- To maintain normal mother’s needs.
- To supply the needs of fetal development.
- To supply nutrition to uterus and placenta.
- For the preparation of breast-feeding.
- To reduce complications of pregnancy.
Nutritional counseling
- For a pregnant woman, gaining 10-14 kg during gestation is within optimum range:
range of the optimum weight
Wight gain in2nd and 3rd /week
12.5-18 kg
0.5-0.6 kg
11.5-16 kg
0.4-0.5 kg
7-11.5 kg
0.2-0.3 kg
7 kg
0.2-0.3 kg
- Calorie: during the 1st trimester, there is no particular need for calorie intake; when the pregnancy reaches 2nd and 3rd trimester, add 300 kcal of calorie a day for fetal growth and for the preparation of breast-feeding.
- Eat a variety of food, mainly from the 6 food category, mainly whole food and fresh food. Enhance your eating habits if you prone to favor certain food diet.
- Protein: You should add at least 10g of protein intake on a daily basis during trimester. More than half of the protein would have to come from animal protein of high biological value like milk, dairy products, eggs, meat, and fish. Consider taking the rest of the protein from plants like soybean milk, tofu, or anything made of soybeans.
- Folic Acid: Folic acid requirements increase during pregnancy in order to meet the demands of maternal erythropoiesis, and fetal and placental growth. Shortage of folic acid is the main attribution for neural tube defects. The recommended dose amount during pregnancy is 600μg. Food containing great amounts of folic acid food is leafy vegetables, citrus fruits (orange and tangerine), liver, yeast, beans, nuts, wheat germ, whole grains, and egg yolk. Speak to your dietitian or doctor for the use of the supplements if your folic acid intake falls below demand.
- Calcium: 1000 mg of calcium a day during the 1st and 2nd trimester is required for fetal skeleton growth; intake food like low-fat milk, fish with bones, shrimp, oyster, seaweed, black sesame, tofu, and soy bean products to fulfill the needs of the calcium. 2 cups of milk (240 cc a cup) a day is highly recommended.
- Iron: during the 3rd trimester, pregnant mother-to-be should increase her iron intake up to 45mg a day; opt for iron-rich food like Red meat, egg yolk, liver, offal, pig blood, beans, dark green leafy vegetables, etc., together with vitamin C intake to increase iron absorption rate. Discuss with your dietitian and doctor for suggestions if your iron intake is under ideal quantity.
- Sodium: Restriction over dietary sodium should be imposed if pregnant women suffer from edema or hypertension. Sodium rich foods include pickle, canned foods, fast food, and food stewed with soy sauce.
- Vitamins: the demand of vitamin intake is increased during the pregnancy; the selection of vegetables and fruits is essential: intake at least 3 types of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit on a daily basis. Choose a wide variety of vegetables and fruits with colors like green, orange, and yellow.
- Vitamin B12: if you are a vegetarian, you might be short of vitamin B12; consult your dietitians or doctors in order to prevent pernicious anemia for it could affect fetal development.
- Zinc: Zinc deficiency often lead to a variety of congenital malformation, slow development, and skeleton growth of a baby. Intake more zinc rich foods like meats, liver, egg, and seafood.
- Fiber and Fluids: Daily consumption of vegetable, fruits and whole grain with 6 to 8 glasses of water or juice help prevent constipation and promote metabolism.
- During the pregnancy, avoid the following foods:
- Tobacco, alcohol, coffee, and tea.
- Food containing rich fat like streaky pork and fried food.
- Salty or fumigated food like salted meat, salted egg, salted fish, ham, and fermented bean curd.
- Food providing merely energy and food without nutritional values like candy, chocolate, coke, and soda.
- Stimulating seasonings like chili, pepper, and curry.