Health Information
Health Information
Scrub Typhus 恙蟲病
2024/1/2Scrub typhus, also known as bush typhus, is a febrile or exanthematous illness transmitted by "tsutsugamushi" and carries Orientia tsutsugamushi.
Cat-scratch Disease 貓抓病
2024/1/2Cat-scratch disease is a worldwide epidemic, first identified in 1889. The cat is the only natural host of the pathogen of this disease and the source of infection.
Tetanus 破傷風
2024/1/2Tetanus is a disease caused by an infection with the bacterium Clostridium tetani.
Leptospirosis 鉤端螺旋體病
2024/1/2Leptospirosis, an infection caused by Leptospira, is a common zoonotic disease in tropical and subtropical regions.
Meningitis 腦膜炎
2024/1/2Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord caused by microbial infection or other causes.
Tracheostomy 認識氣管造口術
2024/1/2It refers to a medical treatment in which a small hole is opened directly from the throat to the trachea and a suitable tube is inserted to transport the air generated by the respirator directly to the lungs.
Organ Donation Process 器官捐贈流程
2024/1/2It generally refers to that after brain death or at the end of life. "Organ donation" includes organ or tissue donation.
Organ Donation 器官捐贈
2024/1/2At the end of last year, my dearest sister fell into a severe coma because of illness. At the last moment of her life, all the family members were in the mood of sadness and reluctant to give up.
About Organ Donation 器官捐贈簡介
2024/1/2Brain-dead donation refers to those who are on the verge of brain death or dying to donate organs or tissues that are still functional to the appropriate patients free of charge. It can help patients with organ failure or with a life-threatening disease to be reborn by obtaining organs donated by others.
Living Donor Liver Transplantation 認識活體肝臟移植
2024/1/2The liver performs a lot of important work in the human body. Once irreversible diseases occur and cannot be treated traditionally, liver transplantation becomes the only treatment to prolong life when there are no other medical methods or machines to replace the failing liver.