
Doctor Introduction



Chih-Yu Chi
Chih-Yu Chi


齊治宇 Chih-Yu Chi



期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 謝明翰(HSIEH MING-HAN)、高子淯(Tzu-Yu Kao)、謝婷卉(Ting-Hui Hsieh)、高群棋(Chun-Chi Kao)、彭成元(Peng, Cheng-Yuan)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、高榮達(Jung-Ta Kao)*,Predictors of liver fibrosis changes assessed by paired liver biopsies in chronic hepatitis C patients treated with direct-acting antivirals.,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2024 Aug,56(6):840-853 2024 . 08
2 何虂菁(Lu-Ching Ho)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Ying-Shu You)、謝右文(Yow-Wen Hsieh)、侯鈺琪(Yu-Chi Hou)、(Tzu-Ching Lin)、陳明通(Ming Tung Chen)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、陳育傑(Jack Yu-Chieh Chen)、許凱程(Kai-Cheng Hsu)、游家鑫(Jiaxin Yu)、薛博仁(Hsueh, Po-Ren)*、周德陽(Der-Yang Cho)*,Impact of the implementation of the Intelligent Antimicrobial System (iAMS) on clinical outcomes among patients with bacteraemia caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents,2024 May,63(5):.-. 2024 . 05
3 吳品瀚(WU PIN-HAN)*、陳智皓(CHEN CHIH-HAO)、施文心(HSIH WEN HSIN)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、林瑜姿(Yu-Tzu Lin)、林秀姍(Hsiu-Hsien Lin)、(Kun-Hao Tseng)、薛博仁(Hsueh, Po-Ren)*,Emergence of meropenem and levofloxacin resistance in Burkholderia pseudomallei in Taiwan,JOURNAL OF INFECTION,2023 Jun,86(6):E161-E163 2023 . 06
4 吳品瀚(WU PIN-HAN)、陳智皓(CHEN CHIH-HAO)、林瑜姿(Yu-Tzu Lin)、敖瑀(Yu Ao)、(Kuo-Hsi Lin)、施文心(HSIH WEN HSIN)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)*、薛博仁(Hsueh, Po-Ren)*,Cryptococcus tetragattii Meningitis Associated with Travel, Taiwan,EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2023 Feb,29(2): 2023 . 02
5 陳智皓(CHEN CHIH-HAO)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)*、林晏年(Yen-Nien Lin)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、鄭孟瑜(Meng-Yu Cheng)、施文心(HSIH WEN HSIN)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、盧敏吉(Min-Chi Lu)、田霓(Ni Tien)、吳美瑤(Mei-Yao Wu)、張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、徐偉成(Woei-Cheang Shyu)*、周德陽(Der-Yang Cho)、鄭隆賓(Long-Bin Jeng)*,Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy on Top of Triple Therapy with Remdesivir, Dexamethasone, and Tocilizumab Improves PaO2/FiO2 in Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia,Frontiers in Medicine,2022 Sep,(): 2022 . 09
6 (Shang?Yu Wang)、(Yu?Fang Lo)、(Han?Po Shih)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、(Chun?Fu Yeh)、(Jhan?Jie Peng)、(He?Ting Ting)、(Kuo?Hsi Lin)、(Wen?Chi Huang)、(Yi?Chun Chen)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Cheng?Lung Ku)*,Cryptococcus gattii Infection as the Major Clinical Manifestation in Patients with Autoantibodies Against Granulocyte–Macrophage Colony‑Stimulating Factor,JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY,2022 Aug,.(.):.-. 2022 . 08
7 陳智皓(CHEN CHIH-HAO)、王清源(Ching-Yuan Wang)、鄭孟瑜(Meng-Yu Cheng)、施文心(HSIH WEN HSIN)、田霓(Ni Tien)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)*、盧敏吉(Min-Chi Lu)*,Definite therapy of mixed infection alleviates refractory dilemma of adult chronic suppurative otitis media,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2022 Aug,X(): 2022 . 08
8 (Han-Po Shih)、(Jing-Ya Ding)、(Junel Sotolongo Bellon)、(Yu-Fang Lo)、(Pei-Han Chung)、(He-Ting Ting)、(Jhan-Jie Peng)、(Tsai-Yi Wu)、(Chia-Hao Lin)、(Chia-Chi Lo)、(You-Ning Lin)、(Chun-Fu Yeh)、(Jiun-Bo Chen)、(Ting-Shu Wu)、(Yuag-Meng Liu)、(Chen-Yen Kuo)、(Shang-Yu Wang)、(Kun-Hua Tu)、(Chau Yee Ng)、(Wei-Te Lei)、(Yu-Huan Tsai)、(Jou-Han Chen)、(Ya-Ting Chuang)、(Jing-Yi Huang)、(F’elix A. Rey)、(Hung-Kai Chen)、(Tse-Wen Chang)、(Jacob Piehler)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)*、(Cheng-Lung Ku)*,Pathogenic autoantibodies to IFN-γ act through the impedance of receptor assembly and Fc-mediated response,JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE,2022 Jun,219(9): 2022 . 06
9 (Hui?Shan Hsieh)、(Yu?Nong Gong)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Sen?Yung Hsieh)、(Wei?Ting Chen)、(Cheng?Lung Ku)、(Hao?Tsai Cheng)、(Lyndsey Lin)、(Chang Mu Sung)*,Gut microbiome profiles and associated metabolic pathways in patients of adult‑onset immunodeficiency with anti‑interferon‑gamma autoantibodies,Scientific Reports,2022 Jun,.(): 2022 . 06
10 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、林嘉德(Chia-Der Lin)、涂智彥(Chih-Yen Tu)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Association between angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers and community-acquired pneumonia: A nationwide population propensity-score matching study,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE,2021 Oct,75(10):e14476 2021 . 10
11 鄭孟瑜(Cheng Meng-Yu)、施文心(HSIH WEN HSIN)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、賴怡琪(Yi-Chyi Lai)、廖偉志(Wei-Chih Liao)、陳致宇(Chih-Yu Chen)、(Tsung-Chia Chen)、(Yu-Lin Lee)、(Po-Yu Liu)、(Chih-Chuan Kao)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Lih-Ying Leong)、戴志展(Chih-Jaan Tai)*、盧敏吉(Min-Chi Lu)*,Younger adults with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 exhibited more prevalent olfactory dysfunction in Taiwan,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2021 Oct,54(5):794-800 2021 . 10
12 姜秀穎(Hsiu-Yin Chiang)、陳宗家(Tsung-Chia Chen)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、何菁(Lu-Ching Ho)、郭錦輯(Kuo, Chin-Chi)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)*,Trend and Predictors of Short-Term Mortality of Adult Bacteremia at Emergency Departments: A 14-Year Cohort Study of 14 625 Patients,Open Forum Infectious Diseases,2021 Oct,(): 2021 . 10
13 (Han-Po Shih)、(Jing-Ya Ding)、(Chun-Fu Yeh)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)*、(Cheng-Lung Ku)*,Anti-interferon-g autoantibody-associated immunodeficiency,CURRENT OPINION IN IMMUNOLOGY,2021 Oct,72():238-246 2021 . 10
14 姜秀穎(Hsiu-Yin Chiang)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)*,Electronic Medical Record-Based Deep Data Cleaning and Phenotyping Improve the Diagnostic Validity and Mortality Assessment of Infective Endocarditis: Medical Big Data Initiative of CMUH,BIOMEDICINE-TAIWAN,2021 Sep,11():5-7 2021 . 09
15 (Leong LY)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)*、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Chou CH)、盧敏吉(Min-Chi Lu)、(Liao WC)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)、(Jeng LB),Risk factors of tuberculosis after liver transplant in a tertiary care hospital,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2021 Apr,19(2):312-318 2021 . 04
16 施文心(HSIH WEN HSIN)、鄭孟瑜(Cheng Meng-Yu)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、廖偉志(Wei-Chih Liao)、陳致宇(Chih-Yu Chen)、梁麗穎(Leong Lih Ying)、田霓(Ni Tien)、賴奐丞(Huan-Cheng Lai)、(Yi-Chyi Lai)*、盧敏吉(Min-Chi Lu)*,Featuring COVID-19 cases via screening symptomatic patients with epidemiologic link during flu season in a medical center of central Taiwan,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2020 Jun,53(3):459-466 2020 . 06
17 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、朱書緯(JU, SHU-WOEI)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Risk of Viral Infection in Patients Using Either Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors or Angiotensin Receptor Blockers: A Nationwide Population-Based Propensity Score Matching Study,CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2020 Jun,(): 2020 . 06
18 施文心(HSIH WEN HSIN)、鄭孟瑜(Meng-Yu Cheng)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、廖偉志(Wei-Chih Liao)、陳致宇(Chih-Yu Chen)、田霓(Ni Tien)、賴奐丞(Huan-Cheng Lai)、(Lai, Yi-Chyi)*、盧敏吉(Min-Chi Lu)*,Featuring COVID-19 patients with epidemiologic link during flu season in a medical center of central Taiwan.,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2020 Jun,53(3):459-466 2020 . 06
19 (Gaspard Kerner)、(Jeremie Rosain)、(Antoine Guerin)、(Ahmad Al-Khabaz)、(Carmen Oleaga-Quintas)、(Franck Rapaport)、(Michel J. Massaad)、(Jing-Ya Ding)、(Taushif Khan)、(Fatima Al Ali)、(Mahbuba Rahman)、(Caroline Deswarte)、(Ruben Martinez-Barricarte)、(Raif S. Geha)、(Valentine Jeanne-Julien)、(Diane Garcia)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)*、(Rui Yang)、(Manon Roynard)、(Bernhard Fleckenstein)、(Flore Rozenberg)、(Stephanie Boisson-Dupuis)、(Cheng-Lung Ku)、(Yoann Seeleuthner)、(Vivien Beziat)、(Nico Marr)、(Laurent Abel)、(Waleed Al-Herz)、(Jean-Laurent Casanova)、(Jacinta Bustamante),Inherited human IFN-γ deficiency underlies mycobacterial disease,JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION,2020 May,(): 2020 . 05
20 (Chen?Lung Ku)*、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Horst von Bernuth)、(Rainer Doffinger),Autoantibodies against cytokines: phenocopies of primary immunodeficiencies?,HUMAN GENETICS,2020 May,(): 2020 . 05
21 周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、(Yi-Ru Lai)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、(Chao-Ling Chen)、廖偉志(Wei-Chih Liao)、(Cheng-Mao Ho)、(Yu-An Chen)、陳致宇(Chih-Yu Chen)、林瑜姿(Lin,Yu-Tzu)、林嘉德(Chia-Der Lin)*、賴志河(Chih-Ho Lai)*,Long-Term Surveillance of Antibiotic Prescriptions and the Prevalence of Antimicrobial Resistance in Non-Fermenting Gram-Negative Bacilli,Microorganisms,2020 Mar,8(397):1-11 2020 . 03
22 姜秀穎(Hsiu-Yin Chiang)、(Chih-Wei Chung)、郭錦輯(Chin-Chi Kuo)、駱彥均(Yen-Chun Lo)、(Wei-Shuo Chang)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)*,First-4-Week Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Variability Predicts Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Trajectories and Clinical Course among Patients with Pyogenic Vertebral Osteomyelitis,PLoS One,2019 Dec,(): 2019 . 12
23 張為碩(Wei-Shuo Chang)、何茂旺(Ho, Mao-Wang)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、周家卉(Chia-Huei Chou)、盧敏吉(Lu, Min-Chi)、(Yen-Jen Chen)、(Hsien-Te Chen)、王任賢(Wang, Jen-Hsien)、齊治宇(Chi, Chih-Yu)*,Clinical characteristics, treatments, and outcomes of hematogenous pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis, 12-year experience from a tertiary hospital in central Taiwan,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2018 Apr,51(2):235 2018 . 04
24 齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)*、(Li-Na Liao)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、周家卉(Chia-Huei Chou)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang),Epidemiology, clinical features, and microbiology of patients with diarrhea in community clinics in Taiwan,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2017 May,(): 2017 . 05
25 (Chen-Yen Kuo)、(Shang-Yu Wang)、(Han-Po Shih)、(Kun-Hua Tu)、(Wen-Chi Huang)、(Jing-Ya Ding)、(Chia-Hao Lin)、(Chun-Fu Yeh)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、(Shi-Chuan Chang)、(Chi-Ying He)、(Hung-Kai Chen)、(Chen-Hsuan Ho)、(Chen-Hsiang Lee)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、顧正崙(KU, Cheng-lung)*,Disseminated Cryptococcosis Due to Anti-Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Autoantibodies in the Absence of Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis,JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY,2017 Feb,37(2):143-152 2017 . 02
26 (Chia-Hao Lin,)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Han-Po Shih)、(Jing-Ya Ding)、(Chia-Chi Lo)、(Shang-Yu Wang)、(Chen-Yen Kuo)、(Chun-Fu Yeh)、(Kun-Hua Tu)、(Shou-Hsuan Liu)、(Hung-Kai Chen)、(Chen-Hsuan Ho)、(Mao-Wang Ho)、(Chen-Hsiang Lee)、(Hsin-Chin Lai)、顧正崙(KU, Cheng-lung)*,Identification of a major epitope by anti-interferon-gamma autoantibodies in patients with mycobacterial disease.,NATURE MEDICINE,2016 Sep,22(9):994-1001 2016 . 09
27 (Ting-Yu Tseng)、(Tsung-Chia Chen)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、周家卉(Chia-Huei Chou)、(Chia-Ta Tsai)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)*、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)*,Clinical features, antifungal susceptibility, and outcome of Candida guilliermondii fungemia: an experience in a tertiary hospital in mid-Taiwan,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2016 Aug,(): 2016 . 08
28 齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、林嘉豪(Chia-Hao Lin)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、丁靜雅(Jing-Ya Ding)、黃文琦(Wen-Chi Huang)、施瀚博(Han-Po Shih)、葉峻甫(Chun-Fu Yeh)、馮長風(Chang-Phone Fung)、孫幸筠(Hsin-Yun Sun)、黃景泰(Ching-Tai Huang)、吳丁樹(Ting-Shu Wu)、張志演(Chih-Yen Chang)、劉元孟(Yuag-Meng Liu)、馮嘉毅(Jia-Yih Feng)、吳偉愷(Wei-Kai Wu)、王立信(Lih-Shinn Wang)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、(Huang-Shen Lin)、陳鴻仁(Hung-Jen Chen)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、廖偉志(Wei-Chin Liao)、陳偉挺(Wei-Ting Chen)、郭貞孍(Chen-Yen Kuo)、李禎祥(Chen-Hsiang Lee)、顧正崙(KU, Cheng-lung)*,Clinical manifestations, course, and outcome of patients with neutralizing anti-interferon-γ autoantibodies and disseminated non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections,MEDICINE,2016 Jun,95(25):e3927 2016 . 06
29 (Cheng-Lung Ku)*、(Chia-Hao Lin)、(MSa Su-Wei Chang)、(Chen-Chung Chu)、(Jasper F. W. Chan)、(MBBSe Xiao-Fei Kong)、(Chen-Hsiang Lee)、(Emily A. Rosen)、(BSh Jing-Ya Ding)、(Wen-I. Lee)、(Jacinta Bustamante)、(PhDf,j,k Torsten Witte)、(Han-Po Shih)、(Chen-Yen Kuo)、(Ploenchan Chetchotisakd)、(Sasisopin Kiertiburanakul)、(Yupin Suputtamongkol)、(Kwok-Yung Yuen)、(Jean-Laurent Casanova)、(j,k,q,r Steven M. Holland)、(Rainer Doffinger)、(FRCPaths,t Sarah K. Browne)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi),Anti–IFN-gamma autoantibodies are strongly associated with HLA-DR*15:02/16:02 and HLA-DQ*05:01/ 05:02 across Southeast Asia,JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY,2016 Mar,137(3):945-948 2016 . 03
30 何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、(Yun-Liang Yang)、(Chih-Chao Lin)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Hui-Ting Chen)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、(Li-Yun Hsieh)、周家卉(Chia-Huei Chou)、(Wen-Li Chu)、(Chiou-Pyng Wu)、(Tsai-Ling Lauderdale)、羅秀容*,Yeast oropharyngeal colonization in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients in central Taiwan,MYCOPATHOLOGIA,2014 Jun,177(5-6):309-317 2014 . 06
31 林國璽(Lin KH)、劉元孟(Liu YM)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、王瑞興(Jui-Hsing Wang)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)*、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)*、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang),Report of a 63-case series of Candida empyema thoracis: 9-year experience of two medical centers in central Taiwan.,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2014 Feb,47(1):36-41 2014 . 02
32 (Soon-Hian Teh)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、(Chia-Hui Chou)、蔡佳達(Chia-Ta Tsai)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)*,Management and outcome of adults with skin and soft tissue infection caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a tertiary hospital in central Taiwan,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2014 ,(): 2014 .
33 丁羿文(I-Wen Ting)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、宋昀儒(Yun-Ju Sung)、田霓(Tien Ni)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何弘棋(Hung-Chi Ho)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,Brucellosis in a renal transplant recipient,Transplant Infectious Disease,2013 Oct,15(5):E191-E195 2013 . 10
34 蔡佳達(Chia-Ta Tsai)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)、王瑞興(Jui-Hsing Wang)、林曉娟(Hsiao-Chuan Lin)、田霓(Tien Ni)、Kuo-Hsi Lin、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)*、盧章智(Jang-Jih Lu)*,Correlation of Virulence Genes to Clinical Manifestations and Outcome in Patients with Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis Bacteremia,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2013 Aug,(): 2013 . 08
35 何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、林嘉德(Chia-Der Lin)、林振文(Lin Cheng Wen)、(Sung-Pin Tseng)、(Lee-Jene Teng)、(Hsiao-Yun Chang)、張蕙蘭(Hui-Lan Chang)、張雅棻(Ya-Fen Chang)、林秀姍(Hsiu-Hsien Lin)、田霓(Tien Ni)、盧章智(Jang-Jih Lu)*、賴志河(Chih-Ho Lai)*,Repeated colonization of multidrug–resistant Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex and changes in antimicrobial susceptibilities in surgical intensive care units,Surgical Infections,2013 Mar,14(1):43-48 2013 . 03
36 王瑞興(Jui-Hsing Wang)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、林國璽(Kuo-Hsi Lin)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Tuberculous ArthritisVUnexpected Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis Detected by FDG PET/CT,CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE,2013 Feb,38(2):e93-e94 2013 . 02
37 齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Chen-Chung Chu)、(Jing-Pei Liu)、(Chia-Hao Lin)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、羅文吉(Wen-Jyi Lo)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、陳鴻仁(Hung-Jen Chen)、(Chia-Huei Chou)、(Jia-Yih Feng)、(Chang-Phone Fung)、佘玉萍(Yuh-Pyng Sher)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)、(Cheng-Lung Ku)*,Anti-IFN-γ autoantibodies in adults with disseminated nontuberculous mycobacterial infections are associated with HLA-DRB1*16:02 and HLA-DQB1*05:02 and the reactivation of latent varicella-zoster virus infection,BLOOD,2013 Feb,121(8):1357-1366 2013 . 02
38 (Chia-Hung Liao)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Yi-Jen Wang)、(Shu-Wen Tseng)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)*、王瑞興(Jen-Hsian Wang),Different presentations and outcomes between HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected patients with Cryptococcal meningitis,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2012 Dec,45(.):296-304 2012 . 12
39 王以仁(Yi-Jen Wang)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、(Chia-Hung Liao)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)*、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang),Syphilis and neurosyphilis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients: A retrospective study at a teaching hospital in Taiwan,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2012 Oct,45(5):337-342 2012 . 10
40 (Shu-Wen Tseng)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、(Yi-Jen Wang)、(Chia-Hung Liao)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)*、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang),Eight years experience in treatment of prosthetic joint infections at a teaching hospital in Central Taiwan,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2012 Oct,45(5):363-369 2012 . 10
41 王瑞興(Jui-Hsing Wang)*、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、林國璽(Lin Kuo-hsi)、蔡佳達(Chia-Ta Tsai)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho),Intraventricular antimicrobial therapy in postneurosurgical Gram-negative bacillary meningitis or ventriculitis: A hospital-based retrospective study,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2012 Apr,.(): 2012 . 04
42 陳宗家(Tsung-Chia Chen)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)、鄭隆賓(Long-Bin Jeng),Infection in liver transplant recipients---Analysis of 68 cases at teaching hospital in Taiwan,微免與感染雜誌,2011 Aug,(): 2011 . 08
43 陳宗家(Tsung-Chia Chen)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)*、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)、鄭隆賓(Long-Bin Jeng)*,Infection in liver transplant recipients-Analysis of 68 cases at teaching hospital in Taiwan,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2011 ,(44):303-309 2011 .
44 (Chia-Huei Chou)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、(Chin-Yun Weng)、(Tsung-Chia Chen)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)*、(Jen-Hsian Wang),Abdominal Tuberculosis in Adult: 10-Year Experience in a Teaching Hospital in Central Taiwan,Journal of Microbiology and Immunology Infection,2010 Oct,43(5):395-400 2010 . 10
45 周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、翁青筠、陳宗家(Tsung-Chia Chen)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)*、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang),Abdominal tuberculosis in adult – 10-year experience in a teaching hospital in central Taiwan.,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2010 Oct,43(5):395-400 2010 . 10
46 (Ching-Yun Weng)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)*,Spinal Tuberculosis in Non-HIV-Infected Patients: 10 Year Experience of a Medical Center in Central Taiwan,Journal of Microbiology and Immunology Infection,2010 ,43(6):464-469 2010 .
47 齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、李桂珠(Kui-Chu Lee)、黃珍珍(Chen-Chen Huang)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang),登革熱疫苗之進展,感染控制雜誌,2009 Dec,19(6):375-380 2009 . 12
48 (Chien-Yu Wang)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang),Clinical presentations, prognostic factors, and mortality in patients with Aeromonas sobria complex bacteremia in a teaching hospital: a 5-year experience,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2009 Dec,42(6):510-515 2009 . 12
49 齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi),疫苗新未來:防堵三大傳染病火力全開,中國醫訊,2009 Oct,(75):54-56 2009 . 10
50 (Feng-Chien Hsu)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang),Prognostic factors for patients with culture-positive Candida infection undergoing abdominal surgery,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2009 Oct,(42):378-384 2009 . 10
51 林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、(Chin-Ming Chen)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang),Demographic and clinical features of leptospirosis:three-year experience in central Taiwan,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2008 Apr,41(2):145-150 2008 . 04
52 林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、陳志銘(Chin-Ming Chen)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)*,Demographic and clinical features of leptospirosis: three-year experience in central Taiwan,微免與感染雜誌,2008 Apr,41(2):145-150 2008 . 04
53 齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)*,春暖花開-小心隱球菌腦膜炎上身,中國醫訊,2007 Apr,(45):28-30 2007 . 04
54 齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)*、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)、(Chang-Phone Fung),Molecular epidemiology of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia in a teaching hospital,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2007 ,(40):310-316 2007 .
55 何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、(Chin-Ming Chen)、廖偉志(Wei-Chih Liao)、(Yuag-Meng Liu)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)*,Clinical characteristics of group B streptococcus bacteremia in non-pregnant adults,Journal of Microbiology and Immunology Infection,2006 Oct,39(5):396-401 2006 . 10
56 何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、(Chin-Ming Chen)、廖偉志、(Yuag-Meng Liu)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)*,Clinical characteristics of group Bstreptococcus bacteremia in non-pregnant adults.,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2006 ,39(0):096-401 2006 .
57 (CHUNG-HSU LAI)、(CHUN-KAI HUANG)、(CHUEN CHIN)、(HSI-HSUN LIN)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(HSIN-PAI CHEN),Acute acalculous cholecystitis: A rare presentation of typhoid fever inadults,SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2006 ,38(3):196-200 2006 .
58 (Chorng-Jang Lay)、(Kwok-Woon Yu)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Chung-Hsu Lai)、(Wing-Wai Wong)、(Cheng-Yi Liu),Impact of the 1997revised centers for Disease Control criteria on case rates of legionellosis in Taiwan:review of 38 cases at a teaching hospital,1998-2002.,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2005 Jun,38(3):211-217 2005 . 06
59 (Yuag-Meng Liu)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、陳志銘(Chih-Ming Chen)、(Wei-Chih Liao)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)*,Microbiology and factors affecting mortality in necrotizing fasciitis,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2005 ,(38):430-435 2005 .
60 齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Chung-Hsu Lai)、(Chang-Phone Fung)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)*,Pseudomonas mendocina spondylodiscitis: A case report and literature review,SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2005 ,(36):950-953 2005 .
61 (Chung-Hsu Lai)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Hsin-Pai Chen)、(Chorng-Jang Lai)、(Chang-Phone Fung)*、(Cheng-Yi Liu),Port-A Catheter-associated Nocardia bacteremia Detected by Gallium Inflammation Scan: A Case Report and Literature Review,SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2004 Aug,(23):775-777 2004 . 08
62 齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Benjamin Ing-Tiau Kuo)、(Chang-Phone Fung,)、(Cheng-Yi Liu),Community-acquired methicillin-resistant,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2004 Apr,37(2):124-127 2004 . 04
63 齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(CHANG-PHONE FUNG)、(WING-WAI WONG)、(CHENG-YI LIU),Brevundimonas Bacteremia: Two Case Reports and Literature Review,SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2004 ,36(0):59-61 2004 .
64 (Chung-Hsu Lai)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Hsin-Pai Chen)、(Te-Li Chen)、(Chorng-Jang Lai)、(Chang-Phone Fung)*、(Kwork-Woon Yu)、(Wing-Wai Wong)、(Cheng-Yi Liu),Clinical characteristics and prognostic factors of patients with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia bacteremia,Journal of Microbiology and Immunology Infection,2004 ,(37):350-358 2004 .
65 齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Wing-Wai Wong)、(Chang-Phone Fung)、(Kwok-Woon Yu)、(Cheng-Yi Liu),Epidemiology of community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2004 ,37(0):16-23 2004 .
66 (Wong WW)、(Chen TL)、(Yang SP)、(Wang FD)、(Cheng NC)、(Kuo BI)、(Yu KW)、(Tsai CA)、(Lin YS)、(Lee IR)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Lai CJ)、(Lai CH,)、(Chen HP,)、(Liu CY.),Clinical Characteristics of Fatal Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in a Medical Center in Taipei,Journal of the Chinese Medical Association,2003 Jun,66(6):315-317 2003 . 06
67 齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、(Chang-Phone Fung)、(Cheng-Yi Liu),Aspergillus flavus epidural abscess and osteomyelitis in a diabetic patient,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION,2003 ,36(0):145-148 2003 .
68 徐鳳謙(Feng-Chien Hsu)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、何承懋(Cheng-Mao Ho)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、王任賢(Jen-Hsien Wang)*,The prognostic factors in patients receiving abdominal surgery with positive culture of Candida species,微免與感染雜誌, ,(): .


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 Clinical Characteristics and Mortality Associated with Culture Positivity in Adult Inpatients with Sepsis: A 15-Year Cohort Study of 48,706 Patients at a Tertiary Medical Center in Taiwan,IDWeek 2020,線上會議,2020.10.21~2020.10.25, 2020 . 10
2 10-year experience in the treatment of empyema caused by Candida species in a tertiary hospital in mid-Taiwan,第九屆會員大會暨學術討論會,台大醫學院,2012.01.07~2012.01.08, 2012 . 01
3 Cutaneous Aspergillosis in liver transplantation (LT) recipient: a case report,Focus 19 on Fungal infections,Sanibel Harbour Fort Myers, Florida,2009.03.04~2009.03.06, 2009 . 03
4 Kikuchi-Fujimoto Disease in an HIV-Infected Pregnant Lady : A case Report,台灣感染症醫學會第8屆第1次會員大會暨學術研討會,台大醫學院102講堂,2009.01.10~2009.01.11, 2009 . 01
5 Brevundimonas species infections: the analysis of demographic data, risk factors and outcome,11th Western Pacific Congress on Chemotherapy and Infectious disease,Taipei,2008.12.01~2008.12.01, 2008 . 12
6 Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Consideration of Combination Therapy for Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pneumonia,11th Western Pacific Congress on Chemotherapy and Infectious disease,Taipei,2008.11.29~2008.12.03, 2008 . 11
7 Spinal tuberculosis in non-HIV infected patients: 9-year experience in a medical center in Taiwan,11th Western Pacific Congress on Chemotherapy and Infectious disease,Taipei,2008.11.29~2008.12.03, 2008 . 11
8 An outbreak of Vibrio minicus gastroenteritis at a cram school,11th Western Pacific Congress on Chemotherapy and Infectious disease,Taipei,2008.11.30~2008.11.30, 2008 . 11
9 Candida Vertebral Osteomyelitis: six cases report,Focus 18 on Fungal infections,San Antonio, Texas,2008.03.05~2008.03.07, 2008 . 03
10 Lymphadenitis Due to Mycobacterium gordonae, a Rare Opportunistic Infection in HIV-Positive Patients,台灣感染症醫學會成立二十週年紀念大會暨第七屆第三次會員大會與學術討論會,台北榮總致德樓,2008.01.12~2008.01.13, 2008 . 01
11 An outbreak of rotaviyus infection in adult respiratory care ward,台灣感染症醫學會第七屆第二次會員大會暨學術討論會,台灣台北市,2007.01~ , 2007 . 01
12 Streptococcus dysgalactiae bacteremia and osteomyelitis with the unusual presentation of abdominal pain: a case report,台灣感染症醫學會第七屆第二次會員大會暨學術討論會,台灣台北市,2007.01~ , 2007 . 01
13 Klebsiella pneumoniae meninggoventricukitis: a case report,台灣感染症醫學會第七屆第二次會員大會暨學術討論會,台灣台北市,2007.01~ , 2007 . 01
14 中台灣鉤端螺旋體症的臨床表現:三年經驗,台灣感染症醫學會第七屆第一次會員大會暨學術討論會,台灣台北市,2006.01~ , 2006 . 01
15 Group B Streptococcus Bacteremia in Nonpregnant Adults在非懷孕成人的B型鏈球菌菌血症,中華民國感染症醫學會第六屆第三次會員大會暨學術討論會,台灣台北,2005.01~ , 2005 . 01




研究計畫/Research Grant
1 個別型,CMU97-329,顧正崙(KU, Cheng-lung)、繆希椿,本校(含附醫),Analysis IFNg-IL-12/23 defect in adult patient with mycobacterial infection,2009.4.1~2010.3.31 2009 . 04





