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Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy 腎臟的保養建議


Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy 腎臟的保養建議


Prevent Drug Misuse

Many commercially available analgesics, cold medicines (such as naproxen and ibuprofen) and Chinese herbal medicines have kidney toxicity. Don't take them without a doctor's prescription. Patients should be familiar with the side effects of antibiotics and painkillers prescribed by their doctors.

Control Blood Sugar Levels and Diabetes—Keep Blood Sugar Stable

Long-term diabetes can cause vascular sclerosis and kidneys to deteriorate quickly. The glycated hemoglobin should be controlled below 6.5-7.0%.

Control of Hypertension—below 130/80 mmHg

Poor control of blood pressure can cause vascular sclerosis, and the kidney is composed of millions of microvascular glomeruli. Poor control of blood pressure can lead to rapid deterioration of the kidneys. Some ACE inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers are good choices for blood pressure control. Also, watch out for less salt and more exercise.

Do Not Overeat

Eating too much protein and salt can increase the burden on the kidneys. In addition, sports drinks contain extra electrolytes and salts, and people with kidney disease need to be careful about these drinks.

Protect Yourself from Infections and Colds

  • Protect yourself from infections by washing your hands frequently.
  • If the patient has a constant cold, or has hypertension, edema, urine bubbles after a cold, it is best to seek a nephrologist for screening. Be careful not to misuse OTC drugs.

Be Careful with Recurrent Tonsillitis

When the larynx or tonsil is infected by streptococcus, it must be cured, otherwise it is easy to cause kidney inflammation.

Drink Moderate Amounts of Water without Holding Your Urine

Proper fluid intake: Urine stays in the bladder, just as bacteria can multiply in a blocked sewer, and bacteria can infect the kidney through the ureter.

Do not Drink Well and River Water with Unknown Ingredients

To avoid the high concentration of heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and chromium to damage the kidneys.

Urinary Calculi should be Treated

Stones may be painless but is does not mean the illness is cured, especially ureteral calculi that can easily cause hydronephrosis. In the long run, the kidneys will be completely damaged without you even realizing it.

Keep Warm in Winter

The survey found that both the deterioration of kidney function and the number of new patients on dialysis in winter are far higher than in other seasons, mainly due to vasoconstriction at low temperatures, rising blood pressure, reduced urine volume, and stronger blood clotting, which can lead to kidney problems.

Change Lifestyle

  • Good diet plans
  • Smoking cessation

Regular Checkup

Urine and blood creatinine and urea nitrogen should be checked every six months. When a woman is pregnant, the burden of her kidneys will increase. Renal function should be monitored so as not to become uremia due to toxemia during pregnancy.

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