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Acupotomy-The pain killer of incurable fatigue and pain 慢性勞損與頑固性疼痛小針刀療法


Acupotomy-The pain killer of incurable fatigue and pain 慢性勞損與頑固性疼痛小針刀療法



Office personnel who bury their head in documents often suffer from neck, shoulder, and back pain. Recently, our department has brought in acupotomy treatment from Mainland China and collaborates with chiropractic to effectively remedy aforementioned soreness.

What it is Fatigue?

People in the modern ages are very nervous and many of them use computers and deal with lots of paper work all day long. Neck stiffness and backache are attributed to neck and back muscles tightness. Most patients often feel numbness from shoulder to arms and have trouble in lifting things at times. When they sleep at night, they do not know where to put their arms and they are disturbed by such painfulness in the midnight for a long time. In our acupuncture department, we hear half of our patients complaining about such symptom. We refer it to fatigue, so called soft tissues injury.

Acupotomology is the combination of tradition and modern medicine

Professor Zhu Hanzhang, principle of The Great Wall Hospital in Beijing, invented acupotomy 30 years ago; and it has been prevailed over 40 countries.

What is Acupotomy?

Literally speaking, acupotomy combines needles used with acupuncture and knife of modern medicine as an alternative therapeutic gadget. It fuses characteristics and theories of TCM and modern medicine, and alters the tip of the needle into a 0.8 mm sharp blade. When doctors perform the operation, they insert the blade in the acupoint of the space between bones and muscles to separate the adhesion of lesion. It takes 20 seconds to complete the operation with one needle per time. Acupotomy is helpful to patients who suffer from tendonitis, neuralgias, deQuervain's tendonitis, trigger fingers, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, and incurable pain.

The theory of the Acupotomy

1. Separate the adhesive tissues :

After separating pathological changes between muscles, ligaments nerves and vessels;Doctors reestablish blood circulation, recover the normal function of the extremities, and reduce inflammation.

2. Rectify qi and blood :

According to the four-examination and eight-principle, meridians, and qi and blood pattern identification; we recognize the idea “where there is stoppage there is pain” to course depression of qi, to harmonize yin and yang, and to release pain.

The indications of Acupotomy

  1. All kinds of incurable pain caused by chronic soft tissues injuries and adhesion such as bursitis, tenosynovitis, cumulative disorders, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, and etc.
  2. Pain caused by osteophytes like neck pain, lumbar pain, osteoarthritis and post-traumatic arthritis, and etc.
  3. Numbness and painfulness incurred by spondylolisthesis, herniated intervertebral disc in cervical or lumbar spine, carpal tunnel syndrome, and etc.
  4. Dizziness, migraine, and tinnitus caused by degenerative cervical spine.

contraindications of Acupotomy

  1. Fever
  2. Active stages of serious internal medical diseases
  3. Skin infection or muscle gangrene around the operation sites.
  4. Erythematous, swelling, and heat or abscess around the operated area.
  5. Unavoidable main neuro-vessels or organs
  6. Hemophilia
  7. Women with pregnancy


  1. Notify your physician if you have hyper tension and weak constitution.
  2. Maintain dryness and cleanness of the treated sites. Do not bath immediately after treatment in order to prevent infection.
  3. Return to the clinic for a follow-up check on time and abide by instructions given by the doctor and work out moderately.
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