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Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms 戒菸時出現戒斷症候群之介紹


Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms 戒菸時出現戒斷症候群之介紹


Withdrawal symptoms refer to the physiological or psychological changes that occur after discontinuation of addictive substances. Normally, this is a temporary condition and requires medical treatment when necessary. Common symptoms and coping skills are as follows:

Coping skills to withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms

Coping Strategies

Anxiety, restlessness, irritability.

  • Temporarily reduce or discontinue consumption of coffee and tea
  • Drinks less caffeinated beverages.
  • Exercise has an emotional stabilizing effect and regular exercise has a lasting effect
  • Do housework to temporarily alleviate the symptoms
  • Use meditation techniques to relax muscles

Fatigue and Difficulty concentrating

  • Regular rest and complete work or activities in stages


  • Do some gentle exercise before you go to sleep

Dizziness, headache, chest tightness

  • Open the window and take a deep breath or go out for fresh air.
  • Close your eyes and relax slowly or use meditation techniques to relax your muscles before doing relaxing exercises, which can promote blood flow and improve symptoms.

Constipation and abdominal pain

  • Eat more vegetables and fruits
  • Relax yourself

Hunger, increased appetite, cough, dry mouth, sore throat

  • Drink more water and eat more water-rich food
  • Avoid or reduce the consumption of fried food and raw, cold food
  • Choose low-fat and low-calorie snacks
  • Chew sugar-free gum to relieve dry mouth

Depression, melancholy

  • Leave the stressful environment for the time being
  • Change your mind or think of past pleasant experiences to divert your attention
  • Breathe deeply and relax your tense muscles slowly
  • Find someone to chat with
  • Take a walk
  • Take a warm bath
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