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Enterovirus A71 Vaccine Notice 腸病毒A71型疫苗接種須知


Enterovirus A71 Vaccine Notice 腸病毒A71型疫苗接種須知


Introduction to Disease

  • Enterovirus A71 belongs to the Picornaviridae family. Enteroviruses consists of more than 60 types of viruses, including Polioviruses, Coxsackieviruses, Echoviruses, and Enteroviruses. In recent years, more types of viruses have been discovered, and there are now over 100 types. Among all enteroviruses, with the exception of Polioviruses, Enterovirus A71 is the most common type that could trigger complications in the nervous system, but with different levels of severity. Some will only have nonfatal complications such as meningitis, mild encephalitis and limb paralysis, while others could lead to death. In general, after the patient has been infected with a certain type of enterovirus, the patient will have immunity against the specific virus for a continuous period of time up to decades. However, the patient without having been infected by some other virus types could still be infected.

Introduction to Vaccine

  • Taiwan started developing Enterovirus A71 inactivated vaccine in 2002 and used a subgenotype B4 strain after deactivation, as the vaccine. After Taiwan government has developed and transfer the technology to domestic companies, the vaccine was then released in 2023. Currently, two Enterovirus A71 vaccines in Taiwan have been approved. Both are inactivated vaccines that are suitable for infants over 2 months and under 6 years old.  
  • Both vaccines have shown cross-protective efficacy against the B5 and C4 genetic subtypes of Enterovirus A71 in in-vitrotesting. However, for other types of enteroviruses such as Coxsackievirus A16 and Enterovirus D68, there are currently no evidence that support the cross-protective efficacy.

Prohibitions of Vaccination

  • Those who have suffered severe anaphylaxis to such vaccines or to any of the substances in these vaccines.  


  • For patients with acute severe diseases,accompanied by fever or acute infections, It is recommended to postpone vaccination until their condition stabilizes .  

Possible Side Effects After Vaccination

  • Common adverse effects include soreness of vaccinated area and fever.
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 12128、12132、12135
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