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Sensory integration (SI) dysfunction 感覺統合失調


Sensory integration (SI) dysfunction 感覺統合失調


This is a term commonly used, but not a formal diagnosis. It is for the purpose of describing a group of symptoms, which includes gravitation insecurity, tactile defensiveness, visual spatial coordination disturbance, and motor coordination problem.

This is also for the purpose of offering a choice to manage all those symptoms.

Who needs this help?

Children, who have those problems, don’t know how to express these symptoms to us, instead, they show many non-specified symptoms. Due to its heterogenesity and non-specific characters, we need to take care of children with following symptoms and signs. These include learning difficulties, distraction, stubborn, easily fall, right/left reverse, and word mis-writing or spelling. One should know, assessment and diagnostic procedure are required for excluding other specific diagnosis and SI therapy is not a way for all developmental problems. If one only thinks of SI dysfunction, one could probably miss some acute or critical diagnosis, which could lead to some severe consequences.

Suggestion before the therapy

  • SI dysfunction is usually not the only problem of the child, one need to have a check up for the possible associated problems like behavior and emotional problems.
  • Observe symptom change during the process of management.
  • Exclude some critical medical issue, which may need to be handled at the same time.
  • Some problem may co-exist in family members, which could be directly or indirectly influence by the patient’s condition or affect the patient’s condition, one should manage at the same time.
  • SI therapy need to be done for a while, so family agreement will also be needed before arranging the therapy.
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