期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | 陳美綾(Meiling Chen)、(Wen-Huang Lee)、(Cheng-Hui Lu)、(Hao-Chih Chang)、董承昌(Cheng Chang Tung)、(Yih-Ying Siow)、(Hsiang-Chun Lee)、(Chun-Li Wang)、(Kuo-Chun, Hung)、(Wei-Chuan Tsai)、(Lin, Lung-Chun)*、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)*,『Practice Guidelines』2025 Expert Consensus Recommendations for the Diagnostic Requirements in Routine Practices of Transthoracic Echocardiography,Acta Cardiologica Sinica,2025 Jan,41(1):1-49 | 2025 . 01 |
2 | 朱襄(Chu Chiang)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、連銘渝(Ming-Yu Lien)、吳宏彬(Hung-Pin Wu)*,『Case Series』Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Related Myocarditis: A Case Series and Literature Review,Acta Cardiologica Sinica,2024 Jul,40(4):445-450 | 2024 . 07 |
3 | 吳佳穎(Chia-Ying Wu)、鄭英男(Cheng Ying-Nan)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、莊子瑤(Tzu-Yao Chuang)、李秉純(Ping-Chun Li)*,『Case Report』Rupture of Giant Coronary Artery Aneurysm into Left Atrium Causing Acute Congestive Heart Failure,Acta Cardiologica Sinica,2023 Nov,39(6):937-940 | 2023 . 11 |
4 | 董承昌(Cheng Chang Tung)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、賴怡青(Yi-Ching Lai)、沈明毅(Ming-Yi Shen)、林圀宏(Kuo-Hung Lin)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)、吳宏彬(Hung-Pin Wu)*,Early Experience of Patients with left Bundle Branch Block Corrected through Left Bundle Branch Area Pacing Compared with Conventional Right Ventricular Pacing: A Single-Center Retrospective Study,Acta Cardiologica Sinica,2023 May,39(39):394-405 | 2023 . 05 |
5 | (Dai-Yin Lu)、(Ioannis Ventoulis)、(Hongyun Liu)、(Bereketeab Haileselassie)、(Iraklis Pozios)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、(Lars L. Sorensen)、(Marco Canepa)、(Nicole Bavaro)、(Susan Phillip)、(M. Roselle Abraham)*,Prevalence and prognostic implications of hypertensive response to exercise in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,International Journal of Cardiology Cardiovascular Risk and Prevention,2023 Jan,2023(16):1-7 | 2023 . 01 |
6 | 梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、蕭雅倫、葉宏傑(Hung-Chieh Yeh)、丁羿文(I-Wen Ting)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、姜秀穎(Hsiu-Yin Chiang)、郭錦輯(Kuo, Chin-Chi)*,Associations Between Myocardial Diastolic Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Large Single-Center Cohort Study,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY,2022 Apr,35(4):395-407 | 2022 . 04 |
7 | 陳科維(Ke-Wei Chen)、謝文聰、黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang)、黃智佳(Chih-Chia Huang)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)*、汪貴珍(Guei-Jane Wang)*,Estimated left ventricular pressure-myocardial strain loop as an index of cardiac work predicts all-cause mortality in patients receiving regular hemodialysis,JOURNAL OF DIABETES AND ITS COMPLICATIONS,2021 Feb,(): | 2021 . 02 |
8 | 梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、駱彥均(Yen-Chun Lo)、姜秀穎(Hsiu-Yin Chiang)、陳明豐(Ming-Fong Chen)、郭錦輯(Chin-Chi Kuo)*,Validation and Comparison of the 2003 and 2016 Diastolic Functional Assessments for Cardiovascular Mortality in a LargeSingle-Center Cohort,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY,2020 Apr,33():469-80 | 2020 . 04 |
9 | 陳必誠(Chen, Bih-Cheng)、(Yi-Jiun Weng)、徐布、(Chien-Kuo Han)、陳悦生(Chen, Yueh-Sheng)、(Chia-Yao Shen)、(Yueh-Min Lin)、(Vijaya Padma Viswanadha)、梁馨月(Liang, Hsin-Yueh)、黃志揚(Huang, Chih-Yang)*,Estrogen and/or Estrogen Receptor α Inhibits BNIP3-Induced Apoptosis and Autophagy in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2018 Apr,19(): | 2018 . 04 |
10 | (Dai-YinLu)、(Bereketeab Hailesealassie)、(Ioannis Ventoulis)、(HongyunLiu)、梁馨月(Liang, Hsin-Yueh)、(AlexandraNowbar)、(IraklisPozios)、(Marco Canepa)、(Kenneth Cresswell)、(Hong-Chang Luo)、(M. Roselle Abraham)、(Theodore P.Abraham)*,Impact of peak provoked left ventricular outflow tract gradients on clinical outcomes in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,International Journal of Cardiology,2017 Sep,243(2017):290-295 | 2017 . 09 |
11 | (Dai-Yin Lu)、(Bereketeab Haileselassie)、(Ioannis Ventoulis)、(Hong-Yun Liu)、梁馨月(Liang, Hsin-Yueh)、(Iraklis Pozios)、(Marco Canepa)、(Susan Phillip)、(M Roselle Abraham)、(Theodore Abraham)*,E/e0 ratio and outcome prediction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: the influence of outflow tract obstruction,European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging,2017 Jul,19(1):101-107 | 2017 . 07 |
12 | (Lars Lindholm Sorensen)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、(Aurelio Pinheiro)、(Alex Hilser)、(Veronica Dimaano)、(Niels Thue Olsen)、(Thomas Fritz Hansen)、(Peter Sogaard)、(Alexandra Nowbar)、(Chiara Pisanello)、(Iraklis Pozios)、(Susan Phillip)、(Xun Zhou)、(Roselle Abraham)、(Theodore P. Abraham)*,Safety profile and utility of treadmill exercise in patients with high-gradient hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,AMERICAN HEART JOURNAL,2017 Feb,184():47-54 | 2017 . 02 |
13 | 王宇澄(Yu-Chen Wang)、吳宏彬(Hung-Pin Wu)、羅秉漢(Ping-Han Lo)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)*,Impact of Prolonged Door-to-Balloon Times on the Diastolic Function in Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention,Acta Cardiologica Sinica,2015 ,(): | 2015 . |
14 | 林晏年(Yen-Nien Lin)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、羅秉漢(Ping-Han Lo)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)、陳業鵬(Yeh-Peng Chen)*,Precordial ST-segment elevation caused by proximal occlusion of a non-dominant right coronary artery,Acta Cardiologica Sinica,2014 Nov,(): | 2014 . 11 |
15 | 蔡承諺(Cheng-Yen Tsai)、(Chien-Chung Wang)、(Chia-Li Way)、(Tung-Yuan Lai)、(Han-Nien Tsu)、王仲興(Chung-Hsing Wang)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)*,Antioxidant effects of diallyl trisulfide on high glucose-induced apoptosis are mediated by the PI3K/Akt-dependent activation of Nrf2 in cardiomyocytes,International Journal of Cardiology,2013 Sep,168(2):1286-1297 | 2013 . 09 |
16 | (Xiaoping Lin)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、(Aurelio Pinheiro)、(Veronica Dimaano)、(Lars Sorensen)、(Miguel Aon)、(Larisa G. Tereshchenko)、(Yihan Chen)、(Yihan Chen)、(Theodore P. Abraham)、(M. Roselle Abraham)*,Electromechanical Relationship in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research,2013 Jun,6(6):604-615 | 2013 . 06 |
17 | 梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、鄭文君(Wen-Chun Cheng)、牛道明(Dau-Ming Niu)、梁瓊綺(Chung-Chi Liang)、林清淵(Ching-Yuang Lin)*,Pre-Hypertrophy Reduction of Diastolic Deformation in Fabry Disease,Acta Cardiologica Sinica,2012 Sep,28(3):241-248 | 2012 . 09 |
18 | 張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)、黃介良(Chieh-Liang Huang)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、王宇澄(Yu-Chen Wang)、梁文敏(Liang WM)、藍先元(Hsien-Yuan Lane)、陳珠璜(Chu-Huang Chen)、黃水坤(SHOEI K. STEPHEN HUANG)*,Gender-Specific Differences in Susceptibility to Low-Dose Methadone-Associated QTc Prolongation in Patients with Heroin Dependence,JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY,2012 May,23(5):527-533 | 2012 . 05 |
19 | 梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、(Alan Cheng)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)、(Ronald D. Berger)、(Kunal Agarwal)、(Patrick Eulitt)、(Mary Corretti)、(Gordon Tomaselli)、(Hugh Calkins)、(David A. Kass)、(Theodore P. Abraham)*,Infuence of Atrial Function and Mechanical Synchrony on Left Ventricular Hemodynamics in Heart Failure Patients on Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy,JACC-Cardiovascular Imaging,2011 Jul,4(7):691-698 | 2011 . 07 |
20 | 梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、鄭文君(Wen-Chun Cheng)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)*,Mechanisms of Right Atrial Pacing Inducing Left Atrial and Left Ventricular Dysfunction Evaluated by Strain Echocardiography,Acta Cardiologica Sinica,2010 Sep,26(3):157-164 | 2010 . 09 |
21 | 張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、周湘台(Hsiang-Tai Chou)*、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang),Quantification of Left Ventricular Volumes Using Three-Dimensional Echocardiography: Comparison with Sixty-four-Slice Multidetector Computed Tomography,Journal of Medical Ultrasound,2010 Jun,18(2):71-78 | 2010 . 06 |
22 | (Chin-Teng Lin)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)、(Chun-Ling Lin)、(Chia-Cheng Chiang)、(Shao-Wei Lu)、張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、(Bor-Shyh Lin)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、陳瑞杰(Ray-Jade Chen)、李源德(Yuan-Teh, Lee)、(Li-Wei Ko),An Intelligent Telecardiology System Using a Wearable and Wireless ECG to Detect Atrial Fibrillation,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BIOMEDICINE,2010 May,14(3):726-733 | 2010 . 05 |
23 | (Abraham TP)、(Jones M)、(Kazmierczak K)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、(Pinheiro AC)、(Wagg CS)、(Lopaschuk GD)、(Szczesna-Cordary D)*,Diastolic dysfunction in familiar hypertrophic cardiomyopathy transgenic model mice,CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH,2009 May,82(1):84-92 | 2009 . 05 |
24 | (Theodore P Abraham)*、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang),Stress Echocardiography, diastole to the rescue,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY,2009 Feb,53(8):706-708 | 2009 . 02 |
25 | (Abraham TP,)、(Dimaano VL)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang),Role of tissue Doppler and strain echocardiography in current clinical practice,CIRCULATION,2007 Nov,116(22):2597-2609 | 2007 . 11 |
26 | (Cohn RD)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、(Shetty R)、(Abraham T)、(Wagner KR)*,Myostatin does not regulate cardiac hypertrophy or fibrosis,NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS,2007 Apr,17(4):290-296 | 2007 . 04 |
27 | 梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、(Cauduro S)、(Pellikka P)、(Wang J)、(Urheim S)、(Yang EH,)、(Rihal C)、(Belohlavek M)、(Khandheria B)、(Miller FA,)、(Abraham TP)*,Usefulness of two-dimensional speckle strain for evaluation of left ventricular diastolic deformation in patients with coronary artery disease.,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY,2006 Dec,98(12):1581-1586 | 2006 . 12 |
28 | 梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、(Cauduro SA)、(Pellikka PA)、(Bailey KR)、(Grossardt BR)、(Yang EH)、(Rihal C)、(Seward JB)、(Miller FA)、(Abraham TP)*,Comparison of usefulness of echocardiographic Doppler variables to left ventricular end-diastolic pressure in predicting future heart failure events,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY,2006 Mar,97(6):866-871 | 2006 . 03 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | ,winter scientific meeting,高雄展覽館,2024.12.21~2024.12.22, | 2024 . 12 |
2 | ,2024 年中華民國心臟學會冬季學術研討會,高雄展覽館,2024.12.21~2024.12.22,二尖瓣狹窄 | 2024 . 12 |
3 | ,Heart Failure Leadership Forum- Optimize HF Patients Management,台中金典酒店13樓梅花廳,2024.11.16~2024.11.16,optimize heart failure treatment after hospitalization in Taiwan | 2024 . 11 |
4 | ,亞太醫用超音波新進展國際論壇 暨 中華民國醫用超音波學會40週年暨2024年年會,台北國際會議中心,2024.10.19~2024.10.20,Right Heart Assessment and Pulmonary Hypertension | 2024 . 10 |
5 | ,中國醫藥大學兒童醫院十週年院慶學術研討會,中國醫藥大學兒童醫院,2024.09.29~2024.09.29, | 2024 . 09 |
6 | ,TSOC HCM Campus,台中集思新烏日會議中心,2024.09.22~2024.09.22,Diagnosis Workshop | 2024 . 09 |
7 | ,台灣心肌梗塞學院 TAMIS academy 步步攻心之二十六計,線上演講,2024.09.22~2024.09.22,How to Use POCUS to Avoid Common Pitfalls in Myocardial Infarction (如何使用超音波避免陷入心肌梗塞的常見陷阱) | 2024 . 09 |
8 | ,中華民國心臟學會第五十四屆年會暨學術演講會【北區】,台北國際會議中心,2024.06.01~2024.06.02,The Global Burden, Specific Management (Including Mavacamten) and Follow-up of HCM | 2024 . 06 |
9 | ,中華民國心臟學會學術研討會-TSOC Hypertrophic Heart Campus 肥厚型心肌病變工作坊,張榮發基金會國際會議中心10F 1003會議室,2024.06.16~2024.06.16,Diagnosis Workshop Q&A | 2024 . 06 |
10 | ,TSOC/TSCI/TATCS Glideline for the treatment of valvular heart disease(VHD),線上,2024.04.27~2024.04.27,MS (Epidemiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, diagnosis & prognosis) | 2024 . 04 |
11 | ,中區心臟血管學術會【中區】,裕元花園酒店,2024.03.30~2024.03.30,Common Pitfalls in Echocardiography | 2024 . 03 |
12 | ,中華民國心臟學會2023冬季學術研討會,台中金典酒店13樓,2023.12.16~2023.12.17,超音波掃描指引研討會-二尖瓣狹窄 | 2023 . 12 |
13 | ,台灣心肌梗塞學院 TAMIS academy 2023 降龍二十六掌(第二十掌),線上,2023.11.26~2023.11.26,How to choose Fish oil? Focus on ACS prevention | 2023 . 11 |
14 | ,秀傳醫療體系成立50週年暨中華民國醫用超音波學會學術研討會,彰濱秀傳紀念醫院,2023.07.08~2023.07.08,超音波血流偵測:對比劑偵測分流,心肌灌注到血流追蹤 | 2023 . 07 |
15 | ,The 53rd Annual Convention & Scientific Session of the TSOC, 2023,TICC 台北國際會議中心,2023.05.20~2023.05.21,AI in Echo: the Past, Present and Future | 2023 . 05 |
16 | ,2023年心臟超音波操作專業技師學術研討會與認證考試,台北市北投區振興醫院 視聽教室,2023.03.26~2023.03.26,評估左心室舒張功能:基本原理、實用要點及臨床應用 | 2023 . 03 |
17 | ,WINTER SCIENTIFIC MEETING,大台南會展中心,2022.12.17~2022.12.18,Left Atrial Appendage Occluder | 2022 . 12 |
18 | ,台灣心肌梗塞學院 TAMIS academy 25序曲,線上,2022.11.13~2022.11.13,Sex differences in the symptoms, risk factors and diagnosis of AMI | 2022 . 11 |
19 | ,心臟超音波完整複習及進階教育訓練課程,線上,2022.08.13~2022.08.13,Stress Echocardiography:An overview | 2022 . 08 |
20 | ,台灣心肌梗塞學院 TAMIS academy 24序曲,線上,2022.08.7 ~2022.08.7 ,Utilization of Echocardiography in ER | 2022 . 08 |
21 | ,2022 TSOC Preserved Ejection Fraction Heart Failure Forum: Aim at which Target and Shoot where?,台中裕元花園酒店,2022.07.3 ~2022.07.3 ,Diagnosis of HFpEF: how can imaging specialists help us? | 2022 . 07 |
22 | ,2022 TSOC Preserved Ejection Fraction Heart Failure Forum,台北張榮發國際會議中心,2022.04.10~2022.04.10,COVID-19 and its CV Complications across Different populations | 2022 . 04 |
23 | Associations Between Myocardial Diastolic Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Large Single-Center Cohort Study,ISN World Congress of Nephrology (WCN),Virtual,2022.02.24~2022.02.27, | 2022 . 02 |
24 | ,TAIWAN TRANSCATHETER THERAPEUTICS,中國醫藥大學附設醫院心導管室,2022.01.8 ~2022.01.8 ,Left atrial appendage closure | 2022 . 01 |
25 | ,Taiwan transcatheter therapeutics live course,Taipei,Taiwan NTUH International convention center,2022.01.8 ~2022.01.9 ,Left atrial appendage closure | 2022 . 01 |
26 | Associations Between Myocardial Diastolic Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Large Single-Center Cohort Study,5th Congress of Asian Pacific Society of Dialysis Access in conjunction with Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology,高雄,2021.12.10~2021.12.12, | 2021 . 12 |
27 | Dyslipidemia and Coronary Artery Calcium: From Association to Development of a Risk-Prediction Nomogram,5th Congress of Asian Pacific Society of Dialysis Access in conjunction with 2021 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology,Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,2021.12.10~2021.12.12, | 2021 . 12 |
28 | ,中華民國學會winter scientific meeting,視訊,2021.12.18~2021.12.19,Symposium on cardiac imaging clinical application of stress echo | 2021 . 12 |
29 | ,經食道超音波手把手操作工作坊-高雄場,高雄漢來大飯店,2021.11.21~2021.11.21,經食道超音波手把手操作 | 2021 . 11 |
30 | ,中華民國心臟學會第五十一屆年會暨學術演講會議程,線上,2021.08.28~2021.08.29,2016 Updated ASE/ EACVI Guidelines on the Assessment of Diastolic Function: Clinical Implication and Limitation | 2021 . 08 |
31 | ,心衰竭防治心境界論壇,台中日月禧酒店,2021.05.8 ~2021.05.8 ,The Only One Truth of Early Detection - "Shinjitsu Wa 1tsu Dakedesu" | 2021 . 05 |
32 | ,經食道超音波手把手操作工作坊,中國醫藥大學安康大樓,2021.04.11~2021.04.11,Transgastric and upper esophageal views in TEE | 2021 . 04 |
33 | ,TSOC學術研討會 Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Training Corse(第二場),台北張榮發會議中心,2021.03.28~2021.03.28,Echo assessment of LV diastolic function | 2021 . 03 |
34 | ,科技部生科司心臟學門學術研討會-運用資料庫解決臨床研究問題的心法寶典,台北福華大飯店,2020.11.21~2020.11.21,心臟超音波數位資料庫的建置,維護與使用 | 2020 . 11 |
35 | ,重症進階心臟超音波課程,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓101教室,2020.11.1 ~2020.11.1 ,Key points of critical care echocardiography | 2020 . 11 |
36 | ,中華民國醫用超音波學會36周年暨2020年年會,台北國際會議中心,2020.10.17~2020.10.18, | 2020 . 10 |
37 | ,2020年心臟超音波完整複習及進階教育訓練課程,振興醫院第二醫療大樓六樓國際會議廳,2020.08.09~2020.08.09,Stress Echocardiography:An overview | 2020 . 08 |
38 | ,ASE live broadcast 2020,ASE 2020 virtual Experience,2020.08.08~2020.08.10,Strain cases ,Case 3-HFpEF | 2020 . 08 |
39 | ,中華民國心臟學會第五十屆年會暨學術演講會,Taipei international convention center,2020.07.25~2020.07.26,Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Including Laboratory and Image Tests in Women | 2020 . 07 |
40 | ,APSC JCS 2020 Webinar,webinar,2020.07.27~2020.08.01,Heart failure associated with arrhythmia | 2020 . 07 |
41 | ,中華民國醫用超音波學會2020年第一次學術研討會,南山人壽教育訓練中心,2020.06.14~2020.06.14, | 2020 . 06 |
42 | ,2020年中華醫學會高階心臟影像論壇,台北榮民總醫院 致德樓第二會議室,2020.06.06~2020.06.06,應激性心臟超音波於心血管疾病的臨床應用 | 2020 . 06 |
43 | ,中國附醫 心臟超音波操作教學 Part II-瓣膜疾病(Valvular Disease),中國附醫/立夫醫療大樓地下一樓心功能室,2019.12.15~2019.12.15,心臟超音波操作教學 Part II-瓣膜疾病(Valvular Disease) | 2019 . 12 |
44 | Electric Storm in a 54-Year-Old Female with Severe Heart Failure,內科108年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心二樓大廳(台北市徐州路2號),2019.11.30~2019.12.01, | 2019 . 11 |
45 | ,中華民國醫用超音波學會2019年第二次學術研討會,林口長庚醫院研究大樓會議中心,2019.10.19~2019.10.20, | 2019 . 10 |
46 | ,2019 Comprehensive Review and Advance Course in Echocardiography,振興醫院,2019.08.04~2019.08.04,Why do we need Strain Echocardiography | 2019 . 08 |
47 | Validation and Comparison of the 2003 and 2016 Diastolic Functional Assessments for Cardiovascular Mortality: A Single-Center Experience of 57 630 Consecutive Patients in Taiwan,ASE 2019-American Society of Echocardiography Scientific Session,San Diego, California, United States,2019.06.21~2019.06.25, | 2019 . 06 |
48 | ,Hemodynamic monitoring -case analysis workshop,台中榮民總醫院-研究大樓一樓第二會議室,2019.06.09~2019.06.09,Management of acute heart failure in ICU patients-case sharing | 2019 . 06 |
49 | ,中華民國心臟學會第49屆年會暨學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2019.05.18~2019.05.19,How to Perform and Teach the POCUS | 2019 . 05 |
50 | ,2019年心臟超音波操作專業技師學術專業研討會與認證考試,振興醫院,2019.03.24~2019.03.24,評估左心室舒張功能:基本原理,實用要點及臨床應用 | 2019 . 03 |
51 | ,CMUH LIVE 2019,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓 B1國際會議廳,2019.03.09~2019.03.09,Left Atrial Appendage Closure | 2019 . 03 |
52 | ,2019 Clinical Applications of 3D Echocardiogram+實作演練課程,高雄榮民總醫院急診大樓6樓第五會議室,2019.01.26~2019.01.26,2018 ASE guideline-Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion Procedural Image Guidance with Transesophageal Echocardiofraphy | 2019 . 01 |
53 | ,心臟衰竭急性後期照護課程,中國醫藥大學互助大樓3A01教室,2018.11.04~2018.11.04,心臟衰竭病患轉介時機 | 2018 . 11 |
54 | ,2018 Comprehensive review and advance course in echocardiography,振興醫院,2018.08.12~2018.08.12,Stress echocardiography: An Overviwe | 2018 . 08 |
55 | ,2018 Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology Congress,台北國際會議中心,2018.05.17~2018.05.20,How to Use 2016 Guideline for Diastolic Function | 2018 . 05 |
56 | ,2018中華民國醫用超音波學會第一次學術研討會暨第十七屆中區會員代表選舉,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓,2018.04.29~2018.04.29, | 2018 . 04 |
57 | ,Symposium on Preventive Medicine- Cardiovascular Health in Women,台北張榮發基金會6樓602會議室,2018.04.15~2018.04.15,Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Including Laboratory and Image Tests | 2018 . 04 |
58 | ,2018年心臟超音波操作專業技師學術專業研討會與認證考試,振興醫院,2018.03.18~2018.03.18,評估左心室舒張功能:基本原理,實用要點及臨床應用 | 2018 . 03 |
59 | Quantification of Mitral Regurgitation,2017年冬季學術研討會Winter Scientific Meeting,台南大億麗緻酒店,2017.12.09~2017.12.10, | 2017 . 12 |
60 | ,Percutaneous LAA Closure Training Course,臺大醫學院 102 講堂,2017.11.25~2017.11.25, | 2017 . 11 |
61 | ,WFUMB 2017 TAIPEI,台北國際會議中心103 room,2017.10.13~2017.10.17,Stress echo in HFPEF | 2017 . 10 |
62 | ,中區心臟超音波病例討論會,中國附醫,2017.09.16~2017.09.16,ARTIFACT IN TWO-DIMENSIONAL ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY | 2017 . 09 |
63 | ,預防教育推廣講座SYMPOSIUM ON PREVEENTIVE MEDICINE,台中日月千禧酒店,2017.09.02~2017.09.02,left ventricular function evaluation:ultrasound,CT,MRI or MUGA | 2017 . 09 |
64 | ,2017 Comprehensive review and advance course in echocardiography,振興醫院,2017.08.13~2017.08.13,stress echocardiography | 2017 . 08 |
65 | ,2017 CV Board Review Course,台北張榮發基金會8樓802會議室,2017.07.23~2017.07.23,Chest radiography,echocardiography,cardiac MAR and CT | 2017 . 07 |
66 | Tissue Doppler Predicts Cardiovascular Death in Patients on Dialysis,JASE(JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY),Baltimore Convention Center,2017.06.02~2017.06.06,Tissue Doppler Predicts Cardiovascular Death in Patients on Dialysis | 2017 . 06 |
67 | LAA Occluder,中華民國心臟學會第四十七屆年會暨學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2017.05.05~2017.05.07,LAA Occluder | 2017 . 05 |
68 | ,2017年心臟超音波操作專業技師學術專業研討會,台北振興醫院,2017.02.12~2017.02.12,評估左心室舒張功能:基本原理、實用要點及臨床應用 | 2017 . 02 |
69 | ,TSOC 2017心衰竭研討會 心衰竭新知:台灣與國際接軌,台中日月千禧酒店,2017.01.14~2017.01.14,Diagnosis of Heart Failure:Past, Present and Future | 2017 . 01 |
70 | ,TSOC Winter Scientific Meeting,台中金典酒店,2016.12.03~2016.12.04,diastolic stress test | 2016 . 12 |
71 | ,中華民國醫用超音波學會2016年會暨第四次學術研討會,台北國際會議中心,2016.10.22~2016.10.23,Artifacts in echocardiography | 2016 . 10 |
72 | ,台灣心臟超音波學會2016 Comprehensive Review and Advance Course in Echocardiography,振興醫院,2016.08.24~2016.08.24,Stress echocardiography:an overview | 2016 . 08 |
73 | Strain Echocardiography Predicts Early Death in ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention,ESC ∞NGRESS ROME 2016,Rome,2016.08.27~2016.08.31, | 2016 . 08 |
74 | ,2016 CV Board Reviwe Course,新領域教育訓練中心(台北市館前路71號10樓),2016.07.24~2016.07.24,Chest radiography,echocardiography,cardiac MRI and CT | 2016 . 07 |
75 | ,2016年中華民國醫用超音波學會-第一次學術研討會,彰化基督教醫院國際培訓中心,2016.06.26~2016.06.26,Stress echocardiography | 2016 . 06 |
76 | Strain Echocardiography Predicts 30-Day Mortality in ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and is Superior to TIMI and GRACE Risk Score,27th Annual Scientific session,Washington state convention center /seattle,WA,2016.06.10~2016.06.14, | 2016 . 06 |
77 | Long-term Remodeling Patterns of the Ventricular Septum Are Associated with Ventricular Arrhythmias in Adult Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,27th Annual Scientific session,Washington state convention center /seattle,WA,2016.06.10~2016.06.14, | 2016 . 06 |
78 | Strain Echocardiography Predicts Early Death in ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention,The 46th Annual Convention& Scientific Session of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology,台北,2016.05.14~2016.05.15, | 2016 . 05 |
79 | Atrial_Septal_Defect,The 46th Annual Convention& Scientific Session of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology,台北國際會議中心,2016.05.14~2016.05.15, | 2016 . 05 |
80 | ,2016年心血管中心國際研討會暨心導管檢查,中國附醫立夫教學大樓101室,2016.03.05~2016.03.05,The role of echocardiography in percutaneous ASD occluder implantation | 2016 . 03 |
81 | Prognostic Capacity of Strain Echocardiography for 30‐Day Mortality in Patients with STEMI after Primary PCI: Comparison with TIMI Risk Score and GRACE Risk Score,中華民國心臟學會2015年度高雄AAE program,高雄君鴻國際酒店,2015.12.11~2015.12.13, | 2015 . 12 |
82 | ,中華民國心臟學會2015年度高雄AAE program,高雄君鴻國際酒店,2015.12.11~2015.12.13,Pulmonary hypertension:pressure or volume overload? | 2015 . 12 |
83 | ,2015年心臟超音波操作之專業技師學術專業研討會,振興醫院第一會議室,2015.12.27~2015.12.27,評估左心室舒張功能:基本原理,實用要點及臨床應用 | 2015 . 12 |
84 | ,中華民國醫用超音波學會2015年會暨第二次學術研討會,台大醫學院基礎醫學大樓,2015.10.17~2015.10.18,Left Ventricular systolic and diastolic functions,which echo parameters are most reliable and which are most practical? | 2015 . 10 |
85 | ,2015 Comprehensive review and advance course in echocardiography,振興醫院 視聽教室及第一會議室,2015.08.16~2015.08.16,Strain Echocardiography | 2015 . 08 |
86 | ,2015 CV board review course,台大醫學院101講堂,2015.07.26~2015.07.26,Board Review of Cardiac Imaging 2015 | 2015 . 07 |
87 | ,海峽兩岸肺高壓高峰論壇,中國青島,2015.06.05~2015.06.06,ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY IN PULMONARY HYPERTENSION | 2015 . 06 |
88 | Prognostic valve of strain echocardiography in acute myocardial infarction after primary percutaneous coronary intervention,(年會)第七屆第二次台灣心臟超音波學會會員大會暨學術研討會,振興醫院第二醫療大樓6樓國際會議中心,2015.05.31~2015.05.31, | 2015 . 05 |
89 | ,中華民國心臟學會第四十五屆年會暨學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2015.05.22~2015.05.24,Mitral stenosis | 2015 . 05 |
90 | Infective Endocarditis of Aortic Valve Complicated by Periannular Abscesses assessed by 4-dimentional Echocardiography,2014 海峽兩岸醫藥衛生交流協會超聲醫學專家委員會暨第六屆海峽兩岸超聲醫學高端論壇暨台灣心臟超音波學會第七屆第一次會員大會,台中榮民總醫院研究大樓,2014.05.25~2014.05.25, | 2014 . 05 |
91 | ,中華民國心臟學會第四十四屆年會,Taipei Intrnational Convention Center,2014.05.16~2014.05.18,POST ACCHIGHLIGHT SYMPOSIUM ADVANCE IN IMAGING | 2014 . 05 |
92 | ,3D Echocardiography, The Present and Future,振興醫院第二醫療大樓5~6樓國際會議中心,2014.03.16~2014.03.16, | 2014 . 03 |
93 | ,中華民國醫用超音波學2013年暨第二次學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院致德樓會議室,2013.10.19~2013.10.20,Stress Echo and Contrast Echo | 2013 . 10 |
94 | ,2013 CV Board Review Course,台大國際會議中心3樓301室,2013.08.11~2013.08.11,Nuclear Cardiac Image and Electrocardiographic Stress Test | 2013 . 08 |
95 | ,2013 Comprehensive Review and Advance Course in Echocardiography,振興醫院 視聽教室及第一會議室,2013.08.18~2013.08.18,Why do we need strain echocardiography? | 2013 . 08 |
96 | Strss Echocariography,2013 Speckle Tracking, Stress and 4D Echo Hands-on Workshop,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓五樓503室,2013.07.13~2013.07.13,Strss Echocariography and 4D TEE | 2013 . 07 |
97 | ,2013年第一次學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓,2013.06.16~2013.06.16,Stress Echocardiography | 2013 . 06 |
98 | ,第四十三屆年會暨學術演講會,Taipei International Convention Center (TICC),2013.05.17~2013.05.19,Tissue Doppler in Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy | 2013 . 05 |
99 | 以前壁ST段上升表現的右冠狀動脈心肌梗塞,台灣內科醫學會101年年會,台大醫學院,2012.12.01~2012.12.02, | 2012 . 12 |
100 | Correlation between electrocardiolographic and mypcardial deformation abnormalities in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,第四屆亞太心臟學會,臺北國際會議中心,2012.05.04~2012.05.06, | 2012 . 05 |
101 | Adult double-chambered right ventricle: An Easily Overlooked Disease,第四屆亞太心臟學會,臺北國際會議中心,2012.05.04~2012.05.06, | 2012 . 05 |
102 | ,中華民國醫用超音波學會2011年年會暨第二次學術研討會,台大醫學院基礎醫學大樓,2011.10.22~2011.10.23, | 2011 . 10 |
103 | Double-Chambered Right Ventricle Complicated with Vegetations Attached on Hypertrophied Muscle Bundles: An Adult Case from Views of Transesophageal Echocardiography,台灣心臟超音波學會 2011 年會員大會暨學術研討會,台北振興醫院 國際會議中心,2011.07.10~2011.07.10, | 2011 . 07 |
104 | Radiotherapy Potentiates Vascular Inflammation with Increased Uptake of F-18 Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) as Detected by Serial Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography Scans in Pharyngeal Cancer Patients,中華民國心臟學會41屆年會,中華民國心臟學會,2011.05.14~2011.05.15, | 2011 . 05 |
105 | Prolonged Door-to-Balloon Time Correlates with In-hospital Diastolic Dysfunction in Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention,中華民國心臟學會41屆年會,中華民國心臟學會,2011.05.14~2011.05.15, | 2011 . 05 |
106 | ,TSOC2011第四十一屆年會暨學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2011.05.14~2011.05.15, | 2011 . 05 |
107 | Mechanisms of Right Atrail Pacing Inducing Left Atrial and Left Ventricular Dysfunction Evaluated by Strain Echocardiography,中華民國心臟臟學會第五十週年慶第四十屆年會暨學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2010.05.22~2010.05.23, | 2010 . 05 |
108 | ,中華民國醫用超音波醫學會2010年第二次學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓103講堂,2010.05.16~2010.05.16,Hemodynamic Evaluation by Echocardiography | 2010 . 05 |
109 | Easy Application of Tissue Doppler Imaging in Clinical Setting,中華民國心臟臟學會第五十週年慶第四十屆年會暨學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2010.05.22~2010.05.23, | 2010 . 05 |
111 | ,Echocardiography New Frontiers,台北振興醫院視聽教室,2009.11.08~2009.11.08,TDI,strain,strain rate and tissue speckling tracking application in cardiac resynchronization therapy | 2009 . 11 |
112 | ,The Society of Ultrasound in Medicine of The Republic of China,台大醫學院基礎醫學大樓,2009.10.17~2009.10.18,Strain and Strain Using 2D Speckle Tracking | 2009 . 10 |
113 | ,台灣心臟超音波學會,台北振興醫院,2009.09.06~2009.09.06, | 2009 . 09 |
114 | ,台灣心律不整學術會第二屆年會,台中市裕元花園酒店,2009.08.15~2009.08.15,Optimization of CRT | 2009 . 08 |
115 | ,台灣心臟超音波學會,高雄榮民總醫院第五會議室,2009.07.26~2009.07.26,Role of Echo in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy;2D,Doppler Tissue Doppler lmaging,Strain and Strain rate lmaging | 2009 . 07 |
116 | ,中華民國醫用超音波醫學會2009年理事長擴大學術研討會,財團法人彰濱秀傳紀念醫院,2009.05.24~2009.05.24,Diastolic Heart Failure | 2009 . 05 |
117 | ,Advanced Course of Transesophageal Echocardiography,台大兒童醫療大樓B1視聽講堂,2009.03.21~2009.03.21,Transesophageal Echocardiography in Myocardial Disease | 2009 . 03 |
118 | ,中華民國醫用超音波學會2008年會,台北國際會議中心,2008.11.02~2008.11.02,Role of Echo in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy :2D,Doppler,Tissue doppler lmaging,Strain and Strain rate lmaging. | 2008 . 11 |
119 | ,中華民國醫用超音波學會2008年會,台北國際會議中心,2008.11.01~2008.11.01,Strain and Strain using Speckle Tracking | 2008 . 11 |
120 | ,中華民國心臟學會第38屆年會暨學術演講會,台大醫院,2008.10.25~2008.10.25,Strain and Strain rate in lschemia From Animal Study to Clinical Trial,Using TD1 and 2D Speckle Tracking. | 2008 . 10 |
121 | ,完整複習及進階教育訓練課程,台北振興醫院,2008.09.07~2008.09.07,Role of Echo in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy :2D,Doppler,Tissue doppler lmaging,Strain and Strain rate lmaging. | 2008 . 09 |
122 | ,中華民國心臟學會夏季會,台南麗緻酒店,2008.06.14~2008.06.15,Tissue Doppler Imaging in Clinical Setting | 2008 . 06 |
123 | ,中華民國醫用超音波學會2008第一次學術研討會,高雄榮總,2008.04.20~2008.04.20,2D strain Imaging and TSI Imaging | 2008 . 04 |
124 | ,台灣心臟超音波學會學術研討會,高雄榮總,2008.03.02~2008.03.02,Tissue Doppler Imaging | 2008 . 03 |
125 | Comparison of Left Ventricular Volumes and Ejection Fractions Measures By 3-Dimensional Echocardiography versus By 2-Dimensional Echocardiography And 64-Slice Multidetector Computed Tomography,The 16th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology,台灣台北,2007.12.13~2007.12.16, | 2007 . 12 |
126 | ,台灣心臟超音波學會學術研討會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2007.12.01~2007.12.01,Assessment of systolic function | 2007 . 12 |
127 | Valsalva sinus aneurysm mimics an right atrial mass,The 16th Aisan Pacific Congress of cardiology,台北,2007.12.15~2007.12.16, | 2007 . 12 |
128 | Valsalva Sinus Aneurysm Mimics an Right Atrial Mass,The 16th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology,台灣台北,2007.12.13~2007.12.16, | 2007 . 12 |
129 | ,中華民國醫用超音波學會年會,台大醫學會,2007.10.27~2007.10.28,Tissue Doppler, updated | 2007 . 10 |
130 | ,中華民國醫用超音波學會第一次學術研討會,嘉義榮民醫院,2007.05.20~2007.05.20,Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | 2007 . 05 |
131 | ,台灣心臟超音波學會學術研討會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2006.11.25~2006.11.25,Assessment of diastolic function | 2006 . 11 |
研究計畫/Research Grant (研究類型,研究計畫代號,主持人,補助或委託單位名稱,計畫名稱,計畫期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 個別型,DMR-113-130,梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、黃信鎰(Hsin-Yi Huang)、黃志勤(NG KEE-KOON)、陳懷恩(CHEN WHAI-EN)、林俊淵(Chun-Yuan Lin)、顏泰祥(Tai-Hsiang Yen),附醫院內計畫,心電圖參數預測心臟超音波,2023.8.1~2024.7.31 | 2023 . 08 |
2 | 個別型,NSTC 112-2314-B-039-068,賴嘉鎮,科技部,心房顫動病患適當的心跳範圍,2023.8.1~2024.7.31 | 2023 . 08 |
3 | 個別型,DMR-113-131,梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、吳宏彬(Hung-Pin Wu)、賴怡青(Yi-Ching Lai),附醫院內計畫,心肌酵素與心肌損傷疾病診斷相關性與預後分析,2023.8.1~2024.7.31 | 2023 . 08 |
4 | 個別型,CMU108-MF-18,陳科維(Ke-Wei Chen)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、陳怡儒(I-Ru Chen),本校(含附醫),評估左心室壓力-心肌形變迴圈分析作為新型心臟做功指數對尿毒症性心肌病之早期診斷與臨床預後之延續計畫,2019.9.9~2020.7.31 | 2019 . 09 |
5 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC1-048,柯伯彥(Po-Yen Ko)、盧炯睿(Chiung-Ray Lu)、王宇澄(Wang, Yu-Chen)、羅秉漢(Ping-Han Lo)、白培英(Pai, Pei-Ying)、林晏年(Yen-Nien Lin)、謝禮全(Li-Chuan Hsieh)、陳業鵬(Yeh-Peng Chen)、張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、蕭連城(Hsiao, Lien-Cheng)、張志斌(Chang, Chih-Ping)、陳恬恩(Chen, Tien-En)、林圀宏、吳宏彬(Hung-Pin Wu)、陳科維(Chen Ke Wei)、梁馨月(Liang, Hsin-Yueh)、陳建佑(Chen, Jan-Yow),附醫廠商計畫,一項多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、第三期試驗,評估 serelaxin 加入標準治療,用於急性心臟衰竭患者之療效、安全性與耐受性。,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
6 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH102-REC1-120,張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、蕭連城(Hsiao, Lien-Cheng)、王宇澄(Wang, Yu-Chen)、盧炯睿(Chiung-Ray Lu)、吳宏彬(Hung-Pin Wu)、林晏年(Yen-Nien Lin)、陳科維(Chen Ke Wei),附醫廠商計畫,亞洲地區心臟衰竭患者之心臟性猝死的前瞻、觀察性登錄研究,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
7 | 個別型,CMU105-N-03,梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang),本校(含附醫),具有超音波觸發釋藥功能之含硼藥物載體開發於硼中子捕獲治療之應用,2016.10.27~2017.7.31 | 2016 . 10 |
8 | 個別型,CMU105-TC-02,陳悦生(Yueh-Sheng Chen)、柯承志(Cherng-Jyh Ke),本校(含附醫),超音波可控式多功能載體開發,2016.10.19~2017.7.31 | 2016 . 10 |
9 | 個別型,DRM-106-013,杭良文(Liang-Wen Hang)、梁信杰(Shinn-Jye Liang),附醫院內計畫,睡眠中止對心臟功能的影響,2016.8.1~2017.7.31 | 2016 . 08 |
10 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH102-REC1-120,張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、蕭連城(Lien-Cheng Hsiao)、王宇澄(Yu-Chen Wang)、盧炯睿(Chiung-Ray Lu)、吳宏彬(Hung-Pin Wu)、林晏年(Yen-Nien Lin)、陳科維(Chen Ke Wei),附醫廠商計畫,亞洲地區心臟衰竭患者之心臟性猝死的前瞻、觀察性登錄研究,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
11 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC1-048,柯柏彥、盧炯睿(Chiung-Ray Lu)、王宇澄(Yu-Chen Wang)、羅秉漢(Ping-Han Lo)、白培英(Pei-Ying Pai)、林晏年(Yen-Nien Lin)、謝禮全(Li-Chuan Hsieh)、陳業鵬(Yeh-Peng Chen)、張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、蕭連城(Lien-Cheng Hsiao)、張志斌(Chih-Ping Chang)、陳恬恩(Tien-En Chen)、林圀宏、吳宏彬(Hung-Pin Wu)、陳科維(Chen Ke Wei)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、陳建佑(Jan-Yow Chen),附醫廠商計畫,一項多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、第三期試驗,評估 serelaxin 加入標準治療,用於急性心臟衰竭患者之療效、安全性與耐受性。,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
12 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC2-057,白培英(Pei-Ying Pai)、林圀宏、王宇澄(Yu-Chen Wang)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、蕭連城(Lien-Cheng Hsiao)、盧炯睿(Chiung-Ray Lu)、柯伯彥(Po-Yen Ko)、吳宏彬(Hung-Pin Wu)、林晏年(Yen-Nien Lin),附醫廠商計畫,一項第三期、病例系列臨床試驗,探討經靜脈投予5.0克idarucizumab (BI 655075) 於正接受dabigatran etexilate治療且發生未獲控制之出血事件或需要接受緊急手術/處置的患者後,對dabigatran抗凝作用之反轉效果。,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
13 | 個別型,DMR-105-010,梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、汪貴珍(Guei-Jane Wang)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang),附醫院內計畫,追蹤心肌作功及心臟形變超音波趨勢與接受血液透析之末期腎病變患者預後相關性之研究,2015.8.1~2016.7.31 | 2015 . 08 |
14 | 個別型,DMR-105-014,梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang),附醫院內計畫,胸前心臟超音波預測心房顫動預後,2015.8.1~2016.7.31 | 2015 . 08 |
15 | 個別型,DMR-105-015,梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang),附醫院內計畫,追蹤負荷性超音波引發之左心室出口壓力差在非肥厚性心臟病患者預後相關性之研究,2015.8.1~2016.7.31 | 2015 . 08 |
16 | 個別型,DMR-104-010,,附醫院內計畫,心肌型變影像於ST段上升心肌梗塞的預後角色,2014.8.1~2015.7.31 | 2014 . 08 |
17 | 整合型(召集人、總主持人),099427C9,陳業鵬(Yeh-Peng Chen)、張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、謝禮全(Li-Chuan Hsieh)、王宇澄(Yu-Chen Wang)、盧炯睿(Chiung-Ray Lu)、林圀宏(Kuo-Hung Lin)、何弘棋(Hung-Chi Ho)、林楨智(Jen-Jyn Lin)、梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、張志斌(Chih-Ping Chang)、陳恬恩(Tien-En Chen)、王黃舟(Huang-Joe Wang)、楊晨佳(Chen-Chia Yang)、柯伯彥(Po-Yen Ko),賽諾菲安萬特股份有限公司,針對計畫作早期侵入性治療的不穩定心絞痛/非ST波上升之心肌梗塞患者,給予otamixaban或unfractionated heparin(肝素)與eptifibatide以比較其療效的隨機、雙盲、三種藥物平行給予之研究,2011.3.5~2013.3.21 | 2011 . 03 |
18 | 個別型,DMR-97-013,林圀宏(Kuo-Hung Lin),附醫院內計畫,心衰竭病人的心房機械力學,2007.8.1~2008.7.31 | 2007 . 08 |
專利/Patent (專利名稱,專利類別,專利國別,專利號碼,專利期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 基於運動心電圖的冠狀動脈心臟病風險評估方法及其系統,發明專利,台灣,I856824,2024.9.21~2043.9.18 | 2024 . 09 |