
Doctor Introduction



Horng-Chaung Hsu
Horng-Chaung Hsu


許弘昌 Horng-Chaung Hsu

許弘昌教授在台灣及美國有完整的骨科訓練與資歷,為國內知名的關節重建與運動醫學專家。許教授不但有超過 25 年以上的臨床經驗外,他待人親切,更具耐心與愛心服務病人。其臨床服務專業項目包括各種人工關節置換與再置換及各種運動傷害修復及重建手術。在中國醫藥大學講授骨科學與運動醫學,其研究領域包括生物力學、組織工程與步態分析


期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 (Hsuan-Yu Lu)、(Cheng-Chung Lin)、(Kao-Shang Shih)、(Tung-Wu Lu)*、郭美英(Kuo, Mei-Ying)、(Song-Ying Li)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Integration of statistical shape modeling and alternating interpolation-based model tracking technique for measuring knee kinematics in vivo using clinical interleaved bi-plane fluoroscopy,PeerJ,2023 Jun,11(e15371): 2023 . 06
2 林進裕(Lin, Chin-Yu)、(Yung-Li Wang)、陳俞任(CHEN YU-JEN)、何俊德(Chun-Te Ho)、(Yi-Hsuan Chi)、陳朗兒(CHAN, LONG YI)、(Guan-Wen Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Dennis W. Hwang)、(Han-Chung Wu)*、洪士杰(Shih-Chieh Hung)*,Collagen-binding peptides for the enhanced imaging, lubrication and regeneration of osteoarthritic articular cartilage,Nature Biomedical Engineering,2022 Oct,6(10):1105-1117 2022 . 10
3 江晟弘(Chiang Cheng Hung)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Ken N. Kuo)、郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)*,Mid-term clinical outcomes for idiopathic clubfoot treated using the Ponseti method with alternative materials,中華骨科醫學雜誌,2022 Aug,13(3):124-129 2022 . 08
4 陳朗兒(CHAN, LONG YI)、張正忠、Po-Liang Lai(Po-Liang Lai)、Tomoji Maeda(Tomoji Maeda)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、林進裕(Lin, Chin-Yu)*、郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)*,Cre/LoxP Genetic Recombination Sustains Cartilage Anabolic Factor Expression in Hyaluronan Encapsulated MSCs Alleviates Intervertebral Disc Degeneration,Biomedicines,2022 Feb,10(3):555 2022 . 02
5 Abhishek Kum(Abhishek Kumar)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、謝尚霖(Hsieh Shang Lin)、郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、毛睿廷(Mao Jui Ting)、林爾笛(Lin, Erh-Ti)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,MAKOPLASTY MEDIAL UNICONDYLAR KNEE REPLACEMENT: CORRECTION OR POSTOPERATIVE ANGLE MATTERS?,International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery,2021 Dec,e2356(): 2021 . 12
6 (Cheng-Chung Lin)*、(Hsuan-Lun Lu)、(Tung-Wu Lu)*、(Chia-Yang Wang)、(Jia-Da Li)、郭美英(Kuo, Mei-Ying)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Tibiofemoral Kinematics Using Single-Plane Fluoroscopy and a Personalized Kinematic Model,Applied Sciences-Basel,2021 Oct,11(20):9415 2021 . 10
7 (Hsuan-Yu Lu)、(Kao-Shang Shih)、(Cheng-Chung Lin)、(Tung-Wu Lu)*、(Song-Ying Li)、(Hsin-Wen Kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Three-Dimensional Subject-Specific Knee Shape Reconstruction with Asynchronous Fluoroscopy Images Using Statistical Shape Modeling,Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology,2021 Oct,9():736420 2021 . 10
8 郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、(Jr-Yi Wang)、(Sheng-Chang Chen)、(Tung-Wu Lu)*、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Aging Affects Multi-Objective Optimal Control Strategies during Obstacle Crossing,Applied Sciences-Basel,2021 Aug,(): 2021 . 08
9 (Cheng-Chung Lin)、(Tung-Wu Lu)*、(Jia-Da Li)、郭美英(Kuo, Mei-Ying)、郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),An Automated Three-Dimensional Bone Pose Tracking Method Using Clinical Interleaved Biplane Fluoroscopy Systems: Application to the Knee,Applied Sciences-Basel,2020 Nov,10(23):8426 2020 . 11
10 彭佑寧(Peng Yu-Ning)、蔡李澄(Li-Cheng,Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Accuracy of robot-assisted versus conventional freehand pedicle screw placement in spine surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,Annals of Translational Medicine,2020 Jul,8(13):824 2020 . 07
11 洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、郭繼陽、廖培劭(LIAO PEI-SHAO)、葉宸維(CHEN-WEI,YEH)、(許傑程)、林美辰(Lin, Mei-Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)*,Epidemiology of fatal/non-fatal Suicide Among Patients With Chronic Osteomyelitis (COM): A Nationwide Population-Based Study,JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH,2020 Jul,46(6): 2020 . 07
12 陳冠儒(CHEN,KUAN-JU)、柯智淵(Chih-Yuan KO)、何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)*,A combination of bimalleolar fracture and fracture on talar body and neck: A rare case report,MEDICINE,2020 May,(): 2020 . 05
13 林忠瑋(Chung-Wei Lin)、張建鈞(Chien-Chun Chang)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、(Chih-Sheng Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Hsi-Kai Tsou),3D Real-Time Image-Guided Navigation Spine Corpectomy with Ultrasonic Bone Cutter: Technical Note,World Neurosurgery,2020 Mar,(135):197-204 2020 . 03
14 許傑程(Chieh-Cheng, Hsu)、郭繼陽(Jih-Yang, Ko)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)*,The Epidemiology of Hip Fracture among Subjects with Pyogenic Liver Abscess (PLA): A Nationwide Population-Based Study,,Biomed Research International,2020 Feb,2020(): 2020 . 02
15 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、廖培劭(LIAO PEI-SHAO)、周奕廷(Chou,Yi-Ting)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、許傑程(Chieh-Cheng Hsu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、黃俊銘(Jyun-Ming Huang)、王楊詒(Yang-Yi Wang)、郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)*,The Incidence and Risk Factors of Hip Fracture after Liver Transplantation (LT): A Nationwide Population-Based Study,Biomed Research International,2019 Dec,2019(): 2019 . 12
16 陳柏辰(Po-Chen Chen)、張建鈞(Chien-Chun Chang)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*、林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、(Hsi-Kai Tsou)、(Chih-Sheng Lin)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),The accuracy of 3D printing assistance in the spinal deformity surgery,Biomed Research International,2019 Oct,.(): 2019 . 10
17 郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)、劉軒誌(Shan-Chi Liu)、黃元勵(Yuan-Li Huang)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、馮逸卿(Yi-Ching Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、湯智昕(Chih-Hsin Tang)*,TGF-β1 enhances FOXO3 expression in human synovial fibroblasts by inhibiting miR-92a through AMPK and p38 pathways,Aging-US,2019 Jun,11(12):4075-4089 2019 . 06
18 林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、張建鈞(Chien-Chun Chang)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、(Hsi-Kai Tsou)、(Chih-Sheng Lin)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),New Strategy for Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Surgery to Treat Infectious Spondylodiscitis in the Thoracolumbar Spine,Pain Physician,2019 May,22(3):281-293 2019 . 05
19 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、馮逸卿(Yi-Ching Fong)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*,A preliminary study of the novel antibiotic-loaded cement computer-aided design-articulating spacer for the treatment of periprosthetic knee infection,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2019 Apr,.(): 2019 . 04
20 (O. Kaewboonchoo)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、郭錦堂*,Risk of osteoporosis and fracture in victims with burn injury,OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL,2019 Feb,(): 2019 . 02
21 (Hsueh-Chun Wang)、(Tzu-Hsiang Lin)、(Nai-Jen Chang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Ming-Long Yeh)*,Continuous Passive Motion Promotes and Maintains Chondrogenesis in Autologous Endothelial Progenitor Cell-Loaded Porous PLGA Scaffolds during Osteochondral Defect Repair in a Rabbit Mode,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2019 Jan,20(2):259 2019 . 01
22 (Tzu-Hsiang Lin)、(Hsueh-Chun Wang)、(Wen-Hui Cheng)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Ming-Long Yeh)*,Osteochondral Tissue Regeneration Using a Tyramine-Modified Bilayered PLGA Scaffold Combined with Articular Chondrocytes in a Porcine Model,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2019 Jan,20(2):326 2019 . 01
23 葉祐安(Yu-An Yeh)、蔣仁槐(Jen-Huai Chiang)、吳美瑤(Mei-Yao Wu)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、徐新政(Hsin-Cheng Hsu)*、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*,Association of Traditional Chinese medicine therapy with risk of total hip replacement in patients with non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head: a population-based cohort study,Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine,2019 Jan,.(): 2019 . 01
24 黃伯仁(Huang, Bor-Ren)、包大?(Da-Tian Bau)、(Tzu-Sheng Chen)、(I-Chen Chuang)、(Cheng-Fang Tsai)、(Pei-Chun Chang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、盧大宇(Dah-Yuu Lu)*,Pro-Inflammatory Stimuli Influence Expression of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1 in Human Anulus Fibrosus Cells through FAK/ERK/GSK3 and PKCδ Signaling Pathways,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2019 Jan,20(1):77 2019 . 01
25 (Hsueh-Chun Wang)、(Yi-Ting Lin)、(Tzu-Hsiang Lin)、(Nai-Jen Chang)、(Chih-Chan Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Ming-Long Yeh)*,Intra-articular injection of N-acetylglucosamine and hyaluronic acid combined with PLGA scaffolds for osteochondral repair in rabbits,PLoS One,2018 Dec,13(12):e0209747 2018 . 12
26 邱詠証(Chiu Yung-Cheng)、蔡明慈(Tsai Ming-Tzu)、許承恩(Hsu Cheng-En)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、黃恆立(Huang, Heng-Li)、許瑞廷(Hsu, Jui-Ting)*,New fixation approach for transverse metacarpal neck fracture: a biomechanical study,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2018 Jul,13(1):1-7 2018 . 07
27 許傑程(Chieh-Cheng Hsu)、許弘昌(Hsu, Horng-Chaung)、林則成、王郁喬(Yu-Chiao Wang)、陳宣如(Hsuan-Ju Chen)、邱詠証(Chiu Yung-Cheng)、張建鈞(Chien-Chun Chang)、郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)*,Increased Risk for Hip Fractures among Patients with Cholangitis: A Nationwide Population-Based Study,Biomed Research International,2018 Jun,2018():1-6 2018 . 06
28 (Cheng-Chung Lin)、(Jia-Da Li)、(Tung-Wu Lu)*、郭美英(Kuo, Mei-Ying)、郭建忠(Kuo, Chien-Chung)、許弘昌(Hsu, Horng-Chaung),A Model-Based Tracking Method for Measuring 3-D Dynamic Joint Motion Using an Alternating Biplane X-Ray Imaging System,MEDICAL PHYSICS,2018 Jun,(): 2018 . 06
29 郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)、許弘昌(Hsu, Horng-Chaung)、王清貞、蕭家傑、許雅鴻、郭繼陽*、湯智昕(Tang, Chih-Hsin)*,Effects of computer-assisted navigation versus conventional total knee arthroplasty on the levels of inflammation markers: a prospective study,PLoS One,2018 May,13(5):e0197097-e0197106 2018 . 05
30 陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)*、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Re: Decompression alone versus fusion for pyogenic spondylodiscitis. Spine Journal 17:1120-1126.,Spine Journal,2018 May,18(5):912-912 2018 . 05
31 郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、蔡俊灝(Tsai, Chun-Hao)、許弘昌(Hsu, Horng-Chaung)、蘇振銘(Su, Chen-Ming)、湯智昕(Tang, Chih-Hsin)*,Chemokine C-C Motif Ligand 4 Gene Polymorphisms Associated with Susceptibility to Rheumatoid Arthritis,Biomed Research International,2018 Mar,2018(): 2018 . 03
32 郭美英(Mei-Ying kuo)、(Shih-Wun Hon)、(Jia-Da Li)、(Tung-Wu Lu)*、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),INTRA- AND INTER-EXAMINER RELIABILITY OF IN VIVO THREE-DIMENSIONAL MEASUREMENT OF THE SCAPULAR POSES USING A MARKERBASED LOCATOR,Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications,2018 Feb,30(1): 2018 . 02
33 (Yi-Hsuan Lee)、(Hsi-Chin Wu)、(Chia-Wei Yeh)、(Chen-Hsiang Kuan)、(Han-Tsung Liao)、許弘昌(Hsu, Horng-Chaung)、(Jui-Che Tsai)、(Jui-Sheng Sun)、(Tzu-Wei Wanga),Enzyme-crosslinked gene-activated matrix for the induction of mesenchymal stem cells in osteochondral tissue regeneration,Acta Biomaterialia,2017 Nov,63():210-226 2017 . 11
34 (O. Kaewboonchoo)、宋鴻樟(Sung, Fung-Chang)、林橙莉、許弘昌(Hsu, Horng-Chaung)、郭錦堂(Kuo, Ching-Tang)*,Hip fracture risk in patients with burn injury: a retrospective cohort study in Taiwan,OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL,2017 Sep,(): 2017 . 09
35 (Jia-Da Li)、(Tung-Wu Lu)*、(Cheng-Chung Lin)、郭美英(Mei-Ying kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、沈戊忠(Wu-Chung Shen),Soft tissue artefacts of skin markers on the lower limb during cycling:Effects of joint angles and pedal resistance,JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS,2017 Sep,62():27-38 2017 . 09
36 陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)*、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、林瑞模(Lin Ruey-Mo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Diagnosis of Painful Cemented Vertebrae from Failed Vertebroplasty: Modified Dynamic Radiographs Play an Important Role,EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL,2017 Jul,26(7):1953-1960 2017 . 07
37 郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)、楊維宏(Yang, Wei-Hung)、(Shan-Chi Liu)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,Transforming growth factor β1 enhances heme oxygenase 1 expression in human synovial fibroblasts by inhibiting microRNA 519b synthesis,PLoS One,2017 Apr,12(4):e0176052 2017 . 04
38 郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、盧炫綸(Hsuan-Lun Lu)、呂東武(Tung-Wu Lu)*、(Alberto Leardini)、郭美英(Mei-Ying kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Validity and reliability of ankle morphological measurements on computerized tomography-synthesized planar radiographs,Biomedical Engineering Online,2016 Aug,15(92): 2016 . 08
39 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、莫之欣、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、王大翊(Ta-i Wang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Disorder-related risk factors for revision total hip arthroplasty after hip hemiarthroplasty in displaced femoral neck fracture patients: a nationwide population-based cohort study,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2016 Jun,11(1):66-66 2016 . 06
40 郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)、黃柏樺(Po-Hua Huang)、張建鈞(Chien-Chun Chang)、郭峰志(Feng-Chih Kuo)、吳政達(Cheng-Ta Wu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*、林則成(Lin, Che-Chen),Hepatitis B Virus Infection Is a Risk Factor for Periprosthetic Joint Infection Among Males After Total Knee Arthroplasty,MEDICINE,2016 Jun,95(22): 2016 . 06
41 (Hong-Jung, Hsieh)、(Chih-Chung, Hu)、(Tung-Wu, Lu)*、(Hsuan-Lun, Lu)、郭美英(Mei-Ying kuo)、郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Evaluation of three force-position hybrid control methods for a robot-based biological joint-testing system,Biomedical Engineering Online,2016 Jun,15(62): 2016 . 06
42 許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Hong-Wen Wu)*,Strategies for obstacle crossing in older adults with high and low risk of falling,Journal of Physical Therapy Science,2016 May,28(5):1614-1620 2016 . 05
43 王大翊(Ta-i Wang)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*,Distances between bony landmarks and adjacent nerves: anatomical factors that may influence retractor placement in total hip replacement surgery,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2016 Mar,11(31): 2016 . 03
44 (Cheng-Chung Lin)、(Tung-Wu Lu)*、(Hsuan-Lun Lu)、郭美英(Mei-Ying kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Effects of soft tissue artifacts on differentiating kinematic differences between natural and replaced knee joints during functional activity,GAIT & POSTURE,2016 ,46():154-160 2016 .
45 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、王大翊(Ta-i Wang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*,External Fixator for Maintaining Reduction Before Volar Plating: A Simple Treatment Method for Association of Osteosynthesis Type C3 Distal Radius Fracture.,Techniques in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery,2015 Dec,1(): 2015 . 12
46 陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)*、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Preoperative palsy score had no significant association with survival in non-small-cell lung cancer patients with spinal metastases underwent spinal surgery,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2015 Sep,10(149):1-8 2015 . 09
47 陳信銓、黃鐙樂(Teng-Le Huang)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、鄒錫凱(Hsi-Kai Tsou)、林維卿(Wei-Ching Lin)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*,A Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Surgery for Infectious Spondylodiscitis of the Thoracic and Upper Lumbar Spine in Immunocompromised Patients.,Biomed Research International,2015 Jul,2015(): 2015 . 07
48 張建鈞(Chien-Chun Chang)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)*、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、Lo DF,Palliative transpedicular partial corpectomy without anterior vertebral reconstruction in lower thoracic and thoracolumbar junction spinal metastases.,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2015 Jul,10(1):113-113 2015 . 07
49 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、林橙莉、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Chung Wei-Sheng)*,Increased risk of coronary heart disease in patients with hip fracture: a nationwide cohort study,OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL,2015 Jun,26(6):1849-1855 2015 . 06
50 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、林橙莉、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、鐘威昇(Wei-Sheng Chung)*,Increased risk of stroke among hip fracture patients: a nationwide cohort study.,OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL,2015 Feb,26(2):645-652 2015 . 02
51 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、蔡筱琪(Hsiao-Chi Tsai)、(Ho-Ning Huang)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、黃元勵(Yuan-Li Huang)*、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,Resistin promotes tumor metastasis by down-regulation of miR-519d through the AMPK/p38 signaling pathway in human chondrosarcoma cells,Oncotarget,2015 Jan,6(1):258-270 2015 . 01
52 林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、李郁芬(Yu-Fen Li)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、林繼昌(Chi-Chang Lin)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)*,Clinical outcome and radiographic change of ipsilateral scapular neck and clavicular shaft fracture: comparison of operation and conservative treatment,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2015 Jan,10(9): 2015 . 01
53 陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)*、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、羅達富(Da-Fu Lo)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Kirschner-Wire Guided Technique for Inserting a Second Needle into Inadequately Filled Vertebrae in Vertebroplasty: a technical report,Spine Journal,2014 Dec,14(12):3025-3029 2014 . 12
54 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、曾慧恩(Tzeng, Huey-En)、(Juang, Wei-Kae)、(Chu, Pei-Guo)、(Fann, Patricia)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Yen, Yun)*,Curative use of forequarter amputation for recurrent breast cancer over an axillary area: a case report and literature review,World Journal of Surgical Oncology,2014 Nov,12(1):346-346 2014 . 11
55 陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)*、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Re: Infection after vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty.A series of nine cases and review of literature.Spine J 13:1809–17,Spine Journal,2014 Jun,14(6):1366-1369 2014 . 06
56 郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、(Hsuan-Lun Lu)、(Alberto Leardini)、(Tung-Wu Lu)*、郭美英(Mei-Ying kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics-Based Ankle Morphometry With Computerized Tomography for Total Ankle Replacement Design and Positioning,CLINICAL ANATOMY,2014 May,27(4):659-668 2014 . 05
57 陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、龔佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王悅馨(Wang, Yueh Hsin)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、(S.-C. Hsu)、蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)*、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Greater Risk of Hip Fracture in Hemodialysis than in Peritoneal Dialysis.,OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL,2014 Feb,25(5):1513-1518 2014 . 02
58 郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、(Hsuan-Lun Lu,)、(Tung-Wu Lu)*、(Cheng-Chung Lin)、(Alberto Leardini)、郭美英(Mei-Ying kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Effects of Positioning on Radiographic Measurements of Ankle Morphology: A Computerized Tomography-Based Simulation Study,Biomedical Engineering Online,2013 Dec,(): 2013 . 12
59 黃俊寅(Chun-Yin Huang)、(Hsiu-Jung Lin)、陳信水(Hsin-Shui Chen)、鄭希彥(Shi-Yann Cheng)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,Thrombin promotes matrix metalloproteinase-13 expression through the PKC𝛿/c-Src/EGFR/PI3K/Akt/AP-1 signaling pathway in human chondrocytes,MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION,2013 Nov,2013(2013):1-12 2013 . 11
60 許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、(Min-Huan Wu)、(Chin-Yuan Chen)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,AMP-activated protein kinase activation mediates CCL3-induced cell migration and matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression in human chondrosarcoma,Cell Communication and Signaling,2013 Sep,11(68):1-15 2013 . 09
61 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、(Chih-Hsin Muo)、(Huey-En Tzeng)、(Chih-Hsin Tang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*、(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Fracture in Asian Women with Breast Cancer Occurs at Younger Age,PLoS One,2013 Sep,8(9):e75109-e75109 2013 . 09
62 蕭世芬(Hsiao SF)*、(Chou PH)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Lue YJ),Changes of muscle mechanics associated with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency and reconstruction,JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH,2013 May,0(0):0-0 2013 . 05
63 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、(Yi-Chun Chiang)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,High glucose induces vascular endothelial growth factor production in human synovial fibroblasts through reactive oxygen species generation,BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS,2013 Mar,1830(3):2649-2658 2013 . 03
64 盧大宇(Lu Dah-Yuu)*、(Jia-Hong Chen)、譚思濰(Tan Tzu-Wei)、黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang)、(Wei-Lan Yeh)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Resistin protects against 6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES23.5 cells,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY,2013 Mar,228(3):563-571 2013 . 03
65 郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、張建鈞(Chien-Chun Chang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、呂東武(Tung-Wu Lu)*、(Nien-Ying Tsai),Potocki-Lupski syndrome with teratologic dislocation of the hip : a case report,JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC ORTHOPAEDICS-PART B,2013 Jan,22(1):42-44 2013 . 01
66 林宗立(Tzung-Li Lin)、王世杰(Shyu-Jye Wang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)*,Discontinuation of alendronate and administration of bone-forming agents after surgical nailing may promote union of atypical femoral fractures in patients on long-term alendronate therapy.,BMC Research Notes,2013 Jan,6(11): 2013 . 01
67 黃俊寅(Chun-Yin Huang)、鄭希彥(Shi-Yann Cheng)、(Hsiao-Chi Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,Thrombin induces EGFR transactivation and CCL2 expression in human osteoblasts,ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM,2012 Oct,64(10):3344-3354 2012 . 10
68 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Primary traumatic patellar dislocation,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2012 Jun,7(21):1-6 2012 . 06
69 譚思濰(Tan Tzu-Wei)、(Yuan-Lin Huang)、(Jung-Tzu Chang)、(Jen-Jyh Lin)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、周德陽(Der-Yang Cho)、陳易宏(Yi-Hung Chen)*、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,CCN3 increases BMP-4 expression and bone mineralization in osteoblasts,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY,2012 Jun,227(6):2531-2541 2012 . 06
70 (Chun-Yi Lee)、(Mei-Ju Su)、黃俊寅(Chun-Yin Huang)、(Meng-Yi Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、林清淵(Ching-Yuang Lin)*、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,Macrophage migration inhibitory factor increases cell motility and up-regulates αvβ3 integrin in human chondrosarcoma cells,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY,2012 May,113(5):1590-1598 2012 . 05
71 陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)*、陳文賢(Wen-Hsien Chen)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Repeat Needle Insertion in Vertebroplasty to Prevent Re-collapse of the Treated Vertebrae,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY,2012 Mar,81(3):558-561 2012 . 03
72 陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)*、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、蔡伯邦(Po-Pang Tsai)、羅達富(Da-Fu Lo)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Significance of dynamic mobility in restoring vertebral body height in vertebroplasty,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY,2012 Jan,33(1):57-60 2012 . 01
73 陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)*、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Sequential Magnetic Resonance Imaging Changes in Osteoporotic Compression Fractures: Can It Be Used as a Risk Predictor for Nonunion?,SPINE,2011 Dec,36(26):2363-2363 2011 . 12
74 (Huey-En Tzeng)、(Jui-Ching Chen)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Wen-Lee Hwang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,CCN3 increases cell motility and MMP-13 expression in human chondrosarcoma through integrin-dependent pathway,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY,2011 Dec,226(12):3181-3189 2011 . 12
75 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、莫之欣、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、羅婉瑜(Wan-Yu Lo)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,A population-based study on trend in incidence of distal radial fractures in adults in Taiwan in 2000–2007,OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL,2011 Nov,22(11):2809-2815 2011 . 11
76 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、呂東武(Tung-Wu Lu)*,Bilateral Changes in Ground Reaction Forces in Patients with Unilateral Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency during Stair Locomotion,JOURNAL OF MECHANICS,2011 Sep,3(27):437-445 2011 . 09
77 李俊億(Chun-Yi Lee)、黃俊寅(Chun-Yin Huang)、陳孟意(Meng-Yi Chen)、林清淵(Ching-Yuang Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,IL-8 increases integrin expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY,2011 Sep,112(9):2549-2557 2011 . 09
79 陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、(Shao-Ching Chao)、(Ting-Hsien Kao)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Chiung-Chyi Shen)、(Hsi-Kai Tsou),Endoscopic discectomy of L5-S1 disc herniation via an Interlaminar approach : Prospective controlled study under local and general anesthesia.,Surgical Neurology International,2011 Jun,2(1):93-99 2011 . 06
80 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、張家銘(Chang, Chia-Ming)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、黎榮鏗(Weng-Hang Lai)、呂東武(Tung-Wu Lu)*,A new diagnostic approach using regional analysis of anterior knee laxity in patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency,KNEE SURGERY SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY ARTHROSCOPY,2011 May,5(19):760-767 2011 . 05
81 黃鐙樂(Teng-Le Huang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、楊凱強(Kai-Chiang Yang)、林峰輝(Feng-Huei Lin)*,Hyaluronan Up-regulates IL-10 Expression in Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes from Patients with Tibia Plateau Fracture,JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH,2011 Apr,29():495-500 2011 . 04
82 黃俊寅(Chun-Yin Huang)、李俊億(Chun-Yi Lee)、陳孟意(Meng-Yi Chen)、蔡筱琪、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,Nephroblastoma overexpressed gene (NOV) enhances cell motility and COX-2 upregulation of human osteosarcoma involves avb5 integrin, ILK and AP-1-dependent pathways,BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY,2011 Mar,81(5):577-585 2011 . 03
83 郭美英(Mei-Ying kuo)、(Tsung-Yuan Tsai,)、(Cheng-Chung Lin)、(Tung-Wu Lu)*、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、沈戊忠(Wu-Chung Shen),IInfluence of Soft Tissue Artifacts on the Calculated Kinematics and Kinetics of Total Knee Replacements During Sit-to-Stand,GAIT & POSTURE,2011 Mar,33(3):379-384 2011 . 03
84 蔡依樽(I-Tzun Tsai)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)*、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、張家豪(Chia-Hao Chang),Simultaneous ipsilateral hip and knee fracture-dislocations,中華民國骨科醫學雜誌,2011 Feb,2():66-70 2011 . 02
85 陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、羅達富(Da-Fu Lo)、張家豪(Chia-Hao Chang)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),The Value of Dynamic Radiographs in Diagnosing the Painful Vertebrae in Osteoporotic Compression Fractures,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY,2011 Jan,32(1):121-124 2011 . 01
86 郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Shih-Wun Hong)、(Tung-Wu Lu)*,Biomechanical assessment of tension-band wiring for olecranon fractures,Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications,2011 Jan,23(1):83-87 2011 . 01
87 黃鐙樂(Teng-Le Huang)*、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、姚俊旭(Chun-Hsu Yao)、陳悦生(Yueh-Sheng Chen)、(Jeff Wang),Anti-inflammatory and Structure-protective Effects of Hyaluronans: Are These Effects molecular,Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications,2011 Jan,23(1):13-20 2011 . 01
88 陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)*、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Re: Ivo R, Sobottke R, Seifert H, et al. Tuberculous spondylitis,SPINE,2010 Nov,35(24):E1360-E1361 2010 . 11
89 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、張家銘(Chia-Ming Chang)、邱沛雯(Pei-Wen Chiou)、呂東武(Tung-Wu Lu)*,Alterations of kinetic characteristics in step up and over test in patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency,Journal of Sports Science and Medicine,2010 Sep,9(9):472-479 2010 . 09
90 許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、(Tsang-Yu Lin)、郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、林茂仁(Mou-Zen Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)*、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,Involvement of integrin up-regulation in RANKL/RANK pathway of chondrosarcomas migration,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY,2010 Sep,111(1):138-147 2010 . 09
91 蔡依樽(I-Tzun Tsai)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、陳英豪(Ying-Hao Chen)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)*,Fat embolism syndrome in long bone fracture--clinical experience in a tertiary referral center in Taiwan,Journal of the Chinese Medical Association,2010 Aug,73(8):707-710 2010 . 08
92 黃俊寅(Chun-Yin Huang)、李俊億(Chun-Yi Lee)、陳孟意(Meng-Yi Chen)、蔡筱琪、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,Adiponectin Increases BMP-2 Expression in Osteoblasts via AdipoR Receptor Signaling Pathway,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY,2010 Aug,224(2):475-483 2010 . 08
93 (Tsai TY)、(Lu TW)*、(Chen CM)、郭美英(Mei-Ying kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),A volumetric model-based 2D to 3D registration method for measuring kinematics of natural knees with single-plane fluoroscopy.,MEDICAL PHYSICS,2010 Mar,37(3):1273-1284 2010 . 03
94 黃鐙樂(Teng-Le Huang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、楊凱強(Kai-Chiang Yang)、姚俊旭(Chun-Hsu Yao)、林峰輝(Feng-Huei Lin)*,Effect of Different Molecular Weight Hyaluronans on Osteoarthritis-related Protein Production in Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes from Patients with Tibia Plateau Fracture,JOURNAL OF TRAUMA-INJURY INFECTION AND CRITICAL CARE,2010 Jan,68(1):146-152 2010 . 01
95 (Hsi-Kai Tsou)、(Shao-Ching Chao)、(Ting-Hsien Kao)、(Jia-Jean Yiin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Chiung-Chyi Shen)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*,Inteadiscal electrothermal therapy in the treatment of chronic low back pain : Experience with 93 patients.,Surgical Neurology International,2010 ,1(37):0-0 2010 .
96 黃俊寅(Chun-Yin Huang)、李俊億(Chun-Yi Lee)、陳孟意(Meng-Yi Chen)、楊維宏(Wei-Hung Yang)、陳英豪(Ying-Hao Chen)、張家豪(Chia-Hao Chang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)*、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,Stromal cell-derived factor-1/CXCR4 enhanced motility of human osteosarcoma cells involves MEK1/2, ERK and NF-B-dependent pathways,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY,2009 Oct,221(1):204-212 2009 . 10
97 (Yung-Cheng Chiu)、(Dong-Chen Shieh)、(Kwok-Man Tong)、(Chao-Ping Chen)、(Kui-Chou Huang)、(Po-Chun Chen)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,Involvement of AdipoR receptor in adiponectin-induced motility and {alpha}2{beta}1 integrin up-regulation in human chondrosarcoma cells,CARCINOGENESIS,2009 Oct,30(10):1651-1659 2009 . 10
98 (YING-JU CHEN)、(YING-YING WEI)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(SHING-HWA LIU)、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,Osteopontin increases migration and MMP-9 up-regulation via alphavbeta3 integrin, FAK, ERK, and NF-kappaB-dependent pathway in human chondrosarcoma cells,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY,2009 Oct,221(1):98-108 2009 . 10
99 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、黎榮鏗(Wen-Heng Lai)、施怡芬(Yi-Fen Shih)、張家銘(Chang, Chia-Ming)、羅震宇、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Physiological Anterior Laxity in Healthy Young Females: the Effect of Knee Hyperextension and Dominance,KNEE SURGERY SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY ARTHROSCOPY,2009 Sep,9(17):1083-1088 2009 . 09
100 (Yung-Cheng Chiu)、林清淵(Ching-Yuang Lin)、(Chao-Ping Chen)、(Kui-Chou Huang)、(Kwok-Man Tong)、(Chung-Yuh Tzeng)、(Tu-Sheng Lee)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,Peptidoglycan Enhances IL-6 Production in Human Synovial Fibroblasts via TLR2 Receptor, Focal Adhesion Kinase, Akt, and AP-1- Dependent Pathway,JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY,2009 Aug,183(4):2785-2792 2009 . 08
101 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)*、林承志(Cheng-Jyh Lin)、陳英豪(Ying-Hao Chen)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu),Treatment for ipsilateral fractures of femoral neck and shaft,INJURY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED,2009 Jul,40(7):778-782 2009 . 07
102 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、林茂仁(Mou-Zen Lin)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*,Using the growth factors-enriched platelet glue in spinal fusion and its efficiency,JOURNAL OF SPINAL DISORDERS & TECHNIQUES,2009 Jun,22(4):246-250 2009 . 06
103 譚思濰(Tan Tzu-Wei)、賴志河(Chih-Ho Lai)、黃俊寅(Chun-Yin Huang)、楊維宏(Wei-Hung Yang)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,CTGF enhances migration and MMP-13 up-regulation via alphavbeta3 integrin, FAK, ERK, and NF-kB-dependent pathway in human chondrosarcoma cells,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY,2009 May,107(2):345-356 2009 . 05
104 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、陳英豪(Ying-Hao Chen)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、張家豪(Chia-Hao Chang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),The epidemiology of traumatic humeral shaft fractures in Taiwan,INTERNATIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS,2009 Apr,33(2):463-467 2009 . 04
105 蔡宗遠(Tsuang-Yuan Tsai)、呂東武(Tung-Wu Lu)*、郭美英(Mei-Ying kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Quantification of Three Dimensional Movement of Skin markers Relative to The Underlying Bones During Functional Activities,Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications,2009 Mar,21(3):223-232 2009 . 03
106 黃鐙樂(Teng-Le Huang)、林峰輝(Feng-Huei Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Surgical treatment for non-union of the mid-shaft clavicle using a reconstruction plate: Scapular malposition is related to poor results,INJURY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED,2009 Mar,40(3):231-235 2009 . 03
107 黃俊寅(Chun-Yin Huang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、李俊億(Chun-Yi Lee)、陳孟意(Meng-Yi Chen)、蔡筱琪(Hsiao-Chi Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,CCL5 increases lung cancer migration via PI3K, Akt and NF-kB pathways,BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY,2009 Mar,77(5):794-803 2009 . 03
108 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、黃俊寅(Chun-Yin Huang)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)*,Late migration of threaded wire (schanz screw) from right distal clavicle to the cervical spine,Journal of the Chinese Medical Association,2009 Jan,72(1):48-51 2009 . 01
109 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)*、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen),Bacteremia coexisting with tophaceous gout of the spine mimicking spondylodiscitis,SPINE,2009 Jan,34(2):106-109 2009 . 01
110 張家豪(Chia-Hao Chang)、林茂仁(Mou-Zen Lin)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*,local autogenous bone mixed with bone expander: an optimal option of bone graft in single-segment posteolateral lumbar fusion,SURGICAL NEUROLOGY,2008 Dec,70(2008):S1:47-S1:49 2008 . 12
111 (Lu Tung-Wu)*、(Tsai Tsung-Yuan)、郭美英(Mei-Ying kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Chen H-L),In vivo three-dimensional kinematics of the normal knee during active extension under unloaded and loaded conditions using single-plane fluoroscopy,Medical Engineering and Physics,2008 Oct,30(8):1004-1012 2008 . 10
112 郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、李文宏(Wen-Hong Lee)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Concurrent ganglion cysts in the intra-articular and extra-articular knee joint,中台灣醫學科學雜誌,2008 Mar,13(1):53-57 2008 . 03
113 邱詠証(Chiu YC)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、賴志河(Chih-Ho Lai)、洪千惠(Chien-Hui Hung)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Lee TS)、楊榮森(Yang RS)、符文美(Fu WM)、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,Thrombin-induced IL-6 production in human synovial fibroblasts is mediated by PAR1, phospholipase C, protein kinase Calpha, c-Src, NF-kappaB and p300 pathway,MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY,2008 Mar,45(6):1597-1599 2008 . 03
114 許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*、王德源(Der-Yean Wang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、曾國峰(Kuo-Fung Tseng)、(Yick-Fung Jim),Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy(ESWT) for calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder.,JOURNAL OF SHOULDER AND ELBOW SURGERY,2008 Jan,17(1):55-59 2008 . 01
115 楊岱樺(Tai-Hua Yang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)*、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Y-F Jim)、(I-P Chiang)、林茂仁(Mou-Zen Lin)*,Ossifying lipoma of the hand,JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY-BRITISH AND EUROPEAN VOLUME,2008 ,33(0):82-83 2008 .
116 周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、高木榮、楊佩瑜(Pei-Yu Yang)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、羅瑞寬(Sui-Foon Lo)、吳鴻文、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Effects of a Lateral Wedged Insole in Patients with Medial Compartment Osteoarthritis of the Knee.,台灣復健醫學雜誌,2007 Dec,35(4):197-205 2007 . 12
117 許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、黃鐙樂(Teng-Le Huang)、吳濬哲(Jiunn-Jer Wu)*,Ligament Reconstruction by Dacron Prosthesis Augmented with Iliotibial Band or Fascia Lata: A 14-year Subjective Outcome Study.,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2007 Dec,12(4):191-197 2007 . 12
118 許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、張誌祥(Chih-Shiang Chang)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、許昇峯(Sheng-Feng Hsu)、林昭庚(Jaung-Geng Lin)、(Wen-Mei Fu)、(Rong-Sen Yang)、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,Ultrasound induces cyclooxygenase-2 expression through integrin, integrin-linked kinase, Akt, NF-kappaB and p300 pathway in human chondrocytes,CELLULAR SIGNALLING,2007 Nov,19(11):2317-2328 2007 . 11
119 陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、陳昆輝(Kun-Hui Chen)、李采娟(Tsai-Chung Li)、李土生(Tu-Sheng Lee),Transpedicular Partial Corpectomy without Anterior Vertebral Reconstruction in Thoracic Spinal Metastases,SPINE,2007 Oct,22(32):E623-E626 2007 . 10
120 陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)*、張基晟(Gee-Chen Chang)、陳文賢(Wen-Hsien Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、李土生(Tu-Sheng Lee),Local Metastases Along the Tract of Needle: A Rare Complication of Vertebroplasty in Treating Spinal Metastases,SPINE,2007 Oct,21(32):E615-E618 2007 . 10
121 吳鴻文、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、張怡雯(Yi-Wen Chang),Effects of the quadriceps femoris taping in the elders during,GAIT & POSTURE,2007 Sep,1(26):64-65 2007 . 09
122 蔡俊灝(Chung-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、林承志(Cheng-Jyh Lin)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*,Recurrent lumbar disc herniation after disectomy: clinical result of repeated disectomy and analysis of factors affecting surgical outcome,中台灣醫學科學雜誌,2007 Sep,3(12):125-132 2007 . 09
123 許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、吳鴻文、張怡雯(Y.W. Chang),Kinetic analysis of lower limbs in step aerobic dance.,GAIT & POSTURE,2007 Sep,1(26):83-84 2007 . 09
124 呂東武(Tung-Wu Lu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Ling-Ying Chang)、(Hao-Ling Chen),Enhancing the examiner’s resistingforce improves the reliability of manual muscle strength measurements: comparisons betweena new device and hand-held dynamometry,JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE,2007 Sep,39(9):679-684 2007 . 09
125 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、(W.H. Lai)、(C.M. Chamg)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Assessing laxity characteristics of hyperextension knee in healthy young females using a knee ligament arthrometer.,GAIT & POSTURE,2007 Sep,26(1):72-73 2007 . 09
126 郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、李文宏(Wen-Hong Lee)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Nonunion of a sesamoid with tophaceous gout : a case report,FOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONAL,2007 Aug,8(28):939-941 2007 . 08
127 (Te-Jen Lai)、許昇峯(Sheng-Feng Hsu)、李德茂(Te-Mao Li)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、林昭庚(Jaung-Geng Lin)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、(Ming-Chih Chou)、(Meng-Chih Lee)、楊順發(Shun-Fa Yang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)*,Alendronate inhibits cell invasion and MMP-2 secretion in human chondrosarcoma cell line.,ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA,2007 Aug,28(8):1231-1235 2007 . 08
128 (I-Han Tai)、陳淑雅、邱沛雯(Pei-Wen Chiu)、陳英豪(Ying-Hao Chen)、林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Evaluation of dynamic balance function using vertical ground reaction force and limit of stability,JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS,2007 Jul,40(s2):S707-S707 2007 . 07
129 陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)*、張基晟(Gee-Chen Chang)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、楊宗穎(Tsung-Ying Yang)、郭英調(Benjamin Ing-Tiau Kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、楊惠雯(Hui-Wen Yang)、李土生(Tu-Sheng Lee),Surgical Results of Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression Secondary to Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer,SPINE,2007 Jul,15(32):E413-E418 2007 . 07
130 馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、楊維宏(Wei-Hung Yang)、許昇峯(Sheng-Feng Hsu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Kuo-Fung Tseng)、(Chin-Jung Hsu)、(Chun-Yi Lee)、(Sean P. Scully)*,2-Methoxyestradiol Induces Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest in Human Chondrosarcoma Cells.,JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH,2007 Apr,25(8):1106-1114 2007 . 04
131 林建仲(Chien-Chung Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Chun-Chen Huang)、(Shih-Hao Chen),Late-onset infection of total knee arthroplasty caused by the klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia.,ORTHOPEDICS,2006 Dec,12(29):1129-1131 2006 . 12
132 黃鐙樂(Teng-Le Huang)、(Ren-Shyan Liu)、(Tain-Hsiung Chen)、(York-Kwan Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Yen-Chih Hsu),Comparison between F-18 FDG Positron Emission Tomography and Histology for the Assessment of Tumor Necrosis Rates in Primary Osteosarcoma J,中華醫學會雜誌,2006 Aug,69(8):372-376 2006 . 08
133 呂東武(Tung-Wu Lu*)、林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Influence of functional bracing on the kinetics of anterior cruciate ligament-injured knees during walking,CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS,2006 Jun,21(5):517-524 2006 . 06
134 黃俊寅(Chun-Yin Huang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、曾國峰(Kuo-Fung Tseng)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)*,Prostate cancer with bone metastases: a clinical profile.,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2006 Apr,11(2):82-89 2006 . 04
135 林維群(Wei-Chun Lin)*、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Recurrent dislocation of the hip with labral lesion:treatment by modified bankart-type repair,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2006 Apr,11(2):138-142 2006 . 04
136 (S-C Chen)、呂東武(T-W Lu)、(H-C Chiu)、林秀真(H-C Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Multiobjective optimal control of obstacle-crossing in ACL-injured subjects.,JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS,2006 Jan,39(1):29-29 2006 . 01
137 許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、(Shou-Chi Wang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、黃俊寅(Chun-Yin Huang)、(I-Ping Chiang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Mucoid degeneration of the anterior cruciate ligament.,中華醫學會雜誌,2006 Jan,69(9):132-137 2006 . 01
138 林承志(Cheng-Jyh Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Nerve transposition to treat meralgia parethetica caused by tight-fitting low-rise jeans.,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2006 Jan,11(4):271-275 2006 . 01
139 李文宏(Wen-Hong Lee)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*、曾國峰(Kuo-Fung Tseng),Clinical application of extracorporeal shock wave therapy in the treatment of plantar fascitis.,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2006 Jan,11(4):230-235 2006 . 01
140 郭美英(M-Y Kuo)、(T-Y Tsai)、(S-R Hsu)、呂東武(T-W Lu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Comparison of the in vivo surface kinematics and patellar tendon lines-of-action in ACL-deficient and mobile bearing knees during activity.,JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS,2006 Jan,39(1):131-131 2006 . 01
141 許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、邱沛雯(P-W Chiu)、林秀真(H-C Lin)、呂東武(T-W Lu),Rotary instability of the knee joint during walking in anterior cruciate ligament injured subjects.,JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS,2006 Jan,39(1):547-547 2006 . 01
142 林秀真(H-C Lin)、呂東武(T-W Lu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Kinetic alterations of the lower limb during stair locomotion in anterior cruciate ligament injured subjects.,JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS,2006 Jan,39(1):546-546 2006 . 01
143 曾國峰(Kuo-Fung Tseng)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、王甫丞(Fu-Cheng Wang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong),Nerve sheath ganglion of the tibial nerve presentation as a Baker’s cyst: a case report.,KNEE SURGERY SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY ARTHROSCOPY,2006 Jan,14(0):880-884 2006 . 01
144 蔡俊灝(Chung-Hao Tsai)、王德源(Der-Yean Wang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Soft- tissue osteoma of the hand: case report.,JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY-AMERICAN VOLUME,2006 Jan,31A(6):998-1000 2006 . 01
145 (T-Y Tsai)、呂東武(T-W Lu)、郭美英(M-Y Kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),In vivo measurement of the kinematics of normal and acl-deficientknees using fluoroscopy with voxel-basedbone models.,JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS,2006 Jan,39(1):43-43 2006 . 01
146 許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu,)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、王德源(Der-Yean Wang)*,Bilateral locked posterior fracture-dislocation of the shoulders due to electric shock.<BR>,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2006 ,11(2):132-137 2006 .
147 謝文逸(Wen-Yih Hsieh)、林世澤、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、吳鴻文、陳信水(Hsin-Shui Chen),腕隧道症候群與運動員,基層醫學 (Primary Medical Care & Family Medicine ),2005 Oct,20(11):284-295 2005 . 10
148 曾國峰(Kuo-Fung Tseng)、(Ju-Wen Tan)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong),Thoracic Myelopathy Associated with Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH): A Rare Case Report and Review of the Literature,中華民國骨科醫學雜誌,2005 Apr,22(4):187-192 2005 . 04
149 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、呂東武(T-W. Lu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Comparisons of joint kunetics in the lower extremity between stair ascent and descent.,JOURNAL OF MECHANICS,2005 Mar,21(1):41-50 2005 . 03
150 謝文逸、(林世澤)、許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung)、吳鴻文(Wu,Hong-Wen)、詹一民(Jan Yi-Min),漫談網球肘,基層醫學 (Primary Medical Care & Family Medicine ),2005 Feb,20(2):51-55 2005 . 02
151 馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、林武周(Wu-Chou Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Intrapelvic Migration of a Kirschner Wire – Case Report,中華醫學會雜誌,2005 Feb,68(2):96-98 2005 . 02
152 呂東武(T.W. Lu)、(H.L. Chen)、林秀真(H.C. Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Lower limb kinetics changes during obstacles-crossing following anterior cruciate ligament injury.,GAIT & POSTURE,2005 ,21(1):80-80 2005 .
153 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、呂東武(T.W. Lu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Biomechanics of the lower limb in anterior cruciate ligament deficient subjects during stair locomotion.,GAIT & POSTURE,2005 ,21(1):79-80 2005 .
154 馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)、孫盛生(Shung-Shung Sun)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Lack of correlatetween P-Glycoproytein expression and outcome in patients with musculoskeletal tumors,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2005 ,10(0):18-24 2005 .
155 (H.L. Chen)、呂東武(T.W. Lu)、林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Biomechanical asymmetry in the lower limb during obstacles-crossing following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,GAIT & POSTURE,2005 ,21(1):75-76 2005 .
156 許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、呂東武(T.W. Lu)、林秀真(H.C. Lin),Influence of knee braces on lower limb mechanics during stair locomotion after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,GAIT & POSTURE,2005 ,21(1):78-78 2005 .
157 邱沛雯(P.W. Chiu)、(S.Y. Chen)、林秀真(H.C. Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Change in postural control of patients with anterior cruciateligament dificiency,GAIT & POSTURE,2005 ,21(1):76-76 2005 .
158 林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、呂東武(Tung-Wu Lu)*、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Three-dimensional analysis of kinematic and kinetic coordination of the lower limb joints during stair ascent and desent,Biomedical Engineering- Application, Basis & Communications,2004 Apr,16(2):101-108 2004 . 04
159 王偉勛(Wei-Hsiung Wang)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、詹益豐(Yick-Fung Jim)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、林承志(Cheng-Jyh Lin)、王德源(Der-Yean Wang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,The treatment outcomes in 9 cases with meniscal cyst and literature review,中華民國骨科醫學雜誌,2004 ,21(0):65-69 2004 .
160 郭建忠、汪家成、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Tuberculous bursitis with rice bodies,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2004 ,9(2):124-129 2004 .
161 蔡俊灝(Chung-Hao Tsai)、王德源(Der-Yean Wang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Bilateral acute avulsion fractures of the anterior superior iliac spine with unilateral meralgia parethetica: a case report.,中華民國骨科醫學雜誌,2004 ,21(4):221-224 2004 .
162 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、王德源(Der-Yean Wang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Bilateral acute avulsion fractures of the anterior superior iliac spine with unilateral meralgia parethetica: a case report,中華骨科醫學雜誌,2004 ,21(4):221-224 2004 .
163 李俊億(Chun-Yi Lee)、(Xuhui Liu)、(Carolyn L Smith)、(Xiaoliu Zhang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、王德源(Der-Yean Wang)、(Zong-Ping Luo),The combined regulation of estrogen and cyclic tension on fibroblast biosynthesis derived from anterior cruciate ligament.,MATRIX BIOLOGY,2004 ,23(0):323-329 2004 .
164 李俊億(Chun-Yi Lee)、(Carolyn L Smith,)、(Xiaoliu Zhang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、王德源(Der-Yean Wang)、羅宗平(Zong-Ping Luo),Tensile forces attenuate estrogen-stimulated collagen synthesis in the ACL,BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS,2004 ,317(0):1221-1225 2004 .
165 馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、孫盛生(Shung-Shung Sun)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、李正淳(Cheng-Chun Lee)*,Impaired gallbladder function in spinal cord injury on quantitative Tc-99m DISIDA cholescintigraphy.,ABDOMINAL IMAGING,2003 Jan,28(1):87-91 2003 . 01
166 洪至仁(Chih-Jen Hung)*、林昭庚、許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung)、陳光偉(Kung-Wei Chen)、蕭亦琮(IC Shau)、林維群、吳世銓、李采娟(Tsai-Chung Li),Use of Acupuncture among Orthopedic Knee Pain Outpatients,台灣家庭醫學學會-基層醫學,2003 Jan,13(1):29-33 2003 . 01
167 林承志(Cheng-Jyh Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Neglected irreducible dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal joint,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2003 ,8(2):124-127 2003 .
168 江長容(Chung-Jung Chiang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Extraskeletal Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma.,中華醫學會雜誌,2003 ,66(5):307-310 2003 .
169 (Chung-Jung Chiang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Extraskeletal Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma– a case report.,中華醫學會雜誌,2003 ,(66):307-310 2003 .
170 許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*、詹益豐(Yick-Fung Jim),A Radiological Study after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.,中華醫學會雜誌,2003 ,66(0):160-165 2003 .
171 洪至仁、林昭庚(Lin,Jaung-Geng)、許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung)、陳光偉(Chen,Guang-Wei)、蕭亦琮(IC Shau)、林維群、吳世銓、李采娟(Li,Tsai-Chung),西醫骨科膝部疼痛門診病人使用針灸之情況 Use of Acupuncture Among Orthopedic Knee Pain Outpatients.,Chinese Journal of Pain,2003 ,13(1):29-33 2003 .
172 洪至仁*、林昭庚(Jaung-Geng Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、陳光偉、蕭亦宗、吳世銓(Rick Sai-Chuen Wu)、李采娟(Tsai-Chung Li),西醫骨科膝部疼痛門診病人使用針灸之情況,Chinese Journal of Pain,2003 ,13(1):29-33 2003 .
173 徐劍耀、詹益豐、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),The association between irrgular humeral greater tuberosities and rotator cuff tears: an arthrographic study,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2003 ,8(0):274-277 2003 .
174 許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、羅宗平(Zong-Ping Luo)、(James J Stone)、(Tze-His Huang)、(Kai-Nan An),Correlation between rotator cuff tear and glenohumeral degeneration.,Acta Orthopaedica,2003 ,74(1):89-94 2003 .
175 李俊億(Chun-Yi Lee)、許朝添(Chao-Tien Hsu)、張文正(Weng-Cheng Chang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Poor Healing Capacity of Chronic Torn Supraspinatus Tendon.,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2002 ,7(1):1-6 2002 .
176 吳昇光(Wu,Sheng Kuang)、吳杏仁(Wu,Chih-Zen)、孫世恆(Sun,Shih-Heng)、許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung),不同程度網球選手肩部旋轉肌群等速肌力特性分析,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2002 ,3(1):19-28 2002 .
177 陳英豪(Ying-Hao Chen)、林承志(Cheng-Jyh Lin)、許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung),DCP Fixation and Autogenous Bone Graft to Treat Nonunion of Femoral Shaft Fracture,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2002 ,7(4):215-221 2002 .
178 吳昇光(Sheng-Kuang Wu)、(Chih-Zen Wu)、(Shih-Heng Sun)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Analysis of Isokinetic Strength of Shoulder Rotators in Different Levels of Tennis Players.,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2002 ,3(1):19-28 2002 .
179 羅宗平(Zong-Ping Luo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、安介南(Kai-Nan An),An in vitro study of glenohumeral performance after suprascapular nerve entrapment.,MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE,2002 ,34(4):581-586 2002 .
180 郭美英(Mei-Ying kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、張玲瑛(Ling-Ying Chang)、(Gen-Jia Li)、呂東武(Tung-Wu Lu),A Method for the Measurement of the Three-Dimensional Kinematics of the Ankle-Foot Complex with Footwear During Activities.,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2002 ,3(1):43-52 2002 .
181 吳昇光(S.K. Wu)、(應馬克)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),Physical Therapist’s Education on Sport Rehabilitation for people with spinal cord injury in the United Kingdom .,Journal of Chinese Medical Sciences,2001 Sep,2(3):175-182 2001 . 09
182 楊維宏(Wei-Hung Yang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(Hisen- Te Chen)、林茂仁(Mou-Zen Lin)、王德源(Der-Yean Wang),Open Reduction and internal fixation for displaced intraarticular fracture calcaneus.,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2001 ,2(3):219-226 2001 .
183 (S.C.Tasi)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、(C.C. Lee)、(A. Kao)、(C.C. Lee)*,Bone mineral density in young female Chinese dancers.,INTERNATIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS,2001 ,25(5):283-285 2001 .
184 楊維宏(Wei-Hung Yang)*、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、林茂仁(Mou-Zen Lin)、王德源(Der-Yean Wang),Open reduction and internal fixation for displaced intraarticular fractures of the calcaneus,中國醫藥科學雜誌,2001 ,2(3):219-226 2001 .
185 許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、羅宗平(ZP Luo)、安介南(KN An),Tendon-defect and muscle-unloaded models for realating a rotator cuff tear to glenohumeral stability. (SCI),JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH,2000 ,18(6):952-958 2000 .
186 (YF Jim)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),The role of double contrast shoulder arthrography on inferior hypertrophic spur of acromio-clavicular joint.,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2000 ,5(0):243-247 2000 .
187 許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung)、林秀真、郭美英、(Luo ZP)、(An KN),Biomechanical study of direct and patch repairs of the torn rotator cuff.,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,1999 Mar,4(1):29-37 1999 . 03
188 陳悦生(Chen,Yueh-Sheng)、謝慶良(Hsieh,Ching-Liang)、林昭庚(Lin,Jaung-Geng)、蔡金川(Tsai,Chin-Chuan)、許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung)、呂東武,掃描式電子顯微鏡對經矽膠管修補之大白鼠再生坐骨神經的觀察,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,1999 ,8(3):83-92 1999 .
189 許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、孫世恆、羅震宇、(Zong-Ping Luo)、(Kai-Nan An),Effect of Rotator Interval Tear on Glenohumeral Stability: A Biomechanical Study,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,1999 ,2(4):91-97 1999 .
190 王德源(Der-Yean Wang)*、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、蔣岳夆、林茂仁(Mou-Zen Lin),Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of Joints,中華民國骨科醫學雜誌,1999 ,16(0):31-38 1999 .


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 Kinematic Interactions Between Bones, Patellar Tendon, And Cartilage Surfaces During Cycling By Three-dimensional Fluoroscopic Imaging,2024 American College Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting,波士頓,2024.05.28~2024.05.31, 2024 . 05
2 Cre/LoxP 基因重組維持透明質酸封裝的 MSC 中軟骨合成代謝因子的表現,減輕椎間盤退化Cre/LoxP Genetic Recombination Sustains Cartilage Anabolic Factor Expression in Hyaluronan Encapsulated MSCs Alleviates Intervertebral Disc Degeneration,中華民國骨科醫學會112年度第84次聯合學術研討會,台北萬豪酒店,2023.10.28~2023.10.29, 2023 . 10
3 Development of a Statistical Shape Model of the Knee for Predicting Bone/Cartilage Morphology and Articular Contact Trajectories During Activities,XXIX Congress of International/Japanese Society of Biomechanics (ISB/JSB2023),日本福岡,2023.07.30~2023.08.03, 2023 . 07
4 Evaluation of deep neural networks-based frame interpolation of X-ray fluoroscopic images of dynamic knee motions,XXIX Congress of International/Japanese Society of Biomechanics (ISB/JSB2023),日本福岡,2023.07.30~2023.08.03, 2023 . 07
5 ,International congress on computer-assisted orthopedic surgery Academic activity,International Lecture Hall, Classroom 102, 103 and 104, China Medical University,2021.11.6 ~2021.11.7 , 2021 . 11
8 TGF-β1 Enhances FOXO3 Expression in Human Synovial Fibroblasts by Inhibiting miR-92a Through AMPK and p38 Pathways,中華民國骨科醫學會108年度第77次聯合學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院,2019.10.26~2019.10.27, 2019 . 10
9 Seizure: An Unexpected Surgical Complication in Percutaneous Endoscopic Discectomy – Cases Review for Risk Factor and the Red Flag Sign,中華民國骨科醫學會【108 年度第 77 次聯合學術研討會】,台北榮民總醫院,2019.10.26~2019.10.27, 2019 . 10
10 O-Arm Navigation Assisted in Spine Endoscopic Surgery for Complex Anatomy and Disease,中華民國骨科醫學會【108 年度第 77 次聯合學術研討會】,台北榮民總醫院,2019.10.26~2019.10.27, 2019 . 10
11 Combination of Arthroscopically Assisted Reduction and Open Reduction Internal Fixation for a Displaced, Multifragmentary Glenoid Fracture, Case Report,中華民國骨科醫學會108年度第 77 次聯合學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院,2019.10.26~2019.10.27, 2019 . 10
12 Catastrophic Results of Early PostOperative Spinal Infection Treated with,中華民國骨科醫學會【108 年度第 77 次聯合學術研討會】,台北榮民總醫院,2019.10.26~2019.10.27, 2019 . 10
13 Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Instrumentation Correction of Osteoporotic Thoracolumbar Fracture with Nonunion Kyphotic Deformity,中華民國骨科醫學會【108 年度第 77 次聯合學術研討會】,台北榮民總醫院,2019.10.26~2019.10.27, 2019 . 10
14 Minimally invasive corrective surgery for non-union of osteoporotic thoracolumbar fracture with kyphosis - preliminary case series,Pacific and Asian Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery 2019,蘇州獨墅湖國際大酒店,2019.08.7 ~2019.08.10, 2019 . 08
15 Effects of Tendon Release Surgery on Inter-Limb Sharing of Total Leg Stiffness During Weight Transfer of Gait in Children with Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy,XXVII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB2019) and 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB2019),Telus Convention Centre, Calgary, Canada,2019.07.31~2019.08.04, 2019 . 07
16 ,INTERNATIONAL /AMERICAN SOCIETY OF BIOMECHANICS ISB/ASB 2019,Calgary, Canada,2019.07.31~2019.08.04,Kinematic Assessment of Robot-Assisted Uni-Compartmental Knee Arthroplasty During Activities Using 3D Fluoroscopy 2019 . 07
17 Soft Tissue Artefacts in the Measured Tibiofemoral Joint Translations During Cycling: Effects of Joint Angles and Pedal Resistance,International /American Society of Biomechanics ISB/ASB 2019,Calgary, Canada,2019.07.31~2019.08.04, 2019 . 07
18 Different Biofeedback Cues Applying in Ergometer Cycling Exercise for Selective Muscle Activation in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis,13th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress,日本神戶,2019.06.09~2019.06.13, 2019 . 06
19 Acute, Simultaneous Rupture of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Patellar,2019 APKASS,Chengdu, China,2019.04.18~2019.04.21, 2019 . 04
20 Catastrophic Results of Vertebral Osteomyelitis Treated with Vertebroplasty,中華民國骨科醫學會 108 年度第 76 次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮民總醫院,2019.04.13~2019.04.13, 2019 . 04
21 Percutaneous posterior tension band reconstruction for fracture kyphotic deformity in thoracolumbar spine – preliminary surgical report,12th Combined Meeting of APSS & APPOS,Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea,2019.04.04~2019.04.06, 2019 . 04
22 Adjacent Segment Pathology of DYNESYS for Lumbar Spinal Disorders,中華民國骨科醫學會 108 年度第 76 次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮民總醫院,2019.04.13~2019.04.13, 2019 . 04
23 Correlation of Morphology in Vertebral Compression Fracture with Future Adjacent Segment Fracture:A Retrospective Study and Clinical Experience,中華民國骨科醫學會 108 年度第 76 次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮民總醫院,2019.04.13~2019.04.13, 2019 . 04
24 A Retrospective Analysis of the Gamma-3 Nail and PFNA-II Nail in the Treatment of Intertrochanteric Fractures,中華民國骨科醫學會 107 年度第 75 次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2018.10.27~2018.10.28, 2018 . 10
25 Posterior Instrumentation without Anterior Debridement and Reconstruction for Spondylodiscitis,中華民國骨科醫學會 107 年度第 75 次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2018.10.27~2018.10.28, 2018 . 10
26 Unique Complication of Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy- A Case Report and Literature Review of Seizure Following the Endoscopic Surgery,中華民國骨科醫學會 107 年度第 75 次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2018.10.27~2018.10.28, 2018 . 10
27 Comparison the Clinical Outcomes of Vertebroplasty Alone versus Vertebroplasty Plus Instrumentation in Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures (OVCFs) Patients with Kyphotic Angle more than 30 Degrees,中華民國骨科醫學會 107 年度第 75 次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2018.10.27~2018.10.28, 2018 . 10
28 Brachial Plexus Injury Following Spinal Surgery,中華民國骨科醫學會 107 年度第 75 次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2018.10.27~2018.10.28, 2018 . 10
29 A Method Based on Adjacent Tri-Images with Linear Constraint for 2D-to-3D Registration Using Alternating Biplane Fluoroscopy for Measurement of 3-D Dynamic Joint Motion,The 8th World Congress of Biomechanics,Dublin, Ireland,2018.07.08~2018.07.12, 2018 . 07
30 Effects of Lateral Instability on Three-Dimensional Talocrural and Subtalar Motions During Active Dorsi-/Plantar-Flexion of the Ankle Joint Complex Measured Using Bi-Plane Fluoroscopy,The 8th World Congress of Biomechanics,Dublin, Ireland,2018.07.08~2018.07.12, 2018 . 07
31 New surgical treatment strategies of minimal invasive percutaneous endoscopic surgery for infectious spondylodiscitis,The 18th Annual Meeting of the Pacific and Asian Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery,高雄展覽館,2018.07.19~2018.07.21, 2018 . 07
32 Comparisons of Performance of 2D-to-3D Registration Between Methods of Synchronizing Clinical Biplane Fluoroscopy for Measuring 3-D Dynamic Joint Motion,XV International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement,Manchester, UK,2018.07.03~2018.07.06, 2018 . 07
33 A New Surgical strategy for infectious spondylodiscitis in thoracic and lumbar spine,APSS 18th Asia Pacfic Spine Society Annual Meeting in Taiwan,台大國際會議中心,2018.06.07~2018.06.09, 2018 . 06
34 ,CAOS Asia Pacific 2018 The Combined Meeting of 14th CAOS Asia Pacific and 5th CAOS Thailand 2018,Hilton Hotel, Pattaya, Thailand,2018.05.03~2018.05.04,OUR EXPERIENCE IN USING O ARM NAVIGATION IN SPINE SURGERY 2018 . 05
35 Primary Rosai–Dorfman disease of the tibia, a case report,中華民國骨科醫學會 107年度第74次聯合學術研討會,高雄國際展覽館,2018.04.14~2018.04.14, 2018 . 04
36 Sporadic malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor over popliteal fossa: A case report and literature review,中華民國骨科醫學會107年度第74次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄國際展覽館,2018.04.14~2018.04.14, 2018 . 04
37 Evaluation of the contact bone volume of iliac screw using a screw-orthogonal image in different trajectory model,中華民國骨科醫學會107年度第74次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄國際展覽館,2018.04.14~2018.04.14, 2018 . 04
38 Combining O-arm Navigation with Ultrasonic Bone Scalpel in Vertebral Column Resection: Our Experiences and Technical Note,中華民國骨科醫學會107年度第74次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄國際展覽館,2018.04.14~2018.04.14, 2018 . 04
39 Limb Salvage Surgery in an Osteosarcoma Patient with Pathologic Fracture: A Case Report and Literature Review,中華民國骨科醫學會107年度第74次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄國際展覽館,2018.04.14~2018.04.14, 2018 . 04
40 Intramuscular Hemangiomas: A report of three cases,中華民國骨科醫學會107年度第74次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄國際展覽館,2018.04.14~2018.04.14, 2018 . 04
41 Outcome and complication of PHILOS plate fixation with anterolateral approach,107年度第74次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄國際展覽館,2018.04.14~2018.04.14, 2018 . 04
42 The reliability of 3D printing technology in spinal deformity surgery 三D列印技術輔助脊椎畸形矯正手術的可靠度,台灣脊椎外科醫學會【107年會員大會暨第26次學術研討會】,台北榮民總醫院 致德樓 第一及二會議室,2018.03.31~2018.03.31, 2018 . 03
43 Preliminary result of endoscopic spine surgery in degenerative lumbar spine disease,台灣脊椎外科醫學會【107年會員大會暨第26次學術研討會】,台北榮民總醫院 致德樓 第一及二會議室 ,2018.03.31~2018.03.31, 2018 . 03
44 New surgical treatment strategies for infectious spondylodiscitis of thoracic and lumbar spine,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第73次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心(台北市徐州路2號)),2017.10.28~2017.10.29, 2017 . 10
45 Triangular Osteosynthesis of Sacroiliac Joint Fractures and Fracture-Dislocations: A Clinical 5 Years Follow-Up Study,中華民國骨科醫學會 40周年紀念及第19屆第2次會員代表大會暨106年度 第73次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2017.10.28~2017.10.29,以三角型骨融合固定術治療骶髂關節骨折和骨折脫位:臨床5年隨訪研究 2017 . 10
46 Spindle cell /Scelrosing Rhabdomyosarcoma: a rare case report,中華民國骨科醫學會 40周年紀念及第19屆第2次會員代表大會暨106年度 第73次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2017.10.28~2017.10.29,紡錘硬化細胞型惡性橫紋肌肉瘤:罕見病例報告 2017 . 10
47 In vivo Three-Dimensional Kinematics of the Ankle Joint Complex During Dynamic Dorsiflexion and Plantarflexion Using Alternating Bi-planar Fluoroscopy,2017台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會,台北,2017.10.14~2017.10.14, 2017 . 10
48 Treatment of Small Colony Variants of MRSA infection-Case Report and Literature Review,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第73次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2017.10.28~2017.10.29, 2017 . 10
49 Percutaneous endoscopic decompression under O-arm navigation for degenerative spine disease: a technical note,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第73次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2017.10.28~2017.10.29, 2017 . 10
50 Giant popliteal epidermal cyst-a case report,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度 第73次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2017.10.28~2017.10.29,巨大膝後表皮囊腫-病案報告 2017 . 10
51 Giant tophi induce DRUJ dislocation and treated by Darrach procedure and FCU tendon slings fixation : A case report and review of literature,中華民國骨科醫學會 40周年紀念及第19屆第2次會員代表大會暨106年度 第73次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2017.10.28~2017.10.29,巨型痛風石誘發遠端橈尺端節脫位,並採用Darrach手術和肌腱吊索固定治療:病例報告及文獻複習 2017 . 10
52 Pelvis Chondrosarcoma Treated with Wide Excision and Recycling Frozen Autologous Bone graft: A Case Report,中華民國骨科醫學會40周年紀念及第19屆第2次會員代表大會暨106年度 第73次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2017.10.28~2017.10.29, 2017 . 10
53 HOW TO AVOID INACCURACY OF O ARM NAVIGATION IN SCOLIOSIS SURGERY,台灣微創脊椎醫學會第六屆第二次,台中榮民總醫院,2017.09.09~2017.09.09, 2017 . 09
54 Spine Endoscopic Treatment under O-arm navigation for Lumbar Degenerative Scoliosis,The 17th Annual Meeting of the Pacific and Asian Society of the Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery,日本札幌,2017.07.27~2017.07.29, 2017 . 07
55 Development and Validation of a Model-based Tracking Technique in Conjunction with Alternating Biplane X-ray Imaging System for Measuring 3-D Joint Kinematics,BRISBANE 2017 XXVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics,Brisbane, Australia,2017.07.23~2017.07.27, 2017 . 07
56 Comparing Clinical Results between Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Surgery and Traditional Anterior Open Surgery for Infectious Spondylodiscitis: A Cohort Study of 84 Patients,The 17th Annual Meeting of the Pacific and Asian Society of the Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery,日本札幌,2017.07.27~2017.07.29, 2017 . 07
57 Lunate Bone Volar Dislocation: A Case Report and Literature Review,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第72次聯合學術研討會,中國醫藥大學,2017.04.22~2017.04.22, 2017 . 04
58 A new decision making procedure for correcting complex femoral deformity with Orthofix fixation based on 3D printing technology,中華民國骨科醫學會 106年度第72次聯合學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓,2017.04.22~2017.04.22, 2017 . 04
59 508 次脊椎內視鏡手術在 489 病人的臨床結果 Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar surgery: clinical results of 508 operations in 489 consecutive cases,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第72次春季聯合學術研討會,中國醫藥大學102演講廳,2017.04.22~2017.04.22, 2017 . 04
60 Tibia plateau stress fracture associated with ipsilateral knee osteoarthrosis:A case report,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第72次春季聯合學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓,2017.04.22~2017.04.22, 2017 . 04
61 運用一結合骨模型與交替式雙面X光影像系統之創新方法量測踝關節運動:可行性研究,2017 國際生物力學與復健工程暨輔具科技學術研討會,澎湖科技大學海洋科技大樓北棟一樓國際會議廳與四樓會議室,2017.04.14~2017.04.15, 2017 . 04
62 Huge Tophi Lesion in the Spine-A case report,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第72次春季聯合學術研討會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院立夫教學大樓,2017.04.22~2017.04.22, 2017 . 04
63 Epidemiology of pelvic fractures in the elderly population in Taiwan,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第72次春季聯合學術研討會,台中中國醫藥大學 立夫教學大樓,2017.04.22~2017.04.22,台灣老年人骨盆骨折流行病學之研究 2017 . 04
64 Use of a real-size 3D-printed model as a preoperative and intraoperative tool for minimally invasive plating of comminuted pelvic anterior column fractures,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第72次春季聯合學術研討會,台中中國醫藥大學 立夫教學大樓,2017.04.22~2017.04.22, 2017 . 04
65 SLE with patellar tendon rupture:A case report,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第72次聯合學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓,2017.04.22~2017.04.22, 2017 . 04
67 Increase risk of allergic dermatologic disease after lowerlimb joint replacement?,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第72次春季聯合學術研討會,台中中國醫藥大學 立夫教學大樓,2017.04.22~2017.04.22,人工關節術後是否增加過敏性皮膚疾病發生風險? 2017 . 04
68 Thumb Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) Joint Dislocation with Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) and radial collateral ligament (RCL) Rupture: A Case Report and Literature Review,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第72次聯合學術研討會,中國醫藥大學,2017.04.22~2017.04.22, 2017 . 04
69 Model-Based Tracking Method Using Alternating Biplane X-ray Imaging System in Measuring Tibiofemoral Dynamic Motion,2016台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會 & 2016智慧輔具產業與技術研討會,Taichung,2016.10.29~2016.10.29, 2016 . 10
70 Treatment Strategies in PIPJ Injuries,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第71次聯合學術研討會,張榮發基金會國際會議中心,2016.10.22~2016.10.23, 2016 . 10
71 ,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第71次聯合學術研討會,張榮發基金會國際會議中心,2016.10.22~2016.10.23,Comparing clinical results between minimally invasive endoscopic surgery and traditional anterior open surgery for infectious spondylodiscitis: 2016 . 10
72 Application of Vascularized Bone Graft in Trauma Patients,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第71次聯合學術研討會,張榮發基金會國際會議中心,2016.10.22~2016.10.23, 2016 . 10
73 Non-modular 座長-Tapered Fluted Titanium Stems in Revision THA: An Attractive Alternative with Encouraging Results,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第71次聯合學術研討會,張榮發基金會國際會議中心,2016.10.22~2016.10.23, 2016 . 10
74 Reduction technique in low grade spondylolisthesis:A reduction technique note in MIS TLIF,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第71次聯合學術研討會,張榮發基金會國際會議中心,2016.10.22~2016.10.23, 2016 . 10
75 The learning of O-arm navigation in spinal surgery,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第71次聯合學術研討會,張榮發基金會國際會議中心,2016.10.22~2016.10.23, 2016 . 10
76 Müller-Weiss Disease: A Case Report and Literature Review,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第71次聯合學術研討會,張榮發基金會國際會議中心,2016.10.22~2016.10.23, 2016 . 10
77 Quantification of Soft Tissue Artefacts Displacement Owing to Pedal Resistance on the Lower Limb During Cycling,GCBME 2nd Global CONFERENCE OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING,Taipei,2016.08.17~2016.08.19, 2016 . 08
78 Calculated Kinematics and Kinetics Errors of the Tibiofemoral Motion Owing to Surface Movement during Cycling,GCBME 2nd Global CONFERENCE OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING,Taipei, Taiwan,2016.08.17~2016.08.19, 2016 . 08
79 ,XIV International Symposium on 3D Anaiysis of Human Movement,台北市大安區新生南路三段30號,2016.07.18~2016.07.21,3D kinematic Anaiysis of the Carpometacarpal Joint of the Thumb using 3D Imaging 2016 . 07
80 Effects of Bilateral Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation on Gait Performance in Patients with Advanced Parkinson’s Disease,XIV International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement,Taipei, Taiwan,2016.07.18~2016.07.21, 2016 . 07
81 Improvement of walking speed and gait function with intensive enzyme replacement therapy in late-onset Pompe disease: A case study,2016 15th Asian and Oceanian Myology Center Annual Scientific Meeting,National Chiao Tung University,2016.05.26~2016.05.29, 2016 . 05
82 ,3rd AOTrauma Asia Pacific Scientific Congress&TK Experts' Symposium,中國大陸成都,2016.05.27~2016.05.28,External fixator for maintaining reduction before volar plating:A simple treatment method for Association of Osteosynthesis Type C3 Distal Radius Fracture 2016 . 05
83 The management of hip arthroplasty periprosthetic femoral fractures: Clinical results of our institution,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第70次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄展覽館,2016.04.23~2016.04.23, 2016 . 04
84 Why Percutaneous endoscopic discectomy and drainage (PEDD) works on infectious spondylodiscitis?,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第70次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄展覽館,2016.04.23~2016.04.23, 2016 . 04
85 Bicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第70次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄展覽館,2016.04.23~2016.04.23,主持人: Bicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 2016 . 04
86 Immunotherapy may hold great potential for future PJI treatment,高雄長庚紀念醫院三十週年院慶學術研討會,高雄長庚醫院兒童大樓六樓藍廳,2016.04.22~2016.04.22, 2016 . 04
87 The Clinic Result of Using Locking Plate for Periprosthetic Femur Supracondyle Fracture,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第70次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄展覽館,2016.04.23~2016.04.23, 2016 . 04
88 Primary Repair and Augmentation with Mesh of Quadriceps Tendon Rupture After Total Knee Arthroplasty,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第70次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄展覽館,2016.04.23~2016.04.23, 2016 . 04
89 Multiple Myeloma Patients with Pathologic Fractures: The Experience of One Institute,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第70次聯合學術研討會,高雄國際展覽館,2016.04.23~2016.04.23, 2016 . 04
90 Osteonecrosis of Tibia Plateau-A case report,中華民國骨科醫學會105年度第70次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄展覽館,2016.04.23~2016.04.23, 2016 . 04
91 The Clinical Results of Our Institute in The Treatment of Infective Spondylitis:A Cohort Study Comparing 2 Methods between Endoscopic Debridement and Anterior Corpectomy with Reconstruction,2016台灣脊椎外科醫學會年會暨北醫附醫40週年院慶國際脊椎研討會,台北醫學大樓杏春樓大禮堂,2016.03.19~2016.03.19, 2016 . 03
92 Evaluation of Intra-articular Acetylgucosamine and Hyaluronan Injection combined with PLGA scaffolds for Osteochondral Defect Repair in Rabbit,2016 Annual Meeting,Orlando,Florida,2016.03.05~2016.03.08, 2016 . 03
93 Developing an Injectable Layer-by-Layer 3D Bioscaffold to Repair Cartilage Defect in Ex vivo Osteochondral Defect Model,2016 Annual Meeting,Orlando,Florida,2016.03.05~2016.03.08, 2016 . 03
94 The Synergistic Effects Of Chondrogenic, Osteogenic And Vasogenic Regenerative Medicine Using Endothelial Progenitor Cells,Construct and Physiotherapy Treatment,2016 Annual Meeting,Orlando,Florida,2016.03.05~2016.03.08, 2016 . 03
95 Osteochondral regeneration by novel injectable smart chitosan hydrogel with endothelial progenitor cell, adipose synovium cell and platelet rich plasma in animal mode,2016 Annual Meeting,Orlando,Florida,2016.03.05~2016.03.08, 2016 . 03
96 ,2016台灣脊椎外科醫學會年會暨北醫附醫40週年院慶國際脊椎研討會,台北醫學大學杏春樓大禮堂,2016.03.19~2016.03.19,3D列印技術輔助脊椎畸形手術 2016 . 03
97 Bone Reconstruction with Tantalum Metal after Infective Total Knee Arthroplasty:The Case Series,中華民國骨科醫學會104年度第69次聯合學術研討會,台北市,2015.10.31~2015.11.01, 2015 . 10
98 Left navicular bone stress fracture with nonunion:A case report,中華民國骨科醫學會104年度第69次聯合學術研討會,台北市,2015.10.31~2015.11.01, 2015 . 10
99 Why remove healthy ligaments?Bicruciate preserving arthroplasty:BCR-TKA,中華民國骨科醫學會104年度第69次聯合學術研討會,台北,2015.10.31~2015.11.01,(座長)Why remove healthy ligaments?Bicruciate preserving arthroplasty:BCR-TKA 2015 . 10
100 Intra-osseous tophaceous gout of patella:A case report,中華民國骨科醫學會104年度第69次聯合學術研討會,台北,2015.10.31~2015.11.01, 2015 . 10
101 Feasibility of A New Method on Measuring the Kinematics of the Ankle Joint Complex Uing Alternating Biplanar Fluoroscopy,台灣生物力學年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會,台灣,高雄,2015.10.16~2015.10.16, 2015 . 10
102 Reverse less invasive stabilisation system-distal femur plates for fibrous dysplasia of proximal femoral,中華民國骨科醫學會104年度第69次聯合學術研討會,台北市,2015.10.31~2015.11.01, 2015 . 10
103 Soft Tissue Artifacts of Markers on Thigh and Shank During Resisted and Unresisted Cycling,台灣生物力學年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會,台灣,高雄,2015.10.16~2015.10.16, 2015 . 10
104 CHONDROSARCOMA OF THE DISTAL PHALANX OF THE FIRST TOE:A CASE REPORT,中華民國骨科醫學會104年度第69次聯合學術研討會,台北市,2015.10.31~2015.11.01, 2015 . 10
105 ,International symposium in recognition of Kai-Nan An,Ph.D.,美國,2015.08.03~2015.08.03, 2015 . 08
106 BIOMECHANICAL STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL OBSTACLE-CROSSING IN PATIENTS WITH ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT DEFICIENCY,25th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics,Glasgow, Scotland, UK,2015.07.12~2015.07.16, 2015 . 07
107 Validity of A Maker-Based Locator for Measuring in Vivo Three-Dimensional Scapular Static Using Stereophotogrammetry,The 33rd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports,Poitiers, France,2015.06.29~2015.07.03, 2015 . 06
108 VALIDITY OF A MAKER-BASED LOCATOR FOR MEASURING IN VIVO THREE-DIMENSIONAL SCAPULAR STATIC POSES USING STEREOPHOTOGRAMMETRY,33rd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports,Poitiers, French,2015.06.29~2015.07.03, 2015 . 06
109 Biomechanical Strategies for Obstacle Crossing in Patients with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency,33rd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports,Poitiers, French,2015.06.29~2015.07.03, 2015 . 06
110 ,2015 Summit of Asia-Pacific Knee,Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Society,taiwan taipei,2015.05.08~2015.05.09, 2015 . 05
111 Evidence-based review-The pros and cons of PRP,中華民國骨科醫學會104年度第68次春季聯合學術研討會,嘉義長庚醫院,2015.04.25~2015.04.25, 2015 . 04
112 ,中華民國骨科醫學會104年度第68次春季聯合學術研討會,嘉義長庚醫院,2015.04.25~2015.04.25,In Vivo three-dimensional kinematic and stability nanlysis of natural and replaced knee joint during activity using integrated imaging and finite element techniques 2015 . 04
113 Giant cell tumor with secondary aneurysmal bone cyst of the patella:A rare case report,中華民國骨科醫學會104年度第68次春季聯合學術研討會,嘉義長庚醫院,2015.04.25~2015.04.25, 2015 . 04
114 Case report:simultaneous bilateral subtrochanteric fractures in a multiple myeloma patient,中華民國骨科醫學會104年度第68次春季聯合學術研討會,嘉義長庚醫院,2015.04.25~2015.04.25, 2015 . 04
115 Wrist gouty arthritis presenting as scaphoid erosion with scapholunate ligament disruption,中華民國骨科醫學會104年度第68次春季聯合學術研討會,嘉義長庚醫院,2015.04.25~2015.04.25, 2015 . 04
116 Removal of tophaceous gout with arthroscopic shaving,中華民國骨科醫學會104年度第68次春季聯合學術研討會,嘉義長庚醫院,2015.04.25~2015.04.25, 2015 . 04
117 Osteoblastoma in scapula:A case report of a rare case,中華民國骨科醫學會104年度第68次春季聯合學術研討會,嘉義長庚醫院,2015.04.25~2015.04.25, 2015 . 04
118 Differentiate Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Line with Different Metastasis Characteristics by Cell Mechanical Properties,2015 Annual Meeting,美國拉斯維加斯,2015.03.28~2015.03.31, 2015 . 03
119 The combined effects of cyclic hydrostatic pressure and continuous passive motion on osteochondral regeneration using autologous endothelial progenitor cells in rabbit model,ORS2015 Annual Meeting,拉斯維加斯,2015.03.28~2015.03.31, 2015 . 03
120 Reconstruction of osteochondral defects using a microenvironment created from autologous endothelial progenitor cells and porous plga scaffolds in a rabbit model,AAOS 2015 Annual meeting,美國拉斯維加斯,2015.03.24~2015.03.28, 2015 . 03
121 Develop surface treated biphasic poly acid scaffold ti maintain chondrocyte phenotype and interface integration,ORS2015 Annual Meeting,拉斯維加斯,2015.03.28~2015.03.31, 2015 . 03
122 ,中國醫藥大學附設醫院2014年院慶暨人工關節置換學術研討會,台中,2014.11.22~2014.11.22,Two-stage Revision of Chronic Infected Total Hip Arthroplasty:Comparison of Tantalum and Titanium Cups 2014 . 11
123 In Vivo Three-Dimensional Kinematic And Stability Analysis of Natural and Replaced Knee Joint During Activity Using Integrated Imging and Finite Element Techniques,2014MAYO-CMUH JOINT REPLACEMENT FORUM,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓B1國際會議廳,2014.11.22~2014.11.22, 2014 . 11
124 Differences of Skin Movement Artifacts during Loaded and Unloaded Cycling Exercise on the thigh and shank Using 3D Fluoroscopy,The 1st Global Conference on Biomedical Engineering (GCBME 2014) conjunction with 9th Asian-Pacific,Tainan, Taiwan,2014.10.09~2014.10.12, 2014 . 10
125 ,中華民國骨科醫學會103年度第67次聯合討論會,國防醫學院,2014.10.18~2014.10.19, 2014 . 10
126 Effects of Skin Movement Artifacts on Kinematics and Kinetics of the Knee During Cycling,The 1st Global Conference on Biomedical Engineering (GCBME 2014) conjunction with 9th Asian-Pacific,Tainan, Taiwan,2014.10.09~2014.10.12, 2014 . 10
127 Effects of Foot Placement on the Kinematics and Articular Contact Patterns of the Knee During Cycling Using 3D Fluoroscopy Method,7th World Congress of Biomechanics,Boston, USA,2014.07.06~2014.07.11, 2014 . 07
128 Comparisons of Knee Joint Loading Between Forward and Backward Pedaling on an Instrumented Cycling Ergometer Using 3D Fluoroscopy Method,7th World Congress of Biomechanics,Boston, USA,2014.07.06~2014.07.11, 2014 . 07
129 Comparisons of Soft Tissue Artifacts on the Thigh and Shank During Loaded and Unloaded Cycling Exercises Using 3D Fluoroscopy,13th International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement,Lausanne, Swizerland,2014.07.14~2014.07.17, 2014 . 07
130 ,103年度中華民國關節鏡及膝關節醫學會春季學術研討會,台北榮總,2014.04.12~2014.04.12, 2014 . 04
131 Evidence-based guideline and algorithm of traumatic knee dislocation,中華民國骨科醫學會103年度第66次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮總,2014.04.19~2014.04.19, 2014 . 04
132 Fixation of both the clavicle and the scapular neck correct the glenopolar angle and improve functional outcome for floating-shoulder injuries,中華民國骨科醫學會103年度第66次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮總,2014.04.19~2014.04.19, 2014 . 04
133 Percutaneous repair of acute Achilles tendon rupture : Surgical technique and case series,中華民國骨科醫學會103年度第66次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮總,2014.04.19~2014.04.19, 2014 . 04
134 Our experience of DM foot and PAOD,中華民國骨科醫學會103年度第66次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮總,2014.04.19~2014.04.19, 2014 . 04
135 Osteoblastoma in Scapula,中華民國骨科醫學會103年度第66次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮總,2014.04.19~2014.04.19, 2014 . 04
136 ,亞太膝關節關節鏡運動醫學醫學會,日本 奈良,2014.04.13~2014.04.15, 2014 . 04
137 Clinical superiority and correlation of autologous PRP and growth factors concentration for cartilage regeneration and sport medicine therapy,中華民國骨科醫學會103年度第66次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮總,2014.04.19~2014.04.19, 2014 . 04
138 A successful vacuum-assisted wound closure (VAC) with chest tube treatment for recurrent fungal periprosthetic knee joint infections,中華民國骨科醫學會103年度第66次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮總,2014.04.19~2014.04.19, 2014 . 04
139 Kirschner-Wire guided technique for inserting a second needle into inadequately filled vertebrae in vertebroplasty,中華民國骨科醫學會103年度第66次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮總,2014.04.19~2014.04.19, 2014 . 04
140 Modified first distal metatarsal osteotomy for hallux valgus,中華民國骨科醫學會103年度第66次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮總,2014.04.19~2014.04.19, 2014 . 04
141 Osteoblastoma in scapula,中華民國骨科醫學會103年度第66次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮民總醫院,2014.04.19~2014.04.19, 2014 . 04
142 Reconstruction with vascularized fibular graft after physis preserving En-Bloc resection of ewing's sarcoma of proximal femur in an 11-year-old child,中華民國骨科醫學會103年度第66次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮總,2014.04.19~2014.04.19, 2014 . 04
143 Accurate Measurement of the Kinematics of the Knee During Cycling Exercise Using a 3D Fluoroscopy Method,The 15th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering,Singapore,2013.12.04~2013.12.07, 2013 . 12
144 Cycling motion soft tissue artifacts quantification on the thigh and shank using a novel CT-to-Fluoroscopy registration method,生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,國立清華大學,2013.11.15~2013.11.16, 2013 . 11
145 Kinematical analysis of the Knee During Cycling Exercise Using a 3D Fluoroscopy Method,生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,國立清華大學,2013.11.15~2013.11.16, 2013 . 11
146 Effect of direct intra-articular N-acetyl-D-glucosamine injection for osteochondral repair in rabbit model,Annual Symposium on Biomedical Engineering and Technology,新竹,2013.11.15~2013.11.16, 2013 . 11
147 Using global optimization method to compensate soft tissue artifacts on knee joint angles and moments calculation during cycling,生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,國立清華大學,2013.11.15~2013.11.16, 2013 . 11
148 Severe femoral deformity treated with extensive porous-coated stem in revision hip arthroplasty,中華民國骨科醫學會102年度第65次聯合學術研討會,國防醫學院,2013.10.26~2013.10.27, 2013 . 10
149 Treatment of idopathic clubfoot : experience with the soft cast,中華民國骨科醫學會102年度第65次聯合學術研討會,國防醫學院,2013.10.26~2013.10.27, 2013 . 10
150 Acetabular revision arthroplasty for septic loosening hip arthroplasty using tantalum cup,中華民國骨科醫學會102年度第65次聯合學術研討會,國防醫學院,2013.10.26~2013.10.27, 2013 . 10
151 Fibrolipoma of the digital nerve : a case report,中華民國骨科醫學會102年度第65次聯合學術研討會,國防醫學院,2013.10.26~2013.10.27, 2013 . 10
152 ComparIson of computed Comparison of computed tomography and plain radiography in evaluation for fracture of pelvic ring,中華民國骨科醫學會102年度第65次聯合學術研討會,國防醫學院,2013.10.26~2013.10.27, 2013 . 10
153 Rotation hinge tatal knee prosthesis using in patient with marfan syndrome : a literature case report,中華民國骨科醫學會102年度第65次聯合學術研討會,國防醫學院,2013.10.26~2013.10.27, 2013 . 10
154 Zironia ceramic-on-ceramic bearing surfaces in total hip arthroplasty preliminary report,中華民國骨科醫學會102年度第65次聯合學術研討會,國防醫學院,2013.10.26~2013.10.27, 2013 . 10
155 Does aqgmentation with MIIG in femoral head reduces the lag screw penetration rete in pertrochanter fracture?,中華民國骨科醫學會102年度第65次聯合學術研討會,國防醫學院,2013.10.26~2013.10.27, 2013 . 10
156 Clinicalresult of ORIF v.s. CRIF withherbert screw for scaphoid fracture,中華民國骨科醫學會102年度第65次聯合學術研討會,國防醫學院,2013.10.26~2013.10.27, 2013 . 10
157 Transpedicular partial corpectomy without anterior vertebral reconstruction in thoracolumbar spinal metastases,中華民國骨科醫學會102年度第65次聯合學術研討會,國防醫學院,2013.10.26~2013.10.27, 2013 . 10
158 Graft choice : Bone-tendon-bone,102年度中華民國關節鏡及膝關節醫學會春季學術研討會,台北榮總,2013.04.13~2013.04.13, 2013 . 04
159 The difference of thoracolumbar burst fracture pattern between young age and old age patients,中華民國骨科醫學會102年度第64次聯合學術研討會,台東市連航路66號那魯灣大酒店,2013.04.20~2013.04.20, 2013 . 04
160 ,中華民國骨科醫學會102年度第64次春季聯合學術研討會,台東 馬偕,2013.04.20~2013.04.20,Leg-Length discrepancy and prevention 2013 . 04
161 COMPLICATION Related with Modern Locking Plating for Distal Femur Fracture: A Cases Series Review,中華民國骨科醫學會102年度第64次聯合學術研討會,台東馬偕醫院,2013.04.20~2013.04.21, 2013 . 04
162 Transpedicular partial corpectomy without anterior vertebral reconstruction in thoracolumbar spinal metastases,102年台灣脊椎外科醫學會第21次學術研討會,花蓮慈技大學,2013.03.23~2013.03.23, 2013 . 03
163 Delayed vertebroplasty in acute traumatic burst fracture first treated by short-segment fixation: a case report,102年台灣脊椎外科醫學會第21次學術研討會,花蓮慈濟大學,2013.03.23~2013.03.23, 2013 . 03
164 Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with Hamstring Tendon or Patellar Tendon Autograft Exhibit Different Muscle Strength,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
165 Massive Allograft Reconstruction with Arthroplasty after Resection of a Periacetabular Tumor a Case Report and Literature Review,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
166 ,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28,Complex Tibial Plateau Fracture: What New in Surgical Approach? 2012 . 10
167 Resection Arthroplasty of Basilar Joint of the Thumb,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
168 Necrotizing Fasciitis – Our Experience,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
169 Posterolateral Approach without Fibular Osteotomy for High Energy Posterior Tibial Plateau Fractures,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
170 Concomitant Spine Infection with Mycobacteria Tuberculosis and Pyogenic Bacteria:A Case Report and Literature Review,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
171 The Correlation of Bone Bruising with Post-traumatic Knee Arthritis Proved by Quantitative T2 MR,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
172 Comparison of Shoulder Function after Humeral Shaft Fracture Treated by Plate Osteosynthesis and Intra-medullary Fixation.,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
173 The Clinical Evaluation of Posterior Dynamic Stabilization for Degenerative Spondylolisthesis,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
174 Surgical Outcome of Acute Complete Acromioclavicular Dislocation: A Retrospective Comparasion of Three Internal Fixators,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
175 Proximal Clavicle Chondroma with Thoraclc Outlet Syndrome: A Case Report,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
176 The Clinical Result using Locking Plate in Periprosthetic Supracondylar Femur Fracture,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
177 Floating Shoulder Injury: Radiographic and Functional Outcomes after Operative and Conservative Treatment,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
178 Posterior Dynamic Stabilization for Degenerative Spondylolisthesis: Mid-term follow up,中華民國骨科醫學會101 年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北南港展覽館,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, 2012 . 10
179 Can anterior knee laxity be used as a risk predictor for anterior cruciate ligament injury?,The 3rd Asia-Oceanian Conference of Phyisical and Rehabilitation Medicine,Bali, Indonesia,2012.05.20~2012.05.23, 2012 . 05
180 ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT RECONSTRUCTION WITH HAMSTRING TENDON OR PATELLAR TNEDON AUTOGRAFT EXHIBIT DIFFERENT MUSCLE STRENGTH,The 3rd Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical and Rehabilitaion Medicine in Conjunction with The XI A,Indonesia,2012.05.20~2012.05.23, 2012 . 05
181 The management of periprosthetic femoral fractures : clinical result of our institution,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第62次春季聯合學術研討會,新竹喜來登,2012.04.21~2012.04.21, 2012 . 04
182 The strategy of percutaneous endoscopic managements for infectious spondylodiscitis in the thoracic and lumbar spine,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第62次春季聯合學術研討會,新竹喜來登,2012.04.21~2012.04.21, 2012 . 04
183 A new concept of surgical approach for posterior tibial plateau fractures-case series,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第62次春季聯合學術研討會,新竹喜來登,2012.04.21~2012.04.21, 2012 . 04
184 Treatment of long-term bisphosphate related atypical femoral fractures: our institution experience,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第62次春季聯合學術研討會,新竹喜來登,2012.04.21~2012.04.21, 2012 . 04
185 Outcome evalutation of transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion with single TM-500 cage,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第62次春季聯合學術研討會,新竹喜來登,2012.04.21~2012.04.21, 2012 . 04
186 ,嘉義長庚紀念醫院十周年院慶暨骨科關節重建國際研討會,嘉義長庚紀念醫院B1國際會議廳,2011.12.09~2011.12.10,Kinematic comparison between mobile-bearing and fixed-bearing design in cruciate-retaining total knee replacement during functional activities 2011 . 12
187 Large Bearing (MOM) Total Hip Arthroplasty in Developmental Dysplasia of Hip (DDH) ------- Preliminary Report,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第61次聯合學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
188 Effect of lysine on osteoarthritis-related factors in human chondrocyte culture,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第61次聯合學術研討會,台北 榮總,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
189 Comparison of External Fixation with Plate Fixation for Intra-Articular Distal Radial Fractures,中華民國骨科醫學會100 年度第61 次聯合學術研討會,台北,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
190 an unusual recurrent elbow dislocation,中華民國骨科醫學會 100年度第61次聯合學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
191 Allograft reconstruction for chronic extensor mechanism rupture,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第61次聯合學術研討會,台北 榮總,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
192 ,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第61次連聯合學術研討會,台北 榮總,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
193 Treatment of Alendronate Related Atypical Femoral Shaft Fractures wth Strontium Ranelate : A Case Report,中華民國骨科醫學會100 年度第61 次聯合學術研討會,台北,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
194 Hoffa Fracture of the Femoral Condyle: A Case Report,中華民國骨科醫學會100 年度第61 次聯合學術研討會,台北,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
195 Is pre-operative neurological status a prognostic factor in lung cancer patients with spinal metastasis?,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第61次聯合學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
196 BACILLUS CALMETTE-GUÉRIN OSTEOMYELITIS : A CASE REPORT,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第61次聯合學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
197 The Clinical Evaluation of Posterior Dynamic Stabilization for Degenerative Spondylolisthesis,中華民國骨科醫學會100 年度第61 次聯合學術研討會,台北,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
198 Effect of L-arginine on rheumatoid arthritis-related factors in human synoviocyte culture,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第61次聯合學術研討會,台北 榮總,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
199 近端脛骨折病患因G群鏈球菌 Streptococcus Dysgalactiae Subsp. Equisimilis 所致鏈球菌引起的中毒休克綜合症之病例報告,中華民國骨科醫學會100 年度第61 次聯合學術研討會,台北,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
200 ,台灣脊椎微創醫學會會員大會暨學術研討會,高雄 義大醫院,2011.10.01~2011.10.01,Significance of dynamic mobility in restoring vertebral body height in vertebroplasty 2011 . 10
201 Hoffa fracture of the femoral condyle : a case report,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第61次聯合學術研討會,台北 榮總,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
202 Comparison of Unilateral Locking Plating and Double Conventional Plating in Bicondylar Tibial Plateau Fractures,中華民國骨科醫學會100 年度第61 次聯合學術研討會,台北,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
203 eFFECT OF l-GLUTAMINE ON OSTEOARTHRITIS-RELATED FACTORS IN HUMAN CHONDROCYTE CULTURE,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第61次聯合學術研討會,台北 榮總,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, 2011 . 10
204 Simultaneous bilateral tibial tuberosity avulsion fracture: Case report,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第60次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄長庚,2011.04.23~2001.04.23, 2011 . 04
205 Trends in the treatment of distal radial fractures in the elderly in Taiwan during 2000 to 2007,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第60次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄長庚,2011.04.23~2011.04.23, 2011 . 04
206 Boerhaave’s syndrome after postoperative nausea and vomiting: A case report,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第60次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄長庚,2011.04.23~2011.04.23, 2011 . 04
207 A rare wrist injury: Coronal fracture of the hamate,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第60次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄長庚,2011.04.23~2011.04.23, 2011 . 04
208 Epidemiology of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism P-011after primary total knee arthroplasty and total hip arthroplasty inTaiwan: A population-base stud,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第60次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄長庚,2011.04.23~2011.04.23, 2011 . 04
209 Arthroscopic assisted ORIF for distal femoral medial condylar fracture,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第60次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄長庚,2011.04.23~2011.04.23, 2011 . 04
210 Treatment of unstable proximal femoral fracture with proximal femoral nail antirotation (PFNAII): Results of CMUH,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第60次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄長庚,2011.04.23~2011.04.23, 2011 . 04
211 Teicoplanin-induced the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone in resectional knee arthroplasty: A case report and literature review,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第60次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄長庚,2011.04.23~2011.04.23, 2011 . 04
212 Iatrogenic femoral neck fracture during closed intramedullary nailing of femoral shaft fracture: Case report,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第60次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄長庚,2011.04.23~2011.04.23, 2011 . 04
213 Our experience of reverse sural fasciocutanesous flap for reconstructionof lower leg and foot defects,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第60次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄長庚,2011.04.23~2011.04.23, 2011 . 04
214 The related risk factors of pedicle loosening after dynesys stabilization for 1 year,台灣脊椎外科醫學會100年會員大會暨第十九次學術研討會,台北 林口長庚,2011.03.19~2011.03.19, 2011 . 03
215 Effect of Different Molecular Weight Hyaluronans on Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes from Patients with Tibia Plateau Fracture,2010 International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicine-2010台灣再生醫學材料國際研討會,國衛院,2010.11.03~2010.11.05, 2010 . 11
216 Rupture of the flexor pollicis longus tendon following locked volar plating of distal radius fracture : a case report,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.11.07, 2010 . 11
217 Minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty with large diameter head metal-onmetal bearings: preliminary results,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.11.07, 2010 . 11
218 Revision total elbow experiences,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.11.07, 2010 . 11
219 Irreducible acute anterior shoulder dislocation caused by impaction of hill-sachs lesion against the glenoid- a case report and review of English literatures,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.11.07, 2010 . 11
220 The loosening after DYNESYS stabilization at least 1 year follow-up preliminary report in 878 pedicle screw of 162 patients.,2010中華醫學會COA,四川 成都,2010.11.11~2010.11.14, 2010 . 11
221 Comparing surgical treatments of distal fractures of the tibia : a retrospective cohort study in one trauma center in Tawan,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.11.07, 2010 . 11
222 A case of extraodal rosai-dorfman disease: active lesions of the distal humor and proximal tibia,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.11.07, 2010 . 11
223 The valvu of dynamic radiographs in diagnosing the painfuporotic vertebrae in osteoporotic compression fractures,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.11.07, 2010 . 11
224 The application of homemade vacuum-assisted system in STSG- our experiences.,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.11.07, 2010 . 11
225 Surgical stabilization in actue traumatic patellar dislocation,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.11.07, 2010 . 11
226 Repeat needle insertion in vertebroplasty to prevent re-fracture of the treated vertebrae,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.11.07, 2010 . 11
227 Chondroblastoma in the proximal tibia of an adolescence – a case report,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.10.07, 2010 . 11
228 Postoperative epidural hematoma in thoracic spine that caused by gelform : a case report and literature review,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.11.07, 2010 . 11
229 The soft cast application in club foot treatment,第21屆日本小兒骨科醫學會年會,日本,2010.11.24~2010.12.04, 2010 . 11
230 The related risk factors of pedicle loosening after dynesys stabilization for 1 year,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.11.07, 2010 . 11
231 Potocki-lupski syndrome with developmetal dislocation of bilateral hip,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.11.07, 2010 . 11
232 Giant cell tumor with secondary aneurismal bone cyst : case report.,The Combined Conference of 15th Triennial Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association and 59th,台北,2010.11.04~2010.11.07, 2010 . 11
233 Effect of Different Molecular Weight Hyaluronans on Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes from Patients with Tibia Plateau Fracture,7th Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societies,Kyoto, Japan,2010.10.16~2010.10.20, 2010 . 10
234 Evaluation of Bladder Symptoms in Patients With Lumbar Compression Disorders Who Have Undergone Decompressive Surgery,台灣脊椎微創醫學會99年度第三屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會,高雄 義守大學,2010.09.25~2010.09.25, 2010 . 09
235 A Hybrid scaffold for the functional repair of articular cartilage decfects.,International Cartilage Repair Society,西班牙,2010.09.26~2010.09.29, 2010 . 09
236 CT-guided Tube Assist Percutaneous Endoscopic Procedures for Infective Spondylodiscitis in Thoracic and Upper Lumbar Spine,台灣脊椎微創醫學會99年度第三屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會,高雄 義守大學,2010.09.25~2010.09.25, 2010 . 09
237 Effect of shock wave therapy in calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder,2010年世界骨科創傷科醫學會(SICOT)年會,瑞典 哥德堡,2010.08.31~2010.09.03, 2010 . 08
238 Surgical Treatment for Non-union of the Mid-shaft Clavicle: Scapular malposition is relate to poor results,2010年世界骨科創傷科醫學會(SICOT)年會,瑞典 哥德堡,2010.08.31~2010.09.03, 2010 . 08
239 Nutcracker Fractures of the Cuboid: Case Reports,中華民國骨科醫學會99年度第58次春季聯合學術研討會 ,台中,2010.04.24~2010.04.24, 2010 . 04
240 Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Patient Older than 50 Year-Old,中華民國骨科醫學會99年度第58次春季聯合學術研討會 ,台中,2010.04.24~2010.04.24, 2010 . 04
241 Bilateral Second to Fifth Metatarsal Stress Fracture in Long Term Steroid-Treated Patient: A Case Report,中華民國骨科醫學會99年度第58次春季聯合學術研討會 ,台中,2010.04.24~2010.04.24, 2010 . 04
242 Treatment In Severe Open Fractures of Tibial Diaphysis- A Comarison of External Fixation,Immediate Nailing and Delayed Nailing Following External Fixation,中華民國骨科醫學會99年度第58次春季聯合學術研討會 ,台中,2010.04.24~2010.04.24, 2010 . 04
243 Post-Traumatic Fracture of Hook of Hamate – A Case Report,中華民國骨科醫學會99年度第58次春季聯合學術研討會 ,台中,2010.04.24~2010.04.24, 2010 . 04
244 Long-term Results of Surgical Treatment for Non-Union of the Mid-shaft Clavicle,中華民國骨科醫學會99年度第58次春季聯合學術研討會 ,台中,2010.04.24~2010.04.24, 2010 . 04
245 Teriparatide Apparently Promote the Callus Formation in Intertrochanteric Fracture -- One Case Report,中華民國骨科醫學會99年度第58次春季聯合學術研討會 ,台中,2010.04.24~2010.04.24, 2010 . 04
246 Neglected Sternoclavicular Joint Posterior Dislocation,中華民國骨科醫學會99年度第58次春季聯合學術研討會 ,台中,2010.04.24~2010.04.24, 2010 . 04
247 The Current Treatment of Clubfoot,中華民國骨科醫學會99年度第58次春季聯合學術研討會 ,台中,2010.04.24~2010.04.24, 2010 . 04
248 Comparison of External Fixation with Plate Fixation for Intra-Articular Distal Radial Fractures: A Preliminary Result,中華民國骨科醫學會99年度第58次春季聯合學術研討會 ,台中,2010.04.24~2010.04.24,蔡依樽 許弘昌 2010 . 04
249 Primary Hyperparathyroidism Related Bilateral Femoral Neck Fracture – A Case Report,中華民國骨科醫學會99年度第58次春季聯合學術研討會 ,台中,2010.04.24~2010.04.24, 2010 . 04
250 Intramedullary Knowles Pin Fixation of Completely Displaced Mid-Shaft Fractures of the Clavicles in Children: A Report of Two Cases,中華民國骨科醫學會99年度第58次春季聯合學術研討會 ,台中,2010.04.24~2010.04.24, 2010 . 04
251 A case report: Long term used Alendronate related atraumatic femoral shaft fracture,中華民國骨科醫學會99年度第58次春季聯合學術研討會 ,台中,2010.04.24~2010.04.24, 2010 . 04
252 Repeat Needle Insertion in Vertebroplasty to Prevent Re-fracture of the Treated Vertebrae,2010台灣脊椎外科醫學會,台北榮民總醫院,2010.03.27~2010.03.28, 2010 . 03
253 Malignant transformation from Gouty arthritis to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma : a case report,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第57次聯合學術研討會2009,Oct,24-25.,台北台大,2009.10.24~2009.10.25, 2009 . 10
254 格蘭氏陽性菌感染與關節炎相關性的假說與探討,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第57次聯合學術研討會,台北台大,2009.10.24~2009.10.25, 2009 . 10
255 A case of sternoclavicular posterior disiocation,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第57次聯合學術研討會2009,Oct,24-25.,台北台大,2009.10.24~2009.10.25, 2009 . 10
256 Haullx valgus progonosis on foot scan,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第57次聯合學術研討會,台北台大,2009.10.24~2009.10.25, 2009 . 10
257 Surgical Treatment for Non-union of the Mid-shaft Clavicle: Analysis of the Long-term Results,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第57次聯合學術研討會2009,Oct,24-25.,台北台大,2009.10.24~2009.10.25, 2009 . 10
258 Surgical Treatment for Non-union of the Mid-shaft Clavicle: Analysis of the Long-term Results,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第57次聯合學術研討會,台大醫學校區,2009.10.24~2009.10.25, 2009 . 10
259 Can Dynamic Radiographs be Used to Diagnose the Responsible Vertebrae in Painful Osteoporotic Compression Fractures?,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第57次聯合學術研討會,台北台大,2009.10.24~2009.10.25, 2009 . 10
260 脂肪與關節炎相關性的假說與探討,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第57次聯合學術研討會,台北台大,2009.10.24~2009.10.25, 2009 . 10
261 以 Teriparatide augment bone healing of osteoporotic subtrochanteric fracture due to long term glucocorticoid therapy,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第57次聯合學術研討會2009,Oct,24-25.,台北台大,2009.10.24~2009.10.25, 2009 . 10
262 Posterolateral Endoscopic Procedures for Pyogenic Spondylodiscitis Over Lower Thoracic and Upper Lumbar Spine,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第57次聯合學術研討會,台北台大,2009.10.24~2009.10.25, 2009 . 10
263 The Evaluation of Bladder Symptoms in the Patients with Lumbar Compression,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第57次聯合學術研討會2009,Oct,24-25.,台北台大,2009.10.24~2009.10.25, 2009 . 10
264 Malignant Transformation from Gouty Arthritis to Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma:,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第57次聯合學術研討會,台大醫學校區,2009.10.24~2009.10.25, 2009 . 10
265 Intraoperative fracture of patella during harvest of graft for ACL reconstruction : A case report,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第57次聯合學術研討會,台北台大,2009.10.24~2009.10.25, 2009 . 10
266 Direct Comparison of TLIF & Posterior Dynamic Stabilization in Single Level Degenerative Lumbar Spondylolisthesis: A Prospective Controlled Study”,台灣脊椎微創醫學會2009年會,邀請論文報告,台南永康奇美醫學中心,2009.09.19~2009.09.19, 2009 . 09
267 An analysis of musculoskeletal disorders of upper extremity in bowling players,IEA2009 17th World Congress on Ergonomics,Jiuhua International Conference and Exhibition Center, Bijing, China,2009.08.09~2009.08.14, 2009 . 08
268 膝關節鏡手術擬真訓練之研究,四屆智慧生活科技研討會,台中,台灣,2009.06.05~2009.06.05, 2009 . 06
269 Hyaluronan Up-regulates IL-10 Expression in Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes from Patients with Tibia Plateau Fracture,35th Northeast Bioengineering Conference 第35屆美國東北生醫工程大會,Harvard Medical school-MIT, Boston,U.S.A.,2009.04.03~2009.04.05, 2009 . 04
270 Effect of Different Molecular Weight Hyaluronans on Osteoarthritis-related Cytokines Production in Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes from Patients with Tibia Plateau Fracture,35th Northeast Bioengineering Conference 第35屆美國東北生醫工程大會,Harvard Medical school-MIT, Boston,U.S.A.,2009.04.03~2009.04.05, 2009 . 04
271 Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung with multiple metastases to skeletal muscles of bilateral thighs,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第56次春季聯合學術研討會,台南成大,2009.04.25~2009.04.25, 2009 . 04
272 The lower extremities biomechanical analysis in the diagonal step of madminton players : a pilot study,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第56次春季聯合學術研討會,台南成大,2009.04.25~2009.04.25, 2009 . 04
273 Analyzing Anterior Knee Laxity with an Arthrometer for Assisting Diagnosis of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture,35th Northeast Bioengineering Conference 第35屆美國東北生醫工程大會,Harvard Medical school-MIT, Boston,U.S.A.,2009.04.03~2009.04.05, 2009 . 04
274 Clinical results of operative treatment for midclavicular fracture,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第56次春季聯合學術研討會,台南成大,2009.04.25~2009.04.25, 2009 . 04
275 Simultaneousipsilateral posterior hip and knee fracture dislocations.,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第56次春季聯合學術研討會,台南成大,2009.04.25~2009.04.25, 2009 . 04
276 Biomechanical analysis of upper extremity to different types of pitch in amateur bowling players,4th Asian Pacific Conference of Biomechanics,University of Canterbury, Christchurch,2009.04.14~2009.04.17, 2009 . 04
277 A huge schwannoma of the lower leg : a case report.,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第56次春季聯合學術研討會,台南成大,2009.04.25~2009.04.25, 2009 . 04
278 Compressionof the compression hip screw and gamma nail in intertrochanteric femoral fractures – a retrospective study about 229 patients in China Medical University Hospital.,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第56次春季聯合學術研討會,台南成大,2009.04.25~2009.04.25, 2009 . 04
280 Treatment of concomitant ipsilateral femoral shaft and neck fractures,第68屆台灣外科醫學會年會,台北,2009.03.20~2009.03.22, 2009 . 03
281 The value of dynamic radiographs in diagnosing the painful vertebra in osteoporotic compression fractures,台灣脊椎外科醫學會九十八年會員大會暨學術研討會,臺北榮民總醫院致德樓第一二會議室,2009.03.13~2009.03.15, 2009 . 03
282 Thrombin-induced IL-6 production in human synovial fibroblasts is mediated by PAR1, phospholipase C, protein kinase C, c-Src, NF-kappaB,55th Annual meeting of the orthopaedic research society,美國, 拉斯維加斯,2009.02.22~2009.02.25, 2009 . 02
283 Personal experience of OA hook-plate,台灣肩肘關節醫學會 學術研討會,羅東博愛醫院,2008.12.13~2008.12.13, 2008 . 12
284 The feature of bone bruising in anterior cruciate ligament injury.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,林口長庚,2008.10.25~2008.10.26, 2008 . 10
285 Analysis of short-term prognosis in old aged patients with proximal femur fracture.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,林口長庚,2008.10.25~2008.10.26, 2008 . 10
286 Result of simultaneous intramedullary nailing in Bilateral Femoral shaft Fracture: A Retrospective study of 4 cases.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,林口長庚,2008.10.25~2008.10.26, 2008 . 10
287 Bone-derived transforming growth factor-β1 increases cell migration and β1 integrin up-regulation in human lung cancer cells.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,林口長庚,2008.10.25~2008.10.26, 2008 . 10
288 Percutaneous Endoscopic Excision of Disc Herniation at L5-S1 via Interlaminar Approach,台灣脊椎微創醫學會2008年年會暨北京骨科學會年會視訊交流研討會,永康奇美醫學中心,2008.10.11~2008.10.11, 2008 . 10
289 Surgical Treatment of Mid-shaft Clavicle Nonunion with Reconstruction Plate: Scapular Malposition Related to Poor Results.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,林口長庚,2008.10.25~2008.10.26, 2008 . 10
290 Management of Juvenile Hallux Valgus.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,林口長庚,2008.10.25~2008.10.26, 2008 . 10
291 The evaluation of lower urinary tract symptoms and urodynamic studies in the patients with lumber intervertebral disk protrusion underwent decompressiVE surgery: short-term result.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association,林口長庚,2008.10.25~2008.10.26, 2008 . 10
292 Philosophy and Clinical Results of DYNESYS in Degenerative Lumbar Disorders,台灣脊椎微創醫學會2008年年會暨北京骨科學會年會視訊交流研討會,永康奇美醫學中心,2008.10.11~2008.10.11, 2008 . 10
293 BMP-2 increases migration of human chondrosarcoma cell via PI3K/Akt pathway.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,林口長庚,2008.10.25~2008.10.26, 2008 . 10
294 The segmental fracture of scaphoid –a rare case report,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,林口長庚,2008.10.25~2008.10.26, 2008 . 10
295 Patellar sleeve fracture of lower pole in a child: a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,林口長庚,2008.10.25~2008.10.26, 2008 . 10
296 Treatment of distal femoral fractures with LISS ( Less invasive stabilization system).,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,林口長庚,2008.10.25~2008.10.26, 2008 . 10
297 Dose using calcium phosphate bone cement contribute to the maintainence of alignment in patients with distal radial fracture treated with CREF?,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,林口長庚,2008.10.25~2008.10.26, 2008 . 10
298 Transpedicular Partial Corpectomy without Anterior Vertebral Reconstruction in Thoracic Spinal Metastasis,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association,桃園林口長庚,2008.10.25~2008.10.26, 2008 . 10
299 健康族群之膝關節前向鬆弛度與全身性柔軟度之相關性,中華民國物理治療學會第五十七次學術論文研討會,台中,台灣,2008.09.27~2008.09.27, 2008 . 09
300 Clinical Results of Posterolateral Endoscopic Debridement for Pyogenic Spondylodiscitis.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,林口長庚,2008.09.25~2008.10.26, 2008 . 09
301 biomechanical analysis of landing patterns in subjects with rcurrent lateral ankle sprains,The international foot and aankle biomechanics community 第一屆國際足踝生物力學研討會,Bologna - ITALY 義大利(波隆那),2008.09.04~2008.09.06, 2008 . 09
302 前十字韌帶損傷患者跨越步階之動力學表現變化,中華民國物理治療學會第五十七次學術論文研討會,台中,台灣,2008.09.27~2008.09.27, 2008 . 09
303 Ankle morphhomertry in the chinese population,The international foot and aankle biomechanics community 第一屆國際足踝生物力學研討會,Bologna - ITALY 義大利(波隆那),2008.09.04~2008.09.06, 2008 . 09
304 利用膝關節測量儀分段分析輔助診斷前十字韌帶損傷,中華民國物理治療學會第五十七次學術論文研討會,台中,台灣,2008.09.27~2008.09.27, 2008 . 09
305 Dynesys a new concept for degenerative lumbar disorders,第三屆台灣脊椎高峰論壇,桃園敏盛綜合醫院,2008.07.05~2008.07.05, 2008 . 07
306 Intradiscal electrothermal therapy (IDET) for discogenic low back pain,台灣神經脊椎醫學會 97年度年會,高雄榮民總醫院,2008.05.10~2008.05.10, 2008 . 05
307 THE CHANGES IN GAIT AFTER BOTULINUM TOXIN INJECTION INTO THE PARETIC UPPER LIMB IN STROKE PATIENTS,1st Conference of the Asian Oceania Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine,Nanjing, China (中國南京),2008.05.16~2008.05.19, 2008 . 05
308 Ultrasound stimulates MMP-13 expression through p38 and JNK pathway in osteoblasts.,中華民國骨科醫學會97年度第54次春季聯合學術研討會,台中中國醫藥大學,2008.04.19~2008.04.19, 2008 . 04
309 Endoscopic excision of lumbar sacral disc herniation via interlaminar approach,台灣脊椎微創醫學春季學術研討會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2008.04.06~2008.04.06, 2008 . 04
310 ,中華民國骨科醫學會97年度第54次春季聯合學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓國際會議廳,2008.04.19~2008.04.19,兩性溝通與關懷 2008 . 04
311 Matched Distal Ulnar Resection For Disorder Of The Distal Radioulnar Joint.,中華民國骨科醫學會97年度第54次聯合學術研討會,台中中國醫藥大學,2008.04.19~2008.04.19, 2008 . 04
312 Treating femur unstable trochanteric fracture with intra-medullary nail fixation.,中華民國骨科醫學會97年度第54次聯合學術研討會,台中中 國醫藥大學,2008.04.19~2008.04.19, 2008 . 04
313 Stromal cell-derived factor-1 induces matrix metalloprotease-13 expression in human.,中華民國骨科醫學會97年度第54次春季聯合學術研討會,台中中國醫藥大學,2008.04.19~2008.04.19, 2008 . 04
314 Concurrent posterior hip dislocation with ipsilateral femoral neck and head fractures –A case report.,中華民國骨科醫學會97年度第54次春季聯合學術研討會.,台中中國醫藥大學,2008.04.19~2008.04.19, 2008 . 04
315 Ipsilateral tibial and femoral diaphyseal fractures: the"floating knee" review 15 refs,中華民國骨科醫學會97年度第54次春季聯合學術研討會,台中中國醫藥大學,2008.04.19~2008.04.19, 2008 . 04
316 The epidemiology of traumatic humeral shaft fractures in mid-Taiwan.,中華民國骨科醫學會97年度第54次春季聯合學術研討會,台中中國醫藥大學,2008.04.19~2008.04.19, 2008 . 04
317 Clinical experience of long bone fracture with fat embolism syndrome.,中華民國骨科醫學會97年度第54次聯合學術研討會,台中中國醫藥大學,2008.04.19~2008.04.19, 2008 . 04
318 Management of Congenital Radioulnar Synostosis.,中華民國骨科醫學會97年度第54次春季聯合學術研討會,台中中國醫藥大學,2008.04.19~2008.04.19, 2008 . 04
319 Ipsilateral Femoral Neck and Shaft Fracture in CMUH,中華民國骨科醫學會97年度第54次春季聯合學術研討會,台中中國醫藥大學,2008.04.19~2008.04.19, 2008 . 04
320 A new concept for degenerative lumbar disorders: Dynesys user forum in Taiwan,台灣神經脊椎外科醫學會,台北,2008.03.01~2008.03.01, 2008 . 03
321 Stromal cell-derived factor-1 induce arthritis through CXCR4/ERK/AP-1 pathway in human chondrocytes,54th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society,San Francisco, CA, USA,2008.03.02~2008.03.05, 2008 . 03
322 外側楔型鞋墊對退化性膝關節炎患者水平步行之療效探討,台灣復健醫學會九十六年度年會,長庚紀念醫院桃園分院,2007.12.15~2007.12.16, 2007 . 12
323 Osteoblast-derived TGF-β1 stimulates IL-8 release via AP-1 and NF-kB in,The 1st International Cancer Symposium in CMU&H,中國醫藥大學,2007.11.16~2007.11.17, 2007 . 11
324 Iatrogenic FPL rupture: a compliction of percutaneous tenolysis for trigger thumb.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
325 Neglected scaphoidmfracture with spontaneous,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
326 Ultrasound induces cyclooxygenase-2 Expression through integin, integin-linked kinase, akt, NF-kB and p300 pathway in human chondrocytes.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
327 Synergistic effect by combination of meloxicam, a cox-2 inhibitor, and cytotoxic agents on human chondrosarcoma cell line.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
328 Ultrasound Induces Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression through Integrin, Integrin-Linked Kinase, Akt, NF-kB and P300 Pathway in Human Chondrocytes,第六屆骨科研究學會複合會議,美國, 夏威夷,2007.10.20~2007.10.24, 2007 . 10
329 Coexisting of two benign tumor(nonossify fibroma and osteochondroma) over right proximal tibia : one case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
330 DYNESYS stabilization in addition to decompression for lumbar spinal disorders.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
331 Spontaneous rupture flexor digitorum profundus and superficialis tendon of little finger: a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
332 Tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis with retrograde nail-preliminary report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
333 Revascularization versus reconstruction of degloving injuries of the heel.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
334 Open reduction and internal fixation in midshaft clavicular nonunion with reconstruction plate.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
335 Distal tibia fracture: a comparsion of ORIF with anatomic plate verus spoon plate.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
336 Ultrasound induces cyclooxygenase-2 expression through integrin, integrin-linked kinase, Akt, NF-κB and p300 pathway in human chondrocytes.,The 6th Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societies,Honolulu Hawaii, USA,2007.10.20~2007.10.24, 2007 . 10
337 Clinical result of the operative treatment for metastatic pathologic fracture of long bone,,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
338 Morphological and quantitative evaluation of osseous regeneration in distraction osteogenesis by using 3D CT.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
339 Alterations of limit of stability performance and loading condition in patients after ankle fracture.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
340 Transpedicular bone graft with instrumentation in painful osteoporotic compression fractures,North American Spine Society 22nd Annual Meeting,Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas,2007.10.23~2007.10.27, 2007 . 10
341 Minimally invasive lumar spine surgery: a newly disigned retractor kit to increase the view of the surgery.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
342 Fracture of humeral shaft treated with intramedullary k wires: compared with traditional method.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
343 Characteristics of anterior laxity of hyperextension knees in healthy young females.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
344 Analysis of failure of extra-capsular proximal femur fracture after internal fixation.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
345 Osteochondroma of the pelvis with meralgia paresthetica : a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
346 Failed Constrained total hip arthroplasty revised by non-constrianed component.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
347 Conservative treatment of chronic atlantoaxial rotator fixation in children:report of four cases.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, 2007 . 10
348 Assessing laxity characteristics of hyperextension knee in healthy young females a knee ligament arthrometer.,The 16th Annual Meeting of ESMAC,Greece,2007.09.27~2007.09.29, 2007 . 09
349 Osteoblast-derived TGF-b1 Stimulates IL-8 Release via AP-1 and NF-kB in Human Cancer Cells.,The 14th International Symposion on Limb Salvage,Germany Hamburg,2007.09.11~2007.09.14, 2007 . 09
350 Effects of the quadriceps femoris taping in the elders during chair rising,The 16th Annual Meeting of ESMAC Athens,Greece,2007.09.27~2007.09.29, 2007 . 09
351 Kinetic analysis of lower limbs in step aerobic dance,The 16th Annual Meeting of ESMAC Athens,Greece,2007.09.27~2007.09.29, 2007 . 09
352 Osteoblast-derived TGF-b1 stimulates IL-8 release via AP-1 and NF-kB in human cancer cell,14th International Symposium on Limb Salvage,德國, Hamburg,2007.09.11~2007.09.14, 2007 . 09
353 Evaluation of dynamic balance function using vertical ground reaction force and limit of stability,International Society of Biomechanics XXI Congress.,台北,2007.07.01~2007.07.05, 2007 . 07
354 Effects of kinesio taping on the timing and ratio of vastus medialis obliquus and vastus lateralis muscle for person with patellofemoral pain,XXIth Congress of International Society of Biomechanics,Taipei international convention center, Taiwan,2007.07.01~2007.07.05, 2007 . 07
355 ,台灣神經脊椎外科醫學會第一屆華人脊椎研討會暨台灣神經脊椎外科醫學會年會,台南大億麗緻酒店,2007.06.30~2007.07.01,DYNESYS stabilization in addition to decompression for lumbar spinal disorders. 2007 . 06
356 Assessing laxity characteristics of hyperextension knee in healthy young females using a knee ligament arthrometer.,ASME,Keystone,Colorado,USA.,2007.06.20~2007.06.24, 2007 . 06
357 ,Second Annual Meeting of Taiwan Socicty of Minimal Invasive Spinal Surgery(TSMISS),台中榮民總醫院,2007.06.16~2007.06.16,DYNESYS stabilization in addition to decompression 8for lumbar spinal disorders. 2007 . 06
358 Giant cell tumor presented with abscess formation on leg: a case report.,The 52nd Congress of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association.,台灣高雄,2007.04~ , 2007 . 04
359 Ossifying lipoma of the hand: rare case report and literature review.,The 52nd Congress of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association.,台灣高雄,2007.04~ , 2007 . 04
360 ,Symposium:Current Minimal Access Spinal Technology.,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2007.04.07~2007.04.07,Interlaminar approach of endoscopic excision of lumbar sacral disc herniation. Symposium 2007 . 04
361 Prognostic factors for patient with symptomatic metastatic spinal cord compression secondary to Non-Small-Cell lung cancer.,The 52nd Congress of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association.,台灣高雄,2007.04~ , 2007 . 04
362 Elbow varus posteromedial rotatory instability- a case report.,The 52nd Congress of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association.,台灣高雄,2007.04~ , 2007 . 04
363 A bacteremic patient with multiple tophaceous gout of the spine mimicking infectious spondylodiscitis: one case report. .,The 52nd Congress of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association,台灣高雄,2007.04~ , 2007 . 04
364 Symposium on controversial issues in primary TKR.,The 52nd Congress of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association.,台灣高雄,2007.04~ , 2007 . 04
365 Alendronate regulates cell invasion and MMP-2 secretion in human chondrosarcoma cell.,The 52nd Congress of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association,台灣高雄,2007.04~ , 2007 . 04
366 Estimation of the bloos loss in patients pelvic on non-contrast enhanced computed tomographic scans with mirror method. ,The 52nd Congress of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association,台灣高雄,2007.04~ , 2007 . 04
367 Common peroneal palsy caused by the compression of an osteochondroma of the proximal fibula - a rare case report. ,The 52nd Congress of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association,台灣高雄,2007.04~ , 2007 . 04
368 The effects of kinesio taping on knee in healthy subjects.,The 52nd Congress of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association.,台灣高雄,2007.04~ , 2007 . 04
369 Intra-rater reliability of measuring anterioposterior stability of knee joint using KT-2000 arthrometer,2007 Northeast American Society of Biomechanics (NEASB) Conference,University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA,2007.03.30~2007.03.31, 2007 . 03
370 Kinematic symmetry of the knee joint in anterior cruciate ligament injured subjects during walking,2007 Northeast American Society of Biomechanics (NEASB) Conference,University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA.,2007.03.30~2007.03.31, 2007 . 03
371 Characteristics of anterior laxity of hyperextension knees in healthy young females. ,NorthEast American Society of Biomechanics Conference 2007 at University of Maryland.,美國Maryland,2007.03~ , 2007 . 03
372 Kinetic changes in lower limb during walking after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.,NorthEast American Society of Biomechanics Conference 2007 at University of Maryland.,美國Maryland,2007.03~ , 2007 . 03
373 Intra-rater reliability of measuring anterioposterior stability of knee joint using KT-2000 arthrometer.,NorthEast American Society of Biomechanics Conference 2007 at University of Maryland.,美國Maryland,2007.03~ , 2007 . 03
374 Kinematic symmetry of the knee joint in anterior cruciate ligament injured subjects during walking.,NorthEast American Society of Biomechanics Conference 2007 at University of Maryland. March, 30-31,,美國Maryland,2007.03~ , 2007 . 03
376 Kinetic changes in lower limb during walking after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,2007 Northeast American Society of Biomechanics (NEASB) Conference,University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA,2007.03.30~2007.03.31, 2007 . 03
377 Characteristics of anterior laxity of hyperextension knee in healthy young females,2007 Northeast American Society of Biomechanics (NEASB) Conference,University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA,2007.03.30~2007.03.31, 2007 . 03
378 Alendronate inhibits cell invasion and MMP-2 secretion in human chondrosarcoma cell lines.,The 53nd Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society,USA California San Diego,2007.02.10~2007.02.17, 2007 . 02
379 Developement and validation of a new method for in vivo measurement of 3D joint kinematics using single-plane fluoroscopy,2006 生物醫學工程科技研討會國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,Taipei, Taiwan,2006.12.15~2006.12.16, 2006 . 12
380 Development and validation of a new method for in vivo measurement of 3D joint kinematics using single-plane fluoroscopy,2006 International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering Taipei, Taiwan Dec, 14-16, 2006.,台灣台北,2006.12~ , 2006 . 12
381 In vivo surface kinematics and patellar tendon lines-of-action of mobile bearing knees during activities.,2006生物醫學工程科技研討會國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,Taipei, Taiwan,2006.12.15~2006.12.16, 2006 . 12
382 3D kinematics measurement of normal and ACL deficient knees using single plane fluoroscopy.,2006 生物醫學工程科技研討會國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會 Taipei, Taiwan Dec, 15-16, 2006.,台灣台北,2006.12~ , 2006 . 12
383 活動式墊片全人工膝關節之活體表面運動學和臏骨韌帶作用線,2006生物醫學工程科技研討會國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,台灣省台北市,2006.12~ , 2006 . 12
384 活動式墊片全人工膝關節之活體表面運動學和臏骨韌帶作用線,2006生物醫學工程科技研討會國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,台灣大學醫學工程學研究所,2006.12.15~2006.12.16, 2006 . 12
385 Solitary lymphoma of proximal femur simulates avascular necrosis- a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.11~ , 2006 . 11
386 Acquired leg deformity in child : a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
387 In vivo surface kinematics in ACL-deficient and mobile bearing knees during activity.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
388 Autoamputation of localized PVNS of knee: one case report and literature review.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
389 Using modified bankart-type repair treating recurrent dislocation of a hip with a labral lesion: a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
390 Pathologic fracture of humerus,klebsiella pneumonia osteomyelitis elated : a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
391 Preoperative tibiofemoral angle predicts survival of proximal tibia osteotomy.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
392 Fat embolism syndrome following multiple long bone fractures and head injury: a report of 2 cases. ,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
393 Migrating kirschner wire from distal clavicle to cervical spine: a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
394 A special view in radiography for diagnosis of scaphoid fracture.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
395 Migrating kirschner wire from distal clavicle to cervical spine: a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
396 Femoral neck fracture in child: one case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
397 Using modified bankart-type repair treating recurrent dislocation of a hip with a labral lesion: a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
398 Solitary lymphoma of proximal femur simulates avascular necrosis- a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
399 Traumatic traction avulsion amputation of the major limb : a minimum follow-up of one year.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
400 Glomus Tumor (Glomangioma) of the elbow: A rare case presentation.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
401 Intra-muscular myeloid sarcoma: a rare case report and literature review.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
402 Surgical results symptomatic metastatic spinal cord compression secondary to non-small-cell lung cancer.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
403 A special view in radiography for diagnosis of scaphoid fracture.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
404 Glomus Tumor (Glomangioma) of the elbow: A rare case presentation,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
405 Autoamputation of localized PVNS of knee: one case report and literature review.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
406 Traumatic traction avulsion amputation of the major limb : a minimum follow-up of one year.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
407 In vivo surface kinematics in ACL-deficient and mobile bearing knees during activity.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
408 Effects of pulsed low-intensity ultrasound on chondrocytes in vitro.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
409 Pathologic fracture of humerus,klebsiella pneumonia osteomyelitis elated : a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
410 Three-Dimensional knee kinematics during walking in anterior cruciate ligament injured subjects.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
411 Femoral neck fracture in child: one case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC, Oct.,台北,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
412 Inhibitory effect of berberrine on the proliferation of chondrosarcoma cell lines.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
413 Preoperative tibiofemoral angle predicts survival of proximal tibia osteotomy.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
414 Fat embolism syndrome following multiple long bone fractures and head injury: a report of 2 cases.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
415 Intra-muscular myeloid sarcoma: a rare case report and literature review.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
416 Inhibitory effect of berberrine on the proliferation of chondrosarcoma cell lines. ,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
417 Surgical results symptomatic metastatic spinal cord compression secondary to non-small-cell lung cancer.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
418 Gait strategy during obstacle negotitating with different heights in the high-risk elderly,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
419 Three-dimensional knee kinematics during walking in anterior cruciate ligament injured subjects.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
420 Effects of pulsed low-intensity ultrasound on chondrocytes in vitro.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
421 Acquired leg deformity in child : a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
422 Gait strategy during obstacle negotitating with different heights in the high-risk elderly,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, 2006 . 10
423 The foot-obstacle clearance in negotiating obstacles with different heights in the high-risk elderly.,1st Joint ESMAC-GCMAS Meeting,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹,2006.09~ , 2006 . 09
424 Effects of Lifting-weight on the joint lading of lower limbs in sumo style deadlift.,1st Joint ESMAC-GCMAS Meeting,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹,2006.09~ , 2006 . 09
425 The foot-obstacle clearance in negotiating obstacles with different heights in the high-risk elderly.,1st Joint ESMAC-GCMAS Meeting,Amsterdam,2006.09.27~2006.09.30, 2006 . 09
426 Effects of Lifting-weight on the joint lading of lower limbs in sumo style deadlift.,1st Joint ESMAC-GCMAS Meeting,Amsterdam, the Netherlands.,2006.09.27~2006.09.30, 2006 . 09
427 關節脫臼:保守療法與手術療法之比較.,中華骨科學術交流會議,台灣台中,2006.07~ , 2006 . 07
428 Rotary instability of the knee joint during walking in anterior cruciate ligament injured subjects,5th World Conference of Biomehanics,Munich, Germany,2006.07.29~2006.08.04, 2006 . 07
429 Multiobjective optimal control of obstacle-crossing in ACL-injured subjects.,5th Word Congress of Biomechanics Munich,Germany,2006.07.29~2006.08.04, 2006 . 07
430 Multiobjective optimal control of obstacle-crossing in ACL-injured subjects.,5th Word Congress of Biomechanics,德國慕尼黑,2006.07~ , 2006 . 07
431 Kinetic alterations of the lower limb during stair locomotion in anterior cruciate ligament injured subjects.,5th Word Congress of Biomechanics,德國慕尼黑,2006.07~ , 2006 . 07
432 In vivo measurement of the kinematics of normal and acl-deficient knees using fluoroscopy with voxel-based bone models.,5th Word Congress of Biomechanics Munich,Germany,2006.07.29~2006.08.04, 2006 . 07
433 Comparison of the vivo surface kinematics and patellar tendon lines-of-action in ACL-deficient and mobile bearing knees during activity. ,5th Word Congress of Biomechanics,德國慕尼黑,2006.07~ , 2006 . 07
434 In vivo measurement of the kinematics of normal and acl-deficient knees using fluoroscopy with voxel-based bone models.,5th Word Congress of Biomechanics,德國慕尼黑,2006.07~ , 2006 . 07
435 Rotary instability of the knee joint during waqlking in anterior cruciate ligament injured subjects. 29 July – 4 August 2006. ,5th Word Congress of Biomechanics,GermanyMunich,2006.07~ , 2006 . 07
436 Multiobjective optimal control of obstacle-crossing in ACL-injured subjects,5th World Conference of Biomehanics,Munich, Germany,2006.07.29~2006.08.04, 2006 . 07
437 Comparison of the vivo surface kinematics and patellar tendon lines-of-action in ACL-deficient and mobile bearing knees during activity.,5th Word Congress of Biomechanics Munich,Germany,2006.07.29~2006.08.04, 2006 . 07
438 Kinetic alterations of the lower limb during stair locomotion in anterior cruciate ligament injured subjects,5th World Conference of Biomehanics,Munich, Germany,2006.07.29~2006.08.04, 2006 . 07
439 Is closed reduction enough for acute simple elbow dislocation?,Annual Meeting of Taiwan Shoulder and Elbow Society,Taipe Taiwan.,2006.06.10~2006.06.10, 2006 . 06
440 Is closed reduction enough for acute simple elbow dislocation? ,Annual Meeting of Taiwan Shoulder and Elbow Society,台灣台北,2006.06~ , 2006 . 06
441 Reversal of sclerosis at greater tuberosity after rotator cuff repair and acromioplasty. ,Annual Meeting of Taiwan Shoulder and Elbow Society,台灣台北,2006.06~ , 2006 . 06
442 Reversal of sclerosis at greater tuberosity after rotator cuff repair,Annual Meeting of Taiwan Shoulder and Elbow Society,Taipe Taiwan.,2006.06.10~2006.06.10, 2006 . 06
443 Kinetic analysis of posterior ligament substitute TKA. ,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣嘉義,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
444 Effect of an inserted lateral wedged insole in patients with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,嘉義, Taiwan.,2006.04.29~2006.04.29, 2006 . 04
445 Displaced Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus in Children.,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會中區學術研討會,台灣台中,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
446 Kinetic analysis of High-Flex posterior cruciate ligament substitute total knee arthroplasty. ,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣嘉義,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
447 Effects of the Tennis Elbow Brace - A Viewpoint of Biomechanics. ,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會中區學術研討會,台灣台中,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
448 Using the growth factors enrich platelet glue in spinal fusion and its efficiency.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,嘉義, Taiwan.,2006.04.29~2006.04.29, 2006 . 04
449 Result of Open Reduction and Iinternal Fixation with A-O for Adult Distal,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2006.04.01~2006.04.01, 2006 . 04
450 The Effects of Botulinum Toxin A Treatment on Associated Reactions of the Upper Limbs on Hemiplegic Gait,中華民國骨科醫學會95年度第50次春季聯合學術研討會,中華民國嘉義,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
451 The Experience of Replantation of Upper Extremities Around Elbow,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會中區學術討論會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2006.04.01~2006.04.01, 2006 . 04
452 The Prediction of Optimum Length of Muscle Contraction in Elbow Joint.,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會,台中中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2006.04.01~2006.04.01, 2006 . 04
453 Side to side difference on balance control in patients with ankle fracture. ,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣嘉義,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
454 The Experience of Replantation of Upper Extremities Around Elbow,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會中區學術研討會,台灣台中,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
455 Side to side difference on balance control in patients with ankle,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,嘉義, Taiwan,2006.04.29~2006.04.29, 2006 . 04
456 Optimal tension-band wiring for olecranon fracture,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會中區學術研討會,台灣台中,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
457 Recurrent lumbar disc herniation: clinical results of repeat discectomy and analysis of risk factor. ,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣嘉義,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
458 Results of Extracorporal Shock-Wave Therapy in Chronic Lateral Epicondyltis ,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會中區學術研討會,台灣台中,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
459 Results of Extracorporal Shock-Wave Therapy in Chronic Lateral Epicondyltis,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會中區學術討論會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2006.04.01~2006.04.01, 2006 . 04
460 Effect of an Inserted Lateral Wedged Insole in Patients with Medial Compartment Knee Osteoarthritis,95年度第50次骨科春季學術研討會,中華民國嘉義,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
461 The effect of the hydrostatic pressure in mRNA expression of collagen, aggrecan, and MMP-1 inchondrosarcome cell lines,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC, Taiwan.,台灣嘉義,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
462 The effect of none drainge after primary total knee arthroplasty. ,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣嘉義,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
463 Optimal Tension-Band Wiring for Olecranon Fracture,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會中區學術討論會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2006.04.01~2006.04.01, 2006 . 04
464 Kinetic analysis of posterior ligament substitute TKA.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,嘉義, Taiwan,2006.04.29~2006.04.29, 2006 . 04
465 Using the growth factors enrich platelet glue in spinal fusion and its efficiency.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣嘉義,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
466 Effects of the Tennis Elbow Brace - A Viewpoint of Biomechanics.,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會,台中 中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2006.04.01~2006.04.01, 2006 . 04
467 The effects of botulinum toxin a treatment on associated reactions of the upper limbs on hemiplegic gait.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,嘉義, Taiwan,2006.04.29~2006.04.29, 2006 . 04
468 Result of open reduction and internal fixation with A-O for adult distal humerus fracture. ,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會中區學術研討會,台灣台中,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
469 Kinetic analysis of High-Flex posterior cruciate ligament substitute total knee arthroplasty.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,嘉義, Taiwan,2006.04.29~2006.04.29, 2006 . 04
470 Is Close Reduction Enough for Simple Elbow Dislocation,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會中區學術討論會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2006.04.01~2006.04.01, 2006 . 04
471 The Prediction of Optimum Length of Muscle Contraction in Elbow Joint. ,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會中區學術研討會,台灣台中,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
472 The effect of none drainge after primary total knee arthroplasty.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,嘉義 Taiwan.,2006.04.29~2006.04.29, 2006 . 04
473 Is close reduction enough for simple elbow dislocation,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會中區學術研討會,台灣台中,2006.04~ , 2006 . 04
474 The effect of the hydrostatic pressure in mRNA expression of collagen, aggrecan, and MMP-1 in chondrosarcome cell lines.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,嘉義Taiwan.,2006.04.29~2006.04.29, 2006 . 04
475 Displaced Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus in Children.,台灣肩肘關節醫學會第一屆第二次教育研討會暨中華民國骨科醫學會中區學術討論會,台中 中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2006.04.01~2006.04.01, 2006 . 04
476 Surgical treatment of acute displaced fractures of adult distal humerus with reconstruction plate.,Annual meeting of Surgery Taiwan,台灣台北,2006.03~ , 2006 . 03
477 2-Methoxyestradiol induce apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in human chondrosarcoma cell,52nd annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societ,美國芝加哥,2006.03~ , 2006 . 03
478 treatment of acute displaced fractures of adult distal humerus with reconstruction plate.,Annual meeting of Surgery Taiwan,林口 長庚,2006.03.25~2006.03.26, 2006 . 03
479 Preoperative tibiofemoral angle predicts survival of proximal tibia osteotomy.,Annual meeting of Surgery Taiwan,林口 長庚,2006.03.25~2006.03.26, 2006 . 03
480 Preoperative tibiofemoral angle predicts survival of proximal tibia osteotomy,Annual meeting of Surgery Taiwan,台灣台北,2006.03~ , 2006 . 03
481 Allograft arthrodesis of the knee in high-grade osteosarcoma.,Annual meeting of Surgery Taiwan,台灣台北,2006.03~ , 2006 . 03
482 Allograft arthrodesis of the knee in high-grade osteosarcoma.,Annual meeting of Surgery Taiwan,林口 長庚,2006.03.25~2006.03.26, 2006 . 03
483 Theantitumor effect of 2-methoxyestradiol in human chondrosarcoma cell,The 6TH Meeting of Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumor Society,泰國清邁,2006.01~ , 2006 . 01
484 Theantitumor effect of 2-methoxyestradiol in human chondrosarcoma cell .,The 6TH Meeting of Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumor Society,泰國 清邁,2006.01.18~2006.01.20, 2006 . 01
485 Is local laminectomy bone viable as source of bone graft in posterolateral lumbar fusion,The 6th Combined Congress of Spine & Pediatric Orthopedic Sections, APOA,台灣台北,2005.11~ , 2005 . 11
486 Analysis of failure cases of vertebroplasty.,The 6th Combined Congress of Spine & Pediatric Orthopedic Sections, APOA,台灣台北,2005.11~ , 2005 . 11
487 Multiobjective optimal control of obstacle-crossing in ACL-injured subjects,2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Biomehanics,Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.,2005.11.23~2005.11.25, 2005 . 11
488 Comparisons of the 3D kinematics between ACL-deficient knees and mobile-bearing TKR’s using single plane fluoroscopy.,The 2nd Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics,台灣台北,2005.11~ , 2005 . 11
489 Vertebral reconstruction with transpedicular intravertebral bone graft in the treatment of osteoporotic compression fracture using,The 6th Combined Congress of Spine & Pediatric. Orthopedic Sections, APOA,台灣台北,2005.11~ , 2005 . 11
490 Three-dimensional kinematics of normal and ACL-deficient knees using single plane fluoroscopy .,The 2nd Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics,台灣台北,2005.11~ , 2005 . 11
491 Analysis of the effect of associated variables on the results of femoral neck fracture after internal fixation.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
492 Hallucal sesamoid fracture complicated with gouty arthritis: a rare case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
493 Kite flap for thumb reconstruction,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
494 Influnece of functional knee braces on lower limb mechanics during stair locomotion in patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
495 Operative treatment of meralgia paresthetica by neurotransposition, presentation of a case.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
496 Prostate cancer with bone metastases.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
497 Pathologic fractures of proximal femur in children – 2 cases report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
498 Is local laminectomy bone viable as a source of bone graft in posterolateral lumbar fusion?,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
499 Patellar tilting and subluxation in young adults: a prospective case-control study.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
500 Clinical results and radiographic changes after arthroscopic menisectomy in 33 lateral discoid meniscus.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
501 The relationship between calcaneal sonographic BMD and DEXA BMD: is calcaneal sonographic BMD a good screening tool for osteoporosis?,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
502 The results of individualized treatment by clavicle fracture pattern in CMUH.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
503 Functional braces increased knee moments in anterior cruciate ligament-injured subjects during walking,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
504 The unusual displacement of the femoral head in simultaneous dislocation of bilateral hips and ankles: a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
505 Operative treatment of the intraarticular distal radius fracture with the small AO external fixation device.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
506 Tuberculous spondylitis: an atypical case presentation.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
507 A method foot-pressure measure for the evaluation of flexible flatfoot.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
508 2-methoxyestradiol induce apoptosis in human chondrosarcoma cell.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
509 Influence of knee braces on lower limb mechanics during stair locomotion after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
510 Dorsal DRUJ insatbility treated with FCU tendon reconstruction- 3 years experience,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
511 Analysis of failure cases of vertebroplasty.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
512 The role of CT- angiography and 3D-CT in knee dislocation 5 cases report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC.,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
513 Biomechanics of the lower limb during stair locomotion in subjects with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,XXth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics,Cleveland, Ohio, USA.,2005.08.01~2005.08.06, 2005 . 08
514 Influence of functional knee braces on lower limb mechanics during stair locomotion in patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency,XXth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics,Cleveland, Ohio, USA,2005.08.01~2005.08.06, 2005 . 08
515 Osteoporosis in patients with beta thalassaemia,The 2005 annual meeting of the taiwanese osteoporosis association,台灣台北,2005.08~ , 2005 . 08
516 Clinical results of microendoscopic disectomy in lumbar disc herniation,The 5th pacific and asian society of minimally invasive spine surgery,日本東京,2005.08~ , 2005 . 08
517 A kinematic model of the upper extremity with clobally minimized skin movement artefacts.,XXth congressof the ISB,29th Annual Meeting of the ASB,Cleveland State University, Ohio USA,2005.07.31~2005.08.05, 2005 . 07
518 Biomechanics of the lower limb during stair locomotion in subjects with anterior cruciate ligament reconstructi,ISBxxth congress-ASB 29th Annual Meeting,美國克里福蘭,2005.07~ , 2005 . 07
519 A kinematic model of the upper extremity with clobally minimized skin movement artefacts.,ISBxxth congress-ASB 29th Annual Meeting,美國克里福蘭,2005.07~ , 2005 . 07
520 Biomechanics of the lower limb during stair locomotion,ISBxxth congress-ASB 29th Annual Meeting,Cleveland, Ohio,2005.07.31~2004.08.05, 2005 . 07
521 Influnece of functional knee braces on lower limb mechanics during stair locomotion in patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency,ISBxxth congress-ASB 29th Annual Meeting,Cleveland, Ohio,2005.07.31~2005.08.05, 2005 . 07
522 Hip and knee joint moment analysis during obstacle crossing in patients with unilateral total knee replacement.,ISBxxth congress-ASB 29th Annual Meeting July 31-August 5, .,Cleveland, Ohio,2005.07.31~2005.08.05, 2005 . 07
523 Hip and knee joint moment analysis during obstacle crossing in patients with unilateral total knee replacement.,ISBxxth congress-ASB 29th Annual Meeting,美國克里福蘭,2005.07~ , 2005 . 07
524 Influnece of functional knee braces on lower limb mechanics during stair locomotion in patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency. ,ISBxxth congress-ASB 29th Annual Meeting,美國克里福蘭,2005.07~ , 2005 . 07
525 開發中草藥科技島之契機與策略,第20屆天然藥物研討會,台灣台北市,2005.06~ , 2005 . 06
526 Influence of knee braces on lower limb mechanics during stair locomotion after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,XVIIth Conference on postural and gait research,Marseille,2005.05.29~2005.06.02, 2005 . 05
527 Biomechanics of the lower limb in anterior cruciate ligament deficient subjects during stair locomotion,ISPGR 2005: Conference of the International Society of Postural and Gait Research,Marseille,France,2005.05.29~2005.06.02, 2005 . 05
528 :Biomechanical asymmetry in the lower limb during obstacles-crossing following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,XVIIth Conference on postural and gait research,法國馬賽,2005.05~ , 2005 . 05
529 Changes in postural control of patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency,ISPGR 2005: Conference of the International Society of Postural and Gait Research,Marseille,France,2005.05.29~2005.06.02, 2005 . 05
530 Biomechanical asymmetry in the lower limb during obstacles-crossing following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,ISPGR 2005: Conference of the International Society of Postural and Gait Research,Marseille,France,2005.05.29~2005.06.02, 2005 . 05
531 Change in postural control of patients with anterior cruciateligament dificiency,XVIIth Conference on postural and gait research,Marseille,2005.05.29~2005.06.02, 2005 . 05
532 Comparisons of joint kunetics in tBiomechanical asymmetry in the lower limb during obstacles-crossing following anterior cruciate ligament reconstructionhe lower extremity between,XVIIth Conference on postural and gait research,Marseille,2005.05.29~2005.06.02, 2005 . 05
533 Biomechanics of the lower limb in anterior cruciate ligament deficient subjects during stair locomotion,XVIIth Conference on postural and gait research,法國馬賽,2005.05~ , 2005 . 05
534 Influence of knee braces on lower limb mechanics during stair locomotion after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,XVIIth Conference on postural and gait research,法國馬賽,2005.05~ , 2005 . 05
535 Lower limb kinetics changes during obstacles-crossing following anterior cruciate ligament injury,XVIIth Conference on postural and gait research Marseille,法國馬賽,2005.05~ , 2005 . 05
536 Influence of knee braces on lower limb mechanics during stair locomotion after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,ISPGR 2005: Conference of the International Society of Postural and Gait Research,Marseille,France,2005.05.29~2005.06.02, 2005 . 05
537 Change in postural control of patients with anterior cruciateligament dificiency,XVIIth Conference on postural and gait research,法國馬賽,2005.05~ , 2005 . 05
538 Lower limb kinetics changes during obstacles-crossing following anterior cruciate ligament injury,XVIIth Conference on postural and gait research,Marseille,2005.05.29~2005.06.02, 2005 . 05
539 Lower limb kinetics changes during obstacles-crossing following anterior cruciate ligament injury,ISPGR 2005: Conference of the International Society of Postural and Gait Research,Marseille,France,2005.05.29~2005.06.02, 2005 . 05
540 Biomechanics of the lower limb in anterior cruciate ligament deficient subjects during stair locomotion,XVIIth Conference on postural and gait research,Marseille,2005.05.29~2005.06.02, 2005 . 05
541 Current trends in meniscus surgery,中華民國骨科醫學會94年度第48次聯合春季學術研討會,台灣高雄,2005.04~ , 2005 . 04
542 Symptomatic knee-based multiple ganglion cyst,The 48th Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association,台灣高雄市,2005.04~ , 2005 . 04
543 Neurilemmoma with complete cystic change mimicking a ganglion cyst on leg: a case report.,The 48th Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association.,高雄,2005.04.23~2005.04.23, 2005 . 04
544 Functional braces increased knee moments in anterior cruciate ligament-injured subjects during walking. Tenth anniversary meeting gait & clinical movement analysis society,Tenth Anniversary Meeting Gall & Clinical Movement Analysis Society,Portland, Oregon,2005.04.06~2005.04.09, 2005 . 04
545 Functional braces increased knee moments in anterior cruciate ligament-injured subjects during walking.,Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society 10th Anniversary Meeting,Portland, Oregon, USA,2005.04.06~2005.04.09, 2005 . 04
546 Antitumor effects of 2-methoxyestradiol in chondrosarcoma cell.,The 48th Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association,Taiwan Kaohsiung,2005.04.23~2005.04.23, 2005 . 04
547 Neurilemmoma with complete cystic change mimicking a ganglion cyst on leg: a case report,The 48th Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association,台灣高雄市,2005.04~ , 2005 . 04
548 Inguinal cyst complicated with ipsilateral lower limb swelling : two cases report,The 48th Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association,高雄,2005.04.23~2005.04.23, 2005 . 04
549 Functional braces increased knee moments in anterior cruciate ligament-injured subjects during walking,Tenth anniversary meeting gait & clinical movement analysis society,美國波士頓,2005.04~ , 2005 . 04
550 Symptomatic knee-based multiple ganglion cyst.,The 48th Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association,高雄,2005.04.23~2005.04.23, 2005 . 04
551 Antitumor effects of 2-methoxyestradiol in chondrosarcoma cell,The 48th Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association,高雄,2005.04.23~2005.04.23, 2005 . 04
552 Fibrous dysplasia of the proximal part of the femur – our experience and review of literature,The 48th Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association.,高雄,2005.04.23~2005.04.23, 2005 . 04
553 Short-term experience in using proximal femoral nails to treat unstable peri-trochanteric fractures.,The 48th Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association,高雄,2005.04.23~2005.04.24, 2005 . 04
554 Short-term experience in using proximal femoral nails to treat unstable peri-trochanteric fractures,The 48th Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association.,高雄台灣,2005.04~ , 2005 . 04
555 Inguinal cyst complicated with ipsilateral lower limb swelling : two cases repor,The 48th Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association,台灣高雄市,2005.04~ , 2005 . 04
556 接受心臟血管急診手術之病患麻醉後48小時內之死亡原因初步探討,中華民國心臟麻醉醫學會第二屆第三次會員大會暨學術研討會,台灣台中,2005.03~ , 2005 . 03
557 A quick and safe way into spinal canal in microendoscopic disectomy.,The first national congress of miss & internation forum of miss,Wenzhou, China.,2004.12.05~2004.12.05, 2004 . 12
558 Aquick and safe way into spinal canal in microendoscopic disectomy,首屆全國微創脊椎外科學術會議暨國際微創脊椎外科學術會議,中國溫州,2004.12~ , 2004 . 12
559 Rupture of the E.P.L. tendon after distal radial fracture: a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
560 Intramuscular ganglion cyst within quadratus femoris muscle - a case report,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
561 Femoral neck fracture following avascular necrosis of the femoral head: a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association RO,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
562 Abdominopelvic migration of kirschner wire following pelvic surgery – two cases report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
563 Reverse change of sclerosis at grater tuberosity after rotator cuff repair and acromioplasty,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
564 Absence of a correlation between the presence of a single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) in the MMP-1 promoter and outcome in patients of condrosarcoma,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
565 Gouty tophi in the cervical spine- a case report,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
566 Abdominopelvic migration of kirschner wire following pelvic surgery – two cases report,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
567 Nerve sheath ganalion presenting as a popliteal mass a rare case report and review of the literature,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
568 Nerve sheath ganalion presenting as a popliteal mass a rare case report and review of the literature.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
569 Effects of extracorporeal shock wave on human mesenchymal stem cellsin vitro.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
570 Langehan cell histiocytosis (eosinophilic granuloma) mimicking osteomyelitis, report of a case.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC, Oct.,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
571 Unusual located glomus tumors,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
572 Supracondylar process of the humerus- a normal variant in human- case report and review of literatures.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
573 A quick and safe way into spinal canal in microendoscopic disectomy.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
574 Traumatic traction avulsion amputation of the major limb:preliminary result of 4 cases.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
575 Traumatic traction avulsion amputation of the major limb: preliminary result of 4 cases.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
576 Distal based aural artery flap: our experience in soft tissue defect of the lower leg and ankle,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
577 Effects of extracorporeal shock wave on human mesenchymal stem cellsin vitro,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
578 Gouty tophi in the cervical spine- a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
579 Angioleiomyoma in hand: a case report and literature review.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
580 ntramuscular ganglion cyst within quadratus femoris muscle - a case report,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
581 Angioleiomyoma in hand: a case report and literature review,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
582 Reverse change of sclerosis at grater tuberosity after rotator cuff repair and acromioplasty.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
583 Femoral neck fracture following avascular necrosis of the femoral head: a case report,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
584 Langehan cell histiocytosis (eosinophilic granuloma) mimicking osteomyelitis, report of a case.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
585 Distal based aural artery flap: our experience in soft tissue defect of the lower leg and ankle,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
586 Uncommon tri-avulsion fracture of knee – a case report and review of literatures. ,,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
587 Rupture of the E.P.L. tendon after distal radial fracture: a rare case report,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
588 A quick and safe way into spinal canal in microendoscopic disectomy,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
589 Absence of a correlation between the presence of a single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) in the MMP-1 promoter and outcome in patients of condrosarcoma,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
590 Uncommon tri-avulsion fracture of knee – a case report and review of literatures,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
591 Supracondylar process of the humerus- a normal variant in human- case report and review of literatures,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2004.10~ , 2004 . 10
592 Unusual located glomus tumors.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2004.10.23~2004.10.24, 2004 . 10
593 The alterations trajectory of center of mass when negotiating obstacles with different heights in the older adults,American Society of Biomechanics 28th Annual Conference,Portland, Oregon, USA,2004.09.08~2004.09.11, 2004 . 09
594 The relations between muscle strength and movement of center of mass of the body during obstacle negotiation in the community-dwelling older adults.,American Society of Biomechanics 28th Annual Conference.Portland, Oregon.,美國Oregon,2004.09~ , 2004 . 09
595 The alterations trajectory of center of mass when negotiating obstacles with different heights in the older adults,American Society of Biomechanics 28th Annual Conference. Portland, Oregon.,美國Oregon,2004.09~ , 2004 . 09
596 The relations between muscle strength and movement of center of mass of the body during obstacle negotiation in the community-dwelling older adults,American Society of Biomechanics 28th Annual Conference,Portland, Oregon, USA,2004.09.08~2004.09.11, 2004 . 09
597 The alterations trajectory of center of mass when negotiating obstacles with different heights in the older adults,American Society of Biomechanics 28th Annual Conference.,Portland, Oregon,2004.09.08~2004.09.11, 2004 . 09
598 The efficacy and safety of transdermal Fentanyl in the treatment of severe Osteoarthritic knee pain ,台灣麻醉醫學會 2004年會,台灣桃園,2004.09~ , 2004 . 09
599 The relations between muscle strength and movement of center of mass of the body during obstacle negotiation in the community-dwelling older adults,American Society of Biomechanics 28th Annual Conference.,Portland, Oregon,2004.09.08~2004.09.11, 2004 . 09
600 A quick and safe way into spinal canal in microendoscopic disectomy,亞洲太平洋微創脊椎手術年度學術研討會,韓國濟洲,2004.08~ , 2004 . 08
601 Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in patients with lateral epicondylitis of the elbow(tennis elbow) preliminary results,Seventh congress of the international society for musculoskeletal shockwave therapy,台灣高雄,2004.04~ , 2004 . 04
602 Traumatic knee dislocation: a comparison between surgical treatment or nonsurgical treatment,The 46th Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association,Taichung,2004.04.24~2004.04.25, 2004 . 04
603 The effects of extra-corporeal shock wave therapy(ESWT) on fracture non-union: a shout-term follow-up of at least 12 momths.,Seventh congress of the international society for musculoskeletal shockwave therapy,台灣高雄,2004.04~ , 2004 . 04
604 Correlation between the presence of a SNP in the MMP-1 Promoter and outcome in patients of chondrosarcoma.,The 19th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences,Taiwan Taipei,2004.04.10~2004.04.11, 2004 . 04
605 The effects of extra-corporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) on fracture non-union: a short-term follow-up of at least 12 months,Seventh congress of the international society for musculoskeletal shockwave therapy,台灣高雄,2004.04~ , 2004 . 04
606 Clinical application of extracorporeal shockwave therapy in the treatment of plantar fasciitis,Seventh congress of the international society for musculoskeletal shockwave therapy,台灣高雄,2004.04~ , 2004 . 04
607 Correlation between the presence of single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) in the MMP-1 promoter and outcome in patients of chondrosarcoma,The 19th Joint Annual Conference of Biomesical Sciences,台北,2004.04.10~2004.04.11, 2004 . 04
608 The effects of extra-corporeal shock wave therapy(ESWT) on fracture non-union: a shout-term follow-up of at least 12 momths,Seventh congress of the internationa; society for musculoskeletal,高雄,2004.04.01~2004.04.04, 2004 . 04
609 clinical application of extracorporeal shockwave therapy in the treatment of plantar fascitis.,Seventh congress of the internationa; society for musculoskeletal,高雄,2004.04.01~2004.04.04, 2004 . 04
610 Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) for calcified tendonitis of the shoulder: a short-term follow-up,Seventh congress of the international society for musculoskeletal shockwave therapy,台灣高雄,2004.04~ , 2004 . 04
611 Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in patients with lateral epicondylitis of the elbow(tennis elbow) preliminary results,Seventh congress of the internationa; society for musculoskeletal,高雄,2004.04.01~2004.04.04, 2004 . 04
612 The effects of extra-corporeal shock wave therapy(ESWT) on fracture non-union: a shout-term follow-up of at least 12 momths.,Seventh congress of the internationa; society for musculoskeletal shockwave therapy,台灣高雄,2004.04~ , 2004 . 04
613 Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in patients with lateral epicondylitis of the elbow(tennis elbow) preliminary results,台灣,台灣高雄,2004.04~ , 2004 . 04
614 Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in patients with lateral epicondylitis of the elbow(tennis elbow) preliminary results,Seventh congress of the internationa; society for musculoskeletal shockwave therapy,台灣高雄,2004.04~ , 2004 . 04
615 使用吩坦尼穿皮貼片治療膝部退化性關節炎---病例報告,2004年疼痛醫學年會暨學術研討會,台灣台中,2004.04~ , 2004 . 04
616 A rare case of soft tissue osteoma in the right plam,The 46th Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association.,Taichung,2004.04.24~2004.04.25, 2004 . 04
617 The effects of extra-corporeal shock wave therapy(ESWT) on fracture non-union: a shout-term follow-up of at least 12 momths.,Seventh congress of the internationa; society for musculoskeletal,高雄,2004.04.01~2004.04.04, 2004 . 04
618 Correlation between the presence of single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) in the MMP-1 promoter and outcome in patients of chondrosarcoma,The 46th Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association,Taichung,2004.04.24~2004.04.25, 2004 . 04
619 Synovial chondromatosis presenting as a Uni-solid mass: a case report.,The 46th Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association,Taichung,2004.04.24~2004.04.25, 2004 . 04
620 Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy(ESWT) for calcified tendonitis of the shoulder: a short-term follow-up,Seventh congress of the internationa; society for musculoskeletal,高雄,2004.04.01~2004.04.04, 2004 . 04
621 The number and regenerative capacity of the mesenchymal stem cells decreased with age: an implication for osteoporosis treatment.,50th Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society,San Francisco, California.,2004.03.07~2004.03.10, 2004 . 03
622 The trajectory of center of mass in negotiating obstacles with different heights in the elderly,50th Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society,美國舊金山,2004.03~ , 2004 . 03
623 The Trajectory of Center of Mass in Negotiating Obstacles with Different Heights in the Elderly,71st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopeadic Surgeo,San Francisco, CA, USA.,2004.03.10~2004.03.14, 2004 . 03
624 The number and regenerative capacity of the mesenchymal stem cells decreased with age: an implication for osteoporosis treatment.,50th Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society,USASan Francisco, California.,2004.03~ , 2004 . 03
625 The Trajectory of Center of Mass in Negotiating Obstacles with Different Heights in the Elderly,71st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopeadic Surgeons,San Francisco, CA, USA.,2004.03.10~2004.03.14, 2004 . 03
626 Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for calcified tendinitis of the shoulder: CMUH experience.,2003 Northern Region Congress APOA in conjunction with 3rd Annual Meeting of Pacific Asian Society o,台灣台北,2003.12~ , 2003 . 12
627 Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for calcified tendinitis of the shoulder: CMUH experience.,2003 Northern Region Congress APOA in conjunction with 3rd Annual Meeting of Pacific Asian Society o,TaiwanTaipei,2003.12~ , 2003 . 12
628 Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Calcified Tendinitis of the Shoulder: CMUH Experience.,2003 Northern Region Congress APOA in conjunction with 3rd Annua,Taipei, Taiwan.,2003.12.05~2003.12.06, 2003 . 12
629 Three-dimensional gait analysis of normal stair locomotion,XIIIth International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,Tainan, Taiwan,2003.11.12~2003.11.15, 2003 . 11
630 A model-based method for three-dimensional bone position determination with fluoroscopic images.,13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,台灣台南,2003.11~ , 2003 . 11
631 Three-dimensional gait analysis of normal stair locomotion.,13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,TaiwanTainan,2003.11~ , 2003 . 11
632 Gait Analysis of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Patiens During Stair Locomotion. 13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biolo,Tainan, Taiwan.,2003.11.12~2003.11.15, 2003 . 11
633 HsuThree-Dimensional Gait Analysis of Normal Stair Locomotion.,13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biolog,Tainan, Taiwan.,2003.11.12~2003.11.15, 2003 . 11
634 Characteristics of Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis in Stepping over Obstacle,13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biolog,Tainan, Taiwan,2003.11.12~2003.11.15, 2003 . 11
635 Gait analysis of anterior cruciate ligament patiens during stair locomotion.,13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,台灣台南,2003.11~ , 2003 . 11
636 A model-based method for three-dimensional bone position determination with fluoroscopic images.,13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,Taiwan.Tainan,,2003.11~ , 2003 . 11
637 The comparison of the whole body’s center of mass between two markers models during stair climbing.,13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,Taiwan.Tainan,2003.11~ , 2003 . 11
638 The Comparison of the Whole Body’s Center of Mass Between Two Markers Models During Stair Climbing,13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biolog,Tainan,Taiwan,2003.11.12~2003.11.15, 2003 . 11
639 A Model-Based Method for Three-Dimensional Bone Position Determination with Fluoroscopic Images.,13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,Tainan, Taiwan.,2003.11.12~2003.11.15, 2003 . 11
640 Gait analysis of anterior cruciate ligament patients during stair locomotion,XIIIth International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,Tainan, Taiwan,2003.11.12~2003.11.15, 2003 . 11
641 Gait characteristics of patients with knee osteoarthritis in stepping over obstacle.,13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology.,TaiwanTainan,2003.11~ , 2003 . 11
642 Gait analysis of anterior cruciate ligament patiens during stair locomotion.,13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,TaiwanTainan,2003.11~ , 2003 . 11
643 Three-dimensional gait analysis of normal stair locomotion.,13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,台灣台南,2003.11~ , 2003 . 11
644 Patellar pathological fracture secondary to tophaceous deposit – a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,TaiwanTaipei,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
645 Subtrochanteric fracture after cannulated screw fixation of femoral neck fracture : a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,TaiwanTaipei,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
646 Multifocal Skeletal TB Resembling Skeletal Metastasic Disease : A Case Report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
647 Simultaneous reconstructuion of the Achillis tendon and soft tissue defect using the distally based superficial sural artery island flap – one case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,TaiwanTaipei,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
648 A Biomechanical Evalutation of Thoracolumbar Spine Posterior Polymethylmethacrylate Vertebroplasty.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
649 The expression of p-glycoprotein in musculoskeletal tumors.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taiwan.Taipei,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
650 A report of treatment in 9 cases with meniscal cyst and review of literatures.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,TaiwanTaipei,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
651 Clinical application of extracorporeal shock wave therapy in the treatment of plantar fascitis: a preliminary report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,TaiwanTaipei,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
652 Mucoid Degeneration of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament – two case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
653 Subtrochanteric fracture after cannulated screw fixation of femoral neck fracture : a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
654 Recurrent dissociation of a Morse-taper stemmed femoral component following modular custom made total knee arthroplasty – a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,TaiwanTaipei,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
655 Experiences of the treatment of knee dislocation.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,台灣台北,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
656 Comparison of xenograft and autograft for filled materials in anterior cervical interbody fusion with cages.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,台灣台北,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
657 Extracorporal shock wave therapy in patients with lateral epicondylitis of the elbow( tennis elbow)- a preliminary results,Annual meeting of orthopedics Association ROC,TaiwanTaipei,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
658 Extra-Corporeal Shock Wave Therapy(ESWT) on Calcifying Tendinitis of the Shoulder: A Short-term Follow-up.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
659 Os trigonum: report of 5 casee and review of literatures.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,TaiwanTaipei,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
660 The Expression of P-glycoprotein in Musculoskeletal Tumors.,Anual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
661 Experience of arthroplasty for failed DHS in intertrochanteric fracture – Two case report of 4-year and 6-year follow up.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipe Taiwan,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
662 Mucoid degeneration of the anterior cruciate ligament – two case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,TaiwanTaipei,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
663 Experience of arthroplasty for failed DHS in intertrochanteric fracture – Two case report of 4-year and 6-year follow up.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
664 A report of treatment in 9 cases with meniscal cyst and review of literatures.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
665 A symptomatic cyclops lesion following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,TaiwanTaipei,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
666 Experiences of the treatment of knee dislocation.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taiwan.Taipei,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
667 Patellar Pathological Fracture Secondary to Tophaceous Deposit – A Case Report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
668 A symptomatic Cyclops Lesion Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
669 A biomechanical evalutation of thoracolumbar spine posterior polymethylmethacrylate vertebroplasty,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台灣台北,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
670 Simultaneous reconstructuion of the Achillis tendon and soft tissue defect using the distally based superficial sural artery island flap – one case re,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
671 Os Trigonum: Report of 5 casee and Review of Literatures.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
672 Discoid meniscus : Report of 10 cases and review of literature.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
673 Extracorporal shock wave therapy in patient with lateral epicondylitis of the elbow (tennis elbow) a preliminary results,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
674 Recurrent dissociation of a Morse-taper stemmed femoral component following modular custom made total knee arthroplasty – a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
675 Comparison of xenograft and autograft for filled materials in anterior cervical interbody fusion with cages.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
676 Multifocal skeletal TB resembling skeletal metastasic disease : a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,TaiwanTaipei,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
677 A report of treatment in 9 cases with meniscal cyst and Review of Literatures.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
678 The Effects of Extra-Corporeal Shock Wave Therapy(ESWT) of Fracture Non-union: A Short-term Follow-up of at least Six Months.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
679 Clinical Application of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy in the Treatment of Plantar Fascitis: A Preliminary Report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2003.10.24~2003.10.26, 2003 . 10
680 Discoid meniscus : Report of 10 cases and review of literature.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,TaiwanTaipei,2003.10~ , 2003 . 10
681 Multiobjective optimal control of stepping over obstacles,International Society of Biomechanics XIXth Congress,Dunedin, New Zealand,2003.07.06~2003.07.12, 2003 . 07
682 Kinematic Geometry of the Shoulder Muscles During Manual Wheel Chair Propuldion Determined with Skeletal Markers.,International Society of Biomechanics XIXth Congress The Human Body in Motion.,New ZealandDunedin,2003.07~ , 2003 . 07
683 Multiobjective optimal control of stepping over obstacles. determined with skeletal markers.,International Society of Biomechanics XIXth Congress The Human Body in Motion.,New ZealandDunedin,2003.07~ , 2003 . 07
684 Kinematic Geometry of the Shoulder Muscles During Manual Wheel Chair Propuldion Determined with Skeletal,International Society of Biomechanics XIXth Congress,Dunedin, New Zealand.,2003.07.06~2003.07.11, 2003 . 07
685 Multiobjective optimal control of stepping over obstacles. determined with skeletal markers.,International Society of Biomechanics XIXth Congress The Human Body in Motion.,紐西蘭Dunedin,2003.07~ , 2003 . 07
686 Multiobjective Optimal Control of Stepping over Obstacles.,International Society of Biomechanics XIXth Congress,Dunedin, New Zealand.,2003.07.06~2003.07.11, 2003 . 07
687 Kinematic Geometry of the Shoulder Muscles During Manual Wheel Chair Propuldion Determined with Skeletal Markers.,International Society of Biomechanics XIXth Congress The Human Body in Motion.,紐西蘭Dunedin,2003.07~ , 2003 . 07
688 Three-dimensional Gait Analysis of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Patients.,46th Annual Meeting, Physical Therapy Association, ROC,Taichung, Taiwan.,2003.03.15~2003.03.15, 2003 . 03
689 Angiolipoma at the knee: one case report,Annual meeting of Surgery Taiwan,台北,2003.03.29~2003.03.30, 2003 . 03
690 Subungal extosis: one case report and review of literature.,Annual meeting of Surgery Taiwan,台北,2003.03.29~2003.03.30, 2003 . 03
691 Gait Characteristics of Stepping over Obstacles among Community-Dwelling Elders,46th Annual Meeting Physical Therapy Association, ROC,Taichung,2003.03.15~2003.03.15, 2003 . 03
692 Gait Characteristics of Stepping over Obstacles among Community-Dwelling Elders.,46th Annual Meeting, Physical Therapy Association,TaiwanTaichung,2003.03~ , 2003 . 03
693 The effect in motion of descending stair in patients with ACL deficiency and ACL reconstructed knee.,中華民國物理治療學會第四十六次學術研討會,中國醫藥學院,2003.03.15~2003.03.15, 2003 . 03
694 Three-dimensional gait analysis of anterior gruciate ligament patients.,46th Annual Meeting, Physical Therapy Association, ROC,Taiwan.Taichung,2003.03~ , 2003 . 03
695 Multiobjective Optimal Control of Stepping over Obstacles.,Annunal Meeting, Taiwan Biomechanics Association ROC,Taipei Taiwan.,2002.12.10~2002.12.10, 2002 . 12
696 Subject-Specific Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics-Based Modeling of the Human Knee Joint.,Annunal Meeting, Taiwan Biomechanics Association ROC,Taipei Taiwan.,2002.12.10~2002.12.10, 2002 . 12
697 Biomechanical analysis of the knee in ACL patients during stair-ascending.,Annunal Meeting, Taiwan Biomechanics Association ROC,Taipei Taiwan.,2002.12.10~2002.12.10, 2002 . 12
698 The Whole Body’s Center of Mass in Stepping Over Obstacles of Different Heights,Annunal Meeting, Taiwan Biomechanics Association ROC,Taipei Taiwan.,2002.12.10~2002.12.10, 2002 . 12
699 Kinetic Analysis of Ankle Joint During Cutting Movement.,Annunal Meeting, Taiwan Biomechanics Association ROC,Taipei Taiwan.,2002.12.10~2002.12.10, 2002 . 12
700 Intrapelvic migration of pin after hip fracture,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taiwan Taipei,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
701 Localized Langerhans’ Cell Histiocytosis(Eosinophilic Granuloma) of the left clavicle of a young female patient.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taiwan Taipei,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
702 Localized Langerhans’ Cell Histiocytosis(Eosinophilic Granuloma) of the left clavicle of a young fem,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
703 Intra-muscular Hemangioma Presenting with ROM Limitation of Elbow.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei ,Taiwan,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
704 Intrapelvic migration of pin after hip fracture.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC, Oct. 25-27, 2002,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
705 Primary leiomyosarcoma of bone A Rare Case Report and Literature Review.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
706 Mechanical behavior changes after thoracolumbar spine posterior po,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
707 individualized Treatment of Tuberculous Spondylitis: Retrospective study and literature review.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
708 Synovium sarcoma in the forearm with history of dermatofibroscarcoma protuberans s/p wide resection,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
709 Case report: Fibroma of tendon sheath in the proximal forearm with Associated PION( Posterior Intero,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
710 Comparison of the Diffuse form of Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis with the Localized Form of Pigmen,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
711 Synovium sarcoma in the forearm with history of dermatofibroscarcoma protuberans s/p wide resection – A case report,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taiwan Taipei,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
712 Subungual Exostosis A Case Report and Review of Literature.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
713 The number and regenerative capacity of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells decreased with age in human.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
714 The effect of different culture systems on the cultivation of mesenchymal stem cells,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
715 Case report: Fibroma of tendon sheath in the proximal forearm with Associated PION( Posterior Interosseous Nerve)Neuropathy.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taiwan Taipei,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
716 Atypical Bursa Cyst of the Sjoulder : A Case Report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
717 Comparison of the Diffuse form of Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis with the Localized Form of Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of Joints in our Experie.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taiwan Taipei,2002.10.25~2002.10.25, 2002 . 10
718 Localized Langerhans’ Cell Histiocytosis(Eosinophilic Granuloma) of the left clavicle of a young fe,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
719 Subungual Exostosis A Case Report and Review of Literature.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taiwan Taipei,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
720 Histological analysis and clinical result of repair of lumbar spondylolysis.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
721 Case report: Fibroma of tendon sheath in the proximal forearm with Associated PION( Posterior Inter,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2002.10.25~2002.10.27, 2002 . 10
722 Stepping over obstacles during locomotion in anterior cruciate ligament patients,VI World Congress of Biomechanics,Canada,2002.08.05~2002.08.09, 2002 . 08
723 Measurement of three-dimensional kinematics of the glenohumeral joint during manual wheelchair propulsion using skeletal markers,,VI World Congress of Biomechanics,,Canada,2002.08.05~2002.08.09, 2002 . 08
724 Stepping over obstacles during locomotion in anterior cruciate ligament patients.,VI World Congress of Biomechanics,Calgary, Alberta, Canada.,2002.08.05~2002.08.09, 2002 . 08
725 Biomechanical study of rotator cuff.,Sports Medicine Association R.O.C.,Taipe, Taiwan.,2002.07.20~2002.07.20, 2002 . 07
726 Gait Characteristics of Stepping over Obstacles among Community-Dwelling Elders,46th Annual Meeting Physical Therapy Association, ROC,Taichung,2002.05.22~2002.05.22, 2002 . 05
727 Glomus tumors:an analysis of 9 patients and treview of the literature,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2001.10.25~2001.10.27, 2001 . 10
728 Optimal tension-band wiring for olecranon fracture.,Academic congress of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taiwan Taipei,2001.10.25~2001.10.27, 2001 . 10
729 An unusual case of DISH presented as T-spine cauda equina syndrome,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2001.10.25~2001.10.27, 2001 . 10
730 The expression of oncogene protein in human malignant musculoskeletal tumors.,Academic congress of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taiwan Taipei,2001.10.25~2001.10.27, 2001 . 10
731 Antibiotic impregnated septopal for treating orthopaedic infection: the procedures of septopal procedures and 10 cases reported,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2001.10.25~2001.10.27, 2001 . 10
732 Iilopsoas muscle abscess mimicking avascular necrosis of femoral head (AVNFH) and appendicitis – a case report and literature review.,Academic congress of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taiwan Taipei,2001.10.25~2001.10.27, 2001 . 10
733 Intramuscular benign fibrous histiocytoma of leg – a case report.,Academic congress of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taiwan Taipei,2001.10.25~2001.10.27, 2001 . 10
734 Intramuscular benign fibrous histiocytoma of a case rerport.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2001.10.25~2001.10.27, 2001 . 10
735 Thoracic myelopathy in diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH): a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2001.10.25~2001.10.27, 2001 . 10
736 Extracranial meningioma – a case report.,Academic congress of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taiwan Taipei,2001.10.25~2001.10.27, 2001 . 10
737 Iliopsoas muscle abscess mimicking avascular necrosis of femeral head(AVNFH) and appendicitis: a case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2001.10.25~2001.10.27, 2001 . 10
738 The expression of oncogene protein in human malignant musculoskeletal tumors,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2001.10.25~2001.10.27, 2001 . 10
739 Fabrication of a specially designed bioreactor for the bioengineering of tendons and ligaments,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,台北,2001.10.25~2001.10.27, 2001 . 10
740 Influence of functional braces on the kinetics of anterior cruciate ligament-injured knees during walking,XVIIIth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics,ETH Zuich, Switzerland,2001.07.08~2001.07.13, 2001 . 07
741 Influence of functional braces on the kinetics of anterior cruciate ligament-injured knees during walking.,XVIIIth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics,,Switzerland,2001.07.08~2001.07.13, 2001 . 07
742 In vivo measurement of three-dimensional scapular kinematics using stereophotogrammetry with artificial neural networks,,XVIIIth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics,Switzerland,2001.07.08~2001.07.13, 2001 . 07
743 輕度手腕等長收縮時的H-反射與肌電活動。,動作分析在骨科學上的應用,中國醫藥學院附設醫院,2001.05.19~2001.05.19,上肢動作分析在骨科醫學上的應用 2001 . 05
744 The screw axis of knee joint in level walking.,Conference on Motion Analysis and Its Application in Orthopaedics,Taichung, Taiwan.,2001.05.19~2001.05.19, 2001 . 05
745 Trunk Kinematics during Gait in Female with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis.,Conference on Motion Analysis and Its Application in Orthopaedics,Taichung, Taiwan,2001.05.19~2001.05.19, 2001 . 05
746 Gait analysis of in ACL-Injured patient with or without bracing during stair-climbing.,Conference on Motion Analysis and Its Application in Orthopaedics,Taichung, Taiwan.,2001.05.19~2001.05.19, 2001 . 05
747 Development and clinical application of a new three-dimensional measurement technique for foot kinem,Conference on Motion Analysis and Its Application in Orthopaedics,Taichung, Taiwan.,2001.05.19~2001.05.19, 2001 . 05
748 Gait analysis of in ACL-Injured patient with or without bracing during stair-climbing,Conference on Motion Analysis and Its Application in Orthopaedics,中國醫藥學院附設醫院,2001.05.19~2001.05.19, 2001 . 05
749 Gait analysis in patient after total knee replacement,Conference on Motion Analysis and Its Application in Orthopaedic,Taichung, Taiwan,2001.05.19~2001.05.19, 2001 . 05
750 Development and clinical application of a new three-dimensional measurement technique for foot kinem with footwear,Annual Meetinf of Biomechanics Association ROC,,Kauoshiung, Taiwan,2000.11.25~2000.11.25, 2000 . 11
751 A biomechanical model of the trunk-pelvis-leg apparatus for movement analysis of scociotic patients.,Annual Meetinf of Biomechanics Association ROC,Kauoshiung, Taiwan,2000.11.25~2000.11.25, 2000 . 11
752 : Influence of functional braces on the kinetics of anterior cruciate ligament-injured knee during w,Annual Meetinf of Biomechanics Association ROC,Kauoshiung, Taiwan.,2000.11.25~2000.11.25, 2000 . 11
753 Development and clinical application of a new three-dimensional measurement technique for foot kinematics with footwear.,The Annual Conference of Taiwanese society of Biomechanics,Kaohsiung, Taiwan,2000.11.20~2000.11.20, 2000 . 11
754 Structural remodelling with time after ACL reconstruction: A radiological study.,The annual meeting of arthroscopy and knee association, R.O.C. Internation conference on knee surger,Taipei, Taiwan.,2000.11.03~2000.11.05, 2000 . 11
755 Effects of functional knee braces on muscle activities in anterior cruciate ligament-reconstructed p,89年台灣生物力學學會年會暨科技研討會,高雄義守大學,2000.11.25~2000.11.25, 2000 . 11
756 Upper-extremity pain in athletes: throwing motion as a model.,Annual meeting of Sports Medicine Association ROC,Taipe, Taiwan.,2000.11.25~2000.11.25, 2000 . 11
757 Surgical results of osteochondral lesions in the lower extremity : a function and image evaluation study,2000 Inauguration of Ascian Insall Club.,Taipei, Taiwan.,2000.11.03~2000.11.05, 2000 . 11
758 Effects of functional knee braces on muscle activities during gait in anterior cruciate ligament re,Annual Meetinf of Biomechanics Association ROC,Kauoshiung, Taiwan,2000.11.25~2000.11.25, 2000 . 11
759 Extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma: A case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2000.10.13~2000.10.15, 2000 . 10
760 Age-related changes in marcomolecular compositions of rotator cuff tendon.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan,2000.10.13~2000.10.15, 2000 . 10
761 Intra-articular ARTZ (Sodium Hydraluronate) injection in the treatnment of osteoarthritis of the kne,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2000.10.13~2000.10.15, 2000 . 10
762 Structural remodelling with time after ACL reconstruction: A radiological study.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan,2000.10.13~2000.10.15, 2000 . 10
763 Surgical results of osteochondral lesions in the lower extremity: A function and inage evaluation st,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan,2000.10.13~2000.10.15, 2000 . 10
764 Extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma – a case report.,Academic congress of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taiwan Taipei,2000.10.27~2000.10.29, 2000 . 10
765 Atlantoaxial rotatory fixation after corrective operation of pectus excavatum: A case report.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2000.10.13~2000.10.15, 2000 . 10
766 Semiquantitative analysis of mRNA level for matrix molecules in torn rotator cuff tendon using reve,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan,2000.10.13~2000.10.15, 2000 . 10
767 Analysis of orthopedic traumatized patients in 921 Chi-Chi earthquake.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,Taipei, Taiwan.,2000.10.13~2000.10.15, 2000 . 10
768 Throwing injury of the shoulder: Basic science and clinical implication,Symposium on Olympic Sports Medicine,Taichung, Taiwan.,2000.07.22~2000.07.22, 2000 . 07
769 Effects of functional knee braces on neuromuscular adaptation in anterior cruciate ligament injured,XVIII International Symposium of Biomechanics in Sports,Chinese University of Hong Kong,2000.06.25~2000.06.30, 2000 . 06
770 Effects of functional knee braces on neuromuscular adaptation in anterior cruciate ligament injured,XVIII International Symposium of Biomechanics in Sports.,Chinese University of Hong Kong,2000.06.25~2000.06.30, 2000 . 06
771 Suprascapular nerve entrapment and glenohumeral joint function,. Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society,Orlando, Florida, USA,2000.05.12~2000.05.15, 2000 . 05




研究計畫/Research Grant
1 個別型,NSTC 113-2221-E-039-007,呂東武,科技部,開發基於自動化有限元素建模系統之個人化人工膝關節置換手術規劃方 法:結合試體驗證與活體量測之應用,2024.8.1~2025.7.31 2024 . 08
2 個別型,NSTC 113-2923-E-002-007-MY3,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、郭美英(Kuo, Mei-Ying),科技部,臺法(FR)國合計畫-開發零皮膚移動誤差之動作量測與分析技術以利膝關節運動之評估,2024.1.1~2024.12.31 2024 . 01
3 個別型,MOST 111-2221-E-039-007,郭美英(Kuo, Mei-Ying)、呂東武、林正忠,科技部,以三維動態X光結合統計形狀模型量測分析健康、退化性膝關節炎、機械手臂輔助單髁與全關節置換之膝關節於動態活動中其脛股與髕股關節之生物力學互動(III),2022.8.1~2023.7.31 2022 . 08
4 個別型,CMU110-N-01,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng),本校(含附醫),置換不同旋轉設計之人工膝關節後本體感覺及步態功能之差異,2021.10.26~2022.7.31 2021 . 10
5 個別型,MOST 110-2221-E-039-006,(Tung-Wu Lu)、(Cheng-Chung Lin)、郭美英(Kuo, Mei-Ying),科技部,以三維動態X光結合統計形狀模型量測分析健康、退化性膝關節炎、機械手臂輔助單髁與全關節置換之膝關節於動態活動中其脛股與髕股關節之生物力學互動,2021.8.1~2023.7.31 2021 . 08
6 個別型,DMR-110-109,(Tung-Wu Lu)、郭美英(Kuo, Mei-Ying)、(Cheng-Chung Lin),附醫院內計畫,以三維動態X光結合統計形狀模型量測分析健康、退化性膝關節炎、機械手臂輔助單髁與全關節置換之膝關節於動態活動中其脛股與髕股關節之生物力學互動,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 2020 . 08
7 個別型,MOST 109-2221-E-039-010,呂東武(Tung-Wu Lu)、林正忠(Cheng-Chung Lin)、郭美英(Kuo, Mei-Ying),科技部,以三維動態X光結合統計形狀模型量測分析健康、退化性膝關節炎、機械手臂輔助單髁與全關節置換之膝關節於動態活動中其脛股與髕股關節之生物力學互動,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 2020 . 08
8 整合型(召集人、總主持人),MOST 109-2321-B-039-003-,楊台鴻(Yang, Tai-Hong)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、林進裕(Lin, Chin-Yu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),科技部,再生醫學科技發展計畫(4/4)-整合性膝關節軟骨及半月盤軟骨三維列印 之臨床轉譯計畫,2020.5.1~2021.4.30 2020 . 05
9 個別型,MOST 106-2221-E-039-006-MY3,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)、鄭逸琳,科技部,應用三維電路列印及結構列印技術開發具監測功能之義肢套筒,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 2019 . 08
10 個別型,MOST 108-2221-E-039-002,(Tung-Wu Lu)、郭美英(Kuo, Mei-Ying),科技部,以個人化有限元素法及活體運動資料分析比較機器手臂輔助單髁與全關節置換之膝關節於功能性動作中之活動度與穩定度,2019.8.1~2021.7.31 2019 . 08
11 個別型,MOST 108-2410-H-039-010-,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),科技部,前十字韌帶重建後之神經肌肉控制與步態再訓練,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 2019 . 08
12 個別型,DMR-108-066,(Tung-Wu Lu)、郭美英(Kuo, Mei-Ying),附醫院內計畫,疾病嚴重程度與客製化楔型足墊對退化性膝關節炎患者於平地與斜坡行走時下肢整體及各關節受力與勁度之影響,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 2018 . 08
13 個別型,MOST 106-2221-E-039-006-MY3,謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、鄭逸琳,科技部,應用三維電路列印及結構列印技術開發具監測功能之義肢套筒,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 2018 . 08
14 個別型,DMR-108-070,湯智昕(Chih-Hsin Tang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),附醫院內計畫,Adipokine在退化性關節炎致病機轉中所扮演的角色,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 2018 . 08
15 個別型,MOST 107-2410-H-039-005-,許弘昌,科技部,結合生物回饋輔助腳踏車運動應用於膝關節退化患者之效益 (II),2018.8.1~2019.7.31 2018 . 08
16 個別型,DMR-108-074,(Tung-Wu Lu)、郭美英(Kuo, Mei-Ying)、許弘昌,附醫院內計畫,台灣地區兒童足型足壓檢測及資料庫建立與分析,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 2018 . 08
17 個別型,DMR-107-072,湯智昕(Tang, Chih-Hsin)、許弘昌(Hsu, Horng-Chaung),附醫院內計畫,Transforming growth factor b1 在滑液膜細胞促進FOXO3基因表現之機轉研究,2017.8.1~2018.7.31 2017 . 08
18 個別型,DMR-107-070,謝明佑(Shie, Ming-You)、郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo),附醫院內計畫,三維列印支架在軟骨組織再生的應用,2017.8.1~2018.7.31 2017 . 08
19 個別型,MOST 106-2221-E-039-006-MY3,謝明佑(Shie, Ming-You)、許弘昌(Hsu, Horng-Chaung),科技部,應用三維電路列印及結構列印技術開發具監測功能之義肢套筒,2017.8.1~2018.7.31 2017 . 08
20 國家型,MOHW106-FDA-B-113-000512,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、陳明豐(Chen Ming-Fong)、李采娟(Tsai-Chung Li)、林圀宏(Kuo-Hung Lin),衛福部,中高風險醫材上市後臨床效益風險之評估分析研究,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 2017 . 01
21 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH106-REC3-056,藍忠亮(Lan, Joung-Liang)、黃春明(Huang, Chung-Ming)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen),附醫廠商計畫,以單一劑量TLC599注射退化性膝關節炎病患之一項第IIa期、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、劑量探索臨床試驗,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 2017 . 01
22 臨床試驗與研究計畫,DMR99-IRB-160,,附醫廠商計畫,比較兩相軟骨修復植體(BiCRI)與骨髓刺激技術(Marrow stimulation)治療膝軟骨/軟硬骨缺損之前瞻性,多中心,隨機分配之臨床試驗,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 2017 . 01
23 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH102-REC2-078,王世杰(Shyu-Jye Wang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen),附醫廠商計畫,骨質疏鬆症的藥物使用模式、治療滿意度和控制不力研究 (MUSIC-OS):亞太地區停經後婦女在骨質疏鬆症治療方面的臨床實務研究,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 2016 . 01
24 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH102-REC1-024,,附醫廠商計畫,一項隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑與活性藥物對照、平行分組研究,針對非急需單側全髖關節置換術後中度至重度急性疼痛,評估 dexketoprofen trometamol 與 tramadol hydrochloride口服固定劑量合併劑型的止痛療效與安全性,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 2016 . 01
25 臨床試驗與研究計畫,DMR99-IRB-160,,附醫廠商計畫,比較兩相軟骨修復植體(BiCRI)與骨髓刺激技術(Marrow stimulation)治療膝軟骨/軟硬骨缺損之前瞻性,多中心,隨機分配之臨床試驗,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 2016 . 01
26 個別型,DMR-105-113,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin),附醫院內計畫,高濃度血小板血漿(PRP)運用於退化性關節炎治療之研究機轉,2015.8.1~2016.6.30 2015 . 08
27 個別型,DMR-104-113,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),附醫院內計畫,步態與金屬對金屬人工髖關節置換術後血液金屬濃度的影響,2015.2.1~2015.12.31 2015 . 02
28 個別型,MOST 103-2410-H-039-007,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、許維君(Wei-Chun Hsu)、施怡芬(Yi-Fen Shih)、陳顥齡(Hao-Ling Chen),科技部,年輕芭蕾舞者大跳落地之下肢肌肉控制與足踝部關節生物力學分析 (II),2014.8.1~2015.7.31 2014 . 08
29 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),MOST 103-2627-B-039 -001,林光華(Kwan-Wha Lin)、沈戊忠(Wu-Chung Shen),科技部,前瞻人體下肢影像生物力學模型與自行車運動評估訓練平台之開發及其於相關姿勢調整、傷害預防以及膝關節手術與復健治療之應用-自行車運動時,膝關節前、後十字韌帶損傷與重建與不同騎乘姿勢及踩踏方向,對下肢肌肉、關節與韌帶受力之影響以及膝關節肌肉與韌帶之力學互動(3/3),2014.8.1~2015.12.31 2014 . 08
30 個別型,DMR-104-057,郭美英(Mei-Ying kuo)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、呂東武(Tung-Wu Lu),附醫院內計畫,利用電腦斷層掃描結合數位重建X光片技術評估踝關節形態學於平面醫學影像量測之可靠度,2014.8.1~2015.7.31 2014 . 08
31 個別型,NSC 102-2221-E-039-013,陳嘉玲(Chia-Ling Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),科技部,氣控式襯墊對膝護具在不同運動時下滑程度與生物力學的效應,2013.8.1~2014.7.31 2013 . 08
32 個別型,NSC 102-2410-H-039-008,陳顥齡、許維君、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),科技部,年輕芭蕾舞者大跳落地之下肢肌肉控制與足踝部關節生物力學分析,2013.8.1~2014.7.31 2013 . 08
33 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),NSC 102-2627-B-039-001,林光華(Kwan-Wha Lin)、沈戊忠(Wu-Chung Shen),科技部,前瞻人體下肢影像生物力學模型與自行車運動評估訓練平台之開發及其於相關姿勢調整、傷害預防以及膝關節手術與復健治療之應用-自行車運動時,膝關節前、後十字韌帶損傷與重建與不同騎乘姿勢及踩踏方向,對下肢肌肉、關節與韌帶受力之影響以及膝關節肌肉與韌帶之力學互動(2/3),2013.8.1~2014.7.31 2013 . 08
34 個別型,NSC100-2221-E-002-240-MY3,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),科技部,功能性動作中個人化膝關節韌帶受力計算方法之開發及其於前十字韌帶損傷及重建後之應用,2013.8.1~2014.7.31 2013 . 08
35 個別型,NSC 100-2221-E-002-240-MY3,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),科技部,功能性動作中個人化膝關節韌帶受力計算方法之開發及其於前十字韌帶損傷及重建後之應用,2012.8.1~2013.7.31 2012 . 08
36 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),NSC101-2627-B-039-001,沈戊忠(Wu-Chung Shen)、林光華,,前瞻人體下肢影像生物力學模型與自行車運動評估訓練平台之開發及其於相關姿勢調整、,2012.8.1~2013.7.31 2012 . 08
37 個別型,NSC 99-2628-B-039-002-MY3,黃鐙樂(Teng-Le Huang),科技部,HMG-CoA reductase 抑制劑在調控退化性關節炎滑液纖維母細胞metalloproteinases表現機轉及軟骨保護效果之探討,2012.8.1~2013.7.31 2012 . 08
38 個別型,NSC 99-2628-B-039-002-MY3,黃鐙樂(Teng-Le Huang),科技部,HMG-CoA reductase 抑制劑在調控退化性關節炎滑液纖維母細胞metalloproteinases表現機轉及軟骨保護效果之探討,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 2011 . 08
39 個別型,NSC100-2221-E-002-240-MY3,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),科技部,功能性動作中個人化膝關節韌帶受力計算方法之開發及其於前十字韌帶損傷及重建後之應用,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 2011 . 08
40 個別型,CMU99-TC-19,鄭光甫(Kuang-Fu Cheng)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),本校(含附醫),肌內效貼紮對臏股疼痛症侯群患者在上下樓梯和蹲姿時生物力學的影響,2010.9.1~2011.3.31 2010 . 09
41 個別型,NSC 99-2628-B-039-002-MY3,黃鐙樂(Teng-Le Huang),科技部,HMG-CoA reductase 抑制劑在調控退化性關節炎滑液纖維母細胞metalloproteinases表現機轉及軟骨保護效果之探討,2010.8.1~2011.7.31 2010 . 08
42 個別型,NSC 98-2628-B-039-019,黃鐙樂(Teng-Le Huang)、林峰輝(Feng-Huei Lin)、安介南(An Kai-Nan),科技部,探討HMG-COA REDUCTASE 抑制劑在調控滑液纖維母細胞發炎反應之機,2009.8.1~2010.7.31 2009 . 08
43 個別型,DMR-99-155,黃鐙樂(Teng-Le Huang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin)、羅震宇,附醫院內計畫,探討肩胛骨在鎖骨骨折病人肩關節功能所扮演的角色,2009.8.1~2010.6.30 2009 . 08
44 個別型,CMU97-314,林峰輝(Feng-Huei Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),本校(含附醫),以不同分子量的玻尿酸和中草藥萃取物來治療膝部退化性關節炎的效果評估:一項活體外和活體內試驗型研究計畫,2009.4.1~2010.3.31 2009 . 04
45 個別型,DMR-98-068,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),附醫院內計畫,探討玻尿酸在抑制關節纖維母細胞造成關節炎之效力,2008.8.1~2009.7.31 2008 . 08
46 個別型,DMR-98-067,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、陳英豪(Ying-Hao Chen),附醫院內計畫,比較遠端饒骨關節內骨折使用外固定與鋼板內固定的臨床結果,2008.8.1~2009.7.31 2008 . 08
47 個別型,DMR-98-065,黃鐙樂(Teng-Le Huang),附醫院內計畫,評估HMG-CoA reductase 抑制劑 (statins) 對退化性膝關節炎滑膜細胞在分泌細胞間質蛋白溶解酶(MMPs)上之影響,2008.8.1~2009.7.31 2008 . 08
48 個別型,DMR-98-066,蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen),附醫院內計畫,由定量T2核磁共振顯影證明骨挫傷與創傷膝蓋關節炎的關係性,2008.8.1~2009.7.31 2008 . 08
49 個別型,CMU96-278,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),本校(含附醫),微創手術模擬之人機觸覺互動介面研究,2008.2.1~2008.12.31 2008 . 02
50 個別型,NSC 96-2218-E-039-001,傅立志(Lih-Jyh Fuh)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),科技部,骨螺絲固定人工髖臼杯之生物學分析:健全及不健全骨質模式,2007.11.1~2008.7.31 2007 . 11
51 個別型,DMR-97-070,許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu),附醫院內計畫,注射式人工替代骨於前十字韌帶重建術後脛骨隧道隨時間之應變之影響,2007.8.1~2008.7.31 2007 . 08
52 個別型,CMU96-129,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、林峰輝(Feng-Huei Lin),本校(含附醫),以SDCP製備出具有生物活性的補骨造骨材料,2007.8.1~2008.6.30 2007 . 08
53 個別型,DMR-96-073,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、吳鴻文,本校(含附醫),玻尿酸關節內注射治療對退化性膝關節炎患者日常功能(椅子上站起來、水平步行、站立平衡、跨越障礙物)的影響,2007.4.1~2008.3.31 2007 . 04
54 個別型,NSC95-2314-B-039-018-,呂東武(Lu, Tung-Wu)、許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung),科技部,前十字韌帶損傷患者上下樓梯之身體質量重心之動作控制,2006.8.1~2007.7.31 2006 . 08
55 個別型,CMU95-080,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung),本校(含附醫),膝關節十字韌帶控制前後鬆弛度及與全身性柔軟度之關係,2006.8.1~2007.7.31 2006 . 08
56 個別型,DMR-96-102,林秀真(Hsiu-Chen Lin),本校(含附醫),股骨腫瘤切除術後患者行走時之肌肉表現及步態變化Muscle performance and gait deviation in patients after femoral tumor resection during level walking.,2006.7.1~2007.6.30 2006 . 07
57 個別型,DMR-96-067,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、(曾國峰)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、楊維宏(Wei-Hung Yang)、李俊億(Chun-Yi Lee),附醫院內計畫,人類間質幹細胞經體外脈衝低強度超音波朝軟骨細胞分化之效應研究Effets of chondrocyte differentiation in human mesenchymal stem cell after pulsed low-intensity,2006.7.1~2007.6.30 2006 . 07
58 個別型,NSC94-2312-B-039-002,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung),科技部,目標物呈現對中風患者於站姿下伸臂動作表現及下肢平衡的影響,2005.9.1~2006.7.31 2005 . 09
59 個別型,NCS 95-2314-B-38-008,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),科技部,老人髖部骨折之危險因子、心理傷害、與健康效用,2005.8.1~2006.7.31 2005 . 08
60 個別型,CMU94-107,,本校(含附醫),脈衝低強度超音波於體外人類間質幹細包之效應,2005.8.1~2006.7.31 2005 . 08
61 個別型,DMR-95-067,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、鐘景光,本校(含附醫),雙磷酸鹽對惡性軟骨肉瘤細胞系的抗腫瘤機轉研究Anti-tumor activity of bisphosphonates in chondrosarcoma cell line.,2005.7.1~2006.6.30 2005 . 07
62 個別型,DMR-95-123,林世澤、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、吳鴻文,本校(含附醫),肘護具對網球選手單手反拍之生物力學效應,2005.7.1~2006.6.30 2005 . 07
63 個別型,CMU-95-148,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),本校(含附醫),間質幹細胞在力學刺激下分化為軟骨細胞的蛋白質體分析,2005.7.1~2006.6.30 2005 . 07
64 個別型,DMR-95-079,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、吳鴻文、周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng),本校(含附醫),肉毒桿菌素對中風患者偏癱上肢之運動功能及協同反應的療效評估The effect of botulinum toxin treatment on motor performance and associated reaction of hemiplegic,2005.7.1~2006.6.30 2005 . 07
65 個別型,DMR-95-066,吳世銓、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、林承志(Cheng-Jyh Lin),本校(含附醫),Butaro®NS應用於門診骨科手術後疼痛病患之有效性及安全性評估Evaluate the efficacy and safety of butaro®NS in ambulatory patients with orthopedic postoperative pain.,2005.7.1~2006.6.30 2005 . 07
66 個別型,DMR-95-067,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung)、鍾景光(Chung, Jing-Gung),附醫院內計畫,雙磷酸鹽對惡性軟骨肉瘤細胞系的抗腫瘤機轉研究Anti-tumor activity of Bisphosphonates in Chondrosarcoma cell line,2005.7.1~2006.6.30 2005 . 07
67 個別型,DMR-95-080,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、吳鴻文、楊佩瑜(Pei-Yu Yang),本校(含附醫),外側楔型鞋墊對退化性膝關節炎患者日常功能(椅子上站起來、水平步行、站立平衡、跨越障礙物)的影響Effectiveness of a lateral-wedge insole on chair rising, level walking, stance balance and stepping over,2005.7.1~2006.6.30 2005 . 07
68 個別型,93-2622-B-039-011-CC3,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung),科技部,新脊椎微創手術技術及器械之設計,開發與解剖評估,2004.11.1~2005.10.31 2004 . 11
69 個別型,NSC 93-2614-B-039-002,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung),科技部,台灣身心障礙運動選手之運動傷害、輔具使用與分級特性分析研究(,2004.8.1~2005.7.31 2004 . 08
70 個別型,NSC 93-2320-B-039-022-,呂東武(Lu, Tung-Wu)、許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung),科技部,肌肉模型個人化及其應用於前十字韌帶損傷後肌肉力學改變之研究(Muscle Modeling and Customization with a 3D lower limb model to study changes of muscle mechanics after ACL injury),2004.8.1~2005.7.31 2004 . 08
71 個別型,NSC 93-2213-E-039-002,,科技部,地板体操選手前手翻與後手翻之上肢動力學分析,2004.8.1~2005.7.31 2004 . 08
72 個別型,NCS 93-2213-E-002-118,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung),科技部,結合動作分析及動態X光量測技術研究活動人工膝關節之生物力學,2004.8.1~2006.7.31 2004 . 08
73 個別型,NSC 93-2213-E-039-001,(王苓華)、張文正(Chang,Weng-Cheng)、許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung),科技部,平橫木體操選手著地時下肢動力學分析,2004.8.1~2005.7.31 2004 . 08
74 個別型,NSC 93-2213-E-039-003,(陳重佑)、許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung),科技部,階梯有氧舞蹈之下肢生物力學分析,2004.8.1~2005.7.31 2004 . 08
75 個別型,CMU93-M-23,,本校(含附醫),脈衝低強度超音波於體外人類軟骨細包之效應,2004.7.1~2005.7.31 2004 . 07
76 個別型,DMR-94-034,馮逸卿(Fong,Yi-Chin)、許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung)、許晉榮,附醫院內計畫,反覆式伸張力學刺激對骨髓間質幹細胞分化與繁衍之影響:探討肌腱與韌帶組織工程的臨床可能性,2004.7.1~2005.6.30 2004 . 07
77 個別型,DMR-94-033,許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu),本校(含附醫),脈衝低強度超音波於體外人類間質幹細胞之效應Effects of pulsed low-intensity ultrasound on human mesenchymal stem cells in vitro,2004.7.1~2005.6.30 2004 . 07
78 個別型,DMR-94-034,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung)、李俊億(Chun-Yi Lee)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu),附醫院內計畫,T反覆式伸張力學刺激對骨髓間質幹細胞分化與繁衍之影響:探討肌腱與韌帶組織工程的臨床可能性he effects of sinusoidal tensile stimulation on the differentiation and proliferation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells: Implications for tendon and ligament tissue engineering.,2004.7.1~2005.6.30 2004 . 07
79 個別型,DMR-94-032,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung)、詹益豐,附醫院內計畫,富含成長因子的血小板纖維蛋白於脊椎融合手術上的應用與效果評估Using the growth factors enrich platelet giue in spinal fusion surgery and its efficiency,2004.7.1~2005.6.30 2004 . 07
80 個別型,CMU93-M-28,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung),本校(含附醫),雙磷酸鹽對惡性骨肉瘤細胞系的抗腫瘤機轉研究,2004.7.1~2005.7.29 2004 . 07
81 個別型,NSC 93-2622-B-002-004-CC3,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung),科技部,提升產業技術及人才培育計劃─罹患骨質疏鬆症老人骨折時之藥膳食療研究,2004.7.1~2004.6.30 2004 . 07
82 個別型,DMR-94-036,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung),本校(含附醫),水柱壓對惡性骨肉瘤細胞(U2OS)及軟骨肉瘤細胞(JJ012) 的collagen, Aggrecan 及MMPs 蛋白質表現的相關性The effect of the hyfrostatic pressure in RNA and protein expression of collagen, Aggrecan, and MMPs in osterosarcoma (U2OS) and chondrosarcoma (JJ012) cell lines.,2004.7.1~2005.6.30 2004 . 07
83 個別型,NSC 93-2622-B-002-004-CC3,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung)、馮逸卿(Fong,Yi-Chin),科技部,罹患骨質疏鬆症老人骨折時之藥膳食療研究,2004.5.1~2005.4.30 2004 . 05
84 個別型,CMU-92-TH-08,許晉榮,本校(含附醫),體外震波與體外間質幹細胞之效應,2003.7.1~2004.6.30 2003 . 07
85 個別型,DMR-92-033,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung)、王慧如(Wang,Hui-Ju),本校(含附醫),骨骼肌肉系統腫瘤的預後因子分析Analysis of prognostic factors of musculoskeletal tumors,2002.7.1~2003.6.30 2002 . 07
86 個別型,DMR-91-040,詹益豐、張仲達,附醫院內計畫,應力遮蔽效應在兩種不同設計之全人工膝關節之比較Comparison of Stress Shielding Effect After Total Knee Replacement Using Two Different Desigened-Prosthesis,2001.7.1~2002.6.30 2001 . 07
87 個別型,DMR-91-041,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung)、吳鴻文(Wu,Hong-Wen),本校(含附醫),上腰椎接受骨水泥椎體成型術後其力學性質之有限元素分析Mechanical behavior changes after upper lumbar spine posterior polymethylmethacrylate vertebroplasty: A finite element analysis.,2001.7.1~2002.6.30 2001 . 07
88 個別型,DMR-91-042,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung)、王慧如(Wang,Hui-Ju),附醫院內計畫,惡性骨骼肌肉系統腫瘤的致癌基因產物表現The expression of oncogene product in human malignant musculoskeletal tumors,2001.7.1~2002.6.30 2001 . 07
89 個別型,DMR-91-42,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung)、王慧如(Wang,Hui-Ju),本校(含附醫),惡性骨骼肌肉系統腫瘤的致癌基因產物表現The expression of oncogene product in human malignant musculoskeletal tumors,2001.7.1~2002.6.30 2001 . 07
90 個別型,DMR-91-039,許弘昌(Hsu,Horng-Chaung),本校(含附醫),探討間質組織分化與增生與力學環境之關係The Inter-relationship between mechanics and mesenchymal tissue differentiation-proliferation,2001.7.1~2002.6.30 2001 . 07
91 個別型,DMR-90-064,呂東武、張玲瑛(Chang,Ling-Ying),本校(含附醫),利用新設計之手握式肌力測試儀量測下肢肌群在使力測試(make test)及臨界使力測試(break test)之差異A comparison of make and break tests in lower extremity using a newly-developed hand-held dynamometer,2000.7.1~2001.6.30 2000 . 07
92 個別型,CMC-90-PT,,本校(含附醫),The effect of proprioception on performance of functional gait after posterior cruciate ligament retaining or sacrificing total knee arthroplasty,2000.7.1~2001.6.30 2000 . 07
93 個別型,CMC-90-PT,,本校(含附醫),An analysis of sorts injuries and classification in disability sports,2000.7.1~2001.6.30 2000 . 07
94 個別型,CMC88-PT-01,,本校(含附醫),斷裂的人體前十字韌帶之細胞間質分子的基因表現,1999.8.1~2000.7.31 1999 . 08
95 個別型,NSC89-2320-B-039-011-,,科技部,肩部旋轉肌腱隨年齡其分子結構改變之定量分析:一種在老鼠分子生物學之研究,1999.8.1~2000.7.31 1999 . 08
96 個別型,DMR-89-082,許朝添、楊維宏(Wei-Hung Yang),附醫院內計畫,肩峰切除對老鼠肩部旋轉肌腱分子結構的影響:一種肩部碰撞症候群外在因素之探討Influence of acromiectomy on macromolecular compositions of rotator cuff tendons in rats: An extrinsic factor study on shoulder impingement syndrome,1999.7.1~2000.6.30 1999 . 07
97 個別型,CMC-89-PT-01,,本校(含附醫),mRNA expression of human torn anterior cruciate ligament,1999.7.1~2000.6.30 1999 . 07
98 個別型,CMC87-PT-01,,本校(含附醫),斷裂的脊上肌肌腱癒合的潛能--癒合過程膠原纖維型態變化之重要性,1998.8.1~1999.7.31 1998 . 08
99 個別型,NSC88-2314-B-039-028,,科技部,肩部旋轉肌腱隨年齡其分子結構之改變:一種在老鼠分子生物學之研究,1998.8.1~1999.7.31 1998 . 08
100 個別型,NSC 88-2413-H-028-002,,科技部,Studies on the different kinds of exercise effect on bone mineral density and muscular strength in postmenopausal women,1998.7.1~1999.6.30 1998 . 07


1 製作模具的脛骨組件假體,新型專利,中國大陸,8363822,2019.1.15~2027.8.30 2019 . 01
2 用於抑制發炎之醫藥組合物,發明專利,瑞典,2570118SE,2018.9.19~2032.1.5 2018 . 09
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4 用於抑制發炎之醫藥組合物,發明專利,英國,2570118,2018.9.19~2032.1.5 2018 . 09
5 用於抑制發炎之醫藥組合物,發明專利,法國,2570118,2018.9.19~2032.1.5 2018 . 09
6 用於抑制發炎之醫藥組合物,發明專利,德國,2570118,2018.9.19~2032.1.5 2018 . 09
7 製作模具的脛骨組件假體,新型專利,台灣、台灣、台灣,M543671,2017.6.21~2027.3.7 2017 . 06
8 用於抑制發炎之醫藥組合物,發明專利,美國,US 9,662,350 B2,2017.5.30~2032.5.15 2017 . 05
9 用于抑制發炎的醫藥組合物及套組,發明專利,中國大陸,ZL 201110320388.X,2016.3.2~2031.10.19 2016 . 03


1 國家新創獎2021年度精進續獎,財團法人生技醫療科技政策研究中心,2021.12.17 2021 . 12
2 台灣脊椎外科醫學會107年會員大會暨第26次學術研討會 優秀論文競賽第二名,台灣脊椎外科醫學會,2018.3.31 2018 . 03
3 2017台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會-壁報論文競賽-特優,台灣生物力學學會,2017.10.14 2017 . 10
4 2015 3D創新應用競賽 社會組銅牌,國家實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心,2015.10.16 2015 . 10
5 2015 3D 列印創新應用競賽 社會組 UL特別獎,國立實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心,2015.10.16 2015 . 10
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7 2015 3D 列印創新應用競賽 社會組 最佳人氣獎,國立實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心,2015.10.16 2015 . 10
8 2015 3D創新應用競賽 社會組最佳人氣獎,國家實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心,2015.10.16 2015 . 10
9 2015 3D創新應用競賽 社會組UL特別獎,國家實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心,2015.10.16 2015 . 10
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技術轉移/Technology Transfer
1 咬合板及截骨手術導引板、Aligner procedure、Designed silicon mold and medical model,陳怡文(Chen, Yi-Wen)、王緒斌(Hsu-Pin Wang)、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、楊佳蕙、蔡政憲,2017.10~2069.10,,本校(含附醫),長陽生醫國際股份有限公司 2017 . 10