Drug Istructions for Nitrostat sublingual Tablet 用藥指導-Nitrostat舌下錠
- Tradename:Nitrostat sublingual Tablet
- Active-Ingredient:Nitroglycerin 0.6mg each tablet
- Indications:Angina pectoris; Treatment and Prophylaxis
Usage and Dosage
- When patients suffer from chest pains, to relieve the symptom, they should take a tablet of Nitrostat® by sublingual every 5 minutes for three times. If the symptom persists after 3 dosages, proceed to the hospital as some as possible and notify physicians that you have taken 3 tablets of Nitrostat®. (During use of sublingal Nitrostat, send to the doctor as soon as possible.)
- For prophylactic use, patients should take a tablet of Nitrostat® by sublingual 5 to 10 minutes prior to engaging in activities that might induce an attack.
- Nitrostat® is a sublingual tablets, as its literal meaning; chewing, swallowing, and crushing would not provide the purpose of relieving chest pain. Wet the tablet with saliva and place it under your tongue or inside your cheek. Let the tablet dissolve.
- Sit down before you take this medicine, because it could suffer from dizziness, lightheaded, or faintness.
Storage and Stability
- Avoid direct sunlight, heat, and humidity; keep it between 15-30℃. Put sublingual tablets in its original glass container tightly capped. Do not store tablets in plastic containers because tablets are vulnerable to plastic components.
- The effect of the medicine is greatly reduced once it is stored improperly or exposed to heat, air, and humidity.
- Keep all medicine out of reach from children.
Possible Side Effects
- When the effect of the medicine kicks in, there are possible migraine headache and cluster headaches. Do not stop medication at will because of the aforementioned attributions.
- Notify your doctor if there is any side effect like allergic reaction, dry mouth, blurred vision, dizziness, and increased chest pain.
- Keep Nitrostat® handy at all times or carry it along with you.
- Be sure to have enough dosages for holidays. Do not keep outdated medicine.
- When Nitrostat® is taken and placed under your tongue, there is burning feeling and you should not deem it as a negative effect of the medicine.
- After taking Nitrostat® sublingual tablet do not eat, drink, or smoke cigarette for at least 5 to 10 minutes.
- Do not drive any vehicle, operate machines, or do anything hazardous because Nitrostat® incurs dizziness.
- Notify your doctor or physician if you are pregnant or breast feeding your baby.
- Notify your doctor and pharmacist if you are allergic to Nitrostat® or alike.
- You should not use this medicine with Viagra®, Cialis®, Levitra®
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