Health Information
Health Information
Cerebral Palsy 腦性麻痺
2024/1/2Some children will stretch taut when they’re getting nervous; therefore we have to avoid such situation to make the training going smoothly.
Allergy 家有過敏兒
2024/1/2Allergy is an exaggerated immune response or reaction to substances that are generally not harmful to us.
Enteroviruses 認識腸病毒
2024/1/2Enteroviruses are made of small viruses like ribonucleic acid (RNA) and protein.
Respiratory Care of the Infants at Home 嬰幼兒呼吸道的居家照顧
2024/1/2Infants get common cold or respiratory tract illness when season changes or in the fall or winter.
The care of the neonatal jaundice 新生兒黃疸的照護
2024/1/2Most infants develop visible jaundice due to elevation of unconjugated bilirubin concentration during their first week.
Pediatric Basic Life Support (PBLS) 小兒簡易基本救命術
2024/1/2Pediatric Basic Life Support (PBLS) emphasizes the importance of keeping airway patent; providing optimal mouth- to-mouth breathing, and undergoing incessant cardiac massages.
Social Welfare Resources for Patients of Head Injury 頭部外傷病人的社會福利資源
2023/12/26Meeting the criteria for catastrophic illness announced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and present the national health insurance card with mark during the validity of catastrophic illness to be exempt for the copayment of the treatment related to the injury/illness.
Atopic dermatitis 異位性皮膚炎預防與保健
2023/12/26Atopic dermatitis is a chronically relapsing inflammatory skin disease associated with severe pruritic eczema.
Psoriasis Prevention and health 乾癬的預防與保健
2023/12/26Psoriasis is a kind of epidermal hyperplasia and chronic inflammatory skin disease.
Which foods are the kinds should I intake or avoid? 中醫飲食宜忌
2023/12/26Any ice-cold food like watermelons, pears, grapefruits, pomelos, cocnuts, oranges, hrad persimmons, mangosteens, lotus roots,