期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | 吳至容(Wu, Chih-Jung)、何雅芳(Ho, Ya-Fang)、白禮源(Li-Yuan Bai)、吳青(Ching-Feng Wu)、陳婷婷(Chen, Ting-Ting)、王雅容(Ya-Jung Wang)*,Distinct Trajectories of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Lymphoma Survivors Treated with R-CHOP: A Prospective Study,ONCOLOGY NURSING FORUM,2024 Oct,-(-):--- | 2024 . 10 |
2 | 吳至容(Wu, Chih-Jung)、白禮源(Li-Yuan Bai)、陳俞琪(Yu-Chi Chen)、吳青(Ching-Feng Wu)、林寬佳(Kuan-Chia Lin)、王雅容(Ya-Jung Wang)*,A Symptom Cluster of Fatigue, Disturbed Sleep, and Numbness in Lymphoma Survivors before, during and after Chemotherapy: A Prospective Study,ONCOLOGY NURSING FORUM,2023 May,50(): | 2023 . 05 |
3 | 林怡君(LIN YI-CHUN)、廖子琦(Tzu-Chi Liao)、林建德(Chien-Te Lin)、鄭隆賓(Long-Bin Jeng)、楊宏仁(Horng-Ren Yang)、徐中和(Chung-Ho Hsu)、林維卿(Wei-Ching Lin)、吳青(Ching-Feng Wu)*、葉俊杰(Yeh, Chun-Chieh)*,Salvage Surgeries for Splanchnic Artery Aneurysms after Failed Endovascular Therapy – Case Series,International Journal of Surgery,2023 May,10.1097(): | 2023 . 05 |
4 | 張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、吳青(Ching-Feng Wu)、(Chih- Hsin Muo)、張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)*、陳培君(Pei-Chun Chen)*,Sex Differences in Temporal Trends and Risk Factors of Aortic Dissection in Taiwan,Journal of the American Heart Association,2023 Feb,12(5):e027833 | 2023 . 02 |
5 | 林有騫(Lin, You-Cian)、(Jeen-Chen Chen)、(Jiunn-Min Lin)、許智翔(Chih-Hsiang Hsu)、吳青(Ching-Feng Wu)、(Shao-Hsuan Kao)*,Differential serum proteomic signatures between acute aortic dissection and acute myocardial infarction,Biomedicines,2023 Jan,(): | 2023 . 01 |
6 | 吳青(Ching-Feng Wu)、許家豪(Chia-Hao Hsu)、蘇啟成(Soh Khay-Seng)、沈德群(Te-Chun Shen)*,【EDITORIAL MATERIA】An Uncommon Injury after Blunt Neck Trauma,BRITISH JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL MEDICINE,2020 Nov,81(11):1-1 | 2020 . 11 |
7 | 翁啟峰(Chia-Fong Weng)、吳青(Ching-Feng Wu)、高紹軒、陳勁辰(CHEN CHEN-JEEN)、林暉翰(Hui-Han Lin)*,Down-Regulation of miR-34a-5p Potentiates Protective Effect of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Against Ischemic Myocardial Infarction by Stimulating the Expression of C1q/Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Protein-9,Frontiers in Physiology,2019 Dec,10():1445 | 2019 . 12 |
8 | 陳韋成(Chen Wei-cheng)、(Kuo-Yang Huang)、(Chih-Wei Yao)、吳青峰(Ching-Feng Wu)、梁信杰(Shinn-Jye Liang)、李嘉翔(Chia-Hsiang Li)、涂智彥(Chih-Yen Tu)、陳鴻仁(Hung-Jen Chen)*,The modified SAVE score: predicting survival using urgent veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation within 24 hours of arrival at the emergency department,CRITICAL CARE,2016 Oct,20():336 | 2016 . 10 |
9 | 林暉翰(Hui-Han Lin)*、(Liao, Shou-Fu)、吳青峰(Ching-Feng Wu)、李秉純(Ping-Chun Li)、李明禮(Ming-Li Li),Outcome of Frozen Elephant Trunk Technique for Acute Type A Aortic Dissection: As Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,MEDICINE,2015 Apr,94(16):694-702 | 2015 . 04 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | 套膜支架對於上臂及前臂之人工動靜脈廔管反覆狹窄病灶治療成效比較之回朔性研究,113年度外科聯合學術研討會,高雄醫學大學及附設中和紀念醫院,2024.03.16~2024.03.17, | 2024 . 03 |
2 | The rationale and resulf of TEVAR procedure for Type B intramural hematoma of aorta,LINC ASIA-PACIFIC 2019,香港,2019.03.12~2019.03.13, | 2019 . 03 |
3 | The Results Of Extending Indications For TEVAR Procedures To Nearly All Acute Type B Aortic Dissection,LINC ASIA-PACIFIC 2019,香港,2019.03.12~2019.03.13, | 2019 . 03 |
4 | Four-year Surgical Results for Traumatic Aortic Injury in China Medical University Hospital, Mid-Taiwan,LINC ASIA-PACIFIC 2019,香港,2019.03.12~2019.03.13, | 2019 . 03 |
5 | 4-year result of TEVAR procedure for acute type B aortic dissection in China Medical University Hospital,JET 2019, Japan Endovascular Treatment Conference 2019,TKP Garden City Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan,2019.02.22~2019.02.24, | 2019 . 02 |
6 | Acute external iliac artery total occlusion after motorcycle collision.,ACEM 2015-8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine,TICC,2015.11.07~2015.11.10, | 2015 . 11 |
7 | Urgent ECMO using within 24Hours of Arrival Emergency Room,ATS International Conference 2015,Denver International conference,2015.05.15~2015.05.20,ECMO and Artificial Oxygenation System in Acute Respiratory Failure | 2015 . 05 |
研究計畫/Research Grant (研究類型,研究計畫代號,主持人,補助或委託單位名稱,計畫名稱,計畫期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 個別型,DMR-106-169,李建興(Chien-Hsing Lee)、吳青峰(Ching-Feng Wu),附醫院內計畫,豬之原位性腸移植,2016.8.1~2017.6.30 | 2016 . 08 |