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Precautions for Home Care After Eye Surgery 眼睛手術後居家護理注意事項


Precautions for Home Care After Eye Surgery 眼睛手術後居家護理注意事項


Medication use

  • Apply eye drops according to a strict schedule, such as: 4 times a day after meals and before going to bed; 3 times a day after meals; twice a day in the morning and evening.
  • Wash and wipe your hands dry before applying eyedrops.
  • Shake the eyedrops before use to make it even.
  • Look up with both eyes, pull your lower lid down with one hand, and place one drop inside your conjunctival cul-de-sac. The medicine does not necessarily have to drop onto the eyeballs. Repeat the same steps at 5-minute intervals for each bottle of eye drops.
  • After applying the eye drops, gently press the sides of the eye and nose for 1-2 minutes to avoid systemic side effects caused by the absorption of the medicine by the nasolacrimal duct.
  • Be careful not to let the tip of the bottle touch your eye and do not have the medicine dropping directly onto your eyeballs to avoid touching the eye and causing infection.
  • If you have both drops and ointment, use the drops first.
  • Do not arbitrarily increase or decrease the number of times taking drugs or discontinue the medication.
  • After opening the bottle, it is advisable to keep it at room temperature instead of direct exposure to sunlight.

Use and treatment of eye masks

  • Early after the operation, the eye cover should be worn at all times, and sleeping time is no exception, to prevent collision. Or according to the instructions of the doctor, wear the eye mask when going out and sleeping, depending on the surgical methods.
  • Eye masks should be removed daily and rinsed with boiling water.

Home-based activities

  • Do not rub your eyes with your hands.
  • Avoid carrying or lifting heavy objects.
  • Avoid sneezing and coughing continuously and vigorously.
  • Avoid strenuous sports for the time being, such as playing ball, running and jumping.
  • Wear dark glasses to reduce photophobia.
  • Pay attention to safety during activities to avoid falling or collision.
  • Keep away from water and other liquids.

Seek immediate medical attention if any of the following eye complaints occur

  • Persistent pain.
  • An increase in secretions.
  • A knock or injury to the eye that has received surgery.
  • Sudden blurred or decreased vision.
  • Redness of the conjunctiva or sclera, or bleeding.


  • Eat a normal diet, with more vegetables and fruits recommended to prevent constipation.
  • Avoid irritating foods.

Regular return visits

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