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Precautions for Children on A Drip 孩子打點滴時,我要注意什麼?


Precautions for Children on A Drip 孩子打點滴時,我要注意什麼?


When children been put on a drip, parents and medical staff should pay attention to the following matters to jointly maintain their safety!

  1. Touch

The hand or foot with an IV fluid infusion should feel soft, warm and dry without pain.

  1. Observe

The hand or foot with an IV fluid infusion is not red and swollen, with the dressing fixed in place.

  1. Compare

The hand or foot with an IV fluid infusion should be the same size as the other hand or foot without.


  • When the nursing staff want to check the situation of children's intravenous drip, it may disturb their rest; but this is for the sake of their health, please cooperate with the medical staff.
  • If your child needs to change clothes when still on a drip, do not change clothes for them, so as to avoid pulling the tube accidently.
  • Please inform the medical staff immediately if you find that there is blood leakage in the child's IV tube, infusion doesn't go well, or other problems.
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