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Instructions for Mixing Powdered Tube Feeding Products 粉狀管灌營養品沖泡說明


Instructions for Mixing Powdered Tube Feeding Products 粉狀管灌營養品沖泡說明



  • To let the patients and family members who use tube feeding know the correct method of preparing tube feeding, and then achieve balanced and adequate nutritional needs.

Applicable to

  • Patients fed with a nasogastric tube or nasointestinal tube.
  • Patients fed by a gastrostomy tube or enterostomy tube.

Mixing method

  1. Fill an empty cup with about 20-30 cc of boiled water at room temperature. Do not use hot or cold water for mixing.
  2. Pour the powdered tube feeding product into the cup.
  3. Use a mixing stick, chopstick or spoon to stir the product into a paste
  4. Add room temperature or lukewarm boiled water according to the amount of water specified on the meal card. In the case of Protison, add 250 cc of water.
  5. Use a mixing stick, chopstick or spoon to stir well.
  6. Mixing finished.

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