期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | 陳柏谷(Po-Ku Chen)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、陳信華(Hsin-Hua Chen)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、黃建中(Huang, Chien-Chung)、楊凱介(YEO KAI-JIEH)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Prior herpes zoster occurrence and high-dose corticosteroids increase herpes zoster risk in rheumatoid arthritis patients receiving janus kinase inhibitors in a retrospective and observational study,CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY,2024 Aug,43(8):2503-2511 | 2024 . 08 |
2 | 陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、陳柏谷(Po-Ku Chen)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、陳信華(Hsin-Hua Chen)、(Jun-Peng Chen)、譚國棟(Kuo-Tung Tang)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Baseline ANA and Anti-Ro60/SSA Antibody as Potential Predictors for Immunogenicity and Poor EULAR Response in Adalimumab-Treated RA Patients,JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACY AND THERAPEUTICS,2024 Aug,2024():9 | 2024 . 08 |
3 | 陳建勳(Jian-Xun Chen)、沈祐丞(Shen, Yu-Cheng)、彭馨蕾(Shin-Lei Peng)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、施政廷(Shih, Cheng-Ting)*,Pattern classification of interstitial lung diseases from computed tomography images using a ResNet-based network with a split-transform-merge strategy and split attention,Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine,2024 Jun,47(2):755-767 | 2024 . 06 |
4 | 藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、蔡嘉哲(Gregory J. Tsay)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、趙玉華(Yu-Hua Chao)、李如璧(Ju-Pi Li)*,Immune cell profiles of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy patients expressed anti-aminoacyl tRNA synthetase or anti-melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 autoantibodies,BMC IMMUNOLOGY,2023 Sep,24(1):33 | 2023 . 09 |
5 | 鄭文建(Wen-Chien Cheng)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)*、陳偉峻(Wei-Chun chen)、吳秉儒(Bing-Ru Wu)、陳家弘(Chia-Hung Chen)、林季千(Chi-Chien Lin)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Application of impulse oscillometry to detect interstitial lung disease and airway disease in adults with rheumatoid arthritis,BMC Pulmonary Medicine,2023 Sep,23(2023):331 | 2023 . 09 |
6 | 林昀嫻(Yun-Hsien Lin)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、許登傑(Teng-Chieh Hsu)、陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Elevated monocyte distribution width in patients with active adult-onset Still’s disease: a novel activity indicator,CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY,2023 Jul,(): | 2023 . 07 |
7 | 曾浩翔(CHEN HAO XIANG)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、楊凱介(Yeo Kai Jieh)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、鄒頡龍(Chieh-Lung Chou)*、吳柏樟(Wu, Po-Chang)*,Mirabegron is better tolerated than solifenacin in Sjogren's syndrome patients with overactive bladder symptoms—A randomized controlled trial,LUTS-Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms,2023 Apr,10(1111): | 2023 . 04 |
8 | (Nithya Ganesan)、(Yu-Di Chang)、洪士杰(Shih-Chieh Hung)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、(Jiunn-Wang Liao)、傅仕璁(Fu, Shih-Tsung)、李珍珍(Chen-Chen Lee)*,Mesenchymal stem cells suppressed skin and lung inflammation and fibrosis in topoisomerase I‑induced systemic sclerosis associated with lung disease mouse model,CELL AND TISSUE RESEARCH,2023 Feb,391(2):323-337 | 2023 . 02 |
9 | 陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、楊凱介(Yeo Kai Jieh)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、廖采苓(Tsai-Ling Liao)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、張敬昆、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,The detectable anti-interferon-γ autoantibodies in COVID-19 patients may be associated with disease severity,Virology Journal,2023 Feb,20(33): | 2023 . 02 |
10 | 楊晶安(Yang, Chin-An)、(Ju-Pi Li)、賴怡樺(LAI YI-HUA)、(Ya-Ling Huang)、林建佑(Chien-Yu Lin)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*,Assessing the immune cell subset and genetic mutations in palindromic rheumatism negative for rheumatoid factor and anti-citrullinated antibodies,Arthritis & Rheumatology,2023 Feb,75(2):187-200 | 2023 . 02 |
11 | 陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、陳信華(Hsin-Hua Chen)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、謝佳偉(Chia-Wei Hsieh)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、譚國棟(Kuo-Tung Tang)*,The Impact of b/tsDMARD Dose Reduction on Chronic Hepatitis B in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: A Two-Center Long-Term Safety Analysis,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2023 Jan,12(1):86 | 2023 . 01 |
12 | 張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、許登傑(Teng-Chieh Hsu)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、黃建中(Huang, Chien-Chung)、楊凱介(Yeo Kai Jieh)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong)、陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、林昀嫻(Yun-Hsien Lin)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,A Streamlined Diagnostic Process Improved the Outcomes of Patients with Adult-Onset Still’s Disease: A Single-Center Retrospective Observational Study,Rheumatology and Therapy,2022 Dec,(2022): | 2022 . 12 |
13 | 張凱發(TEO KAI FA)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、徐婕婷(Jeh-Ting Hsu)、賴怡樺(LAI YI-HUA)、張敬昆、薛博仁(Hsueh, Po-Ren)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*、徐婕琳(Hsu, Jye-Lin)*,Screening and characterization of myositis-related autoantibodies in COVID-19 patients,CTS-Clinical and Translational Science,2022 Sep,00():1-11 | 2022 . 09 |
14 | 田霓(Ni Tien)、張煜昌(Yu-Chang Chang)、陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、林惠茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、薛博仁(Hsueh, Po-Ren)、張敬昆、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,The Immunogenicity and Safety of Three Types of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines in Adult Patients with Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases: A Longitudinal Cohort Study,Biomedicines,2022 Apr,10(4):911 | 2022 . 04 |
15 | (Huai-Chia Chuang)*、(Wei-Ting Hung)、(Yi-Ming Chen)、(Pu-Ming Hsu)、(Jeng-Hsien Yen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*、(Tse-Hua Tan)*,Genomic sequencing and functional analyses identify MAP4K3/GLK germline and somatic variants associated with systemic lupus erythematosus,ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES,2022 Feb,81(2):243-254 | 2022 . 02 |
16 | 余光輝(Yu, Kuang-Hui)、陳信華(Chen, Hsin-Hua)、鄭添財(Cheng, Tien-Tsai)、詹永嬌(Jan, Yeong-Jian)、翁孟玉(Weng, Meng-Yu)、林永章(Lin, Yeong-Jang)、陳宏安(Chen, Hung-An)、曾瑞成(Cheng, Jui-Tseng)、黃光永(Huang, Kuang-Yung)、李克仁(Li, Ko-Jen)、蘇昱日(Su, Yu-Jih)、梁培英(Leong, Pui-Ying)、蔡文展(Tsai, Wen-Chan)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Consensus recommendations on managing the selected comorbidities including cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and interstitial lung disease in rheumatoid arthritis,MEDICINE,2021 Dec,101(1):e28501 | 2021 . 12 |
17 | 吳坤璋(Wu, Kun-Chang)、李德彥(Lee, Der-Yen)、(Jeh-Ting Hsu)、鄭棋芳、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、邱紹智(Shao-Chih Chiu)、周德陽(Der-Yang Cho)、徐婕琳(Hsu, Jye-Lin)*,Evaluations and Mechanistic Interrogation of Natural Products Isolated From Paeonia suffruticosa for the Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease,Frontiers in Pharmacology,2021 Dec,(): | 2021 . 12 |
18 | 陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、楊凱介(Yeo Kai Jieh)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、張敬昆、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Increased Lipid Peroxidation May Be Linked to Ferritin Levels Elevation in Adult-Onset Still’s Disease,Biomedicines,2021 Oct,9(11):1508 | 2021 . 10 |
19 | 譚國棟(Kuo?Tung Tang)、謝佳偉(Chia?Wei Hsieh)、陳信華(Hsin?Hua Chen)、陳一銘(Yi?Ming Chen)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,The effectiveness of tocilizumab in treating refractory adult-onset Still's disease with dichotomous phenotypes: IL-18 is a potential predictor of therapeutic response,CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY,2021 Sep,2021(): | 2021 . 09 |
20 | 楊晶安(Yang, Chin-An)、陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、張敬昆、張建國(Jan-Gowth Chang)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、林季千(Chi-Chien Lin)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Expression signature of inflammation-associated long non-coding RNAs in adult-onset Still’s disease,CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY,2021 Sep,39Suppl132(5):67-74 | 2021 . 09 |
21 | 張清貿(Ching-Mao Chang)、吳柏樟(Wu, Po-Chang)、(Jr-Rung Lin)、(Yeong-Jian Jan Wu)、(Shue-Fen Luo)、(Yin-Tzu Hsue)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、(Tai-Long Pan)*、(Yu-Ting Wu)*、(Kuang-Hui Yu)*,Herbal Formula SS-1 Increases Tear Secretion for Sjögren's Syndrome,Frontiers in Pharmacology,2021 Sep,12(): | 2021 . 09 |
22 | 陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、徐婕琳(Hsu, Jye-Lin)、張敬昆、田霓(Ni Tien)、林惠茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Interleukin-18 Is a Potential Biomarker to Discriminate Active Adult-Onset Still’s Disease From COVID-19,Frontiers in Immunology,2021 Jul,12(): | 2021 . 07 |
23 | (Ying--Ming Chiu)*、(Yi--Peng Lu)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、(Jung--Der Wang),Lifetime Risks, Life Expectancy, and Health Care Expenditures for Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Nationwide Cohort Followed Up From 2003 to 2016,Arthritis & Rheumatology,2021 May,73(5):750-758 | 2021 . 05 |
24 | (Fang-Yi Su)、(Shih-Chia Huang)、(Pei-Chi Wei)、(Pang-Hung Hsu)、(Ju-Pi Li)、(Li-Wen Su)、(Yung-Lin Hsieh)、(Chun-Mei Hu)、徐婕琳(Hsu, Jye-Lin)、(Cheng-Yuan Yang)、(Chen-Yen Chung)、(Jin-Yuh Shew)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、(Huey-Kang Sytwu)、(Eva Y-Hp Lee)、李文華(Wen-Hwa Lee)*,Redox sensor NPGPx restrains ZAP70 activity and modulates T cell homeostasis,FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE,2021 Mar,165():368-384 | 2021 . 03 |
25 | 陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、陳信華(Hsin-Hua Chen)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、鍾加明(Chia-Min Chung)、(Nurul H. Rutt)、(Ti-Myen Tan)、(Raja Nurashirin Raja Mamat)、(Nur Diana Anuar)、(Jonathan M. Blackburn)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Anti-TROVE2 Antibody Determined by Immune-Related Array May Serve as a Predictive Marker for Adalimumab Immunogenicity and Effectiveness in RA,Journal of Immunology Research,2021 Mar,2021(): | 2021 . 03 |
26 | 陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、張敬昆、林季千(Chi-Chien Lin)、陳信華(Hsin-Hua Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Association of Apolipoprotein E Polymorphism with Adipokines and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients,Life-Basel,2020 Dec,10(12):330 | 2020 . 12 |
27 | 張敬昆、陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、謝祖怡(Tsu-Yi Hsieh)、廖佩娟(LIAO PEI-JYUAN)、陳珠璜(Chu-Huang Chen)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Association of Electronegative LDL with Macrophage Foam Cell Formation and CD11c Expression in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2020 Aug,21(16):E5883 | 2020 . 08 |
28 | 陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、謝世良(Shie-Liang Hsieh)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、林季千(Chi-Chien Lin)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Elevated Expression of C-Type Lectin Domain Family 5-Member A (CLEC5A) and Its Relation to Inflammatory Parameters and Disease Course in Adult-Onset Still's Disease.,Journal of Immunology Research,2020 Apr,2020():1-11 | 2020 . 04 |
29 | 陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、洪維廷(Wei-Ting Hung)、(Wan-Chun Chang)、謝佳偉(Chia-Wei Hsieh)、鐘文宏(Wen-Hung Chung)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、龔寗容、(Yun-Shien Lee)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*、洪舜郁(Shuen-Iu Hung)*,Genetic Association and Expression Correlation between Colony-Stimulating Factor 1 Gene Encoding M-CSF and Adult-Onset Still’s Disease,Journal of Immunology Research,2020 Feb,2020():1-11 | 2020 . 02 |
30 | 徐婕琳(Hsu, Jye-Lin)*、周仁偉(Jen-Wei Chou)、陳姿帆(Chen, Tzu-Fan)、(Jeh-Ting Hsu)、(Fang-Yi Su)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu)、胡春美、李文華(Wen-Hwa Lee),Glutathione peroxidase 8 negatively regulates caspase-4/11 to protect against colitis,EMBO Molecular Medicine,2020 Jan,12(1):e9386 | 2020 . 01 |
31 | 陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、李如璧(Ju-Pi Li)、張敬昆、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、楊凱介(Yeo Kai Jieh)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Elevated plasma galectin-3 levels and their correlation with disease activity in adult-onset Still’s disease,CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY,2020 Jan,():1-8 | 2020 . 01 |
32 | (Yu-An Hsu)、(張清堯)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、(Ju-Pi Li)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、陳志昇(Chin-Sheng Chen)、萬磊(Lei Wan)*、劉扶東*,Amelioration of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis via TGF-beta-induced Smad and non-Smad signaling pathways in galectin-9-deficient mice and fibroblast cells,JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE,2020 Jan,27():24 | 2020 . 01 |
33 | 李盈萱(Ying-Hsuan Li)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu)*,Clinical characteristics of rheumatic patients with anti-Ku antibodies: A retrospective study in a medical center in Taiwan,中華民國風濕病雜誌,2019 Dec,33(2):56-64 | 2019 . 12 |
34 | 江信毅(Hsin-I Chiang)、李建融(Jian-Rong Li)、劉俊吉(Chun-Chi Liu)、劉伯瑜(Po-Yu Liu)、陳信華(Hsin-Hua Chen)、陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,An Association of Gut Microbiota with Different Phenotypes in Chinese Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2019 Oct,8(11):1770-1788 | 2019 . 10 |
35 | 洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong)、(W. Chen)、楊凱介(Yeo Kai Jieh)、(P.-H. Huang)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),Increased risk of osteoporotic vertebral fracture in rheumatoid arthritis patients with new-onset cardiovascular diseases: a retrospective nationwide cohort study in Taiwan.,OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL,2019 Aug,30(8):1617-1625 | 2019 . 08 |
36 | 徐煥(Huan Hsu)、龔佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*、古鳴洲(Ming-Chou Ku)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、周文鈺(Chou, Wen-Yu)、蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)*,Do rheumatoid arthritis patients have more major complications and length of stay after lower extremities fracture surgery?,MEDICINE,2019 Jul,98(27):e16286 | 2019 . 07 |
37 | 陳一銘(Yi?Ming Chen)、(Hsin?Hua Chen)、黃文男(Wen?Nan Huang)、陳怡行(Yi?Hsing Chen)、(Tsu?Yi Hsieh)、楊勝舜(Sheng?Shun Yang)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Reactivation of hepatitis B virus infection following rituximab treatment in HBsAg-negative, HBcAb-positive rheumatoid arthritis patients: a long-term, real-world observation.,International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases,2019 Jun,22(6):1145-1151 | 2019 . 06 |
38 | (Tang KT)、(Hsieh TY)、(Chao YH)、(Li JP)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、林季千(Chi-Chien Lin)*、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Apoptosis in patients with primary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome,International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases,2019 Feb,2(): | 2019 . 02 |
39 | (Chun-Yu Chang)、(Chu-Huang Chen)、(Yi-Ming Chen)、(Tsu-Yi Hsieh)、(Ju-Pi Li)、沈明毅(Ming-Yi Shen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Association between Negatively Charged Low-Density Lipoprotein L5 and Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients.,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2019 Feb,8(2):1-14 | 2019 . 02 |
40 | 張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*、陳韋成(Wei-Cheng Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*,Clinical Characteristics of Rheumatoid Arthritis-Associated Lung Disease: A Retrospective Study in a Tertiary Referral Center in Taiwan,中華民國風濕病雜誌,2018 Dec,32(2):36-43 | 2018 . 12 |
41 | 楊晶安(Chin-An Yang)、李如璧(Ju-Pi Li)、顏汝珍(Ju-Chen Yen)、賴羿如(Lai, I-Lu)、何于塵(Ho, Yu-Chen)、陳郁佳(Yu-Chia Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、張建國(Jan-Gowth Chang)*,lncRNA NTT/PBOV1 Axis Promotes Monocyte Differentiation and Is Elevated in Rheumatoid Arthritis,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2018 Sep,19(9):2806 | 2018 . 09 |
42 | (Chao YH)、陳得源、藍忠亮(Lan, Joung-Liang)、(Tan KT)*、林季千(Chi-Chien Lin)*,Tolerogenic β2-glycoprotein I DNA vaccine and FK506 as an adjuvant attenuates experimental obstetric antiphospholipid syndrome.,PLoS One,2018 Jun,13(6):e0198821 | 2018 . 06 |
43 | 黃春明(Huang, Chung-Ming)、陳宣如(Hsuan-Ju Chen)、黃柏豪(Huang, Po-Hao)、蔡嘉哲(Tsay, Gregory J)、藍忠亮(Lan, Joung-Liang)、宋鴻樟(Sung, Fung-Chang)*,Retrospective Cohort Study on Risk of Hearing Loss in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Using Claims Data,BMJ Open,2018 Jan,8(1):e018134.-e018134. | 2018 . 01 |
44 | 楊凱介(Yeo Kai Jieh)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、蔡嘉哲(Jia-Zer Tsay)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*,Clinical Image: Diencephalon and isolated unilateral abducen nerve palsy in neuro-Behçet's disease- a rare manifestation,中華民國風濕病雜誌,2017 Dec,31(2):31-32 | 2017 . 12 |
45 | 藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、曾鈞宏(Chun-Hung Tseng)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)*、鄭奇浲(Cheng, Chi-Fung)、梁文敏(Wen-Miin Liang)、蔡嘉哲(Gregory J Tsay),Reduced risk of all-cancer and solid cancer in Taiwanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with etanercept, t TNF-alfa inhibitor,MEDICINE,2017 Feb,96(7): | 2017 . 02 |
46 | 黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、蔡嘉哲(Gregory J Tsay)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong),Clinical Images: recurrent spontaneous intramuscular hematoma by acquired coagulation factor XIII deficiency in an elder patient with systemic lupus erythematosus,中華民國風濕病雜誌,2016 Dec,30(2):80-81 | 2016 . 12 |
47 | 陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、李如璧(Ju-Pi Li)、(Y.-M. Chen)、(T.-L. Liao)、(H.-H. Chen)、(C.-W. Hsieh)、(W.-Y. Yeh)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*,Elevated Neopterin Levels Are Associated with Increased Tuberculosis Risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients with QuantiFERON Conversion during Biologic Therapy,PLoS One,2016 Nov,11(11):e0166301 | 2016 . 11 |
48 | 藍振嘉(Chen-Chia Lan)、曾鈞宏(Chun-Hung Tseng)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)*、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、王昱喬(Yu-Chiao Wang)、蔡嘉哲(Gregory J Tsay)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu),Increased risk of a suicide event in patients with primary fibromyalgia and fibromyalgia patients with concomitant comorbidities. A nationwide population-based cohort study,MEDICINE,2016 Nov,(): | 2016 . 11 |
49 | (Huai-Chia Chuang)、(Yi-Ming Chen)、(Wei-Ting Hung)、李如璧(Ju-Pi Li)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*、(Tse-Hua Tan)*,Downregulation of the phosphatase JKAP/DUSP22 in T Cells as a potential new biomarker of systemic lupus erythematosus nephritis,Oncotarget,2016 Aug,5():11419 | 2016 . 08 |
50 | 陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*、陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、(Tsu-Yi Hsieh)、(Wei-Ting Hung)、(Chia-Wei Hsieh)、(Hsin-Hua Chen)、(Kuo-Tung Tang)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),Drug trough levels predict therapeutic responses to dose reduction of adalimumab for rheumatoid arthritis patients during 24 weeks of follow-up.,RHEUMATOLOGY,2016 Jun,55(1):143-148 | 2016 . 06 |
51 | 洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*、蔡嘉哲(Jia-Zer Tsay)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu),Behcet's disease complicated with intracardiac thrombus,中華民國風濕病雜誌,2015 Dec,29(2):44-45 | 2015 . 12 |
52 | 陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)*、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、鄭奇浲(Chi-Fung Cheng)、梁文敏(Wen-Miin Liang)、林孝義(Hsiao Yi Lin)、蔡嘉哲(Gregory J Tsay)、葉文婷(Wen Ting Yeh)、潘文涵(Wen-Harn Pan),Effect of Urate-Lowering Therapy ob All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hyperuricemic Patients without Gout : A Case-Matched Cohort Study,PLoS One,2015 Dec,10(12):e0145193 | 2015 . 12 |
53 | 黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)*、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、蔡嘉哲(Gregory J Tsay)、林孝義、曾鈞宏(Chun-Hung Tseng)、林橙莉、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu),An indepentent risk of gout on the development of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism : a nationwide, population-based cohort study,MEDICINE,2015 Dec,94(51):e2140 | 2015 . 12 |
54 | 蘇家嫻(Chia-Hsien Su)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)*、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、王昱喬(Wang Yu Chiao)、曾鈞宏(Chun-Hung Tseng)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、黃立琪(Huang Lichi),Increased Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Patients with Primary Fibromyalgia and Those with Concomitant Comorbidity - A Taiwanese Population-Basd Cohort Study,PLoS One,2015 Sep,(): | 2015 . 09 |
55 | (Yi-Ming Chen)、(Ching-Heng Lin)、(Tsuo-Hung Lan)、(Hsin-Hua Chen)、張仕妮(Shih-Ni Chang)、(Yi-Hsing Chen)、(Jun-Sing Wang)、(Wei-Ting Hung)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Hydroxychloroquine reduces risk of incident diabetes mellitus in lupus patients in a dose-dependent manner: a population-based cohort study,RHEUMATOLOGY,2015 Jul,54(7):1244-1249 | 2015 . 07 |
56 | 何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、曾鈞宏(Chun-Hung Tseng)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)*、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、莫之欣、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、蔡嘉哲(Gregory J Tsay),Chronic osteomyelitis as a risk factor for development of rheumatoid arthritis : a nationwide, population-based, cohort study,CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY,2015 Jul,(): | 2015 . 07 |
57 | 陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)*、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、鄭奇浲(Chi Fung Cheng)、梁文敏(Wen-Miin Liang)、林孝義(Hsiao-Yi Lin)、蔡嘉哲(Gregory J. Tsay)、葉文婷(Wen-Ting Yeh)、潘文涵(Wen-Harn Pan),Effect of Urate-lowering Therapy on the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and All-cause Mortality in Patients with Gout: A Case-matched Cohort Study,JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY,2015 Jun,(): | 2015 . 06 |
58 | 陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*、(Yi-Ming Chen)、(Chi-Chen Lin)、(Chia-Wei Hsieh)、(Yen-Ching Wu)、(Wei-Ting Hung)、(Hsin-Hua Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),The potential role of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and soluble receptors for AGEs (sRAGE) in the pathogenesis of adult-onset still’s disease,BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS,2015 May,16(111):1-9 | 2015 . 05 |
59 | 陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*、(Yi-Ming Chen)、(Tsu-Yi Hsieh)、Chia-Wei Hsi、(Chi-Chen Lin)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),Significant effects of biologic therapy on lipid profiles and insulin resistance in patients with rheumatoid arthritis,ARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPY,2015 Mar,17(): | 2015 . 03 |
60 | (Kuo-Tung Tang)*、(Chia-Wei Hsieh)、(Tsu-Yi Hsieh)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、(Yi-Hsing Chen)、(Der-Yuan Chen),Suicide attempts in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a single-center experience and literature review,PSYCHOSOMATICS,2015 Mar,2015(56):190-195 | 2015 . 03 |
61 | 陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、陳信華(Hsin-Hua Chen)、陳怡行(Yi-Hsing Chen)、(Tsu-Yi Hsieh)、謝佳瑋(Chia-Wei Hsieh)、(Wei-Ting Hung)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,A comparison of safety profiles of tumour necrosis factor α inhibitors and rituximab therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and chronic hepatitis C,ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES,2014 Dec,(): | 2014 . 12 |
62 | (Der-Yuan Chen)、(Yi-Ming Chen)、(Bor-Show Tzang)*、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、(Tsai-Ching Hsu)*,Th17-related cytokines in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with dilated cardiomyopathies: a possible linkage to parvovirus b19 infection.,PLoS One,2014 Dec,(): | 2014 . 12 |
63 | 黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Dumbbell-shaped cervical spine schwannoma causing myelopathy in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis,JOINT BONE SPINE,2014 Oct,81(5):454-454 | 2014 . 10 |
64 | 陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、溫啟邦(Chi-Pang Wen)*、吳宣蓓(Wu SB)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、蔡旻光(Tsai MK)、戴雅苹(Tai YP)、李俊翰(Lee JH)、許志成(Hsu CC)、曹純鏗(Tsao CK)、衛沛文(Wai JP)、江博煌(Chiang PH)、潘文涵(Pan WH)、熊昭(Hsiung CA),Attenuating the mortality risk of high serum uric acid: the role of physical activity underused,ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES,2014 Jul,1136(1):9-10 | 2014 . 07 |
65 | 李如璧、(Chia-Yu Yang)、(Huai-Chia Chuang)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、(Xiaohong Wang)、(Alice J.Chen)、(John W. Belmont)、譚澤華*,The phosphatase JKAP/DUSP22 inhibits T-cell receptor signalling and autoimmunity by inactivating Lck,Nature Communications,2014 Apr,(): | 2014 . 04 |
66 | (M.-C. Chung)、(T.-M. Yu)、(K.-H. Shu)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、(D.-Y. Chen)、(H.-C. Ho)、(M.-J. Wu)*,Influence of pretransplantation dialysis time and lupus activity on outcome of kidney transplantation in systemic lupus erythematosus,CLINICAL TRANSPLANTATION,2014 Mar,46(2):336-338 | 2014 . 03 |
67 | (M.-J. Wu)*、(Y.-C. Lo)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、(T.-M. Yu,)、(K.-H. Shu)、(D.-Y. Chen)、(H.-C. Ho)、(C.-H. Lin)、(S.-N. Chang),Outcome of Lupus Nephritis After Entering Into End-Stage Renal Disease and Comparison Between Different Treatment Modalities: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan,CLINICAL TRANSPLANTATION,2014 Mar,46(2):339-341 | 2014 . 03 |
68 | (Yang, Chia-Yu)、(Li, Ju-Pi)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、(Chiu, Li-Li)、(Chen, Der-Yuan)、(Chuang, Huai-Chia)、(Huang, Ching-Yu)、(Tan, Tse-Hua)*,Dual-Specificity Phosphatase 14 (DUSP14/MKP6) Negatively Regulates TCR Signaling by Inhibiting TAB1 Activation,JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY,2014 Feb,192(4): | 2014 . 02 |
69 | (Der-Yuan Chen)*、(Yi-Ming Chen)、(Wen-Chan Tsai)、(Jui-Cheng Tseng)、(Yi-Hsing Chen)、(Chia-Wei Hsieh)、(Wei-Ting Hung)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),Significant associations of antidrug antibody levels with serum drug trough levels and therapeutic response of adalimumab and etanercept treatment in rheumatoid arthritis.,ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES,2014 Jan,0():1-9 | 2014 . 01 |
70 | (Yi-Ming Chen)、(Ching-Heng Lin)、(Hsin-Hua Chen)、(Shih-Ni Chang)、(Tsu-Yi Hsieh)、(Wei-Ting Hung)、(chia-wei Hsieh)、(Kuo-Lung Lai)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、(Der-Yuan Chen)*、(Tsuo-Hung Lan),Onset age affects mortality and renal outcome of female systemic lupus erythematosus patients: a nationwide population-based study in Taiwan.,RHEUMATOLOGY,2014 Jan,53():180-185 | 2014 . 01 |
71 | 陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、(Ling Yao)、(Yi-Ming Chen)、(Chi-Chen Lin)、(Kui-Chou Huang)、(Szu-Ting Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*、(Shie-Liang Edmond Hsieh)*,A Potential Role of Myeloid DAP12-Associating Lectin (MDL)-1 in the Regulation of Inflammation in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients,PLoS One,2014 Jan,9(1):e86105-e86105 | 2014 . 01 |
72 | 陳坤堡(Kuen-Bao Chen)、江易穎(Yi-Ying Chiang)*、黃淑芬(Shu-Fen Huang)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)、黃文良(Wen-Liang Huang)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),團隊資源管理之醫學中心麻醉科經驗,醫療品質,2014 Jan,8(): | 2014 . 01 |
73 | 陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、莊懷佳(Huai-Chia Chuang)、(Wen-Chun Lin)、(Ching-Yi Tsai)、(Chia-Wei Wu)、(Ning-Rong Gong)、(Wei-Ting Hung)、(Tsuo-Hung Lan)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*、譚澤華*、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Germinal Center Kinase–like Kinase Overexpression in T Cells as a Novel Biomarker in Rheumatoid Arthritis,ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM,2013 Oct,65(10):2573-2582 | 2013 . 10 |
74 | (Huai-Chia Chuang)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、(Chia-Yu Yang)、(Yi-Ming Chen)、(Ju-Pi Li)、(Ching-Yu Huang)、(Pao-En Liu)、(Xiaohong Wang)、(Tse-Hua Tan)*,The kinase GLK controls autoimmunity and NF-κB signaling by activating the kinase PKC-θ in T cells,NATURE IMMUNOLOGY,2011 Nov,12(11):1113-1118 | 2011 . 11 |
75 | 藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、謝祖怡(Tsu-Yi Hsieh)、陳怡行(Yi-Hsing Chen)、謝佳偉(Chia-Wei Hsieh)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*、楊勝舜(Sheng-Shun Yang),Kinetics of viral loads and risk of hepatitis B virus reactivation in hepatitis B core antibody-positive rheumatoid arthritis patients undergoing anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha therapy,ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES,2011 Jun,70():1719-1725 | 2011 . 06 |
76 | 陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、(Hui-Min Chih)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、(Hsin-Yueh Chang)、(Wei-Wen Chen)、(En-Pei Isabel Chiang)*,Blood lipid profiles and peripheral blood mononuclear cell cholesterol metabolism gene expression in patients with and without methotrexate treatment,BMC Medicine,2011 Jan,9(4): | 2011 . 01 |
77 | 陳得源(D-Y Chen)、陳一銘(Y-M Chen)、何瑋立(W-L Ho)、陳信華(H-H Chen)、沈光漢、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*,Diagnostic value of procalcitonin for differentiation between bacterial infection and non-infectious inflammation in febrile patients with active adult-onset Still’s disease,ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES,2009 May,2009(68):1074-1075 | 2009 . 05 |
78 | 陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、謝祖怡(Tsu?Yi Hsieh)、謝佳偉(Chia-Wei Hsieh)、林芳如(Fang-Ju Lin)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*,Increased apoptosis of peripheral blood lymphocytes and its association with interleukin-18 in patients with active untreated adult-onset Still's disease,ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH,2007 Dec,57(8):1530-1538 | 2007 . 12 |
79 | 陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、藍顥章(Lan-HH)、謝祖怡(Tsu-Yi Hsieh)、陳信華(Hsin-Hua Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*,Crico-thyroid perichondritis leading to sore throat in patients with active adult-onset Still’s disease,ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES,2007 ,66(9):1264-1266 | 2007 . |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | ,中華民國風濕病醫學會2024年會員大會暨學術研討會,新竹喜來登大飯店3樓宴會廳,2024.12.14~2024.12.15,The potential markers for predicting therapeutic response to b/tsDMARDs in rheumatic diseases Smart Anti-Inflammation: Personalized Precision Treatment Testing for Rheumatoid Arthritis | 2024 . 12 |
2 | Serial Anti-MDA5 Antibody Levels correlates with disease activity and outcome in Dermatomyositis-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease,2024年中華民國風濕病醫學會會員大會暨學術研討會,新竹喜來登大飯店3樓海報區,2024.12.14~2024.12.15, | 2024 . 12 |
3 | Anti-Ro52/SSA antibody and disease duration as predictive markers for the development of pulmonary arterial hypertension in connective tissue disease patients with interstitial lung disease,2024年中華民國風濕病醫學會會員大會暨學術研討會,新竹喜來登大飯店3樓海報區,2024.12.14~2024.12.15, | 2024 . 12 |
4 | A case of Anti-MDA5-antibody positive dermatomyositis associated with primary biliary cholangitis-autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome MDA5皮肌炎合併原發性膽汁性膽管炎-自體免疫性肝炎重疊症候群之罕見案例報告,2024年中華民國風濕病醫學會年會,新竹喜來登大飯店,2024.12.14~2024.12.15, | 2024 . 12 |
5 | ,2024社團法人中華⺠國風濕病醫學會春季學術研討會,高雄萬豪酒店,2024.04.13~2024.04.14,The role of nintedanib in CTD-ILD with progressive pulmonary fibrosis | 2024 . 04 |
6 | Automatic scoring of ultrasound synovial hypertrophy in rheumatoid arthritis through integrating multiple convolutional neural network models,EULAR 2023 European Congress of Rheumatology,MiCo Center, Milan, Italy,2023.05.31~2023.06.03, | 2023 . 05 |
7 | Mirabegron is more tolerable than solifenacin in Sjogren’s syndrome patients with OAB,38th Annual European Association of Urology Congress,米蘭,2023.03.10~2023.03.13, | 2023 . 03 |
8 | 全身性硬化症患者與小腸菌叢過度增生,台灣內科醫學會111年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2022.12.03~2022.12.04, | 2022 . 12 |
9 | Baseline ANA and anti-Ro/SSA antibody as potential predictive markers for drug immunogenicity and poor EULAR response in adalimumab-treated rheumatoid arthritis patients,中華民國風濕病醫學會 2022 年會,臺北萬豪酒店5樓,2022.10.15~2022.10.16, | 2022 . 10 |
10 | 結節性多動脈炎以自發性肝內動脈出血、雙側腎梗塞以及缺血性腸炎併發腸穿孔為表現,中華民國風濕病醫學會2022年學術研討會,台北萬豪酒店,2022.10.15~2022.10.15, | 2022 . 10 |
11 | 非以乾燥症狀初發之修格蘭氏症候群相關間質性肺病,社團法人中華民國風濕病醫學會40周年會員大會暨學術研討會,台北萬豪酒店,2022.10.15~2022.10.16, | 2022 . 10 |
12 | 血清陰性陣發性風濕症是兩種特殊細胞亞型動態變化所引起之自體發炎性疾病,2022年風濕病醫學會年會,台北萬豪酒店,2022.10.15~2022.10.15, | 2022 . 10 |
13 | ,中華民國風濕病醫學會中區月會,全國大 飯店B1樓貴賓廳,2022.03.25~2022.03.25,Spontaneous pneumothorax and severe digital gangrene during nintedanib treatment in SSc-ILD: a case report and literature review | 2022 . 03 |
14 | ,中華民國風濕病醫學會 中區月會,全國大飯店B1樓貴賓廳,2022.03.25~2022.03.25,Immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in rheumatic diseases. | 2022 . 03 |
15 | The effectiveness of tocilizumab in treating refractory adult-onset Still’s disease with dichotomous phenotypes: IL-18 is a potential predictor of therapeutic response,2021年中華民國風濕病醫學會年會,線上會議,2021.10.29~2021.10.31, | 2021 . 10 |
16 | Establishment of leucyl tRNA synthetase antibody (OJ) screening platform for autoimmune related interstitial lung disease.,110年風濕病醫學會年會,線上會議,2021.10.30~2021.10.31, | 2021 . 10 |
17 | Whole exome sequencing reveals novel polygenic mechanisms underlying RF- and ACPA-negative palindromic rheumatism,2021年風濕病醫學會年會,線上演講,2021.10.30~2021.10.31, | 2021 . 10 |
18 | 肥大細胞增生症合併乾癬之特殊表現於一位56歲女性,2021年風濕病醫學會年會,因疫情改成線上舉辦,2021.10.30~2021.10.31, | 2021 . 10 |
19 | 微小RNA-223藉由調節鈣流入與外泌體傳遞來抑制成人型史笛兒氏症患者之嗜中性球細胞外網,2021年中華民國風濕病醫學會年會,線上會議,2021.10.29~2021.10.31, | 2021 . 10 |
20 | Anti-Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (OJ) autoantibodies in Taiwanese Patients with Inflammatory Myopathies and Interstitial Lung disease: underdetected but not rare,2021年中華民國風濕病醫學會年會,線上會議,2021.10.29~2021.10.31, | 2021 . 10 |
21 | Life expectancy, loss of life expectancy and healthcare expenditures for rheumatoid arthritis in the era of biologics-A nationwide cohort followed for 14 years,中華民國風濕病醫學會第38周年會員大會暨學術研討會,新北市,2020.10.30~2020.11.1 , | 2020 . 10 |
22 | 結合血液檢測之長鏈非編碼核糖核酸與細胞激素的分類模式可用來診斷成人型史笛兒氏症及預測其疾病病程,2020社團法人中華民國風濕病學會會員大會暨學術研討會,台北新板希爾頓酒店,2020.10.30~2020.11.1 , | 2020 . 10 |
23 | 動脈血管鈣化病變發生在一位帶有抗磷脂質自體抗體和反覆腳多處潰瘍的病人,2020社團法人中華民國風濕病醫學會會員大會暨學術研討會,台北新板希爾頓酒店,2020.10.31~2020.11.1 , | 2020 . 10 |
24 | Hydroxychloroquine enhances efferocytosis and inhibits IL-6 and TNF-α productions through upregulating both Gas6/Axl and MFG-E8/TG2 Signaling pathways in Pristine-induced lupus mice,The American Association of Immunologists,線上會議,2020.05.8 ~2020.05.12, | 2020 . 05 |
25 | Two Years Thrombotic Microangiopathy Analysis in One Single Center,第三屆全球華人腎臟病學術大會,南京國際青年文化中心,2019.12.05~2019.12.08, | 2019 . 12 |
26 | Anti-MDA5 antibody-positive dermatomyositis with interstitial lung disease and pneumomediastinum treated with multi-target therapy including anti-fibrotic agent – case report and literature review,中華⺠國風濕病醫學會第37週年年會,台南大員皇冠假日酒店,2019.12.13~2019.12.15, | 2019 . 12 |
27 | Clinical Images: Efficacy and safety of tofacitinib in the treatment of alopecia totalis with chronic hepatitis B virus infection,中華民國風濕病醫學會2019年會,台南大員皇冠酒店2樓宴會廳,2019.12.13~2019.12.15, | 2019 . 12 |
28 | An association of gut microbiota with different phenotypes in rheumatoid arthritis patients in Taiwan,中華民國風濕病醫學會第37 週年年會,台南大員皇冠酒店3 樓I+II+III 會議室,2019.12.13~2019.12.15, | 2019 . 12 |
29 | TIF1 gamma抗體陽性的成人皮肌炎患者之皮膚鈣化,2019年中華民國風濕病醫學會年會,台南大員皇冠酒店,2019.12.13~2019.12.15, | 2019 . 12 |
30 | A case of deformed arthritis, limited type cutaneous sclerosis and UIP lung,中華⺠國風濕病醫學會第37週年年會,台南大員皇冠假日酒店,2019.12.14~2019.12.15, | 2019 . 12 |
31 | Fight for Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome – Conquer the Thanos and rescue multiple organ damage,Asia Pacific AKI to/on CKD Summit in conjunction with 台灣腎臟醫學會108年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大國際會議中心,2019.11.22~2019.11.24, | 2019 . 11 |
32 | 抗RNA聚合酶III抗體陽性硬皮症腎危象經附加血漿置換治療:一病例報告,台灣內科醫學會會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心 (台北市徐州路2號),2019.11.30~2019.12.01, | 2019 . 11 |
33 | Significant Response to Immunomodulatory Combination Therapy for Recurrent Kimura’s Disease: A Case Report.,21th Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology Congress,BRISBANE CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTRE,2019.04.08~2019.04.11, | 2019 . 04 |
34 | ,中華民國免疫學會108年春季醫學會,三軍總醫院(內湖院區)第二、第三演講廳,2019.03.24~2019.03.24,Cases-sharing of SARD-ILD | 2019 . 03 |
35 | ,2019 REAL workshop 風濕免疫過敏學術研討會,台中林酒店,2019.01.12~2019.01.13,RA Case Sharing in CMUH | 2019 . 01 |
36 | ,中華民國風濕病醫學會中區月會,全國飯店 B1 貴賓廳,2018.12.22~2018.12.28,Case Sharing-Idiopathic Angioedema in a 46-year-old Woman. | 2018 . 12 |
37 | Screening natural products and drugs for the therapy of autoimmune diseases by efferocytosis,Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology,Kaohsiung,2018.09.06~2018.09.09, | 2018 . 09 |
38 | Cytomegalovirus Induced Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Mimicking Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Case Report.,20th Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology Congress,高雄展覽館,2018.09.06~2018.09.09, | 2018 . 09 |
39 | Dysregulated immune system in MDA5-positive dermatomyositis patients,15th International Conference and exhibition on Immunology,Vienna, Austria,2018.07.05~2018.07.07, | 2018 . 07 |
40 | Resveratrol increases efferocytosis via both Mertk-GAS6/PROS and Integrin-TG2-Mfge8 pathway,IMMUNOLOGY 2018TM,Austin,2018.03.04~2018.03.08, | 2018 . 03 |
41 | Hearing loss associated with rheumatoid arthritis: a nationwide retrospective cohort study,中華民國風濕病醫學會第35 週年年會,台中林酒店,2017.09.08~2017.09.10, | 2017 . 09 |
42 | Anti-FHL1 Autoantibody in Patients with Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy,2017年中華民國風濕病醫學會會員大會暨學術研討會,台中林酒店,2017.09.08~2017.09.10, | 2017 . 09 |
43 | Hypothyroidism association with Rheumatoid arthritis : a nationwide cohort study,中華民國風濕病醫學會第35 週年年會,台中林酒店,2017.09.08~2017.09.10, | 2017 . 09 |
44 | Hospitalized patients with fractures and risk for incident rheumatoid arthritis:a nationwide population-based cohort study,中華民國風濕病醫學會第35週年年會,台中林酒店,2017.09.08~2017.09.10, | 2017 . 09 |
45 | MR spectroscopy as a valuable tool in assessing neuroinflammation:A case report of scleromyxedema with CNS involvement,2017年中華民國風濕病醫學會會員大會暨學術研討會,台中林酒店,2017.09.08~2017.09.10, | 2017 . 09 |
46 | ATF3 upregulates the long non-coding RNA NTT in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of rheumatoid arthritis patients,FOCIS 2017,Chicago, USA,2017.06.14~2017.06.17, | 2017 . 06 |
47 | Scleromyxedema with Neurological Involvement-Case Presentation and Literature Review,中部地區過敏免疫風濕疾病聯合討論會,台中永豐棧酒店,2017.01.14~2017.01.14, | 2017 . 01 |
48 | Diabetic Nephropathy-Mimicking with Lupus Nephritis,中部地區過敏免疫風濕疾病聯合討論會,台中永豐棧酒店,2017.01.14~2017.01.14, | 2017 . 01 |
49 | Anti-mitochondrial antibody negative primary biliary cirrhosis and autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus: a case report,中華民國風濕病醫學會第34週年年會,新竹喜來登飯店,2016.10.21~2016.10.23, | 2016 . 10 |
50 | Salivary Gland Ultrasonography : Compare Sjogren’s Syndrome with Other Diseases That Involved Salivary Gland,中華民國風濕病醫學會第34週年年會,新竹喜來登飯店,2016.10.21~2016.10.23, | 2016 . 10 |
51 | ,中部地區過敏免疫風濕疾病聯合討論會,福華大飯店,2015.12.26~2015.12.26,Sarcoidosis with Lung Involvement – Case Report and Literature Review | 2015 . 12 |
52 | Spontaneous intracranial hypotension in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus,社團法人中華民國風濕病醫學會2015年年會,高雄國際會議中心,2015.11.27~2015.11.29, | 2015 . 11 |
53 | ,中華民國風濕病醫學會2015年會,高雄國際會議中心,2015.11.27~2015.11.29,Case reports of IgG4-related disease | 2015 . 11 |
54 | Combined treatment with rituximab and cyclophosphamide in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis and HCV-associated cryoglobulinemic vasculitis and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis,社團法人中華民國風濕病醫學會2015年年會,高雄國際會議中心,2015.11.27~2015.11.29, | 2015 . 11 |
55 | 痛風引起深部靜脈血栓與肺栓塞之風險研究,2014中華民國風濕病醫學會,台中日月千禧酒店,2014.12.05~2014.12.07, | 2014 . 12 |
56 | 纖維肌痛症的病人罹患冠心症的風險研究,2014 中華民國風濕病醫學會年會,台中日月千禧酒店,2014.12.05~2014.12.07, | 2014 . 12 |
57 | Role of EGFR polymorphisms & clinical progression of RA,2013中華民國風濕醫學會會員大會暨學術研討會,新竹,2013.11.07~2013.11.08, | 2013 . 11 |
58 | ,中部地區過敏免疫風濕疾病聯合討論會,台中永豐棧酒店3樓哈佛廳,2013.11.30~2013.11.30,Cutaneous lupus mucinosis: a case report and literature review | 2013 . 11 |
59 | Salivary Gland Scintigraphy: Assistant Role in Diagnosing Sjogren's Syndrome,Sjogren's syndrome ABM,台中福華飯店16樓翡翠廳,2013.07.25~2013.07.25,Salivary Scintigraphy | 2013 . 07 |
60 | Increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis among patients with chronic osteomyelitis:a nationwide,population-based,cohort study,The 5th East Asian Group of Rheumatology,The plaza,Seoul,Korea,2013.05.31~2013.06.01, | 2013 . 05 |
61 | Polymorphisms, copy number variation and enzyme activity in DNA repair gene MPG with the susceptibility of RA,2012中華民國風濕病醫學會年會,台南香格里拉大飯店,2012.12.15~2012.12.16,Polymorphisms, copy number variation and enzyme activity in DNA repair gene MPG with the susceptibility of RA | 2012 . 12 |
研究計畫/Research Grant (研究類型,研究計畫代號,主持人,補助或委託單位名稱,計畫名稱,計畫期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH110-REC1-042,藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),,以異體脂肪組織幹細胞治療結締組織疾病患者併發間質性肺病變之第I/IIa期臨床試驗,2024.1.1~2024.12.31 | 2024 . 01 |
2 | 個別型,NSTC 112-2314-B-039-030-MY3,江伯倫、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),科技部,探討調控冷刺激誘發之自體發炎與細胞死亡的新機轉,2023.8.1~2024.7.31 | 2023 . 08 |
3 | 個別型,NSTC 112-2314-B-039-056,藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳健尉,科技部,利用多組學分析探討國人帶有轉錄中間因子1(TIF1)抗體癌症相關肌炎(C AM)之新穎生物標誌並研究其作用機轉及臨床意義,2023.8.1~2024.7.31 | 2023 . 08 |
4 | 個別型,CMUHCH-DMR-112-012,藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),附醫院內計畫,探討自體炎症疾病的新機轉,2022.9.15~2023.9.14 | 2022 . 09 |
5 | 個別型,MOST 111-2314-B-039-008,李光申(Oscar Kuang-Sheng Lee)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),科技部,研究國人轉錄中間因子1(TIF1)及其抗體於癌症相關肌炎(CAM)之角色、作用機轉及臨床意義,2022.1.1~2022.12.31 | 2022 . 01 |
6 | 個別型,CMUHCH-DMR-111-001,藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),附醫院內計畫,以全外顯子定序分析罕見複雜性免疫疾病之致病原因,2021.10.1~2022.9.30 | 2021 . 10 |
7 | 個別型,MOST 110-2314-B-039-017,藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、江伯倫(Bor-Luen Chiang),科技部,探討鋅指蛋白334在冷刺激相關發炎和疾病的角色,2021.8.1~2022.7.31 | 2021 . 08 |
8 | 個別型,DMR-109-191,藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),附醫院內計畫,探討轉錄中間因子1γ(TIF1γ)及核基質蛋白2(NXP2)在癌症相關性肌炎(CAM)與癌症上的關聯性,2019.8.1~2020.6.30 | 2019 . 08 |
9 | 個別型,DMR-108-123,藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),附醫院內計畫,研究特發性炎症肌病相關之嶄新自體抗體,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 | 2018 . 08 |
10 | 個別型,MOST 106-2314-B-039-028-MY2,藍忠亮(Lan, Joung-Liang),科技部,研究MDA5在特發性炎症肌炎的免疫病理之角色(II),2018.8.1~2019.7.31 | 2018 . 08 |
11 | 個別型,MOST 106-2314-B-039-028-MY2,藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),科技部,研究MDA5在特發性炎症肌炎的免疫病理之角色(II),2017.8.1~2018.7.31 | 2017 . 08 |
12 | 個別型,B1060308,,衛福部,106年抗生素抗藥性管理通報系統補捐助案,2017.3.8~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 03 |
13 | 國家型,B1060208,藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、黃高彬(Kao-Pin Hwang),衛福部,106年侵入性醫療處置照護品質提升計畫參與醫院獎補助案,2017.2.8~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 02 |
14 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH106-REC1-029,黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、蔡嘉哲(Tsay, Gregory J)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong),附醫廠商計畫,一項隨機分配、對照雙盲試驗,探討 Orelvo (voclosporin) (23.7 mg,每日兩次) 用於治療活動型狼瘡性腎炎受試者,相較於安慰劑,在達到腎臟反應方面的療效及安全性,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
15 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC2-025,黃春明(Huang, Chung-Ming)、陳俊宏(Chen, Jiunn-Horng)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong)、蔡嘉哲(Tsay, Gregory J),附醫廠商計畫,Ixekizumab (LY2439821)使用於未曾接受bDMARD之放射線影像異常軸心型脊椎關節炎病患的一項多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、活性藥物與安慰劑對照16週試驗與安全性與療效的長期評估追蹤,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
16 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH104-REC2-078,黃春明(Huang, Chung-Ming)、陳俊宏(Chen, Jiunn-Horng)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、吳柏樟(Wu, Po-Chang),附醫廠商計畫,一項使用Ustekinumab治療活動性全身性紅斑性狼瘡病患的多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、概念驗證試驗。,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
17 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC3-133,蔡嘉哲(Tsay, Gregory J)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong),附醫廠商計畫,一項隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑和活性藥物對照、多中心、第三期試驗,在罹患中至重度活動性類風濕性關節炎,且未曾接受Methotrexate (MTX) 療法的受試者中,評估單獨使用Filgotinib 與併用MTX 52 週的療效及安全性,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
18 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH106-REC2-004,黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang),附醫廠商計畫,ASP015K 延伸試驗–開放標記延伸試驗,對象為完成 ASP015K 第 IIb 期或第 III 期試驗的類風濕性關節炎患者,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
19 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH104-REC2-113,藍忠亮(Lan, Joung-Liang)、黃春明(Huang, Chung-Ming)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong),附醫廠商計畫,一項隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照確認試驗,評估 ASP015K 用於疾病修飾型抗風濕藥物 (DMARD) 治療反應不佳的類風濕性關節炎 (RA) 患者之安全性與療效,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
20 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC3-026,黃春明(Huang, Chung-Ming)、陳俊宏(Chen, Jiunn-Horng)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong)、蔡嘉哲(Tsay, Gregory J),附醫廠商計畫,針對Baricitinib在全身紅斑性狼瘡(Systemic Lupus Erythematosus,SLE)病患的隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、平行分組、第2期試驗,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
21 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC1-149,蔡嘉哲(Tsay, Gregory J)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong),附醫廠商計畫,一項隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑和活性藥物對照、多中心、第三期試驗,在罹患中至重度活動性類風濕性關節炎,且對 Methotrexate 療效反應不足的受試者中,評估 Filgotinib 與 Methotrexate 併用 52 週的療效及安全性,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
22 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC2-153,黃春明(Huang, Chung-Ming)、陳俊宏(Chen, Jiunn-Horng)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、吳柏樟(Wu, Po-Chang),附醫廠商計畫,一項第2期、多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照試驗。對於正在接受特定標準照護治療活性期全身性紅斑狼瘡的受試者,評估BMS-931699相對於安慰劑之安全性與療效。 合約變更1修改名稱為:一項第2期、多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照試驗。對於正在接受特定標準照護治療活性期全身性紅斑狼瘡的受試者,評估lulizumab pegol相對於安慰劑之安全性與療效,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
23 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC1-014,黃春明(Huang, Chung-Ming)、陳俊宏(Chen, Jiunn-Horng)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、吳柏樟(Wu, Po-Chang),附醫廠商計畫,一項針對健康受試者的第1期、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、單劑遞增劑量試驗,以及針對輕度至中度全身性紅斑性狼瘡受試者的JNJ-55920839多重劑量試驗,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
24 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC2-127,黃春明(Huang, Chung-Ming)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、陳俊宏(Chen, Jiunn-Horng)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang),附醫廠商計畫,從SLE病患中篩選治療性抗體暨自體抗體與細胞激素表達圖譜研究計畫,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
25 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH106-REC3-111,黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong)、蔡嘉哲(Tsay, Gregory J),附醫廠商計畫,一項隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照、多中心的第 2 期劑量範圍試驗,評估皮下施打 VAY736 多次劑量,用於中度至重度原發性修格連氏症候群患者的安全性和療效,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
26 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC2-138,黃春明(Huang, Chung-Ming)、陳俊宏(Chen, Jiunn-Horng)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong)、蔡嘉哲(Tsay, Gregory J),附醫廠商計畫,以軸心型脊椎關節炎病患評估Ixekizumab (LY2439821) 療效維持情況之一項104週多中心、長期延伸試驗(包括一個雙盲、安慰劑對照40週隨機分配退出-再度治療期),2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
27 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH106-REC1-058,蔡嘉哲(Tsay, Gregory J)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong),附醫廠商計畫,一項為期 12 個月的非介入性、前瞻性研究,探討 SecukInumab 和目前的標準醫療照護,對亞太及中東地區適合接受全身性治療之慢性斑塊性乾癬患者的實際療效和治療模式 (REALIA),2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
28 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH106-REC3-056,藍忠亮(Lan, Joung-Liang)、黃春明(Huang, Chung-Ming)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen),附醫廠商計畫,以單一劑量TLC599注射退化性膝關節炎病患之一項第IIa期、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、劑量探索臨床試驗,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
29 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH102-REC1-028,,附醫廠商計畫,一項隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照之第3期試驗,針對接受Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF)及皮質類固醇背景治療的第III或IV型活動性狼瘡性腎炎受試者,評估以BMS-188667 (Abatacept)或安慰劑治療的療效及安全性,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
30 | 個別型,CMU105-N-07,張建國(Jan-Gowth Chang)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),本校(含附醫),探討長非編碼RNA NTT在發炎反應的調控與角色,2016.10.27~2017.7.31 | 2016 . 10 |
31 | 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),CMU105-BC-1-3,,本校(含附醫),進行性全身硬化症自體抗亞群的 miRNA與免疫調控之研究以及中藥對其之影響,2016.10.19~2017.7.31 | 2016 . 10 |
32 | 個別型,MOST 105-2314-B-039-015-,藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),科技部,研究MDA5在無肌病型皮肌炎的分子機轉,2016.8.1~2017.7.31 | 2016 . 08 |
33 | 個別型,DMR-106-005,張恒鴻(CHANG,HEN-HONG)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan),附醫院內計畫,柚皮苷在類風濕性關節炎上之抗發炎作用及可能機轉,2016.8.1~2017.7.31 | 2016 . 08 |
34 | 個別型,M05I1249,楊榮林(Rong-Lin Yang),衛福部,醫療院所同意書簽署數位化之研究與推動,2016.5.19~2017.1.18 | 2016 . 05 |
35 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC1-014,黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu),附醫廠商計畫,一項針對健康受試者的第1期、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、單劑遞增劑量試驗,以及針對輕度至中度全身性紅斑性狼瘡受試者的JNJ-55920839多重劑量試驗,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
36 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC3-026,黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong)、蔡嘉哲(Gregory J Tsay),附醫廠商計畫,針對Baricitinib在全身紅斑性狼瘡(Systemic Lupus Erythematosus,SLE)病患的隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、平行分組、第2期試驗,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
37 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC2-025,黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong)、蔡嘉哲(Gregory J Tsay),附醫廠商計畫,Ixekizumab (LY2439821)使用於未曾接受bDMARD之放射線影像異常軸心型脊椎關節炎病患的一項多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、活性藥物與安慰劑對照16週試驗與安全性與療效的長期評估追蹤,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
38 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC1-043,蔡嘉哲(Gregory J Tsay)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong),附醫廠商計畫,一項第三期、隨機分配、雙盲之臨床試驗,比較ABT-494、Adalimumab與安慰劑於接受穩定劑量之Methotrexate(MTX)治療未獲良好控制之中重度活動性類風濕性關節炎患者之安全性與療效,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
39 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,DMR101-IRB1-215,,附醫廠商計畫,一項對接受抗腫瘤壞死因子α (Anti-TNFα)療法後仍有活動性類風濕性關節炎的受試者以皮下注射給予CNTO 136 (sirukumab,一種人類抗介白素6 [IL-6]單株抗體)的多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、平行分組之試驗,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
40 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH102-REC1-085,,附醫廠商計畫,一項第 3 期、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照的試驗,評估2種劑量的 TOFACITINIB(CP-690,550)在活動性乾癬性關節炎及對至少一種 TNF 抑制劑反應不足之受試者的療效與安全性,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
41 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH102-REC1-087,黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu),附醫廠商計畫,一項針對已於CNTO136ARA3002 (SIRROUND-D)與CNTO136ARA3003 (SIRROUND-T) 試驗中完成治療的類風濕性關節炎受試者研究CNTO136 (sirukumab)長期安全性與療效的多中心、平行分組試驗,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
42 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH104-REC2-108,黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu),附醫廠商計畫,一項多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照的24週試驗接續長期評估使用Ixekizumab (LY2439821)於經歷生物疾病修飾抗風濕病藥物(bDMARD)的活性乾癬性關節炎(PsA)病患之療效與安全性。,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
43 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH102-REC2-127,黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu),附醫廠商計畫,使用TOFACITINIB(CP-690,550)治療乾癬性關節炎的長期、開放、延伸性試驗,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
44 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH104-REC2-113,藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong),附醫廠商計畫,一項隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照確認試驗,評估 ASP015K 用於疾病修飾型抗風濕藥物 (DMARD) 治療反應不佳的類風濕性關節炎 (RA) 患者之安全性與療效,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
45 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH102-REC1-119,黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu),附醫廠商計畫,生物製劑減量及暫緩續用對於類風濕性關節炎患者的臨床表現及醫療資源使用情況影響的回溯性病例研究,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
46 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC1-009,黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong),附醫廠商計畫,一項以活性增生型狼瘡腎炎成人受試者評估Anifrolumab療效與安全性的多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、第2期研究,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
47 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC2-152,黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang),附醫廠商計畫,一項雙盲、隨機分配、安慰劑對照試驗,評估活性皮肌炎患者使用 BAF312 的安全性、耐受性、療效和初步劑量-療效反應。,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
48 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC2-153,黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu),附醫廠商計畫,一項第2期、多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照試驗。對於正在接受特定標準照護治療活性期全身性紅斑狼瘡的受試者,評估BMS-931699相對於安慰劑之安全性與療效。 合約變更1修改名稱為:一項第2期、多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照試驗。對於正在接受特定標準照護治療活性期全身性紅斑狼瘡的受試者,評估lulizumab pegol相對於安慰劑之安全性與療效,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
49 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC2-127,黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang),附醫廠商計畫,從SLE病患中篩選治療性抗體暨自體抗體與細胞激素表達圖譜研究計畫,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
50 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC1-061,蔡嘉哲(Gregory J Tsay)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong),附醫廠商計畫,一項針對具有抗腫瘤壞死因子(TNFα)藥物頑抗性之活動性放射影像軸心型脊椎關節炎受試者,評估Ustekinumab療效和安全性的第三期、多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照試驗,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
51 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH102-REC1-083,,附醫廠商計畫,一項第 3 期、隨機分組、雙盲、安慰劑控制的試驗,評估 2 種劑量的 Tofacitinib (CP-690,550) 或 Adalimumab 對於活動性乾癬性關節炎病患的療效及安全性,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
52 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC2-002,黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu),附醫廠商計畫,評估在常規臨床治療情況下,以abatacept治療台灣類風溼性關節炎患者的有效性: 一個前瞻性,單一組別,多中心的觀察性研究,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
53 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH102-REC1-028,,附醫廠商計畫,一項隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照之第3期試驗,針對接受Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF)及皮質類固醇背景治療的第III或IV型活動性狼瘡性腎炎受試者,評估以BMS-188667 (Abatacept)或安慰劑治療的療效及安全性,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
54 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC2-056,黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、蔡嘉哲(Gregory J Tsay)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang),附醫廠商計畫,一項第三期、隨機分配、雙盲之臨床試驗,針對未接受過Methotrexate (MTX)治療之中度至重度活性類風濕性關節炎患者,比較ABT-494每日一次單一療法及MTX單一療法的安全性與療效,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
55 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC2-100,黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang),附醫廠商計畫,一項多中心、雙盲、安慰劑對照、概念驗證試驗,評估 BAF312 用於多發性肌炎患者之療效和耐受性。,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
56 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH102-REC3-100,黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang),附醫廠商計畫,高風險族群之骨質疏鬆症衛教計劃,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
57 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH104-REC2-078,黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu),附醫廠商計畫,一項使用Ustekinumab治療活動性全身性紅斑性狼瘡病患的多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、概念驗證試驗。,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
58 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,DMR101-IRB1-217,,附醫廠商計畫,一項對接受DMARD藥物治療後仍有活動性類風濕性關節炎的受試者以皮下注射給予CNTO 136 (sirukumab,一種人類抗介白素6 [IL-6]單株抗體)的多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、平行分組之試驗,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
59 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC1-012,黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Bo-Hau Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu),附醫廠商計畫,評估兩種劑量的Tofacitinib與一種腫瘤壞死因子抑制劑 (TNFi) 用於類風濕性關節炎受試者的第 3B/4 期隨機分配安全性指標試驗,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
60 | 個別型,MOST 104-2314-B-039-057 -,藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、蔡嘉哲(Gregory J Tsay),科技部,研究MDA5在特發性炎症肌炎的免疫病理之角色,2015.12.1~2016.10.31 | 2015 . 12 |
61 | 個別型,MOST 103-2325-B-039-009,藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu),科技部,中藥複方SS-1對乾燥症之隨機雙盲臨床試驗及其作用機轉之研究(1/2),2014.2.1~2015.1.31 | 2014 . 02 |
專利/Patent (專利名稱,專利類別,專利國別,專利號碼,專利期間) |
日期 | |
2 | Use of an antrodia cinnamomea (Antrodia camphorate or taiwan ofungus camphorates) extract for preparing a drug for modulating TH17 cells,發明專利,台灣、台灣、台灣,TW201505643A,2015.2.16~2035.2.16 | 2015 . 02 |
獲獎/Award (獲獎名稱,給獎單位,獲獎日期) |
日期 | |
1 | 中華民國風濕病學會第38屆學術研討會-陳正言教授最佳年會論文獎,社團法人中華民國風濕病學會,2021.10.31 | 2021 . 10 |
2 | 社團法人中華民國風濕病醫學會2021學術研討會優秀論文獎,社團法人中華民國風濕病醫學會,2021.10.31 | 2021 . 10 |
3 | 中華民國風濕病醫學會第38屆學術研討會青年論文優秀論文獎第一名,中華民國風濕病醫學會,2021.10.31 | 2021 . 10 |
4 | 中華民國風濕病醫學會第37屆會員大會暨學術研討會-優秀論文獎第一名,社團法人中華民國風濕病醫學會,2019.12.15 | 2019 . 12 |
5 | 106學年度傑出校友,台北醫學大學,2018.3.28 | 2018 . 03 |
6 | 2017臺中市醫療貢獻獎,台中市,2017.11.6 | 2017 . 11 |
7 | APLAR MASTER AWARD 2017,ASIA Pacific League of Associations For Rheumyology,2017.10.17 | 2017 . 10 |
8 | 中華民國風濕病醫學會第一屆大師獎,中華民國風濕病醫學會,2013.7.2 | 2013 . 07 |