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Frequently Asked Questions About Quitting Smoking 幾個戒菸者常問的問題


Frequently Asked Questions About Quitting Smoking 幾個戒菸者常問的問題


Will I gain weight when I quit smoking?

Not everyone gains weight after quitting smoking. Because of improved taste and appetite, some people gain weight, mostly by between 2 and 5 kilograms. It's not suitable for quitting smoking and weight reduction at the same time because being slightly fat also has less impact on health than smoking.

Is it better to quit smoking step by step? Or should I quit it at once?

The answer varies from person to person. But most successful cases quit smoking in one go.

Why do I cough more after quitting smoking?

About 20% of people cough more after quitting smoking. It is a temporary phenomenon and represents the recovering of lung defense mechanism.

What if I can't sleep after quitting smoking?

Many people lose sleep after quitting smoking. Without other physical and mental problems, simple nicotine withdrawal will disappear within 2 to 3 weeks.

Can I recover from smoking?

  • Some of the injuries caused by tobacco are permanent, such as emphysema, but some can be recovered, such as the expectorant capacity of respiratory epithelial cells.
  • If you have quit smoking for quite a while, you will have the same incidence of disease as the general population. For example, the incidence of heart disease can return to normal within 10 years after smoking cessation, and the incidence of lung cancer is no longer higher than that of non-smokers 15 years after smoking cessation.

Will I be addicted to nicotine gum?

  • It contains nicotine, but unlike tobacco which also contains many other toxic substances, it does less harm to the body and does not endanger the lungs.
  • Most people can gradually reduce their consumption without any discomfort. Generally, more than 3 months of use does not have much effect, but very few people may use it half a year to one year.

Those who fail to quit smoking need not be so hard on themselves. The most important thing is to think:

  • Where did the first cigarette come from?
  • In what circumstances?

Most failures occur within a week or two when the withdrawal symptoms are most pronounced. As long as we adjust our daily habits and try our best to avoid arousing addiction to tobacco, there is still hope of success.

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