期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | 蔡元耀(Yuan-Yao Tsai)、柯道維(Tao-Wei Ke)、黃繼賢(Chi-Hsien Huang)、陳宗偉(TSUNG-WEI CHEN)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、陳德鴻(Te-Hung Chen)、陳卉宇(CHEN, HUI-YU)、陳自諒(Tzu-Liang Chen)、趙坤山(Kun-San Clifford Chao)、黃智洋(Huang, Kevin Chih-Yang)*,Prognostic Relevance of Immunosuppressive CD155/TIGIT Signaling in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer Patients With Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy,ANTICANCER RESEARCH,2024 Dec,(): | 2024 . 12 |
2 | 陳鴻仁(Hung-Jen Chen)、鄭文建(Wen-Chien Cheng)、涂智彥(Chih-Yen Tu)、夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、李佳瑾、簡君儒(Chien, Chun-Ru)*,Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy versus conventional fractionated radiotherapy for clinical early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer: a population-based study,Thoracic Cancer,2024 Aug,24():1779-1791 | 2024 . 08 |
3 | 林振源(Chen-Yuan,Lin)、連銘渝(Ming-Yu Lien)、陳其敬(Chi-Ching Chen)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、陳建光(Chien-Kuang Chen)、陳建勳(Jian-Xun Chen)、呂庭聿(Ting-Yu Lu)、黃子旻(Tzu-Min Huang)、謝德鈞(Te-Chun Hsieh)、孫盛生(Shung-Shung Sun)、李佳瑾、簡君儒(Chien, Chun-Ru)*,Consolidative chemotherapy after defnitive concurrent chemoradiotherapy for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients: a population based cohort study,BMC GASTROENTEROLOGY,2022 Aug,22(1):381 | 2022 . 08 |
4 | 方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、陳建光(Chien-Kuang Chen)、陳建勳(Jian-Xun Chen)、呂庭聿(Ting-Yu Lu)、黃子旻(Tzu-Min Huang)、謝德鈞(Te-Chun Hsieh)、郭于誠(Yu-Cheng Kuo)、林振源(Chen-Yuan,Lin)、連銘渝(Ming-Yu Lien)、陳其敬(Chi-Ching Chen)、李佳瑾、簡君儒(Chien, Chun-Ru)*,Effectiveness evaluation of adjuvant concurrent chemoradiotherapy for patients with positron emission tomography-staged esophageal squamous cell carcinoma after complete resection: A population-based cohort study,Thoracic Cancer,2022 May,XX(XX):XX-XX | 2022 . 05 |
5 | 林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、郭婷婷、羅佳茜(CHIA-CHIEN, LO)、鄭維中(Cheng, Wei-Chung)、張為超(Wei-Chao Chang)、曾冠欽(Guan-Chin Tseng)、白詩婷(Bai, Shih-Ting)、黃裕鍇、謝知穎、許瀚水(Han-Shui Hsu)、江逸凡(Yi-Fan Jiang)、林振源(Lin, Chen-Yuan)、(Liang-Chuan Lai)、李興國(Li, Xing-Guo)、佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher)*,ADAM9 functions as a transcriptional regulator to drive angiogenesis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma,International Journal of Biological Sciences,2021 Sep,17(14):3898-3910 | 2021 . 09 |
6 | 高佩玉(Pei-Yu Kao)、Ben Arie Eya(Ben Arie Eyal)、呂庭聿(Ting-Yu Lu)、何文照(Ho,Wen-Chao)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee)、陳建光(Chien-Kuang Chen)、陳建勳(Jian-Xun Chen)、黃子旻(Tzu-Min Huang)、陳方佩(Fang-Pey Chen)*,Acupuncture for blunt chest trauma: A protocol for a double-blind randomized control trial,MEDICINE,2021 May,100(18): | 2021 . 05 |
7 | 陳建勳(Jian-Xun Chen)、呂庭聿(Ting-Yu Lu)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、施秉庚(Pin-Keng Shih)*,Prognostic effect of incongruous lymph node status in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer,EJSO,2021 Feb,47(2):450-455 | 2021 . 02 |
8 | 林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、謝知穎、郭婷婷、林精湛(Ching-Chan Lin)、林振源(Lin, Chen-Yuan)、佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher)*,Resveratrol-mediated ADAM9 degradation decreases cancer progression and provides synergistic effects in combination with chemotherapy.,American Journal of Cancer Research,2020 Nov,10():3828-3937 | 2020 . 11 |
9 | 廖哲琦(LIAO CHE-CHI)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、林裕超(Yu-Chao Lin)、鄭喬仁(Chiao-Jen Cheng)、陳碩爵(Shuo-Chueh Chen)*,A rare case of synchronous multiple primary lung cancer with different response to gefitinib,Respiratory Medicine Case Reports,2020 Oct,31(2020):101270-101270 | 2020 . 10 |
10 | 林精湛(Ching-Chan Lin)、黃裕鍇、(Chia-Fong Cho)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、羅佳茜(CHIA-CHIEN, LO)、郭婷婷、(曾冠欽)、鄭維中(Cheng, Wei-Chung)、張為超(Wei-Chao Chang)、蕭自宏、賴亮全、施金元、呂郁蕙(Yu-Huei Liu)、趙坤山(Kun-San Chao)、(Jennifer L. Hsu)、李培志(Lee, Pei-Chih)、(Xian Sun)、洪明奇(Mien-Chie Hung)、佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher)*,Targeting positive feedback between BASP1 and EGFR as a therapeutic strategy for lung cancer progression.,Theranostics,2020 Aug,10(24):10925-10939 | 2020 . 08 |
11 | 陳建勳(Jian-Xun Chen)、呂庭聿(Ting-Yu Lu)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、李章銘(Jang-Ming Lee)*,The Impact of Pretreatment PET/CT Nodal Status on Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma After Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation,WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY,2020 Apr,44(7):2323-2331 | 2020 . 04 |
12 | 郭躍虹(Yao-Hung Kuo)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、連銘渝(Ming-Yu Lein)、楊其穎(Chi-Ying Yang)、何士奇(HO SHIH-CHI)、李佳瑾、簡君儒(Chun-Ru Chien)*,Effectiveness of image-guided radiotherapy for locally advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with definitive concurrent chemoradiotherapy,Thoracic Cancer,2020 Jan,11(1):113-119 | 2020 . 01 |
13 | 林振源(Chen-Yuan Lin)、(Chia-Fong Cho)、(Shih-Ting Bai)、(Jing-Pei Liu)、(Ting-Ting Kuo)、(Li-Ju Wang)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、林精湛(Ching-Chan Lin)、(Liang-Chuan Lai)、(Tzu-Pin Lu)、(Chih-Ying Hsieh)、朱俊男(Chu, Chin-Nan)、程大川(Cheng, Da-Chuan)、佘玉萍(Sher, Yuh-Pyng)*,ADAM9 promotes lung cancer progression through vascular remodeling by VEGFA, ANGPT2, and PLAT,Scientific Reports,2017 Nov,7():15108 | 2017 . 11 |
14 | (Chiu KL)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、(Kuo TT)、(Lo CC)、(Huang YK)、(Chang HF)、(Chung EY)、林精湛(Ching-Chan Lin)、鄭維中(Wei-Chung Cheng)、(Liu YN)、(Lai LC)*、佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher)*,ADAM9 enhances CDCP1 by inhibiting miR-1 through EGFR signaling activation in lung cancer metastasis,Oncotarget,2017 May,17648(): | 2017 . 05 |
15 | 陳建勳(Jian-Xun Chen)、鄭隆賓(Jeng, Long-Bin)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、呂庭聿(Ting-Yu Lu)、方信元(Fang, Hsin-Yuan)*,A Mimicking Esophageal Cancer After Liver Transplant for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Rare Posttransplant Metastasis.,Experimental and Clinical Transplantation,2016 Oct,14(5):571-574 | 2016 . 10 |
16 | 呂庭聿(Ting-Yu Lu)、陳建勳(Jian-Xun Chen)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、陳建光(Chien-Kuang Chen)、高佩玉(Pei-Yu Kao)、(Tzu-Ming Huang)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)*,Evaluation of the necessity for a chest drain placement following thoracoscopic wedge resection,SURGERY TODAY,2016 Sep,():1-5 | 2016 . 09 |
17 | (Chiu KL)、(Kuo TT)、(Kuok QY)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、花俊宏(Chun-Hung Hua)、林振源(Chen-Yuan Lin)、(Su PY)、(Lai LC)*、佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher)*,ADAM9 enhances CDCP1 protein expression by suppressing miR-218 for lung tumor metastasis.,Scientific Reports,2015 Nov,5(16426):1-11 | 2015 . 11 |
18 | 方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、(Fei-Yuan Sharon Hsiao)、黃旭志(Hsu-Chih Huang)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、(Chih-Yi Chen)、謝淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、陳建光(Chien-Kuang Chen)、簡君儒(Chun-Ru Chien)*,Cost and Effectiveness of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery for Clinical Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: a Population-based Analysis,Journal of Thoracic Disease,2014 Dec,6(12):1690-1696 | 2014 . 12 |
19 | 許原彰(Yuan-Jang Hsu)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、陳建光(Chien-Kuang Chen)*,Chylothorax following endovascular aortic repair with subclavian revascularization – a case report,Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery,2014 Nov,9():165 | 2014 . 11 |
20 | 陳建光(Chien-Kuang Chen)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、黃旭志(Hsu-Chih Huang)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)*,Overexpression of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Lung Tissue of Patients with Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax,RESPIRATION,2014 Nov,88(*):418-425 | 2014 . 11 |
21 | 陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、陳建光(Chien-Kuang Chen)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、黃旭志(Hsu-Chih Huang)、蔡劍勳(Jian-Shun Tsai)、陳志毅(Chih-Yi Chen)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)*,Single-incision thoracoscopic surgery for primary spontaneous pneumothorax,Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery,2011 Apr,6(1):58-62 | 2011 . 04 |
22 | 陳建光(Chien-Kuang Chen)、詹佳穎(Chia-Ing Jan)、蔡劍勳(Jian-Shun Tsai)、黃旭志(Hsu-Chih Huang)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、陳志毅(Chih-Yi Chen)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)*,Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the lung: a case report,Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery,2010 Jul,5(1):55-59 | 2010 . 07 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | 一位47歲月經性氣胸女性之案例報告,「台灣內科醫學會 110 年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2021.12.4 ~2021.12.5 , | 2021 . 12 |
2 | Application of 4K image system in VATS surgery experience 4K影像系統在胸腔鏡應用分享,108年度外科聯合學術演講會,國防醫學院(台北市內湖區民權東路六段161號),2019.03.16~2019.03.17, | 2019 . 03 |
3 | 個案報告–口咽及食道以前臂皮瓣及大腸轉位重建三十年後併發大腸良性腫瘤阻塞,108年度外科聯合學會演講會,三軍總醫院,2019.03.16~2019.03.17, | 2019 . 03 |
4 | Blocking ADAM9 Activity Attenuates Lung Cancer Progression,EMBO Workshop: Cellular signalling and cancer therapy,Cavtat, Croatia,2018.09.14~2018.09.18, | 2018 . 09 |
5 | Targeting ADAM9 Reduces Lung Cancer Progression.,The 6th JCA-AACR Special Joint Conference 2018,Kyoto, Japan,2018.07.10~2018.07.12, | 2018 . 07 |
6 | 評估使用Dexmedetomidine對食道癌患者接受食道重建後鎮靜的安全性和療效,107年度外科聯合學術演講會,台北國防醫學院,2018.03.17~2018.03.18, | 2018 . 03 |
7 | Investigate the clinical factors of stricture after gastric tube reconstruction with circular staplers for oesophageal cancer patients,31st EACTS Annual Meeting,Vienna, Austria,2017.10.07~2017.10.11, | 2017 . 10 |
8 | Evaluate safety and efficacy of using dexmedetomidine for post esophageal reconstruction sedation in esophageal cancer patients,台灣胸腔及心臟血管外科學會第16屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會,台大醫學院,2017.10.28~2017.10.29, | 2017 . 10 |
9 | ADAM9 promotes lung cancer metastasis through suppression of microRNAs,EACRAACRSIC Special Conference 2017,Florence, Italy,2017.06.24~2017.06.27, | 2017 . 06 |
10 | Lipopolysaccharide-Induced H9c2 Myocardiac Cell Apoptosis via TNF-a Death-Receptor and Mitochondria-Dependent Apoptotic Pathways Is c-Jun N-terminal Kinase Activity Dependent,105學年度研發日暨中亞聯大合作學術研討會(2017 China Asia Associated University (CAAU) Cooperative Academics Research Symposium),台中亞洲大學,2017.04.25~2017.04.25, | 2017 . 04 |
11 | ADAM9 promotes esophageal squamous cell carcinoma metastasis via suppression of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1,第75回日本癌學會學術總會,日本橫濱,2016.10.06~2016.10.08, | 2016 . 10 |
12 | Evaluation of the necessity for a chest drain placement following thoracoscopic wedge resection,The 33rd annual meeting of the Japanese association for chest surgery,Kyoto international conference center,2016.05.12~2016.05.13, | 2016 . 05 |
13 | 評估胸腔鏡部份肺葉切除手術後放置胸腔引流管之必要性,2016(105)年度外科聯合學術演講會,台大醫學院,2016.03.19~2016.03.20, | 2016 . 03 |
14 | Different Presentation Time in Bilateral Pulmonary Sequestration,外科醫學會年會,台北醫學大學,2011.03.19~2011.03.20, | 2011 . 03 |
15 | Transdiaphragmatic Thoracoscopic Surgery for Pulmonary Resection,The 19th Biennial Congress of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Asia,Seoul Korea,2009.10.25~2009.10.28, | 2009 . 10 |
研究計畫/Research Grant (研究類型,研究計畫代號,主持人,補助或委託單位名稱,計畫名稱,計畫期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 整合型(召集人、總主持人),DMR-108-BC-3,林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin),附醫院內計畫,探索食道癌免疫特徵與預後及腫瘤抗原討論,2019.9.1~2020.8.31 | 2019 . 09 |
2 | 個別型,MOST 107-2314-B-039-051-MY2,佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin),科技部,ADAM9于食道癌進展所扮演的角色探討,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 | 2019 . 08 |
3 | 個別型,MOST 107-2314-B-039-051-MY2,佘玉萍、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、張為超,科技部,ADAM9于食道癌進展所扮演的角色探討,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 | 2018 . 08 |
4 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC2-132,邱昌芳(Chiu, Chang-Fang)、簡君儒(Chien, Chun-Ru)、王耀慶(Wang, Yao-Ching)、方信元(Fang, Hsin-Yuan)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、連銘渝(Ming-Yu Lein),附醫廠商計畫,一項隨機、多中心、雙盲,在食道癌或胃食道交接處癌症已切除的受試者中,比較nivolumab輔助療法與安慰劑的第三期試驗,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
5 | 個別型,DMR-106-034,謝明佑(Ming-You Shie),附醫院內計畫,矽酸鈣/石墨烯複合材料協同促進人類間葉幹細胞的成骨和血管分化行為探討,2016.8.1~2017.7.31 | 2016 . 08 |
6 | 個別型,DMR-106-163,林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、廖先胤(Hsien-Yin Liao),附醫院內計畫,評估針灸對於胸腔鏡微創手術術後之止痛療效,2016.8.1~2017.6.30 | 2016 . 08 |
7 | 個別型,CMU102-BC-5,林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin),本校(含附醫),ADAM9參與食道癌轉移之分子機轉探討,2014.5.1~2015.4.30 | 2014 . 05 |