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Early Symptoms of Dementia 失智症早期症狀


Early Symptoms of Dementia 失智症早期症狀


The early symptoms of dementia vary in individuals, but usually start with deterioration of short term memory and being forgetful. Here are the top ten common early symptoms of dementia:

  1. Deteriorated memories that affect daily routine.
  2. Not able to do things that could be done easily before.
  3. Confused with the past, now, and future. No concepts of time and space.
  4. Become emotional, get angry easily, and become physically aggressive.
  5. Not able to express thoughts and opinions with language. Comprehension skills deteriorated.
  6. Judgmental skills and alertness weaken.
  7. Lack of abstract thinking ability, such as not knowing keys can be used to open the doors or pens are for writing.
  8. Have different personalities as if becoming a totally different person.
  9. Emotional and behavioral patterns are changed dramatically.
  10. Hide things from others and forget where he/she hides them, and even blame others for hiding things from him/her.

Early Diagnosis, Early Intervention

If you observe two or more of the symptoms described above on you or your family and friends, please go to neurologists or psychiatrists for evaluation.

Early diagnosis and early intervention can relieve the deterioration of the symptoms and reduce the burden on the family and society.

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