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Tonsillectomy 扁桃切除術


Tonsillectomy 扁桃切除術


Indications for tonsillectomy include chronic tonsillitis, recurrent tonsillitis, suspected tonsil tumors, or snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Please inform the physician of the following matters before the operation:

  • Tonsillitis within three weeks.
  • Liver, kidney, heart, blood and other diseases.
  • Taking anticoagulant drugs such as aspirin.

Surgical Precautions

  • If the postoperative wound pain is obvious, apply a cold compress to the external neck of the jawbone.
  • It is normal for the wound to have a small amount of bleeding so that there is blood in your saliva, but please inform the medical staff if the amount is large.
  • The patient should fast for 8 hours after the operation. After that, they can drink water and then eat liquid and soft food such as pudding, soybean pudding, ice cream, juice and milk.
  • Patients with snoring and sleep apnea should pay special attention to their breathing patterns after surgery. They can be given adequate oxygen and observed strictly.

Notes for Discharge

  • Eat a light diet after surgery. Avoid eating hot, hard or spicy food and supplements within 1 week. Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Avoid doing strenuous exercise (such as lifting heavy objects and running) and taking a hot bath within 1 week after the operation. After the follow-up outpatient service, the doctors decide whether the patient can take exercise according to the wound situation. Overwork should be avoided after discharge.
  •  Within 1 week after surgery, the wound is prone to bleeding. If this occurs, do not overreact. Put an ice cube in your mouth and apply a cold compress to the lower jaw and take a rest.
  • Seek immediate medical attention for symptoms of persistent bleeding, fever, or a cold.
  • Take medicine and pay a return visit according to doctor's instructions.
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 18331
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