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Parathyroid Scan 核醫副甲狀腺檢查


Parathyroid Scan 核醫副甲狀腺檢查


Prep before the Examination

  • Pregnant or possibility of being pregnant cannot have this procedure. Please inform your care provider in advance.
  • No special preparation is required. Fasting is not required.
  • Please inform your care provider if you had parathyroid surgery or parathyroid implant (transplant) before.   

Examination Method

  • The first images will be created 15 minutes after radioactive isotope intravenous injection, while the second images will be created two hours after the injection.
  • The first examination time is about 15 minutes and the second examination is about 30 minutes.
  • The procedure is completed after two scans.


  • If there is a possibility of being pregnant, do not undergo this procedure. Please inform your care provider in advance.
  • Do not move during the procedure to enhance image quality.
  • Please avoid contact with babies and pregnant women the day you receive the low dose radioactive isotope injection. No obvious side effects will occur when in touch with babies and pregnant women. Please do not worry.

電話:(04) 22052121 分機 17401、17410
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