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Nutritional Supplement for DM Patient When Exercise 糖尿病病人運動時之營養補充原則


Nutritional Supplement for DM Patient When Exercise 糖尿病病人運動時之營養補充原則

  • When patients suffer from hypoglycemia, give them 15 grams of carbohydrate with 3 sugar cubes or half a glass of juice or 2/3 a glass of soda to relieve the symptom; If the blood glucose level is still lower than 70mg/dl after 15 minutes of supplementation, add 15 grams of carbohydrate once more. If the blood glucose level is still lower than 70mg/dl for the third test, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
  • Patients taking OHA drug or injecting insulin should intake some snacks like a slice of toast or half a glass of milk for delayed meal in order to prevent low blood sugar level.
  • Make sure of your blood sugar level before exercise.
Short and light work-out
Slowly ride bicycle for 30min or walk 1.5km
Increase carbohydrate intake
Suggested food intake
80-300 mg/dl
Supplement is unnecessary; supplement varies with patients’ condition
>300 mg/dl
Don’t exercise if blood sugar does not reached the normal range
Moderate exercise
Tennis, swimming, jogging, golf, cleaning the garden or ride bicycle for 1hr
Increase carbohydrate intake
Suggested food intake
80-100 mg/dl
25-50gm carbohydrate before exercise
2ex cereal or 2ex fruit
100-180 mg/dl
15-25gm carbohydrate before exercise
1ex cereal or 1ex fruit
80-300 mg/dl
Increasing carbohydrate intake is unnecessary.
>300 mg/dl
Don’t exercise if blood sugar does not reached the normal range
Intense exercise
1-2hrs of football, soccer, ridding bicycle, or swimming
Increase carbohydrate intake
Suggested food intake.
80-100 mg/dl
50gm carbohydrate and take care of AC change anytime
3ex cereal or 3ex fruit
100-180 mg/dl
25-50gm carbohydrate
2ex cereal or 2ex fruit
180-300 mg/dl
exercise 1hr / increase 10-15gm carbohydrate
1ex cereal or 1ex fruit
> 300 mg/dl
Don’t exercise if blood sugar does not reach normal range


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