Health Information
No Second and Third-hand Smoke 杜絕二手菸及三手菸
No Second and Third-hand Smoke 杜絕二手菸及三手菸
What is secondhand smoke?
- Secondhand smoke is environmental smoke that is inhaled passively or involuntarily. It is the most widespread and harmful indoor air pollutant. Non-smokers live with smokers for a lifetime, and their PM2.5 exposure concentration is equivalent to living in a city with serious haze. It has been listed as "the number one carcinogen" by the UN World Health Organization (WHO).
- Secondhand smoke is a mixture of the mainstream smoke and the side-stream smoke in the air. Under the condition of incomplete combustion, secondhand smoke releases more than 7,000 kinds of chemicals, among which more than 250 are harmful to human health, including 93 carcinogens and harmful substances.
What is thirdhand smoke?
- Thirdhand smoke refers to the pollutants left in the environment after the cigarettes are extinguished. When burning, smoke releases potentially toxic compounds that are attached to hair, carpets, curtains, clothing, food, furniture and other surfaces. Even when the smell of smoke dissipates, these invisible toxic particles will still exist in the smoking environment. Even if you smoke while opening the window, in another room, turning on an electric fan, or not in front of children or family members, there is no way to prevent the harm these toxic substances do to them!
Why are infants more vulnerable to second-hand and third-hand smoke?
- Infants' immune system is fragile, their metabolic system is immature, and their breathing speed is faster than that of adults, so they will inhale more toxic chemicals.
- Their activities are characterized by crawling or playing on the floor or carpet, and they are more likely to have direct contact with these harmful substances.
The threat of second and third-hand smoke to the health of infants
- Decrease in mathematics, reading, and logic skills.
- Increase the risk of cancer, otitis media, and sudden infant death syndrome.
- Increase the incidence of allergies, asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis.
- Not easy to recover from a cold.
What can you do for the health of your family?
- To ensure that children are protected from second-hand and third-hand smoke, quitting smoking immediately is the best choice and gives the family a clean and smoke-free environment. In addition to maintaining your health, you can also protect your family from secondhand smoke and third-hand smoke! Our hospital has a smoking cessation clinic to help you!
- Special line for inquiry: (04) 22052121 ext. 17204
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 12128、12132、12135
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 12128、12132、12135