Health Information
Breast Cancer 乳癌
Breast Cancer 乳癌
Breast cancer is one of the most common diseases among women. The incidence of breast cancer is increasing both in Taiwan and abroad, which poses a great threat to women's life and health. Breast cancer ranks first in women's cancer in Europe and the United States. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, breast cancer ranks first in Taiwan's women's cancer incidence.
High Risk Group (Susceptible to Disease)
- Those taking oral contraceptives and hormone supplements after menopause.
- Those whose mother or sister had breast cancer.
- Those who gain weight after menopause.
- Those who had breast cancer in one breast.
- Women over 40 years of age who have never breast-fed or given birth.
- Those with early menstruation (menstruation before age 12) or late menopause (menopause after age 55).
- Those who are obese, consume too much high fat food.
- Painless, irregular breast lumps.
- Progressive nipple depression.
- Abnormal secretions of the nipple, especially those with blood.
- Breast skin is sunken or looks like orange peel.
- Apparent asymmetry on both sides (by looking into a mirror).
Breast Self-Exam
- Within 1 week after the end of menstruation.
- Those with irregular menstruation or menopause should do a self-exam once every month.
Diagnostic Check
- Physical examination (palpation).
- Mammography: women with a positive family history or large breasts after menopause.
- Breast ultrasound: those who are young or have small breasts.
- Biopsy: fine needle puncture, core needle puncture or surgical biopsy.
Your doctor will discuss with you the most appropriate treatment depending on the extent of the cancer's spread, age and overall health. Current treatments include the following:
- Surgery (including breast-conserving surgery, total mastectomy, partial mastectomy or in combination with axillary lymph node dissection and axillary sentinel lymph node biopsy).
- Radiotherapy.
- Chemotherapy.
- Hormonal therapy.
- Biological monoclonal antibody therapy.
- A drainage tube may be placed after surgery. Note the nature, color and volume of the drainage fluid.
- After the operation, the affected side should avoid lifting heavy objects and do any treatment for a short period of time, including blood pressure measurement, cupping and acupuncture.
- The fluid in the drainage bottle can be easily swing moderately, but the driange tube must be avoid dragged. Pay attention to whether the drainage tube is smooth or not. When the drainage fluid is too full, inform the nursing staff to pour it out.
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