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Health Education
Health EducationBrief introduction for new born babies admitted to NICU 新生兒加護病房入院處置簡介
2024/7/23The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in CMUH is equipped with modern and integrated instruments.
Scarlet Fever 猩紅熱
2024/7/23Scarlet fever is an exotoxin-mediated disease arising from group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection.
Mental Retardation 智能障礙
2024/7/23Mental retardation is characterized by sub-average cognitive functioning which includes deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors and personal IQ in WAIS below 70 or 69 in Standardized-Binet intelligence scale.
CT Contrast Medium Leakage Treatment 電腦斷層對比劑滲漏處理
2024/7/22The drug you received today for computed tomography (CT) is a non-ionic contrast agent. The drug is leaking into your skin and has been treated immediately by medical staff. Please continue your care as follows
Advantages of Proton Therapy 質子治療的優勢
2024/7/19Proton is the positive charged particle in the nuclei of atoms that can be extracted from hydrogen gas via ionization.
Precautions before Sedation 鎮靜前注意事項
2024/5/6You need to know and understand which medical treatment or examination you will receive. If not, please confirm with your doctor again.
Patient Education, Instructions for Infants’ and Children's Sedative Care 嬰幼兒及孩童鎮靜照護衛教須知
2024/5/6The information parents should know before the sedative and pain relief care
Introduction to Radiation Therapy 放射線治療簡介
2024/4/23Radiation therapy transmits via the form of photon or high-speed particles, using higher-energy radiation to treat tumor or certain diseases. Radiation therapy is also commonly known as the “ radiotherapy ”
FAQ for Radiation Therapy 放射線治療常見疑慮澄清
2024/4/23Radiation therapy has been proved to have long-term curative effect on many malignant tumors ( i.e. nasopharyngeal carcinoma and cervical cancer ).