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Sports Injury in Knee 膝部運動傷害


Sports Injury in Knee 膝部運動傷害


Sports injury in knee is often seen in teenage athletes, field and track athletes, and joggers.

Knee sports injuries occur often due to excessively overuse of knees and lead to pain or soreness. Excessively frequent jumping may cause ligamentitis.


Patellar ligament is tightened and pulled from the attached point on the tibia to cause inflammation of epiphysis, or patellar tendon inflammation. Patients have press pain, swelling, and inflamed soreness.


  • Reduce sports activities and start physical therapy.

Sports injury in knee often leads to VMO atrophy and muscle strength reduction, causing patellar subluxation, which makes clicking sound or pain in knees when in action. Patients should start physical therapy at rehabilitation department at this point. Sports therapy will help patella go back to its normal location and normalize patella tracking.

  • Take anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Wear a cast if necessary.
  • Go to a doctor for accurate diagnosis and treatments.
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