Department Introduction

Chinese Medcine | Excellence



Modern TCM Talents

Department physicians mainly graduated from China Medical University's departments of Chinese medicine and post-baccalaureate Chinese medicine, and some of them possess Chinese and Western medical licenses, a few of whom hold the qualifications for Western medical specialists. Many have acquired a master's degree or a doctorate and in addition to clinical practice and research work, have been teaching in a school and guiding students during internship, have focused on evidence-based medicine and medical ethics and developed international Chinese and Western medicine academic exchanges.

The innovation of TCM should not only break through the previous constraints of Chinese medicine theory, but also follow the rules of Chinese medicine. The theory and method of innovation must undergo empirical tests, and the modernization of Chinese medicine should be promoted and perfected through innovation.
Modernization of Chinese medicine

After the establishment of the hospital's Department of Chinese Medicine in 1970, it has been devoted to the modernization or scientization of Chinese medicine with remarkable achievements.

Pulse diagnosis instrument
 Pulse Classics indicates that it is a difficult process to apply pulse knowledge to the practice and that there is no definite quantitative and qualitative standards for pulse diagnosis. Therefore, the study of the objectification and standardization of Chinese medicine pulse diagnosis has become an important task. The hospital’s professor Shu-you Wang developed a pulse wave instrument in 1976, establishing a set of criteria for the interpretation of pulse waves regarding Cun, Guan, Chi and Fu, Zhong, and Chen, as well as serving the purpose of clinical practice, teaching, and research to make great strides in the scientific research of Chinese medicine pulse diagnosis.
Auscultation-olfaction instrument
The development of the instrument began in 1995. It was professor Heng-hung Chang who proposed the original idea and worked with professor Chuang-chien Chiu of automatic control engineering at Feng Chia University. Using speech analysis technology, they completed the speech analysis of qi deficiency, yin deficiency, yang deficiency, and blood deficiency.  
Tongue diagnosis instrument
The instrument is derived from dean Heng-hung Chang's ideation and was jointly developed by professor Chien-chung Chen, doctor Hung-jen Lin, and professor I-wu Chiang of Sun Yat-Sen University. In recent years, with the collaboration between dean Heng-hung Chang and professor Lun-chien Lo, the development of the instrument is closer to the use and interpretation by clinical doctors of Chinese medicine. Moreover, they developed a computer-aided tongue diagnosis and interpretation system to push the Chinese medicine diagnostic apparatus to a higher level.
Nailfold microcirculation instrument
The microcirculation of nails is used to observe the blood stasis and blood disorders in patients, which is beneficial to Chinese medicine diagnosis and clinical follow-up.
Through observational studies on scientific pulse taking, auscultation and olfaction, and tongue observation, it set up a universal platform for Chinese and Western medicine to diagnose diseases in patients via science mapping.
Characteristic therapy
Chinese medicine physical examination

Chinese medicine check-ups in the hospital are performed by modern instruments to present concrete results. Constitutional syndrome differentiation is conducted by professional Chinese medicine doctors, so that patients can understand their own changes of qi, blood, yin, and yang, as well as the characteristics of each constitution. Moreover, the services combine professional care with health education and treatment.

The pilot scheme for Chinese medicine assisted medical care in tumor inpatients
The adjuvant TCM therapy is used to improve the uncomfortable symptoms in tumor patients following surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, such as oral ulcers, constipation and diarrhea, sleep disorders, anorexia, mental malaise, and difficulty in opening mouth.
The pilot scheme for Chinese medicine assisted medical care in inpatients with cerebrovascular disease
Chinese and Western medicine deliver shared care for patients with cerebrovascular disease, in an attempt to boost the efficacy and promote early recovery, reduce disability, shorten the length of stay, and improve the quality of life of patients with stroke.
The Chinese medicine outpatient care program for sequela of cerebrovascular disease
For patients with cerebrovascular disease in a stable condition and chronic rehabilitation period, the adjuvant TCM therapy is actively administered to improve their neurological functions, enhance the ability to perform activities of daily living, boost quality of life, and cut medical expenses.
Children's asthma quality clinic
In addition to prescribing oral TCM for asthma children under 12 years of age, it deploys acupuncture, acupoint massage, acupoint application, nasal aerosolization, Chinese medicine health education, and Chinese medicine diagnostic instrument for auxiliary evaluation. The Division of Chinese Medicine Pediatrics, along with children’s hospital's divisions of pediatric pulmonary medicine and pediatric allergy, immunology, and rheumatology, integrated Chinese and Western medicine care, providing allergen detection, lung function examination, and other inspection items, so that children can receive more complete treatment and evaluation to monitor asthma control.
Chinese medicine care clinic and ward consultation for breast cancer
It provides Chinese medicine consultation, health education, and TCM therapy for breast cancer inpatients receiving surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy.
Pregnancy clinic
In line with the government policy, it runs assisted reproduction clinics for male and female infertility and clinics for recurrent miscarriage.
Dog-day special clinic
For intractable allergic diseases, acupoint applications are performed at the hottest time of the year, so as to slow down the occurrence of allergic rhinitis and asthma and achieve the effect of winter disease cured in summer.
Acupuncture as adjuvant therapy in otolaryngology
Dr. Tang-chuan Wang of otolaryngology and Dr. Ching-hsuan Huang of Chinese acupuncture set up a joint clinic for tinnitus.
Joint clinic of Chinese and Western medicine for melancholia
Dr. Mao-feng Sun and Liang-yu Chen of acupuncture and Dr. Kuan-pin Su of psychiatry work together to run a joint clinic for providing multiple treatment methods for patients with melancholia and building a communication channel between Chinese and Western medicine and patients.
Improve the quality of TCM decoction pieces

Some people abuse unknown TCM folk remedies, causing lung, liver, kidney disease or organ failure, which should not be dismissed lightly. Therefore, the Department of Chinese Medicine and our department of pharmacy have worked together for a long time to monitor regularly the heavy metals and pesticides in imported Chinese herbal medicines and enhance medication safety, as well as draw up standard review specifications for drug use.


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