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Which foods are the kinds should I intake or avoid? 中醫飲食宜忌


Which foods are the kinds should I intake or avoid? 中醫飲食宜忌


Which foods are the kind of food?

  • Which foods are cold and ice-cold foods?

Any ice-cold food like watermelons, pears, grapefruits, pomelos, cocnuts, oranges, hrad persimmons, mangosteens, lotus roots, mung beans, daikon radishes, Chinese cabbages, balsam pears, cucumbers, sponge cucumbers, tallow gourds, oriental melons, tomotos, and etc.

  • Which foods are spicy, dry-hot, roast or fried foods?
  • Spicy food like peppers, garlics, cilantros, green onions, and sartay sauce.
  • Dry-hot food like fennels, leeks, cinnamons, muttons, and dog meat.
  • Hot fruits like longans, litchis, mangos, and durians.
  • Stimulating foods like pickled food, coffee, tea, and curry.
  • Which foods are light, gentle, and easily absorbed foods?
  • Vegetables and fruits : guavas, apples, grapes, oranges, papayas, strawberries, cherries, mulberries, water spinaches, spinaches, carrots, crowndaisy chrysanthemum, and cauliflowers.
  • Meats : chicken, fish, pork, spareribs, and small intestine of pig.
  • Cereals : rice.
  • Milk and eggs : eggs, milk, soy bean milk, and etc.

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