
Doctor Introduction



Hung-Chi Chen
Hung-Chi Chen

國際醫療中心 榮譽院長

陳宏基 Hung-Chi Chen

國際醫療中心 榮譽院長
陳宏基醫師(Hung-Chi Chen, MD, PhD, FACS)為專精困難重建的整形外科權威,現任中國醫藥大學附設醫院國際醫療中心榮譽院長、整形外科教授。畢業於台大醫學系,師承顱顏重建專家羅慧夫,投入顯微重建40餘年,專長涵蓋淋巴水腫超顯微手術、自體腸道移植食道與發聲重建等複雜手術。他曾獲高天成獎、國際醫療典範金獎、醫療奉獻獎等,並為哈佛大學客座教授,培育國際顯微外科人才逾160位,致力國際慈善醫療,享譽全球,被美國《PRS》期刊譽為「整形外科界的巨人」。


期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 許家愷(CHIA-KAI,HSU)、許芳瑜(Fang-Yu, Hsu)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、張長正(Chang-Cheng Chang)*,Clinical Outcome Features of Non-HIV Kaposi's Sarcoma and the Role of Wide Excision on Survival: A Retrospective Cohort Study,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2025 Mar,94(1): 2025 . 03
2 許家愷(CHIA-KAI,HSU)*、許芳瑜(Fang-Yu, Hsu)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、紀建佑(JI JIAN-YOU)、劉恩瑋(En-Wei Liu),Tissue-Plug Modification of Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap for Intractable Pharyngocutaneous Fistula Repair,HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK,2025 Feb,.(.):.-. 2025 . 02
3 林楷媛(LIN KAI-YUAN)、(Chi-Wen Huang)、(Shi-Heng Chen)、李建智(LEE JIAN-JR)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Rehabilitation Program for Postlaryngectomy Patients Following Ileocolon Flap Transfer for Voice Reconstruction: An Essential Part of Success,JOURNAL OF RECONSTRUCTIVE MICROSURGERY,2025 Jan,41(01):46-52 2025 . 01
4 許家愷(CHIA-KAI,HSU)*、許芳瑜(FANG YU HSU)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、黃循敬(WEE SHYUN JING)、(Chi Lo)、劉恩瑋(En-Wei Liu),Reconstruction of the Wound Following Wide Excision of Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans on the Dorsum of the Hand Using a Pure Skin Perforator Flap -A Case Report and Literature Review,臺灣整形外科醫學會雜誌,2024 Dec,34(3): 2024 . 12
5 許家愷(CHIA-KAI,HSU)*、許芳瑜(FANG YU HSU)、劉恩瑋(En-Wei Liu)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Open Reduction and Internal Fixation with a Micro Bone Plate for the Treatment of a Type III Jersey Finger- A Case Report and Literature Review,臺灣整形外科醫學會雜誌,2024 Oct,34(2): 2024 . 10
6 (Chad Chang)、(Marco Marcasciano)、劉哲維(Che-Wei Liu)、(Filippo Di Meglio)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,『Correspondence and Communications』Aesthetic Asian double eyelid surgery: Exploring a novel indication for microsurgery,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2024 Aug,95():52-54 2024 . 08
7 (Chad Chang)、(Ivan Enrique Rodriguez-Mantilla)、(Jacopo Nanni)、(Yasser Farid)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Five key reasons autologous bowel flap excels over skin flap in voice reconstruction,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2024 Aug,95():15-16 2024 . 08
8 Chun-Wei Li、(Ren-Wen Huang)、(Cheng-Hung Lin)、(Chung-Chen Hsu)、(Yu-Te Lin)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Yueh-Bih Tang)、(Shih-Heng Chen)*,Supercharge end-to-side nerve transfer from anterior interosseous nerve to augment intrinsic recovery in high ulnar nerve injuries of varying magnitudes,Asian Journal of Surgery,2024 Aug,47(8):3499-3506 2024 . 08
9 (Yasser Farid)、(Chad Chang)、(Marco Marcasciano)、(Filippo Di)、(Ivan Rodriguez-Mantilla)、(Jacopo Nanni)、(Socorro Ortiz)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,『Editorial Material』Consent 2.0: Informed choices in the age of artificial intelligence,SURGERY,2024 May,175(5):1454-1455 2024 . 05
10 曾文暉(TSENG WEN-HUI)、劉恩瑋(En-Wei Liu)、鄭凱元(KAI-YUAN CHENG)、黃循敬(WEE SHYUN JING)、李建智(LEE JIAN-JR)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Tracheal Replacement Techniques and Associated Mortality: A Systematic Review,LARYNGOSCOPE,2024 Apr,134(4):1517-1522 2024 . 04
11 (Alejandra Aristizabal)*、(Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Michele Maruccia)、(Rahim Nazerali)、(Oscar J Manrique),『Editorial』Is immediate lymphatic reconstruction the future of lymphedema prevention?,Gland Surgery,2024 Apr,13(4):600-602 2024 . 04
12 吳卓翰(WU,CHO-HAN)、(Velazquez-Mujica, Jonathan)、(Donfrancesco, Andrea)、李建智(LEE JIAN-JR)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Classification of the Conjoined Latissimus Dorsi-Groin Flap and Indications for the Four Types of the Flap,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2024 Mar,153(3):632e-635e 2024 . 03
13 (Yu-Wen Tsui)、(Chia-Yu Tsai)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Microsurgical Debridement for Persistent Ulcers Due to Rare Fungus Infection: Case Report and Literature Review,Archives of Plastic Surgery,2024 Feb,51(1):135-138 2024 . 02
14 (Pedro Ciudad)*、(Steven Kirschbaum-Rubin)、(Oscar J Manrique)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Technical pearls and pitfalls of the posterior auricular artery free flap in facial reconstruction,MICROSURGERY,2024 Jan,44(1):--- 2024 . 01
15 (Rossella Elia)*、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Gerardo Cazzato)、(Pietro G Di Summa)、(Giuseppe Giudice)、(Michele Maruccia),Evaluation of modulation of immunity by lymph node transfer: A preliminary histological evidence in lymphedema patients,MICROSURGERY,2024 Jan,44(1):--- 2024 . 01
16 (Maruccia, Michele)、(Giudice, Giuseppe)、(Ciudad, Pedro)、(Manrique, Oscar J.)、(Cazzato, Gerardo)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Elia, Rossella)*,Lymph Node Transfer and Neolymphangiogenesis: From Theory to Evidence,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2023 Nov,1152(5):904-912 2023 . 11
17 (Chad Chang)*、(Marco Marcasciano)、(Alex Sorkin)、(Filippo Di Meglio)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Customizable foam-based background for leveling the field to perform microvascular anastomosis,MICROSURGERY,2023 Sep,43(8):868-869 2023 . 09
18 CHAD CHANG(CHAD CHANG)*、(Alex Sorkin)、(Filippo Di Meglio)、鄭凱元(KAI-YUAN CHENG)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Introducing the bungee-IVaS technique: A modification for safer and simpler intravascular stenting in supermicrosurgery,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2023 Aug,18(83):77-79 2023 . 08
19 崔郁文(Yuwen Tsui)、蔡嘉祐(Tsai, Chia-Yu)*、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,An unusual case of long-term survival with excellent quality of life after surgery of rectal cancer with metastasis to the liver, lung, and scalp,Formosan Journal of Surgery,2023 May,56(2):62-64 2023 . 05
20 (Katie Kai-Yuan Lin)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*、(Shih-Heng Chen),Comparison of ileocolon flap and jejunum flap for voice reconstruction,MICROSURGERY,2023 May,43(4):420-421 2023 . 05
21 (Shihheng Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Yueh-Bih Tang)*,Integrated Approaches for Reconstruction of Facial Paralysis,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2023 May,90(5S):S165-S171 2023 . 05
22 (Ying-Sheng Lin)、張長正(Chang-Cheng Chang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Management of an Unusual Avulsion Trauma of Total Esophagus During Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2023 Apr,90(1):S81-S83 2023 . 04
23 許士杰(Khor Shih Chieh)、李建智(LEE JIAN-JR)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Chicken Thigh for Microsurgical Beginner–A Simple Simulation-Training Model,臺灣整形外科醫學會雜誌,2023 Mar,32(): 2023 . 03
24 (Burak Kaya)、(Tang YB)、(Chen SH)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Technical details for inset of flaps in transfer of double-level gastroepiploic lymph node flaps for lower extremity lymphedema,Asian Journal of Surgery,2023 Feb,46(2):794-800 2023 . 02
25 (Chun-Wei Li)、(John Chung-Han Wu)、(Ching-Yu Lan)、(Che-Hsiung Lee)、(Ren-Wen Huang)、(Cheng-Hung Lin)、(Chung-Chen Hsu)、(Yu-Te Lin)、(Shih-Hsien Chen)、(Yueh-Bih Tang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Shih-Heng Chen)*,Prospective outcome analysis of ulnar tunnel syndrome: Comparing traumatic versus non-traumatic etiologies,Asian Journal of Surgery,2023 Jan,46(1):180-186 2023 . 01
26 (Y. H. AndrewWu)、(OtonielRiverol)、(K. X. AlvinLee)、(Kai-HuaChang)、(BenHarnke,)、(Li-YingLiao)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Free vascularized fibular flap for clavicle reconstruction: A systematic review with a new case,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2023 Jan,76():271-282 2023 . 01
27 (Oscar J Manrique)*、(Samyd S Bustos)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Kian Adabi)、(Wei F Chen)、(Antonio J Forte)、(Andrea L Cheville)、(James W Jakub)、(Sarah A McLaughlin)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Overview of Lymphedema for Physicians and Other Clinicians: A Review of Fundamental Concepts,MAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS,2022 Oct,97(10):1920-1935 2022 . 10
28 (Escandon JM)、(Mohammad A)、(Mathews S)、(Bustos VP)、(Santamaria E)、(Ciudad P)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Langstein HN)、(Manrique OJ)*,Definitive Closure of the Tracheoesophageal Puncture Site after Oncologic Laryngectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,Archives of Plastic Surgery,2022 Sep,49(5):617-632 2022 . 09
29 (Francesco Amendola)、(Davide Spadoni)、(Jonathan B. Lundy)、(Giuseppe Cottone)、(Jonathan Velazquez-Mujica)、(Loukas Platsas)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Reducing complications in reconstruction of the cervical esophagus with anterolateral thigh flap: The five points protocol,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2022 Sep,1(): 2022 . 09
30 林穎聖(LIN YING-SHENG)、(Mousavi SA)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Free Colon Tissue Transfer for the Management of Xerostomia in Head and Neck Cancer Patients: A Bacteriological Study and Clinical Case Series,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2022 Aug,75():2676-2683 2022 . 08
31 (Amendola F)*、(Spadoni D)、(Losco L)、(Velazquez-Mujica J)、(Chen SH)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Soft palate reconstruction with free jejunum flap: Impact on the velopharyngeal insufficiency,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2022 Aug,75(8):2684-2690 2022 . 08
32 黃循敬(WEE SHYUN JING)、李建智(LEE JIAN-JR)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Nasal Reconstruction with The Reverse Flow Chondrocutaneous Preauricular Free Flap -A Case Report and Review of the Literature,臺灣整形外科醫學會雜誌,2022 Jun,32(): 2022 . 06
33 (Ciudad P)、(Kaciulyte J)、(Agko M)、(Kiranantawat K)、(Nicoli F)、(Lo Torto F)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Carotid artery and soft tissue reconstruction with superficial femoral artery-sartorius muscle-anteromedial thigh chimeric free flap: A case report and review of the literature,MICROSURGERY,2022 Jun,42(5): 2022 . 06
34 (Escandon JM)、(Santamaria E)、(Prieto PA)、(Duarte-Bateman D)、(Ciudad P)、(Pencek M)、(Langstein HN)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Manrique OJ)*,Reconstruction of Pharyngolaryngeal Defects with the Ileocolon Free Flap: A Comprehensive Review and How to Optimize Outcomes.,Archives of Plastic Surgery,2022 May,49(3):378-396 2022 . 05
35 (Gokhan Sert)*、(Dicle Aksoyler)、(Murat Kara)、(Alberto Bolletta)、(Luigi Losco)、(Sefa Burak)、(Petek Korkusuz)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Comparison of total anastomosis time between four different combinations of suturing and knot tying techniques in microsurgical anastomosis.,Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery,2022 Mar,18():1-7 2022 . 03
36 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Joseph M Escandon)、(Oscar J Manrique)、(Valeria P Bustos)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,The use of free colon flap transfer for management of xerostomia in a patient,MICROSURGERY,2022 Feb,42(2):199-200 2022 . 02
37 (Johal KS)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Interpositional vein grafting for significant size discrepancy: The important role for short, sequential grafts in step-up and step-down microvascular anastomoses,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2022 Feb,75(2):659-664 2022 . 02
38 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Maria T Huayllani)、(Antonio J Forte)、(Daniel Boczar)、(Francisco R Avila)、(Joseph M Escandon)、(Oscar J Manrique)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Lower Extremity Lymphedema: A Preliminary Report,Plastic Surgery,2022 Feb,55(1):97-101 2022 . 02
39 (Losco L)、(Bolletta A)、(de Sire A)、(Chen SH)、(Sert G)、(Aksoyler D)、(Velazquez-Mujica J)、(Invernizzi M)、(Cigna E)*、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,The Combination of Lymph Node Transfer and Excisional Procedures in Bilateral Lower Extremity Lymphedema: Clinical Outcomes and Quality of Life Assessment with Long-Term Follow-Up,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2022 Feb,11(3): 2022 . 02
40 (Velazquez-Mujica J)、(Donfrancesco A)、(Aksoyler D)、(Losco L)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Different autologous tissue for stabilization of the pedicle in the presence of acute angulation, compression, crossing, and kinking.,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2022 Feb,75(2):893-939 2022 . 02
41 (Alberto Bolletta)、(Giuseppe di Taranto)、(Luigi Losco)、(Rossella Elia)、(Gokhan Sert)、(Diego Ribuffo)、(Emanuele Cigna)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Combined lymph node transfer and suction-assisted lipectomy in lymphedema treatment: A prospective study,MICROSURGERY,2022 Jan,1(): 2022 . 01
42 孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、鄒永恩(Yung-An Tsou)、楊佩瑜(Pei-Yu Yang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、張呈偉(Chang Cheng-Wei)*,Dysphagia in a Patient with Esophageal and Hypopharyngeal Cancers After Esophageal Reconstruction: A Pharyngeal Clearance Facilitating Maneuver,DYSPHAGIA,2022 Jan,(): 2022 . 01
43 (Jonathan Velazquez-Mujica)*、(Francesco Amendola)、(Davide Spadoni)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Restoring blood flow to the lateral plantar artery after elevation of an instep flap or medialis pedis flap,Archives of Plastic Surgery,2022 Jan,49(1):80-85 2022 . 01
44 張長正(Chang-Cheng Chang)、冉唯令(Wei-Ling Jan)、阮承輝(Cheng-Huei Juan)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、林柏昰(Bor-Shyh Lin)*、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Novel Wireless Bioimpedance Device for Segmental Lymphedema Analysis Post Dual-Site Free Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer: A Prospective Cohort Study,SENSORS,2021 Dec,21(24):8197 2021 . 12
45 陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)、黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)*、許永昌(Yung-Chang,Hsu)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Prospective clinical trial comparing barbed dermal suture and interrupted suture closure of the anterolateral thigh flap donor site in a Taiwanese population based on the Vancouver scar scale and the patient and observer scar assessment scale,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2021 Nov,74(11):3201-3203 2021 . 11
46 (Anna E Yu)、翁秀靜(Hsiu-Ching Weng)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Repair of a large recurrent congenital lumbar hernia with free composite anterolateral thigh flap, tensor fascia lata flap, and vastus lateralis flap and meshes: A case report,MICROSURGERY,2021 Oct,41(7):655-659 2021 . 10
47 (Alberto Bolletta)、(Luigi Losco)、(Jason Lin)、(Christine Oh)、(Giuseppe Di Taranto)、(Emilio Trignano)、(Emanuele Cigna)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Partition of Pectoralis Major Musculocutaneous Flap as a Salvage Procedure for Simultaneous Coverage of the Exposed Carotid Artery and Reconstruction of Cervical Esophagus,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2021 Oct,87(4):435-439 2021 . 10
48 (Francesco Amendola)、(Davide Spadoni)、(Jonathan Velazquez-Mujica)、(Loukas Platsas)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,The triple conjoined scapular-latissimus dorsi-groin flap for reconstruction of long lower extremity degloving injury: A case report,MICROSURGERY,2021 Oct,10(): 2021 . 10
49 崔郁文(Yuwen Tsui)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Salvage reconstruction for a case of leiomyoma after delayed diagnosis for twenty years,Hong Kong Journal of Dermatology & Venereology,2021 Sep,29(2):80-83 2021 . 09
50 (Wen-Chien Wang)、潘德洛(CIUDAD CRUZ PEDRO CESAR)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、張長正(Chang-Cheng Chang)*,Conceptual framework for trainers in a microsurgical project: Attendee-oriented and structured learning using a nonliving animal model,Asian Journal of Surgery,2021 Aug,(): 2021 . 08
51 黃循敬(Wee Shyun Jing)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,【Editorial Material】Exophthalmos myxedema acropachy syndrome,POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL,2021 Aug,97(1150):541 2021 . 08
52 (Dicle Aksoyler)、(Alp Ercan)、(Luigi Losco)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Experience in reconstruction of esophagus, epiglottis, and upper trachea due to caustic injuries in pediatric patients and establishment of algorithm,MICROSURGERY,2021 Aug,():1-10 2021 . 08
53 (Dicle Aksoyler)、(Luigi Losco, Gokhan Sert)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Risks of Laparoscopic Harvest of Free Intestinal Flaps for Esophageal Reconstruction,SURGICAL LAPAROSCOPY ENDOSCOPY & PERCUTANEOUS TECHNIQUES,2021 Jul,31(6):742-749 2021 . 07
54 (Jonathan Velazquez-Mujica)、(Luigi Losco)、(Dicle Aksoyler)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Perforator-to-perforator anastomosis as a salvage procedure during harvest of a perforator flap,Archives of Plastic Surgery,2021 Jul,48(4):467-479 2021 . 07
55 Ben-Arie Eya(Ben-Arie Eyal)、魏子軒(Tzu-Hsuan Wei)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)、何文照(Ho,Wen-Chao)、張丘明(Chiu-Ming Chang)、高佩玉(Pei-Yu Kao)*、李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee)*,Digestion-Specific Acupuncture Effect on Feeding Intolerance in Critically Ill Post-Operative Oral and Hypopharyngeal Cancer Patients: A Single-Blind Randomized Control Trial,Nutrients,2021 Jun,13(6): 2021 . 06
56 (Francesco Amendola)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Voice tube shortening in voice reconstruction with ileo-colon FLAP: Technical tips for a safe revision and improvement of voice quality,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2021 Jun,76(6):1355-1401 2021 . 06
57 (Wen-Chien Wang)、(Hsiang-Wei Hu)、潘德洛(CIUDAD CRUZ PEDRO CESAR)、(Bor-Shyh Lin)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、張長正(Chang-Cheng Chang)*,A Comparison of the Use of Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Visualization Systems by Novice and Experienced Microsurgeons in Microsurgical Vessel Anastomosis: An Analysis Using the Chicken Model,JOURNAL OF RECONSTRUCTIVE MICROSURGERY,2021 May,(): 2021 . 05
58 (Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*、(Samyd S Bustos)、(Oscar J Manrique)、(Alberto Bolletta)、(Antonio J Forte)、(Maria T Huayllani)、(Mouchammed Agko)、(J Antonio Urbina)、(Shivprasad Date)、(Burak Kaya),The deep inferior epigastric lymphatic cable flap connected to gastroepiploic lymph node flap for treatment of refractory chylous ascites: Report of two cases,MICROSURGERY,2021 May,41(4):376-383 2021 . 05
59 (Jeffrey C Y Chan)、(Giuseppe Di Taranto)、(Rossella Elia)、(Vittoria Amorosi)、(Ngamcherd Sitpahul)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Postoperative care after lymphaticovenous anastomosis,Archives of Plastic Surgery,2021 May,48(3):333-335 2021 . 05
60 (Pedro Ciudad)*、(Juste Kaciulyte)、(Federico Lo Torto)、(Maria Ines Vargas)、(Atenas Bustamante)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Michele Maruccia)、(Jaroslav Zulueta)、(Emilio Trignano)、(Alberto Bolletta),The profunda artery perforator free flap for lower extremity reconstruction,MICROSURGERY,2021 Apr,10(): 2021 . 04
61 (Pedro Ciudad)*、(Samyd S Bustos)、(Antonio J Forte)、(Maria T Huayllani)、(Oscar J Manrique)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Emilio Trignano),Manual lymphatic drainage guided by real-time indocyanine green lymphography in breast cancer-related lymphedema,Archives of Plastic Surgery,2021 Mar,48(2):239-240 2021 . 03
62 (Dicle Aksoyler)、(Luigi Losco)、(Alberto Bolletta)、(Alp Ercan)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、(Jonathan Velazquez-Mujica)、(Yueh-Bih Tang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Three salvage strategies in microvascular fibula osteocutaneous flap for mandible reconstruction with vascular compromise and establishment of an algorithm,MICROSURGERY,2021 Mar,41(3):223-232 2021 . 03
63 (Georgios Pafitanis)*、(Katerina Kyprianou)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Microvascular anastomosis in atherosclerotic vessels: Technical challenges and recommendations,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2021 Jan,21(): 2021 . 01
64 (Kuan-Ying Wang)、(Wen-Chung Liu)、(Chun-Feng Chen)、(Lee-Wei Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Kuo-Chung Yang)*,Osteomyocutaneous Free Fibula Flap Prevents Osteoradionecrosis and Osteomyelitis in Head and Neck Cancer Reconstruction,JOURNAL OF RECONSTRUCTIVE MICROSURGERY,2021 Jan,(): 2021 . 01
65 (Shih-Heng Chen)、(Mehmet Emin Cem Yildirim)、(Seyed Abolghasem Mousavi)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Long-term functional outcomes upon application of split-thickness skin graft around major joints in HCC (Hung-Chi Chen)-modified Charles' procedure for advanced lymphedema,Asian Journal of Surgery,2021 Jan,44(1):169-173 2021 . 01
66 (Gokhan Sert)*、(Shih-Heng Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),How to ensure immediate and long-term good blood supply by the careful dissection of the marginal artery and supercharge with neck vessels in esophageal reconstruction with the colon segment interposition: 35 years of experience,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2021 Jan,74(1):101-107 2021 . 01
67 (Mehmet Emin Cem Yildirim)*、(Shih-Heng Chen)、(Hui-Ching Weng)、(Seyed Abolghasem Mousavi)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Treatment of toes as an integrated part of infection control for advanced lower limb lymphedema,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2021 Jan,74(1):168-173 2021 . 01
68 (Giuseppe Di Taranto)、(Alberto Bolletta)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、(Luigi Losco)、(Rossella Elia)、(Emanuele Cigna)、(Corrado Rubino)、(Diego Ribuffo)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,A prospective study on combined lymphedema surgery: Gastroepiploic vascularized lymph nodes transfer and lymphaticovenous anastomosis followed by suction lipectomy,MICROSURGERY,2021 Jan,41(1):34-43 2021 . 01
69 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Mouchammed Agko)、(Ketan M Patel)、(Federico Lo Torto)、(Antonio J Forte)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,A single-stage triple-inset vascularized gastroepiploic lymph node transfers for the surgical treatment of extremity lymphedema,MICROSURGERY,2021 Jan,41(1):97-99 2021 . 01
70 (Seyed Abolghasem Mousavi)、(Yildirim, Mehmet Emin Cem)*、(Kleppe, Kirsten E. Schjelderup)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),How to Perform a Safe, Quick, and Easy Suture Technique for Microvascular Anastomosis, Where a Single Surgeon Works Alone: The Parachute Technique,FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY,2020 Dec,36(6):778-779 2020 . 12
71 冉唯令(Wei-Ling Jan)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、張長正(Chang-Cheng Chang)*、陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)、施秉庚(Pin-Keng Shih)、黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang),Modified Clavien–Dindo Classification and Outcome Prediction in Free Flap Reconstruction among Patients with Head and Neck Cancer,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2020 Nov,9(11):3770 2020 . 11
72 (Gokhan Sert)*、(Shih-Heng Chen)、(Dicle Yasar Aksoyler)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Preliminary dissection of recurrent laryngeal nerve during esophageal reconstruction for corrosive esophageal injury,MICROSURGERY,2020 Oct,40(7):825-826 2020 . 10
73 (Gokhan Sert)*、(Shih-Heng Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Repair of the marginal artery with an interpositional vein graft during colon interposition for esophageal reconstruction,MICROSURGERY,2020 Oct,40(7):823-824 2020 . 10
74 (Georgios Pafitanis)*、(Marios Nicolaides)、(Katerina Kyprianou)、(Justine O'Sullivan)、(Ngamcherd Sitpahul)、(Kidakorn Kiranantawat)、(Edmund Fitzgerald O'Connor)、(Simon Myers)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),The "Crater" Arteriotomy: A Technique Aiding Precise Intimal Apposition in End-to-side Microvascular Anastomosis,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2020 Oct,8(10): 2020 . 10
75 (Luigi Losco)、(Dicle Aksoyler)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、(Alberto Bolletta)、(Jonathan Velazquez-Mujica)、(Giuseppe Di Taranto)、(Federico Lo Torto)、(Marco Marcasciano)、(Emanuele Cigna)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Pharyngoesophageal reconstruction with free jejunum or radial forearm flap as diversionary conduit: Functional outcomes of patients with persistent dysphagia and aspiration,MICROSURGERY,2020 Sep,40(6):630-638 2020 . 09
76 (Ram M Chilgar)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Bence Baljer)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Oscar J Manrique)、(Bulent Sacak)、(Georgios Orfaniotis)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Modified distal anastomosis between colon and thoracic esophagus for hypopharynx reconstruction using free colon flap: A comparison study,Asian Journal of Surgery,2020 Sep,43(9):907-912 2020 . 09
77 劉恩瑋(En-Wei Liu)、張長正(Chang-Cheng Chang)、陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)、李建智(LEE JIAN-JR)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Treatment of Multiple Well-Differentiated Liposarcomas with Good Results in a Case of Li-Fraumeni-Syndrome ―― Case Report and Review of the Literature,臺灣整形外科醫學會雜誌,2020 Sep,29(3):214-227 2020 . 09
78 (Burak Kaya)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、(Luis Para)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Technical details for harvesting gastro-epiploic lymph node flaps via mini-laparotomy incision,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2020 Sep,73(9):1630-1636 2020 . 09
79 (Michele Maruccia)、(Giuseppe Di Taranto)*、(Fabrizio Schonauer)、(Francesco D'Andrea)、(Luigi Losco)、(Diego Ribuffo)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Emanuele Cigna),Freestyle Perforator Puzzle Flap for Posterior Trunk Reconstruction,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2020 Jul,85(1):56-60 2020 . 07
80 (Oscar J Manrique)*、(Samyd S Bustos)*、(Doga Kuruoglu)、(Maria Yan)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Antonio J Forte)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Gastroepiploic Lymph Node Flap Harvest for Patients With Lymphedema: Minimally Invasive Versus Open Approach,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2020 Jul,85():87-91 2020 . 07
81 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Maria T Huayllani)、(Antonio J Forte)*、(Francisco R Avila)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Combined Free Fibula Osteocutaneous and Anterolateral Thigh-Vastus Lateralis Free Flaps for Clavicule and Extensive Chest Wall Reconstruction After Sarcoma Resection,Cureus,2020 Jun,12(6): 2020 . 06
82 (Federico Lo Torto)*、(Diego Ribuffo)、(Oscar J Manrique)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Agko Mouchammed)、(Michele Maruccia)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Gianmarco Turriziani)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Simultaneous Restoration of Swallowing and Voice Function With Ileocolon Free Flap,JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY,2020 Jun,31(4):916-918 2020 . 06
83 (A. DE SIRE)*、(L. LOSCO)、(E. CIGNA)、(L. LIPPI)、(F. GIMIGLIANO)、(A. GENNARI)、(C. CISARI)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(N. FUSCO)、(M. INVERNIZZ),Three-dimensional laser scanning as a reliable and reproducible diagnostic tool in breast cancer related lymphedema rehabilitation: a proof-of-principle study,European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences,2020 Apr,24(8):4476-4485 2020 . 04
84 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Antonio J. Forte)、(Maria T. Huayllani)、(Daniel Boczar)、(Oscar J. Manrique)、(Samyd S. Bustos)、(Atenas Bustamante)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Impact of body mass index on long-term surgical outcomes of vascularized lymph node transfer in lymphedema patients,Gland Surgery,2020 Apr,9(2):603-613 2020 . 04
85 冉唯令(Wei-Ling Jan)、吳卓翰(WU,CHO-HAN)、張長正(Chang-Cheng Chang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Gradual Development of Stricture Following Gastric Tube for Esophageal Reconstruction and Salvage Reconstruction Using Pedicled Colon Flap with Supercharge to Neck Vessels ―― A Case Report and Literature Review,臺灣整形外科醫學會雜誌,2020 Mar,29(1):54-60 2020 . 03
86 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Oscar J. Manrique)、(Samyd S. Bustos)、(John J. P. Coca MD)、張長正(Chang-Cheng Chang)、施秉庚(Pin-Keng Shih)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Federico L. Torto)、(Mouchammed Agko)、(Tony C.-T. Huang)、(Michelle Maruccia)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Comparisons in long-term clinical outcomes among patients with upper or lower extremity lymphedema treated with diverse vascularized lymph node transfer,MICROSURGERY,2020 Feb,40(2):130-136 2020 . 02
87 (Pedro Ciudad)*、(Oscar J Manrique)、(Samyd S Bustos)、(Georgios Pafitanis)、(Antonio J Forte)、(Maria T Huayllani)、(Daniel Boczar)、(Maria Vargas)、(Silvia Escalante)、(Luis Parra Pont)、(Atenas Bustamante)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,The Modified Extended Fleur-De-Lis Latissimus Dorsi Flap for Various Complex Multi-directional Large Soft and Bone Tissue Reconstruction,Cureus,2020 Feb,12(2): 2020 . 02
88 (Giuseppe Di Taranto)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、(Rossella Elia)、(Alberto Bolletta)、(Vittoria Amorosi)、(Ngamcherd Sitpahul)、(Jeffrey Cy Chan)、(Diego Ribuffo)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Free gastroepiploic lymph nodes and omentum flap for treatment of lower limb ulcers in severe lymphedema: Killing two birds with one stone,JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY,2020 Jan,121(1):168-174 2020 . 01
89 (Oscar J Manrique)*、(M Diya Sabbagh)、(Trishul Kapoor)、(Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Postoperative Management After Total Pharyngolaryngectomy Using the Free Ileocolon Flap:A 5-Year Surgical Intensive Care Unit Experience,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2020 Jan,84(1):68-72 2020 . 01
90 (Kian Adabi)、(Oscar J Manrique)*、(Aparna Vijayasekaran)、(Steven L Moran)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Tony C T Huang)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Sarah Bishop)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Combined single-stage enterolysis with pedicle seromuscular bowel flaps, myocutaneous and fasciocutaneous flaps to repair recurrent enterocutaneous fistulas in complex abdominal Wall defects,MICROSURGERY,2020 Jan,40(1):19-24 2020 . 01
91 (Manrique OJ)*、(M. Diya Sabbagh)、(Trishul Kapoor)、(Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Postoperative Management After Total Pharyngolaryngectomy Using the Free Ileocolon Flap: A 5-Year Surgical Intensive Care Unit Experience.,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2020 Jan,84(1):68-72 2020 . 01
92 黃柏鈞(Po-Chun Huang)、吳卓翰(WU,CHO-HAN)、張長正(Chang-Cheng Chang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Advanced Infection Complicated with Maggot Infestation in a Patient with Milroy’s Disease ―― A Case Report,臺灣整形外科醫學會雜誌,2019 Dec,28(4):329-338 2019 . 12
93 (Georgios Pafitanis)、(Vittoria Amorosi)、(Rossella Elia)、(Giuseppe Di Taranto)、(Reza Alamouti FRCS(Plast))、(Shih-Heng Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Saphenous vein graft with mechanisms of “anchor-pipe” and pressure “step-down” to ensure the use of carotid artery as recipient for free flap transfer in vessels-depleted neck,MICROSURGERY,2019 Oct,39():669-670 2019 . 10
94 (Elia, R)、(Di Taranto G)、(Amorosi V)、(Ngamcherd S)、(Alamouti R)、(Liao LY)、(Maruccia M)、(Giudice G)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,The versatility of the thoracodorsal artery based composite flaps with vascularized rib and a systematic review of the literature,JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY,2019 Sep,120(3):527-539 2019 . 09
95 劉恩瑋(En-Wei Liu)、黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)、施秉庚(Pin-Keng Shih)、陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)、張長正(Chang-Cheng Chang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Secondary Reconstruction of Vaginal Agenesis with Bilateral Island Singapore Flaps -- Case Report and Review of The Literature,臺灣整形外科醫學會雜誌,2019 Sep,28(3):218-226 2019 . 09
96 吳卓翰(WU,CHO-HAN)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、李宗勳、施秉庚(Pin-Keng Shih)*,Gracilis Muscle Flap Transposition for Management of Perineal Fistulas - A Medical Center Experience,臺灣整形外科醫學會雜誌,2019 Sep,28(3):179-187 2019 . 09
97 (Giuseppe Di Taranto)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、(Rossella Elia)、(Ngamcherd Sitpahul)、(Jeffrey C. Y. Chan)、(Luigi Losco)、(Emanuele Cigna)、(Diego Ribuffo)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Outcomes following head neck free flap reconstruction requiring interposition vein graft or vascular bridge flap,Head & Neck Oncology,2019 Sep,41(9):2914-2920 2019 . 09
98 (Rossella Elia)*、(Georgios Pafitanis)、(Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Accessory penis: A rare method of peno-urethral separation of sexual function and voiding following successful complex hypospadias reconstruction with a free ileum flap,Archives of Plastic Surgery,2019 Jul,46():381-385 2019 . 07
99 廖力穎(Li-Ying Liao)、鄒永恩(Yung-An Tsou)、(Ngamcherd Sitpahul)、(Reza Alamuti)、(Giuseppe Di Taranto)、(Rosella Elia)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Ideas and Innovations: Vascularized sural nerve for reconstruction of bilateral vocal cord palsy,臺灣整形外科醫學會雜誌,2019 Jun,28(2): 2019 . 06
100 廖力穎(Li-Ying Liao)、李宗勳(Tzong-Shiun Li)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Idea and Innovation: Secure fixation between dermis and periosteum using perforator flap to prevent recurrence of pilonidal sinus disease,International Wound Journal,2019 Jun,16(3):862-865 2019 . 06
101 (Mehmet Emre Yegin)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Vascular pedicle division during free flap re-inset in pharyngoesophageal reconstruction,MICROSURGERY,2019 May,():1-6 2019 . 05
102 (Pedro Ciudad)*、(Oscar J Manrique)、(Mouchammed Agko)、劉恩瑋(En-Wei Liu)、(Wei-Ling Chang)、(Matthew Sze-Wei Yeo)、(Tony Chieh-Ting Huang)、(Ram M. Chilgar)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Ileocecal vascularized lymph node transfer for the treatment of extremity lymphedema: A case report.,MICROSURGERY,2019 Apr,39(1):81-84 2019 . 04
103 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Oscar J Manrique)、(Kian Adabi)、(Tony Chieh-Ting Huang)、(Mouchammed Agko)、(Emilio Trignano)、(Wei-Ling Chang)、(Tsung-Wei Chen)、(Christopher J. Salgado)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Combined double vascularized lymph node transfers and modified radical reduction with preservation of perforators for advanced stages of lymphedema.,JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY,2019 Mar,119(4):439-448 2019 . 03
104 (Georgios Pafitanis)、(Rossella Elia)、(Robert Miller)、吳卓翰(WU,CHO-HAN)、(Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,The use of cross-limb venous bridge in extremity reconstruction of soft tissue defects following surgical excision of chronic wound,MICROSURGERY,2019 Mar,39(3):278-279 2019 . 03
105 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Mouchammed Agko)、(Tony C. T. Huang)、(Oscar J Manrique)、(Wei?Ling Chang)、(Fabio Nicoli MD)、(Michele Maruccia)、(Federico Lo Torto)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Comprehensive multimodal surgical treatment of end-stage lower extremity lymphedema with toe management: The combined Charles,' Homan's, and vascularized lymph node transfer (CHAHOVA) procedures.,JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY,2019 Mar,119(4):430-438 2019 . 03
106 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Tony Chieh-Ting Huang)、(Oscar J. Manrique)、(Mouchammed Agko)、(Stamatis Sapountzis)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(M. Diya Sabbagh)、(Luis Parra Pont)、(Steven L. Moran)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Expanding the applications of the combined transverse upper gracilis and profunda artery perforator (TUGPAP) flap for extensive defects,MICROSURGERY,2019 Mar,39(4):316-325 2019 . 03
107 黃循敬(Wee Shyun Jing)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Refractory Chylous Ascites Treated with The Vascularized Lymphatic Cable Flap Via an Alternative Route ―― A Case Report and Review of the Literature,臺灣整形外科醫學會雜誌,2019 Mar,28(1):41-48 2019 . 03
108 (Shu-Chun Yang)、(Charles Yuen Yung Loh)、(Yueh-Bih Tang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Using intestinal segments during secondary salvage procedures after failed reconstructions of the cervical oesophagus.,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIO-THORACIC SURGERY,2019 Feb,55(2):286-291 2019 . 02
109 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Roshan Vijayan)、(Georgios Pafitani)、(Burak Kaya)、(Luis Parra Pont)、(Mouchammed Agko)、(Oscar J. Manrique)、(Kidakorn Kiranantawat)、(Oscar J. Manrique)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,A simple and effective method to optimize limb position aftercomplex lower limb free flap reconstruction with concurrentexternal fixation,MICROSURGERY,2019 Jan,39(1):98-99 2019 . 01
110 (G.Di Taranto)、(R. Elia)、(G. Pafitanis)、(V. Amorosi)、廖力穎(Li-Ying Liao)、(S-H Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Late occurrence of squamous cell carcinoma arising from skin-lining flap,MICROSURGERY,2019 Jan,39(1):96-97 2019 . 01
111 (G Di Taranto)、(R Elia)、(V Amorosi)、(R Alamouti)、(N Sitpahul)、(JCY Chan)、廖力穎(Li-Ying Liao)、(D Ribuffo)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,The difference in the caliber of efferent lymphatic vessels among various lymph node flaps,JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY,2018 Dec,118(7):1212-1213 2018 . 12
112 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Tony Chieh-Ting Huang)、(Oscar J. Manrique)、(Mouchammed Agko)、(Kian Adabi)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Bulent Sacak)、(Kidakorn Kiranantawat)、(Steven L. Moran)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Optimizing survival of large fibula osteocutaneous flaps for extensive full-thickness oromandibular defects: A two-stage approach with temporary orocutaneous fistula,JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY,2018 Nov,118(3):590-590 2018 . 11
113 (Oscar J. Manrique)*、(M. Diya Sabbagh)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Kian Adabi)、(Tony Chieh-Ting Huang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Reply: Gender-Confirmation Surgery Using the Pedicle Transverse Colon Flap for Vaginal Reconstruction: A Clinical Outcome and Sexual Function Evaluation Study,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2018 Oct,142(4):606e-608e 2018 . 10
114 (Oscar J. Manrique)、(Sarah N. Bishop)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Kian Adabi)、(Jorys Martinez-Jorge)、(Steven L. Moran)、(Tony Huang)、(Aparna Vijayasekaran)、(Shih-heng Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Lower Extremity Limb Salvage with Cross Leg Pedicle Flap, Cross Leg Free Flap, and Cross Leg Vascular Cable Bridge Flap,JOURNAL OF RECONSTRUCTIVE MICROSURGERY,2018 Sep,34(7):522-529 2018 . 09
115 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Mouchammed Agko)、(Shivprasad Date)、(Wei-Ling Chang)、(Oscar J. Manrique)、(Tony C. T. Huang)、(Federico Lo Torto)、(Emilio Trignano)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,The radial forearm free flap as a “vascular bridge” for secondary microsurgical head and neck reconstruction in a vessel-depleted neck,MICROSURGERY,2018 Sep,38(6):651-658 2018 . 09
116 (Fabio Nicoli)*、(Ke Li)、(Yi Xin Zhang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Reply to Tsukuura et al: “Novel hands‐free near‐infrared fluorescence navigation and simultaneous combined imaging for the elevation of vascularized lymph node flap”,JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY,2018 Sep,118(3):590 2018 . 09
117 (Mouchammed Agko)、(Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Reconstruction of the Heel, Middle Foot Sole, and Plantar Forefoot with the Medial Plantar Artery Perforator Flap: Clinical Experience with 28 Cases,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2018 Sep,142(3):421e-422e 2018 . 09
118 潘德洛(Ciudad Cruz)、(Oscar J. Manrique)、(Mouchammed Agko)、(Chieh-Ting Huang)、張瑋苓(Wei-Ling Chang)、(Ricardo Delgado)、(Cesar Reynaga)、(Bulent Sacak)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Reply to comment on: Ileocecal vascularized lymph node transfer for the treatment of extremity lymphedema: A case report,MICROSURGERY,2018 Jul,0(0):0-0 2018 . 07
119 (Fabio Nicoli)、(Georgios Orfaniotis)、潘德洛(Ciudad Cruz)、(Kidakorn Kiranantawat)、(Davide Lazzeri)、(Michele Maruccia)、(Joannis Constantinides)、(Bulent Sacak)、(Ram M. Chilgar)、(Ke Li)*、(Yi Xin Zhang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Alternative vascular constructs of lymph node flap transfer,JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY,2018 May,117(6):1144-1147 2018 . 05
120 (Emilio Trignano)、(Nefer Fallico)、(Luca Fiorot)、(Alberto Bolletta)、(Matteo Maffei)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Michele Maruccia)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Gian Vittorio Campus)*,Flap monitoring with continuous oxygen partial tension measurement in breast reconstructive surgery: A preliminary report.,JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY,2018 May,38(4):402-406 2018 . 05
121 (Mouchammed Agko)、(Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Staged surgical treatment of extremity lymphedema with dualgastroepiploic vascularized lymph node transfers followed bysuction-assisted lipectomy—A prospective study,JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY,2018 May,117(6):1148-1156 2018 . 05
122 (Emilio Trignano)、(Nefer Fallico)、(Luca Fiorot)、(Alberto Bolletta)、(Matteo Maffei)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Michele Maruccia)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Gian Vittorio Campus)*,Flap monitoring with continuous oxygen partial tension measurement in breast reconstructive surgery: A preliminary report,MICROSURGERY,2018 May,38(4):402-406 2018 . 05
123 (Oscar J. Manrique)、(M. Diya Sabbagh)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Jorys Martinez-Jorge)、(Kidakorn Kiranantawat)、(Ngamcherd Sitpahul)、(Todd B. Nippoldt)、(Ali Charafeddine)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Gender-Confirmation Surgery Using the Pedicle Transverse Colon Flap for Vaginal Reconstruction: A Clinical Outcome and Sexual Function Evaluation Study,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2018 Mar,141(3):767-771 2018 . 03
124 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、(Mouchammed Agko),Thirty-five years of single surgeon experience in the reconstruction of esophagus and voice with free ileocolon flap following total pharyngolaryngectomy,JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY,2018 Mar,117(3):459-468 2018 . 03
125 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Roshan Vijayan)、(Georgios Pafitanis)、(Luis Parra Pont)、(Burak Kaya)、(Mouchammed Agko)、(Oscar J. Manrique)、張瑋苓(Wei-Ling Chang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,A simple and effective crepe bandage splinting method to decrease tension after large superficial circumflex iliac artery perforator (SCIP) flap donor site closure,MICROSURGERY,2018 Feb,38(2):230-231 2018 . 02
126 張長正(Chang, Chang-Cheng)、(Su, Chun-Lin)、(Xu, Dai-Ru)、(Lin, Bor-Shyh)*、陳宏基(Chen, Hung-Chi)*,A quantitative evaluation with an innovative wireless bio-impedance device to check improvement of limb lymphedema after receiving two-site vascularized lymph node transfer simultaneously in a patient,MICROSURGERY,2018 Feb,(): 2018 . 02
127 (Michele Maruccia)*、(Georgios Orfaniotis)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Emanuele Cigna)、(Giuseppe Giudice)、(Kidakorn Kiranantawat)、(Diego Ribuffo)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Application of extended bi-pedicle anterolateral thigh free flaps for reconstruction of large defects: A case series,MICROSURGERY,2018 Jan,38(1):26-33 2018 . 01
128 (Mouchammed Agko)*、(Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Histo-anatomical basis of the gastroepiploic vascularized lymph node flap: The overlooked "micro" lymph nodes,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2018 Jan,71(1):118-121 2018 . 01
129 潘德洛(Pedro Ciudad)、無(Oscar J Manrique)、無(Mouchammed Agko)、張緯琳(Wei-Ling Chang)、許韶芸(Shao-Yun Hsu)、無(Emilio Trignano)、無(Dimitri Liakos)、無(Chen-Hsiang Kuan)、陳宏基(Chen, Hung-Chi)*,Simple methods to optimize the success in microsurgical submandibular gland transplantation for the treatment of patients with keratoconjunctivitis,MICROSURGERY,2018 ,(): 2018 .
130 (Shih-Heng Chen)、(Li-Fan Yeh)、(Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Successful Surgical Treatment of Intractable Chylous Ascites Using the Lymphatic Cable Flap: A Retrospective Review Study,WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY,2017 Dec,41(12):3100-3104 2017 . 12
131 (Oscar J. Manrique)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Alex Wong)、(Federico Lo Torto)、李郁芬(Yun-Fen Li)、陳旆聿(Pei-Yu Chen)、(Doan-Minh Nguyen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Early Markers of Angiogenesis and Ischemia during Bowel Conduit Neovascularization,JOURNAL OF RECONSTRUCTIVE MICROSURGERY,2017 Nov,33(9):605-611 2017 . 11
132 (Mouchammed Agko)、劉恩瑋(En-Wei Liu)、(Tony C.T. Huang)、(Federico Lo Torto)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Oscar Javier Manrique)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,The split vein graft "splint" to avoid kinking and compression of the vascular pedicle,MICROSURGERY,2017 Sep,37(6):739-740 2017 . 09
133 (Luigino Santecchia)*、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Agko Mouchammed)、(Matteo Amoroso)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Interosseous Membrane Release for Long-Standing Upper Limb Lymphedema: A Procedure Often Neglected,Plastic Surgery,2017 Aug,5(8):e1452 2017 . 08
134 (Mouchammed Agk)*、(Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Histo-anatomical basis of the gastroepiploic vascularized lymph node flap: The overlooked "micro" lymph nodes,Elsevier Oceanography Series,2017 Aug,71(1):118-121 2017 . 08
135 (Shivprasad Date)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Michele Maruccia)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Breast Reconstruction Using the Geometrically Modified Profunda Artery Perforator Flap from the Posteromedial Thigh Region: Combining the Benefits of Its Predecessors,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2017 Jul,79(1):124-124 2017 . 07
136 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Oscar J Manrique)、(Shivprasad Date)、(Mouchammed Agko)、(Wei-Ling Chang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Simultaneous vascularized lymph node transfer and carpal tunnel release for treatment of advanced stage of breast cancer-related lymphedema with carpal tunnel syndrome,MICROSURGERY,2017 Jun,37(6):745-746 2017 . 06
137 (Pedro Ciudad)*、(Mouchammed Agko)、(Oscar J. Manrique)、(Shivprasad Date)、(Kidakorn Kiranantawat)、(Wei Ling Chang)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Federico Lo Torto)、(Michele Maruccia)、(Georgios Orfaniotis)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),The retrograde transverse cervical artery as a recipient vessel for free tissue transfer in complex head and neck reconstruction with a vessel-depleted neck,MICROSURGERY,2017 Jun,37(8):902-909 2017 . 06
138 (Pedro Ciudad)*、(Mouchammed Agko)、(John Jaime Perez Coca)、(Oscar J. Manrique)、張瑋苓(Wei-Ling Chang)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Comparison of long-term clinical outcomes among different vascularized lymph node transfers: 6-year experience of a single center's approach to the treatment of lymphedema,JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY,2017 May,116(6):671-682 2017 . 05
139 (Federico Lo Torto)*、陳自諒(Tzu-Liang Chen)、(Mouchammed Agko)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Oscar J. Manrique)、(Diego Ribuffo)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Laparoscopic harvest of ileocolon flap in pharyngoesophageal reconstruction,MICROSURGERY,2017 Mar,37(6):737-738 2017 . 03
140 (Ciudad P)、(Date S)、(Orfaniotis G)、(Dower R)、(Nicoli F)、(Maruccia M)、(Lin SP)、(Chuang CY)、(Chuang TY)、(Wang GJ)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Delayed grafting for banked skin graft in lymph node flap transfer,International Wound Journal,2017 Feb,14(1):125-129 2017 . 02
141 (Fabio Nicoli)、(Christopher D’Ambrosia)、(Davide Lazzeri)、(Georgios Orfaniotis)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Michele Maruccia)、李宗勳(Tzong-Shiun Li)、(Bulent Sacak)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Microsurgical dissection of facial nerve in parotidectomy: a discussion of techniques and long-term results,Gland Surgery,2017 Feb,6(4):308-314 2017 . 02
142 (Pedro Ciudad)*、(Oscar J. Manrique)、(Shivprasad Date)、(Mouchammed Agko)、(John Jaime Perez Coca)、(Wei-Ling Chang)、(Federico Lo Torto)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Michelle Maruccia)、(Javier Lopez Mendoza)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Double gastroepiploic vascularized lymph node tranfers to middle and distal limb for the treatment of lymphedema,MICROSURGERY,2017 Feb,37(7):771-779 2017 . 02
143 (Tony C.T. Huang)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Mouchammed Agko)、(Oscar Manrique)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Dual vascular pedicles to ensure free jejunum flap survival in post-radiotherapeutic esophageal reconstruction,MICROSURGERY,2017 Feb,37(6):731-732 2017 . 02
144 (PEDRO CIUDAD)*、(OSCAR J. MANRIQUE)、(SHIVPRASAD DATE)、(BULENT SACAK)、(WEI-LING CHANG)、(KIDAKORN KIRANANTAWAT)、(SEONG YOON LIM)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),A Head-to-Head Comparison Among Donor Site Morbidity After Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer: Pearls and Pitfalls of a 6-year Single Center Experience,Journal of Oncology,2017 Jan,115(1):37-42 2017 . 01
145 潘德洛(CIUDAD CRUZ)*、(Oscar J. Manrique)、(Shivprasad Date)、(Wei-Ling Chang)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Stamatis Sapountzis)、鄭旭棠(Hsu-Tang Cheng)、(Mouchammed Agko)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Vascularized appendicular lymph node transfer for treatment of extremity lymphedema: A case report,MICROSURGERY,2016 Dec,(): 2016 . 12
146 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Shivprasad Date)、(Oscar J Manrique)、(Wei-Ling Chang)、黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)、(Tsung-Wei Chen)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Michelle Maruccia)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Recurrent Advanced Lower Extremity Lymphedema Following Initial Successful Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer: A Clinical and Histopathological Analysis,Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery,2016 Dec,44(1):87-89 2016 . 12
147 (Christopher J. Salgado)*、(Ajani G. Nugent)、(Alison M. Moody)、(Harvey Chim)、(Alejandra M. Paz)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Immediate pedicled gracilis flap in radial forearm flap phalloplasty for transgender male patients to reduce urinary fistula,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2016 Nov,69(11):1551-1557 2016 . 11
148 (Oscar J. Manrique)、(Hyuma A. Leland)、(Claude-Jean Langevin)、(Alex Wong)、(Joseph N. Carey)、(Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*、(Ketan M. Patel),Optimizing Outcomes following Total and Subtotal Tongue Reconstruction: A Systematic Review of the Contemporary Literature,JOURNAL OF RECONSTRUCTIVE MICROSURGERY,2016 Oct,33(02):103-111 2016 . 10
149 (Sacak B)、(Orfaniotis G)、(Nicoli F)、(Liu EW)、(Ciudad P)、(Chen SH)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Back-up procedures following complicated gastric pull-up procedure for esophageal reconstruction: Salvage with intestinal flaps.,MICROSURGERY,2016 Oct,36(7):567-572 2016 . 10
150 (Ciudad P)、(Maruccia M)*、(Sapountzis S)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Simultaneous reconstruction of the oral commissure, lip and buccal mucosa with microvascular transfer of combined first–second toe web and dorsalis pedis flap,International Wound Journal,2016 Oct,13(5):787-90 2016 . 10
151 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*、(Agko M)、(Lo Torto F)、(Ciudad P)、(Manrique O),Improved voice function with anastomosis between somatic and autonomic nerve when ileocolon flap is used for simultaneous reconstruction of esophagus and voice,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2016 Aug,69(8):E166-E167 2016 . 08
152 黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)、李宗勳(Tzong-Shiun Li)、(Hui-Chin Weng)、劉家瑋(Ka-Wai Li)、(Pedro, Ciudad)、(Matthew Sze Wei Yeo)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Sling suspension using the anterior third of the temporalis muscle extended with tendon graft to correct oral incontinence after free flap reconstruction in cases of a major defect of the lower lip muscle,HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK,2016 May,():1-29 2016 . 05
153 (Lo Torto F)*、(Manrique OJ)、(Ciudad P)、(Agko M)、(Chung JC)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Pearls and pitfalls of voice reconstruction after pharyngolaryngectomy using the ileocolon free flap.,MICROSURGERY,2016 May,(): 2016 . 05
154 鄒永恩(Yung-An Tsou)、李宗勳(Tzong-Shiun Li)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*、(Belafsky Peter),Optimal ileocolic flap length for a reconstructed voice tube after laryngopharyngectomy,JOURNAL OF LARYNGOLOGY AND OTOLOGY,2016 Feb,130(2):190 2016 . 02
156 (Orfaniotis G)、(Sacak B)、(Nicoli F)、(Ciudad P)、(Gesakis K)、(Lee CY)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Absence of the ileocolic artery: Microsurgical implications in reconstruction of the esophagus with the free ileocolon flap.,MICROSURGERY,2016 Feb,36(2):173-174 2016 . 02
157 潘德洛(CIUDAD CRUZ)、(Dower R)、(Nicoli F)、(Orfaniotis G)、(Maruccia M)、(Constantinescu T)、(Lin SP)、(Wang GJ)*、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Pelvic-perineal reconstruction with the combined transverse upper gracilis and profunda artery perforator (TUG-PAP) flap.,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2015 Dec,(): 2015 . 12
158 (Nicoli F)、(Orfaniotis G)、(Lazzeri D)、(Lim SY)、(Kiranantawat K)、陳旆聿(Pei-Yu Chen)、(Ciudad P)、(Chilgar RM)、(Sapountzis S)、(Sacak B)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,The latissimus dorsi-groin-lymph node compound flap: A comprehensive technique with three features including skin coverage, restoration of motor function, and prevention of upper limb lymphedema,MICROSURGERY,2015 Oct,(): 2015 . 10
159 (Thomas Constantinescu)、(Ketan M. Patel)、(Giuseppe Visconti)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Fabio Nicoli)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Ensuring Survivability of the Skin Island of the Free Iliac Osteocutaneous Flap with Double Arterial Inflow Techniques,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2015 Oct,(): 2015 . 10
160 (Constantinescu T)、(Patel KM)、(Visconti G)、(Ciudad P)、(Nicoli F)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Pedicle Lengthening Technique Utilizing Retrograde Inflow for the Groin Lymph Node Flap,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2015 Oct,(): 2015 . 10
161 (Ciudad P)、(Kiranantawat K)、(Sapountzis S)、(Sze-Wei Yeo M)、(Nicoli F)、(Maruccia M)、(Sirimahachaiyakul P)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Right gastroepiploic lymph node flap,MICROSURGERY,2015 Sep,00(00):1-3 2015 . 09
162 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Orfaniotis G)、(Socas J)、(Dower R)、(Kiranantawat K)、(Nicoli F)、(Sapountzis S)、(Maruccia M)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Technical Considerations to Avoid Microvascular Complications during Groin Lymph Node Free Flap Transfer,Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery,2015 Sep,42(5):650-652 2015 . 09
163 (Georgios Orfaniotis)、(Michele Maruccia)、(Bulent Sacak)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Asling Lima)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,EXPANDING THE APPLICATIONS OF Y-SHAPED VEIN GRAFTS IN MICROSURGERY,MICROSURGERY,2015 Sep,(): 2015 . 09
164 (Atsushi Imaizumi)、(Anita A. Liem)、(Chun-Fan Yang)、(Wency Chen)、(Shih-heng Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Long-Term Outcomes of Simultaneous Skin and Bowel Flaps for Esophageal Reconstruction,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2015 Aug,75(21):180-185 2015 . 08
166 黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)、許永昌(Hsu Yung-Chang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、張家寧(Sophia Chia-Ning Chang)、陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)*,Functional Outcome Analysis After Anterolateral Thigh Flap Reconstruction of Pharyngoesophageal Defect.,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2015 Aug,75(2):174-179-2013接受 2015 . 08
167 (Visconti G)、(Constantinescu T)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,The Venous Lymph-Node Flap,MICROSURGERY,2015 Aug,(): 2015 . 08
168 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Michele Maruccia)、(Juan Socas)、李旻憲(Ming-Hsien Lee)、(Kuo-Piao Chung)、(Thomas Constantinescu)、(Kidakorn Kiranantawat)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Stamatis Sapountzis)、(Matthew Sze?Wei Yeo)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,The laparoscopic right gastroepiploic lymph node flap transfer for upper and lower limb lymphedema: Technique and outcomes,MICROSURGERY,2015 Jul,0(0):0-0 2015 . 07
169 (Nicoli F)、(Ciudad P)、(Lim SY)、(Lazzeri D)、(D'Ambrosia C)、(Kiranantawat K)、(Chilgar RM)、(Sapountzis S)、(Sacak B)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Potential Use of Transferred Lymph Nodes as Metastasis Detectors after Tumor Excision.,Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery,2015 Jul,42(4):478-483 2015 . 07
170 (Sapountzis S)*、(Singhal D)、(Ciudad P)、(Meo D)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Lymph node flap based on the right transverse cervical artery as a donor site for lymph node transfer: reply.,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2015 Jun,74(6):744-745 2015 . 06
171 (Ozkan O)、(Ozkan O)、(Derin AT)*、(Bektas G)、(Cinpolat A)、(Duymaz A)、(Mardini S)、(Cigna E)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),True functional reconstruction of total or subtotal glossectomy defects using a chimeric anterolateral thigh flap with both sensorial and motor innervation.,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2015 May,74(5):557-564 2015 . 05
172 (Singhal, Dhruv)、(Spiguel, Lisa)*、(Shaw, Christiana)、(Sapountzis, Stamatis)、(Mast, Bruce)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Drane, Walter),Lymph Node Transplantation and Quantitative Clearance Lymphoscintigraphy,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2015 May,135(5):937e-939e 2015 . 05
173 (Nicoli F)、(Constantinides J)、(Ciudad P)、(Sapountzis S)、(Kiranantawat K)、(Lazzeri D)、(Lim SY)、(Nicoli M)、(Chen PY)、(Yeo MS)、(Chilgar RM)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Free lymph node flap transfer and laser-assisted liposuction: a combined technique for the treatment of moderate upper limb lymphedema,LASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE,2015 May,30(4):1377-1385 2015 . 05
174 (Georgios Orfaniotis)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Michele Maruccia)、(Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,The Thin Gluteal Artery Perforator Free Flap to Resurface the Posterior Aspect of the Leg and Foot,MICROSURGERY,2015 Apr,135(4):793e-794e 2015 . 04
175 (Yi-Jen Hsueh)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Wu SE)、(Wang TK)、(Chen JK)、(Ma DH)*,Lysophosphatidic acid induces YAP-promoted proliferation of human corneal endothelial cells via PI3K and ROCK pathways.,MOLECULAR THERAPY,2015 Mar,(): 2015 . 03
176 黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)、劉家瑋(Ka-Wei Liu)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Aesthetic Unit Reconstruction with Anterolateral Thigh Flap after Wide Excision of Facial Dermatomal Vascular Malformation and Hemangioma,中華民國整形外科醫學會雜誌(The Journal of Plastic Surgical Association R.O.C.),2015 Mar,24(1):77-83 2015 . 03
177 (Dariush Nikkhah)*、(Georgios Orfaniotis)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Optimizing donor site outcomes after microsurgical proximal interphalangeal joint transfer using the bone-peg technique,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2015 Feb,68(6):874-876 2015 . 02
178 (Nicoli F)、(Georgios Orfaniotis)、(Kanellos Gesakis)、(Davide Lazzeri)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Ram M. Chilgar)、(Stamatis Sapountzis)、(Tolga Taha Sonmez M.D)、(Michele Maruccia M.D)、(Joannis Constantinides F.R.C.S.)、(Bulent Sacak M.D.)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Supraclavicular osteocutaneous free flap: clinical application and surgical details for the reconstruction of composite defects of the nose.,MICROSURGERY,2015 Jan,(): 2015 . 01
179 (EMILIO TRIGNANO)、(NEFER FALLICO)*、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(MARIO FAENZA)、(ALFONSO BOLOGNINI)、(ANDREA ARMENTI)、(FABIO SANTANELLI DI POMPEO)、(CORRADO RUBINO)、(GIAN VITTORIO CAMPUS),Evaluation of peripheral microcirculation improvement of foot after tarsal tunnel release in diabetic patients by transcutaneous oximetry.,MICROSURGERY,2015 Jan,(): 2015 . 01
181 (Seong Yoon Lim)、(Matthew Sze-Wei Yeo)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Joannis Constantinides)、(Kidakorn Kiranantawat)、(Stamatis Sapountzis)、(Ambrose Chung-Wai Ho)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,End-to-patch anastomosis for microvascular transfer of free flaps with small pedicle,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2014 Dec,68(4):559-564 2014 . 12
182 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Matthew Sze-Wei Yeo)、(Stamatis Sapountzis)、(Seong Yoon Lim)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Michele Maruccia)、(Kidakorn Kiranantawat)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Microsurgical debulking procedure after free lymph node flap transfer,MICROSURGERY,2014 Nov,34(8):670-671 2014 . 11
183 (Stamatis Sapountzis)、(Dhruv Singhal)、(Abid Rashid)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Domenico Meo)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Lymph Node Flap Based on the Right Transverse Cervical Artery as a Donor Site for Lymph Node Transfer.,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2014 Oct,73(4):398-401 2014 . 10
184 (Fabio Nicoli)、(Ram M. Chilgar)、(Stamatis Sapountzis)、(Matthew Sze-Wei Yeo)、(Davide Lazzeri)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Kidakorn Kiranantawat)、(Tolga Taha Sonmez)、(Michele Maruccia)、(Seong Yoon Lim)、(Joannis Constantinides)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Reconstruction after orbital exenteration using gracilis muscle free flap,MICROSURGERY,2014 Oct,(): 2014 . 10
185 (Kidakorn Kiranantawat)、(Matthew Sze-Wei Yeo)、(Michele Maruccia)、(Stamatis Sapountzis)、(Seong Yoon Lim)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Fabio Nicoli)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Non-crushing intestinal clamps used as a tourniquet for resection of a large vascular malformation at the lower lip,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2014 Sep,67(9):234-235 2014 . 09
186 (Michele Maruccia)*、(Kidakorn Kiranantawat)、(Matthew Sze-Wei Yeo)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Donor site of toe transfer: is combined second and third toe transfer the better choice? A 31 years of long-term follow-up.,MICROSURGERY,2014 Sep,34(6):500-501 2014 . 09
187 (Chen SH)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Horng SY)、(Tai HC)、(Hsieh JH)、(Yeong EK)、(Cheng NC)、(Hsieh TM)、(Chien HF)、(Tang YB)*,Reconstruction for Osteoradionecrosis of the Mandible: Superiority of Free Iliac Bone Flap to Fibula Flap in Postoperative Infection and Healing,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2014 Sep,73(1):S18-S26 2014 . 09
188 (Sapountzis S)*、(Nicoli F)、(Ciudad P)、(Kiranantawat K)、(Lim SY)、(Wei MY)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Use of polyglycolic acid nerve conduit (neurotube) to alleviate pedicle kinking in microvascular anastomosis,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2014 Aug,134(2):332e-332e 2014 . 08
189 施秉庚(Pin-Keng Shih)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Simulaneous pectoralis major-latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap: an option of reconstruction for open sternal wounds,Formosan Journal of Surgery,2014 Aug,47(4): 2014 . 08
190 (Zaker Shahrak A)、(Zor F)、(Kanatas A)、(Acikel C)、(Sapountzis S)、(Nicoli F)、(Altuntas SH)、(Knobe M)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Prescher A)、(Holzle F)、(Sonmez TT.)*,Morphological and morphometric evaluation of the ilium, fibula, and scapula bones for oral and maxillofacial reconstruction,MICROSURGERY,2014 Aug,34(8):638-645 2014 . 08
191 (Yeo MS)、(Lim SY)、(Kiranantawat K)、(Ciudad P)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,A Comparison of Vascularized Cervical Lymph Node Transfer with and without Modified Charles’ Procedure for the Treatment of Lower Limb Lymphedema,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2014 Jul,134(1):171e-172e 2014 . 07
192 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Nefer Fallico)*、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Emilio Trignano),Latissimus dorsi-rib pedicle flap for mandibular reconstruction as a salvage procedure for failed free fibula flap.,JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY,2014 May,25(3):961-963 2014 . 05
193 (Sapountzis, Stamatis)、(Ciudad, Pedro)、(Chilgar, Ram)、(Nicoli, Fabio)、(Singhal, Dhruv)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Retrograde flow upper extremity fillet flap for coverage of a large thoracic wall defect.,AMERICAN SURGEON,2014 Mar,80(3):312-314 2014 . 03
194 (Ho, ACW)、(Yeo, MSW)、(Ciudad, P)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,2-Stage free and pedicle jejunum for esophageal replacement after failed colon interposition for caustic injury in a 5 year-old child,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2014 Mar,67(3):417-419 2014 . 03
195 (STAMATIS SAPOUNTZIS)、(PEDRO CIUDAD)、(SEONG YOON LIM)、(RAM M. CHILGAR)、(KIDAKORN KIRANANTAWAT)、(FABIO NICOL)、(, JOANNIS CONSTANTINIDES)、(MATTHEW YEO SZE WE)、(TOLGA TAHA SONMEZ)、(DHRUV SINGHAL)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Modified Charles procedure and lymph node flap transfer for advanced lower extremity lymphedema.,MICROSURGERY,2014 Feb,34(6):439-447 2014 . 02
196 (Stamatis Sapountzis)*、(Kidakorn Kiranantawat)、(Seong Yoon Lim)、(Joannis Constantinides)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Matthew Yeo Sze Wei)、(Tolga Taha Sonmez)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),A NOVEL "CONTINUOUS-INTERRUPTED" METHOD FOR MICROVASCULAR ANASTOMOSIS,MICROSURGERY,2014 Jan,34(1):82-84 2014 . 01
197 廖力穎(Li-Ying Liao)、陳宏基(Chen, Hung-Chi)*,Supercharged Reversed Anterolateral Thigh Flap for Reconstruction of A Complicated Knee Defect- A case report,臺灣整形外科醫學會雜誌,2014 ,23(4):372-378 2014 .
198 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Dhruv Singhal)、(Stamatis Sapountzis)、(Ram M. Chilgar)、(Fabio Nicoli)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,The extended fleur-de-lis latissimus dorsi flap: A novel flap and approach for coverage of lower back defects,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2013 Dec,66(12):1811-1813 2013 . 12
199 (Sherine Jue Ong)、(Yhu-Chering Huang)、(Hsin-Yuan Tan)、(David H. K. Ma)、(Hsin-Chiung Lin)、(Lung-Kun Yeh)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Chih-Chun Chuang)、(Chee-Jen Chang)、(Ching-Hsi Hsiao),Staphylococcus aureus Keratitis: A Review of Hospital Cases,PLoS One,2013 Nov,8(11):e80119-e80119 2013 . 11
200 (Emanuele CIGNA)*、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Omer OZKAN)、(Valentina SORVILLO)、(Michele MARUCCIA)、(Diego Ribuffo),The anteromedial thigh free flap Anatomy: a clinical, anatomical and cadaverIC study,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2013 Oct,133(2):420-429 2013 . 10
201 許韶芸(Shao-Yun Hsu)、鄭旭棠(Hsu-Tang Cheng)、吳肇毅(Chao-I Wu)、張家寧(Sophia Chia-Ning Chang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Pedicled Latissimus Dorsi/Rib Myo-osseocutaneous Flap Reconstruction for the Mandibular Defect in a Patient with Consecutive Failures of Two Free Fibular Flaps--Case Report and Review of the Literature,臺灣整形外科醫學會雜誌,2013 Sep,22(3):243-251 2013 . 09
203 (Shih-Heng Chen)、(Yueh-Bih Tang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Survival of Transferred Ileum after Ischemia Time Longer than 1 Hour: A Clinical Result Different from Animal Studies,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS,2013 Aug,217(2):300-305 2013 . 08
204 (Gharb, Bahar Bassiri MD, FEBO)、(Rampazzo, Antonio MD, FEBOPRAS)、(Hsu, Chao-Tien MD, PhD)、(Bassetto, Franco MD)、(di Spilimbergo, Stefano Spanio M)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Histological changes of the voice tube and possible clinical consequences after voice reconstruction with free ileocolon flap.,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2013 Jul,71(1):109-113 2013 . 07
205 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*、(Yueh-bih Tang),Commentary on the paper Cervicothoracic reconstruction with an anteromedial thigh flap A novel flap concept,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2013 Jun,66(6):859-859 2013 . 06
206 (Stamatis Sapountzis)、(Dhruv Singhal)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Radical resection and reconstruction with bilateral gluteal fold perforator flaps for vulvar hemangiolymphangioma.,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS,2013 May,121(2):179-180 2013 . 05
207 (Sapountzis, Stamatis M.D.)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Extended Applications of Vascularized Preauricular and Helical Rim Flaps in Reconstruction of Nasal Defects,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2013 May,131(5):847e-848e 2013 . 05
208 (Francesco Perrone)、(Bahar Bassiri Gharb)、(Antonio Rampazzo)、(Quan Dinh Ngo)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Evaluation and management of complications or functional problems at the recipient site after esophageal and voice reconstruction with free ileocolon flap,SURGERY,2013 Mar,153(3):373-382 2013 . 03
209 施秉庚(Pin-Keng Shih)、鄭旭棠(Hsu-Tang Cheng)、吳肇毅(Chao-I Wu)、張家寧(Sophia Chia-Ning Chang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)*,Management of Infected Groin Wounds after Vascular Surgery,Surgical Infections,2013 Mar,14(2):1-6 2013 . 03
210 (EMILIO TRIGNANO, M.D., Ph.D.)、(NEFER FALLICO, M.D.)*、(AGNESE NITTO, M.D.)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),The treatment of composite defect of bone and soft tissues with a combined latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior and rib free flap.,MICROSURGERY,2013 Feb,33(3):173-183 2013 . 02
211 (Francesco Perrone)、(Agnese Nitto)、(Yueh-bih Tang)、(Shih-heng Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Three uses of an extra length of jejunum in pharyngo-oesophageal reconstruction with free jejunal flap,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2013 Jan,66(1):16-22 2013 . 01
212 (Shih-Heng Chen)、(Eng Kean Yeong)、(Yueh-Bih Tang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Free and pedicled appendix transfer for various reconstructive procedures,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2012 Dec,69(6):602-606 2012 . 12
213 (Chien-Lian Chen)、(Huang-Kai Kao)、(Chien-Chang Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Long-term follow-up of microvascular free tissue transfer for mobilization of congenital radioulnar synostosis,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2012 Dec,65(12):e363-365 2012 . 12
214 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*、(Bahar Bassiri Gharb)、(Antonio Rampazzo)、(Chao-Tien Hsu)、(Franco Bassetto)、(Stefano Spanio di Spilimbergo),Histological Changes of the Voice Tube After Voice Reconstruction With Free Ileocolon Flap and Possible Clinical Consequences,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2012 Nov,0(0):1-5 2012 . 11
215 (Hui-Ching Weng)*、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Management of human capital how can we inspire casual tutors to go the extra mile,MEDICAL EDUCATION,2012 Oct,46(10):932-934 2012 . 10
216 (Emilio Trignano)、(Pedro Ciudad)、(Nefer Fallico)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Nodular Cutaneous Amyloidosis of the Scalp Reconstructed With a Free Anterolateral Thigh Flap: A Case Report,JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY,2012 Jun,70(8):e481-e483 2012 . 06
217 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Comments on: “A simple method for preventing pharyngocutaneous fistula after pharyngolaryngectomy using a mesenteric turnover flap”,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2012 Jun,65(6):832-832 2012 . 06
218 施秉庚(Pin-Keng Shih)、陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)、許永昌(Hsu Yung-Chang)、吳肇毅(Chao-I Wu)、張家寧(Sophia Chia-Ning Chang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,One patient with Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome: Treatment with Charles' Procedure, One Case Report and Literature Review,中華民國整形外科醫學會雜誌(The Journal of Plastic Surgical Association R.O.C.),2012 Jun,21(6):164-168 2012 . 06
219 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Emilio Trignano)、(Luca A. Dessy)*、(Nefer Fallico)、(Antonio Rampazzo)、(Bahar Bassiri)、(Macro Mazzocchi)、(Nicolo Scuderi),Treatment of pectoralis major flap myospasms with botulinum toxin type A in head and neck reconstruction,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2012 Feb,65(2):e23-e28 2012 . 02
220 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(HSIN-CHIH KUO)*、(KUO-PIAO CHUNG)、(SHIH-HENG CHEN)、(YUEH-BIH TANG)、(SYI SU),Quality improvement of microsurgery through telecommunication-the postoperative care after microvascular transfer of intestine,MICROSURGERY,2012 Feb,32(2):96-102 2012 . 02
221 (Atsushi Imaizumi)、(Anita a Liem)、(Quand Ngo)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Free jejunal diversionary conduit flaps following radiation damage to the pharynx: A technique for regaining oral feeding while preserving vocal function,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2012 Feb,65(5):620-628 2012 . 02
222 (Emilio Trignano)、(Agnese Nitto)、(Pedro Ciudad)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,A simple way for salvage of zone IV deep inferior epigastric perforator flap using pre-tie sutures and serial delayed closure,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2012 Feb,65(2):273-275 2012 . 02
223 吳曉舒(Hsiao-Su Wu)*、鄭旭棠(Hsu-Tang Cheng)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Treating Chronic Lower Limb Lymphedema With the Charles Procedure in a Renal Allograft Recipient,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2012 Jan,68(1):94-96 2012 . 01
224 (Francesco Perrone)、(Bahar Bassiri Gharb)、(Antonio Rampazzo)、(Quan Dinh Ngo)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,The use of a chimaeric sero-muscular flap to prevent anastomotic leakage in head and neck reconstruction with free ileocolon flap,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2012 Jan,65(6):752-756 2012 . 01
225 (Ching Chun Lin)、(Yaw Sen Chen)、(Kai Jen Lin)、(Wency Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome complicated with splenomegaly,AMERICAN SURGEON,2011 Nov,77(11):240-241 2011 . 11
226 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Invited commentary,ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY,2011 Aug,64(8):1029-1029 2011 . 08
227 (Anita A. Liem)*、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Factors influencing free flap management,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2011 Jun,127(6):2511-2511 2011 . 06
228 (Guan-Ming Feng)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*、(Tzu-Ming Chang)、(Lih-Min Tsai),Early enteral 5% glucose infusion maintains the epidermal growth factor levels in the jejunal flap used for pharyngo-oesophageal reconstruction,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2011 May,64(5):602-607 2011 . 05
229 (Antonio Rampazzo)、(Bahar Bassiri Gharb)、(Stefano Spanio)、(Spilimbergo)、(Kuo-Piao Chung)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Voice Reconstruction with Free Ileocolon Flap Transfer Implications for the Lower Respiratory Tract,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2011 May,127(5):1916-1924 2011 . 05
230 (Bahar Bassiri Gharb)、(Antonio Rampazzo)、(Stefano Spanio di Spilimbergo)、(Enny-Sonia Xu)、(Kuo-Piao Chung)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer Based on the Hilar Perforators Improves the Outcome in Upper Limb Lymphedema,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2011 May,0(0):1-5 2011 . 05
231 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*、(Bahar Bassiri Gharb)、Antonio Ramp、Francesco Pe、(Shih-Heng Chen)、(Emilio Trignano),Simultaneous restoration of voice function and digestive tract continuity esophagus with pedicled ileocolon flap,SURGERY,2011 May,149(5):662-671 2011 . 05
232 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Commentary on the article “Reconstruction of circumferential pharyngeal defects after tumour resection reference or preference”,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2011 Apr,0(): 2011 . 04
233 李宗勳(Tzong-Shiun Li)、(Mun Yau Choong)、吳肇毅(Chao-I Wu)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Kao-Chi Chung)*,Autologous Fat Graft to Restore Nail Bed Contour Following Resection of a Subungual Glomus,JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY-AMERICAN VOLUME,2011 Apr,36(4):726-728 2011 . 04
235 (Vasu Karri)、(Ming-Chin Yang)、(Il Jae Lee)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、(Joon Pio Hong)、(Enny-Sonia Xu)、(Jaqueline Cruz-Vargas)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Optimizing Outcome of Charles Procedure for Chronic Lower,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2011 Apr,66(4):393-402 2011 . 04
236 (Bahar Bassiri Gharb)、(Christopher J. Salgado)、(Steven L. Moran)、(Antonio Rampazzocccccccccccccccc)、(Samir Mardini)、(Arun K. Gosain)、(Stefano Spanio di Spilimbergo)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Free Anterolateral Thigh Flap in Pediatric Patients,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2011 Feb,66(2):143-147 2011 . 02
237 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*、(Steven John Lo)、(Joo Hyoung Kim),Management of intrathoracic defects,Seminars in Vascular Surgery,2011 Feb,25(1):70-77 2011 . 02
238 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*、(Ming-Chin Yang)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、(Kuo-Piao Chung),Total pharyngolaryngectomy and voice reconstruction with ileocolon free flap Functional outcome and quality of life,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2011 Jan,2010(): 2011 . 01
239 (Yi-Shan Liu)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Kuo-Piao Chung)、李宗勳(Tzong-Shiun Li)*,Transillumination Instrument Facilitates Faster and More Accurate Dissection of Right Colon Segment for Oesophageal Reconstruction,Asian Journal of Surgery,2010 Aug,33(2):94-96 2010 . 08
240 (VasuKarri)、(Li-RenChang)、(Yi-TienLiu)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Through-the-loop tie for microsurgical suturing,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2010 Jul,63(7):1087-1090 2010 . 07
241 (Vasu Karri)*、(Ming-Chin Yang)、(Kuo-Piao Chung)、(Shih-Heng Chen)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Total pharyngolaryngectomy and voice reconstruction with ileocolon free flap: Functional outcome and quality of life,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2010 Jul,64(7):911-920 2010 . 07
242 (Athanasios Karonidis)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Preservation of Toes in Advanced Lymphedema,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2010 Apr,64(4):446-450 2010 . 04
243 (Christopher J. Salgado)*、(Amir A. Jamali)、(Juan A. Ortiz)、(Jason J. Cho)、(Vincent Battista)、(Samir Mardini)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Raoul Gonzales),Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on the replanted,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2010 Mar,63(3):532-537 2010 . 03
244 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*、(Vasu Karri)、(Rwei-Ling Yu)、(Kuo-Piao Chung)、(Yi-Tien Lu)、(Ming-Chin Yang),Psychological Profile of Taiwanese Female Cosmetic Surgery Candidates: Understanding Their Motivation for Cosmetic Surgery,AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY,2010 Feb,34(3):340-349 2010 . 02
245 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Samir Mardini)、(Christopher J. Salgado)、(Karen F. Kim Evans),Reconstruction of the Esophagus and Voice,PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2010 Jan,(126):471-485 2010 . 01
246 陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Hsin-chih Kuo)、(Kuo-Piao Chung)、張家寧(Sophia Chia-Ning Chang)、(Syi Su)、(Ming-chin Yang),Classification and Comparison of Niche Services for Developing Strategy of Medical Tourism in Asian Countries,INTERNATIONAL SURGERY,2010 ,2010(95):108-116 2010 .
247 (Chih-Yuan Chen)*、李宗勳(Tzong-Shiun Li)、(Yi-Tien Liu)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Miniplate hooking method for repair of type III flexor digitorum profundus avulsion injury with a small bone fragment: case report.,JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY-AMERICAN VOLUME,2009 Oct,34(8):1449-1453 2009 . 10
248 陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)、林孟羲(Meng-Shi Lin)、周爾康(Erh-Kang Chou)、張家寧(Sophia Chia-Ning Chang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、(Enny Xu)、吳肇毅(Chao-I Wu)*,Anterolateral Thigh Perforator Flap: Varying Perforator Anatomy,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2009 Aug,63(2):153-155 2009 . 08
249 (Wen-Ruay Tang)*、(Prashanth Varkey)、(Riccardo Girotto)、(Ngain Chye Tan)、(Victoria Rose)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),The venous flap - a safe alternative to the simple vein graft in a special situation.,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2008 Apr,61(4):434-437 2008 . 04


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 硫代硫酸鈉短期治療應用於一例鈣化防禦症的成功案例,2023台灣內科醫學會 會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2023.12.02~2023.12.03, 2023 . 12
2 ,111年度台灣整形外科醫學會暨台灣顯微重建外科醫學會聯合CME教育課程,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2022.07.30~2022.07.30,CMUH experience of the Bone flap 2022 . 07
3 病例報告:直腸癌術後頭皮轉移採用根除性切除與大腿前外側皮瓣重建手術,110年度外科聯合學術演講會,考量嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)疫情之不確定性,避免群聚所造成之感染風險,以線上會議型態舉辦,2021.08.28~2021.08.29, 2021 . 08
4 難治型表皮黴菌感染:個案報告,台灣感染症醫學會第十二屆第一次會員大會暨學術討論會,張榮發會議中心10樓1010展區,2021.03.20~2021.03.21, 2021 . 03
5 The Direct Effects of Chin Tuck Against Resistance on Pharyngeal Phase of Swallowing: Report of 2 Cases,台灣復健醫學會會員大會暨聯合學術研討會,林口長庚記念醫院研究大樓一樓會廳,2020.09.19~2020.09.20, 2020 . 09
6 Surgical Treatment of Refractory Chylous Ascites With the Lymphatic Cable Flap: A Case Report,108年度外科聯合學術演講會,國防醫學院,2019.03.16~2019.03.17, 2019 . 03
7 Posterior auricular artery flap with cartilage for reconstruction of tarsal plate and eyelid in a case of right lower eyelid melanoma: A delicate surgery with good functional and aesthetic result使用後耳動脈皮瓣與軟骨重建右下眼瞼黑色素瘤之下眼瞼,108年度外科聯合學術演講會,國防醫學院3樓31教室,2019.03.16~2019.03.17, 2019 . 03
8 個案報告–口咽及食道以前臂皮瓣及大腸轉位重建三十年後併發大腸良性腫瘤阻塞,108年度外科聯合學會演講會,三軍總醫院,2019.03.16~2019.03.17, 2019 . 03
9 大腿或鼠蹊部惡性腫瘤切除後以人工血管及周邊軟組織重建:系列病例報告及文獻回顧,108年度外科聯合學術演講會,國防醫學院,2019.03.16~2019.03.17, 2019 . 03
10 Total Esophageal Avulsion Followed by Removal of Self-Expandable Metallic Stent: A Rare Case Report and Our Solutions,整形外科醫學會107年度年會與第六屆全球華裔整形外科醫師大會及2018亞太整形外科論壇,台北南港展覽館1館 5樓,2018.11.29~2018.12.01, 2018 . 11
11 Idea and Innovation: Venous flap carrying vascularized nerve for reconstruction of bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve,6th WAPSCD & 2018 APPRS & Annual Meeting of TSPS,南港展覽館5樓,2018.11.29~2018.12.01, 2018 . 11
12 以髂淺迴旋動脈穿支皮瓣及大腿內陰皮瓣重建陰囊及會陰處動靜脈畸形切除後之缺損:病例報告及文獻回顧,台灣外科醫學會第26屆第一次會員代表大會暨第77次學術演講大會,國防醫學會,2018.03.17~2018.03.18, 2018 . 03
13 以穿通枝皮瓣重建會陰部 – 臨床案例,107年度外科聯合學術演講會,三軍總醫院,2018.03.17~2018.03.18, 2018 . 03
14 Reconstruction of Vaginal Agenesis by Bilateral Fasciocutaneous Singapore Flap 使用新加坡皮瓣重建先天性陰道發育不全,2017台灣整形外科醫學會第18屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會,台北南港展覽館,2017.12.02~2017.12.03, 2017 . 12
15 Pedicled perforator flaps for pelvic-perineal reconstruction,台灣整形外科醫學會第18屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會,台北南港展覽館1館 5樓,2017.12.02~2017.12.03, 2017 . 12
16 胸背動脈穿通支皮瓣應用於頑固型腋下化膿性汗腺炎 – 壹階段手術與病例報告.The Application of Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap for Intractable Hidradenitis Suppurativa of the Axilla - One Stage Procedure with Good Results.,106年度外科聯合學術演講會,國防醫學院/三軍總醫院,2017.03.18~2017.03.19, 2017 . 03
17 術前使用64切電腦斷層血管攝影偵測大腿前外側皮瓣穿通支診斷效果之實證分析(Diagnostic Performance of Preoperative 64-Section Multidetector CT Angiography in Identifying the Cutaneous Perforators in the Anterolateral Thigh Flap: An Evidence-Based Review),台灣整形外科醫學會第十六屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會,國防醫學院三樓,2012.12.15~2012.12.16, 2012 . 12
18 頭頸部游離皮瓣重建之實證臨床決策 (Evidence-Based Decision Making in Head and Neck Free Flap Reconstruction),台灣外科醫學會101年度9月份中區月會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院 癌症中心大樓1 樓階梯會議室,2012.09.14~2012.09.14, 2012 . 09
19 External or Internal Jugular Vein? Recipient Vein Selection in Head and Neck Free Tissue Transfer: An Evidence-Based Analysis,台灣外科醫學會第23屆第1次會員代表大會暨第71次學術演講會,台北醫學大學,2012.03.17~2012.03.18, 2012 . 03
20 Systematic Review of Thrombolytic Agents in Free-Flap Salvage,台灣整形外科醫學會第十五屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會,國防醫學院,2011.11.12~2011.11.12, 2011 . 11
21 Two Complex Pedicled Flaps of Extraordinary Size for Reconstruction Following Resection of Giant Neurofibrosarcoma over Flank and Chest Wall and the Salvage of the Postoperative Venous Thrombosis,台灣整形外科醫學會第十五屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會,國防醫學院,2011.11.12~2011.11.12, 2011 . 11
22 Evidence-Based Analysis of Vein Graft Interposition in Head and Neck Free-Flap Reconstruction,台灣整形外科醫學會第十五屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會,國防醫學院,2011.11.12~2011.11.12, 2011 . 11
23 ,100年度台灣泌尿科年會,台南成功大學,2011.08.13~2011.08.14, 2011 . 08
24 Free Latissimus-Serratus-Rib Flap for Scalp and Skull Reconstruction: A Case Report and Literature Review,台灣外科醫學會第22屆第2次會員代表大會暨第70次學術演講會,台北醫學大學,2011.03.19~2011.03.20, 2011 . 03
25 Obstructive Lymphoedema of the Extremity: Is It Reversible?-A Case Report,整形外科醫學會99年度年會,高雄醫學大學,2010.11.20~2010.11.21, 2010 . 11
26 The Longest Flap- Combined LD and Groin Flap to Reconstruct Complicated Cases,整形外科醫學會99年度年會,高雄醫學大學,2010.11.20~2010.10.21, 2010 . 11
27 ,International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand,korea,2010.11.01~2010.11.04, 2010 . 11
28 Composite lateral arm flap: an alternative for lower lip defects after head and neck tumor resection,台灣整形外科醫學會第十五屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會,高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院,2010.11.20~2010.11.21, 2010 . 11
29 Abdominal Wall Desmoid Tumor Treated with Wide Excision and Pedicled Tensor Fascia Lata Flap: Report of Two Cases,2010 The Second World Congress for Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent,Linkou Medical Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kuei-Shan, Taoyuan, Taiwan,2010.10.28~2010.10.31, 2010 . 10




研究計畫/Research Grant
1 個別型,CMU107-N-17,陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、林伯昰(Bor-Shyl Lin),本校(含附醫),使用生物阻抗分析評估淋巴結轉移手術治療淋巴水腫之療效,2018.11.7~2019.7.31 2018 . 11
2 個別型,CMU106-S-45,李宗勳(Li, Tzong-Shiun),本校(含附醫),腸道由腹內轉移至它處後,其酸鹼度及分泌物隨時間而發生的生理學變化,2017.10.5~2018.7.31 2017 . 10
3 個別型,CMU105-S-34,李宗勳(Tzong-Shiun Li),本校(含附醫),利用腹腔內和皮膚淋巴結的解剖運用在動物模型-影響淋巴結組織瓣轉移患者在運用淋巴水腫手術的治療,2016.9.7~2017.7.31 2016 . 09
4 個別型,MOST 105-2314-B-039-031-,李宗勳(Li, Tzong-Shiun),科技部,使用延遲皮瓣延展小腸瓣之原理來探討食道重建之動物和細胞模型。,2016.8.1~2017.7.31 2016 . 08
5 個別型,MOST 103-2314-B-039-018,李宗勳(Li, Tzong-Shiun),科技部,用延遲皮瓣之原理延展小腸瓣,以做食道重建:形態學及生化學之研究.,2014.8.1~2015.7.31 2014 . 08
6 整合型(召集人、總主持人),MOHW103-TD-B-111-7,(Nicoli Fabio)、李宗勳(Tzong-Shiun Li),衛福部,高端醫療科技研究暨人才培訓計畫,2013.12.30~2014.12.29 2013 . 12
7 個別型,NSC100-2314-B-039-024-MY3,蔡麗敏(LI-MIN CAI),科技部,空腸、迴腸及結腸轉移後其管腔內細菌學上之系列性改變,2012.8.1~2013.7.31 2012 . 08
8 個別型,NSC100-2314-B-039-024-MY3,蔡麗敏(LI-MIN CAI),科技部,空腸、迴腸及結腸轉移後其管腔內細菌學上之系列性改變,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 2011 . 08
9 個別型,NSC 98-2314-B-039-030-MY2,馮冠明、蔡麗敏,科技部,腸瓣轉移時將其漿膜剝離對於血管新生之影響,2010.8.1~2011.7.31 2010 . 08
10 個別型,NSC 98-2314-B-039-030-MY2,,科技部,腸瓣轉移時將其漿膜剝離對於血管新生之影響,2009.8.1~2010.7.31 2009 . 08




1 18th國家新創獎-臨床新創獎,國家生技醫療產業策進會,2021.12.17 2021 . 12
2 17th國家新創獎-臨床新創獎,國家生技醫療產業策進會,2020.12.1 2020 . 12

