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Learn about Knee Ligament Injury 膝部韌帶受損須知
2024/8/6Everyone has two thick and strong ligaments in knees. They are called anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments based on the locations attached to the tibia. These two ligaments decide the stability of the knee.
Learn about Ganglion Cyst 認識腱鞘囊腫
2024/8/6Ganglion cyst is a benign tumor common seen around wrist. It is usually discovered by accident and sometimes gets bigger with pain or soreness. Ganglion cyst that grows in wrist may often cause pain in the wrist. The discomfort is particularly obvious when moving the joint.
Tennis Elbow 網球肘
2024/8/6Tennis elbow is one of the common sports injuries. Tennis elbow earned its name because tennis players often suffer from this disease due to improper posture when serving, hitting or using one-hander backhand.
Sports Injury in Knee 膝部運動傷害
2024/8/6Sports injury in knee is often seen in teenage athletes, field and track athletes, and joggers.
Range of Motion Exercise for Patients in Long-Term Hospitalizaiton 長期住院病人全關節運動
2024/8/6Joint motion refers to the normal motion range of a specific joint, which has different motion angles. The exercise that involves each and every joint is call rang of motion (ROM) exercise.
Care after Artificial Bone Implant Procedure 人工骨植入術後衛教說明
2024/8/6The purpose of artificial bone is to activate bone reverse reaction. Artificial bone serves as a frame to enhance the formation of new bone. Artificial bone can be put in the hole or gap of the bone to greatly increase the healing of bone defects.
Care after Fixation Implant Procedure 骨骼內固定物術後衛教說明
2024/8/6The purpose of fixation implant is to provide support to the fractured bones, maintain limbs in good shape, and restore the integrity of articular facet.
Care after Artificial Joint Replacement Procedure 人工關節術後衛教說明
2024/8/6The purpose of artificial joint replacement is to provide an artificial articular facet to replace the deformed or deteriorated joint to resume mobility and normal mobility pattern.
Care after Spinal Fixation Procedure 脊椎內固定物術後衛教說明
2024/8/6Spinal fixation has different functions based on different designs, including providing support to the spine, restoring the spine to its normal condition, and providing support to intervertebral disc.
Meniscus Cartilage Injury 半月板軟骨傷害
2024/8/6Meniscus” cartilage is a connective tissue, a three-dimensional structure consisted of water, collagen fibers, and glycoprotein, located in knee joint facet between femur and tibia.