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Doctor Introduction


Doctor Introduction

Hsi-chen, Hsu
Hsi-chen, Hsu

Adjunt Physician

Hsi-chen, Hsu

Adjunt Physician
1. Human reproductive medicine
2. Infertility
3. Endocrinology

1. Human reproductive medicine
2. Infertility
3. Endocrinology


National Taiwan University, School of Medicine, Physical therapy, BD
Kaohsiung Medical University, Post Baccalaureate Medicine, MD


Present: China Medical University Hospital, Dept. of OB/GYN, Human Reproductive Center
Taipei Mackay Memorial Hospital, Ob/Gyn Department, Residency and chief resident
Medical Center of National Taiwan University, Dept. Ob/Gyn, Fellow of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

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