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Dietary Principles of Lactation 哺乳期飲食原則


Dietary Principles of Lactation 哺乳期飲食原則



  1. To provide enough nutrition for rich breast milk secretion.
  2. Supply energy for breast milk secretion.
  3. To maintain mother’s physical and mental health after giving birth to a baby or during breast-feeding period.

General principles

  1. Women breast feeding their baby should maintain a balanced diet: do not set too many dietary taboos because inadequate nutrition intake affects post-natal recovery rate.
  2. Calorie: it is now highly recommended that post-natal women breast feed their baby for natural nutrients because milk is safely passed down from the mother. Calorie demands vary from person to person usually in direct proportion to lactation amount. It is often appropriate for breast-feeding mothers to take in extra 500 kcal a day. 
  3. Protein: breast-feeding women should increase their intake of protein by 15g/day with more than half of which from high physical value proteins like milk, dairy products, eggs, meat, and Sea food. It can also be substituted with phyto-protein like soya milk, tofu, and other products.
  4. Calcium: breast-feeding mothers should increase vitamin D intake for calcium absorption in order to meet babies’ calcium and growth demands. Intake at least 1000 mg calcium, approximately 4 glasses of 240cc of milk. Calcium can also be retrieved via foods like dry fish, shrimp, oysters, seaweed, black sesame seeds, tofu, and soy products.
  5. Iron: to make up for the loss of blood from the delivery of a baby and the need of breast milk secretion, breast-feeding mothers should intake extra 30 mg/day of iron within 2 months after giving birth to a baby.
  6. Vitamin: Vitamin requirement during breast-feeding should be increased.
  7. Liquid: it is helpful for milk secretion and preventing dehydration if breast-feeding mothers’ daily fluid intake reaches 2500-3000 ml; suggested liquid and beverages include: water, juice, and milk.
  8. The choice of food: breast-feeding requires a wide variety intake of food because food selections could affect milk secretion and milk quality; highly suggested food includes: pig feet, peanuts, carp, perch, shrimp, and lees.
  9. Daily exercise helps regain post-natal weight to the optimal range.
  10. Avoid the following foods during breast-feeding period:
    1. Tobacco, alcohol, coffee, and strong tea.
    2. Fried foods or food containing rich fat.
    3. Salty or smoked food like bacon, salted egg, salted fish, ham, and fermented bean curd.
    4. Foods containing merely calorie and few or no nutritional value like candy, chocolate, and cola like soft drinks.
    5. Spicy sauce chili, pepper, and curry.
    6. Ginseng, Chinese chives, and malt.
    7. Oral contraceptives: general oral contraceptives will reduce milk secretion, so it is highly not recommended; use other contraceptive methods or simply ask your doctors for advice.
    8. Mothers who do not breast-feed babies should proceed to regular diets; do not intake extra foods because nutrition distributed within 3 meals should provide the need.
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