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Prevention and Health Care for Constipation 秘結(便秘)的預防及保健


Prevention and Health Care for Constipation 秘結(便秘)的預防及保健

  • General causes :
  • Poor lifestyle, nervous mood, high stress, and etc.
  • Abnormal dietary habits like excessive roasted, fried, spicy foods, and etc.
  • Insufficient in water drinking, exercise, or activity.
  • Poor nutrition such as inappropriate weight loss.
  • Gastrointestinal ( GI ) tract causes :
  • Upper GI tract diseases such as duodenal ulcers, gastric ulcers, and cystic fibrosis.
  • Colon diseases such as loss of motility, colon obstruction, vascular disease of colon, and etc.
  • Other GI tract obstruction such as tumors, stricture, diverticulum, and etc.

Prophylaxis for constipation and suggestion for diet

  1. Foster a daily habit of regular defecation.
  2. It is easier to defecate if you drink a cup of warm water when you wake up in the morning.
  3. Consume fiber rich vegetables and fruits like spinach, sweet potato leaf, Konnyaku Jelly, bananas, papayas, oranges, and etc.  
  4. Avoid cheese, chocolate, potato, and fried roasted spicy food that may induce constipation.
  5. Exercise at least 30 minutes per day or drink at least 1500 ml water per day. 
  6. To help your intestine to digest food, massage your abdomen clockwise around navel. And massage the acupoints such as Tianshu(ST25), Guanyuan(RN4), Qihai (RN6) to promote gastrointestinal motility.

Dietary therapy

  1. Small cucumber juice : blend one small cucumber, a little bit of lemon juice, half an orange, 200g of carrots, and some honey.
  2. Mulberry : have 15g of dry mulberries before sleep.
  3. Honey milk : for honey milk, mix 250ml milk with some honey.
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