃縮血漿於齒槽骨脊及上顎竇增高術之臨床應用,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十五次學術研討會,中華民國台北,2004.03~ , 2004 . 03
187 脛骨植體於口腔顎面外科學之應用 Tibial bone grafting in oral and maxillofacial surgery,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十六次學術研討會,中華民國彰化市,2004.03~ , 2004 . 03
188 上顎竇黏液囊腫之處置:一個能使上顎竇提昇及骨移植同時進行的簡便方法,中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第十五次學術研討會,中華民國台北,2004.03~ , 2004 . 03
189 Four-year cumulative success rate of dental implants placed in China Medical College Medical Center,18th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration,Boston, Massachusetts, USA,,2003.02.27~2003.03.01, 2003 . 02
190 3-D Reconstruction technique used in implant dentistry.,4th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology,Kao-Shiung,2002.07.14~2002.07.16, 2002 . 07
191 Dental Implants and subantral grafting with autogenous particulate marrow cancellous bone (PMCB): clinical survey of a 1-year follow–up study.,7th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Oral Implantology,Taipei,2002.05.25~2002.05.26, 2002 . 05
192 Implant supported Prostheses in anterior maxilla for patients reconstructed after trauma.,17th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration,Dallas, Texas, USA,2002.03.14~2002.03.16, 2002 . 03
193 Early loading of a freestanding implant on grafted cystic site.,2nd Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics,Singapore,2001.08.02~2001.08.03, 2001 . 08
194 Early loading of a freestanding implant on grafted cystic site.,23rd Asia Pacific Dental Congress,Taipei,2001.04.07~2001.04.11, 2001 . 04




研究計畫/Research Grant
1 個別型,CMU105-S-29,陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen),本校(含附醫),液態與揮發態天然精油成分之穩定性及口腔致病菌抗菌測試,2016.9.7~2017.7.31 2016 . 09
2 個別型,DMR-104-021,葛應欽(Ying-Chin Ko),附醫院內計畫,預防口腔癌前病變病患的復發與惡性轉化,2014.8.1~2015.7.31 2014 . 08
3 個別型,CMU99-N1-11-2,陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、夏詩閔、柯順耀,本校(含附醫),異甘草素對口腔麟狀細胞癌之毒性研究,2011.8.1~2011.9.30 2011 . 08
4 個別型,DMR-101-023,楊家欣(Yang Jai-Sing),附醫院內計畫,利用基因晶片技術分析綠茶兒茶素與標靶藥物「爾必得舒」抑制人類口腔癌SAS細胞轉移之協同作用機制,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 2011 . 08
5 個別型,NSC 98-2320-B-039-005-MY3,陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、林殿傑(Dan-Jae, Lin),科技部,立即咬合受力之人工牙根的研發與生物力學分析,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 2011 . 08
6 個別型,CMU99-N1-11-1,陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、夏詩閔、柯順耀,本校(含附醫),異甘草素對口腔麟狀細胞癌之毒性研究,2010.10.1~2011.7.31 2010 . 10
7 個別型,NSC 98-2320-B-039-005-MY3,陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、林殿傑(Dan-Jae, Lin),科技部,立即咬合受力之人工牙根的研發與生物力學分析,2010.8.1~2011.7.31 2010 . 08
8 個別型,CMU98-N1-30,陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、花國鋒,本校(含附醫),扁柏油酚對口腔鱗狀細胞癌之毒性研究,2009.10.1~2010.9.30 2009 . 10
9 非研究型計畫 (例如:課程計畫),98-教-方案7-B-44,陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、林殿傑(Dan-Jae, Lin),科技部,立即咬合受力之人工牙根的研發與生物力學分析,2009.8.1~2010.7.31 2009 . 08
10 個別型,NSC 98-2320-B-039-005-MY3,陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、林殿傑(Dan-Jae, Lin),科技部,立即咬合受力之人工牙根的研發與生物力學分析,2009.8.1~2010.7.31 2009 . 08
11 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),CMU97-122,許南榮、曾憲彰(Hsien-Chang Tseng)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、吳正博、張伍隆、黃耀德(Yao-Te Huang),本校(含附醫),台中監獄男性收容人口腔癌之癌前狀態與癌前病變的危險因子--子計畫三:以蛋白質體學分析口腔癌病變至口腔癌形成過程之蛋白質體變異(2/3),2008.8.1~2009.7.31 2008 . 08
12 個別型,NSC 97-2221-E-039-001,張志涵、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen),科技部,結合微電腦斷層掃瞄分析與非線性有限元素法探討不同移植材料的骨密度、強度對上顎立即咬合人工植牙之生物力學影響,2008.8.1~2009.7.31 2008 . 08
13 個別型,CMU96-261,陳玉昆(Chen Yuk-Kwan)、陳遠謙(Yuan-Chien Chen),本校(含附醫),抑制細胞自戕家族(IAP FAMILY)於人類口腔黏膜癌前期病灶轉變為口腔癌表現之研究,2008.2.1~2008.12.31 2008 . 02


1 下顎手術張撐調整器,發明專利,台灣,I645832,2019.1.1~2037.9.17 2019 . 01


1 Best research of free paper presentation,亞洲口外大會,2012.11.18 2012 . 11
2 2010 JMBE Annual Excellent Paper Award 貼示報告獲獎,Biomedical Engineering Society of R.O.C,2010.12.11 2010 . 12
3 2010 JMBE Annual Excellent Paper Award (2010年度Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 最佳論文),Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering,2010.12.10 2010 . 12
4 SCIE期刊Journal of Medical and Biological Engineerin年度優良論文獎,,2010.12.1 2010 . 12
5 研討會優秀論文獎第一名,台灣口腔衛生科學會.台灣口腔衛生學會,2010.3.14 2010 . 03
6 Yoshida Manufacturing Award,Japenese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology,2008.11.20 2008 . 11
7 臨床醫學教育貢獻獎,本校(含附醫),2007.9.28 2007 . 09

