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Symptoms, Prevention and Self-examination of Oral Cancer 口腔癌之症狀、預防與自我檢查


Symptoms, Prevention and Self-examination of Oral Cancer 口腔癌之症狀、預防與自我檢查


Oral cancer is a general term for some malignancies that occur in the mouth, but most (89%) are squamous cell carcinomas that can occur anywhere in the mouth, including the lips, tongue, floor of the mouth, buccal mucosa, gingiva, jaw, maxillary sinus and jawbone.

Oral Cancer Incidence

Studies have shown that chronic irritation is an important cause of oral cancer, among which areca nut chewing is the most important. Other factors such as smoking, drinking, syphilis, excessive sunlight exposure (lip cancer), long-term nutritional deficiencies, poor oral hygiene, sharp decayed teeth, residual roots and improper or damaged fillings (e.g. dentures, caps, etc.) are all possible causes of oral cancer.

Precancerous Lesions and Early Symptoms

The cure rate of oral cancer can be improved by early detection and treatment. Therefore, the general public should be aware of the precancerous lesions and early symptoms of oral cancer.

Precancerous lesions of oral cancer include leukoplakia, erythema, submucosal fibrosis, verrucous hyperplasia, and chronic ulcer of the oral mucosa.

The so-called precancerous lesions themselves are not oral cancer, but if ignored for a long time or if the stimulus exists, there is a high probability of developing oral cancer in the future. Regular self-examinations can be performed by looking in a mirror at various parts of the mouth in a sequential manner (including visual and touch inspections). If you find any of the following situations, you should be vigilant and go to the hospital immediately for further oral examination or pathological biopsy if necessary:

Changes in the color or appearance and shape of the oral mucosa, such as turning white, red, brown, or black, which cannot be erased, or changes in the area, surface, thickness, ulcer, or color of the existing mole.

Ulcers: oral mucosal ulcers that have not healed for more than 2 weeks should be biopsied. Do not apply any ointment in your mouth without permission to avoid delaying treatment and worsening your condition.

Lumps: unexplained lumps in the mouth or any part of the neck (not necessarily painful when touched) should be examined and treated as soon as possible.

Changes in movement and perception of the tongue: limitations in the activity of the tongue, resulting in difficulties in chewing, swallowing, or speaking, or loss of sensation or numbness of the tongue, should be identified as early as possible.

Jawbone enlargement and tooth instability: Localized enlargement of the maxillary bone, resulting in an asymmetry of the left and right sides of the face, sometimes accompanied by perceptual abnormalities (such as numbness of the lower lip) or dental instability. Dentists should be asked to make a careful differential diagnosis of tumors or general periodontal diseases.

Changes in oral mucosa perception and mouth opening: people who chew areca nut should pay attention to whether they feel dry, hot, or prickling sensation in the oral mucosa, as well as limited mouth opening and oral mucosa tightening when opening their mouth (possibly submucosal fibrosis).

Regular self-examination, early detection and formal medical treatment are a good way to cure cancer. However, prevention is better than cure. Keep away from various risk factors such as betel nut, tobacco, alcohol, poor oral hygiene and prosthetic devices in bad condition (e.g. broken dentures), and regularly ask the otolaryngologist or oral and maxillofacial surgeon to do an oral examination that I believe will make you out of the threat of oral cancer, always maintain good oral hygiene and health.

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