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Suggestions and Precautions for Tetanus Toxoid, Reduced Diphtheria Toxoid, and Acellular Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccination 破傷風、減量白喉混合疫苗、非細胞型百日咳混合疫苗( Tdap )接種建議及注意事項


Suggestions and Precautions for Tetanus Toxoid, Reduced Diphtheria Toxoid, and Acellular Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccination 破傷風、減量白喉混合疫苗、非細胞型百日咳混合疫苗( Tdap )接種建議及注意事項



Diphtheria mainly invades the pharynx, larynx, tonsils and nasal cavity. Tissue necrosis occurs in the lesion, forming a gray-white membrane, which may cause sensory and motor nerve paralysis, myocarditis and death. Fortunately, thanks to vaccines, only one case was reported in 1988 in Taiwan since 1981, and no suspected cases were reported in other years. In recent years, although there have been no Indigenous cases in Taiwan, diphtheria has been frequently reported in other countries. In 2018, there have been major outbreaks in Yemen, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Ukraine, Venezuela and South Africa. Those who plan to visit the affected areas in the near future should consider diphtheria vaccination.


Clostridium tetani enters deep wounds and releases toxins after proliferating in large quantities without oxygen, which can cause serious neurological and muscular symptoms, such as tooth closure, muscle contraction, limb spasm, etc. Generally, Clostridium tetani are widely distributed in soil and dirty places. For example, the death rate of tetanus is over 50% in deep wounds caused by accidents, especially in newborns and middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old.


Pertussis is an acute respiratory tract bacterial infection that easily invades children under 5 years old, causing paroxysmal cough and vomiting after coughing. It may be further complicated by pneumonia, respiratory arrest, epilepsy and hypoxic encephalopathy, which can easily cause infant death. These symptoms may also occur in other age groups, but they are mild or not obvious. Older children and adults usually have a good prognosis after infection. These germs are often brought home by parents or siblings and spread to younger children.

Vaccination suggestions

If more than 10 years have passed since the last tetanus vaccination, 1 dose of Td can be added every 10 years as recommended, and the high-risk groups such as medical care personnel, pre-pregnancy women and infant caregivers should be given priority to receive 1 dose of Tdap vaccine.

Contraindications to vaccination

Those with high fever, severe kidney, liver and cardiovascular diseases, progressive spasm or nervous system diseases, and those who have had serious reactions to the three vaccine components.

Possible side effects and vaccine response after injection

  • After vaccination, please take a rest under observation for 30 minutes. If there is no discomfort, you can leave hospital.
  • Local redness, swelling, pain and lumps may occur within two days with mild to moderate fever and general discomfort, which usually go away within two to three days.
  • If the site of inoculation is swollen, hard with an abscess, or fever persists after inoculation, a physician must be consulted for treatment.


  • It is suggested that Taiwanese people should be vaccinated with one dose of Td or Tdap vaccine every 10 years.
  • After vaccination, please drink more water and get plenty of rest to reduce discomfort. If you have any questions, please return to the hospital.
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