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Home Care for patients of Colorectal surgery 大腸直腸肛門外科出院病人照護
2023/11/28Sit bath twice a day or after defecation. Warm water is suggested and duration is about 10 to 15 minutes.
Colon Cancer 大腸直腸癌
2023/11/28If you have bloody stool, bowel habit change, undetermined abdominal distention or anemia, please consult colorectal doctor for further examination.
Procedure for Prolapsing Hemorrhoids 痔瘡環切吻合手術
2023/11/28Hemorrhoids are lumps of blood vessels and tissue that protrude in or near the anus due to pressure or other causes. The procedure for prolapsing hemorrhoids (PPH) is to use the circular stapling instrument to remove the anal mucosa.
Complications after the Procedure for Prolapsing Hemorrhoids 痔瘡環切吻合手術併發症
2023/11/28Difficult urination (13.3 %). The symptom is most common on the day after surgery, possibly due to severe wound pain or discomfort caused by gauze tucked at the anus.
Instructions after Peri-anal Abscess & Fistula Surgery 肛門膿瘍瘻管術後須知
2023/11/28The main cause of formation of peri-anal abscess is anal gland inflammation. Everyone has 7 to 8 anal glands, each anal gland has an internal opening, located in the anus about 1.5cm from the anal verge.
Instructions for Patients with Hemorrhoids after Surgery 痔瘡病人術後須知
2023/11/28Fasting is required on the day of operation and an enema is given before the operation
Notes for Patients with Hemorrhoids and Anal Fissures 痔瘡肛裂病人注意事項
2023/11/28Do not consume alcohol and spicy, fried foods, peanuts and other stimulants.
Colorectal Polypectomy 大腸直腸瘜肉切除
2023/11/28The so-called colon polyp refers to the protuberances occurring in the colonic mucosa, which can be divided into hyperplastic polyps, inflammatory polyps and adenomas. Only adenomas can transfer to malignant tumors.
Enterostomy Supplies and Devices 腸造口用品裝置方法
2023/11/28Push outward from the center of the ring on the bag with your thumb, so that the bag and the suitable ring are smoothly combined.
Colostomy Irrigation 大腸造口人工肛門灌洗法
2023/11/28The method of colostomy irrigation is to instill water through the stoma, which can be mixed with the feces and stimulates the bowel to expel stool. Irrigating a colostomy allows you increased control over the timing of your bowel movements. Daily irrigation can develop the the regular bowel habis as normal people without wear a colostomy bag.