期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | 陳柏谷(Po-Ku Chen)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、陳信華(Hsin-Hua Chen)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、黃建中(Huang, Chien-Chung)、楊凱介(YEO KAI-JIEH)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Prior herpes zoster occurrence and high-dose corticosteroids increase herpes zoster risk in rheumatoid arthritis patients receiving janus kinase inhibitors in a retrospective and observational study,CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY,2024 Aug,43(8):2503-2511 | 2024 . 08 |
2 | 陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、陳信華(Hsin-Hua Chen)、廖采苓(Tsai-Ling Liao)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、楊凱介(YEO KAI-JIEH)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Association of the Reduced Levels of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 with Herpes Zoster in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Treated with Janus Kinase Inhibitors in a Single-Center Cohort,Microorganisms,2024 May,12(5):974 | 2024 . 05 |
3 | 劉彥廷(Yen-Ting Liu)、蔡崇豪(Chon-Haw Tsai)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、吳柏樟(Wu, Po-Chang)*,Ossification of posterior atlantoaxial membrane causing spinal stenosis – A case report,Heliyon,2023 Jul,9(7):e18182 | 2023 . 07 |
4 | 曾浩翔(CHEN HAO XIANG)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、楊凱介(Yeo Kai Jieh)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、鄒頡龍(Chieh-Lung Chou)*、吳柏樟(Wu, Po-Chang)*,Mirabegron is better tolerated than solifenacin in Sjogren's syndrome patients with overactive bladder symptoms—A randomized controlled trial,LUTS-Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms,2023 Apr,10(1111): | 2023 . 04 |
5 | 陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)、陳信華(Hsin-Hua Chen)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、陳一銘(Yi-Ming Chen)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、謝佳偉(Chia-Wei Hsieh)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、譚國棟(Kuo-Tung Tang)*,The Impact of b/tsDMARD Dose Reduction on Chronic Hepatitis B in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: A Two-Center Long-Term Safety Analysis,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2023 Jan,12(1):86 | 2023 . 01 |
6 | 張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、許登傑(Teng-Chieh Hsu)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、黃建中(Huang, Chien-Chung)、楊凱介(Yeo Kai Jieh)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong)、陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、林昀嫻(Yun-Hsien Lin)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,A Streamlined Diagnostic Process Improved the Outcomes of Patients with Adult-Onset Still’s Disease: A Single-Center Retrospective Observational Study,Rheumatology and Therapy,2022 Dec,(2022): | 2022 . 12 |
7 | 黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳郁佳(Yu-Chia Chen)、賴羿如(I-Lu Lai)、陳鴻大(CHEN HONG DA)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、塗翔鈞(TU SIANG-JYUN)、李雅婷(Ya-Ting Lee)、顏汝珍(Ju-Chen Yen)、林佳麗(Chia-Li Lin)、劉鼎元(Ting-Yuan Liu)、張建國(Jan-Gowth Chang)*,Exploring RNA modifications, editing, and splicing changes in hyperuricemia and gout,Frontiers in Medicine,2022 Sep,0(): | 2022 . 09 |
8 | 黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)*、陳宣如(Hsuan-Ju Chen)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang),Hypothyroidism risk associated with rheumatoid arthritis: a population-based retrospective cohort study,MEDICINE,2022 Feb,101(1): | 2022 . 02 |
9 | 黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,【Educational Forum】Diagnostic Value of the Salivary Gland Ultrasonography Scoring System in Patients with Primary Sjogren’s Syndrome,Journal of Medical Ultrasound,2021 Dec,19(4):235-236 | 2021 . 12 |
10 | 陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、楊凱介(Yeo Kai Jieh)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、張敬昆、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Increased Lipid Peroxidation May Be Linked to Ferritin Levels Elevation in Adult-Onset Still’s Disease,Biomedicines,2021 Oct,9(11):1508 | 2021 . 10 |
11 | 譚國棟(Kuo?Tung Tang)、謝佳偉(Chia?Wei Hsieh)、陳信華(Hsin?Hua Chen)、陳一銘(Yi?Ming Chen)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,The effectiveness of tocilizumab in treating refractory adult-onset Still's disease with dichotomous phenotypes: IL-18 is a potential predictor of therapeutic response,CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY,2021 Sep,2021(): | 2021 . 09 |
12 | 陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、徐婕琳(Hsu, Jye-Lin)、張敬昆、田霓(Ni Tien)、林惠茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Interleukin-18 Is a Potential Biomarker to Discriminate Active Adult-Onset Still’s Disease From COVID-19,Frontiers in Immunology,2021 Jul,12(): | 2021 . 07 |
13 | 陳柏谷(PoKu Chen)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、李如璧(Ju-Pi Li)、張敬昆、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、楊凱介(Yeo Kai Jieh)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen)*,Elevated plasma galectin-3 levels and their correlation with disease activity in adult-onset Still’s disease,CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY,2020 Jan,():1-8 | 2020 . 01 |
14 | 石硯如(Yen-ju Shih)*、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、陳得源(Der-Yuan Chen),狼瘡性腎炎末期腎病變患者之尿毒性動脈鈣化病變,中華民國風濕病雜誌,2019 Nov,33(2):68-68 | 2019 . 11 |
15 | (Huey-En Tzeng)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、蔡嘉哲(Jia-Zer Tsay)、(Yi-Ju Lee)、黄琮竣(HUANG,TSURNG-JUHN)、(Tzu-Hung Lin)、(Ying-Ming Chiu)、吳怡瑩*,Isosteviol Derivative Inhibits Osteoclast Differentiation and Ameliorates Ovariectomy-Induced Osteoporosis,Scientific Reports,2018 Jul,8(1):11190 | 2018 . 07 |
16 | 蔡俊灝(Tsai, Chun-Hao)、(Ming-Hua Hsu)、黃柏豪(Huang, Po-Hao)、(Chin-Tung Hsieh)、(Chiu YM)、(Shieh DC)、(Lee YJ)、蔡嘉哲(Tsay, Gregory J)、吳怡瑩(Wu, Yi-Ying)*,A Paeonol derivative, YPH-PA3 promotes the differentiation of monocyte/macrophage lineage precursor cells into osteoblasts and enhances their autophagy.,European Journal of Pharmacology,2018 May,S0014-2999(18):30286-3 | 2018 . 05 |
17 | Huey-En Tzen、蔡俊灝(Tsai, Chun-Hao)、侯庭鏞(Ho, Tin-Yun)、(Chin-Tung Hsieh)、周聖杰(Chou, Shen-Chieh)、(Yi-Ju Lee)、蔡嘉哲(Tsay, Gregory J)、黃柏豪(Huang, Po-Hao)、吳怡瑩(Wu, Yi-Ying)*,Radix Paeoniae Rubra stimulates osteoclast differentiation by activation of the NF-κB and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways,BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine,2018 Apr,18(132): | 2018 . 04 |
18 | 黃春明(Huang, Chung-Ming)、陳宣如(Hsuan-Ju Chen)、黃柏豪(Huang, Po-Hao)、蔡嘉哲(Tsay, Gregory J)、藍忠亮(Lan, Joung-Liang)、宋鴻樟(Sung, Fung-Chang)*,Retrospective Cohort Study on Risk of Hearing Loss in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Using Claims Data,BMJ Open,2018 Jan,8(1):e018134.-e018134. | 2018 . 01 |
19 | 楊凱介(Yeo Kai Jieh)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、蔡嘉哲(Jia-Zer Tsay)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*,Clinical Image: Diencephalon and isolated unilateral abducen nerve palsy in neuro-Behçet's disease- a rare manifestation,中華民國風濕病雜誌,2017 Dec,31(2):31-32 | 2017 . 12 |
20 | 黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、蔡嘉哲(Gregory J Tsay)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu)、洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong),Clinical Images: recurrent spontaneous intramuscular hematoma by acquired coagulation factor XIII deficiency in an elder patient with systemic lupus erythematosus,中華民國風濕病雜誌,2016 Dec,30(2):80-81 | 2016 . 12 |
21 | 曾慧恩(Huey-En Tzeng)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)*,Gout increases risk of fracture :A nationwide population-based cohort study,MEDICINE,2016 Aug,95(34):e4669-e4669 | 2016 . 08 |
22 | 黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)*、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、蔡嘉哲(Gregory J Tsay)、林孝義、曾鈞宏(Chun-Hung Tseng)、林橙莉、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu),An indepentent risk of gout on the development of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism : a nationwide, population-based cohort study,MEDICINE,2015 Dec,94(51):e2140 | 2015 . 12 |
23 | 洪偉哲(Wei-Jhe Hong)、藍忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)*、蔡嘉哲(Jia-Zer Tsay)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、黃建中(Chien-Chung Huang)、吳柏樟(Po-Chang Wu),Behcet's disease complicated with intracardiac thrombus,中華民國風濕病雜誌,2015 Dec,29(2):44-45 | 2015 . 12 |
24 | 黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Effect of MPG gene rs2858056 polymorphism, copy number variation, and level of serum MPG protein on the risk for rheumatoid arthritis,PLoS One,2015 Mar,10(3): | 2015 . 03 |
25 | (Wang, Sheng-Chang)*、(Tsou, Hsiao-Hui)、(Chung, Ren-Hua)、(Chang, Yao-Sheng)、(Fang, Chiu-Ping)、(Chen, Chia-Hui)、何英剛(Ing-Kang Ho)、(Kuo, Hsiang-Wei)、(Liu, Shu Chih)、(Shih, Yu-Huei)、(Wu, Hsiao-Yu)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、(Lin, Keh-Ming)、(Chen, Andrew C.H.)、(Hsiao, Chin-Fu)、(Liu, Yu-Li),The Association of Genetic Polymorphisms in the κ-Opioid Receptor 1 Gene With Body Weight, Alcohol Use, and Withdrawal Symptoms in Patients With Methadone Maintenance,JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY,2014 Apr,34(2):205-211 | 2014 . 04 |
26 | 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、(Yi-Chun Chiang)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,High glucose induces vascular endothelial growth factor production in human synovial fibroblasts through reactive oxygen species generation,BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS,2013 Mar,1830(3):2649-2658 | 2013 . 03 |
27 | 黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、陳季蘭(Chen CL)、林應如(Ying-Ju Lin)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、黃文良(Wen-Liang Huang)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Association of toll-like receptor 9 gene polymorphism in Chinese patients with systemic lupus erythematosus in Taiwan.,RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,2012 Jul,32(7):2105-2109 | 2012 . 07 |
28 | 黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、陳季蘭(Chi-Lan Chen)、萬磊(Lei Wan)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、劉素卿(Su-Ching Liu)、黃文良(Wen-Liang Huang)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,MBD4 Gene is Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis in Chinese Patients in Taiwan,RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,2012 Jan,32(1):117-122 | 2012 . 01 |
29 | 陳梓仁(Tzu-Jen Chen)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)*、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Permanent renal loss following tumor necrosis factor alfa antagonists for arthritis,RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,2010 Jun,30(8):1077-1079 | 2010 . 06 |
30 | 黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、陳季蘭(Chi-Lan Chen),Interleukin-1-beta, Interleukin-10, and Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha in Chinese Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis.,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2009 Apr,14(2):10-15 | 2009 . 04 |
31 | 黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai),Polymorphisms of the TAP2 genes in Chinese patients with systemic lupus erythematosus in Taiwan,中華民國風濕病雜誌,2008 Dec,22(1&2):25-29 | 2008 . 12 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | Anti-Ro52/SSA antibody and disease duration as predictive markers for the development of pulmonary arterial hypertension in connective tissue disease patients with interstitial lung disease,2024年中華民國風濕病醫學會會員大會暨學術研討會,新竹喜來登大飯店3樓海報區,2024.12.14~2024.12.15, | 2024 . 12 |
2 | A case of Anti-MDA5-antibody positive dermatomyositis associated with primary biliary cholangitis-autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome MDA5皮肌炎合併原發性膽汁性膽管炎-自體免疫性肝炎重疊症候群之罕見案例報告,2024年中華民國風濕病醫學會年會,新竹喜來登大飯店,2024.12.14~2024.12.15, | 2024 . 12 |
3 | 偉大的模仿者-令人頭痛的紅斑性狼瘡The Great Imitator: Lupus Erythematosus, A Headache for Doctors and the Patient Newly,台灣內科醫學會113年年會,臺大醫院國際會議中心,2024.11.30~2024.12.01, | 2024 . 11 |
4 | 腎移植誘發非典型性溶血性尿毒症候群的挑戰與對策:一個成功短期使用Ravulizumab治療的案例報告,2023台灣內科醫學會會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2023.12.02~2023.12.03, | 2023 . 12 |
5 | Automatic scoring of ultrasound synovial hypertrophy in rheumatoid arthritis through integrating multiple convolutional neural network models,EULAR 2023 European Congress of Rheumatology,MiCo Center, Milan, Italy,2023.05.31~2023.06.03, | 2023 . 05 |
6 | Mirabegron is more tolerable than solifenacin in Sjogren’s syndrome patients with OAB,38th Annual European Association of Urology Congress,米蘭,2023.03.10~2023.03.13, | 2023 . 03 |
7 | 微小RNA-223藉由調節鈣流入與外泌體傳遞來抑制成人型史笛兒氏症患者之嗜中性球細胞外網,2021年中華民國風濕病醫學會年會,線上會議,2021.10.29~2021.10.31, | 2021 . 10 |
8 | The effectiveness of tocilizumab in treating refractory adult-onset Still’s disease with dichotomous phenotypes: IL-18 is a potential predictor of therapeutic response,2021年中華民國風濕病醫學會年會,線上會議,2021.10.29~2021.10.31, | 2021 . 10 |
9 | Anti-Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (OJ) autoantibodies in Taiwanese Patients with Inflammatory Myopathies and Interstitial Lung disease: underdetected but not rare,2021年中華民國風濕病醫學會年會,線上會議,2021.10.29~2021.10.31, | 2021 . 10 |
10 | ,2021年中華民國風濕病醫學會年會,線上會議,2021.10.29~2021.10.31,110/10/31 14:05-15:05 第二會議室 oral presentation 5 座長 | 2021 . 10 |
11 | ,2021 臺灣乾癬暨皮膚免疫學會春季線上學術研討會,線上,2021.06.27~2021.06.27,Benefits from Early Ultrasound Detection and Early Intervention for PsA Patients | 2021 . 06 |
12 | 結合血液檢測之長鏈非編碼核糖核酸與細胞激素的分類模式可用來診斷成人型史笛兒氏症及預測其疾病病程,2020社團法人中華民國風濕病學會會員大會暨學術研討會,台北新板希爾頓酒店,2020.10.30~2020.11.1 , | 2020 . 10 |
13 | ,中華民國醫用超音波學會第一次學術研討會,南山人壽教育訓練中心,2020.06.14~2020.06.14,高頻率超音波在周邊神經病變診療之應用 | 2020 . 06 |
14 | Two Years Thrombotic Microangiopathy Analysis in One Single Center,第三屆全球華人腎臟病學術大會,南京國際青年文化中心,2019.12.05~2019.12.08, | 2019 . 12 |
15 | Calciphylaxis in End Stage Lupus Nephritis,中華民國風濕病醫學會2019年會,台南大員皇冠假日酒店,2019.12.14~2019.12.15, | 2019 . 12 |
16 | Clinical Image: Enchondroma in the proximal phalanx mimicking arthritis in a patient with psoriatic arthritis,2019年中華民國風濕病醫學會第37週年年會,台南大員皇冠假日酒店,2019.12.13~2019.12.15, | 2019 . 12 |
17 | TIF1 gamma抗體陽性的成人皮肌炎患者之皮膚鈣化,2019年中華民國風濕病醫學會年會,台南大員皇冠酒店,2019.12.13~2019.12.15, | 2019 . 12 |
18 | Fight for Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome – Conquer the Thanos and rescue multiple organ damage,Asia Pacific AKI to/on CKD Summit in conjunction with 台灣腎臟醫學會108年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大國際會議中心,2019.11.22~2019.11.24, | 2019 . 11 |
19 | Rescuing Thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura Patiently - It Takes Time, But You Make Survive,Asia Pacific AKI to/on CKD Summit in conjunction with 台灣腎臟醫學會108年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大國際會議中心,2019.11.22~2019.11.24, | 2019 . 11 |
20 | ,7th World Congress on Controversies, Debates & Consensus in Bone, Muscle & Joint Diseases,Hilton Taipei Sinban Hotel in Taipei, Taiwan,2019.10.17~2019.10.19,ULTRASOUND IN SPONDYLOARTHRITIS | 2019 . 10 |
21 | Analysis of Nailfold Capillaroscopy and TCM constitution in Systemic Sclerosis Patients,第18屆中藥全球化聯盟會議,Shanghai, China,2019.08.08~2019.08.10, | 2019 . 08 |
22 | Hearing loss associated with rheumatoid arthritis: a nationwide retrospective cohort study,中華民國風濕病醫學會第35 週年年會,台中林酒店,2017.09.08~2017.09.10, | 2017 . 09 |
23 | Hypothyroidism association with Rheumatoid arthritis : a nationwide cohort study,中華民國風濕病醫學會第35 週年年會,台中林酒店,2017.09.08~2017.09.10, | 2017 . 09 |
24 | Anti-mitochondrial antibody negative primary biliary cirrhosis and autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus: a case report,中華民國風濕病醫學會第34週年年會,新竹喜來登飯店,2016.10.21~2016.10.23, | 2016 . 10 |
25 | Salivary Gland Ultrasonography : Compare Sjogren’s Syndrome with Other Diseases That Involved Salivary Gland,中華民國風濕病醫學會第34週年年會,新竹喜來登飯店,2016.10.21~2016.10.23, | 2016 . 10 |
26 | 痛風引起深部靜脈血栓與肺栓塞之風險研究,2014中華民國風濕病醫學會,台中日月千禧酒店,2014.12.05~2014.12.07, | 2014 . 12 |
27 | 纖維肌痛症的病人罹患冠心症的風險研究,2014 中華民國風濕病醫學會年會,台中日月千禧酒店,2014.12.05~2014.12.07, | 2014 . 12 |
28 | Role of EGFR polymorphisms & clinical progression of RA,2013中華民國風濕醫學會會員大會暨學術研討會,新竹,2013.11.07~2013.11.08, | 2013 . 11 |
29 | Increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis among patients with chronic osteomyelitis:a nationwide,population-based,cohort study,The 5th East Asian Group of Rheumatology,The plaza,Seoul,Korea,2013.05.31~2013.06.01, | 2013 . 05 |
30 | Polymorphisms, copy number variation and enzyme activity in DNA repair gene MPG with the susceptibility of RA,2012中華民國風濕病醫學會年會,台南香格里拉大飯店,2012.12.15~2012.12.16,Polymorphisms, copy number variation and enzyme activity in DNA repair gene MPG with the susceptibility of RA | 2012 . 12 |
31 | Assessment of the role of OGG1 genetic polymorphisms,copy number variation and enzyme activity with the susceptibility of rheumatoid arthritis,中華民國風濕醫學會第29週年/中華民國免疫學會第33週年會員大會暨學術研討會,高雄金典酒店,2011.12.02~2011.12.04, | 2011 . 12 |
32 | Impacts of obesity and dyslipidemia on gout development with respect to hyperuricemia or not-- a Taiwanese prospective study,中華民國風濕病醫學會第29週年暨中華民國免疫學會第33週年會員大會暨學術研討會,高雄金典酒店,2011.12.02~2011.12.04, | 2011 . 12 |
33 | 類風濕性關節炎病患與DNA修復基因OGG1多型性之關聯性,中華民國風濕病醫學會第28週年 中華民國免疫學會第32週年,台中金典酒店(台中市健行路 1049 號),2010.12.11~2010.12.12, | 2010 . 12 |
34 | 降尿酸治療對心血管與腦中風的保護作用,中華民國風濕病醫學會第28週年 中華民國免疫學會第32週年,台中金典酒店(台中市健行路 1049 號),2010.12.11~2010.12.12, | 2010 . 12 |
35 | Association of Toll-like Receptor 9 Gene Polymorphism in Taiwan Chinese SLE and RA patients,2010亞太風濕病醫學會,香港,2010.07.11~2010.07.15, | 2010 . 07 |
36 | Impact of chronic kidney disease on serum uric acid level and gout occurrence: A prospective cohort study,中華民國風濕病醫學會暨免疫學會2009年會,宜蘭晶英酒店,2009.12.05~2009.12.06, | 2009 . 12 |
37 | Relationship between MBD4 Polymorphism and Chinese Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis in Taiwan,中華民國2009風溼免疫醫學年會,宜蘭市,2009.12.05~2009.12.06, | 2009 . 12 |
38 | Higher Physical Pain Tolerability, but Greater Affective-attentional Pain and Mental-processing impairment in Male Fibromyalgia: A Neuroimaging Perspective from Tc-99m ECD brain SPECT,中華民國風濕病醫學會第27週年/中華民國免疫學會第31週年聯合年會,宜蘭晶英酒店,2009.12.05~2009.12.06, | 2009 . 12 |
39 | Association of CD4 enhancer gene polymorphisms with rheumatoid arthritis and systmic lupus erythematosus in Taiwan,26th Annual Meeting of the Rheumatology Association,Taiwan,Tainan Taiwan,2008.12.19~2008.12.21, | 2008 . 12 |
40 | Hyperuricemia: An Independent Risk for Cardiovascular Mortality,第四屆華夏風濕性疾病診斷治療學術會議,香港尖沙咀,2007.12.07~2007.12.09, | 2007 . 12 |
41 | Association of Toll-like Receptor 9 Gene Polymorphism in Taiwan Chinese systemic lupus erythematosus patients.,2007風溼及免疫學會年會,高雄,2007.12.14~2007.12.16, | 2007 . 12 |
42 | The association of higher educational and socioeconomic status with risks of fibromyalgia in taiwan,中華民國免疫學會第28週年及中華民國風濕病醫學會第24週年聯合年會,台灣台中市,2006.12~ , | 2006 . 12 |
43 | Association of IL-6,8 and 18 gene polymorphisms in chinese patients with rheumatoid arthritis in taiwan,2006年風濕免疫年會,台灣台中縣,2006.12~ , | 2006 . 12 |
44 | Primary Sjögren’s syndrome complicated with thrombocytopenia, 3 cases report,中華民國風濕病西於會暨中華民國免疫學會聯合學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院,2006.12.16~2006.12.16, | 2006 . 12 |
45 | Primary Sjögren’s syndrome complicated with pulmonary hypertension, a case report,中華民國風濕病醫學會暨中華民國免疫學會聯合學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院,2006.12.16~2006.12.16, | 2006 . 12 |
46 | Association between conventional non-steroid anti-inflammatiry drugs(nsaid) and cardiovascular mortality—a 10-year follow-up,中華民國免疫學會第28週年及中華民國風濕病醫學會第24週年聯合年會,台灣台中市,2006.12~ , | 2006 . 12 |
47 | Neuroimaging findings in fibromyalgia—comparison of positron emission tomography(pet) between patients with fibromyalgia and healthy controls,中華民國免疫學會第28週年及中華民國風濕病醫學會第24週年聯合年會,台灣台中市,2006.12~ , | 2006 . 12 |
研究計畫/Research Grant (研究類型,研究計畫代號,主持人,補助或委託單位名稱,計畫名稱,計畫期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 個別型,DMR-113-099,黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、楊凱介(YEO KAI-JIEH)、張詩欣(Shih-Hsin Chang)、鄭文建(Wen-Chien Cheng),本校(含附醫),間貭性肺炎病患血液中循環纖維細胞與疾病活動度、肺纖化程度之關聯,2023.8.1~2024.7.31 | 2023 . 08 |
2 | 個別型,DMR-110-021,黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、陳柏谷(PoKu Chen),附醫院內計畫,風濕疾病患者高鐵蛋白血症之致病機制及新冠狀病毒感染之關聯性,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 | 2020 . 08 |
3 | 產學合作,10442617,蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、周子傑(Tzu-Chieh Chou),天之境生醫科技股份有限公司,微型淨水器對掉髮和皮膚老化試驗,2015.8.17~2017.6.30 | 2015 . 08 |
4 | 個別型,DMR-103-010,吳怡瑩(WU YI-YING)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai),附醫院內計畫,唑來膦酸抑制TRAIL在破骨細胞和破骨細胞前驅物遷移的表現,2013.8.1~2014.7.31 | 2013 . 08 |
5 | 產學合作,099427I8,黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang),禮來大藥廠,第3期、多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照研究,評估LY2127399用於過去曾接受或未曾接受過疾病緩和抗風濕藥物(DMARD)背景治療之類風濕性關節炎(RA)患者的安全性與療效,2011.5.28~2012.5.27 | 2011 . 05 |
6 | 產學合作,099427I9,黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang),禮來大藥廠,一項針對Methotrexate治療反應不佳的中度至重度類風濕性關節炎(RA)病患,評估LY2127399療效與安全性的第三期、多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照試驗,2011.5.28~2012.5.27 | 2011 . 05 |
7 | 產學合作,099427I6,黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang),禮來大藥廠,第三期、多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照研究,評估對一或多種 TNF-α 抑制劑療效反應不佳之中度到重度類風濕性關節炎患者,使用LY2127399之療效與安全性,2011.5.28~2012.5.27 | 2011 . 05 |
8 | 產學合作,099427I7,黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang),禮來大藥廠,第3b期、多中心、開放性研究,評估LY2127399對類風濕性關節炎(RA)患者之長期安全性與療效,2011.5.28~2012.5.27 | 2011 . 05 |
9 | 產學合作,099427G3,黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang),默克大藥廠,一項在類風濕性關節炎病患中比較MK-0663/Etoricoxib與安慰劑的試驗,2011.2.1~2012.9.30 | 2011 . 02 |
10 | 產學合作,099427E9,黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang),百瑞精鼎股份限公司,在僵直性脊椎炎病患中比較MK-0663/Etoricoxib與Naproxen的研究,2010.12.3~2011.12.2 | 2010 . 12 |
11 | 產學合作,09942797,黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang),諾華大藥廄,在發作頻繁且對NSAID和/或colchicine具有禁忌症、無法耐受或治療無效的痛風病患中,測試對痛風的治療和預防效果的一項隨機分配、對照、CACZ885H2357的延伸試驗,2010.7.28~2011.7.27 | 2010 . 07 |
12 | 產學合作,09842757,黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang),附醫廠商計畫,在發作頻繁且非類固醇抗發炎藥物和/或秋水仙素具有禁忌症、無法耐受或治療無效的痛風病患中,測試ACZ885(CANAKINUMAB)對痛風發作的治療和預防效果的一項隨機分配、對照試驗,2010.4.9~2011.4.8 | 2010 . 04 |
13 | 產學合作,09842752,黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang),附醫廠商計畫,針對接受METHOTREXATE 治療但仍出現活性類風濕性關節炎之受試者,評估皮下投與CNTO136之療效與安全性的一項第二期、多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、平行分組、安慰劑對照、概念驗證、劑量探查試驗,2010.3.11~2011.12.31 | 2010 . 03 |
14 | 產學合作,09842742,黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang),附醫廠商計畫,PF-04171327用於治療類風濕性關節炎象徵和症狀的2A期、隨機分配、雙盲、活性與安慰劑對照試驗,2010.1.25~2011.1.24 | 2010 . 01 |
15 | 產學合作,09842730,黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang),附醫廠商計畫,併用疾病修飾抗風濕病藥物(DMARD)治療活動期類風濕關節炎的病人,接受LY2439821(抗IL-17抗體)多劑皮下注射的第2期劑量變動試驗,2009.10.20~2010.10.19 | 2009 . 10 |
16 | 產學合作,09842733,黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang),附醫廠商計畫,一項多中心、隨機分配、雙盲、以安慰劑對照之臨床試驗,在開始接受ALLOPURINOL(別嘌吟醇)治療的期間評估RILONACEPT(利納西普)預防痛風發作之安全性與療效,2009.4.8~2010.4.7 | 2009 . 04 |
專利/Patent (專利名稱,專利類別,專利國別,專利號碼,專利期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 用於治療骨質疏鬆之醫藥組合物,發明專利,台灣,I637742,2018.10.11~2036.8.14 | 2018 . 10 |
獲獎/Award (獲獎名稱,給獎單位,獲獎日期) |
日期 | |
1 | 中華民國風濕病學會第38屆學術研討會-陳正言教授最佳年會論文獎,社團法人中華民國風濕病學會,2021.10.31 | 2021 . 10 |
2 | 社團法人中華民國風濕病醫學會2021學術研討會優秀論文獎,社團法人中華民國風濕病醫學會,2021.10.31 | 2021 . 10 |
3 | 中華民國風濕病醫學會第38屆學術研討會青年論文優秀論文獎第一名,中華民國風濕病醫學會,2021.10.31 | 2021 . 10 |