Doctor Introduction
Doctor Introduction
About DoctorChang-Cheng Chang Director
Aesthetic Laser Treatment
Minimal invasive Procedure
Body Shape Contouring Sculpting
Spider Vein treatment-Sclerotherapy and Pulse Dye Laser
Minimal invasive Procedure
Body Shape Contouring Sculpting
Spider Vein treatment-Sclerotherapy and Pulse Dye Laser
Aesthetic Laser TreatmentMinimal invasive Procedure
Body Shape Contouring Sculpting
Spider Vein treatment-Sclerotherapy and Pulse Dye Laser
- Ph.D. program Candidate Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics, National Chiao Tung University, Tainan
- School of Medicine, Chang-Gung university, Taoyuan, Taiwan
- Present:China Medical University Hospital, Dept. of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Director of Aesthetic Center
- Assistant Professor of China Medical University
- Chief, Division of Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Chang-Gung memorial hospital, Chia-Yi
- Director, Aesthetic medical center, Chang-Gung memorial hospital, Chia-Yi
- Attending Physician, Division of reconstructive microsurgery, Chang-Gung memorial hospital, Lin-Kuo
- Observed Fellow, Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, University California Irvine, Los Angeles, CA
- Resident at department of plastic and reconstructive surgery, Chang-Gung memorial hospital, Lin-Kuo
- Resident at department of general surgery, Chang-Gung memorial hospital, Lin-Kuo
- Intern in Chang-Gung memorial hospital, Lin-kuo