
Doctor Introduction



Tsung-Yu Tsai
Tsung-Yu Tsai


蔡宗佑 Tsung-Yu Tsai



期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 蔡宗佑(Tsung-Yu Tsai)、吳嘉峯(Jia-Feng Wu)、翁孟慈(Meng-Tzu Weng)、莊喬雄(Chiao-Hsiung Chuang)、黃天祐(Tien-Yu Huang)、戴維震(Wei-Chen Tai)、戴啟明(Chi-Ming Tai)、鍾承軒(Chen-Shuan Chung)、陳志城(Chih-Cheng Chen)、魏淑鉁(Shu-Chen Wei)*,Exacerbated gastrointestinal symptoms and long COVID in IBD patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection: A multi-center study from taiwan,JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION,2024 Mar,S0929-6646(24): 2024 . 03
2 許偉帆(Hsu, Wei-Fan)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、陳政國(Cheng-Kuo Chen)、王鴻偉(Hung-Wei Wang)、莊伯恒(Po-Heng Chuang)、蔡明宏(Ming-Hung Tsai)、陳昇弘(Chen, Sheng-Hung)、朱家聲(Chia-Sheng Chu)、蘇文邦(Wen-Pang Su)、周仁偉(Jen-Wei Chou)、高榮達(Jung-Ta Kao)、陳浤燿(Hung-Yao Chen)、莊世杰(Shih-Chieh Chuang)、蔡宗佑(Tsung-Yu Tsai)、蕭望德(Won-Der Shau)、黃冠棠(Guan-Tarn Huang)、彭成元(Peng, Cheng-Yuan)*,Combined CRAFITY score and α-fetoprotein response predicts treatment outcomes in patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma receiving anti-programmed death-1 blockade-based immunotherapy,American Journal of Cancer Research,2023 Feb,13(2):654-668 2023 . 02
3 陳昇弘(Chen, Sheng-Hung)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、蘇文邦(Wen-Pang Su)、高榮達(Jung-Ta Kao)、莊伯恒(Po-Heng Chuang)、許偉帆(Hsu, Wei-Fan)、王鴻偉(Hung-Wei Wang)、蔡宗佑(Tsung-Yu Tsai)、陳浤燿(Hung-Yao Chen)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)*,Liver and spleen stiffness surveillance through elastography during and after direct-acting antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C,JOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE,2022 Apr,41(5):1169-1177 2022 . 04
4 許偉帆(Hsu, Wei-Fan)、王鴻偉(Hung-Wei Wang)、陳政國(Cheng-Kuo Chen)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、莊伯恒(Po-Heng Chuang)、蔡明宏(Ming-Hung Tsai)、蘇文邦(Wen-Pang Su)、陳浤燿(Hung-Yao Chen)、朱家聲(Chia-Sheng Chu)、周仁偉(Jen-Wei Chou)、陳昇弘(Chen, Sheng-Hung)、蔡宗佑(Tsung-Yu Tsai)、蕭望德(Won-Der Shau)、林俊哲(LIN CHUN-CHE)、黃冠棠(Guan-Tarn Huang)、林肇堂(LIN JAW-TOWN)、彭成元(Peng, Cheng-Yuan)*,Alpha-fetoprotein response predicts treatment outcomes in patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors with or without tyrosine kinase inhibitors or locoregional therapies,American Journal of Cancer Research,2021 Dec,11(12):6173-6187 2021 . 12
5 陳昇弘(Sheng-Hung Chen)、黃嘉琳(Chia-Lin Huang)、江宜平(I-Ping Chiang)、張孜菁(Tzu-Ching Chang)、王鴻偉(Hung-Wei Wang)、許偉帆(Wei-Fan Hsu)、蔡宗佑(Tsung-Yu Tsai)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)*,Liver fibrosis regression correlates with downregulation in liver angiogenesis in chronic hepatitis C through viral eradication,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY,2021 Sep,33(9):1209-1217 2021 . 09
6 蔡宗佑(Tsung-Yu Tsai)、黃明停(Ming-Ting Huang)、宋佩珊(Pei-Shan Sun)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、陶秘華(Mi-Hua Tao)、楊懷壹(Hwai-I Yang)、張偉嶠(Wei-Chiao Chang)、楊安綏(An-Suei Yang)、余忠銘(Chung-Ming Yu)、林雅萍(Ya-Ping Lin)、包慶瑜(Ching-Yu Bau)、黃志仁(Chih-Jen Huang)、潘眉虹(Mei-Hung Pan)、吳宗益(Chung-Yi Wu)、蕭傳鐙(Chwan-Deng Hsiao)、葉義弘(Yi-Hung Yeh)、(Shiteng Duan)、(James C Paulson)、謝世良(Shie-Liang Hsieh)*,SIGLEC-3 (CD33) serves as an immune checkpoint receptor for HBV infection,JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION,2021 Jun,131(11): 2021 . 06
7 (Hsien-Chih Wu)、(Chia-Lin Huang,)、王鴻偉(Hung-Wei Wang)、許偉帆(Wei-Fan Hsu)、蔡宗佑(Tsung-Yu Tsai)、陳昇弘(Sheng-Hung Chen)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)*,Serum miR-21 correlates with the histological stage of chronic hepatitis B-associated liver fibrosis.,International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology,2019 Dec,12(10):3819-3829 2019 . 12
8 蔡宗佑(Tsung-Yu Tsai)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、楊懷壹(Hwai-I Yang)、黃雅蘭(Ya-Lang Huang)、陶秘華(Mi-Hua Tao)、袁新盛(Shin-Sheng Yuan)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、謝世良(Shie-Liang Hsieh)*,The human C-type lectin 18 is a potential biomarker in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection,JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE,2018 Jul,25(59): 2018 . 07
9 蔡宗佑(Tsung-Yu Tsai)、(Che-Chen Lin)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、蘇文邦(Wen-Pang Su)、賴世偉(Shih-Wei Lai)、(Hsuan-Ju Chen)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)*,The Association between Biliary Tract Inflammation and Risk of Digestive System Cancers: A Population-Based Cohort Study,MEDICINE,2016 Aug,(): 2016 . 08
10 張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、蔡宗佑(Tsung-Yu Tsai)、廖欣儀(Hsin-Yi Liao)、張家銘(Chia-Ming Chang)、鄭俊山(Jyun-Shan Jheng)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、陳朝榮(Chao-Jung Chen)*,Double Filtration Plasma Apheresis Shortens Hospital Admission Duration of Patients With Severe Hypertriglyceridemia-Associated Acute Pancreatitis,PANCREAS,2015 Oct,0(0):0-0 2015 . 10
11 張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、廖欣儀(Hsin-Yi Liao)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、蔡宗佑、楊朝諭(Chao-Yuh Yang)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)、陳朝榮(Chao-Jung Chen)*,Early prediction of severe acute pancreatitis by urinary β-2 microglobulin/saposin B peak ratios on MALDI-TOF,CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA,2015 Feb,440():115-122 2015 . 02
12 蔡宗佑、陳洋源(Yang-Yuan Chen)*、(Ming-Hsin Lee),Unusual Causes of Abdominal Pain.,Gastroenterology,2014 Jan,146(1):e12-13 2014 . 01


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 Experience of Bowel Ultrasound in the Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Single Center Study from Taiwan,2024 TSIBD Annual Meeting-Advancing IBD Care Together,張榮發國際會議中心,2024.12.01~2024.12.01, 2024 . 12
2 Impact of microbiota diversity on inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease patients during remission,THE 51st NAITO CONFERENCE ON Microbiome in Health and Disease,CHÂTERAISÉ Gateaux Kingdom SAPPORO, Japan,2024.06.25~2024.06.28, 2024 . 06
3 ,TSIBD 2024 Spring Forum,台北新板希爾頓酒店3F圓滿A廳,2024.05.05~2024.05.05,Micronutrient Deficiency in IBD: Clinician Perspectives and Insights 2024 . 05
4 Correlation between plasma IgA level and biological therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease,2024 CANADIAN DIGESTIVE DISEASES WEEK™ and CANADIAN LIVER MEETING,Sheraton Center Toronto Hotel, Toronto, Canada,2024.03.01~2024.03.03, 2024 . 03
5 克隆氏症病患的慢性腎臟病風險有所增加,2023 Taiwan Digestive Disease Week (TDDW),國立中山大學國際研究大樓2樓,2023.09.22~2023.09.24, 2023 . 09
6 Exploring the role of secretory C type lectin 18 in HBV Infection,2023 INTERNATIONAL HBV MEETING,Kobe International Conference Center,2023.09.19~2023.09.23, 2023 . 09
7 ,TSIBD 2023 Summer Forum,台北喜來登大飯店B2祿廳,2023.06.11~2023.06.11,Safety of Biological Therapy and Opportunistic Infection 2023 . 06
8 The immunohistochemistry staining of IgA in intestinal tissue is important for disease diagnosis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.,AOCC 2023 in conjunction with IMKASID 2023 The 11th Annual Meeting of the Asian Organization for Crohn’s and Colitis in conjunction with the 6th International Meeting on Intestinal Diseases and Annual Congress of the Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases,BEXCO, Busan, Korea,2023.04.13~2023.04.15, 2023 . 04
9 Patients with IgA Nephropathy Have an Increased Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The Taiwan National Health Insurance Database Retrospective Cohort Study,The 11th Annual Meeting of the Asian Organization for Crohn's and Colitis (AOCC 2023), in conjunction with the 6th International Meeting on Intestinal Diseases and Annual Congress of the Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases (IMKASID 2023),釜山,2023.04.13~2023.04.15, 2023 . 04
10 Baseline ESR level and cough associated with exacerbated Gastrointestinal related symptoms in IBD patients with SARS-COV2 infection,AOCC2023,韓國,2023.04.13~2023.04.15, 2023 . 04
11 Concurrent immune checkpoint inhibitor and tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy yields better outcome than immune checkpoint inhibitor monotherapy in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma,2022 Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver Single Topic Conference on Hepatocellular Carcinoma,台大醫院國際會議中心,2022.06.23~2022.06.25, 2022 . 06
12 A presentation of patients with Crohn’s disease who rapidly achieve steroid-free remission within 1 month under Vedolizumab administration,10th Annual Meeting of the Asian Organization for Crohn’s and Colitis,Virtual,2022.06.16~2022.06.18, 2022 . 06
13 Concurrent immune checkpoint inhibitor and tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy yields better outcome than immune checkpoint inhibitor monotherapy in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma,2021TDDW台灣消化醫學週,台大醫院國際會議中心,2021.09.25~2021.09.26, 2021 . 09
14 Sofosbuvir and velpatasvir (Epclusa®) to treat prisoners with chronic hepatitis C- an experience in a Taichung medical center,中華民國一一O年台灣消化系聯合學術演講年會,中國醫藥大學英才校區,2021.03.27~2021.03.28, 2021 . 03
15 介白素10預測慢性B型肝炎病人接受貝樂克治療發生早期血清表面抗原濃度下降,中華民國一一○年消化系聯合學術演講年會,中國醫藥大學英才校區,2021.03.27~2021.03.28, 2021 . 03
16 Plasma human C-Type Lectin 18 Levels in the natural course of chronic hepatitis B infected patients and its dynamic change in patients who achieve HBsAg seroconversion under nucleotide analogue therapy.,2020 JDDW,KOBE convention center,2020.11.5 ~2020.11.8 , 2020 . 11
17 Outcome of HCV infected prisoners under direct-acting antiviral agent treatment in Taiwan.,2020TDDW台灣消化醫學週,台大醫院國際會議中心,2020.09.25~2020.09.27, 2020 . 09
18 Plasma Human C-Type Lectin 18 Levels correlate with the severity of liver fibrosis in patients with Chronic Hepatitis B,中華民國一○八年消化系聯合學術演講年會,國防醫學中心,2019.03.30~2019.03.31, 2019 . 03
19 The role of CLEC18 in clinical manifestation of HCC and its related interferon stimulation pathway,JDDW 2018 KOBE,Portopia Hotel 南館,2018.11.01~2018.11.04, 2018 . 11
20 C-type Lectin 18 as a novel biomarker for HBV infection and can predict HBeAg loss in CHB patients undergoing nucleos(t)ide analogue therapy,JDDW 2017 FUKUFOKA,福岡國際會議場,2017.10.12~2017.10.15, 2017 . 10
21 人類C型凝集素CLEC18在慢性B型肝炎患者中肝臟及血漿的表現Liver And Plasma C-type Lectin 18 Down-regulated In Chronic Hepatitis B Patients,106年台灣消化系聯合學術演講年會,台中榮民總醫院,2017.03.18~2017.03.19, 2017 . 03
22 人類C型凝集素CLEC18在慢性B型肝炎患者中肝臟及血將的表現,中華民國一○六年消化系聯合學術演講年會,臺中榮民總醫院,2017.03.18~2017.03.19, 2017 . 03
23 Evolution and Predictive Role of Basal Core Promoter and Precore Mutants in Genotype B or C Hepatitis B E Antigen-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Undergoing Peginterferon Therapy,2016 TDDW 台灣消化醫學週,台北,2016.10.01~2016.10.02, 2016 . 10
24 Long-term Serum HBsAg Kinetics in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Who Achieve HBeAg Loss Following Pegasys Therapy,2016 APASL Single Topic Conference on Hepatitis C,Kaohsiung,2016.06.10~2016.06.10, 2016 . 06
25 Long-term Serum HBsAg Kinetics in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Who Achieve HBeAg Loss Following Pegasys Therapy,中華民國一○五年消化系聯合學術演講年會,台北(台北榮民總醫院),2016.03.26~2016.03.27, 2016 . 03
26 The Association between Biliary Tract Inflammation and Risk of Digestive System Cancers: A Population-Based Cohort Study,Japan Digestive Disease Week 2015 TOKYO,TOKYO,2015.10.08~2015.10.11, 2015 . 10
27 Paraoxonase-1 carbamylation is enhanced in HDL of uremia patients,第十二屆台灣質譜學會年會暨2015年學術研討會,交通大學,2015.07.13~2015.07.15, 2015 . 07
28 Different Serum HBsAg Kinetics between Genotype B and C Both in HBeAg-Positive and -Negative Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Treated with Entecavir,中華民國一○四年消化系聯合學術演講年會,台北- 台大醫院國際會議中心,2015.03.28~2015.03.29, 2015 . 03
29 Tamm Horsfall protein associate with electrolyte balance in acute pancreatitis,加拿大消化系醫學會,加拿大班夫費爾蒙飯店,2015.02.27~2015.03.02, 2015 . 02
30 Novel urine assay for predicting acute pancreatitis severity by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry,第二十屆國際質譜研討會,瑞士 日內瓦,2014.08.24~2014.08.29, 2014 . 08
31 ,第十一屆台灣質譜年會,中興大學,2014.06.29~2014.07.01,Early prediction of severity in acute pancreatitis by urinary MALDI-TOF peak ratios and its proteomic study 2014 . 06
32 Predictive Value of Baseline and On-Treatment Quantitative Serum HBsAg Levels in Therapeutic Outcome to Entecavir in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B,2013 Taiwan Digestive Disease Week,台大醫院國際會議中心,2013.10.04~2013.10.06, 2013 . 10
33 ,台灣消化系醫學會暨台灣消化系內視鏡醫學會聯合學術演講年會,高雄醫學大學,2013.03.16~2013.03.17, 2013 . 03




研究計畫/Research Grant
1 個別型,NSTC 112-2314-B-039-072,陳瑜帆(CHEN YU-FAN)、蔡宗佑(Tsung-Yu Tsai),科技部,腸道菌群及NPGPx在發炎性腸道疾病患者以生物製劑治療之關聯性及其臨床應用,2023.10.1~2024.9.30 2023 . 10
2 個別型,MOST 111-2628-B-039-008-MY3,徐婕琳(Hsu, Jye-Lin)、謝世良(Shie-Liang Hsieh),科技部,人類C型凝集素18在慢性B型肝炎病毒感染中扮演的角色。,2023.8.1~2024.7.31 2023 . 08
3 個別型,DMR-113-014,徐婕琳(Hsu, Jye-Lin),附醫院內計畫,探討Gd-IgA與發炎性腸道疾病相關性,2023.8.1~2024.7.31 2023 . 08
4 個別型,MOST 111-2628-B-039-008-MY3,徐婕琳(Hsu, Jye-Lin)、謝世良(Shie-Liang Hsieh),科技部,人類C型凝集素18在慢性B型肝炎病毒感染中扮演的角色。,2022.8.1~2023.7.31 2022 . 08
5 個別型,DMR-111-031,徐婕琳(Hsu, Jye-Lin)、彭成元(Peng, Cheng-Yuan),附醫院內計畫,探討慢性B型肝炎患者肝臟組織免疫細胞SIGLEC-3的表現量與臨床病程進展的相關性,2021.8.1~2022.7.31 2021 . 08
6 個別型,MOST 108-2314-B-039-023-,彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、謝世良(Hsieh, Shie-Liang),科技部,人類C型凝集素18在慢性B型肝炎病人接受抗病毒藥物治療的表現以及其與肝纖維化相關性之探討。,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 2019 . 08
7 個別型,DMR-104-098,張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang),附醫院內計畫,TH蛋白和急性胰臟炎電解質之相關性,2014.8.1~2015.6.30 2014 . 08


1 METHODS OF TREATING VIRAL INFECTION,發明專利,美國,US11,142,795,B2,2021.10.12~2038.6.2 2021 . 10
2 抗-唾液酸結合性類免疫球蛋白凝集素之抗體、包含該抗體之藥學組合物及其用途,發明專利,台灣,I696634,2020.6.21~2038.9.24 2020 . 06
3 用以診斷病毒感染的方法,發明專利,台灣,I672504,2019.9.21~2038.3.14 2019 . 09


1 THE AOCC 2023 in conjunction with IMKASID 2023-Travel grant,The AOCC2023 in conjunction with IMKASID 2023,2023.4.13 2023 . 04
2 2022 APASL-TOP 100 Outstanding Abstract,Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver,2022.6.25 2022 . 06
3 第31屆王民寧獎之國內各大學院校醫藥相關研究所暨學術研究機構優秀論文獎,財團法人王民寧先生紀念基金會,2021.11.12 2021 . 11
4 Travel Award,2020 Japan Digestive Disease Week,2020.8.18 2020 . 08
5 JDDW 2018 KOBE Travel Award,26th Japan Digestive Disease Week,2018.11.1 2018 . 11
6 Travel Award,2018 Japan Digestive Disease Week,2018.7.13 2018 . 07
7 JDDW2015 TOKYO Travel Award,23rd Japan Digestive Disease Week,2015.10.9 2015 . 10

