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Weight-loss Diets 減重飲食原則(精簡版)


Weight-loss Diets 減重飲食原則(精簡版)


Maintaining ideal body weight and avoiding obesity can prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, and is beneficial to health.

Body mass index (BMI): weight (kg) / height2 (meter2)

  • BMI 18.5-24: Normal
  • 24 ≦ BMI < 27: Overweight
  • 27 ≦ BMI < 30: Mild obesity
  • 30 ≦ BMI < 35: Moderate obesity
  • BMI ≧ 35: Severe obesity

Dietary principles

  • Eat a calorie-restricted and nutritionally balanced diet, with three meals in set amounts of food at regular times.
  • Take proper exercise.
  • Avoid high-calorie or concentrated foods, such as candy, egg rolls, Chinese and Western sweet and salty snacks.
  • Habitual drinking is not encouraged.
  • Peeled meat is recommended.
  • The speed of weight loss should not be too fast, with currently required calories minus 500 kcal per day.
  • Foods should be boiled, steamed and stewed; long-term eating out should be avoided.
  • Slow down the speed of eating, and eat food with lower calories, such as clear soup and vegetables.
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